start putting these thots in their place more often so we can get some real woman out there lol. The next generation is so screwed. Every other guy is gonna be with some washed up onlyfans girl who thought she would make a mil bc she has private parts but ended up making a thousand dollars but giving hundreds of men access to their nudes... yeahhhhhh sounds great.
Well done you genius, telling men "I'm a great cheater"... Fuck western woman, their too far gone, it's all about South America, Africa, Russia, India, Middle East & Asia. At least we can get good original feminine woman on those continent & countries.... What a disgrace!
How is one minding their own business when they're literally filming themselves performing provocative body movements and facial expressions in front of a CAMERA in a PUBLIC SPACE? It's almost as if words don't have any definition or meaning anymore.
Nah i dont agree on this one. The guy could have gone about it in a much more civil way if he had a problem with it. Kicking the phone and having a go at her is unwarranted.
start putting these thots in their place more often so we can get some real woman out there lol. The next generation is so screwed. Every other guy is gonna be with some washed up onlyfans girl who thought she would make a mil bc she has private parts but ended up making a thousand dollars but giving hundreds of men access to their nudes... yeahhhhhh sounds great.
The way she started laughing when he called her out is exactly how a 5 year old child in my kindergarten class acts when i scold him for misbehaving or being mean to other kids.
start putting these thots in their place more often so we can get some real woman out there lol. The next generation is so screwed. Every other guy is gonna be with some washed up onlyfans girl who thought she would make a mil bc she has private parts but ended up making a thousand dollars but giving hundreds of men access to their nudes... yeahhhhhh sounds great.
start putting these thots in their place more often so we can get some real woman out there lol. The next generation is so screwed. Every other guy is gonna be with some washed up onlyfans girl who thought she would make a mil bc she has private parts but ended up making a thousand dollars but giving hundreds of men access to their nudes... yeahhhhhh sounds great.
God damnit, this chick set this up with a friend for CLICKS. These useless influencers are now adapting and using rage-bait videos where they are the villain to generate controversy. All PR is good PR to these slime-balls. Ignoring them is the best cure.
This is such a dumb point, if someone interrupts what you're doing you usually stop what you're doing to listen. Plus who the hell would just hold such a low squat position during a conversation?
That she’s a child who thinks her looks will carry her through an effortless life? Just because she has money must mean she’s successful meaning she’s smart, right? According to modern bitchem logic it’s true, and once they’re old and ugly with no husband no easy money because that never lasts they start saying that men are intimidated by how “strong and independent” they are? lol
@@TheRealest127 the guy went up to her bc she did weird shit to herself in the gym, started shit then kicked her phone lmao theyre BOTH fucking goofy he "confronted" her when she wasnt harassing anyone and was just in her own corner doing weird goofy shit like bro just why even interact with her lmao
Double standards; when a woman demands a man be over 6 feet tall, and nothing wrong. But when a guy says a woman must weight under 120lb, it’s unfair and insulting. 🤨
Cringe af. Just mind your own business. Like this has stopped this woman or anything in society. I’m not saying what she did was innocent but again cheering this on is just as dumb The way to handle it is to talk reasonably and move on. Get someone to move her if she’s doing something that wrong for that and do your own thing.
@@justjoshua5759 First paragraph you say to mind your own business, and then the next you say to handle it in a reasonable manner. You contradict yourself. I think the guy handled it just fine. We should not just “mind our own business” out in public when things go wrong. That’s what women do. That’s what betas do. Strong men, men of character, confront others when they are inappropriate in public. And then the public ridiculed her for it as well. It’s the best chance she has instead of babying her and being nice. Perverts in public should be confronted sternly.
@@justjoshua5759 actually some sharia law action would be appropriate. just do what a muslim would do if they found a woman doing that in a mosque... gyms are modern day temples.
The girl saying you can’t judge someone off of what they do better have that same energy for a man that works a 9 to 5 job cause she doesn’t sound like the type that would give a 9 to 5 working man the time of day.
I noticed women think when they have preferences it's rooted in biology or logical reasoning, but when men do it's because of bogus societal influences or insecurity. It's weird.
Correct. Women like her have no idea what they're doing to future female victims of SA. It's a LOT harder to believe anything that comes out of a woman's mouth after #metoo.
He was explaining a point yours doesn’t make much sense. Cause most girls honestly don’t know what harassment is. They assume a guy looking at their butt is harassment now or just glancing at them. If they don’t want men looking them fucking dress differently it’s not that hard
Or an alien invasion. Or the sun going supernova. Or a coronal mass ejection. Or a super volcano eruption. There's lots of options. C'mon bro, I can't do this all by myself.
Pray to jesus for peace with in ypur soul ,because what your asking for may very well come true soon & while it may be well deserved its not what the creator intended .he wants us to reach him/her the right give the correct answer.
We all know workouts are serious. If someone came up to me during a genuine stretch or exercise I'm not immediate turning into a limp noodle and stopping my routine. The fact that that is exactly what she did speals volumes to me.
You witness a human commit a crime in public and say thank you for restoring proper decorum? In what reality is harassing people polite, sociable, moral, or just? If you can't have an interaction with someone without resorting to violence I wouldn't exactly call you civilized in fact quite the opposite.
@@kingeazy1659ok listen you need to unwad your fuckin panties because no one broke any law's you are just mindlessly tossing words about that you clearly don't understand the meaning of the terms being used if the guy had actually done something illegal he'd be in cuffs currently since they aren't in cuffs it's pretty obvious that they didn't do anything wrong.
Good job for putting a side by side video on how to actually do the exercise. She definitely wasn’t “exercising” and what’s funny is obviously… she tried to play victim. All I heard was her yapping and saying nothing.
If she was actually doing pulse squats, she would have probably been offended and declared that right away. My money says she didn't even know what that was until somebody said so in her comments. She's see-through.
@marcosleon215 it didn't hurt me at all. I'm not soft. Just pointing out that THOSE facilities expressions with THOSE movements are clearly to generate attention to her OF. Maybe if you stopped simping for these chick's you could get some brain function back instead of thinking that your feeble attempt to bully people on the Internet is going to do you any good. You need to do better.
It’s not a public space, true. But it isn’t ‘his gym’ people pay a fee to go to the same gym, making it a shared space. She wasn’t bothering anybody. Matter of fact, by giving attention to her, you only further enable her and make her known. The guy was wrong for approaching her. She wasn’t harming anybody and the guy is being a dumbass. “My gym” headass 😂
My gym certainly has a very plain and direct notice on the front door stating that the facility is membership based and is a private club. As well, you have to hand scan to get in after hours once staff has left. It's definitely not considered public access.
I was with my wife for 18 years before we married because I didn't think it would any difference because we loved each other very deeply already. I was therefore very surprised by how much my feelings changed after we got married. What was already a very close relationship became deeper and more loving and we both felt a more meaningful bond to each other. It has nothing to do with government or religion or expectation, but the commitment you make to each other.
Marriage is about a mindset. Young people or stupid people will do it because of "love". While that is a component, that isn't what marriage is about. It's a lifelong commitment to another person through thick or thin. Both people need to understand that it's for life when they take on marriage. If someone is like, "Well something better might come along, or maybe we'll just grow apart", then they don't actually understand what the relationship is about. You are forming a family. You are becoming one.
@@joelt2002 Marriage is about legally passing ownership of land and or maintaining political power and influence. Also you quite literally get ownership of the woman. That’s why you ask the father to marry the daughter, and not the woman itself. This is further shown by the woman gaining the last name of the man so others know who she belongs to. Even now where marriage has little to do with its origins. The mentality of ownership remains the same: Men say “she’s my woman”. Women say “He’s my man” or I want to be yours”, “make me yours”.
@@OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOq You're talking about the civil aspects of marriage versus the personal aspects of marriage. The civil aspects of marriage are the benefit society tries to devise from the relationship. This is often settling inheritance and legitimacy of children. As in a family. In the very old cultures, like Ancient Babylon we have writings that indeed show us it's situated, at the societal level, as ownership. With those cultures beng very male dominated, that typically meant the woman belonged to the man. Yet there were specific obligations the man owed to his wife and her family. Modern linguistic expressions of "being hers" or "being his" is a sense of belonging, not ownership. It's a deeply personal relationship, so belonging specifically to someone is understood as such. From a personal level, you are no longer an individual as you were before marriage. You are dedicated to your spouse. As they are dedicated to you. It's a symbiotic relationship that is the basis for families and children. In older times women and men contributed differently to this relationship. In today's culture this divide is much more murky and could be a contributor towards how unsatisfied people are with their marriages.
@@OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOq Marrage is about commitment not ownership. Believe it or not if you really try you can overcome a lot of relationship problems and end up really happy. Marrage is a statement that you are going to try really hard to make it work, as opposed to wandering off the first time you get bored. When your 21 it seems like the ideal life is switching every time you've had enough, but truth is learning to not do that and finding a partner you can spend your life with is a damn sight better.
Much love and respect from across the pond. I use your content in a purely educational manner. I guess maybe I'm just an old fart but I genuinely find myself just really trying to understand why people do this shit. I guess individuality is frowned upon these days? Anyway love you brother. Congratulations on 1 million subscribers.
Funny how these girls call you mad, when the first girl NOT doing correct pulse squats tries not to care about this and prove her point, but she makes like 4 videos on the situation💀
When I go to gym I want to work out and not have to wonder who is filming and where the content will end up. Your freedom should not compromise someone else’s freedom.
@@St4rTr3v1Ut10n There are people who have trainers who cannot be with them for various reasons, and they use recordings of their sets to show said trainer. Not everything is recorded for social media purposes.
On marriage, I live in Chicago and we have what's called "common law" marriage. Which means, if you're living together as a couple for 7 years or more, the state considers you married. Watch out fellas!!
Most states have common law marriage laws, the length of cohabitation varies. A man in Canada was ordered to pay 5 figure monthly payments to a longtime girlfriend he never lived with.
She definitely shouldn't be filming that kind of content in the gym, but I don't think she should be approached by anyone. Just ignore these losers. Ignore them in real life and online. If they can't make any money because everyone ignores them, they'll cut the bullshit out.
Its not the system or technology that have failed people , its their mindsets, cause the institution of marriage has been working pretty great for thousands of years
There weren't any court mandates thousands of years ago that rob men out of their belongings once they get divorced. Therefore, women never had the opportunity to plan to Mary someone just to divorce that person and take all what they worked hard for
No. It's the divorce and family courts overwhelmingly biased in favor of women. Marriage is the only contract where one party is greatly rewarded for breaking it.
Using up gym equipment, taking up walking space sitting on the floor, camera in front because God forbid attention stops coming in & the cherry on top, act like a victim & post it online. She's got the onlyfans behavior down to a tee.
Not only was she NOT doing pulse squats, look at her facial expressions while doing whatever she was doing… that garden tool/escort knew exactly what she was doing.
Imagine a dude doing hip thrusts against a wall like he’s having sex, then having a fit when someone asks him to please stop as it’s a public gym. Entitled to the max.
That 56% of marriage end in divorce stat probably comes with a bunch of people who have second, third, nth divorces. I'd guess the vast majority of those divorces are from people who are serial divorcers/divorcees. It's easy to get black pilled by a stat like that, but you have to remember that stats always say what the messenger wants it to say.
People don't seem to get how important marriage and the family unity is to society. Saying he doesn't recommend marriage for young guys is the most L take I've seen Arako have.
Divorce rate is actually higher. The real divorce rate for a given time won't be known for a very many decades. The real divorce rate is defined by a successful marriage meaning one person died or they both die to the same time like in a car accident. A lot of times the statistics will define a successful marriage as one that made it for 10 years and this is not indicative of the true divorce rate as many divorce well after 10 years. The amount of divorces from people aged 65 or older has tripled in the last 30 years alone.
SHE is exactly why I don't have a gym membership anymore and have been forced to buy thousands of dollars of equipment so I can workout in piece. And those WERE NOT pole squats, deep squats, or any squat ever. That was bouncing with your ass hanging out while fishing for "creep content". Those little 304s ruined gyms for me permanently and I've been lifting for over 30 years.
Just because marriage is hard doesn’t mean it isn’t worth doing. In fact, it makes it more worth doing if it’s the right person. When did doing hard things with a greater likelihood of failure become something to be discouraged? Everything good and impressive in our civilization was built because men fought the odds to be, do or make something that most others had not or could not. There is something truly incredible about loving someone enough that you are willing to take risks for them, and commit yourself to them regardless of the struggles that will come with life, and if you can find someone who will do the same for you, that is something truly special and worth fighting for. The reason so many marriages fail today is because people are too busy thinking about what they can get out of the relationship, just being afraid of being alone, and then quitting the moment things get hard. Real men and women push through the challenges and find greatness on the other side.
Right, but outside of religious reasons, what is the benefit of getting married? You can take risks, commit yourself etc to your girlfriend without getting married and if, god forbid, it doesn’t end up working out, you’re not left with the legal, financial, life ruining burden at the end of it?
@@ChocolateJesus97 There are many legal & financial advantages. Administrative procedures are smoother. Personally, I prefer alternative civil unions. In my country they provide the same advantages without the heavy cost of divorce. The issue is a lot of women still see marriage as THE ultimate commitment and will give you the side eye if you offer something else. They want you to take this huge risk for symbolic and financial reasons.
I do agree marriage is awesome with someone who really cares. Problem is, too many think they deserve "better" when things aren't perfect. Usually the woman. That's the case in my former marriage
doing hard things with greater likely hood of failure which also lead to greater chance of success is racist. Minorites have been told their situation is not their fault. hence anything that promotes any form of meritocracy is being done away with. if only boomers had payed attention when they voted this shit in in the 90`s
We choose to go to get Married! We choose to go to get Married in this decade and do the other things, not because they are easy, but because they are hard; because that goal will serve to organize and measure the best of our energies and skills, because that challenge is one that we are willing to accept, one we are unwilling to postpone, and one we intend to win, and the others, too.
I find it interesting that even when they are RIGHT IN FRONT OF YOU, they still lie about height. They say he is short, but he is taller than ALL OF THEM. They are all most likely wearing heels, too. The delusion and wanton entitlement is real.
Yep, the chick right beside him said she's 2 inches shorter, but looks at least 6 shorter. The thick girl across from him claimed to be taller than him... o_O
To be fair: perspective and placement in relation to the camera will alter the percieved relative size of objects but he is definitely more than 2” taller than the one chic.
I hate that marriage bit, because he's acting like marriage is the factor in bringing about the divorce, as if that same couple would stay together forever otherwise.
bless the algorithm. I saw this on IG just today and ARAKO comes thru with the REAL. did he need to kick her phone? nah. were those STRETCHES??? hell fukn' nah. own that shit beesh. if a dude was doing stripper drop rolls in the gym, he could CALL it a push up/plank-- but we know it ain't.
This man is bringing back balance to the force.
The prophecy
Whilst wearing uggs?
The chosen one
@@lukemclellan2141who cares??
He is a beta in full frce. You must be as well.
She really thought the Internet was gonna agree with her😂😂😂
There were plenty of morons agreeing with her. SIMPs need to be shunned. Being a SIMP should be the worst thing you could be called.
Another symptom of Main Character Syndrome, thinking that people will always agree with you when you post smth.
And nobody knows who she is ... 😂
start putting these thots in their place more often so we can get some real woman out there lol. The next generation is so screwed. Every other guy is gonna be with some washed up onlyfans girl who thought she would make a mil bc she has private parts but ended up making a thousand dollars but giving hundreds of men access to their nudes... yeahhhhhh sounds great.
She literally knows exactly what she was doing, glad the gym owner confronted her for it.
🙄 your smart
@@ChrisAustin-o7e you're not
@@ChrisAustin-o7e and you’re * not good at spelling
public shaming needs to make a massive comeback.
Yep 304 shaming needs to be public again. Scarlett letter style
Public shaming and gate keeping. Two things desperately needed today
Lol yeah shaming those freaks disconnected from reality thinking they can magically change genders 😂
I kind of think it's starting to. That guy wouldn't have walked over to that OF girl a year ago.
“I’m a great cheater”
The fact that has to be known to the world is mad. We need to bring shaming back.
Make it public too.
You would think that she would have a bigger brain with that huge forehead BAAAAAHAHA
...she looks 50yo.
Well done you genius, telling men "I'm a great cheater"... Fuck western woman, their too far gone, it's all about South America, Africa, Russia, India, Middle East & Asia. At least we can get good original feminine woman on those continent & countries.... What a disgrace!
Right there with ya brother.. let’s shame these birds right back into the roaring 20’s lol
If even 10% more dudes acted like this guy, our culture would be much better. He inspired me.
I think a male Karen is far worse than a twerking moron but you do you which seems to be you telling other people what to do. Ironic
The problem is even if men acted that way, an army of SIMPS will come for you. Although simps are scared to confront men.
He should be an inspiration to all of us… Men especially…
He inspired me!
Yes! Now make me proud and make him proud!
How is one minding their own business when they're literally filming themselves performing provocative body movements and facial expressions in front of a CAMERA in a PUBLIC SPACE?
It's almost as if words don't have any definition or meaning anymore.
Did u not see her facial expressions
Nah i dont agree on this one. The guy could have gone about it in a much more civil way if he had a problem with it. Kicking the phone and having a go at her is unwarranted.
@@aleccrazy7005kicking the phone was wrong, but everything else he was completely right about.
@@aleccrazy7005She chose to film in public, she should be ready for a reaction like that.
start putting these thots in their place more often so we can get some real woman out there lol. The next generation is so screwed. Every other guy is gonna be with some washed up onlyfans girl who thought she would make a mil bc she has private parts but ended up making a thousand dollars but giving hundreds of men access to their nudes... yeahhhhhh sounds great.
"I'm assuming he already knew who I was..." NOBODY CARES WHO YOU ARE!
Nobody !
Who is she 😂?
Who cares who are you. You're just one of thoysands whoes on the internet.
@@monicadelreal8212some internet prostitute lol
"Do you even KNOW who I am ?!"
I think so, weren't you on an episode of 'To Catch a Predator' ?
The way she started laughing when he called her out is exactly how a 5 year old child in my kindergarten class acts when i scold him for misbehaving or being mean to other kids.
you weren't stretching the fact that she went online to defend herself when she KNEW she was wrong is a perfect example of how these people think.
start putting these thots in their place more often so we can get some real woman out there lol. The next generation is so screwed. Every other guy is gonna be with some washed up onlyfans girl who thought she would make a mil bc she has private parts but ended up making a thousand dollars but giving hundreds of men access to their nudes... yeahhhhhh sounds great.
start putting these thots in their place more often so we can get some real woman out there lol. The next generation is so screwed. Every other guy is gonna be with some washed up onlyfans girl who thought she would make a mil bc she has private parts but ended up making a thousand dollars but giving hundreds of men access to their nudes... yeahhhhhh sounds great.
She knew she was wrong the second she said "are you pointing at me?" in a mocking tone.
@@nerdock4747 she knew she was wrong the moment she came up with the idea to that in the gym.
hilarious cause you know she didn't even know what pulse squats were until she saw it in the comments and ran with it lol
"Women are self sabotaging their hearts" What an insight, the guy is a poet.
Their souls......
He said "self sabotaging at heart". It has a different meaning than your quote.
chill out with the glaze brother
“Guys tend to get mad at things they can’t have”
Girl nobody wants that.💀
That right there tells you everything you need to know
No one wants that $5 subscription p*ssy
She is just inhaling copious amount of copium that's all
She's saying that guy cant get girls in general and not necessarily herself.
The fact is, everyone can get her. She's on sale for 5.99$ or whatever her subscription is. 🤣
The fact that she swiftly got out of that position as soo as she was confronted 100% shows that she knew what she was doing
God damnit, this chick set this up with a friend for CLICKS. These useless influencers are now adapting and using rage-bait videos where they are the villain to generate controversy. All PR is good PR to these slime-balls. Ignoring them is the best cure.
Acting a fool is what....
This is such a dumb point, if someone interrupts what you're doing you usually stop what you're doing to listen. Plus who the hell would just hold such a low squat position during a conversation?
Yup. She looked like a dog caught humping a pillow.
@@donalddarko5807white nights clit riding 😂😂😂😂this bitich tryna record sum horny sht at the gym not even in sum gym clothes
She knew exactly what she was doing. The way she tries to play dumb further proves the point
You can see it in her grin when she’s looking up at the man
Can I break your phone if you record something I find obnoxious in PUBLIC place ?
Ok cool😁
@@Eldron2027 She has to learn her lesson the hard way. Please break my phone if I film myself humping the floor at the GYM.
@@Eldron2027shes not gonna let you smash simp
@@Eldron2027gym is not a public place
Bro I love this channel. It’s straight to the point lol
Just her freakin' face while doing her "squats" and her demeanor, the childish smile and body language, when the guy confronts hers says it all.
That she’s a child who thinks her looks will carry her through an effortless life? Just because she has money must mean she’s successful meaning she’s smart, right? According to modern bitchem logic it’s true, and once they’re old and ugly with no husband no easy money because that never lasts they start saying that men are intimidated by how “strong and independent” they are? lol
She looked kinda into him at first ngl
Right. Ain’t nobody stupid but her. 🤡
probably was, fatherless behaviour, also easy tactic to avoid trouble is acting flirtatious@@VolcanoHotTub
@@TheRealest127 the guy went up to her bc she did weird shit to herself in the gym, started shit then kicked her phone lmao theyre BOTH fucking goofy he "confronted" her when she wasnt harassing anyone and was just in her own corner doing weird goofy shit like bro just why even interact with her lmao
she knew what she was doing, she filmed it and suffered the deep in
I think it was staged
@@Ludoovik yo i thought it looked staged too right off the bat
@@Lucas_Jeffreynah her reaction looked too real to me
@@Ludoovik You're underestimating peoples stupidity.
“I don’t know why we have to sexualize everything” while literally having an onlyfans
They used to call them whores
It’s crazy when a whole room will call you out and you still sit there and call everyone else the problem
Delusion. Absolute delusion.
@@DinnerForkTongueNo it is NOT. she is a complete gaslighting narcissist. just getting this high school bully vibes.
*Israelis have entered the chat*
She doesn't know what a common denominator is.
@@agneslong2323 word too big, does not compute
she tried charming her way through the guy but clearly he wasnt having none of it. people are tired of 304 activities in the gym
@@Lucas_Jeffrey huge chance that it is
@@CutzMcOnions Most definitely is.Sharing it is just what she wanted.Best to ignore that stuff unless there’s proof it’s genuine.
@@BrooklynBalla No, cancel her for making OF content in a GYM full of people who are not part of her OF.
Uh probably a silly question however I keep seeing people refer to others as "304's" what the fuck is a 304 😂
Double standards; when a woman demands a man be over 6 feet tall, and nothing wrong. But when a guy says a woman must weight under 120lb, it’s unfair and insulting. 🤨
“BeCaUsE yOu CaN’t CoNRoL yOuR BoDy WiEgHt”
massive respect to the guy calling her out on the BS
Cringe af. Just mind your own business. Like this has stopped this woman or anything in society. I’m not saying what she did was innocent but again cheering this on is just as dumb
The way to handle it is to talk reasonably and move on. Get someone to move her if she’s doing something that wrong for that and do your own thing.
@@justjoshua5759 First paragraph you say to mind your own business, and then the next you say to handle it in a reasonable manner. You contradict yourself.
I think the guy handled it just fine. We should not just “mind our own business” out in public when things go wrong. That’s what women do. That’s what betas do. Strong men, men of character, confront others when they are inappropriate in public. And then the public ridiculed her for it as well. It’s the best chance she has instead of babying her and being nice. Perverts in public should be confronted sternly.
@@justjoshua5759 like talk reasonably helps. Shaming does
@@justjoshua5759 actually some sharia law action would be appropriate. just do what a muslim would do if they found a woman doing that in a mosque... gyms are modern day temples.
The Mfs Who Defended Her Really Thought They Would Hit 💀
they thought she will bang them lol
Sorry ass dudes
Simps. Simps everywhere.
Weak little boys
They make me sick. It’s like they have no respect for themselves to be kissing the ground these this walk on
Gym owner is a ture HERO
The girl saying you can’t judge someone off of what they do better have that same energy for a man that works a 9 to 5 job cause she doesn’t sound like the type that would give a 9 to 5 working man the time of day.
thought the same. i'm surprised the guy didn't ask her this. it would have been the first thing that came to my mind
That'd be my respond instead of his, just asking sum like "OK, so what's your opinion on men who work at the local gas station?"
I noticed women think when they have preferences it's rooted in biology or logical reasoning, but when men do it's because of bogus societal influences or insecurity. It's weird.
You can judge, but he is *NOT* a good guy.
She will age out a lot faster than decent women.
She's got no idea what being harassed really is.
Correct. Women like her have no idea what they're doing to future female victims of SA. It's a LOT harder to believe anything that comes out of a woman's mouth after #metoo.
you sound like a creep
He was explaining a point yours doesn’t make much sense. Cause most girls honestly don’t know what harassment is. They assume a guy looking at their butt is harassment now or just glancing at them. If they don’t want men looking them fucking dress differently it’s not that hard
@alastairwallace6153 your comprehension skills are terrible.
Bring back shaming, this is outrageous
"I'm a great cheater..."
I reached the point of praying for a meteor.
nah , a gamma ray burst is much more fun
@@SpectreBGM can't see them coming, melt the whole atmosphere. could be heading our way right now we'd have no idea
Or an alien invasion. Or the sun going supernova. Or a coronal mass ejection. Or a super volcano eruption. There's lots of options. C'mon bro, I can't do this all by myself.
Pray to jesus for peace with in ypur soul ,because what your asking for may very well come true soon & while it may be well deserved its not what the creator intended .he wants us to reach him/her the right give the correct answer.
@@Edward-6909nah fvck jesus he created evil too.
We all know workouts are serious. If someone came up to me during a genuine stretch or exercise I'm not immediate turning into a limp noodle and stopping my routine. The fact that that is exactly what she did speals volumes to me.
Looked like a teen girl being lectured by daddy. Complete with the disrespectful smug expressions and eye rolls.
isnt that rude tho?
Could be staged. It looks like a larger gym, and that guy isn't dressed like an employee.
@@aj3706 I'm just saying I wouldn't immediately act like I'm doing something wrong if I'm not lol
@@psyghtseer oh then I misunderstood
I'd bet money that the gym girl staged that interaction in order to increase her exposure to the internet.
Anything for attention
100%, fabricating outrage is what get people hooked nowadays.
It really did sound fake. I immediately called bull shit on all fronts.
Exactly. These broads are staging rage bait knowing they will go viral and drive more simps to their OF.
THANK YOU !!! Finally people are saying "Enough of this!" and restoring morality and proper decorum in society.
You witness a human commit a crime in public and say thank you for restoring proper decorum? In what reality is harassing people polite, sociable, moral, or just? If you can't have an interaction with someone without resorting to violence I wouldn't exactly call you civilized in fact quite the opposite.
@@kingeazy1659 who you defending? what crime was commited? did you watch the same video?
@zy1659 Woman : [ does disgusting behavior ]
Man: [ calls out her schit.]
You: Oh poor woman is a victim.
Also you: Simp.
@@kingeazy1659ok listen you need to unwad your fuckin panties because no one broke any law's you are just mindlessly tossing words about that you clearly don't understand the meaning of the terms being used if the guy had actually done something illegal he'd be in cuffs currently since they aren't in cuffs it's pretty obvious that they didn't do anything wrong.
@@kingeazy1659the only person that was harassing people was the goofy online prostitute with their advertising.
"Firstvclass or no class" that's prolly the only time she flew anywhere lol
These women have limited to no value. The well they draw from will dry up very quickly.
Good job for putting a side by side video on how to actually do the exercise. She definitely wasn’t “exercising” and what’s funny is obviously… she tried to play victim. All I heard was her yapping and saying nothing.
If she was actually doing pulse squats, she would have probably been offended and declared that right away. My money says she didn't even know what that was until somebody said so in her comments. She's see-through.
Shout out to this channel who helped me have the balls to find out my wife was cheating and dump her ass. Best decision of my life.
first guy gets to heaven for stating the truth when no one else has.
No. Only way to heaven is through Jesus Christ..
@@pamelamorrisonn be honest to yourself first.
@@No_one448 No don't have to do anything first. That's works
@@pamelamorrisonn Yeah, you do.
You'll find out sooner or later.
@@No_one448 No I don't. I already know now. Jesus didn't say we would find out later
It stops being just an exercise when she's pulling THOSE faces
Cry harder. Tell me where’d did it hurt you
And with the phone pointed at her spread legs and crotch. 🙄
@marcosleon215 it didn't hurt me at all. I'm not soft. Just pointing out that THOSE facilities expressions with THOSE movements are clearly to generate attention to her OF. Maybe if you stopped simping for these chick's you could get some brain function back instead of thinking that your feeble attempt to bully people on the Internet is going to do you any good. You need to do better.
Simp, she’s not going to fuck you.
@@marcosleon215oh stop simping over these chicks, they don't want you, just your money.
Kudos to that man who risked for the rest of us. Salut brother.
That one dog with the sus look always get me 😂
A gym is not a public space you pay a fee so it is a private place. There for no one should be filming in there any way.
agreed. 99.9% of gyms could ban filming and not lose any revenue whatsoever
It’s not a public space, true. But it isn’t ‘his gym’ people pay a fee to go to the same gym, making it a shared space. She wasn’t bothering anybody. Matter of fact, by giving attention to her, you only further enable her and make her known. The guy was wrong for approaching her. She wasn’t harming anybody and the guy is being a dumbass. “My gym” headass 😂
@@Lucas_JeffreyI promise you they will gain
My gym certainly has a very plain and direct notice on the front door stating that the facility is membership based and is a private club. As well, you have to hand scan to get in after hours once staff has left. It's definitely not considered public access.
Most gyms have a no filming policy already too. If you see filming, report it. If nothing is done, get a new membership. They can go bankrupt.
8:27 in New Zealand you don’t even have to be married to get your possessions taken from an ex partner. 3 years in a relationship is all it takes
Yeah why the fuck is that still a thinf
I started watching this guy since COVID and back then he had a few subs and was still going but now he's got 1 million subs 2024! Congrats man! 🎉🔥
Arako has really transformed the word DONUT 🍩 to another level for me🤣🤣
My favorite is MUPPETS 😂
@@alexisantoniotorres4608 Well he's a Brit so....
I'm not even going to lie I refer to idiots as doughnuts now because of him I've found myself calling people Muppets too 😂
@@RadioactivesubO bro same ! 😂 , donut I use less but also, Muppets is my go to though
Living a time when narcism and victim mentality is trendy 😢 disgusting and we need Jesus 🙏
I was with my wife for 18 years before we married because I didn't think it would any difference because we loved each other very deeply already. I was therefore very surprised by how much my feelings changed after we got married. What was already a very close relationship became deeper and more loving and we both felt a more meaningful bond to each other. It has nothing to do with government or religion or expectation, but the commitment you make to each other.
Marriage is about a mindset. Young people or stupid people will do it because of "love". While that is a component, that isn't what marriage is about. It's a lifelong commitment to another person through thick or thin. Both people need to understand that it's for life when they take on marriage. If someone is like, "Well something better might come along, or maybe we'll just grow apart", then they don't actually understand what the relationship is about. You are forming a family. You are becoming one.
100% the most miserable people I meet are 40 something singles😂
Marriage is about legally passing ownership of land and or maintaining political power and influence.
Also you quite literally get ownership of the woman. That’s why you ask the father to marry the daughter, and not the woman itself.
This is further shown by the woman gaining the last name of the man so others know who she belongs to.
Even now where marriage has little to do with its origins. The mentality of ownership remains the same:
Men say “she’s my woman”.
Women say “He’s my man” or I want to be yours”, “make me yours”.
@@OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOq You're talking about the civil aspects of marriage versus the personal aspects of marriage. The civil aspects of marriage are the benefit society tries to devise from the relationship. This is often settling inheritance and legitimacy of children. As in a family.
In the very old cultures, like Ancient Babylon we have writings that indeed show us it's situated, at the societal level, as ownership. With those cultures beng very male dominated, that typically meant the woman belonged to the man. Yet there were specific obligations the man owed to his wife and her family.
Modern linguistic expressions of "being hers" or "being his" is a sense of belonging, not ownership. It's a deeply personal relationship, so belonging specifically to someone is understood as such.
From a personal level, you are no longer an individual as you were before marriage. You are dedicated to your spouse. As they are dedicated to you. It's a symbiotic relationship that is the basis for families and children.
In older times women and men contributed differently to this relationship. In today's culture this divide is much more murky and could be a contributor towards how unsatisfied people are with their marriages.
@@OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOq Marrage is about commitment not ownership. Believe it or not if you really try you can overcome a lot of relationship problems and end up really happy. Marrage is a statement that you are going to try really hard to make it work, as opposed to wandering off the first time you get bored. When your 21 it seems like the ideal life is switching every time you've had enough, but truth is learning to not do that and finding a partner you can spend your life with is a damn sight better.
We in here right on time boys 💪😎💯
She admitted the kick didnt crack her phone. It was already cracked
She’s literally making those faces as well she knows what she’s doing
congrats ARAKO on the 1M . Love the reality that im seeing in your videos makes me keep my straight good direction keep up the good work bro.
Yeah aren't we all waiting for the 1M special with the button show-off
She knows exactly what she's doing and is guilty as hell and when she gets called out she suddenly plays the victim. Disgraceful!
Much love and respect from across the pond. I use your content in a purely educational manner. I guess maybe I'm just an old fart but I genuinely find myself just really trying to understand why people do this shit. I guess individuality is frowned upon these days? Anyway love you brother. Congratulations on 1 million subscribers.
She kept laughing about it because she knew it was BS!
"Guys tend to get mad at things that they can't have" did you really just call yourself an object? 🤦♂️🤦♂️
Funny how these girls call you mad, when the first girl NOT doing correct pulse squats tries not to care about this and prove her point, but she makes like 4 videos on the situation💀
I love your take on the world bro, your killing it !!!!
When I go to gym I want to work out and not have to wonder who is filming and where the content will end up. Your freedom should not compromise someone else’s freedom.
thanks for the entertainment, love and respect from australia
Once they bullied their way past the gym owners it was all downhill. Video recorders should be banned.
Seriously, if you "need to practice form," do that at home with your phone. I wouldn't allow phones in the gym if I owned one
@@St4rTr3v1Ut10n nah bro, workout playlist on spotify and getting into the zone is where its at.
Me, my tracks and the weight is the best.
no thottianas need to be banned
@@St4rTr3v1Ut10n There are people who have trainers who cannot be with them for various reasons, and they use recordings of their sets to show said trainer. Not everything is recorded for social media purposes.
Congrats on 1 mil bro
Bring back public shaming.
Just seeing the "doggy with the side eye" back, made my day .😂
That woman is in fact what's wrong with women,Massive W,my guy
I call BS on this girl. She knew exactly what she was doing. And no less in public. The guy was right to tell her to leave. Shame on this girl
On marriage, I live in Chicago and we have what's called "common law" marriage. Which means, if you're living together as a couple for 7 years or more, the state considers you married. Watch out fellas!!
@brianforgos3194 7 years ???? That's easy to watch out for !!! In Canada it's 12 months !!
Bruh, common law marriages are not recognized in Illinois.
Dude is afraid of a law that doesn't even exist to him.
Most states have common law marriage laws, the length of cohabitation varies. A man in Canada was ordered to pay 5 figure monthly payments to a longtime girlfriend he never lived with.
@@knotengajin7359 no, it isn't most states. Only 8 states recognize common law marriage
Australia has "de facto" relationships, which are the same type of thing. Qualifier is "living together on a genuine domestic basis"...
See how she acted when a real man was in front of her? Then how did she act when she was back online? See the difference time to take the phones away.
Just because you’re a self righteous clown who doesn’t like phones doesn’t mean no one should have one
She definitely shouldn't be filming that kind of content in the gym, but I don't think she should be approached by anyone. Just ignore these losers. Ignore them in real life and online. If they can't make any money because everyone ignores them, they'll cut the bullshit out.
Its not the system or technology that have failed people , its their mindsets, cause the institution of marriage has been working pretty great for thousands of years
broken ungodly people do messed up ungodly things
There weren't any court mandates thousands of years ago that rob men out of their belongings once they get divorced. Therefore, women never had the opportunity to plan to Mary someone just to divorce that person and take all what they worked hard for
No. It's the divorce and family courts overwhelmingly biased in favor of women.
Marriage is the only contract where one party is greatly rewarded for breaking it.
I agree with the op but you're not wrong either@@edenarchive4150
Keep up your great work
7:16 was wild "Business Transaction" LMAOO
Using up gym equipment, taking up walking space sitting on the floor, camera in front because God forbid attention stops coming in & the cherry on top, act like a victim & post it online. She's got the onlyfans behavior down to a tee.
Not only was she NOT doing pulse squats, look at her facial expressions while doing whatever she was doing… that garden tool/escort knew exactly what she was doing.
The one who kept calling bro short. He should have said "yea what is your BMI biggun?"
What a muppet. You're not in public, that's a privately owned business. Do your "squats" on the sidewalk, now, you're in public...
3:43 was a straight violation 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
5:24 that guy gets it 😂
Congratulations on hitting ONE MILLION!!!!
The gaslighting from her is insane and normalized for women
cant believe it i think i have caught upto your videos after finding the first one by accident months ago, keep up the good work always quality
no for real what is she doing?
what type of warm up is that lmao
Imagine a dude doing hip thrusts against a wall like he’s having sex, then having a fit when someone asks him to please stop as it’s a public gym. Entitled to the max.
If she has an only fans she gets no respect
I feel that I seen 60 year old women look better than that 25.
I personally know a 55 year old woman who I would absolutely jump into bed with before that 25 year old doughnut.
Im convinced that minding your own business is a terrible thing.
0:23 what a legend🫡💯
6:51 if she is 25 the earth is flat!
She has a post somewhere where she does that same "strech" and captions along the lines
"Training to bounce better for you" or smth..
2:00 guys want what they cant have bruh you serious im sure if i check your OF i can have it for 5.99
And she could not stretch at home like that before she went to the gym to do actual bodybuilding is because?
That 56% of marriage end in divorce stat probably comes with a bunch of people who have second, third, nth divorces. I'd guess the vast majority of those divorces are from people who are serial divorcers/divorcees. It's easy to get black pilled by a stat like that, but you have to remember that stats always say what the messenger wants it to say.
People don't seem to get how important marriage and the family unity is to society. Saying he doesn't recommend marriage for young guys is the most L take I've seen Arako have.
Good point, I hadn't even thought of that angle but it is a valuable one
Divorce rate is actually higher. The real divorce rate for a given time won't be known for a very many decades. The real divorce rate is defined by a successful marriage meaning one person died or they both die to the same time like in a car accident. A lot of times the statistics will define a successful marriage as one that made it for 10 years and this is not indicative of the true divorce rate as many divorce well after 10 years. The amount of divorces from people aged 65 or older has tripled in the last 30 years alone.
@@gustavohc18 who care about society? It certainly doesnt care about you
@@JustNo8808 divorcing in your 60s hardly matters as people productive era has ended.
SHE is exactly why I don't have a gym membership anymore and have been forced to buy thousands of dollars of equipment so I can workout in piece. And those WERE NOT pole squats, deep squats, or any squat ever. That was bouncing with your ass hanging out while fishing for "creep content". Those little 304s ruined gyms for me permanently and I've been lifting for over 30 years.
how fucking sad is your life dude? you're scared of women and you're in your 40s...
The fact that this isn't how a pulse squat looks and someone really tried that one on is hilarious
Just because marriage is hard doesn’t mean it isn’t worth doing. In fact, it makes it more worth doing if it’s the right person. When did doing hard things with a greater likelihood of failure become something to be discouraged? Everything good and impressive in our civilization was built because men fought the odds to be, do or make something that most others had not or could not. There is something truly incredible about loving someone enough that you are willing to take risks for them, and commit yourself to them regardless of the struggles that will come with life, and if you can find someone who will do the same for you, that is something truly special and worth fighting for.
The reason so many marriages fail today is because people are too busy thinking about what they can get out of the relationship, just being afraid of being alone, and then quitting the moment things get hard. Real men and women push through the challenges and find greatness on the other side.
Right, but outside of religious reasons, what is the benefit of getting married? You can take risks, commit yourself etc to your girlfriend without getting married and if, god forbid, it doesn’t end up working out, you’re not left with the legal, financial, life ruining burden at the end of it?
@@ChocolateJesus97 There are many legal & financial advantages. Administrative procedures are smoother. Personally, I prefer alternative civil unions. In my country they provide the same advantages without the heavy cost of divorce. The issue is a lot of women still see marriage as THE ultimate commitment and will give you the side eye if you offer something else. They want you to take this huge risk for symbolic and financial reasons.
I do agree marriage is awesome with someone who really cares. Problem is, too many think they deserve "better" when things aren't perfect. Usually the woman. That's the case in my former marriage
doing hard things with greater likely hood of failure which also lead to greater chance of success is racist. Minorites have been told their situation is not their fault. hence anything that promotes any form of meritocracy is being done away with. if only boomers had payed attention when they voted this shit in in the 90`s
We choose to go to get Married! We choose to go to get Married in this decade and do the other things, not because they are easy, but because they are hard; because that goal will serve to organize and measure the best of our energies and skills, because that challenge is one that we are willing to accept, one we are unwilling to postpone, and one we intend to win, and the others, too.
This chick is Everywhere
Who is she?
@@JackMoore0311 the hopeless one
This video reminds me of my past relationship so much. So glad I decided to not keep going bc lowkey she was a sl... before she met me.
there is no way she's 25. Im honestly not even sure she's a biological female
I find it interesting that even when they are RIGHT IN FRONT OF YOU, they still lie about height. They say he is short, but he is taller than ALL OF THEM. They are all most likely wearing heels, too. The delusion and wanton entitlement is real.
All of them were over weight and one looked morbidly obese hilarious delusion
Yep, the chick right beside him said she's 2 inches shorter, but looks at least 6 shorter. The thick girl across from him claimed to be taller than him... o_O
To be fair: perspective and placement in relation to the camera will alter the percieved relative size of objects but he is definitely more than 2” taller than the one chic.
Her eyes are too far apart. She should've seen that guy coming
Marriage is a gift from God, if you are not getting married under God then you have no reason to be married.
I hate that marriage bit, because he's acting like marriage is the factor in bringing about the divorce, as if that same couple would stay together forever otherwise.
bless the algorithm. I saw this on IG just today and ARAKO comes thru with the REAL. did he need to kick her phone? nah. were those STRETCHES??? hell fukn' nah. own that shit beesh. if a dude was doing stripper drop rolls in the gym, he could CALL it a push up/plank-- but we know it ain't.