What is the solution for php website? I do normal php website and site has spammy urls (revealed on SEO Audit). In my case the url just redirects to index page. As you showed in video (wordpress posts), there are no files or posts in the website.
I have 2 questions. 1. I have redirected all the links to my home page. Its not returning 404. Will it work if I create a sitemap? Or should I return 404 for all the spam URLs. 2. How to find those links / spam contents on wordpress? I don't see anything on my wordpress admin. But its showing on google search console.
Are the Spam URLs coming from an external source? If they are you can disavow them From the Google Search Console, you’ll be able to determine the URLs. Search those URLs under Posts and Pages on WordPress to identify them.
What is the solution for php website? I do normal php website and site has spammy urls (revealed on SEO Audit). In my case the url just redirects to index page. As you showed in video (wordpress posts), there are no files or posts in the website.
Same Question
@@MohitNagpure-jm2fx No solution so far. All these “SEO executives” only know to work on WordPress plugins.
Spam url is not showing in sitemap, it's coming in index pages with domain name and /web
I have 2 questions.
1. I have redirected all the links to my home page. Its not returning 404. Will it work if I create a sitemap? Or should I return 404 for all the spam URLs.
2. How to find those links / spam contents on wordpress? I don't see anything on my wordpress admin. But its showing on google search console.
Are the Spam URLs coming from an external source? If they are you can disavow them
From the Google Search Console, you’ll be able to determine the URLs. Search those URLs under Posts and Pages on WordPress to identify them.
Looking good but how do you deal with internal site search spam ? thank
wow, malware spread more advanced this day
Hey, you can add a meta tag for robots No Index, follow on the internal search page. Hope this helps!
@@ContentCrafting done already, search is disable. url are created outside the website.. it's more like spam links
.txt file is not supported by Google
I'll give this a try and comment back if it works, thank you
Surely, do let us know if you face any issues. Happy to help!
HI @@ContentCraftingI have same issue on my site