Thank you for taking the humble honest high road of humility. If more men of God would put their pride and arrogance down like you have and be able to admit error and repent, like you have, the Gospel would reach many more people. ✝️
@@IdolKillerA few days ago you referenced McArthur stating ‘even the act of making children is a sin’ - can you provide a source for that? I’d like to add it to my library of dumb things McArthur has said
Those are choice words that serve his own belly. "Now I beseech you, brethren, mark them which cause divisions and offences contrary to the doctrine which ye have learned; and avoid them. For they that are such serve not our Lord Jesus Christ, but their own belly; and by good words and fair speeches deceive the hearts of the simple."
@tonystark2.088 Do you feel as if you are being Christ like? Did insulting me make you feel any better? I literally have no beef with you. Your words can reveal a heart problem, please ve careful you can criticize but sometimes on the internet things can get out of hand. No worries, man, I am not angry. Have a great day and be well.
@@tonystark2.088 Okay, let's go over this together if you will. You said that this person FOUND a certain theology on the back of a cracker jack box that you FIND "troubling". So, what I can see is that mankind is able to FIND knowledge and come to a CONCLUSION whether or not it is troubling making it possible to ACCEPT or REJECT. That's the freedom we have been given as creatures with flesh and a spirit. Simple.
@@freeguy7628 Amen... Unfortunately, Calvinism gives Calvinists a free pass to act according to the flesh because they blame God for their behavior. 1 Timothy 3:15 “But if I tarry long, that thou mayest know how thou oughtest to behave thyself in the house of God, which is the church of the living God, the pillar and ground of the truth.”
I see the point you're trying to make, but that's not a logical deduction. Actually, quite the opposite. If salvation depends upon man's choosing, those who cannot choose (ie:infants) are damned, or so the logic would go? But scripture gives us at least one clear example in Abijah the son of Jeroboam in 1 Kings & demonstrates His mercy on this child in the context of an unfaithful family.
@@Shark_fishingman can and does chose God to live, as commanded and expressed throughout the old and new testament, corporately and individually. Hundreds of scriptures say this is exactly what happens expressly. So.... actually the reverse is true. The T means no one can choose, God already has chosen. Which means infants are doomed to hell from the womb, or actually before creation, or irresistibly graced for salvation, that's double predestination. God respected irresistible graced persons For salvation, and God hated persons passed over for damnation, both infant and grown up and aborted baby damnation . If either of those is not true, then the T in tulip is not true, In fact if humans can choose at all, to believe or not believe, then arguably the entire TULIP doctrine, and it's Gnostic derived divine determism collapses, along with Calvinism, and Islam. God bless you🤔😳🫣🥰🙏❤️
Now all the inhabitants of my office... you know, my cat and dog, have fled, and are looking around the corner at me with eyes of confusion, because I cannot stop laughing. Thanks, Warren. Now I have to apologize to them as well...
You can tell that James White is very proud of the size of his audience by the fact that he has to refer to how small the audiences of others are. Way to go "muddlehead."
I remember when he first attacked me over the size of my Twitter following... when my account was a couple months old and I rarely used it. Like this was somehow a prerequisite to engage with me respectfully
Correct, it is not possible that an educated theologian would not understand Augustine’s doctrine of infant damnation. I am not one and I know it. Fact is with these TULIP Reformed Theologians, it is logical that, Infant Baptism = Salvation + OSAS = Any practice of sin for the rest of my life and I am still saved.
Thanks Warren, you never disappoint. NOTE: This has been the exact response from JMac, Comfort & others after being confronted/accused of being Lordship Salvationists..."I don't know what that means".
LOL... Manny, the Theistic Determinist who denies being a Calvinist, but refuses to deny Calvinism, told me he didn't know what TULIP meant. But he still wants people to take him seriously about his Biblical 'prowess'.😎
@@R.L.KRANESCHRADTT I can't do it now, but sometime during another one of his Divine Determinism rants (while denying being a Calvinist), one of us needs to type out from Calvin's Institutes; book 1, chptr 16, prgph 8.
@@mikelyons2831 😎😎Calvin's Institutes; book 1, chptr 16, prgph 8. 8. Those who would cast obloquy on this doctrine, calumniate it as the dogma of the Stoics concerning fate. The same charge was formerly brought against Augustine (lib. ad Bonifac. 2, c. 6 et alibi). We are unwilling to dispute about words; but we do not admit the term Fate, both because it is of the class which Paul teaches us to shun, as profane novelties (1 Tim. 6:20), and also because it is attempted, by means of an odious term, to fix a stigma on the truth of God. But the dogma itself is falsely and maliciously imputed to us. For we do not with the Stoics imagine a necessity consisting of a perpetual chain of causes, and a kind of involved series contained in nature, but we hold that God is the disposer and ruler of all things,--that from the remotest eternity, according to his own wisdom, he decreed what he was to do, and now by his power executes what he decreed. Hence we maintain, that by his providence, not heaven and earth and inanimate creatures only, but also the counsels and wills of men are so governed as to move exactly in the course which he has destined. What, then, you will say, does nothing happen fortuitously, nothing contingently? I answer, it was a true saying of Basil the Great, that Fortune and Chance are heathen terms; the meaning of which ought not to occupy pious minds. For if all success is blessing from God, and calamity and adversity are his curse, there is no place left in human affairs for fortune and chance. We ought also to be moved by the words of Augustine (Retract. lib. 1 cap. 1), "In my writings against the Academics," says he, "I regret having so often used the term Fortune; although I intended to denote by it not some goddess, but the fortuitous issue of events in external matters, whether good or evil. Hence, too, those words, Perhaps, Perchance, Fortuitously, which no religion forbids us to use, though everything must be referred to Divine Providence. Nor did I omit to observe this when I said, Although, perhaps, that which is vulgarly called Fortune, is also regulated by a hidden order, and what we call Chance is nothing else than that the reason and cause of which is secret. It is true, I so spoke, but I repent of having mentioned Fortune there as I did, when I see the very bad custom which men have of saying, not as they ought to do, ëSo God pleased,' but, ëSo Fortune pleased.' " In short, Augustine everywhere teaches, that if anything is left to fortune, the world moves at random. And although he elsewhere declares (QuÊstionum, lib. 83). that all things are carried on, partly by the free will of man, and partly by the Providence of God, he shortly after shows clearly enough that his meaning was, that men also are ruled by Providence, when he assumes it as a principle, that there cannot be a greater absurdity than to hold that anything is done without the ordination of God; because it would happen at random. For which reason, he also excludes the contingency which depends on human will, maintaining a little further on, in clearer terms, that no cause must be sought for but the will of God. When he uses the term permission, the meaning which he attaches to it will best appear from a single passage (De Trinity. lib. 3 cap. 4), where he proves that the will of God is the supreme and primary cause of all things, because nothing happens without his order or permission. He certainly does not figure God sitting idly in a watch-tower, when he chooses to permit anything. The will which he represents as interposing is, if I may so express it, active (actualis), and but for this could not be regarded as a cause.
He might want it but he is never going to get anyone to take him seriously if he doesn't even know that tulip stands for WOW! I don't know what it stands for but I do know it's their main thing. How can he even expect anyone to take him seriously @@R.L.KRANESCHRADTT
Presbyterians, Reformed TULIP Theologians believe that through covenant theology an infant is saved in infant baptism. Therefore, isn’t it logical that infant baptism + OSAS = any sin I want to practice and I am still saved the rest of my life? At least Johnny Mac, (I am a Charismatic, I despise his heresy on those matters), believes in adult believer’s baptism, and one needs to have Jesus as their LORD God to be saved.
🤣 A James White go-fund-me ,😂 I can't stop laughing! The funniest thing is knowing that James will not even register that this is satire. He's too 'reformed" to laugh 😅
@@johntrevett2944oh, I get it. You are a Calvinist! Ha! This guy does a great job of exposing the lies of Calvinism. But Paul teaches that we, the body of Christ, are sealed by the Holy Spirit. This is quite different than the perseverance of the saints, which is just a theory. Here are four places Paul says it: “In Him you also trusted, after you heard the word of truth, the gospel of your salvation; in whom also, having believed, you were sealed with the Holy Spirit of promise, who is the guarantee of our inheritance until the redemption of the purchased possession, to the praise of His glory.” Ephesians 1:13-14 NKJV “And do not grieve the Holy Spirit of God, by whom you were sealed for the day of redemption.” Ephesians 4:30 NKJV “Now He who establishes us with you in Christ and has anointed us is God, who also has sealed us and given us the Spirit in our hearts as a guarantee.” II Corinthians 1:21-22 NKJV “Now He who has prepared us for this very thing is God, who also has given us the Spirit as a guarantee.” II Corinthians 5:5 NKJV
Let's all tag #JusticeForJamesWhite to help spread the word that James has been totally depraved of a theological education. Donate to the cause ✊️🫶✌️.
I truly hope people take a step back and think real hard about the spirit of this video and the comment section. There is no spirit of God here, only the desire to "win". This is clearly of a different spirit, one we should all avoid.
What's James' problem anyway? Isn't it his position that God from aforetime unchangably sovereignly desired and willed and brought about your "reprehensible" comments? Why is he complaining and trying to "thwart God's will"? Shouldn't he be satisfied that your comment was "purposed by God so that he would be glorified in it" or something??
Lol, I detect a hint of sarcasm in your apology. It's laughable that JW has no idea what ID could mean. After all, the standard Calvinist reading of Romans 9 (see v. 11) implies ID.
Are you suggesting James was being intentionally obtuse? I find that highly unlikely given his career as a forthright interlocutor who always strives to carefully and accurately represent those with whom he disagrees. I'm extremely OFFENDED by your suggestion Alan, and implore you to join me in apologizing to him 😉
@@IdolKiller. Sorry, James. I should have read Romans 9 more closely. I see now that in v. 11 it says that Esau was (on your reading) damned "before he was born." That is, before he was even an "infant," properly speaking. So I was wrong in thinking that Calvinism teaches infant damnation. It seems that it teaches pre-fetal damnation (PFD) instead. That's obviously a much more defensible position. ;)
I guess that's just how James normally operates to keep his huge, uninformed following: belittling those whom he disagrees with without properly responding to the issue for the sake of his followers to be fairly educated.
He knows what infant damnation is. I think it's simpler than we're making it out to be however. I think as we already know we have to look at God's character and weigh infant damnation against God's character...... we see how God spoke to the Israelites concerning children and innocents in the Old testament. we know what God's heart is concerning the innocent and infants. lastly, I would consider myself an untrained amateur theologian. I just enjoy the subjects and learning about God. but that being said, infant damnation would come up almost immediately for most people as a topic, and specifically, if you already have children, I'm sure. I do not buy that James White did not know or does not know at least something about the topic of infant damnation.
Warren, when we are wrong we have to admit it. You have apologized for this. Now move on. James can not be held in contempt for not knowing what he doesn't know. I can tell you had no choice but to make this video and "White this wrong." Hopefully, you will be more aware of things that Dr. White doesn't know that he doesn't know in the future. Take care and thanks for being so humble and clarifying the reason that Dr. White became so irritated over this comment about Molech. Moloch, a Canaanite deity associated in biblical sources with the practice of child sacrifice is similar in concept to accepting the concept of Calvinism's view of reprobates.
Warren, I think you should apologize again and this time apologize for the fact that James White and other Calvinists are allowed to say these type of things but we as non-Calvinists are not allowed to notice nor repeat it back out into reality in plain English where everyone can see the logical implications of their blasphemies...
Does White ever talk about Provisionists without using demeaning adjectives? "Tiny little" audiences? Is that a double negative? In addition to his ignorance about infant damnation, he also has never heard that the first shall be last.
I’m a Catholic and really into apologetics, what you’re pointing out seems like Mr White’s signature move, sadly. I’ve noticed many Christians on YT from other traditions being equally fed up with his prevarications (via his use of subtle ad-hominems and strawman’s.) May we pray to remain humble and charitable in the face of each others faults, as frustrating as it is.
I was going to delete this post but I want people to read the reply after this one. If I deleted this post they would not understand my reply to this, so if anyone reads this remember I do not agree with what I said in this post. " is this guy for real? I never heard of him i have a bit to say but I'll not type it if I don't understand . two questions for those who are following this gut is he being sarcastic or is this really an apology. ? I can't spell good and or type good. but I am serious about this question. I don't understand what he is trying to do. is it a Babalon bee thing or is he really apologizing, he sounds sensor sometimes, then other times he sounds like he is making fun .? " read my reply, please.
ok I posted this before i have seen anything about what is going on. I did not understand anything about him but now I have seen some of the videos. I see he has a lot of truth. I should not have judged him without doing any research about him or his understanding of the word . As I listened to some of his videos, I must say I don't agree with some of the things but I agree with him more than anyone I have listened to. and I listen to 1,000s literally That is saying something. I usually can ripe apart so many things I mean destroy a lot of them. he really does study to show himself approved. Also, he showed me that he really is sincere about his beliefs and that is almost as important then what he is teaching . . How ? He took his time to answer some of my questions He did not just blow me off. He cared enough to take time and ensure me personally. Not that i am anything worth ensuring. But he doesn't know if I am or not Its like he did not care if I was important like having a 10,000 size church or an angel from heaven or a Satanist or just a fool. He Just wanted me to know some things. This says a lot about him and his walk with God .
Both of the ideas below are of the same spirit and unbiblical and false: Decreeing children to damnation. Desiring to pass children through fire. A parent who thinks their deity desires either of the two previous points would be worshipping in a similar dreadful fearful way. It darkens the character of God to think that God desires/decrees the damnation of children. Perhaps we can take this as an important lesson to slow down and make sure we researching things completely before responding. JW thinks Calvinists were compared to molech worshippers, completely missing the point. It makes me wonder what other points he has missed. Are the points missed intentionally or are they oversight?
Now, since the arrangement of all things is in the hand of God, since to him belongs the disposal of life and death, he arranges all things by his sovereign counsel, in such a way that individuals are born, who are doomed from the womb to certain death, and are to glorify him by their destruction. John Calvin, Institutes of Christian Religion, III:xxi,7.
John Calvin, using human philosophy instead of scripture: "If God merely foresaw human events, and did not also arrange and dispose of them at his pleasure, there might be room for agitating the question, how far his foreknowledge amounts to necessity; but since he foresees the things which are to happen, simply because he has decreed that they are so to happen, it is vain to debate about prescience, while it is clear that all events take place by his sovereign appointment."
I definitely thought this was going to be a fake out "sorry, not sorry" video like Wise Disciple made in response to Leighton that one time, and I was going to comment how this is low hanging fruit and we expect more from you, but you gave us more. Thanks Warren.
@IdolKiller you do realize how badly James would spank you in a debate on anything biblical right? Or are you truly that delusional and obtuse? It's not your fault if I heard accurately that you came out of a hyper calvinists background... those guys can screw up is truly sad.
There was a guy who made a pretty good argument that White's "doctorate" was less than as strenuous or accredited as the norm. Maybe that's the issue here?
I highly recommend Dr. Heath D. Dewrell's book _Child Sacrifice in Ancient Israel_ and he is a 'real' PhD and not a fake like James White. Dr Dewrell deals with Molech in a scholarly manner in this book.
*THE IMAGE OF THE BELIEF SYSTEM IS CRITICAL* Calvinists have two conflicting urgencies: 1) Being TRUE to the doctrine. 2) Getting others to buy the doctrine This is the *GREAT CONFLICT* within Calvinism. Because - the doctrine is predominantly a doctrine of *DIVINE MALEVOLENCE* Calvin's god - has two provisions for mankind 1) His PRIMARY provision is for the *MANY* created specifically for eternal torment in a lake of fire for his good pleasure. 2) His SECONDARY provision is to save a *FEW* from his PRIMARY provision. That is the *TRUE* image of the doctrine - and thus the problem for the Calvinist. How does the Calvinist get people to embrace such a doctrine? A belief system which people will not find palatable - is a belief system at risk - and every serious Calvinist knows it! James' hyper-emotional responses on this topic reveal the urgency. The primary strategy is the manufacturing of *COSMETIC MASKS* painted over the face of the doctrine - designed to hide that which the Calvinist knows people will reject Shining a flashlight on the dark face of the doctrine makes the process of maintaining the *MASK* much more difficult.
Amen, deception is the name of the game and, being convinced they hold the only 'true correct doctrine', any means they can get by with justifies the ends. They're on a secret 'mission from God'😎 And anyone rejecting their teaching is evidence they're probably not 'elect' anyway and won't be missed here, or in Heaven.
Takes more than childish games to touch someone like Dr White... Warren would get spanked like the little kid he is if he debated Dr White... just like Leighton will be looking foolish in March. Have a great week.
@robinq5511 that is a shame you would talk of James that way. We have caught Warren and Leighton in several lies and ask they repent of them to no that shows their character, but what would you have on James other than you disagree with his very scholarly and biblical exegesis of the scriptures?
@@IdolKillerThis is Alisa interviewing Allen Parr where he mentions elect babies. There’s an another interview where Alisa also says that. I can keep looking for it.
Surely that isn’t officially Dr. Jane Whites Twitter because it doesn’t speak like him. There are no….. long pauses…… after every…….. few words………of a sentence…….in order to add……..emphasis or make one……… to seem smart.
I love when Armenians dont understand when James is being sarcastic. And listen to people trash on Calvinism, and when they spend more time "debunking Calvinism" when they could be sharing the Gospel. But then again yall fundamentally are semi palagian. I hope you all can stop attacking your brothers especially when you miss represent us all the time. GOD BLESS!!!
😂 great video! If you’re a Calvinist you pretty much have to affirm infant damnation if they hold the typical Calvinist view of Esau in Roman’s 9. But if you want to be a inconsistent Calvinist you won’t affirm infant damnation…just that simple.
He did the same feigned ignorance regarding acts 13.48 when i used Calvinist Matthew Henry's translation of "appointed" as Disposed. I didnt give Henry's name, and White called it a "particularly sophistic attempt at scripture twisting, which he had not seen before" and claimed i was supporting the jehovah witnesses.
I hope he, in the end, will at least be honest about his positron hmm though it seems more as if he wants to side step and play intellectual innocence of the doctrine🤨 seems like a masquerading game to me!!!
James was dishonest, so I used obvious sarcasm to call him out for it... and that upsets you. Please tell me more about why your feelings should be a determination for how I rebuke a deceiver.
@@IdolKiller I get it ur not a Calvinist which is fine by me .. and i guess ur whole channel on youtube is to tell the world Calvinism is wrong.. u can be an arminian believer and i wont say anything negative about ur position.. It just looks like to the world christians just fight.. and the truth of the matter christians do fight here on youtube.. You wont change what James White believes and he wont change what u believe.... thats all. its shameful....
Your content is serious, and you delivery is hillarious !!!!!!!! A perfect combination to make your point!! Thanks ! I really appreciate and enjoy your channel.
I feel like this level of sarcasm would rub me the wrong way if it wasn't for Whites "tiny little audience" comment, Next level petty, and ego. I listen to teachers from every Denomination of the faith, from Roman Catholic, to Baptist, from Pentecostal to Eastern Orthodox but by far, James White is the most difficult to listen to, Calvinism is the Gospel to him. At least with Jeff Dublin, he seems like he cares if you believe the Gospel and come to Christ but White just seems more concerned with making his righteous anger towards anything contrary to Calvinism known to all. That it feels like the fish in the tank that eats all the other fish (Christians) And its wild to me that Churchs that preach salvation via their specific church, like eastern Orthodox, feel more inclusive and patient with those outside than Calvinist such as White. Ive never understood why Calvinist get so bent out of shape, when you follow their theology to its logical implications/conclusions....just own up to it instead of sugar coating it. God either burns babies the same as a child molester or he doesnt just be consistent with your theology.
In fairness to Dr. JW, it feels like you're making the same assumptions about him that people make about Dr. LF; since we only really interact with him on his Calvinist platform we assume that's all he does. But I have seen him in debates and on issues like KJVO and he's not the same character you see on Radio Free Geneva. He's a performer on that platform, throwing red meat to his audience IMO.
@ericedwards8902 Very true, that is a good point and I'm willing to admit he could be completely different in person. But I would argue that as a Christian you shouldn't have an attitude or persona that is course, aggressive and combative that it diminishes the Gospel or the faith anywhere, and your Christ like behavior should always be your focus rather than audience.
@@CalebTheSojourner Agreed! I have some major issues with how JW comports himself when dealing with other believers. He is dismissive, disrespectful, and dishonest in how he approaches differing views. It’s never good to treat known unbelievers with grace and charity, while treating theological opponents within the faith with vitriol and disdain.
@ericedwards8902 Definitely Agreed. As the Apostle Paul pointed out, disunity and division among believers leads to a poor witness and example to non-believers.
There's a debate with White and an Atheist names Silverman. Silverman asked point blank "if there are babies in hell?" Used that response sir. Let his words flow, not yours
New Movie idea. Title: Bad, Bad, Mr. White. Plot: A washed up James White takes a bet from his best friend Chris Fisher as to which one can pass Leighton Flowers' theology class without cheating or bribery. Fully of training montages, emotional outbursts, inspirational speeches, and James White smoking a duby. Directed by Alex Jones and Joe Rogan and produced by Elon Musk. Written by Warren McGrew.
Here are a few of my thoughts on the subject: The question about whether or not the Father sends children to hell is a misguided one. It supposes that God is an evil judge who wilfully punishes innocents, when that is totally contrary to His nature. When we read in Jeremiah 7:31 that Judah was burning their sons and their daughters in the fire; the Lord said that they were doing something He had never commanded them to do, and something that had not even entered His mind. The Lord is the perfect and righteous Judge, filled with compassion and mercy. He decides who will share eternity in His presence and who will not. But even darkness is not all equally dark. Fire burns, but only if you are too close to it, otherwise it warms.
I can't stand James White. I like him sometimes when he's debating about certain topics, and I like some of the things he's written, but I'm not exaggerating when I say I hate hearing the man speak. I hate his personality. I hate the way he treats other people. I hate his stupid reasoning on some issues. I hate how inconsistent he is on a lot of things. I could be cordial and kind to him and get along with him in a very superficial manner if I had to ever be in the same church as him, but I would literally do everything in my power to never have to be around the man ever. Basically I'm saying that I hate him without saying that I hate him, because that would be inappropriate for me to say.
Big of you to come to this realization and then to come out and apologize. We all make mistakes and it takes a big heart to own it. Your mistake was public and the apology was likewise. I appreciate the sincerity, the specificity, and the understanding you showed Jimmy. Respect.
This response has told me everything I need to know about the controversy. I pray that one day you’ll see how shameful this behavior is on your part, whether you believe it to be justified or not.
Warren, I think this particular conflict stems from the fact that you percieve the pagan child sacrificers to be mournful when they have to sacrifice their children. I think more people view them as enthusiastic participants. So when you say, "X is like Y" to you Y is a mournful, reluctant participant in the sacrifice and to the people being offended, Y are gleeful participants in the sacrifice, thus they perceive you to be likening them to gleeful participants.
Hello Warren ❤ your work. Kindly make a session on this with Leighton 🙏🙏🙏 *"SAUL THE REJECTED REGENERATE"* 1 Samuel 11:6 [6] And the *SPIRIT OF GOD CAME UPON SAUL* ......" 1 Samuel 16:14 "But the *Spirit of the LORD DEPARTED from Saul* and an evil spirit from the LORD troubled him.
🤣🤣🤣 James White is the last person on these TH-cam streets who is allowed to use the dumb card for topics he doesn’t want to really tackle. Play dumb until it goes away is what they say! This actually happened to me a few years ago when I went from a works based Pentecostal preaching to a Grace based message. The people who dissented played the dumb card and to this day are still playing it. One of them actually confronted me before they left the church to tell me and I quote: “I know that everything you are teaching is backed by biblical evidence, but there’s just something in my stomach that just doesn’t let me accept it” 🤷🏽🤷🏽🤷🏽🤦🏽🤦🏽🤦🏽🤣🤣🤣
In addition to playing the dumb card, moral “holy” outrage is also part of the strategy. How crazy does one have to be to be able to play the dumb card and the outrage card at the same time? How can you be outraged if you don’t understand? 🤣🤣🤣
@@smudge838 The truth is most people really don’t want the truth of God’s word. They simply want their traditions and the doctrines of their upbringing that remind them of their parents and grandparents to be upheld. It’s actually a form of idolatry… 😔😔😔
There are two types of people in this world: those who know what Infant Damnation (ID) is and those who do not. I'll admit, I mis-IDed JW. Your insight, Warren, has helped me on the journey to not only know others better, but now I know myself better. Thank you.
JW knows. How do I know this? Years ago, on his show, he was talking about not lying to people -- and gave an example of when he (James White) was a hospital chaplain and was called to a fetal demise (infant death). The young couple had asked him, the chaplain, about where their baby was, and he responded that it's possible their child could be burning in Hell for God's glory. I was shocked. But JW's point was that he didn't want to lie to the young parents.
OK, you almost had! But, I'm sure that Diploma-Mill-Doctor White will gladly and graciously accept all the help he can get to go to a real school for his doctorate... but then, he'd probably just go to The Master's Seminary!
Your satire is great! Unfortunately Dr. White seems to say whatever he thinks will make his audience happy; no matter how outlandish and incorrect it is. Although, here, it seems that he wants to dumb and that's all the more unfortunate.
So you want attention so badly that you overrode White's free will and forced him to comment on your words about a topic he doesn't understand to his enormous audience. Reprehensible.
Someone said here, that he might cracking under his theology. If anyone is a honest believer on a false doctrine, than this kind of subject should bring out some decency and say, I am not sure we can defend our view any longer. But I am not that naive.
But with regard to what Avida has said: 'How is it that God did not so make us that we should not sin and incur condemnation?'- if man had been made so, he would not have belonged to himself, but would have been the instrument of him that moved him; and it is evident also, that he who moves an instrument as he pleases, moves it either for good or for evil. And how, in that case, would a man differ from a harp, on which another plays; or from a ship, which another guides: where the praise and the blame reside in the hand of the performer or the steersman,...But God in His benignity chose not so to make man; but by freedom He exalted him above many of His creatures, and even made him equal with the angels...For look at the sun, and the moon, and the signs of the zodiac, and all the other creatures which are greater than we in some points, and see how individual freedom has been denied them, and how they are all fixed in their course by decree, so that they may do that only which is decreed for them, and nothing else...But all these things are servants, and are subject to one decree: for they are the instruments (good or evil) of the wisdom of God, which errs not... -Avida ("calvinist" theology question to Bardesan) The Book of the Laws of Various Countries ((154-222 A.D) But those things which are destined for ministering have been fixed in the power of man: because in the image of Elohim was he made...It has also been given to him to be guided by his own will; so that whatever he is able to do, if he will he may do it, and if he do not will he may not do it, and that so he may justify himself or condemn. For, had he been made so as not to be able to do evil and thereby incur condemnation, in like manner also the good which he did would not have been his own, and he could not have been justified by it. For, if any one should not of his own will do that which is good or that which is evil, his justification and his condemnation would rest simply with that Fortune to which he is subjected...that the goodness of God is great toward man, and that freedom has been given to him in greater measure than to any of those elemental bodies of which we have spoken, in order that by this freedom he may justify himself, and order his conduct in a godlike manner, and be copartner with angels, who are likewise possessed of personal freedom. For we are sure that, if the angels likewise had not been possessed of personal freedom, they would not have consorted with the daughters of men, and sinned, and fallen from their places. In like manner, too, those other angels, who did the will of their Lord, were, by reason of their self-control, raised to higher rank, and sanctified, and received noble gifts. For every being in existence is in need of the Lord of all; of His gifts also there is no end...Know ye, however, notwithstanding what I have said, that even those things of which I have spoken as subsisting by decree are not absolutely destitute of all freedom; and on this account, at the last day, they will all be made subject to judgment. -Bardesan ("non calvinist" replying to Avida") The Book of the Laws of Various Countries (154-222 A.D) Bardesanes was a convert to Christianity and refuting Avida ( a "pre-calvinist"). Bardesanes showed great literary activity against Marcion and Valentinus, the Gnostics of the day. Bardesanes the very reserved, and half-respectful allusion to him in the early Fathers, and above all the "Book of the Laws of the Countries" suggest a milder view of Bardesanes's aberrations. He cannot be called a Gnostic in the proper sense of the word. He believed in an Almighty God, Creator of heaven and earth, whose will is absolute, and to whom all things are subject. God endowed man with freedom of will to work out his salvation. This world He allowed to be a mixture of good and evil, light and darkness. All things, even those which we now consider inanimate, have a measure of liberty. Unfortunately Bardesanes left the Christian faith later on and joined the Valentinian. Bardesanes acceptance of Christianity was perfectly sincere; nor do later stories, that he left the Catholic Church and joined the Valentinian Gnostics out of disappointed ambition, deserve much credit. Bardesanes unfortunately strayed after these writings like Tertullian later on after his writings Against Praxis.
Bwa ha ha lol lol YOU are so funny Warren McGrew, in a Born Again, bible believing Christian way!! You remind of Tucker Carlson, who is another commentator who is so funny, and my favorite!! I'm so supportive for this shaming of this Calvin doctrine. Whenever I try to explain Calvinism my IQ goes down.
If I understand your criticism correctly, it seems as though you don't believe James was being honest in his profession of ignorance... but that would mean James is intentionally dishonest. If that were the case, shouldn't this behavior be called out? It seems like I may have found myself smack dab in the middle of a win/win scenario.
@@IdolKiller Please forgive me if my tone was perceived as critical. It was meant as loving caution. I’m very zealous for your cause which is to rescue our brothers in Christ from being consumed by the enemy of souls. If you’re certain in your path, I’m open to trusting you. I’m just reminded that Satan loves divisive, defensive words as per 2 Tim 2:14. I’m sure you are considering that and I’m thankful for your love of those being misled. I’m praying for your unique ministry.
@@TAdler-ex8px And yet the next verse IS the topic under consideration when confronting Calvinist doctrines: 2Ti 2:15 Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.
@@robinq5511 Thank you, 🙌 praise to our Lord! This is exactly what I am encouraging. Our right division isn’t only defined by wise words but in the manner and tone like our Lord Jesus Christ. Gentleness and humility are our shield, not weakness. I’m sure we can agree that we’re not trusting in our own rightness, but in Christ’s righteousness. We don’t want to win arguments for Christ, we want to win men for Christ, because we love with His love. That’s the whole reason why I vehemently oppose the TULIP. ALL are valuable, desired, and loved!!! I mentioned my concerns in love, and as I mentioned I trust my bother in Christ to his own conscience. Thank you for the scripture. Blessings!
White is like a Billy Graham figure for provisionalist’s. He’s a poster child for anti-Calvinists. His arrogance and condescending attitude show ZERO character.
All of us through the night waited with bated breath. It’s a just thing humble yourself before Dr. James White. If god (Calvinist god is lower case) predetermined that Dr. James White should be gracious, he may bee 🐝 content with you simply delivering a formal apology on his own channel. You are lucky he isn’t bringing out the green wood 🪵 🔥 😱
So once again, is this a sign of JW's confused thinking and inability to conduct rational thought? Is this an indication of JW losing past memories combined with his obvious hostility a sign of an organic mental problem? In the differential dx, he may well have lost perception of the reality and logical conclusions of his belief in EDD and if so, then JW needs evaluation and prayer.
It depends on who you're speaking with. There does seem to be a general shift to the term Reformed among those who affirm mostly Calvinist doctrine. When I was growing up, we were just Calvinists.
Love it! "I don't know" is not a valid response from James...who would believe it from the man who claims to know the Greek so well he cannot even pronounce ADO correctly in English.
If self-aggrandizing and arrogance was currency, James White would be worth millions and millions of dollars. In his mind, You are beneath him so no sense in wasting your time with that clanging symbol.
Thank you for taking the humble honest high road of humility.
If more men of God would put their pride and arrogance down like you have and be able to admit error and repent, like you have, the Gospel would reach many more people.
It isn't easy setting aside an ego as absolutely tremendous as mine, but I just felt it was the right thing to do.
@@IdolKillerA few days ago you referenced McArthur stating ‘even the act of making children is a sin’ - can you provide a source for that? I’d like to add it to my library of dumb things McArthur has said
@@IdolKiller Holy cow! MacArthur has the intellectual depth of a mud puddle.
That tweet is troubling. It's almost as if he is starting to crack under the weight of his own false theology. Bizarre words.
Those are choice words that serve his own belly.
"Now I beseech you, brethren, mark them which cause divisions and offences contrary to the doctrine which ye have learned; and avoid them. For they that are such serve not our Lord Jesus Christ, but their own belly; and by good words and fair speeches deceive the hearts of the simple."
Like your theology, which you found on the back of a Cracker Jack box.
@tonystark2.088 Do you feel as if you are being Christ like? Did insulting me make you feel any better? I literally have no beef with you. Your words can reveal a heart problem, please ve careful you can criticize but sometimes on the internet things can get out of hand. No worries, man, I am not angry. Have a great day and be well.
@@tonystark2.088 Okay, let's go over this together if you will.
You said that this person FOUND a certain theology on the back of a cracker jack box that you FIND "troubling".
So, what I can see is that mankind is able to FIND knowledge and come to a CONCLUSION whether or not it is troubling making it possible to ACCEPT or REJECT.
That's the freedom we have been given as creatures with flesh and a spirit.
@@freeguy7628 Amen... Unfortunately, Calvinism gives Calvinists a free pass to act according to the flesh because they blame God for their behavior.
1 Timothy 3:15
“But if I tarry long, that thou mayest know how thou oughtest to behave thyself in the house of God, which is the church of the living God, the pillar and ground of the truth.”
Maybe Apologia Academy has some resources? He may even be eligible for an employee discount.
The issue for Calvinists is, if infant damnation is not true, then neither is Total Depravity.
Well said and true, the whole John Calvin doomed from the womb predestination passed over for salvation and damnation falls completely apart.
Is that necessarily true? Couldn't they say God only allows elect infants to die?
This is true indeed. It's interesting to me because we are about to deal with Calvinism in our church.
I see the point you're trying to make, but that's not a logical deduction. Actually, quite the opposite. If salvation depends upon man's choosing, those who cannot choose (ie:infants) are damned, or so the logic would go? But scripture gives us at least one clear example in Abijah the son of Jeroboam in 1 Kings & demonstrates His mercy on this child in the context of an unfaithful family.
@@Shark_fishingman can and does chose God to live, as commanded and expressed throughout the old and new testament, corporately and individually.
Hundreds of scriptures say this is exactly what happens expressly.
actually the reverse is true.
The T means no one can choose, God already has chosen.
Which means infants are doomed to hell from the womb, or actually before creation, or irresistibly graced for salvation, that's double predestination.
God respected irresistible graced persons For salvation, and God hated persons passed over for damnation, both infant and grown up and aborted baby damnation .
If either of those is not true, then the T in tulip is not true,
In fact if humans can choose at all, to believe or not believe, then arguably the entire TULIP doctrine, and it's Gnostic derived divine determism collapses, along with Calvinism, and Islam.
God bless you🤔😳🫣🥰🙏❤️
Now all the inhabitants of my office... you know, my cat and dog, have fled, and are looking around the corner at me with eyes of confusion, because I cannot stop laughing. Thanks, Warren. Now I have to apologize to them as well...
You can tell that James White is very proud of the size of his audience by the fact that he has to refer to how small the audiences of others are. Way to go "muddlehead."
I remember when he first attacked me over the size of my Twitter following... when my account was a couple months old and I rarely used it. Like this was somehow a prerequisite to engage with me respectfully
I heard him attack Hank H in the same way, that because he ‘lost’ so many listeners proves he’s done the wrong thing! So many fallacies!!
Infant damnation is not Biblical no matter what Calvinists say!
Gaslighting 101 by DOCTOR James White 🎅🏼
Correct, it is not possible that an educated theologian would not understand Augustine’s doctrine of infant damnation. I am not one and I know it. Fact is with these TULIP Reformed Theologians, it is logical that, Infant Baptism = Salvation + OSAS = Any practice of sin for the rest of my life and I am still saved.
Thanks Warren, you never disappoint. NOTE: This has been the exact response from JMac, Comfort & others after being confronted/accused of being Lordship Salvationists..."I don't know what that means".
LOL... Manny, the Theistic Determinist who denies being a Calvinist, but refuses to deny Calvinism, told me he didn't know what TULIP meant. But he still wants people to take him seriously about his Biblical 'prowess'.😎
@@R.L.KRANESCHRADTT I can't do it now, but sometime during another one of his Divine Determinism rants (while denying being a Calvinist), one of us needs to type out from Calvin's Institutes; book 1, chptr 16, prgph 8.
@@mikelyons2831 😎😎Calvin's Institutes; book 1, chptr 16, prgph 8.
8. Those who would cast obloquy on this doctrine, calumniate it as the dogma of the Stoics concerning fate. The same charge was formerly brought against Augustine (lib. ad Bonifac. 2, c. 6 et alibi). We are unwilling to dispute about words; but we do not admit the term Fate, both because it is of the class which Paul teaches us to shun, as profane novelties (1 Tim. 6:20), and also because it is attempted, by means of an odious term, to fix a stigma on the truth of God. But the dogma itself is falsely and maliciously imputed to us. For we do not with the Stoics imagine a necessity consisting of a perpetual chain of causes, and a kind of involved series contained in nature, but we hold that God is the disposer and ruler of all things,--that from the remotest eternity, according to his own wisdom, he decreed what he was to do, and now by his power executes what he decreed. Hence we maintain, that by his providence, not heaven and earth and inanimate creatures only, but also the counsels and wills of men are so governed as to move exactly in the course which he has destined. What, then, you will say, does nothing happen fortuitously, nothing contingently? I answer, it was a true saying of Basil the Great, that Fortune and Chance are heathen terms; the meaning of which ought not to occupy pious minds. For if all success is blessing from God, and calamity and adversity are his curse, there is no place left in human affairs for fortune and chance. We ought also to be moved by the words of Augustine (Retract. lib. 1 cap. 1), "In my writings against the Academics," says he, "I regret having so often used the term Fortune; although I intended to denote by it not some goddess, but the fortuitous issue of events in external matters, whether good or evil. Hence, too, those words, Perhaps, Perchance, Fortuitously, which no religion forbids us to use, though everything must be referred to Divine Providence. Nor did I omit to observe this when I said, Although, perhaps, that which is vulgarly called Fortune, is also regulated by a hidden order, and what we call Chance is nothing else than that the reason and cause of which is secret. It is true, I so spoke, but I repent of having mentioned Fortune there as I did, when I see the very bad custom which men have of saying, not as they ought to do, ëSo God pleased,' but, ëSo Fortune pleased.' " In short, Augustine everywhere teaches, that if anything is left to fortune, the world moves at random. And although he elsewhere declares (QuÊstionum, lib. 83). that all things are carried on, partly by the free will of man, and partly by the Providence of God, he shortly after shows clearly enough that his meaning was, that men also are ruled by Providence, when he assumes it as a principle,
that there cannot be a greater absurdity than to hold that anything is done without the ordination of God; because it would happen at random.
For which reason, he also excludes the contingency which depends on human will, maintaining a little further on, in clearer terms, that no cause must be sought for but the will of God. When he uses the term permission, the meaning which he attaches to it will best appear from a single passage (De Trinity. lib. 3 cap. 4), where he proves that the will of God is the supreme and primary cause of all things, because nothing happens without his order or permission. He certainly does not figure God sitting idly in a watch-tower, when he chooses to permit anything. The will which he represents as interposing is, if I may so express it, active (actualis), and but for this could not be regarded as a cause.
He might want it but he is never going to get anyone to take him seriously if he doesn't even know that tulip stands for WOW! I don't know what it stands for but I do know it's their main thing. How can he even expect anyone to take him seriously @@R.L.KRANESCHRADTT
Presbyterians, Reformed TULIP Theologians believe that through covenant theology an infant is saved in infant baptism. Therefore, isn’t it logical that infant baptism + OSAS = any sin I want to practice and I am still saved the rest of my life? At least Johnny Mac, (I am a Charismatic, I despise his heresy on those matters), believes in adult believer’s baptism, and one needs to have Jesus as their LORD God to be saved.
Ask James White if he knows what the gospel is.
He would say TULIP is the gospel.
A James White go-fund-me ,😂
I can't stop laughing!
The funniest thing is knowing that James will not even register that this is satire. He's too 'reformed" to laugh 😅
"Just like a robot," some would say.
Calvinists have a spirit of deception about them.
I would say those that teach you can lose salvation have a false gospel and don't trust Christ alone. We shall see in the end ;)
@@johntrevett2944I agree!
@@jasonhedAnd you support this channel? He denies original sin, eternal security etc.
@@johntrevett2944oh, I get it. You are a Calvinist! Ha! This guy does a great job of exposing the lies of Calvinism.
But Paul teaches that we, the body of Christ, are sealed by the Holy Spirit. This is quite different than the perseverance of the saints, which is just a theory.
Here are four places Paul says it:
“In Him you also trusted, after you heard the word of truth, the gospel of your salvation; in whom also, having believed, you were sealed with the Holy Spirit of promise, who is the guarantee of our inheritance until the redemption of the purchased possession, to the praise of His glory.”
Ephesians 1:13-14 NKJV
“And do not grieve the Holy Spirit of God, by whom you were sealed for the day of redemption.”
Ephesians 4:30 NKJV
“Now He who establishes us with you in Christ and has anointed us is God, who also has sealed us and given us the Spirit in our hearts as a guarantee.”
II Corinthians 1:21-22 NKJV
“Now He who has prepared us for this very thing is God, who also has given us the Spirit as a guarantee.”
II Corinthians 5:5 NKJV
Let's all tag #JusticeForJamesWhite to help spread the word that James has been totally depraved of a theological education. Donate to the cause ✊️🫶✌️.
Always in conjunction with #BaalGate
I truly hope people take a step back and think real hard about the spirit of this video and the comment section. There is no spirit of God here, only the desire to "win". This is clearly of a different spirit, one we should all avoid.
This is a different spirit than the one behind infant damnation. That's what I've been arguing all along.
Glad I found your channel. Realized I got into the restless and reformed movement for the wrong reasons not knowing the baggage of Calvinism
I can’t wait to see Dr white’s response to your apology.😉😆
Warren's a month late celebrating Mr. White's 62nd birthday. I'm sure this will assuage his latest batch of boyish temper tantrums.
62nd? I thought he was 12. He acts like he's 12.
What's James' problem anyway? Isn't it his position that God from aforetime unchangably sovereignly desired and willed and brought about your "reprehensible" comments? Why is he complaining and trying to "thwart God's will"? Shouldn't he be satisfied that your comment was "purposed by God so that he would be glorified in it" or something??
You're just 'flattening it out'🤠🤠... by God's decree.
Lol, I detect a hint of sarcasm in your apology. It's laughable that JW has no idea what ID could mean. After all, the standard Calvinist reading of Romans 9 (see v. 11) implies ID.
Are you suggesting James was being intentionally obtuse? I find that highly unlikely given his career as a forthright interlocutor who always strives to carefully and accurately represent those with whom he disagrees. I'm extremely OFFENDED by your suggestion Alan, and implore you to join me in apologizing to him 😉
@@IdolKiller. Sorry, James. I should have read Romans 9 more closely. I see now that in v. 11 it says that Esau was (on your reading) damned "before he was born." That is, before he was even an "infant," properly speaking. So I was wrong in thinking that Calvinism teaches infant damnation. It seems that it teaches pre-fetal damnation (PFD) instead. That's obviously a much more defensible position. ;)
@@alanrhoda228 I'm sure he will appreciate our apologies and join us on the high road. Thanks Alan! lol
@@alanrhoda228 #PFDftw
I guess that's just how James normally operates to keep his huge, uninformed following: belittling those whom he disagrees with without properly responding to the issue for the sake of his followers to be fairly educated.
"Get a proper education", LOL!!!!!! Awesome.
He knows what infant damnation is. I think it's simpler than we're making it out to be however. I think as we already know we have to look at God's character and weigh infant damnation against God's character...... we see how God spoke to the Israelites concerning children and innocents in the Old testament. we know what God's heart is concerning the innocent and infants. lastly, I would consider myself an untrained amateur theologian. I just enjoy the subjects and learning about God. but that being said, infant damnation would come up almost immediately for most people as a topic, and specifically, if you already have children, I'm sure. I do not buy that James White did not know or does not know at least something about the topic of infant damnation.
Warren, when we are wrong we have to admit it. You have apologized for this. Now move on. James can not be held in contempt for not knowing what he doesn't know. I can tell you had no choice but to make this video and "White this wrong." Hopefully, you will be more aware of things that Dr. White doesn't know that he doesn't know in the future. Take care and thanks for being so humble and clarifying the reason that Dr. White became so irritated over this comment about Molech. Moloch, a Canaanite deity associated in biblical sources with the practice of child sacrifice is similar in concept to accepting the concept of Calvinism's view of reprobates.
Can we start a GoFundMe for White to attend Trinity College of the Bible and Theological Seminary (with classes taught by Leighton Flowers)?
Yes! 😂
I would definitely throw $10 at that.
Warren, I think you should apologize again and this time apologize for the fact that James White and other Calvinists are allowed to say these type of things but we as non-Calvinists are not allowed to notice nor repeat it back out into reality in plain English where everyone can see the logical implications of their blasphemies...
Does White ever talk about Provisionists without using demeaning adjectives? "Tiny little" audiences? Is that a double negative? In addition to his ignorance about infant damnation, he also has never heard that the first shall be last.
He's starting to slip up and show his true colors.
I’m a Catholic and really into apologetics, what you’re pointing out seems like Mr White’s signature move, sadly. I’ve noticed many Christians on YT from other traditions being equally fed up with his prevarications (via his use of subtle ad-hominems and strawman’s.)
May we pray to remain humble and charitable in the face of each others faults, as frustrating as it is.
He shows all the signs of an infant, so I can see why he was so upset.
I was going to delete this post but I want people to read the reply after this one. If I deleted this post they would not understand my reply to this, so if anyone reads this remember I do not agree with what I said in this post.
" is this guy for real? I never heard of him i have a bit to say but I'll not type it if I don't understand . two questions for those who are following this gut is he being sarcastic or is this really an apology. ? I can't spell good and or type good. but I am serious about this question. I don't understand what he is trying to do. is it a Babalon bee thing or is he really apologizing, he sounds sensor sometimes, then other times he sounds like he is making fun .? "
read my reply, please.
Watch the video released right before this one.
ok ill look at it , because i have an obsessive-compulsive mind and this just makes me shale my head and I have to understand this. @@IdolKiller
ok I posted this before i have seen anything about what is going on. I did not understand anything about him but now I have seen some of the videos. I see he has a lot of truth. I should not have judged him without doing any research about him or his understanding of the word . As I listened to some of his videos, I must say I don't agree with some of the things but I agree with him more than anyone I have listened to. and I listen to 1,000s literally That is saying something. I usually can ripe apart so many things I mean destroy a lot of them. he really does study to show himself approved. Also, he showed me that he really is sincere about his beliefs and that is almost as important then what he is teaching . . How ? He took his time to answer some of my questions He did not just blow me off. He cared enough to take time and ensure me personally. Not that i am anything worth ensuring. But he doesn't know if I am or not Its like he did not care if I was important like having a 10,000 size church or an angel from heaven or a Satanist or just a fool. He Just wanted me to know some things. This says a lot about him and his walk with God .
@@timvickers947 dude, thanks!
@@IdolKiller very welcome
Both of the ideas below are of the same spirit and unbiblical and false:
Decreeing children to damnation.
Desiring to pass children through fire.
A parent who thinks their deity desires either of the two previous points would be worshipping in a similar dreadful fearful way. It darkens the character of God to think that God desires/decrees the damnation of children.
Perhaps we can take this as an important lesson to slow down and make sure we researching things completely before responding. JW thinks Calvinists were compared to molech worshippers, completely missing the point. It makes me wonder what other points he has missed. Are the points missed intentionally or are they oversight?
Oh they get the point and refuse to face it, so they play victim instead
Now, since the arrangement of all things is in the hand of God, since to him belongs the disposal of life and death, he arranges all things by his sovereign counsel, in such a way that individuals are born, who are doomed from the womb to certain death, and are to glorify him by their destruction. John Calvin, Institutes of Christian Religion, III:xxi,7.
John Calvin, using human philosophy instead of scripture:
"If God merely foresaw human events, and did not also arrange and dispose of them at his pleasure, there might be room for agitating the question, how far his foreknowledge amounts to necessity; but since he foresees the things which are to happen, simply because he has decreed that they are so to happen, it is vain to debate about prescience, while it is clear that all events take place by his sovereign appointment."
I definitely thought this was going to be a fake out "sorry, not sorry" video like Wise Disciple made in response to Leighton that one time, and I was going to comment how this is low hanging fruit and we expect more from you, but you gave us more. Thanks Warren.
My critics only option is to admit James was being intentionally obtuse... which would negate their criticism altogether. 😆
@IdolKiller James isn't qualified to contend with you, brother. Just don't make him cry, ok?
@IdolKiller you do realize how badly James would spank you in a debate on anything biblical right? Or are you truly that delusional and obtuse? It's not your fault if I heard accurately that you came out of a hyper calvinists background... those guys can screw up is truly sad.
We're sorry he is so hypocritical and unbiblical.
Not going to lie. You had me there in the first half.
Me too! 😂
There was a guy who made a pretty good argument that White's "doctorate" was less than as strenuous or accredited as the norm. Maybe that's the issue here?
I have heard those allegations, but we're wrong to assume it has to do with theology. He may specialize in feet or something.
@@IdolKiller True, my degrees specialized the further I went in.
St. James the White: the bully who likes to play the victim... 😂😂
I highly recommend Dr. Heath D. Dewrell's book _Child Sacrifice in Ancient Israel_ and he is a 'real' PhD and not a fake like James White. Dr Dewrell deals with Molech in a scholarly manner in this book.
Englishman level sarcasm there. Well done o7
Poor Dr. White - I will definitely be contributing to whatever GoFundMe you set up for this victim of your brutality
If only there was a doctorate program for sarcasm……
Can I order that online from the same place Doctor White got his PhD?
Please ask James White for exact address. He may not give it to you by divine decree.
Calvinists have two conflicting urgencies:
1) Being TRUE to the doctrine.
2) Getting others to buy the doctrine
This is the *GREAT CONFLICT* within Calvinism.
Because - the doctrine is predominantly a doctrine of *DIVINE MALEVOLENCE*
Calvin's god - has two provisions for mankind
1) His PRIMARY provision is for the *MANY* created specifically for eternal torment in a lake of fire for his good pleasure.
2) His SECONDARY provision is to save a *FEW* from his PRIMARY provision.
That is the *TRUE* image of the doctrine - and thus the problem for the Calvinist.
How does the Calvinist get people to embrace such a doctrine?
A belief system which people will not find palatable - is a belief system at risk - and every serious Calvinist knows it!
James' hyper-emotional responses on this topic reveal the urgency.
The primary strategy is the manufacturing of *COSMETIC MASKS* painted over the face of the doctrine - designed to hide that which the Calvinist knows people will reject
Shining a flashlight on the dark face of the doctrine makes the process of maintaining the *MASK* much more difficult.
Amen, deception is the name of the game and, being convinced they hold the only 'true correct doctrine', any means they can get by with justifies the ends.
They're on a secret 'mission from God'😎 And anyone rejecting their teaching is evidence they're probably not 'elect' anyway and won't be missed here, or in Heaven.
Epic video. Between this one and Leightons "White Refutes Himself," Dr. White has had a rough week. 😆
Takes more than childish games to touch someone like Dr White... Warren would get spanked like the little kid he is if he debated Dr White... just like Leighton will be looking foolish in March. Have a great week.
@@mikegreene9137 And yet truth seems to pass him by without even a twinge.
@robinq5511 Idol Killer or Leighton or both? I agree for both.
@@mikegreene9137 No I meant James
@robinq5511 that is a shame you would talk of James that way. We have caught Warren and Leighton in several lies and ask they repent of them to no that shows their character, but what would you have on James other than you disagree with his very scholarly and biblical exegesis of the scriptures?
I watched Alisa Childers on her YT channel state that "elect babies" go to heaven. 🤔 Maybe she's the one to explain it to Dr. White.
No... smh... whelp, it may be time to revisit AC. That's horrendous. Do you recall the video?
@@IdolKiller It was a while ago during an interview. I'll look for it.
Are you sure that was her view or was she describing someone else’s?
@@IdolKillerThis is Alisa interviewing Allen Parr where he mentions elect babies. There’s an another interview where Alisa also says that. I can keep looking for it.
@@jordandthornburgI’ll have to find the clip to be sure. I remember being taken aback by it.
I just knew i was going to enjoy this video. We have the same sense of humor, Warren.
Do you think he understands TULIP?
I mean in light of this tweet he shared, I'm not sure he was ever a Calvinist to begin with.
@@IdolKiller 🎯🎯THAT IS FUNNY.
Surely that isn’t officially Dr. Jane Whites Twitter because it doesn’t speak like him. There are no….. long pauses…… after every…….. few words………of a sentence…….in order to add……..emphasis or make one……… to seem smart.
I also didn't see "CHOICE MEATS" anywhere.
I love when Armenians dont understand when James is being sarcastic. And listen to people trash on Calvinism, and when they spend more time "debunking Calvinism" when they could be sharing the Gospel. But then again yall fundamentally are semi palagian. I hope you all can stop attacking your brothers especially when you miss represent us all the time. GOD BLESS!!!
Don't be racist.
@user-cr6xu9qr5m About 40% of the population of Armenia have basic knowledge of English.
Dude, I legit laughed out loud.
😂 great video! If you’re a Calvinist you pretty much have to affirm infant damnation if they hold the typical Calvinist view of Esau in Roman’s 9. But if you want to be a inconsistent Calvinist you won’t affirm infant damnation…just that simple.
Not really. It's not steel manning the position. It may be cathartic to say, but the two are not that directly connected.
Infant damnation is a doctrine that Calvinist believe but they are ashamed to affirm their belief. Dr. White reminds me of a Catholic priest.
Thats incredibly uncharitable to priests.
He did the same feigned ignorance regarding acts 13.48 when i used Calvinist Matthew Henry's translation of "appointed" as Disposed. I didnt give Henry's name, and White called it a "particularly sophistic attempt at scripture twisting, which he had not seen before" and claimed i was supporting the jehovah witnesses.
I wonder if James reviewed Henry's commentary on Act 13:48; however I doubt he would liken himself to those Jews who would not hear the Gospel...
Bruh. “Whatever that is suppose to mean?” ?!?! 😆
The closer the bone, the sweeter the meat. Kudos from Northampton MA.
I hope he, in the end, will at least be honest about his positron hmm though it seems more as if he wants to side step and play intellectual innocence of the doctrine🤨 seems like a masquerading game to me!!!
wow u know so well what u said was not an apology,,, it was more of a smart ass response... and u know this to be true,,...
James was dishonest, so I used obvious sarcasm to call him out for it... and that upsets you. Please tell me more about why your feelings should be a determination for how I rebuke a deceiver.
@@IdolKiller I get it ur not a Calvinist which is fine by me .. and i guess ur whole channel on youtube is to tell the world Calvinism is wrong.. u can be an arminian believer and i wont say anything negative about ur position.. It just looks like to the world christians just fight.. and the truth of the matter christians do fight here on youtube.. You wont change what James White believes and he wont change what u believe.... thats all. its shameful....
Your content is serious, and you delivery is hillarious !!!!!!!! A perfect combination to make your point!! Thanks ! I really appreciate and enjoy your channel.
Takes a man to apoligize when he's wrong!
I appreciate your understanding and encouragement.
James White is so dishonest
The knowledge of infant damnation must only come from can’t an earned doctorate
LOL😂 Yes, James, praying that you're able to get a proper education in your own doctrinal beliefs... hahahaha 😂
If he doesn't even know what that even means... is he totally depraved? By decree?🤔
Your content is always done in the right spirit,
But this thumb nail has me very curious and can’t wait.
Sometimes, we just have to take a person at their word. That's what I'm doing here... taking James at his word and responding accordingly.
Maybe if you translated the phrase into Greek, then he'd be able to understand the words?
😂 🔥
@@IdolKiller this would be easier than raising education funds. 🤣
I feel like this level of sarcasm would rub me the wrong way if it wasn't for Whites "tiny little audience" comment, Next level petty, and ego.
I listen to teachers from every Denomination of the faith, from Roman Catholic, to Baptist, from Pentecostal to Eastern Orthodox but by far, James White is the most difficult to listen to, Calvinism is the Gospel to him.
At least with Jeff Dublin, he seems like he cares if you believe the Gospel and come to Christ but White just seems more concerned with making his righteous anger towards anything contrary to Calvinism known to all.
That it feels like the fish in the tank that eats all the other fish (Christians)
And its wild to me that Churchs that preach salvation via their specific church, like eastern Orthodox, feel more inclusive and patient with those outside than Calvinist such as White.
Ive never understood why Calvinist get so bent out of shape, when you follow their theology to its logical implications/conclusions....just own up to it instead of sugar coating it.
God either burns babies the same as a child molester or he doesnt just be consistent with your theology.
In fairness to Dr. JW, it feels like you're making the same assumptions about him that people make about Dr. LF; since we only really interact with him on his Calvinist platform we assume that's all he does. But I have seen him in debates and on issues like KJVO and he's not the same character you see on Radio Free Geneva. He's a performer on that platform, throwing red meat to his audience IMO.
@ericedwards8902 Very true, that is a good point and I'm willing to admit he could be completely different in person.
But I would argue that as a Christian you shouldn't have an attitude or persona that is course, aggressive and combative that it diminishes the Gospel or the faith anywhere, and your Christ like behavior should always be your focus rather than audience.
@@CalebTheSojourner Agreed! I have some major issues with how JW comports himself when dealing with other believers. He is dismissive, disrespectful, and dishonest in how he approaches differing views. It’s never good to treat known unbelievers with grace and charity, while treating theological opponents within the faith with vitriol and disdain.
@ericedwards8902 Definitely Agreed. As the Apostle Paul pointed out, disunity and division among believers leads to a poor witness and example to non-believers.
There's a debate with White and an Atheist names Silverman. Silverman asked point blank "if there are babies in hell?" Used that response sir. Let his words flow, not yours
New Movie idea.
Title: Bad, Bad, Mr. White.
Plot: A washed up James White takes a bet from his best friend Chris Fisher as to which one can pass Leighton Flowers' theology class without cheating or bribery.
Fully of training montages, emotional outbursts, inspirational speeches, and James White smoking a duby.
Directed by Alex Jones and Joe Rogan and produced by Elon Musk. Written by Warren McGrew.
Poor Dr James White 😪😪
Here are a few of my thoughts on the subject: The question about whether or not the Father sends children to hell is a misguided one. It supposes that God is an evil judge who wilfully punishes innocents, when that is totally contrary to His nature. When we read in Jeremiah 7:31 that Judah was burning their sons and their daughters in the fire; the Lord said that they were doing something He had never commanded them to do, and something that had not even entered His mind. The Lord is the perfect and righteous Judge, filled with compassion and mercy. He decides who will share eternity in His presence and who will not. But even darkness is not all equally dark. Fire burns, but only if you are too close to it, otherwise it warms.
I can't stand James White. I like him sometimes when he's debating about certain topics, and I like some of the things he's written, but I'm not exaggerating when I say I hate hearing the man speak. I hate his personality. I hate the way he treats other people. I hate his stupid reasoning on some issues. I hate how inconsistent he is on a lot of things. I could be cordial and kind to him and get along with him in a very superficial manner if I had to ever be in the same church as him, but I would literally do everything in my power to never have to be around the man ever. Basically I'm saying that I hate him without saying that I hate him, because that would be inappropriate for me to say.
But do you think he's good at putt-putt? That's the real question.
Big of you to come to this realization and then to come out and apologize. We all make mistakes and it takes a big heart to own it. Your mistake was public and the apology was likewise. I appreciate the sincerity, the specificity, and the understanding you showed Jimmy.
It was sarcastic I thought, which when directed at people is an attempt to put them down
Dude, you didn’t watch the whole video! Yeah, he had me in the beginning.
@@t-bonet-bone713 I did watch the whole thing. Warren got my humor. I was going along with the whole aire of seriousness he affected. LOL
This response has told me everything I need to know about the controversy. I pray that one day you’ll see how shameful this behavior is on your part, whether you believe it to be justified or not.
Warren, I think this particular conflict stems from the fact that you percieve the pagan child sacrificers to be mournful when they have to sacrifice their children. I think more people view them as enthusiastic participants.
So when you say, "X is like Y" to you Y is a mournful, reluctant participant in the sacrifice and to the people being offended, Y are gleeful participants in the sacrifice, thus they perceive you to be likening them to gleeful participants.
Hello Warren ❤ your work.
Kindly make a session on this with Leighton 🙏🙏🙏
1 Samuel 11:6
[6] And the *SPIRIT OF GOD CAME UPON SAUL* ......"
1 Samuel 16:14
"But the *Spirit of the LORD DEPARTED from Saul* and an evil spirit from the LORD troubled him.
James White is the last person on these TH-cam streets who is allowed to use the dumb card for topics he doesn’t want to really tackle.
Play dumb until it goes away is what they say!
This actually happened to me a few years ago when I went from a works based Pentecostal preaching to a Grace based message.
The people who dissented played the dumb card and to this day are still playing it.
One of them actually confronted me before they left the church to tell me and I quote:
“I know that everything you are teaching is backed by biblical evidence, but there’s just something in my stomach that just doesn’t let me accept it”
In addition to playing the dumb card, moral “holy” outrage is also part of the strategy.
How crazy does one have to be to be able to play the dumb card and the outrage card at the same time?
How can you be outraged if you don’t understand?
At this point James Should add the name Christ after Calvin because that is who he worships…
The truth is most people really don’t want the truth of God’s word. They simply want their traditions and the doctrines of their upbringing that remind them of their parents and grandparents to be upheld.
It’s actually a form of idolatry…
I apologize that James White worships the false god of Calvinism.
I see what you did there!! 😃
Funny how many comments don’t seem to grasp the humor of your cynicism.
Great stuff Warren. And, right attitude. Keep up the great work!
There are two types of people in this world: those who know what Infant Damnation (ID) is and those who do not. I'll admit, I mis-IDed JW. Your insight, Warren, has helped me on the journey to not only know others better, but now I know myself better. Thank you.
JW knows. How do I know this? Years ago, on his show, he was talking about not lying to people -- and gave an example of when he (James White) was a hospital chaplain and was called to a fetal demise (infant death). The young couple had asked him, the chaplain, about where their baby was, and he responded that it's possible their child could be burning in Hell for God's glory. I was shocked. But JW's point was that he didn't want to lie to the young parents.
Holy sh*t. 😧😠 What even is "Honesty" without a heart?!
@@IndianaJoe0321 Have a link to it?
I thought White and Flowers made up over the holidays, oh well.
OK, you almost had! But, I'm sure that Diploma-Mill-Doctor White will gladly and graciously accept all the help he can get to go to a real school for his doctorate... but then, he'd probably just go to The Master's Seminary!
😂😂😂😂……nice rebuttal……
He is nothing if not disingenuous.
What's Baalgate.... isn't that the world in general?
The hashtag started trending after some Calvinists lashed out at me for my criticism of the doctrine of infant damnation.
Your satire is great! Unfortunately Dr. White seems to say whatever he thinks will make his audience happy; no matter how outlandish and incorrect it is. Although, here, it seems that he wants to dumb and that's all the more unfortunate.
JW doing what he does best, making zero sense.
So you want attention so badly that you overrode White's free will and forced him to comment on your words about a topic he doesn't understand to his enormous audience. Reprehensible.
It's so funny you have them more nervous than a long tail cat in a room full of rockers. 😂
Someone said here, that he might cracking under his theology. If anyone is a honest believer on a false doctrine, than this kind of subject should bring out some decency and say, I am not sure we can defend our view any longer. But I am not that naive.
But with regard to what Avida has said: 'How is it that God did not so make us that we should not sin and incur condemnation?'- if man had been made so, he would not have belonged to himself, but would have been the instrument of him that moved him; and it is evident also, that he who moves an instrument as he pleases, moves it either for good or for evil. And how, in that case, would a man differ from a harp, on which another plays; or from a ship, which another guides: where the praise and the blame reside in the hand of the performer or the steersman,...But God in His benignity chose not so to make man; but by freedom He exalted him above many of His creatures, and even made him equal with the angels...For look at the sun, and the moon, and the signs of the zodiac, and all the other creatures which are greater than we in some points, and see how individual freedom has been denied them, and how they are all fixed in their course by decree, so that they may do that only which is decreed for them, and nothing else...But all these things are servants, and are subject to one decree: for they are the instruments (good or evil) of the wisdom of God, which errs not...
("calvinist" theology question to Bardesan)
The Book of the Laws of Various Countries ((154-222 A.D)
But those things which are destined for ministering have been fixed in the power of man: because in the image of Elohim was he made...It has also been given to him to be guided by his own will; so that whatever he is able to do, if he will he may do it, and if he do not will he may not do it, and that so he may justify himself or condemn. For, had he been made so as not to be able to do evil and thereby incur condemnation, in like manner also the good which he did would not have been his own, and he could not have been justified by it. For, if any one should not of his own will do that which is good or that which is evil, his justification and his condemnation would rest simply with that Fortune to which he is subjected...that the goodness of God is great toward man, and that freedom has been given to him in greater measure than to any of those elemental bodies of which we have spoken, in order that by this freedom he may justify himself, and order his conduct in a godlike manner, and be copartner with angels, who are likewise possessed of personal freedom. For we are sure that, if the angels likewise had not been possessed of personal freedom, they would not have consorted with the daughters of men, and sinned, and fallen from their places. In like manner, too, those other angels, who did the will of their Lord, were, by reason of their self-control, raised to higher rank, and sanctified, and received noble gifts. For every being in existence is in need of the Lord of all; of His gifts also there is no end...Know ye, however, notwithstanding what I have said, that even those things of which I have spoken as subsisting by decree are not absolutely destitute of all freedom; and on this account, at the last day, they will all be made subject to judgment.
("non calvinist" replying to Avida")
The Book of the Laws of Various Countries (154-222 A.D)
Bardesanes was a convert to Christianity and refuting Avida ( a "pre-calvinist").
Bardesanes showed great literary activity against Marcion and Valentinus, the Gnostics of the day.
Bardesanes the very reserved, and half-respectful allusion to him in the early Fathers, and above all the "Book of the Laws of the Countries" suggest a milder view of Bardesanes's aberrations. He cannot be called a Gnostic in the proper sense of the word. He believed in an Almighty God, Creator of heaven and earth, whose will is absolute, and to whom all things are subject. God endowed man with freedom of will to work out his salvation. This world He allowed to be a mixture of good and evil, light and darkness. All things, even those which we now consider inanimate, have a measure of liberty. Unfortunately Bardesanes left the Christian faith later on and joined the Valentinian.
Bardesanes acceptance of Christianity was perfectly sincere; nor do later stories, that he left the Catholic Church and joined the Valentinian Gnostics out of disappointed ambition, deserve much credit.
Bardesanes unfortunately strayed after these writings like Tertullian later on after his writings Against Praxis.
NGL, you had us there in the first half..... 🤣
Bwa ha ha lol lol YOU are so funny Warren McGrew, in a Born Again, bible believing Christian way!! You remind of Tucker Carlson, who is another commentator who is so funny, and my favorite!! I'm so supportive for this shaming of this Calvin doctrine. Whenever I try to explain Calvinism my IQ goes down.
Way to go, brother Warren.
If you bite and devour one another, will you not be consumed? Do we want to be right, or useful?
If I understand your criticism correctly, it seems as though you don't believe James was being honest in his profession of ignorance... but that would mean James is intentionally dishonest. If that were the case, shouldn't this behavior be called out?
It seems like I may have found myself smack dab in the middle of a win/win scenario.
@@IdolKiller Please forgive me if my tone was perceived as critical. It was meant as loving caution. I’m very zealous for your cause which is to rescue our brothers in Christ from being consumed by the enemy of souls. If you’re certain in your path, I’m open to trusting you. I’m just reminded that Satan loves divisive, defensive words as per 2 Tim 2:14. I’m sure you are considering that and I’m thankful for your love of those being misled. I’m praying for your unique ministry.
@@TAdler-ex8px And yet the next verse IS the topic under consideration when confronting Calvinist doctrines:
2Ti 2:15 Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.
@@robinq5511 Thank you, 🙌 praise to our Lord! This is exactly what I am encouraging. Our right division isn’t only defined by wise words but in the manner and tone like our Lord Jesus Christ. Gentleness and humility are our shield, not weakness. I’m sure we can agree that we’re not trusting in our own rightness, but in Christ’s righteousness. We don’t want to win arguments for Christ, we want to win men for Christ, because we love with His love. That’s the whole reason why I vehemently oppose the TULIP. ALL are valuable, desired, and loved!!! I mentioned my concerns in love, and as I mentioned I trust my bother in Christ to his own conscience. Thank you for the scripture. Blessings!
White is like a Billy Graham figure for provisionalist’s. He’s a poster child for anti-Calvinists. His arrogance and condescending attitude show ZERO character.
All of us through the night waited with bated breath. It’s a just thing humble yourself before Dr. James White.
If god (Calvinist god is lower case) predetermined that Dr. James White should be gracious, he may bee 🐝 content with you simply delivering a formal apology on his own channel. You are lucky he isn’t bringing out the green wood 🪵 🔥 😱
So once again, is this a sign of JW's confused thinking and inability to conduct rational thought? Is this an indication of JW losing past memories combined with his obvious hostility a sign of an organic mental problem? In the differential dx, he may well have lost perception of the reality and logical conclusions of his belief in EDD and if so, then JW needs evaluation and prayer.
By the way, we prefer the term "Reformed", not "Calvinist". We follow a body of teaching we believe to be Biblical, not a man.
It depends on who you're speaking with. There does seem to be a general shift to the term Reformed among those who affirm mostly Calvinist doctrine. When I was growing up, we were just Calvinists.
Love it! "I don't know" is not a valid response from James...who would believe it from the man who claims to know the Greek so well he cannot even pronounce ADO correctly in English.
God decreed #baalgate.
If self-aggrandizing and arrogance was currency, James White would be worth millions and millions of dollars. In his mind, You are beneath him so no sense in wasting your time with that clanging symbol.