"Lost potential" is how I'd describe Splatoon 3 in general. I'd say it's the best game in the series in a lot of aspects but it's also the most frustrating because we all know it could've been so much better. I want to believe in third kits and I'm sure eventually it'll happen, but there are a lot of reasons to believe they won't. One theory I saw was that Tableturf Cards implied there wouldn't be third kits because of how the cards are designed for alt kits, and my theory on top of that is that the new weapons for each class we got are meant to fill in the gap of them. Ever noticed how weapons like S-BLAST and Snipewriter got the subs of kits like Grim Range and Kensa Charger?
I did notice that now that you mention that for grim and kensa. However, I doubt that means much now, given that both weapons are in an awkward spot either due to nerfs or weak weapons. Also what kind of weapon kits would you have preferred to have happen in splatoon 3 (one that isn’t broken)?
I always thought 3rd kits would be announced along side the "Switch 2." As a business decision, when everyone is looking forward to the new console, they're also looking at the new games. Which is the perfect time to release 3rd kits and potentially get some more people to purchase a copy of splatoon 3. If this doesn't happen, it means we'll probably have switch 2 launch year Splatoon 4. I don't realistically see the devs doing nothing during such an important time.
Honestly, if the Splatoon devs aren't giving us third kits, they should just put us out of our misery and say, "Third kits will not be coming to Splatoon 3." Anything else is just cruelly letting us hope.
honestly i don't think the devs want them to be a thing with how little they've nudged the balance towards any direction, i doubt they'll just drop like 20 weapons with 3rd kits - some of which probably will be broken or significantly shift the meta this has to be testing for s4
While I'm more looking forward to the balance patches that they're doing every season (especially since the last one was pretty solid), it would be nice for them to release 3rds. My prediction for when, if they did, would be either late Fresh Season or the start of Sizzle Season since it'd be the perfect way to celebrate Splatoon's 10 year anniversary. I feel like that at the very least warrants *something* from Nintendo. Call it copium, but I don't think it's completely impossible, even at this point
I'm 100% sure that third kits WILL happen and WILL be announced this year. Because think about when third kits were announced in the other games. Splatoon 1 got third kits after 1 year and Splatoon 2 got third kits after 2 years. You could see a pattern. Maybe 3 will get third kits this year after 3 years? Also gotta keep in mind that Sheldon's Picks happened in March for Splatoon 1 and April for Splatoon 2. This could be a coincidence, but I'm hoping it could be not. I'm sure Nintendo doesn't want to disappoint their fans, and I'm also sure they are listening to the community privately and seeing all the support for third kits. It would be devastating for them to not add them. TLDR: Third kits might happen in sometime in around May of 2025.
The game needs third kits for sure, I still have hope they add them eventually because making the game all about the number 3 and not having third kits is dumb af...
I’ll say it again. There is no justification nintendo could have for not including third kits. No no no, I want that burst bomb and missiles jet squelcher!
What i find disappointing is that third kits should've become the standard after splatoon 2. There's no reason for them not to be part of the regular update cycle. But the discussion on third kits is a red herring to the real issue, which is whether this kit system that has been in place since the first game should be changed or not. In my opinion, it has become archaric, it has overstayed it's welcome, and it's part of the reason why we're in this third kit dilemma to begin with. IT NEEDS TO GO! I'm all up for a customizable kit system or at least a weapon pool system with access to a sufficient variety of aubs and speacials. The system we have now has served it purpose in previous instalments, but it's not sustainable nor comaptible with the demands and seasonal update structure of splatoon 3 and possibly future splatoon games. But hey, at least we can throw shame on team past for letting this outdated kit system return in splatoon 4 if that does happen. Lol.
But if we did change it, then other subs and specials would be left out of the game. It would mostly just be bomb spam most of the time with little variation. There isn't much of a reason to play the other subs or non-aggressive special weapons.
I'm just kind of disappointed that we don't have a lot of taticooler, crab tank, torpedo, fizzy, and triple splashdown options. Dread and Reeflux have so much potential IMO if they get the right kits, but we're stuck with what we have.
Dread wringer, I feel concerned about if it got a good kit. At first, I wrote it off as being too slow, but after the recent patches, I am worried about how strong it could be. As for reflux, I definitely would like to see a stronger kit. The current kits are fine, but after all 3 missle weapons received 10 points extra for their specials, they all feel off a cliff in terms of their fighting power, including reflux.
The weapons as a whole don’t need third kits, there’s just certain weapons that need them. Yes, ones like Tetras, dapples, Painbrush, Dread Wringer, those desperately want third kits. However, I don’t care what the third kit is, there’s nothing they could put on carbon roller that would cause people to pick a third kit over burst and zooka.
That patch you're talking about is probably to optimize old Switch games for the Switch 2 rather than adding new content. I'm guessing there's no 3rd kits because the numbers do not make it worthwhile. Yes Japan has a larger player base than the west but it's safe to assume even the JP player base has dwindled. If the numbers were there, I'd bet you they would be promoting the numbers and whatnot and 3rd kits would've happened eons ago. S2 content got extended cause of Covid but there's nothing for S3. S1 got content extension cause it turned to do way better than expected. So yeah, lost potential but just play around with what we have and make the most with what's there I'd say.
Nice theory! I actually support this one a lot, I agree that it could be a major update when the Switch 2 releases. I think that would help them draw more players to the game without releasing a whole new game yet. I think it’s a tad too soon right now. I DO think however, that it isn’t too far off. Nintendo seems to have slowed down their effort in S3 content in the later half of the game’s update cycle, so I feel like they might have gotten a head start on the next game perhaps? My best guess for what’s going to happen with Splatoon’s 4 is this: - Big update revealed in Switch 2 presentation: includes more maps, third kits (either one big update or four smaller ones dropped every couple months to hold us over until S4), and maybe some more QoL features and stuff - S4 Announcement trailer on Splatoon’s 10th anniversary, release slated for Summer 2026 - S3 gets filler content/events (e.g. splatfest reruns) until S4 releases to keep players engaged with the series
Ever since I heard that the switch 2 joycons are likely to be built with optical sensors, it LOCKED my head with potential theories as to what’s going to happen 3rd kits WILL be released at the time the switch 2 is officially announced OR splatoon 4 will be announced at the same time as the switch 2 and aimed at close release dates
I feel like there will be third kits whenever switch 2 is announced. There probably won’t be a splatoon 4 any time soon when this splatoon 3 can still be played on switch two for I say 2-3 more years.
I agree with you. I don't think third kits will happen but i still have a little hope and not having third kits in some weapons its just wasted potencial
I think it'll be very unlikely for Nintendo to add new content to this version of Splatoon 3 on the old Switch. They could release a Splatoon 3.5 with the Switch 2 or just move on to Splat4, which really would be shame if this was really it for 3. Like you said Lost potential for so many subs and specials...
there are 19 specials and 65 main weapons that could have each special be put onto at least 3 new kits with 8 left over for maybe the least used specials. While yeah I think we will get third kits I doubt they'd do every weapon, so maybe at most 38 for each special to be on 2 new kits
I eated the third kits sorry :( Promoting the backwards compatibility of the Switch 2 with 3rd kits does make the most sense, either that or they announce them for the 10th anniversary of the series I also think that the amount of kit drops per season could’ve affected it. They very easily could’ve dropped 16-18 weapon kits per season and we would’ve had all second kits by Drizzle 23 (probably would have to have the new main weapons drop with both kits) with the next year then being for all 3rd kits up till Drizzle 24. Really makes you wonder why the kit drop numbers were all over the place
Splash wall would be more likely than burst bomb, since vanilla jet already has a angle shooter which is seen as a diet burst by Nintendo. though wall is not a bad sub for the weapon I think it would need a good special. I think giving it tacticooler would make it a competitor to pencil as a long range tacti weapon
Honestly, we need GOOD third kits, not just anything. A bad set of third kits could absolutely ruin the meta, as you showed with jet burst bomb tenta missiles. If the dev team currently doesn't have the resources to test the kits for balancing (due to working on Splatoon 4), I honestly think it's better they don't release them. A half-baked set of kits is far worse than getting none at all, imo.
My theory is that they tested 3rd kits (hence the datamines) but they just decided not to do them and scrapped them. Probably to do with the player base not being what it once was so in Nintendo's eyes it's a waste of time and resources. I'm probably wrong but that's just how I feel personally
I feel like the devs only skipped on adding third kits because they locked themselves into the, forgive my Inkling, total dogfish update cycle. With the amount of support and development work going into this game, there is absolutely no reason why we got as little content as we did post-launch. We could have gotten every second kit YEAR ONE and it still would feel empty because of the lack of other content (bad maps, very little new gear, and I feel sorry for any fans of SR or, heaven forbid, Tableturf). And that's just the issue, we could have gotten every second kit year 1, gotten Triple Splashdown and preferably any other original special besides Screen in fall season 2023. Then, give every weapon, or at least MOST weapons, third kits in the following three seasons. And you know the most furstrating part? They have a structure to add those kits AND keep the now-boring seasonal structure exciting half way through; add a small content update along with the mid season patch, with some returning gear, spread out some of the decorations and such from the massive banner/title/decor drop in that one season. You could then add another 6-8 weapon kits in that mid season update, with a consistent number of 10-12 new kits in the main season update. This would also give us more chances for an impactful balance update, if inbetween the major and minor season updates you got a small balance patch like the mid season update used to be. It'd fix SOOOO many issues, that it's genuinely frustrating the devs never thought to try it.
My logic is 3rd Kits would be a update for the Switch 2. For me it just doesn't make sense to not have 3rd kits in the 3rd game in the series. As said in the video it would be lost potential.
I was a no hoper until we saw the brella leak. But if you think about it... 3rd kits on the 3rd year of the game LOL. I dont care i it happens because I am a Salmon Runne now but I would love to see it because almost all o the weapons are boring or have suction bomb LOL. But 3rd kits is new content and we are done with that, no?
look i still believe nintendo announcing backwards compatibility on switch 2 means that s3 will be on the console since they need something multiplayer for the launch and also its enough graphically intensive that they can show the raw power of that sistem thus if they don’t launch the console whit splatoon4 we’re definitely going to get a slight content expansion to make people buy the game if they didn’t before
The copium in me says that third kits aren't happening, but the hopium in me is saying there's gonna be a semi big update either just after the switch 2 or splat 4 announcement to build hype for the next thing
Not a competitive player for splatoon 3, but I would love to see third kits that can help ink rush do better with its already existing kit (killer sale and splat bomb)
3rd kits would be nice. Personally, I feel like all the weapons should have gotten 3rds, but that would be a massive amount of content to balance. Maybe Spla4oon will have the 3rd kits we all crave, or a new kit system to be able to handle the dev workload more efficiently.
Splatoon 3 doesn't necessarily need them, because the game has the most content out of any Splatoon game so far, but it would certainly make it feel complete and full. The Switch 2 theory is a good one, but another idea could be the Splatoon 10 year anniversary? I'm thinking they drop third kits with some sort of special Splatfest. Either of these are possible
Yeah I personally have faith in third kits being real. Don't get me wrong, I think it's very understandable that some people have given up on third kits happening. You guys are absolutely valid for thinking that. My thoughts are that I legitimately don't think it's possible that the devs aren't thinking about 3rd kits.
I do have some hope for 3rd kits, but I have a lot of doubts about it. I do wish they gave them, especially towards weapons like L-3, H-3, explosher, squiffer, and goo tuber since they are weak or difficult weapons. However, they officially stated that they will only focus on nerfs for the next patches. Plus the rumors of a new game and game console is definitely disheartening. Maybe we can hope for it in 2025 seasons but that is a bit of a stretch.
Y'all really think they are going to drop 3rd kits and totally break the game balance after content updates have stopped? I can't wait for ppl to give up on this. xD
You realize they did that exact thing you just described with Sheldon's picks in Splatoon 2 right 😭 Also, they've confirmed balance patches will still happen, so
As a Splatoon fan from the Wii U days, I will enjoy this game for what it is. That being said, it'd be a downright shame if we didn't get any more content updates. The movement options they added in this game add so much fun, but the meta is so stale at this point because a lot of kits just don't work in comparison to the options that are dominating. I would love third kits, new stages for both PVP and Salmon Run, and maybe even DLC, but if it's not announced soon after the Switch 2, I think we're gonna be on to Splatoon 4, and Splatoon 3 will end up as forgotten as Agent 4.
Can you elaborate more on what you mean by how the meta is "stale?" What would be a good meta? This is coming from another Wii U veteran like yourself.
@@kristopherhayes1957 When I say "stale" I don't mean the meta is necessarily bad, just that a lot of the weapons I tend to see when I play are the same ones over and over. A good meta, in my opinion, would allow most, if not all, options to be usable at some point - Part of the fault is in the kit design, the other part is in the matchmaking. The meta isn't totally locked-in, but the difference between a good weapon kit and a bad weapon kit is pretty easily noticed by the average player, and the bad kits go seemingly unused by most people. Basically, despite having a ton of options for weapon choice in the game, it feels like the amount of actually viable ones are less than half of them, which makes the game feel more stale in my opinion. As for the matchmaking issue, in tournaments, you could build a team around supporting a niche pick, but in solo queue, the matchmaking doesn't try to build good team compositions at all, so weapons that rely on working with a team that can make up the difference tend to just flop. Sorry for the essay of a comment lol. TL:DR is that most of the weapons in the game struggle to compete with the "good" options due to balance and matchmaking, and if more kits could even be played without severely hurting the team it's placed with the meta would feel less stale. As it is I tend to see the same few weapon kits over and over. Side note: I'm a Custom Goo Tuber main. I think with a lot of practice any kit can be useful, but the skill floor is much higher with worse weapons and or kits - not even counting the fact that I'll get put on a team where I'm in the unfortunate position of being the closest thing to a long-range anchor player against a team with two E-Liters who can just take all the map control... and yes, this has happened. The matchmaking system doesn't even TRY.
@SpaceCadet22 thank you for the essay. It helps the conversation and gives me an understanding of where you're coming from. I love to hear more of your thoughts since I am a charger player like you. My one criticism is that, unfortunately, not all weapons are created equally. For example, clash blaster is a five shot weapon that is very annoying to deal with, especially if it were a top tier and E-liter (a weapon in our class) encourages extremes in the game's meta due to incredibly long range. It wouldn't be healthy that all weapons get picked. Plus, due to the nature of the game, weapons will be seen more often than other weapons since a meta will eventually be formed as time goes on. This happened in splatoon 3, where even though there was a time when we had "no meta," it eventually led to the snipewriter being the top weapon along with taciticooler. The question isn't whether or not weapons will see over and over again -- it's inevitable -- but more which weapons encourage the most amount of viable weapons (especially for us since we're backlines) and does the meta weapons have enough counters or noticeable weaknesses. In the game, it seems that midline weapons are the best for meta weapons since it is a fair in-between with our class and other weapon classes and allows the most amount of backlines. Also, weaker/glass cannon weapons should be given kits that cover their weakness or help their aggressive playstyle. For example, Goo tuber should've gotten a bomb plus an invincibility special like kraken to help cover it being rushed down instead of ultra stamp and recycled brella should have gotten a bomb plus an aggressive entry special. Luckily, we have made it into a meta hybrid of dive comps and midline weapons. While not ideal as a purely midline meta (ideally with blasters, umbrellas, and dualies), this current meta has given up the most amount of viable options (at least that is what I think based on pro chara's videos). I also agree that matchmaking is weird and kinda bad sometimes. A couple of games I get the best team for a charger or umbrella, and most times, they suck. Ideally, it would create something that allows weapon weaknesses to be covered just like comp teams, but for some reason, it doesn't.
Honestly, no. I don't think third kits are happening. The sad reality of the matter is this: the entire splatoon 3 development team is NOT the same people who made 1 or 2. They gave us absolutely terrible stages and made the majority of the maps from Splatoon 1 and 2 objectively worse to play on. There are so many weapons in the game they probably believe that there's "enough variety" in the game that the devs' manaagers may genuinely believe the game doesn't, and will never, need 3rd kits. Obviously, the managers are completely and totally wrong. But the managers most likely don't want to work on splatoon (or if they do, realized its not something they know how to lead) and want to drop the game ASAP so the inevitable sequel gets pushed out the door faster with the "lessons learned" from splatoon 3.
Nintendo literally did everything they promised and they’re done with updates. Get your sad minds out of the gutters because there’s literally no chance any of this is happening.
No need to get booty tickled buddy 😂 no where are we saying nintendo hasn't done what they promised it's just speculation. Sheldon's picks in splatoon 2 came out after their "promised" content cycle too so it's not unreasonable to hope for it in this game as well
It'd be nice to get 3rd kits for sure and I'm still hopeful, but I don't think the game *needs* 3rd kits at the moment. If you're like me, you still have a lot of fun with the game, and 3rd kits would add to it but wouldn't be super necessary. If you have problems with the current state of the game, 3rd kits are not going to magically fix that. Unless you main one of the specific weapons with bad/mediocre kits like Reef-lux, chances are you'd play the 3rd kits for a week or 2 and then go back to the same ol hating on the game (or dropping it entirely) The theory about them dropping with the Switch 2 makes a lot of sense though. Incentivizes people to grab the new console with a game that's already made and saves a lot on resources over doing Splatoon 4.
I think if you're a comp player third kits actually would magically change that (assuming some of the the third kits are solid) because it would just increase the variety of weapons picked overall and spice up the otherwise stale meta
@Chase247 I beg to differ. There's a lot of stuff that's pretty viable already, but a lot of people just like to lock in the tippy top and disregard anything else. So we'd need an INSANE kit to make it meaningful But ideally comp players just open their eyes more, THEN 3rd kits would matter a lot more (they've been slowly doing that recently at least)
"Lost potential" is how I'd describe Splatoon 3 in general. I'd say it's the best game in the series in a lot of aspects but it's also the most frustrating because we all know it could've been so much better.
I want to believe in third kits and I'm sure eventually it'll happen, but there are a lot of reasons to believe they won't. One theory I saw was that Tableturf Cards implied there wouldn't be third kits because of how the cards are designed for alt kits, and my theory on top of that is that the new weapons for each class we got are meant to fill in the gap of them. Ever noticed how weapons like S-BLAST and Snipewriter got the subs of kits like Grim Range and Kensa Charger?
I did notice that now that you mention that for grim and kensa. However, I doubt that means much now, given that both weapons are in an awkward spot either due to nerfs or weak weapons. Also what kind of weapon kits would you have preferred to have happen in splatoon 3 (one that isn’t broken)?
Third kits are located in the good maps
Quick everyone search robo romen
There are no good maps lol
For real?! Who knew they were hidden in Robo ROM-en all this time!
Cant believe they're all ramen themed
@@Vanamali13 ROM-en is fine but not good.
Even then that's 1 map.
I always thought 3rd kits would be announced along side the "Switch 2." As a business decision, when everyone is looking forward to the new console, they're also looking at the new games. Which is the perfect time to release 3rd kits and potentially get some more people to purchase a copy of splatoon 3. If this doesn't happen, it means we'll probably have switch 2 launch year Splatoon 4. I don't realistically see the devs doing nothing during such an important time.
Maybe third kits were the good maps the devs made along the way…
All 12 of them
Are the good maps in the room with us?
Bluefin Depot zones
i think its not happening gang
@@oWest_ we must hope, one day, I'll get my zinc dynamo back
I always thought that for how hard Nintendo pushed the theme of 3 and referencing S1 and 2, it was weird not to have 3 years of content and third kits
Honestly, if the Splatoon devs aren't giving us third kits, they should just put us out of our misery and say, "Third kits will not be coming to Splatoon 3." Anything else is just cruelly letting us hope.
I also think Splatoon 10th anniversary could be when they drop as a celebration
maybe 3rd kits were the friends we made along the way...
honestly i don't think the devs want them to be a thing
with how little they've nudged the balance towards any direction, i doubt they'll just drop like 20 weapons with 3rd kits - some of which probably will be broken or significantly shift the meta
this has to be testing for s4
While I'm more looking forward to the balance patches that they're doing every season (especially since the last one was pretty solid), it would be nice for them to release 3rds. My prediction for when, if they did, would be either late Fresh Season or the start of Sizzle Season since it'd be the perfect way to celebrate Splatoon's 10 year anniversary. I feel like that at the very least warrants *something* from Nintendo. Call it copium, but I don't think it's completely impossible, even at this point
My expectations are at "3rd kits could happen, but don't expect it"
My thoughts on S3 without third kits is also missed potential
I'm 100% sure that third kits WILL happen and WILL be announced this year. Because think about when third kits were announced in the other games. Splatoon 1 got third kits after 1 year and Splatoon 2 got third kits after 2 years. You could see a pattern. Maybe 3 will get third kits this year after 3 years? Also gotta keep in mind that Sheldon's Picks happened in March for Splatoon 1 and April for Splatoon 2. This could be a coincidence, but I'm hoping it could be not. I'm sure Nintendo doesn't want to disappoint their fans, and I'm also sure they are listening to the community privately and seeing all the support for third kits. It would be devastating for them to not add them.
TLDR: Third kits might happen in sometime in around May of 2025.
y'all really getting into number theory on this one
Bro you’re actually dumb bro I’m sorry
nintendo stopped making content updates in 2024
you say to the white walls and white floors and white ceiling and then remember you’re in a mental asylum
@Sam-v3y6ncocking my mayas calendar with this one
splatoon 3 needs 3rd kits if it wants to keep a damn playerbase that isnt exclusively comp
third kits WILL happen, and nothing will make me believe otherwise.
The game needs third kits for sure, I still have hope they add them eventually because making the game all about the number 3 and not having third kits is dumb af...
might be a hot take but final fest robbed us of 3rd kits with how much effort they put for a 3 day event
I’ll say it again. There is no justification nintendo could have for not including third kits.
No no no, I want that burst bomb and missiles jet squelcher!
if no third kits i really want the ability to switch the sub weapon between the two kits
Undercover deadass needs splatbomb and kraken fr😭
What i find disappointing is that third kits should've become the standard after splatoon 2. There's no reason for them not to be part of the regular update cycle.
But the discussion on third kits is a red herring to the real issue, which is whether this kit system that has been in place since the first game should be changed or not. In my opinion, it has become archaric, it has overstayed it's welcome, and it's part of the reason why we're in this third kit dilemma to begin with. IT NEEDS TO GO!
I'm all up for a customizable kit system or at least a weapon pool system with access to a sufficient variety of aubs and speacials. The system we have now has served it purpose in previous instalments, but it's not sustainable nor comaptible with the demands and seasonal update structure of splatoon 3 and possibly future splatoon games.
But hey, at least we can throw shame on team past for letting this outdated kit system return in splatoon 4 if that does happen. Lol.
But if we did change it, then other subs and specials would be left out of the game. It would mostly just be bomb spam most of the time with little variation. There isn't much of a reason to play the other subs or non-aggressive special weapons.
Then the other subs need to be buffed to be on the bombs' level.
@@xana3961 how would that be done? What ideas do you have?
I'm just kind of disappointed that we don't have a lot of taticooler, crab tank, torpedo, fizzy, and triple splashdown options. Dread and Reeflux have so much potential IMO if they get the right kits, but we're stuck with what we have.
Dread wringer, I feel concerned about if it got a good kit. At first, I wrote it off as being too slow, but after the recent patches, I am worried about how strong it could be.
As for reflux, I definitely would like to see a stronger kit. The current kits are fine, but after all 3 missle weapons received 10 points extra for their specials, they all feel off a cliff in terms of their fighting power, including reflux.
@kristopherhayes1957 Yeah, they'll have to make sure not to make dread broken. My dream reflux kit is Burst bomb taticooler
The weapons as a whole don’t need third kits, there’s just certain weapons that need them. Yes, ones like Tetras, dapples, Painbrush, Dread Wringer, those desperately want third kits. However, I don’t care what the third kit is, there’s nothing they could put on carbon roller that would cause people to pick a third kit over burst and zooka.
Rain again would be a really fun niche
We defo need 3rd kits
It’s gonna be Splatoon’s 10th anniversary in May sooooo maybe then?
It would be very ironic if the game with the three theme was the only one to lack third kits.
@Pikatwig16 It already lacked a third DLC wave too.
That patch you're talking about is probably to optimize old Switch games for the Switch 2 rather than adding new content.
I'm guessing there's no 3rd kits because the numbers do not make it worthwhile. Yes Japan has a larger player base than the west but it's safe to assume even the JP player base has dwindled. If the numbers were there, I'd bet you they would be promoting the numbers and whatnot and 3rd kits would've happened eons ago. S2 content got extended cause of Covid but there's nothing for S3. S1 got content extension cause it turned to do way better than expected.
So yeah, lost potential but just play around with what we have and make the most with what's there I'd say.
Nice theory! I actually support this one a lot, I agree that it could be a major update when the Switch 2 releases. I think that would help them draw more players to the game without releasing a whole new game yet. I think it’s a tad too soon right now. I DO think however, that it isn’t too far off.
Nintendo seems to have slowed down their effort in S3 content in the later half of the game’s update cycle, so I feel like they might have gotten a head start on the next game perhaps?
My best guess for what’s going to happen with Splatoon’s 4 is this:
- Big update revealed in Switch 2 presentation: includes more maps, third kits (either one big update or four smaller ones dropped every couple months to hold us over until S4), and maybe some more QoL features and stuff
- S4 Announcement trailer on Splatoon’s 10th anniversary, release slated for Summer 2026
- S3 gets filler content/events (e.g. splatfest reruns) until S4 releases to keep players engaged with the series
Ever since I heard that the switch 2 joycons are likely to be built with optical sensors, it LOCKED my head with potential theories as to what’s going to happen
3rd kits WILL be released at the time the switch 2 is officially announced
OR splatoon 4 will be announced at the same time as the switch 2 and aimed at close release dates
They'll probably add them by the time splatoon 4 is made.
Maybe the third kits will happen on the third anniversary of the third game
I'll always believe for third kit to appear in the game. As long as "Splatoon 4" is not annonces, I will continue to believe in third kit
I feel like there will be third kits whenever switch 2 is announced. There probably won’t be a splatoon 4 any time soon when this splatoon 3 can still be played on switch two for I say 2-3 more years.
I agree with you. I don't think third kits will happen but i still have a little hope and not having third kits in some weapons its just wasted potencial
I think it'll be very unlikely for Nintendo to add new content to this version of Splatoon 3 on the old Switch. They could release a Splatoon 3.5 with the Switch 2 or just move on to Splat4, which really would be shame if this was really it for 3. Like you said Lost potential for so many subs and specials...
there are 19 specials and 65 main weapons that could have each special be put onto at least 3 new kits with 8 left over for maybe the least used specials.
While yeah I think we will get third kits I doubt they'd do every weapon, so maybe at most 38 for each special to be on 2 new kits
Honestly I think even that's a bit much. If third kits somehow do happen I just think we'll get like 10-15 haha
I eated the third kits sorry :(
Promoting the backwards compatibility of the Switch 2 with 3rd kits does make the most sense, either that or they announce them for the 10th anniversary of the series
I also think that the amount of kit drops per season could’ve affected it. They very easily could’ve dropped 16-18 weapon kits per season and we would’ve had all second kits by Drizzle 23 (probably would have to have the new main weapons drop with both kits) with the next year then being for all 3rd kits up till Drizzle 24. Really makes you wonder why the kit drop numbers were all over the place
I want them but I'm not expecting them
2:07 Theres no problem of that, is literally the only justification that we have for the third kits copium xD
Thirds kits see yall in Splatoon 4.
Personally I would like to see burst bomb/kraken jet squelcher again
Splash wall would be more likely than burst bomb, since vanilla jet already has a angle shooter which is seen as a diet burst by Nintendo. though wall is not a bad sub for the weapon I think it would need a good special. I think giving it tacticooler would make it a competitor to pencil as a long range tacti weapon
Honestly, we need GOOD third kits, not just anything. A bad set of third kits could absolutely ruin the meta, as you showed with jet burst bomb tenta missiles. If the dev team currently doesn't have the resources to test the kits for balancing (due to working on Splatoon 4), I honestly think it's better they don't release them. A half-baked set of kits is far worse than getting none at all, imo.
My theory is that they tested 3rd kits (hence the datamines) but they just decided not to do them and scrapped them. Probably to do with the player base not being what it once was so in Nintendo's eyes it's a waste of time and resources. I'm probably wrong but that's just how I feel personally
I have played all weapons and now im bored
I feel like the devs only skipped on adding third kits because they locked themselves into the, forgive my Inkling, total dogfish update cycle. With the amount of support and development work going into this game, there is absolutely no reason why we got as little content as we did post-launch. We could have gotten every second kit YEAR ONE and it still would feel empty because of the lack of other content (bad maps, very little new gear, and I feel sorry for any fans of SR or, heaven forbid, Tableturf).
And that's just the issue, we could have gotten every second kit year 1, gotten Triple Splashdown and preferably any other original special besides Screen in fall season 2023. Then, give every weapon, or at least MOST weapons, third kits in the following three seasons. And you know the most furstrating part? They have a structure to add those kits AND keep the now-boring seasonal structure exciting half way through; add a small content update along with the mid season patch, with some returning gear, spread out some of the decorations and such from the massive banner/title/decor drop in that one season. You could then add another 6-8 weapon kits in that mid season update, with a consistent number of 10-12 new kits in the main season update. This would also give us more chances for an impactful balance update, if inbetween the major and minor season updates you got a small balance patch like the mid season update used to be. It'd fix SOOOO many issues, that it's genuinely frustrating the devs never thought to try it.
My logic is 3rd Kits would be a update for the Switch 2. For me it just doesn't make sense to not have 3rd kits in the 3rd game in the series. As said in the video it would be lost potential.
Simple answer: I really really want third kits but I don't need them
nah 3rd kits will come trust my uncle works for nintendo he told me they’re coming out.
I was a no hoper until we saw the brella leak. But if you think about it... 3rd kits on the 3rd year of the game LOL. I dont care i it happens because I am a Salmon Runne now but I would love to see it because almost all o the weapons are boring or have suction bomb LOL. But 3rd kits is new content and we are done with that, no?
i want a dualie squelcher with hammer so i can do the cool jump tech into hammer. would be very fun.
I think Splatoon 3 is okay right now, but with 3rd Kits it will be 10x better. 😅❤
look i still believe nintendo announcing backwards compatibility on switch 2 means that s3 will be on the console since they need something multiplayer for the launch and also its enough graphically intensive that they can show the raw power of that sistem thus if they don’t launch the console whit splatoon4
we’re definitely going to get a slight content expansion to make people buy the game if they didn’t before
The copium in me says that third kits aren't happening, but the hopium in me is saying there's gonna be a semi big update either just after the switch 2 or splat 4 announcement to build hype for the next thing
Not a competitive player for splatoon 3, but I would love to see third kits that can help ink rush do better with its already existing kit (killer sale and splat bomb)
3rd kits would be nice. Personally, I feel like all the weapons should have gotten 3rds, but that would be a massive amount of content to balance.
Maybe Spla4oon will have the 3rd kits we all crave, or a new kit system to be able to handle the dev workload more efficiently.
Splatoon 3 doesn't necessarily need them, because the game has the most content out of any Splatoon game so far, but it would certainly make it feel complete and full. The Switch 2 theory is a good one, but another idea could be the Splatoon 10 year anniversary? I'm thinking they drop third kits with some sort of special Splatfest. Either of these are possible
I would love 3rd kits just at least to add more options.
Yeah I personally have faith in third kits being real. Don't get me wrong, I think it's very understandable that some people have given up on third kits happening. You guys are absolutely valid for thinking that. My thoughts are that I legitimately don't think it's possible that the devs aren't thinking about 3rd kits.
I do have some hope for 3rd kits, but I have a lot of doubts about it. I do wish they gave them, especially towards weapons like L-3, H-3, explosher, squiffer, and goo tuber since they are weak or difficult weapons. However, they officially stated that they will only focus on nerfs for the next patches. Plus the rumors of a new game and game console is definitely disheartening. Maybe we can hope for it in 2025 seasons but that is a bit of a stretch.
I can see them adding third kits but I can’t see them adding new maps in the rumored Switch 2 update. I would love to proven otherwise though.
You failed us, Splatoon 3.
return of the 🐐
5:21 what Missent swiffer players have the best kit auto bomb zip caster with mid air charges. What could be better
Don't do that to me. Don't give me hope..
I NEED Flingza with Crab Tank so badly
Y'all really think they are going to drop 3rd kits and totally break the game balance after content updates have stopped? I can't wait for ppl to give up on this. xD
You realize they did that exact thing you just described with Sheldon's picks in Splatoon 2 right 😭
Also, they've confirmed balance patches will still happen, so
Good job for making this video
I ate them my bad guys
third kits are essentially debunked and I hate it, we deserved so much better, even if they released tomorrow they'd be too late to be good or fun
im pretty sure its because of the tableturf cards
Wooo AC music
And then. There’s chara.
As a Splatoon fan from the Wii U days, I will enjoy this game for what it is. That being said, it'd be a downright shame if we didn't get any more content updates.
The movement options they added in this game add so much fun, but the meta is so stale at this point because a lot of kits just don't work in comparison to the options that are dominating.
I would love third kits, new stages for both PVP and Salmon Run, and maybe even DLC, but if it's not announced soon after the Switch 2, I think we're gonna be on to Splatoon 4, and Splatoon 3 will end up as forgotten as Agent 4.
Can you elaborate more on what you mean by how the meta is "stale?" What would be a good meta? This is coming from another Wii U veteran like yourself.
@@kristopherhayes1957 When I say "stale" I don't mean the meta is necessarily bad, just that a lot of the weapons I tend to see when I play are the same ones over and over.
A good meta, in my opinion, would allow most, if not all, options to be usable at some point - Part of the fault is in the kit design, the other part is in the matchmaking.
The meta isn't totally locked-in, but the difference between a good weapon kit and a bad weapon kit is pretty easily noticed by the average player, and the bad kits go seemingly unused by most people.
Basically, despite having a ton of options for weapon choice in the game, it feels like the amount of actually viable ones are less than half of them, which makes the game feel more stale in my opinion.
As for the matchmaking issue, in tournaments, you could build a team around supporting a niche pick, but in solo queue, the matchmaking doesn't try to build good team compositions at all, so weapons that rely on working with a team that can make up the difference tend to just flop.
Sorry for the essay of a comment lol.
TL:DR is that most of the weapons in the game struggle to compete with the "good" options due to balance and matchmaking, and if more kits could even be played without severely hurting the team it's placed with the meta would feel less stale. As it is I tend to see the same few weapon kits over and over.
Side note: I'm a Custom Goo Tuber main. I think with a lot of practice any kit can be useful, but the skill floor is much higher with worse weapons and or kits - not even counting the fact that I'll get put on a team where I'm in the unfortunate position of being the closest thing to a long-range anchor player against a team with two E-Liters who can just take all the map control... and yes, this has happened. The matchmaking system doesn't even TRY.
@SpaceCadet22 thank you for the essay. It helps the conversation and gives me an understanding of where you're coming from. I love to hear more of your thoughts since I am a charger player like you. My one criticism is that, unfortunately, not all weapons are created equally. For example, clash blaster is a five shot weapon that is very annoying to deal with, especially if it were a top tier and E-liter (a weapon in our class) encourages extremes in the game's meta due to incredibly long range. It wouldn't be healthy that all weapons get picked. Plus, due to the nature of the game, weapons will be seen more often than other weapons since a meta will eventually be formed as time goes on. This happened in splatoon 3, where even though there was a time when we had "no meta," it eventually led to the snipewriter being the top weapon along with taciticooler. The question isn't whether or not weapons will see over and over again -- it's inevitable -- but more which weapons encourage the most amount of viable weapons (especially for us since we're backlines) and does the meta weapons have enough counters or noticeable weaknesses. In the game, it seems that midline weapons are the best for meta weapons since it is a fair in-between with our class and other weapon classes and allows the most amount of backlines. Also, weaker/glass cannon weapons should be given kits that cover their weakness or help their aggressive playstyle. For example, Goo tuber should've gotten a bomb plus an invincibility special like kraken to help cover it being rushed down instead of ultra stamp and recycled brella should have gotten a bomb plus an aggressive entry special. Luckily, we have made it into a meta hybrid of dive comps and midline weapons. While not ideal as a purely midline meta (ideally with blasters, umbrellas, and dualies), this current meta has given up the most amount of viable options (at least that is what I think based on pro chara's videos).
I also agree that matchmaking is weird and kinda bad sometimes. A couple of games I get the best team for a charger or umbrella, and most times, they suck. Ideally, it would create something that allows weapon weaknesses to be covered just like comp teams, but for some reason, it doesn't.
swig and dapple are goners if they dont get 3rd kits
Everyone pack it up it's not happening.
Third kits not being on their third game seems so wrong.
Don’t think it’s happening, sadly.
No it does not need third kits and no its not coming.
I just want a splatana class weapon with splashdown man...
What sub?
@@kristopherhayes1957definitely fizzy
@@BigPro1123 would that be too broken?
Honestly, no. I don't think third kits are happening. The sad reality of the matter is this: the entire splatoon 3 development team is NOT the same people who made 1 or 2. They gave us absolutely terrible stages and made the majority of the maps from Splatoon 1 and 2 objectively worse to play on. There are so many weapons in the game they probably believe that there's "enough variety" in the game that the devs' manaagers may genuinely believe the game doesn't, and will never, need 3rd kits.
Obviously, the managers are completely and totally wrong. But the managers most likely don't want to work on splatoon (or if they do, realized its not something they know how to lead) and want to drop the game ASAP so the inevitable sequel gets pushed out the door faster with the "lessons learned" from splatoon 3.
it actually is confirmed to be called the switch 2
Not trusting any leaks no matter how credible until nintendo confirms it themselves.
Nintendo literally did everything they promised and they’re done with updates. Get your sad minds out of the gutters because there’s literally no chance any of this is happening.
No need to get booty tickled buddy 😂 no where are we saying nintendo hasn't done what they promised it's just speculation. Sheldon's picks in splatoon 2 came out after their "promised" content cycle too so it's not unreasonable to hope for it in this game as well
It'd be nice to get 3rd kits for sure and I'm still hopeful, but I don't think the game *needs* 3rd kits at the moment. If you're like me, you still have a lot of fun with the game, and 3rd kits would add to it but wouldn't be super necessary. If you have problems with the current state of the game, 3rd kits are not going to magically fix that. Unless you main one of the specific weapons with bad/mediocre kits like Reef-lux, chances are you'd play the 3rd kits for a week or 2 and then go back to the same ol hating on the game (or dropping it entirely)
The theory about them dropping with the Switch 2 makes a lot of sense though. Incentivizes people to grab the new console with a game that's already made and saves a lot on resources over doing Splatoon 4.
I think if you're a comp player third kits actually would magically change that (assuming some of the the third kits are solid) because it would just increase the variety of weapons picked overall and spice up the otherwise stale meta
@Chase247 I beg to differ. There's a lot of stuff that's pretty viable already, but a lot of people just like to lock in the tippy top and disregard anything else. So we'd need an INSANE kit to make it meaningful
But ideally comp players just open their eyes more, THEN 3rd kits would matter a lot more (they've been slowly doing that recently at least)
@@OlmiOP yeah but if third kits are anything like the previous two games, most of them probably would be insane
@@Chase247 I guess that's a fair point, yeah
didnt 3rd kits come very late in to splatoon 1 & 2s life cycle as well ?
Yeah, but they came *in* their life cycle.. before content updates stopped.
If they are real, I don't think they will be good or fun.