But it lacks infos , like rest between sets , repetitions per week , how to choose the correct weight. I am obligated to help all the people in comment section because garbage videos like this , because fuckers like the OP forgets that people that look at videos like this DO NOT KNOW SHIT ABOUT NOTHING and NEEDS those infos , they are as important as the workout itself.
And that is assuming you eat 3-4 meals a day... 😀 Unlike many of the clueless people who are doing this while having a ramen noodles bowl 🥣 every day 🙃
Bueno avisame si en 30 dias logras mejorar tus brazos de esa manera ..ni arnold lo logro en tan poco tiempo ..pero hay gente que cree en los.milagros.ja ja
This Man Must Be Protected, he is too valuable to Mankind!! 💪💪💪💯 Exactly what is needed, Concise straight to The Point, Crisp Clear Examples, no opinions and chatter. Thank you for this.❤
Been doing this 2 to 3x a week for 2 months now. This is the most effective arm building routine I've tried. It always feels satisfying and pushes me past my limit.
I want to thank you Ivan and then my message for others this is how you produce video content. Its simple, its easy, its amazing. Every step is explained perfectly and that is without saying a single word. Well done to you, you deserved this many views.
16 Porque já Paulo tinha determinado passar ao largo de Éfeso, para não gastar tempo na Ásia. Apressava-se, pois, para estar, se lhe fosse possível, em Jerusalém no dia de Pentecostes. 17 E de Mileto mandou a Éfeso, a chamar os anciãos da igreja. 18 E, logo que chegaram junto dele, disse-lhes: Vós bem sabeis, desde o primeiro dia em que entrei na Ásia, como em todo esse tempo me portei no meio de vós, 19 Servindo ao Senhor com toda a humildade, e com muitas lágrimas e tentações, que pelas ciladas dos judeus me sobrevieram; 20 Como nada, que útil seja, deixei de vos anunciar, e ensinar publicamente e pelas casas, 21 Testificando, tanto aos judeus como aos gregos, a conversão a Deus, e a fé em nosso Senhor Jesus Cristo. 22 E agora, eis que, ligado eu pelo espírito, vou para Jerusalém, não sabendo o que lá me há de acontecer, 23 Senão o que o Espírito Santo de cidade em cidade me revela, dizendo que me esperam prisões e tribulações. 24 Mas de nada faço questão, nem tenho a minha vida por preciosa, contanto que cumpra com alegria a minha carreira, e o ministério que recebi do Senhor Jesus, para dar testemunho do evangelho da graça de Deus.
I've never trained before and did this for 1.5 month, and I must say it is very effective. The change is so obvious that people can even tell while I'm wearing a loose shirt.
Excellent video, thanks for showcasing the bad form also … very important for those that are starting to workout! Straight to the point no nonsense video! Kudos
hi umm you seem experience so i would like to ask should i do all of these everyday or rest because the youtuber did these everyday and didnt rest but some people say i should rest so im very confused? should i do these everyday?
1 E aconteceu que, separando-nos deles, navegamos e fomos correndo caminho direito, e chegamos a Cós, e no dia seguinte a Rodes, de onde passamos a Pátara. 2 E, achando um navio, que ia para a Fenícia, embarcamos nele, e partimos. 3 E, indo já à vista de Chipre, deixando-a à esquerda, navegamos para a Síria e chegamos a Tiro; porque o navio havia de ser descarregado ali. 4 E, achando discípulos, ficamos ali sete dias; e eles pelo Espírito diziam a Paulo que não subisse a Jerusalém. 5 E, havendo passado ali aqueles dias, saímos, e seguimos nosso caminho, acompanhando-nos todos, com suas mulheres e filhos até fora da cidade; e, postos de joelhos na praia, oramos. 6 E, despedindo-nos uns dos outros, subimos ao navio; e eles voltaram para suas casas. 7 E nós, concluída a navegação de Tiro, viemos a Ptolemaida; e, havendo saudado os irmãos, ficamos com eles um dia. 8 E no dia seguinte, partindo dali Paulo, e nós que com ele estávamos, chegamos a Cesaréia; e, entrando em casa de Filipe, o evangelista, que era um dos sete, ficamos com ele. 9 E tinha este quatro filhas virgens, que profetizavam. 10 E, demorando-nos ali por muitos dias, chegou da Judéia um profeta, por nome Ágabo; 11 E, vindo ter conosco, tomou a cinta de Paulo, e ligando-se os seus próprios pés e mãos, disse: Isto diz o Espírito Santo: Assim ligarão os judeus em Jerusalém o homem de quem é esta cinta, e o entregarão nas mãos dos gentios. 12 E, ouvindo nós isto, rogamos-lhe, tanto nós como os que eram daquele lugar, que não subisse a Jerusalém.
34 E na multidão uns clamavam de uma maneira, outros de outra; mas, como nada podia saber ao certo, por causa do alvoroço, mandou conduzi-lo para a fortaleza. 35 E sucedeu que, chegando às escadas, os soldados tiveram de lhe pegar por causa da violência da multidão. 36 Porque a multidão do povo o seguia, clamando: Mata-o! 37 E, quando iam a introduzir Paulo na fortaleza, disse Paulo ao tribuno: É-me permitido dizer-te alguma coisa? E ele disse: Sabes o grego? 38 Não és tu porventura aquele egípcio que antes destes dias fez uma sedição e levou ao deserto quatro mil salteadores? 39 Mas Paulo lhe disse: Na verdade que sou um homem judeu, cidadão de Tarso, cidade não pouco célebre na Cilícia; rogo-te, porém, que me permitas falar ao povo. 40 E, havendo-lho permitido, Paulo, pondo-se em pé nas escadas, fez sinal com a mão ao povo; e, feito grande silêncio, falou-lhes em língua hebraica, dizendo:
I just wanna thank you for sharing this home workout content, I literally started this session from January 2023 for every two days and the clothes that used to be sloppy and oversized are now fitting my arm which look way better than before. It’s a really good training if you only have dumbbells at home, I also added pushed ups in my once-every-two-days workout. Arm growth is REAL!!!
@@rayyanahmed505 I started around Christmas last year, almost one and a half month my shoulder and arms had some pretty obvious growth cuz I tried on the shirts I wore before that looked skinny as hell and now they fit perfectly, which was a shock
@@rayyanahmed505 it’s really amazing what you could achieve using only dumbbells and doing pushups. I think one important key is to do it every second day instead of everyday because muscles need time to rest.
This workout is no joke. This is just amazing. I love this workout so much❤. Today's my 11th day and i've already have noticed changes in my arms. I didn't do it continuously for 11 days but, i had rests for a day or two. I can't imagine how my arms would look like after 30 days. Thank you so much. This is so much worth it. Anyone who reads this, is it only me who feels that the right hand muscles are bigger than the left hand ones.
14 Mas confesso-te isto que, conforme aquele caminho que chamam seita, assim sirvo ao Deus de nossos pais, crendo tudo quanto está escrito na lei e nos profetas. 15 Tendo esperança em Deus, como estes mesmos também esperam, de que há de haver ressurreição de mortos, assim dos justos como dos injustos. 16 E por isso procuro sempre ter uma consciência sem ofensa, tanto para com Deus como para com os homens. 17 Ora, muitos anos depois, vim trazer à minha nação esmolas e ofertas. 18 Nisto me acharam já santificado no templo, não em ajuntamentos, nem com alvoroços, uns certos judeus da Ásia, 19 Os quais convinha que estivessem presentes perante ti, e me acusassem, se alguma coisa contra mim tivessem. 20 Ou digam estes mesmos, se acharam em mim alguma iniqüidade, quando compareci perante o conselho, 21 A não ser estas palavras que, estando entre eles, clamei: Hoje sou julgado por vós acerca da ressurreição dos mortos. 22 Então Félix, havendo ouvido estas coisas, lhes pôs dilação, dizendo: Havendo-me informado melhor deste Caminho, quando o tribuno Lísias tiver descido, então tomarei inteiro conhecimento dos vossos negócios. 23 E mandou ao centurião que o guardasse em prisão, tratando-o com brandura, e que a ninguém dos seus proibisse servi-lo ou vir ter com ele. 24 E alguns dias depois, vindo Félix com sua mulher Drusila, que era judia, mandou chamar a Paulo, e ouviu-o acerca da fé em Cristo.
It's been 3 weeks since I started following this workout, and I'm seeing results! Muscles are forming, but still covered by a layer of fat. I'm going to bulk first, then do cut in the following months. Calorie deficit is the way. Cheers!
Haha that´s not how it works. You can´t bulk up first and then magically lose the fat. It´s simple, you eat more than you need - you gain fat or gain energy to work out harder and build muscle. You eat less than you need and you lose weight starting with fat.
@@mostinteresting6838 you kind of have to figure that out for urself, but u should be able to do as many reps/sets as he said in the video with your choice of weight. For example, I'm a rlly skinny guy (110 lbs at 5'7''), so the maximum i can single-rep curl on one hand is 25 lbs
Vaya si me sirvió esta rutina, la empecé a hacer todos los días aunque recorte unos ejercicios para añadir otros, y vaya que eh empezado a notar cambios en mis brazos, en verdad que me alegra que hayan personas como el que ayuden a uno a conseguir cambios sin tantas mentiras en sus videos. El mejor canal sin duda🔥👊
0:12 Single DB Curls (3x12 per arm) - Biceps 1:13 Concentration Curls (3 x 10 per arm) - Biceps 2:25 Sitting Curls with Turns (3 x 10 per arm) - Biceps (including forearms) 0:38 Sitting Behind Head Extension (3 x 10-12) - Triceps 1:50 Sitting DB Kickback (3 x 8-10 per arm) - Triceps 3:05 Lateral DB Rows (3x12 per arm) - Primarily Back, involves Biceps 3:46 Front DB Rows (3x12) - Primarily Back, involves Biceps 4:26 Wrist Curls with DB (3 X 15 - 20) - Forearms (minimal biceps or triceps involvement)
this workout is very good, other workouts i tried dont help me and never saw improvement, this workout is different, well explained and very useful, i tried this workout for 2 - 3 weeks and i've only been doing half the video and im seeing so much improvement definitely recommend
День первый. Я прошел все тренировки с гантелей 12.5кг, руки сильно забились. День второй. Было сложнее чем в первый день, некоторых подходов я просто не смог сделать из за отсутствия сил. День три. Намного проще делать все упражнения, сил стало больше на упражнения, уже не так сильно забиты руки как в первый и второй день. День четыре. Такой комплекс я сегодня выполнил за 40 минут, мышцы стали как камень. Пока все делаю без ошибок, в конце закрепляю первым упражнением, результат совсем небольшой, но для 4 дня очень хороший. Идем дальше 💪 День пять. Мышцы совсем не болят, сегодня было тяжелее делать все упражнения чем вчера, пока больше добавить нечего. Далее буду обновлять
Porfin alguien que va directo al grano, sin tonterias, sin sermones, sin publicidades, y encima muestra que NO hacer a la hora del ejercicio, este canal es LEYENDA
12 E, quando já era dia, alguns dos judeus fizeram uma conspiração, e juraram, dizendo que não comeriam nem beberiam enquanto não matassem a Paulo. 13 E eram mais de quarenta os que fizeram esta conjuração. 14 E estes foram ter com os principais dos sacerdotes e anciãos, e disseram: Conjuramo-nos, sob pena de maldição, a nada provarmos até que matemos a Paulo. 15 Agora, pois, vós, com o conselho, rogai ao tribuno que vo-lo traga amanhã, como que querendo saber mais alguma coisa de seus negócios, e, antes que chegue, estaremos prontos para o matar. 16 E o filho da irmã de Paulo, tendo ouvido acerca desta cilada, foi, e entrou na fortaleza, e o anunciou a Paulo. 17 E Paulo, chamando a si um dos centuriões, disse: Leva este jovem ao tribuno, porque tem alguma coisa que lhe comunicar. 18 Tomando-o ele, pois, o levou ao tribuno, e disse: O preso Paulo, chamando-me a si, rogou-me que trouxesse este jovem, que tem alguma coisa para dizer-te. 19 E o tribuno, tomando-o pela mão, e pondo-se à parte, perguntou-lhe em particular: Que tens que me contar? 20 E disse ele: Os judeus se concertaram rogar-te que amanhã leves Paulo ao conselho, como que tendo de inquirir dele mais alguma coisa ao certo. 21 Mas tu não os creias; porque mais de quarenta homens de entre eles lhe andam armando ciladas; os quais se obrigaram, sob pena de maldição, a não comer nem beber até que o tenham morto; e já estão apercebidos, esperando de ti promessa. 22 Então o tribuno despediu o jovem, mandando-lhe que a ninguém dissesse que lhe havia contado aquilo.
Triceps, one of the fastest growing muscles in the upper body. It's possible he got that within 30 days if his diet plan included 3 injections of HGH and other anabolics
This is a great video, I have just started my muscle building journey and these exercises are extremely useful. I like the fact you have shown correct form and bad form. Thank you, will defo watch more videos.
@@redmoon9618I been doing this workout for almost two months consistently four days a week, then the other days legs abs and I have seen a difference in my arms cloth a lil tighter so that means some is working 😂😂🤣💯💪🏽💪🏽
14 E os que faziam isto eram sete filhos de Ceva, judeu, principal dos sacerdotes. 15 Respondendo, porém, o espírito maligno, disse: Conheço a Jesus, e bem sei quem é Paulo; mas vós quem sois? 16 E, saltando neles o homem que tinha o espírito maligno, e assenhoreando-se de todos, pôde mais do que eles; de tal maneira que, nus e feridos, fugiram daquela casa. 17 E foi isto notório a todos os que habitavam em Éfeso, tanto judeus como gregos; e caiu temor sobre todos eles, e o nome do Senhor Jesus era engrandecido. 18 E muitos dos que tinham crido vinham, confessando e publicando os seus feitos. 19 Também muitos dos que seguiam artes mágicas trouxeram os seus livros, e os queimaram na presença de todos e, feita a conta do seu preço, acharam que montava a cinqüenta mil peças de prata. 20 Assim a palavra do Senhor crescia poderosamente e prevalecia. 21 E, cumpridas estas coisas, Paulo propôs, em espírito, ir a Jerusalém, passando pela Macedônia e pela Acaia, dizendo: Depois que houver estado ali, importa-me ver também Roma. 22 E, enviando à Macedônia dois daqueles que o serviam, Timóteo e Erasto, ficou ele por algum tempo na Ásia. 23 E, naquele mesmo tempo, houve um não pequeno alvoroço acerca do Caminho. 24 Porque um certo ourives da prata, por nome Demétrio, que fazia de prata nichos de Diana, dava não pouco lucro aos artífices,
I hope I will be able to do all these exercises one day, and to have physique like this. I am still really weak, but I am progressing slowly since I have been working so hard and my diet is definitely on point with meal plans I got from NextLevel Diet. The most important thing is I believe in myself.💪💪
This isn’t a shortcut brother ! The process iss slow but worth it.. just fell in love with the process! I gained 22kg in 2 years naturally no supplements at all!! Not even whey protein
Don't give up bro. Keep at it. I haven't trained in months. Just got back into it today and man I felt I didn't work out in years. Main thing is just keep a routine and keep motivated. You got this bro
It hurts on first day but it shows results in 2 weeks... Great video man. You were straight to the point. No bullshit taking about the topic. Keep It Up. Maybe I will do some of your more 30 days challenge
i'm on my third days, idk if it's because i'm skinny and i'm eating more (my forearm nothing but bones and skin) but i already see my results.. my arm is bigger and i see my muscle poppin
@@glowingnutzack don’t do the same workouts in the video everyday. Give your muscles a day or two to rest and work on other muscle groups. You’re not gonna see results constantly working on the same muscles if you don’t let it heal.
nice video. for those of us over 60, we might stay away from these two, though ,3:05 - Latreal DB Rows [ 4x12 ] 3:46 - Front DB Rows [ 4x13 ]. i have been using a bench to get to these muscles but i am afraid i dont know what the workout is called. better for those shoulder joints for us old guys :)
@@ButlerJ2 exactly. why do things that MIGHT damage you? i need to be able to keep working as i go, too, so i am careful about this. there are just so many other ways to work the same muscles and not take that risk :)
I am starting today, Ivan. I liked your routine. Let´s see how it is going two months from now. Thanks for sharing and teaching me the right way to do it!
79 years old and have been doing the traininng for 4 days and already feel more firm. Have started out with 7lb weights for single arm exercises and 8 1/2 lbs for the two handed. Will add weight as I progress.
@@nikosocialrb7325 Doing good! I am much more defined than I was before, I can clearly see my triceps, shoulders, and biceps. This is the only workout I use for arms, and I made a lot of progress
You are the FIRST with an at home program just for arms. THANKS. Ran my 1st full marathon in 1988 and in 2024 I can still wear my shirt but can not allow my chest to get any bigger. Every site I have been to talks about bigger chest which I do not want.
I started exercising a year ago, due to school issues I had stopped exercising until now, I have recovered the shape I had doing these exercises, I have only been there for a week and I am already noticing changes, they really work.
@@ranashahidali9707 Of course brother, I do all the exercises in one day, all the sets with all the repetitions, I rest 10 seconds between sets, and I do this routine only 3 days a week, resting one day, I hope it helps you.
Thank you for a “pure” instructive video. I really dislike the videos that are more about the instructor and not so much about instruction. Yours is short, to the point and well done.
0:12 Single DB Curls 0:38 Sitting Behind Head Extension 1:13 Concentration Curls 2:25 Sitting Curls with Turns 3:46 Front DB Rows 4:26 Wrist Curls with DB
I'm 15 years old. Although my arms are fine and I can see a little muscle line in my triceps brachii, I'm not very satisfied yet. After reading the comments about this video, I feel it's very effective. I will try it for 30 days or more. , believe in yourself and stick to it, even if you are very busy. Arm training at least 3 times a week (depending on the situation), 2 or 3 days of rest or focusing on training different parts to achieve balance, 1 or 2 rest days, in addition to daily training, sometimes special arm training, and other exercises to burn fat, every day 30 minutes each time, gradually increase training intensity, pay attention to details, slow motion sensitivity, rest and nutrition are as important as training! Give it a try. I will update it every few days and every week and show you the results after I finish it. I will try it for 30 days first. After it is effectively completed, I will continue it for more than 30 days, increase the intensity and even do other training to break through the bottleneck. If you read this, please leave a message and reply. I will update weekly to let you know how I train!
I love your simple approach to teaching the workouts! It makes things so easy to look at and follow. On a side note, where can I find dumbbells like those? They look very sturdy.
Trying this with a 7kgs dumbells,i am 14 I will update till i will forget! Day 1:was a little hard Day 2: A little easier Day 3:Every sunday i rest,and i forgot to mention this takes like 45-60 minutes to complete Day 4: i can see little changes,3% bigger biceps,4% bigger triceps,i have lots of seeable veins This actually does something And lateral Db Rows are still hard to do but i will continue (WEEK2) DAY 14: I got stronger,the veins started to show I will keep going (((WEEK 3))): This helped me,no big difference at looking part,but improved strenght,results shows after like 3 months (Week 4) DAY 28: i actually got visible results And my biceps it's not like a slime anymore I keep it up 1 day rest,6 work And yeah
Hey can i train one part one day like today i train arms then other day i do chest then other day i do abs and after that i do arms again its like 2 times a week so will it help ?
@@ahain8653 Hi! I can't say something exact to help you,but this will not grow your arm for 2 days a week,It's a basic training,i did this everyday with a leg workout,and barely see results,i changed it today,It's a good one ngl but you should try one more dynamic, And i don't have much time that's why i changed it,if you have,you should do one with more intensity! Disclaimer:I am not a PRO trainer
@@hubertthefrog5822 okay i'll try this workout 2 times a week and other workout other days it'll take time but i think if i do those workouts everyday my muscles will not get time to recover
Day one! Ouch. Accidentally did the first half with 22 pound DB lol way too much for this rookie! Lessened it to 10.5 pounds. Day 3 (April 7th, 2023) Can't wipe my ass. Day 7 (April 11th 2023) My arms look exactly the same, as expected but I am able to handle this workout a lot easier. I've incorporated extra sets at the end. Shoulder Press (4x14) Grip Rows (4x14) And then a few barbell workouts. Squats (4x14) Deadlift (4x14) Rows (4x14) Floor Press *I don't have a bench* (4x30) And then I go do the 15 minute dumbbell shoulder workout from the MiDASMVMT channel. Day 12 (April 16th 2023) I do do all of those things, twice a day. The only things that still give me a hard time are the lateral rows. Day 19 (April 23rd 2023) I'm now able to do the workouts with the 22 pound dumbbell that was too heavy for me, when I first started. Between that and the shoulder workout that I do afterward, my arms now have slight definition. Only noticeable to me, though lol Day 31 (May 5th 2023) Other people have noticed my progress! And I have a before and after picture with very noticeable differences. This routine really does work!
@@zabek5179 I have a horrible back, as it is. So, any workouts that give me more problems in my back, I just have to not do them. Any kind of rows, especially. I hate it but I figured my long term health is better than the gains! lol Sorry that I can’t be of more help!
For those thinking about results I am starting today and completed my first day I did 3 sets of each to be a little precautionary and I am tired now but satisfied
0:12 - Single DB Curls [ 4x12 ]
0:38 - Sitting Behind Head Extension [ 4x14 ]
1:13 - Concetration Curls [ 4x11 ]
1:50 - Sitting DB Kickback [ 4x9 ]
2:25 - Sitting Curls with Turns [ 5x10 ]
3:05 - Latreal DB Rows [ 4x12 ]
3:46 - Front DB Rows [ 4x13 ]
4:26 - Wrist Curls with DB [ 3x20 ]
You're good man
I love these kind of videos,
No extra or usless shit.
Straight to the point.
Damn right bro
But it lacks infos , like rest between sets , repetitions per week , how to choose the correct weight.
I am obligated to help all the people in comment section because garbage videos like this , because fuckers like the OP forgets that people that look at videos like this DO NOT KNOW SHIT ABOUT NOTHING and NEEDS those infos , they are as important as the workout itself.
@@aowa9727 yo mate, chill out pls
His Day 1 is the goal of many people 😂
Of course mine..😁😁😁
That's exactly what i was going to write...
Actually, this is a very good video. No self-indulgent nonsense. Shows correct form and incorrect form. Awesome mate. I'm going to do all of these
And that is assuming you eat 3-4 meals a day... 😀 Unlike many of the clueless people who are doing this while having a ramen noodles bowl 🥣 every day 🙃
Bueno avisame si en 30 dias logras mejorar tus brazos de esa manera ..ni arnold lo logro en tan poco tiempo ..pero hay gente que cree en los.milagros.ja ja
He is also lying about the timeline and he didn't mention his steroids.
Good luck sea bass remember without a decent course of gear you dont stand a chance its something these guys dont want to mention lol
Hablar en español
This Man Must Be Protected, he is too valuable to Mankind!! 💪💪💪💯 Exactly what is needed, Concise straight to The Point, Crisp Clear Examples, no opinions and chatter. Thank you for this.❤
Been doing this 2 to 3x a week for 2 months now. This is the most effective arm building routine I've tried. It always feels satisfying and pushes me past my limit.
How heavy is the dumbell please answer this thanks
@@adzy8511 however much you can lift without breaking proper form finishing the routine. Progressively add more weight as you get used to it
@@kaelindewar2110 thanks soo much
Any change in arms
I want to thank you Ivan and then my message for others this is how you produce video content. Its simple, its easy, its amazing. Every step is explained perfectly and that is without saying a single word. Well done to you, you deserved this many views.
song ?
This video helps a lot by showing what muscle each exercise targets, and how not to do them. No nonsense. Thanks a lot!
16 Porque já Paulo tinha determinado passar ao largo de Éfeso, para não gastar tempo na Ásia. Apressava-se, pois, para estar, se lhe fosse possível, em Jerusalém no dia de Pentecostes.
17 E de Mileto mandou a Éfeso, a chamar os anciãos da igreja.
18 E, logo que chegaram junto dele, disse-lhes: Vós bem sabeis, desde o primeiro dia em que entrei na Ásia, como em todo esse tempo me portei no meio de vós,
19 Servindo ao Senhor com toda a humildade, e com muitas lágrimas e tentações, que pelas ciladas dos judeus me sobrevieram;
20 Como nada, que útil seja, deixei de vos anunciar, e ensinar publicamente e pelas casas,
21 Testificando, tanto aos judeus como aos gregos, a conversão a Deus, e a fé em nosso Senhor Jesus Cristo.
22 E agora, eis que, ligado eu pelo espírito, vou para Jerusalém, não sabendo o que lá me há de acontecer,
23 Senão o que o Espírito Santo de cidade em cidade me revela, dizendo que me esperam prisões e tribulações.
24 Mas de nada faço questão, nem tenho a minha vida por preciosa, contanto que cumpra com alegria a minha carreira, e o ministério que recebi do Senhor Jesus, para dar testemunho do evangelho da graça de Deus.
I've never trained before and did this for 1.5 month, and I must say it is very effective. The change is so obvious that people can even tell while I'm wearing a loose shirt.
I'm on day 10 or smtg and I can already notice changes when I look at the mirror
Did you do it every day?? Cheers
Excellent video, thanks for showcasing the bad form also … very important for those that are starting to workout!
Straight to the point no nonsense video! Kudos
hi umm you seem experience so i would like to ask should i do all of these everyday or rest because the youtuber did these everyday and didnt rest but some people say i should rest so im very confused? should i do these everyday?
@@DailyShorts344 *Maximo 6 días a la semana, aunque es recomendable hacer tricep 2 veces por semana para los que son principiantes*
@@alonsocruzat3916 *Así es, 11 repeticiones por 4 series*
1 E aconteceu que, separando-nos deles, navegamos e fomos correndo caminho direito, e chegamos a Cós, e no dia seguinte a Rodes, de onde passamos a Pátara.
2 E, achando um navio, que ia para a Fenícia, embarcamos nele, e partimos.
3 E, indo já à vista de Chipre, deixando-a à esquerda, navegamos para a Síria e chegamos a Tiro; porque o navio havia de ser descarregado ali.
4 E, achando discípulos, ficamos ali sete dias; e eles pelo Espírito diziam a Paulo que não subisse a Jerusalém.
5 E, havendo passado ali aqueles dias, saímos, e seguimos nosso caminho, acompanhando-nos todos, com suas mulheres e filhos até fora da cidade; e, postos de joelhos na praia, oramos.
6 E, despedindo-nos uns dos outros, subimos ao navio; e eles voltaram para suas casas.
7 E nós, concluída a navegação de Tiro, viemos a Ptolemaida; e, havendo saudado os irmãos, ficamos com eles um dia.
8 E no dia seguinte, partindo dali Paulo, e nós que com ele estávamos, chegamos a Cesaréia; e, entrando em casa de Filipe, o evangelista, que era um dos sete, ficamos com ele.
9 E tinha este quatro filhas virgens, que profetizavam.
10 E, demorando-nos ali por muitos dias, chegou da Judéia um profeta, por nome Ágabo;
11 E, vindo ter conosco, tomou a cinta de Paulo, e ligando-se os seus próprios pés e mãos, disse: Isto diz o Espírito Santo: Assim ligarão os judeus em Jerusalém o homem de quem é esta cinta, e o entregarão nas mãos dos gentios.
12 E, ouvindo nós isto, rogamos-lhe, tanto nós como os que eram daquele lugar, que não subisse a Jerusalém.
Best workout channel
Your workouts give results
No talking no BS just straight work. Keep up the good work brother!
fr bro?
@@cappi8156 hell yeah everyday i get at least a compliment on my physique
I do all his workouts
That's so true. Even I'm getting my results slowly. Can't wait for the 30th day to see how i've changed.
@@LaLoon17frrr I'm starting to see results and it's like day 10 or smtg
@@LaLoon17any change?
0:12 - Single DB Curls [ 4x12 ]
0:38 - Sitting behind head Extension [ 4x14 ]
1:13 - Concetration Curls [ 4x11 ]
1:50 - Sitting DB kickback [ 4x9 ]
2:25 - Sitting Curls with Turns [ 5x10 ]
3:05 - Latreal DB Rows [ 4x12 ]
3:46 - Front DB Rows [ 4x13 ]
4:26 - Wrist Curls With DB [ 3x20 ]
*For me
34 E na multidão uns clamavam de uma maneira, outros de outra; mas, como nada podia saber ao certo, por causa do alvoroço, mandou conduzi-lo para a fortaleza.
35 E sucedeu que, chegando às escadas, os soldados tiveram de lhe pegar por causa da violência da multidão.
36 Porque a multidão do povo o seguia, clamando: Mata-o!
37 E, quando iam a introduzir Paulo na fortaleza, disse Paulo ao tribuno: É-me permitido dizer-te alguma coisa? E ele disse: Sabes o grego?
38 Não és tu porventura aquele egípcio que antes destes dias fez uma sedição e levou ao deserto quatro mil salteadores?
39 Mas Paulo lhe disse: Na verdade que sou um homem judeu, cidadão de Tarso, cidade não pouco célebre na Cilícia; rogo-te, porém, que me permitas falar ao povo.
40 E, havendo-lho permitido, Paulo, pondo-se em pé nas escadas, fez sinal com a mão ao povo; e, feito grande silêncio, falou-lhes em língua hebraica, dizendo:
I am at day 22 of this workout and result are already there. My arms are bigger and stronger. Thanks a lot, God bless you!
Are you doing it everyday without rest day?
@@Faryalfamily no i rest on weekends. When i say day 22 is with rest days
@@MaxTheKing289what weight did you start off with?
@@Mic_Drop_Coversations 13kg
are ur veins getting seen tho??
I am on day 6, and I can already see some results, i'm so exited for the last day to see the results!
Epic video mate, you are amazing!
Nice job bro
I want to try it but I’m terrible at committing to things
@@BsbGuy well you should give it a try, you can't lost anything if u try so
Please update when you’re done! Where are you seeing the biggest difference?
Day 6 and see some results xd stop the bs..
Greetings from Ecuador bro, I've been training your routines for almost a month, good training :)
How was it? Could you give your own review after almost a month of training?
@@wafiyzikri7131 i think he is just lying
@@wafiyzikri7131 you won't see any changes unless you finish your third month
@@Kazam_dono l've been laughing your comment for the last 1 hour
@@thhhjjjy hahahahaha
I just wanna thank you for sharing this home workout content, I literally started this session from January 2023 for every two days and the clothes that used to be sloppy and oversized are now fitting my arm which look way better than before.
It’s a really good training if you only have dumbbells at home, I also added pushed ups in my once-every-two-days workout.
Arm growth is REAL!!!
Wait so how long did results take?
No, The One Piece is real.
@@rayyanahmed505 I started around Christmas last year, almost one and a half month my shoulder and arms had some pretty obvious growth cuz I tried on the shirts I wore before that looked skinny as hell and now they fit perfectly, which was a shock
@@OrchestratedChicanery ur not wrong lol
@@rayyanahmed505 it’s really amazing what you could achieve using only dumbbells and doing pushups. I think one important key is to do it every second day instead of everyday because muscles need time to rest.
This workout is no joke. This is just amazing. I love this workout so much❤. Today's my 11th day and i've already have noticed changes in my arms. I didn't do it continuously for 11 days but, i had rests for a day or two. I can't imagine how my arms would look like after 30 days. Thank you so much. This is so much worth it.
Anyone who reads this, is it only me who feels that the right hand muscles are bigger than the left hand ones.
videodaki dambıl kaç kg ?
@@mehmettankc7687 i think you're asking the amount of kg in the video right? Actually, i don't know that but, i started from 4 and now it's 6.
14 Mas confesso-te isto que, conforme aquele caminho que chamam seita, assim sirvo ao Deus de nossos pais, crendo tudo quanto está escrito na lei e nos profetas.
15 Tendo esperança em Deus, como estes mesmos também esperam, de que há de haver ressurreição de mortos, assim dos justos como dos injustos.
16 E por isso procuro sempre ter uma consciência sem ofensa, tanto para com Deus como para com os homens.
17 Ora, muitos anos depois, vim trazer à minha nação esmolas e ofertas.
18 Nisto me acharam já santificado no templo, não em ajuntamentos, nem com alvoroços, uns certos judeus da Ásia,
19 Os quais convinha que estivessem presentes perante ti, e me acusassem, se alguma coisa contra mim tivessem.
20 Ou digam estes mesmos, se acharam em mim alguma iniqüidade, quando compareci perante o conselho,
21 A não ser estas palavras que, estando entre eles, clamei: Hoje sou julgado por vós acerca da ressurreição dos mortos.
22 Então Félix, havendo ouvido estas coisas, lhes pôs dilação, dizendo: Havendo-me informado melhor deste Caminho, quando o tribuno Lísias tiver descido, então tomarei inteiro conhecimento dos vossos negócios.
23 E mandou ao centurião que o guardasse em prisão, tratando-o com brandura, e que a ninguém dos seus proibisse servi-lo ou vir ter com ele.
24 E alguns dias depois, vindo Félix com sua mulher Drusila, que era judia, mandou chamar a Paulo, e ouviu-o acerca da fé em Cristo.
@@Kauan-Kaiserdude i think you commented on the wrong video
It's been 3 weeks since I started following this workout, and I'm seeing results! Muscles are forming, but still covered by a layer of fat. I'm going to bulk first, then do cut in the following months. Calorie deficit is the way. Cheers!
Keep on updating man
Also good luck
Yeah ....keep on updating boss...
Haha that´s not how it works. You can´t bulk up first and then magically lose the fat. It´s simple, you eat more than you need - you gain fat or gain energy to work out harder and build muscle. You eat less than you need and you lose weight starting with fat.
How often do you this workout?
Hi, how are you 💟
I have a suggestion for you if possible bro 💪
Bro I wasn’t even half way through the workout and my arms are on 🔥 this is a great video
Thats bc your not used to working those part of your muscles
Please tell me how heavy the weight should be. Please, please, please. 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏
@@mostinteresting6838 you kind of have to figure that out for urself, but u should be able to do as many reps/sets as he said in the video with your choice of weight. For example, I'm a rlly skinny guy (110 lbs at 5'7''), so the maximum i can single-rep curl on one hand is 25 lbs
You can split this routine into bicep and triceps day with 1 day rest
@@mostinteresting6838 10-15
Vaya si me sirvió esta rutina, la empecé a hacer todos los días aunque recorte unos ejercicios para añadir otros, y vaya que eh empezado a notar cambios en mis brazos, en verdad que me alegra que hayan personas como el que ayuden a uno a conseguir cambios sin tantas mentiras en sus videos. El mejor canal sin duda🔥👊
De cuántos Kg son tus pesas?
Hermano, apenas voy empezando, llevo dos semanas. Solo que me hacen falta descansos me puedes decir un ejemplo de que días entrenar y así??.
@@christopherescogidocampa4478 entrenar 3-4 días a la semana, y también tomar agua
@@christopherescogidocampa4478 caga mucho, entrena fuerte y espera la muerte 💪
una duda. Todos esos ejercicios el mismo dia? Y cuantas veces por semana? no hay que dejar descansar el musculo?
0:12 Single DB Curls (3x12 per arm) - Biceps
1:13 Concentration Curls (3 x 10 per arm) - Biceps
2:25 Sitting Curls with Turns (3 x 10 per arm) - Biceps (including forearms)
0:38 Sitting Behind Head Extension (3 x 10-12) - Triceps
1:50 Sitting DB Kickback (3 x 8-10 per arm) - Triceps
3:05 Lateral DB Rows (3x12 per arm) - Primarily Back, involves Biceps
3:46 Front DB Rows (3x12) - Primarily Back, involves Biceps
4:26 Wrist Curls with DB (3 X 15 - 20) - Forearms (minimal biceps or triceps involvement)
I love my abs so much that i have protected it under a layer of fat
I am starting with half the sets, but I really appreciate these exercises to help my arms get bigger. thank you!!
are you geeting the result because i have started 1 day before
@@gamerzpro3782 I am doing the exercises twice a week and they improved! but of course you should let your arms rest too.
I’m confused we have to do all these exercises everyday or 1 exercise 1 day
@@muhammadlabeebbhatti4758 all every day except like once a week take a break
@@shinobuchanhey man any change?
love how your videos are so minimal, clean and straight to the point, very helpful. and your body is really inspiring. supporting from Mexico 🇲🇽
Hello bro how are you 💟
I have a suggestion for you if possible bro 💪
The don't s visualisations are super useful! It's great to know what mistakes look like. Super idea! 👍🏻
The pain this makes me feel is only a wall in my path to greatness
Do we have to sit while doing this ?
@@king_davon_308 whyd you ask him?
No pain no gain
song ?
this workout is very good, other workouts i tried dont help me and never saw improvement, this workout is different, well explained and very useful, i tried this workout for 2 - 3 weeks and i've only been doing half the video and im seeing so much improvement definitely recommend
its a year so did you do all the exercises and get the result?
I have the same question as the guy before ke
No one is answering after 1 year
Great way to show the exercises. Good form, bad form then good form is definitely helpful to see where it can go wrong
День первый. Я прошел все тренировки с гантелей 12.5кг, руки сильно забились.
День второй. Было сложнее чем в первый день, некоторых подходов я просто не смог сделать из за отсутствия сил.
День три. Намного проще делать все упражнения, сил стало больше на упражнения, уже не так сильно забиты руки как в первый и второй день.
День четыре. Такой комплекс я сегодня выполнил за 40 минут, мышцы стали как камень. Пока все делаю без ошибок, в конце закрепляю первым упражнением, результат совсем небольшой, но для 4 дня очень хороший. Идем дальше 💪
День пять. Мышцы совсем не болят, сегодня было тяжелее делать все упражнения чем вчера, пока больше добавить нечего.
Далее буду обновлять
russians actually doing it
друг, ну что там ? нарастил мышцу?) отпишись, интересно.
Thank you Ivan for making it simple for everyone to understand. ✨💪🏻
I think there are very important things for you in my channel too, come and see.//
Porfin alguien que va directo al grano, sin tonterias, sin sermones, sin publicidades, y encima muestra que NO hacer a la hora del ejercicio, este canal es LEYENDA
Asi mismo, no como esos que te hablan una vida y al final todo es negativo sin enseñarte nada.
12 E, quando já era dia, alguns dos judeus fizeram uma conspiração, e juraram, dizendo que não comeriam nem beberiam enquanto não matassem a Paulo.
13 E eram mais de quarenta os que fizeram esta conjuração.
14 E estes foram ter com os principais dos sacerdotes e anciãos, e disseram: Conjuramo-nos, sob pena de maldição, a nada provarmos até que matemos a Paulo.
15 Agora, pois, vós, com o conselho, rogai ao tribuno que vo-lo traga amanhã, como que querendo saber mais alguma coisa de seus negócios, e, antes que chegue, estaremos prontos para o matar.
16 E o filho da irmã de Paulo, tendo ouvido acerca desta cilada, foi, e entrou na fortaleza, e o anunciou a Paulo.
17 E Paulo, chamando a si um dos centuriões, disse: Leva este jovem ao tribuno, porque tem alguma coisa que lhe comunicar.
18 Tomando-o ele, pois, o levou ao tribuno, e disse: O preso Paulo, chamando-me a si, rogou-me que trouxesse este jovem, que tem alguma coisa para dizer-te.
19 E o tribuno, tomando-o pela mão, e pondo-se à parte, perguntou-lhe em particular: Que tens que me contar?
20 E disse ele: Os judeus se concertaram rogar-te que amanhã leves Paulo ao conselho, como que tendo de inquirir dele mais alguma coisa ao certo.
21 Mas tu não os creias; porque mais de quarenta homens de entre eles lhe andam armando ciladas; os quais se obrigaram, sob pena de maldição, a não comer nem beber até que o tenham morto; e já estão apercebidos, esperando de ti promessa.
22 Então o tribuno despediu o jovem, mandando-lhe que a ninguém dissesse que lhe havia contado aquilo.
the amount of time we spend believing we can't is more thank enough time to learn how you can.
@John Alfred crypt0 investment, but you will need a professional guide on that.
FB 👇
@John Alfred Mark J. Ramsey
Triceps, one of the fastest growing muscles in the upper body. It's possible he got that within 30 days if his diet plan included 3 injections of HGH and other anabolics
Shut up and workout.
This is a great video, I have just started my muscle building journey and these exercises are extremely useful. I like the fact you have shown correct form and bad form. Thank you, will defo watch more videos.
How is it going my bud
@@redmoon9618I been doing this workout for almost two months consistently four days a week, then the other days legs abs and I have seen a difference in my arms cloth a lil tighter so that means some is working 😂😂🤣💯💪🏽💪🏽
3:37 As a German I have to be careful not to overshoot while doing this one.
14 E os que faziam isto eram sete filhos de Ceva, judeu, principal dos sacerdotes.
15 Respondendo, porém, o espírito maligno, disse: Conheço a Jesus, e bem sei quem é Paulo; mas vós quem sois?
16 E, saltando neles o homem que tinha o espírito maligno, e assenhoreando-se de todos, pôde mais do que eles; de tal maneira que, nus e feridos, fugiram daquela casa.
17 E foi isto notório a todos os que habitavam em Éfeso, tanto judeus como gregos; e caiu temor sobre todos eles, e o nome do Senhor Jesus era engrandecido.
18 E muitos dos que tinham crido vinham, confessando e publicando os seus feitos.
19 Também muitos dos que seguiam artes mágicas trouxeram os seus livros, e os queimaram na presença de todos e, feita a conta do seu preço, acharam que montava a cinqüenta mil peças de prata.
20 Assim a palavra do Senhor crescia poderosamente e prevalecia.
21 E, cumpridas estas coisas, Paulo propôs, em espírito, ir a Jerusalém, passando pela Macedônia e pela Acaia, dizendo: Depois que houver estado ali, importa-me ver também Roma.
22 E, enviando à Macedônia dois daqueles que o serviam, Timóteo e Erasto, ficou ele por algum tempo na Ásia.
23 E, naquele mesmo tempo, houve um não pequeno alvoroço acerca do Caminho.
24 Porque um certo ourives da prata, por nome Demétrio, que fazia de prata nichos de Diana, dava não pouco lucro aos artífices,
Muscle memory kicks in 🌚
Furher workout
Thx man I did 3 sets of them but soon ima get up there I been tryna grow my arms man im tryna get fit and im only 19
I hope I will be able to do all these exercises one day, and to have physique like this. I am still really weak, but I am progressing slowly since I have been working so hard and my diet is definitely on point with meal plans I got from NextLevel Diet. The most important thing is I believe in myself.💪💪
Go slow. Don't rush size or strength. Don't rush anything. Even perform the movements slowly. You'll make it.
This isn’t a shortcut brother ! The process iss slow but worth it.. just fell in love with the process! I gained 22kg in 2 years naturally no supplements at all!! Not even whey protein
Don't give up bro. Keep at it. I haven't trained in months. Just got back into it today and man I felt I didn't work out in years. Main thing is just keep a routine and keep motivated. You got this bro
vamos broooooo👹👹👹👹✈️✈️
Do pushups as much as you can each day I used to barely do 5 now I can do like 45 to 50
한국의 구독자입니다.
코로나 시국에 좋은 영상 정말 감사합니다!
운동 효과 있나용??
효과 있습니다. 특히 팔운동은 눈에 빨리 보여서 좋아요 ㅎㅎ
복부 운동도 하는데 코어는 강화되는데
밑에 옆구리는 여전히 체지방 때문에...쪼금 텨나왔지먼 운동 시작하면서 허리가 들어갔습니다!! 코로나 때 집에서 운동할만한 시간이 늘어나서 좋네요 ㅎㅎ
@@요땡이-d1e 오 .. 이 영상 필운동으로 팔 만드셨나용?
@@헬짱-n1r 평소에는 완력기로 꾸준히 하고 영상이 올라올땐 알려주는 운동법대로 합니다ㅎ 특히나 이 분 영상에는 운동기구 없이 집에서도 간편히 할수 있어서 좋고요
이분은 참고하면서 따라해보고 제 루틴은 헬스 어플로 이어합니다!
@@요땡이-d1e 감사합니당
Thanks for coming directly to the point
song ?
It hurts on first day but it shows results in 2 weeks... Great video man. You were straight to the point. No bullshit taking about the topic. Keep It Up. Maybe I will do some of your more 30 days challenge
Did you take rest days...??? How many days??
@@Prabhanjana05 try to rest every Sunday
How were the results?
i'm on my third days, idk if it's because i'm skinny and i'm eating more (my forearm nothing but bones and skin) but i already see my results.. my arm is bigger and i see my muscle poppin
@@glowingnutzack don’t do the same workouts in the video everyday. Give your muscles a day or two to rest and work on other muscle groups. You’re not gonna see results constantly working on the same muscles if you don’t let it heal.
nice video. for those of us over 60, we might stay away from these two, though ,3:05 - Latreal DB Rows [ 4x12 ]
3:46 - Front DB Rows [ 4x13 ]. i have been using a bench to get to these muscles but i am afraid i dont know what the workout is called. better for those shoulder joints for us old guys :)
You are old enough too be my son.
@@TH-camCommenter1st i have no idea what the point of that is. lol sorry
but, even more so, you need to work out where you dont use your joints too much. :)
I’m only 18 and I hurt my left shoulder for a few days doing the lateral rows, so yes I would stay away from that haha
@@ButlerJ2 exactly. why do things that MIGHT damage you? i need to be able to keep working as i go, too, so i am careful about this. there are just so many other ways to work the same muscles and not take that risk :)
I am starting today, Ivan. I liked your routine. Let´s see how it is going two months from now. Thanks for sharing and teaching me the right way to do it!
well? how's it goin?
how'd it go bro
@@PrancerYTG bro i hate those coments
You must be ripped now
I appreciate him showing the average mistake of each and every workout. Thank you 😃
Great workout! I can see the results daily. You are making me save hundreds on gym... thanks bro!
Ya şu set var ya o ne demek 5 set 10 yani 50 kere
Bro you lean or a bit fat?
@@umut_4204 5 sets of 10 means….means 10 repetitions…..and u will do that 5 times….so total of 50
@@umut_4204 kankm şöyle bi hareketi 10 tekrar yapıcaksım diyelim her 10 tekrar eşittir 1 set oluyo
Bro respect you 💪
79 years old and have been doing the traininng for 4 days and already feel more firm. Have started out with 7lb weights for single arm exercises and 8 1/2 lbs for the two handed. Will add weight as I progress.
Going to try to do these for 30 days days, including it into my other routines.
Day 1 - Completed
Hows it going
@@unauthorisedvodka5920 I think cheese backed out
1yr after where are the other 29days
Been training arms in garage lifting rocks doing PUSH UPS on paint cans got ripped af at 50 years old!!! Great work Ivan!
Paint cans interesting
7k challenge in 3 hours please complete..
7k subs challenge in 3 hours please complete..
Ur a legend man.
arshole wtf you say mad fellow
I have been doing this workout for a bit, and just recently, I noticed, something was a bit off, and I corrected my form. Thank you!
@@nikosocialrb7325 Doing good! I am much more defined than I was before, I can clearly see my triceps, shoulders, and biceps. This is the only workout I use for arms, and I made a lot of progress
You are the FIRST with an at home program just for arms. THANKS. Ran my 1st full marathon in 1988 and in 2024 I can still wear my shirt but can not allow my chest to get any bigger. Every site I have been to talks about bigger chest which I do not want.
I started exercising a year ago, due to school issues I had stopped exercising until now, I have recovered the shape I had doing these exercises, I have only been there for a week and I am already noticing changes, they really work.
Bro can you help me tell me that
All these 7 exercise do in 7 day one by one or all in one day
@@ranashahidali9707 Of course brother, I do all the exercises in one day, all the sets with all the repetitions, I rest 10 seconds between sets, and I do this routine only 3 days a week, resting one day, I hope it helps you.
@@BelphegorDemon how much kgs
@@alijake2917 start with 5 kg then go up slowly
This is comprehensive! Thank you sir! 🙂
What is right and what is wrong !! He explains without saying anything ❤️
Thank you for a “pure” instructive video. I really dislike the videos that are more about the instructor and not so much about instruction. Yours is short, to the point and well done.
song ?
0:12 Single DB Curls
0:38 Sitting Behind Head Extension
1:13 Concentration Curls
2:25 Sitting Curls with Turns
3:46 Front DB Rows
4:26 Wrist Curls with DB
@@david.m9your the loser
@@haydyn. stay mad 😹
Where's lateral db rows?
It is easy to understand!
When i do this training,I could learn what muscle using.
I feel happy i can watch this wonderful video.
Are you from japan
Yes.But why do you ask that?
Could it be,is my English strange?
eigo umai yo! Nihonjin ha sekaichu de ninkimono Kara, kare wa sou kiiteta, da to omo yo!
@@ふらるつ because I am learning Japanese
And I really love japan ❤️🗾
I have cleared n5 and completed n4 now planning to start n3
Finally I straight to the point video in 5 minutes! Thanks bro
Awesome, keep it up 👍👍 .
I said this because the video was perfect no intro, not talking about himself for 20 minutes just straight to the point 👏👏
What seems impossible today will one day become your warm-up.
Thank you for this!! It helps me a lot for everyday routine using my dumb bells ❤ There is some changes to my body right now….
Thank you Ivan for making it simple for everyone to understand.
videodaki dambıl kaç kg ?
I'm 15 years old. Although my arms are fine and I can see a little muscle line in my triceps brachii, I'm not very satisfied yet. After reading the comments about this video, I feel it's very effective. I will try it for 30 days or more. , believe in yourself and stick to it, even if you are very busy. Arm training at least 3 times a week (depending on the situation), 2 or 3 days of rest or focusing on training different parts to achieve balance, 1 or 2 rest days, in addition to daily training, sometimes special arm training, and other exercises to burn fat, every day 30 minutes each time, gradually increase training intensity, pay attention to details, slow motion sensitivity, rest and nutrition are as important as training! Give it a try. I will update it every few days and every week and show you the results after I finish it. I will try it for 30 days first. After it is effectively completed, I will continue it for more than 30 days, increase the intensity and even do other training to break through the bottleneck. If you read this, please leave a message and reply. I will update weekly to let you know how I train!
and are results good
R.I.P you were a legend gone too soon 😢
no bullsh*iting, straight to the point. very good video. i would suggest to put what weights to use for each exsercise in your video.
videodaki dambıl kaç kg ?
I mean, that depends from person to person
I'm in the day 5 and i see some results. Im very motivated for the 30 days. When you start this, you can't lost anything.
What about now?
What about now?
What about now ?
What about now?
What about now?
I'm 20 days into this with a 28lbs weight and all I can say is that it works, even for a 38 Y/O creep like me
This video is awesome! Thanks a lot!
Красавчик Иван!.
И "белая" завить твоиму иниересу к здоровью👍.
1. 항상 정자세
2. 반동을 사용하지 말것
3. 정확한 부위에 자극을 느낄것
4. 덜하게 되더라도 자세가 무너지지말것
5. 꾸준히 할것
Базара нет! чОтко!
@@hooliganadrian673 чОтко говорю!
Такие простые и в это же время такие эффективные упражнения! Отличная тренировка, спасибо автору!
Seus vídeos estão me ajudando muito, vlw brother sucesso para você.
Going to start from today
Wish me all the best
It's been two months. Did it work?
I could not move my arms for about 5 days after trying this. Let's go again!
Keep it going bro! Fitness is something no one can do for you, we have to do it for ourselves!!
How's the progress after a full month bro?
How's the progress after a full month bro?
Single db curls (4sets/12reps)
Sitting behind head extension (4sets/14reps)
Concentration curls (4sets/11reps)
Kickbacks sitting(4sets/9reps)
Sitting curls twist (5sets/10reps)
Lateral (4sets / 12reps)
Front rows (4sets/13reps)
Respect 💯
Hello bro how are you 💟
I hope you are fine i have a suggestion for you if possible 💜
This guys videos are perfect
Yess bruhh😍👏🏻👏🏻
Cuantas veces al día sería y por cuánto tiempo minutos hay que hacerlo .
Y que tan cierto sería que en 30 días verás resultados
Dude ...thx for the vids !
Would be glad to see ur daily diet video .
only on day 3 and i see some amazing results, W man for posting this workout
What abt now?
what now
Week 1 and im seeing results my arms are really getting bigger thanks bro
you do this everyday bro?
@@elrafael1541 yes ofc
Day one, finished it and it was a great work for the arms
How's your months results?
Hows ur 3 months result?
@@Tankzenia pretty good ngl
@@gavinedsill8019how much growth have you experienced regarding your arms? I’m going to try this workout too
@@gavinedsill8019 how often do you train your arms per week??
straight to the point, correct examples to do it and you even showed what not to do, i'm subscribing!!
I love your simple approach to teaching the workouts! It makes things so easy to look at and follow. On a side note, where can I find dumbbells like those? They look very sturdy.
Modular dumbbells
Search online
@@mayankchandravanshi3794 That's why I asked about his dumbbells in particular, to search for them; but thanks.
You can find them at many sports stores, like dicks sporting goods and even Walmart and target. They aren’t a super rare.
@@lilrabbi2701 Thanks! Cheers
Great video. What is the ideal dumbell weight for beginners to use for these workout?
If this is 30 days this guy is on a hell of a cycle
Maybe he is Russian
Everyone knows it's fake, muscles need rests too 30 days isn't enough. Still it's a great video lol.
Yea the 30 days is a little clickbait, but it’s still a great workout especially for quarantine
Gay boy ??
Nice video straight to the main focus ❤
Ivan thanks for the workouts, loving it but damn it's tough. Keep uploading man!
Can I include these exercises in my chest or back workouts?
Did you do it more and finish?
@@Anxietywilnotwin was able to finish it eventually after a week plus. Not doing it anymore tho, on with the RR from bodyweightfitness reddit.
@@toom4nny but did you see any results from this one?
@@Anxietywilnotwin volume wise not much, but the muscles are definitely more toned and defined
Trying this with a 7kgs dumbells,i am 14
I will update till i will forget!
Day 1:was a little hard
Day 2: A little easier
Day 3:Every sunday i rest,and i forgot to mention this takes like 45-60 minutes to complete
Day 4: i can see little changes,3% bigger biceps,4% bigger triceps,i have lots of seeable veins
This actually does something
And lateral Db Rows are still hard to do but i will continue
(WEEK2) DAY 14: I got stronger,the veins started to show
I will keep going
(((WEEK 3))): This helped me,no big difference at looking part,but improved strenght,results shows after like 3 months
(Week 4)
DAY 28: i actually got visible results
And my biceps it's not like a slime anymore
I keep it up
1 day rest,6 work
And yeah
did you have rest days?
Hey can i train one part one day like today i train arms then other day i do chest then other day i do abs and after that i do arms again its like 2 times a week so will it help ?
@@ahain8653 Hi! I can't say something exact to help you,but this will not grow your arm for 2 days a week,It's a basic training,i did this everyday with a leg workout,and barely see results,i changed it today,It's a good one ngl but you should try one more dynamic,
And i don't have much time that's why i changed it,if you have,you should do one with more intensity!
Disclaimer:I am not a PRO trainer
@@hubertthefrog5822 okay i'll try this workout 2 times a week and other workout other days it'll take time but i think if i do those workouts everyday my muscles will not get time to recover
Day 1 done👍
Day 2 done
Day 3,4?@@attract9146
It’s been a month how’s the results
@@User-86204 I would say it's good because I have skip some days but the results are fine
Day one!
Ouch. Accidentally did the first half with 22 pound DB lol way too much for this rookie!
Lessened it to 10.5 pounds.
Day 3 (April 7th, 2023)
Can't wipe my ass.
Day 7 (April 11th 2023) My arms look exactly the same, as expected but I am able to handle this workout a lot easier.
I've incorporated extra sets at the end.
Shoulder Press (4x14)
Grip Rows (4x14)
And then a few barbell workouts.
Squats (4x14)
Deadlift (4x14)
Rows (4x14)
Floor Press *I don't have a bench* (4x30)
And then I go do the 15 minute dumbbell shoulder workout from the MiDASMVMT channel.
Day 12 (April 16th 2023) I do do all of those things, twice a day.
The only things that still give me a hard time are the lateral rows.
Day 19 (April 23rd 2023)
I'm now able to do the workouts with the 22 pound dumbbell that was too heavy for me, when I first started. Between that and the shoulder workout that I do afterward, my arms now have slight definition. Only noticeable to me, though lol
Day 31 (May 5th 2023)
Other people have noticed my progress! And I have a before and after picture with very noticeable differences. This routine really does work!
Hey did you ever have a problem with spine hurting while doing these? If so how did you manage it?
@@zabek5179 I have a horrible back, as it is. So, any workouts that give me more problems in my back, I just have to not do them.
Any kind of rows, especially. I hate it but I figured my long term health is better than the gains! lol
Sorry that I can’t be of more help!
@@paul_romero_ thanks a lot thats actually all I needed to hear :) thx a lot and wish you a nice day
I’ve been doing this workout for almost a whole month now and ive already noticed an increase in my arm width. And I can lift more than I started. 🔥🔥🔥
Now much weight should be in the first exercise
And others
@@akif7395 you choose the weight depending on yourself, whatever you find comfortable go for it.
3:45 i do this exercise every night before sleep lol
dam u XD
That Day 1 body itself is a dream for me.!! 😂😂
keep dreaming
Testo + trenebol + anapolon : Best body 😂
I'm already on the 13th day, you can see that there is a result, thanks!
Any update bro
Bro give us a update plz😭
@@michaelwestbrooks9954 no rply
Wat hppend to him 👀
@@njrgamer3794 They never update. That's telling.
@@51MontyPython because they lazy bums 😂
extremely useful training. BUT dont forget about the time between each set. i put 1.30 sec for rest
dont rest too much
Ok thx
Arm workout ®
1• 0:12 - Single DB Curls [ 4x12 ]
2• 0:38 - Sitting Behind Head Extension [ 4x14 ]✅
3• 1:13 - Concetration Curls [ 4x11 ]✅
4• 1:50 - Sitting DB Kickback [ 4x9 ]✅
5• 2:25 - Sitting Curls with Turns [ 5x10 ]✅
6• 3:05 - Latreal DB Rows [ 4x12 ]✅
7• 3:46 - Front DB Rows [ 4x13 ]
8• 4:26 - Wrist Curls with DB [ 3x20 ]
Excelente rutina. Gracias brother
Algún progreso?
@@Reza-sm7jy eso vine a preguntar también jajaja
Progreso o nel?
Cada cuándo haces la rutina bro
@@soyxian x2
Месяц прошёл. Как там твои руки? Рвут футболки?
Доброго дня, вопрос это все за одну тренировку?
Видно хооороший курсец!
I started this a week ago from today. I’m already seeing a difference in the bulk of my arms. I started increasing reps and do 4x15 or 4x20
Perfect... ❤ Love From Bangladesh🇧🇩
Hello bro how are you 💟 i have a suggestion for you if possible
Видно же, что он до этого занимался долго, потом перерыв был, потом начал и за месяц его раздуло, мышечная память
la tuya por si acaso
You are perfect brother....
Love you from INDIA🇮🇳💜
Weight kitna hain vai dumbles ka?
For those thinking about results I am starting today and completed my first day I did 3 sets of each to be a little precautionary and I am tired now but satisfied