Lovely, beautiful and brave video. You explained everything perfectly and clearly. You correctly used Scripture to instruct us here on this wise and touching video. You are a true Titus 2 woman (except the age part!😉 All glory to The Lord Jesus I have been happily married since 1992. My husband is a kind and affectionate man. I became a Christian in 1994, my husband remains agnostic. I cover him in prayer from the top of his head down to the soles of his feet. I don’t nag him to try to convert him…I quietly make our home welcoming and cosy, I bring him a coffee when he gets home and cook a warm and nourishing meal. He works hard to provide for us and I love making our home a refuge and sanctuary
This comment brought tears to my eye 🥹♥️ thank you from the bottom of my heart. I have already prayed for your husband, and will continue to pray for him. We know Gods timing is perfect. I wish I could give you the biggest hug!
Be encouraged little sister, His way is the blessed way. I have been married for 27 years and because I submit to my husband, I have been blessed to stay home with my babies. God blessed us with 8 children so far. And God bless es us each and every day by using us to bless others.
I love how you explained this--with the care and nuance that it deserves! I also love how you emphasized that choosing the right husband is so so crucial. A Godly husband who is submitted to Christ makes it a joy to submit to him! Well, most of the time 😆 Sending you love. Continue on in your Godly courage ❤
Love it 🥰 Really inspire content ab how to be a wife, have a healthy marriage, being femenine. Themes ab that people doesn't talk in those days. Really value content. God bless you 🤍
Amen! Yes! This is so good! Thank you! ❤️ i recently found your channel and love your videos. They are very encouraging. Can you share your waffle recipe please?
I am so happy to hear that you are enjoying the fruits of my labor. Thank you so much for watching! And absolutely! I’ll try to get that up into the description as soon as the kiddos go to bed tonight ♥️
The woman was made of a rib out of the side of Adam; not made out of his head to rule over him, nor out of his feet to be trampled upon by him, but out of his side to be equal with him, under his arm to be protected, and near his heart to be beloved.” ♥️ ~ Matthew Henry
I'm anxious to listen to this. I have a hard time being submissive but my desire would be to be so. I have a dear husband but seems like I always want to be in charge and ruling the family.
Hello dear sister, reading this I wanted to respond because I use to be like this early in my marriage. I was raised to be independent and to not rely on a man so to speak. Early in our marriage I became a Christian and the Lord started working on my heart. The world wants us to think that submission is this awful ancient idea that women view themselves as less than a man and therefore we allow them to boss us around and demean us but how untrue that is. This is because the world doesn’t know what true biblical love looks like and in order to be submissive we must know what true love is in Gods eyes. 1 Corinthians 13:4-7 Ask yourself this, Does Christ view us as less than? No, how do we know this? He sacrificed himself for us by laying down his life. John 15:13 Submission is a foreshadow of what the church is to Christ, the bride and the bridegroom. Us (the church) are given to Christ as a gift from the father. Ephesians 5:25 and 2 Corinthians 11:2 a beautiful picture of how the wives submission to the husband looks like, a pure virgin. When you don’t feel like being submissive take it to the Lord. Ask Him to give you a submissive heart. It’s a sacrifice and one you have to be whiling to make but thankfully you are not alone and the one who created your heart can change it. ❤️❤️
It just means cooperate, take on one’s burdens. Marriage is not a military institution. The word is Greek and has many definitions. You must consider the context before attaching a definition to the word in this instance. People think the Bible written in English. Not a single book was written in English first.
Glory to God, it takes humility to be submissive and Jesus was our ultimate example of humility and servanthood. You have to have death to ego, death to pride, and death to selfishness. Love serves, love gives. submitting yourselves one to another. Ephesians 5 Another beautiful video.
Thank you for this wonderful video. I agree 100%. When I got married at first was very hard for me because I couldn’t understand what submissions was. Because of this I had so many situations and always always always I was even mistaken or wrong in something because I was taking so many decisions without consulting my hobby. But with a lot of prayers bible study and Gods help my marriage turns wonderful and Im so grateful every day for my husband for my family and no matter who said Im wrong because of this or that I know that Im doing it right and I know is Gods will again thank you for sharing May God bless your marriage you and your wonderful family. You are doing a amazing job 😇🥰♥️❤️
❤️❤️I have been a wife for 30 years & when we first got married me it took me a little while to adjust to my new role. Brianna THANK YOU for being SOO COURAGEOUS with Sharing this Topic. YOU are Truly a woman that Loves God & is honoring him with your life. PLEASE Ignore some of these Clowns in the comments section. They clearly didn’t listen to what you said & OR are FEMINISTS OR they are not Christian’s. You keep on serving the LORD & fulfill your role as a wife. THE Reason marriages are messed up is cos husbands & wives are NOT obeying GOD & not fulfilling g their God given roles!! 📢 📢
Wonderful!! I wish I had known these things when I first got married ♥️ my dress is just a simple black wide strap dress from old navy, and I paired it with a black turtleneck on top. Both were thrifted 🙂
@@protoindoeuropean What? No where in the Bible does it say that I am to do what my husband says. We do what works for us, we Celebrate 18 years next month. We agree on things and neither one of us is in command of the other. Christ is our rock.
I have the desire to submit but it’s hard for me to let go. I noticed when I’m trying to take the reins it negatively impacts me (stress, worry) and the relationship (bickering, arguing). I will keep trying
love the video but theres one thing i will say when wife and husband disagree and the husband ofc is submitted to the lord the wife should heed to the husbands final say
You seem to have a good heart but you have more to learn on this subject. For you and any woman who wants to learn about biblical submission, I recommend that you read the following books: “The Power of a Transformed Wife” by Lori Alexander “Created to Be His Help Meet” by Debi Pearl “The Excellent Wife” by Martha Peace Allow these Godly older women in the church to teach you how: “to be sober, to love their husbands, to love their children, to be discreet, chaste, keepers at home, good, obedient to their own husbands, that the word of God be not blasphemed.” (Titus 2:4-5)
Maybe in lifestyle ♥️ just one key difference is that Jesus is a Christian’s Lord and Savior. John 14:6 6 Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.
@@AnnaDysett I am the bride of Christ. I don't consider that relationship to be one involving collaborative decision making. Jesus and the church don't bounce ideas off each other to determine which path to take. He is Lord. My desire is to live for him and surrender my will to his. Christ and his church are used by Paul as a model for the relationship between a husband and wife. While I understand marriage is a metaphor to teach the church who we are in relation to him, God chose to liken Christ to the husband and the church to the bride. And that is echoed throughout scripture and as followers of Christ the ideal is that marriage would be a living picture of the love of Christ and submission of the church, as one body and one head. That is Gods idea of unity. To characterize the church's relationship with Christ as cooperation where each one has equal authority, and there is no hierarchy, doesn't coincide with who Christ is or my hearts posture toward him.
Hupotasso: In a military unit means under authority of a boss. In a marriage it means giving in voluntarily, cooperating, assuming responsibility and carrying a burden. Says the unmarried guy in the New Testament… No one ever goes on and on to say what Husbands, love your wives means. Bible not written in English.
1 Peter 3:5-6 King James Version 5 For after this manner in the old time the holy women also, who trusted in God, adorned themselves, being in subjection unto their own husbands: 6 Even as Sara obeyed Abraham, calling him lord: whose daughters ye are, as long as ye do well, and are not afraid with any amazement.
@@TheLORDismylightandmysalvation 1Peter was not written in English either. I also caution you revelation makes it clear you can take away or add anything to the scriptures. Luther removed a number of books from the Bible. You are not reading the correct complete version. God Bless. Don’t worry God is merciful. I am sure you mean well. I only call God, Jesus and Holy Spirit Lord. It’s not okay to worship any other..
@@kristinesharp6286 did they translate the word obey incorrectly too? Or was it just submit, what about subjection? The Bible was translated meticulously multiple times over thousands of years. You are aware that God created every language? Go study the original greek and see that it says the same thing. God created woman for man, to be a helper for him and to Obey him. Read it in genesis, or was the Hebrew also translated wrong too?
The instruction in Greek are MUCH more clear. I agree about Hupotasso, but what point are you really trying to make? Consider the actual definition. Berean Strong's Lexicon hupotassó: To subject, to subordinate, to submit, to be under obedience Original Word: ὑποτάσσω Part of Speech: Verb Transliteration: hupotassó Pronunciation: hoop-ot-as'-so Phonetic Spelling: (hoop-ot-as'-so) Definition: To subject, to subordinate, to submit, to be under obedience Meaning: I place under, subject to; I submit, put myself into subjection. Hupotasso was a military tern that literally means to "rank Under". New Testament wives are to consider their husbands to be a higher rank (think military) and to treat them accordingly. It does not get more clear than that.
The head of the woman is the man, the head of every man is Christ, the head of Christ is God. (1 Corinthians 11:3) *Jesus is the Son of God.* Jesus is a servant; the Son of God worships the Father. When Jesus was on the cross, he said, "My God, My God, why have you forsaken me?". (Matthew 27:46) "Why call me good? None is good, except God." (Matthew 19:17, Mark 10:18, Luke 18:19) The head of every wife is her husband, the head of every man is Christ, the head of Christ is God. If your husband tells you to sin, you are NOT to do it. We are supposed to follow the laws of the land, if your husband tells you to commit a crime, you are NOT to do it. (1 Peter 2:13-14) ⚠Some people want to argue about the name, the message is more important than the name.
I like dominant husbands but it has nothing to do with religion. I do not believe in man made up religion. However, I believe in the nature of things. And the nature of things is that men are bigger and stronger and women are guired to make the husband life more pleasant. A real man/husband is one that put his foot down and requires obedience from his wife/woman. If she breaks the ruleS and/or show disrespect by not obeying then she has to accept the consequences as he sees fit short of beating or cruelty. The husband has to be vigilant and not letting her get away with anything. That's a real MASTER!
Dear sister, please read. Do you know what happened to us for thousands of years of submission? We had no rights and were treated like cattle. We were not allowed to have money or perceive generational wealth, not allowed to have opinions, to study, to work outside of home, in fact, men wrote about how "dumb" women were while prohibiting us from study. We were obviously not allowed to vote and were not considered citizens. We have been ridiculed, banned, forced into submission, and physically abused. Our health was neglected, considered weak and unimportant, our natural biological processes deemed gross, uninteresting, the source of our stupidity and even satanical. When we were abused, we were the first ones accused. Our words didn't have any value. And a very long etc. *This* is submission. Submission is neither a choice nor a game. And it's specially not the right thing to do. Our actions have consequences. Submission only causes more submission, as power is always hungrier for more power. Submission never ends, it can always be more. Listen to the fellow members of your sex and the women that have fought so long so you can be treated like a person, and not a slave. Your body has an enormous history you really shouldn't negate nor forget. If you forget about all the women it took to start being treated like humans and not like another species, you contribute to the erosion of rights of every girl and woman on this planet. I know, it's harsh, but it's true. Do you want to be a stay-at-home mom? Very good! It's a very honourable and noble task, but, please, don't fall into this "submission discourse", it's worse for you and for every other woman in this world. Have a great day❤
Bible was not written in English. And Paul was the unmarried guy. Just saying. The Greek word does not mean he is boss. It just means to cooperate and take on burdens in a non military setting. Most words have multiple definitions.
Paul went on about hierarchy. I don’t know why. But when Christ was asked to put her sons first, right next to him… when Christ talked about seating at a banquet…He was for none of it. First shall be last, sit in the back at the banquet, and so on. Paul was being like Moses and divorce. Father, Son and Holy Spirit. God in 3 persons. It’s a shamrock, it’s a triangle not a list of names with rank. God does not outrank Himself. God cooperates with Himself. The original word means cooperate. He was supposed to be speaking to adults but the children came. Let the children come. Why do human males focus so much on control? Did Jesus come to control? He came to lesson the micromanagement of doing over 600 things. Instead of failing at 1 thing and no remember or 10 things and no remedy humans had over 600 positive and negative command with no remedy. He was the remedy. @@TheSonOfGodWorshipsTheFather
@@kristinesharp6286 1 Peter 3:5-6 King James Version 5 For after this manner in the old time the holy women also, who trusted in God, adorned themselves, being in subjection unto their own husbands: 6 Even as Sara obeyed Abraham, calling him lord: whose daughters ye are, as long as ye do well, and are not afraid with any amazement.
Why do you use the word submission when that's not really what you mean? You went completely against the definition of the word, which is to yield to the power or authority of another person. It feels like at this point, many Christians insist on using words which are not accurate, like "submissive" and "traditional", just to spark discourse. You're not describing submission, you're describing cooperation. Your lifestyle is not traditional, the modern American housewife which you are acting in this video came to exist in the 1940's as a result of the economic situation. You're mixing up submitting to the Bible with submitting to your husband and playing house.
Ephesians 5:22 22 Wives, submit yourselves to your own husbands as you do to the Lord. 23 For the husband is the head of the wife as Christ is the head of the church, his body, of which he is the Savior. 24 Now as the church submits to Christ, so also wives should submit to their husbands in everything. I did not write the Bible. I use the language of the Bible so that women can have a clearer understanding once it is explained. Thanks so much for watching 😊
@@AnnaDysett In the video you say that submitting means to cooperate. It does not, it means to yield to an authority. You're twisting the words of the bible to have it appear more palatable to modern women.
@@fangsupplyI agree with you Emma, though I’m sure it wasn’t intensional on her part. She seems as though her heart is in the right place. Hopefully in the future she will elaborate more on the obedience aspect for wives to their husbands
I disagree with this vlog. I'm not married and I'm very glad to be independent. I don't need a man to tell me what to cook and when to cook it. Men are wonderful but for me; they are good at a distance. BTW, I'm a Christian and will only submit to my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.
If you are a “Christian” go read and study about submission. You will see it is biblically accurate, how can you be a Christian but not follow the Bible? You can’t pick and choose what to follow for commands in the Bible.
Some people have the gift of singleness and that is fine and perfectly wonderful but your view of marriage in how you defined it “I don’t need a man” breaks my heart. I’m married and I don’t cook and clean because my husband tells me too in fact he doesn’t. I do it because of the love I have for him and my children and most importantly God. I love when my husband gives me compliments and tells me how happy he feels that the food I provided him after a long days work was delicious. When he compliments how the home looks so peaceful and cozy. Or when he says thank you for taking care of our children and he sees how hard I work with them. Marriage is a wonderful gift from God and men are a wonderful gift to us women. They are our protectors, our partners, they work hard to provide the resources we women need to put food on the table and to buy quality for our homes. Again singleness is a gift and not every woman is called to the married life just like not every man is called to marriage but please if you claim to be a Christian try to understand Gods design between husband and wife so your view isn’t this “men are horrible” mindset and you can appreciate men for who they really were created to be.
It was not written in English which is why almost everyone gets this word wrong. In a marriage setting the word means cooperate and take on burdens. In the military it means boss. A marriage isn’t a military setting.
Your home is so beautiful. My marriage has grown deeply when taking this word to heart. 🤎 I’ve enjoyed watching while making dinner and cleaning the kitchen
Lovely, beautiful and brave video. You explained everything perfectly and clearly. You correctly used Scripture to instruct us here on this wise and touching video. You are a true Titus 2 woman (except the age part!😉
All glory to The Lord Jesus
I have been happily married since 1992. My husband is a kind and affectionate man. I became a Christian in 1994, my husband remains agnostic. I cover him in prayer from the top of his head down to the soles of his feet. I don’t nag him to try to convert him…I quietly make our home welcoming and cosy, I bring him a coffee when he gets home and cook a warm and nourishing meal. He works hard to provide for us and I love making our home a refuge and sanctuary
This comment brought tears to my eye 🥹♥️ thank you from the bottom of my heart. I have already prayed for your husband, and will continue to pray for him. We know Gods timing is perfect. I wish I could give you the biggest hug!
Be encouraged little sister, His way is the blessed way. I have been married for 27 years and because I submit to my husband, I have been blessed to stay home with my babies. God blessed us with 8 children so far. And God bless es us each and every day by using us to bless others.
I love how you explained this--with the care and nuance that it deserves! I also love how you emphasized that choosing the right husband is so so crucial. A Godly husband who is submitted to Christ makes it a joy to submit to him! Well, most of the time 😆 Sending you love. Continue on in your Godly courage ❤
I love this so much🥺🖤 This is truly inspiring and helps me a lot I love this so much thank you!:)
This is so beautiful! ❤
Thank you so much for being here ♥️
Hello, new subscriber here. I think you’re doing a wonderful job with your content and wish your channel growth and prosperity. Best wishes
Thank you so much! Your kind words and encouragement mean a lot 🥹♥️
Amen! Thank you!
Love it 🥰 Really inspire content ab how to be a wife, have a healthy marriage, being femenine. Themes ab that people doesn't talk in those days. Really value content. God bless you 🤍
I’m sooo happy you are enjoying and benefiting from it. Thank you so much for taking the time to watch with an open heart and mind 🥹♥️
Amen! Yes! This is so good! Thank you! ❤️ i recently found your channel and love your videos. They are very encouraging. Can you share your waffle recipe please?
I am so happy to hear that you are enjoying the fruits of my labor. Thank you so much for watching! And absolutely! I’ll try to get that up into the description as soon as the kiddos go to bed tonight ♥️
The woman was made of a rib out of the side of Adam; not made out of his head to rule over him, nor out of his feet to be trampled upon by him, but out of his side to be equal with him, under his arm to be protected, and near his heart to be beloved.” ♥️
~ Matthew Henry
I'm anxious to listen to this. I have a hard time being submissive but my desire would be to be so. I have a dear husband but seems like I always want to be in charge and ruling the family.
I think you will be pleasantly surprised by the video ♥️ God is so good and His order is perfection!
Hello dear sister, reading this I wanted to respond because I use to be like this early in my marriage. I was raised to be independent and to not rely on a man so to speak. Early in our marriage I became a Christian and the Lord started working on my heart.
The world wants us to think that submission is this awful ancient idea that women view themselves as less than a man and therefore we allow them to boss us around and demean us but how untrue that is.
This is because the world doesn’t know what true biblical love looks like and in order to be submissive we must know what true love is in Gods eyes. 1 Corinthians 13:4-7
Ask yourself this, Does Christ view us as less than? No, how do we know this? He sacrificed himself for us by laying down his life. John 15:13
Submission is a foreshadow of what the church is to Christ, the bride and the bridegroom. Us (the church) are given to Christ as a gift from the father. Ephesians 5:25 and 2 Corinthians 11:2 a beautiful picture of how the wives submission to the husband looks like, a pure virgin.
When you don’t feel like being submissive take it to the Lord. Ask Him to give you a submissive heart. It’s a sacrifice and one you have to be whiling to make but thankfully you are not alone and the one who created your heart can change it. ❤️❤️
It just means cooperate, take on one’s burdens. Marriage is not a military institution. The word is Greek and has many definitions. You must consider the context before attaching a definition to the word in this instance. People think the Bible written in English. Not a single book was written in English first.
@@kristinesharp6286stop coping.
But you must submit eitherway@@kristinesharp6286
Glory to God, it takes humility to be submissive and Jesus was our ultimate example of humility and servanthood.
You have to have death to ego, death to pride, and death to selfishness.
Love serves, love gives.
submitting yourselves one to another.
Ephesians 5
Another beautiful video.
That was beautiful!
Thank you for this wonderful video. I agree 100%. When I got married at first was very hard for me because I couldn’t understand what submissions was. Because of this I had so many situations and always always always I was even mistaken or wrong in something because I was taking so many decisions without consulting my hobby. But with a lot of prayers bible study and Gods help my marriage turns wonderful and Im so grateful every day for my husband for my family and no matter who said Im wrong because of this or that I know that Im doing it right and I know is Gods will again thank you for sharing May God bless your marriage you and your wonderful family. You are doing a amazing job 😇🥰♥️❤️
Thank you so much! 🥹♥️
@@AnnaDysett ♥️❤️🥰
❤️❤️I have been a wife for 30 years & when we first got married me it took me a little while to adjust to my new role. Brianna THANK YOU for being SOO COURAGEOUS with Sharing this Topic. YOU are Truly a woman that Loves God & is honoring him with your life. PLEASE Ignore some of these Clowns in the comments section. They clearly didn’t listen to what you said & OR are FEMINISTS OR they are not Christian’s. You keep on serving the LORD & fulfill your role as a wife.
THE Reason marriages are messed up is cos husbands & wives are NOT obeying GOD & not fulfilling g their God given roles!! 📢 📢
Thank you so much for your kind words ❤ I can definitely tell this topic is triggering some people.
This was such a lovely message and very encouraging for me becoming a future wife , where did you get the dress from?
Wonderful!! I wish I had known these things when I first got married ♥️ my dress is just a simple black wide strap dress from old navy, and I paired it with a black turtleneck on top. Both were thrifted 🙂
Neither one of us submits to the other! We work together and make things work between us.
That’s sad.
From a biblical perspective the Bible does say wives submit to their husbands. But it does also say that brothers and sisters submit to each other.
@@protoindoeuropean What is sad?
@@lisapitts9518 your interpretation of the bible thinking that there isn’t a clear hierarchy that the word lays out for us
@@protoindoeuropean What? No where in the Bible does it say that I am to do what my husband says. We do what works for us, we Celebrate 18 years next month. We agree on things and neither one of us is in command of the other. Christ is our rock.
I much agree ❤
I have the desire to submit but it’s hard for me to let go. I noticed when I’m trying to take the reins it negatively impacts me (stress, worry) and the relationship (bickering, arguing). I will keep trying
Don’t rely on yourself. Ask the Lord the give you self control. He will help you ❤
love the video but theres one thing i will say when wife and husband disagree and the husband ofc is submitted to the lord the wife should heed to the husbands final say
I would agree. My husband always get the final say 😊
You seem to have a good heart but you have more to learn on this subject.
For you and any woman who wants to learn about biblical submission, I recommend that you read the following books:
“The Power of a Transformed Wife” by Lori Alexander
“Created to Be His Help Meet” by Debi Pearl
“The Excellent Wife” by Martha Peace
Allow these Godly older women in the church to teach you how: “to be sober, to love their husbands, to love their children, to be discreet, chaste, keepers at home, good, obedient to their own husbands, that the word of God be not blasphemed.” (Titus 2:4-5)
Thank you for your wisdom. I’ll look into these 😊
Religious Muslims and Christians are so similar to each other
Maybe in lifestyle ♥️ just one key difference is that Jesus is a Christian’s Lord and Savior.
John 14:6
6 Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.
@@AnnaDysett well we also believe that jesus will someday come back to save the world
Submission is a choice ladies but understand this. It is a command from God and if you are not doing it you are in SIN.
lmao this reminds me of Handmaidens tale 😂😂
The Christ /Church relationship is not a model for collaborative decision making.
@@AnnaDysett I am the bride of Christ. I don't consider that relationship to be one involving collaborative decision making. Jesus and the church don't bounce ideas off each other to determine which path to take. He is Lord. My desire is to live for him and surrender my will to his. Christ and his church are used by Paul as a model for the relationship between a husband and wife. While I understand marriage is a metaphor to teach the church who we are in relation to him, God chose to liken Christ to the husband and the church to the bride. And that is echoed throughout scripture and as followers of Christ the ideal is that marriage would be a living picture of the love of Christ and submission of the church, as one body and one head. That is Gods idea of unity. To characterize the church's relationship with Christ as cooperation where each one has equal authority, and there is no hierarchy, doesn't coincide with who Christ is or my hearts posture toward him.
Do you have a collaborative decision making model at your job or do you submit to your boss?
@@bakernate88 - Very well stated.
@@AnnaDysett - I am married for 35 years now. What is the point you are trying to make?
Hupotasso: In a military unit means under authority of a boss. In a marriage it means giving in voluntarily, cooperating, assuming responsibility and carrying a burden. Says the unmarried guy in the New Testament… No one ever goes on and on to say what Husbands, love your wives means. Bible not written in English.
1 Peter 3:5-6
King James Version
5 For after this manner in the old time the holy women also, who trusted in God, adorned themselves, being in subjection unto their own husbands:
6 Even as Sara obeyed Abraham, calling him lord: whose daughters ye are, as long as ye do well, and are not afraid with any amazement.
@@TheLORDismylightandmysalvation 1Peter was not written in English either. I also caution you revelation makes it clear you can take away or add anything to the scriptures. Luther removed a number of books from the Bible. You are not reading the correct complete version. God Bless. Don’t worry God is merciful. I am sure you mean well. I only call God, Jesus and Holy Spirit Lord. It’s not okay to worship any other..
@@kristinesharp6286 did they translate the word obey incorrectly too? Or was it just submit, what about subjection? The Bible was translated meticulously multiple times over thousands of years. You are aware that God created every language? Go study the original greek and see that it says the same thing. God created woman for man, to be a helper for him and to Obey him. Read it in genesis, or was the Hebrew also translated wrong too?
@@TheLORDismylightandmysalvation I pray you will acknowledge your pride and come back to humility.
The instruction in Greek are MUCH more clear. I agree about Hupotasso, but what point are you really trying to make? Consider the actual definition.
Berean Strong's Lexicon
hupotassó: To subject, to subordinate, to submit, to be under obedience
Original Word: ὑποτάσσω
Part of Speech: Verb
Transliteration: hupotassó
Pronunciation: hoop-ot-as'-so
Phonetic Spelling: (hoop-ot-as'-so)
Definition: To subject, to subordinate, to submit, to be under obedience
Meaning: I place under, subject to; I submit, put myself into subjection.
Hupotasso was a military tern that literally means to "rank Under". New Testament wives are to consider their husbands to be a higher rank (think military) and to treat them accordingly. It does not get more clear than that.
The head of the woman is the man, the head of every man is Christ, the head of Christ is God. (1 Corinthians 11:3)
*Jesus is the Son of God.* Jesus is a servant; the Son of God worships the Father. When Jesus was on the cross, he said, "My God, My God, why have you forsaken me?". (Matthew 27:46)
"Why call me good? None is good, except God." (Matthew 19:17, Mark 10:18, Luke 18:19)
The head of every wife is her husband, the head of every man is Christ, the head of Christ is God.
If your husband tells you to sin, you are NOT to do it. We are supposed to follow the laws of the land, if your husband tells you to commit a crime, you are NOT to do it. (1 Peter 2:13-14)
⚠Some people want to argue about the name, the message is more important than the name.
I like dominant husbands but it has nothing to do with religion. I do not believe in man made up religion. However, I believe in the nature of things. And the nature of things is that men are bigger and stronger and women are guired to make the husband life more pleasant. A real man/husband is one that put his foot down and requires obedience from his wife/woman. If she breaks the ruleS and/or show disrespect by not obeying then she has to accept the consequences as he sees fit short of beating or cruelty. The husband has to be vigilant and not letting her get away with anything. That's a real MASTER!
Dear sister, please read. Do you know what happened to us for thousands of years of submission? We had no rights and were treated like cattle. We were not allowed to have money or perceive generational wealth, not allowed to have opinions, to study, to work outside of home, in fact, men wrote about how "dumb" women were while prohibiting us from study. We were obviously not allowed to vote and were not considered citizens. We have been ridiculed, banned, forced into submission, and physically abused. Our health was neglected, considered weak and unimportant, our natural biological processes deemed gross, uninteresting, the source of our stupidity and even satanical. When we were abused, we were the first ones accused. Our words didn't have any value. And a very long etc. *This* is submission. Submission is neither a choice nor a game. And it's specially not the right thing to do. Our actions have consequences. Submission only causes more submission, as power is always hungrier for more power. Submission never ends, it can always be more. Listen to the fellow members of your sex and the women that have fought so long so you can be treated like a person, and not a slave. Your body has an enormous history you really shouldn't negate nor forget. If you forget about all the women it took to start being treated like humans and not like another species, you contribute to the erosion of rights of every girl and woman on this planet. I know, it's harsh, but it's true. Do you want to be a stay-at-home mom? Very good! It's a very honourable and noble task, but, please, don't fall into this "submission discourse", it's worse for you and for every other woman in this world. Have a great day❤
Bible was not written in English. And Paul was the unmarried guy. Just saying. The Greek word does not mean he is boss. It just means to cooperate and take on burdens in a non military setting. Most words have multiple definitions.
Who is the head of the woman?
Paul went on about hierarchy. I don’t know why. But when Christ was asked to put her sons first, right next to him… when Christ talked about seating at a banquet…He was for none of it. First shall be last, sit in the back at the banquet, and so on. Paul was being like Moses and divorce. Father, Son and Holy Spirit. God in 3 persons. It’s a shamrock, it’s a triangle not a list of names with rank. God does not outrank Himself. God cooperates with Himself. The original word means cooperate. He was supposed to be speaking to adults but the children came. Let the children come. Why do human males focus so much on control? Did Jesus come to control? He came to lesson the micromanagement of doing over 600 things. Instead of failing at 1 thing and no remember or 10 things and no remedy humans had over 600 positive and negative command with no remedy. He was the remedy. @@TheSonOfGodWorshipsTheFather
@@kristinesharp6286 1 Peter 3:5-6
King James Version
5 For after this manner in the old time the holy women also, who trusted in God, adorned themselves, being in subjection unto their own husbands:
6 Even as Sara obeyed Abraham, calling him lord: whose daughters ye are, as long as ye do well, and are not afraid with any amazement.
Why do you use the word submission when that's not really what you mean? You went completely against the definition of the word, which is to yield to the power or authority of another person.
It feels like at this point, many Christians insist on using words which are not accurate, like "submissive" and "traditional", just to spark discourse. You're not describing submission, you're describing cooperation. Your lifestyle is not traditional, the modern American housewife which you are acting in this video came to exist in the 1940's as a result of the economic situation.
You're mixing up submitting to the Bible with submitting to your husband and playing house.
Ephesians 5:22
22 Wives, submit yourselves to your own husbands as you do to the Lord. 23 For the husband is the head of the wife as Christ is the head of the church, his body, of which he is the Savior. 24 Now as the church submits to Christ, so also wives should submit to their husbands in everything.
I did not write the Bible. I use the language of the Bible so that women can have a clearer understanding once it is explained. Thanks so much for watching 😊
@@AnnaDysett In the video you say that submitting means to cooperate. It does not, it means to yield to an authority. You're twisting the words of the bible to have it appear more palatable to modern women.
@@fangsupplyI agree with you Emma, though I’m sure it wasn’t intensional on her part. She seems as though her heart is in the right place. Hopefully in the future she will elaborate more on the obedience aspect for wives to their husbands
I disagree with this vlog. I'm not married and I'm very glad to be independent. I don't need a man to tell me what to cook and when to cook it. Men are wonderful but for me; they are good at a distance. BTW, I'm a Christian and will only submit to my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.
If you are a “Christian” go read and study about submission.
You will see it is biblically accurate, how can you be a Christian but not follow the Bible? You can’t pick and choose what to follow for commands in the Bible.
Some people have the gift of singleness and that is fine and perfectly wonderful but your view of marriage in how you defined it “I don’t need a man” breaks my heart. I’m married and I don’t cook and clean because my husband tells me too in fact he doesn’t. I do it because of the love I have for him and my children and most importantly God. I love when my husband gives me compliments and tells me how happy he feels that the food I provided him after a long days work was delicious. When he compliments how the home looks so peaceful and cozy. Or when he says thank you for taking care of our children and he sees how hard I work with them. Marriage is a wonderful gift from God and men are a wonderful gift to us women. They are our protectors, our partners, they work hard to provide the resources we women need to put food on the table and to buy quality for our homes. Again singleness is a gift and not every woman is called to the married life just like not every man is called to marriage but please if you claim to be a Christian try to understand Gods design between husband and wife so your view isn’t this “men are horrible” mindset and you can appreciate men for who they really were created to be.
That's not what biblical submission means at all. She explained it really well.
It was not written in English which is why almost everyone gets this word wrong. In a marriage setting the word means cooperate and take on burdens. In the military it means boss. A marriage isn’t a military setting.
@@barefootonthehomestead this is lovely, I absolutely agree with you and Brianna ❤️✝️🙏🏻❤️✝️🙏🏻
Your home is so beautiful. My marriage has grown deeply when taking this word to heart. 🤎 I’ve enjoyed watching while making dinner and cleaning the kitchen
Thank you so much! Just checked out your channel and you have a new friend and subscriber here 🥰