Following a Madhab - Mufti Abdur-Rahman ibn Yusuf

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 23 ต.ค. 2024

ความคิดเห็น • 15

  • @izydoesit1
    @izydoesit1 10 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    The perfect way to answer a very serious question. Alhamdulilah.

  • @BabuAliyu
    @BabuAliyu 6 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    As salaamu alaykum Brothers why are you criticizing this Mufti and are just a 'Ammi (layman) and this Mufti follows Hanifi madhab stop commenting just to comment I like this scholar and I follow fiqh of Madinah Maliki madhab!

  • @mdrasid007
    @mdrasid007 6 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Why it's important to follow a madhab? I don't understand,anyone can clarify

  • @omerkhan4142
    @omerkhan4142 7 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    As if we look back the history so all were related from 4 imams not ghair muqallid

  • @sanaullasharief5319
    @sanaullasharief5319 8 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Hanafi Fatawa related to alcohol (sharab)
    In “Hidayah” Kitab Ashribah: “If grape juice is cooked to 2/3 and 1/3 remains, it is Halal even if it is strong.” Then he says the condition is for strength and not for games and lahw.”
    As for Nabidh, it is said in “Hidayah” that if the Nabidh is made from Tamr (dried dates) or raisins and it is lightly cooked, then it is correct to drink it as long as one is not drunk and it should not be for games but for strength.
    Then he says that the Mufsid (bringing corruption) is the bowl that makes drunk, and this one is Haram according to us.
    In “Fatawa Alamgiri”, it is said that if he drinks 9 bowls of Nabidh of Tamr and after the tenth he becomes drunk, there is no Hadd, it is like that in “Sirajiyah”.
    In “Sarh Wiqayah”, “Durul Mukhtar” and “Alamgiri” it is said that according to Abu Hanifah the drunk (on Nabidh) who gets Hadd is the one who cannot distinguish between the sky and earth
    (In Sahih Hadith, it is said that whatever intoxicate in great quantity, its small quantity is Haram)
    Imam Qurtubi says that all Ahadith in this case make clear that everything that intoxicate is Khamr and it makes Batil the Madhab of the Kufis (Ahnaf) that khamr is only the drink made from grapes and what is cooked besides that is not Khamr

  • @sanaullasharief5319
    @sanaullasharief5319 8 ปีที่แล้ว

    Mufti Rashid Ahmad Deobandi says in “Ahasanul Fatawa”, vol 5 p 92. : “If without Jima (intercourse), he ejaculates then the forbiddance is not established”
    ”The one who does watch the vagina of a woman in a mirror or in water, then the mother of this woman is forbidden to him” (Durul Mukhtar, Kitab Nikah, Fasl fil Muharamat)
    ”If a man touches a woman and does not ejaculate, her mother his forbidden to him and if he ejaculates her mother is not forbidden to him.” (Dur ul Mukhtar, Kitab Nikah, Fasl fil Muharamat)
    ”If while wakening, the hand of the man touches (with desire) his daughter, or the hand of the woman touches his son, they (husband and wife) are forbidden to each other” (Durul Mukhtar, Kitab Nikah, fasl fil Muharamat)
    ”Kissing with desire the mother of his wife makes his wife forbidden” (Durul Mukhtar, Kitab Nikah, Fasl fil Muharamat)
    ”Touching with desire the mother of his wife makes his wife forbidden” (Durul Mukhtar, Kitab Nikah, fasl fil Muharamat)
    ”Looking at the vagina of his daughter with desire makes his wife forbidden” (Durul Mukhtar, Kitab Nikah, Fasl fil Muharamat)

  • @omerkhan4142
    @omerkhan4142 7 ปีที่แล้ว

    Yes today 1% ghair muqallid said that dont follow 4 madhab follow us

  • @sanaullasharief5319
    @sanaullasharief5319 8 ปีที่แล้ว

    Imam Abu Haneefa and Hadees Scholars
    Abu Hafs ibn Shaaheen said, "Abu Haneefah with regards to fiqh then no one can fault his knowledge however he was not pleasing in hadeeth…" As is quoted at the end of ‘Taareekh al-Jarjaan’ [pg. 510-511]
    Ibn Hibbaan said, "…hadeeth was not his field. He reported one hundred and thirty musnad ahaadeeth and no more, erring in one hundred and twenty either through reversing the isnaads or changing the text without knowing. Therefore when his errors outweigh that which he is correct in it is deserving to leave depending upon him in narrations."
    Ad-Daaruqutnee says in his Sunan [pg. 132]…., "no one reports it from Musa ibn Abee Aa`ishah except Abu Haneefah and al-Hasan ibn Umaarah and both are da`eef."
    Al-Haakim quotes in ‘Ma`rifah al-Ulum al-Hadeeth’ [pg. 256] amongst a group of narrators of the Atbaa` at-Taabi`een and those who came after them - whose ahaadeeth are not accepted in the Saheeh concluding by saying, "so all those we have mentioned are people well known for having narrated - but are not counted as being amongst the reliable precise memorisers."
    Al-Haafidh Abdul Haqq al-Ishbeelee mentions ‘al-Ahkaam al-Kubraa’ [q. 17/2], …."Abu Haneefah is not used as a proof due to his weakness in hadeeth."
    Ibn al-Jawzee mentions him in ‘Kitaab ad-Du`faah wal Matrookeen’ [3/163] mentioning the weakening of the Imaams of him and from ath-Thawree that he said, "he is not trustworthy and precise." And from an-Nadr ibn Shameel, "abandoned in hadeeth."

  • @sanaullasharief5319
    @sanaullasharief5319 8 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Fatawa in Hanafi books related to Zina, intercourse and similar issues
    “If someone pays a woman to do Zina, there is no Hadd” (prescribed punishment)”
    (Durul Mukhtar, kitab Hudud, Fatawa Hhaniyah misr vol 3 p 508, Kanz Daqaiq ed Deoband p 180, and this fatwa is attributed to Abu Hanifa while his two students say there is Hadd)
    ”If he pays a woman to do Zina (fornication) or Wati (intercourse) if he says I will give you so much dirham or she says give me so much, there is no Hadd” (Alamgiri, vol 2 p 168)
    “The salary of the prostitute is Halal” (Chalpi Shar Wiqayah)
    “If someone does Jima (intercourse) with an animal or with a dead or a young girl and there is no inzal (ejaculation), then Ghusl is not obligatory” (Durul Mukhtar Kitab Taharah, Masail Ghusl, also Alamgiri, Kitab Taharah)
    “If someone does sodomy with a woman who fasts or a man who fasts, their fast is not broken (Hidayah, Kitab Sawm)
    “If a young boy of 10 does Jima with an adolescent Woman, there is no Ghusl” (Alamgiri, Kitab Taharah)
    “If someone enters his penis in his Dubur (Anus), then Ghusl is not obligatory” (Durul Mukhtar, Kitab Taharah Masail Ghusl)
    “If a man in his Dubur (Anus) or a woman in her vagina enters the penis of the dead, or his finger, or something in wood, there is no Ghusl” (Hidayah Kitab Taharah)
    “If someone enters the penis of an animal in her vagina or Dubur (Anus), the Ghusl is not obligatory (Durul Mukhtar Kitab Taharah Masail Ghusl)
    “If a woman enters the penis of a boy without desire in her vagina or Dubur (Anus), the Ghusl is not obligatory” (Durul Mukhtar, Kitab Taharah Masail Ghusl)
    “After doing Jima’ (intercourse) with a young girl, it is not necessary to clean his penis” (Durul Mukhtar Kitab Taharah Masail Ghusl)
    “If someone does Jima with a virgin and the curtain is not broken, Ghusl is not obligatory” (Durul Mukhtar Kitab, Taharah Masail Ghusl)
    “If someone does Wati (intercourse) in the Dubur (Anus) of an animal or in his ran and there is no Inzal (ejaculation), then Ghusl is not obligatory.” (Hidayah, Kitab Taharah)
    “If the adolescent woman does Wati (intercourse) with a young boy or with an insane, then the woman has no Hadd” (Durul Mukhtar, Kitab Hudud)
    “If someone does Wati (intercourse) with a non adolescent woman, or with a dead or an animal, there is no Hadd” (Durul Mukhtar, Kitab Hudud)
    “The one who enters his penis in the vagina or anus of the hermaphrodite, there is no Ghusl (Durul Mukhatr, Kitab Taharah, Masail Ghusl)
    “If the hermaphrodite enters his penis in vagina of woman or her anus, there is no Ghusl for both of them” (Alamgiri, Bab Taharah, Wajibat al ghusl)
    “If someone does Zina with the salve of his child or great child, there is no Hadd” (Durul Mukhtar, Kitab Hudud)
    “If someone does Zina with the slave of grand father or grand mother, there is no Hadd” (Durul Mukhtar Kitab Hudud)
    “If someone has a slave in Rahn (security for loan) and he does Zina, there is no Hadd” (Durul Mukhtar Kitab Hudud)
    In “Hidayah”, it is written that there is no Hadd for the one who does Zina with the slave woman (of another) he has in Rahn (guaranty) even if he knew that she is forbidden to him
    If someone does Nikah with a Mahram for ever woman and consider it Halal, there is no Hadd” (Durul Mukhtar, Kitab Hudud)
    “The woman that are for ever forbidden, and he does Nikah and he even if he considers that Haram, there is no Hadd” (Dur Mukhtar Kitab Hudud, and Alamgiri who attribute that to Imam Abu Hanifah)
    “If he does Nikah with a woman and joins in Nikah his wife’s sister or mother, there is no Hadd” (Alamgiri)
    “If he does temporary marriage and he considers that Haram, there is no Hadd” (Alamgiri)
    “If someone does Nikah with a woman who is married before, and he knows she has a husband and it is Haram, there is no Hadd” (Fatawa Khaniya, Misr vol 3 p 508)
    “There is no Hadd of Zina for the one who cannot speak, neither any Hadd for something else, even if the witness are present and he admits with Isharah (sign) or by writing.“ (Alamgiri, Misr, vol 2 p 168)
    “If someone kidnaps a slave, does Zina and his responsible for her price, there is no Hadd” (Durul Mukhtar, Kitab Hudud)
    “If someone gives permission to another to do Zina with his slave, there is no Hadd” (Alamgiri, vol 2 p 169)
    “There is no Hadd for sodomy” (Durul Mukhtar, Kitab Hudud)

    • @Celevie
      @Celevie 8 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Subhanallah u are one man army my brother.. Allah hayeek.

    • @Celevie
      @Celevie 8 ปีที่แล้ว

      Subhanallah u are one man army my brother.. Allah hayeek.

  • @oyapahala
    @oyapahala 12 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    u r talking about taqleed and u r asking about the top scholars and I am surprised to hear u r saying rahemahulllah to Bin Baz , He is one of the people who wanted to destroy taqleed in other words he is the one the wahabi or salafi movement adore him .I dont understand.What u guys r doing

  • @sanaullasharief5319
    @sanaullasharief5319 8 ปีที่แล้ว

    Khaleefah Majaaz of Haji Imdad ullah Makki, Muhammad Anwaarullah farooqi writes: "All the Sahaba were Ahlul hadeeth" [Haqeeqatul Fiqh Part 2 Pg 228 Published by Idaaratul Quraan wal Uloom Al-Islaamiya Karachi]
    Muhammad Idrees Kandholvi writes: "All the Sahaba were Ahlul hadeeth" [Ijtihaad aur Taqleed ki Bay misaal tahqeeq Pg 48]

  • @jabedsheikh974
    @jabedsheikh974 7 ปีที่แล้ว

    Allah wanted we divide?
    Quran surah Al Anam;159
    Indeed, those who have divided their religion and become sects - you, [O Muhammad], are not [associated] with them in anything. Their affair is only [left] to Allah ; then He will inform them about what they used to do.