if saltier water is denser than less salty water, and cold water is denser - why is the surface, which is warmer, saltier than the deeper, colder water?
The warm water in the North Atlantic comes up in the Gulf Stream from the very warm, generally sunny, tropical Atlantic. This sunny warm region is essentially a great evaporation basin, leaving the water departing in the Gulf Stream to be very salty and warm. The saltiness persists as it arrives in the North Atlantic.
yall here because of online classes aren't you?
You know it
the bodies are not fitting under the bed anymore i need to bury them
Great video, keep it up NASA 👍
wow, earth is so amazing!
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no, video is silent
if saltier water is denser than less salty water, and cold water is denser - why is the surface, which is warmer, saltier than the deeper, colder water?
Yeah....I'm also confused??
Maybe because there's more evaporation at the surface of the ocean than in the deeper parts?
The warm water in the North Atlantic comes up in the Gulf Stream from the very warm, generally sunny, tropical Atlantic. This sunny warm region is essentially a great evaporation basin, leaving the water departing in the Gulf Stream to be very salty and warm. The saltiness persists as it arrives in the North Atlantic.
the deeper water is saltier because the freshwater freezes at the poles leaving behind mostly salt
The surface water is more fresh water warm water is less dense less sapt