So many lost people! So many searching for a purpose, a reason, and for someone to blame for the way we all live. In order to live something has to die in its place. For you to eat, an animal, a fish, or plant of some sort has to die. That’s just the nature of life, and until you understand that, you will always be a wanderer, never knowing yourself. All these spiritual quests were answered thousands of years ago, but you won’t accept the truth. Truth is not in us…!
So many lost people! So many searching for a purpose, a reason, and for someone to blame for the way we all live. In order to live something has to die in its place. For you to eat, an animal, a fish, or plant of some sort has to die. That’s just the nature of life, and until you understand that, you will always be a wanderer, never knowing yourself. All these spiritual quests were answered thousands of years ago, but you won’t accept the truth. Truth is not in us…!