This is my first year fasting. I mistakenly ate a few things I didn’t realize I shouldn’t eat. But I’m doing all I can. I’m always a little hungry. But it makes me look to the Lord and pray. I learned the fast is an act of love for the Lord. Our body is not our own. Fasting is training our bodies and bringing it into submission to serve God. This is my first year as an Orthodox Christian. I was a Protestant for 24 years prior.
This is my first year fasting aswell, having been an orthodox since birth. I pray we strengthen our soul in this fast, really understand what was done for us on the cross and rejoice in his resurrection☦️
I Work In Pendleton ( Anderson County), South Carolina As A Material Handler For A Soil and Fertilizer Company and I Still Pray, I Still Fast and I Still Practice What I Preach, Which Is Jesus Christ is Lord of Lords and King of Kings. AXIOS ☦️ ‼️
I've acctually progressed while fasting on 2-3 weekly trainings and eating outmeal, beans, lentils. If you are regular every week on liturgy you are not decreasing on anything, quite the opossite.
I work out and I keep the fast. I load up on vegetable protein options and make sure I have some protein with each meail. I also go lighter in weights but do more reps to make up for the lighter weights. You may not make the same gains as you would when you are eating normally, but it is a good idea in general to mix up your routine at the gym to avoid plateauing. Its 40 days, not all year, if you are keeping up with your workout routine and diet prior to starting the fast, and you are healthy, your body will adjust and adjust again when you return to eating meat and eggs.
@@eikon7001 oh nice! I hadn’t heard of him before this post but I’d love to talk with him. Pretty rare for me to find other Orthodox who lift or do martial arts. Especially a priest!
Hello everyone and God bless you I really do love practicing Aikido, my first year has an orthodox christian, I kept practicing, after a while I ask my spiritual father "Is it OK to keep practicing Aikido?" He answered "You have to do it only as a sport, to be in good health. No more than that". After that I choosed to stop because it became like a second path, I was an aikidoka on Wednesdays and a christian on Sundays. We have to choose Christ and if you are not a professional, keep practicing any sports for the glory of the temple of God that your body is, not for your own glory...
Great Ethiopian long distance runner Kenenisa Bekele told his experience about fasting and training. He said he was fasting Lent while doing cross country competition and got 3rd place. Even if he didn't got 1st place was great full and happy. Which reminds me little things are fulfilling when we are with God.
Well said. Most people would be surprised at how good fasting is for the body and how far one can go with less food. Learn to discern true hunger and need for food from the conditioned habit of just wanting to stuff food into your mouth.
I watch Orthodox Ethos video as I work out. As far as protein goes, beans and rice together form a complete protein. Beans alone and rice alone both lack certain essential amino acids. If eaten together, however, each contributes what the other is missing to form a complete protein.
My spiritual Father informed me that the most important fast is not of food but of inward mind and spirit. We like to place a high value on the fast of food we are accomplishing and then turn around and beat our own brother with our cruel words/judgemental thoughts in our puffed up state of pride. The fasting from food is a tool for us, it's not much of a sacrifice to Christ. But the sacrifice of abandoning our habits/inward judgemental thoughts/anxieties/fears is what pleases Him.
@@ProfessorGoldstriker that's according to levitical dietary restrictions. According to the new covenant, shellfish is fine and considered fast friendly under strict standards.
I'm a dirty Uniate, meaning that my lent is over: I kept the fast, lost weight, but didn't lose any strength. Pea protein shakes, lentil-based foods are key, but my secret technique was carb loading around workouts. Get 1g carb per 1kg of bodyweight before and after working out. I'm still approaching a 300lb bench and look a little leaner.
Lent may not be the best time to push for new PRs in the gym, but it is possible to maintain strength while adhering to the fast and significantly restricting caloric intake. Of course, the leaner you are, the more difficult this becomes. I have found that beans are just about the best protein source during the fast.
I think during fasting it would be appropriate and beneficial too give lifting weights or physical exercise a break for that period . If we can take away these pleasures of all kinds it will make the fast proper . At the end of the day fasting involves more than the food aspect off it it goes further than that
I have a job with a very high energy expense. I have to eat some meat or I get weak and getting weak in my job is dangerous. I don't know what to do but after two weeks of the fast I was struggling.
I would advise cutting back on the volume of training. Look up Mike Mentzer's "Heavy Duty" training for example, it might be of interest. Change the routine for the period of the fast and then you can go back to your original routine - in fact, a break from training has been found to give you a boost when you do go back to training.
Starting in February, I exercised while fasting this year because I had gained a lot of weight last year after moving. My goal next Lent is not to exercise while fasting. Counting calories was a real distraction. If I fast regularly from now on I shouldn't have to concern myself with a diet during a fast. I'm happy to be at a confortable weight at the moment though. Thank God.
Some trends I've seen in history(Alexander Zass & overcoming isometrics) and current anecdotes(Vegan calisthenics/Lengthened partial calisthenics) are that the more efficient the stimulus for muscle growth the less there is a need for large amounts of food or protein. On one side of the spectrum, one has to watch their nutrition meticulously while on the other side just eat something.
I think there's a comprise to be made. Fasting in the form of specific food elimination vs a fast of extreme caloric deficit. I have done bodybuilding diets and specific food elimination is bert easy vs severe deficit. If I swap out pea protein that's not a big deal if I don't change my macros. It makes more sense for me to remove all seasoning, sauce, and flavorful vegetables. If I'm eating only plain chicken, broccoli and rice every day, that only, while also starving myself gaunt in the face for 16 weeks. If I keep the same calories and stop working out, I won't be hungry and I'll get fat and unproductive. With a reduction in physical output the body is very good at auto regulating non exercise energy expenditure. Basically you'll do less chores to compensate for having less fuel. Tracking and planning physical fitness output is key to avoiding this. I think there's good reason to add onto the fast in other ways since food deprivation is being split between fasting and dieting. For me that is no music, only scripture or works of the saints. Consciously giving the physical effort and pain to god. Waking up earlier, pushing myself harder. More strick on sleep and removing other social activities for prayer. I think the fast can be made more severe, more restrictive, and at the end you are both physically and spiritually stronger. I have many worldly responsibilities and the fast is not about reducing my ability to care for others. Broad shoulders for big burdens. I also remember an interview with a priest that had mentioned a monk eating a small morsel of chicken While others ate heaping piles of beans and rice and ate until satisfied. I think in this day and age there are many ways to deprive ourselves and we can give anything and everything to God
Beans and rice/pasta mixed together form a perfect protein, you can't just insist that ONLY meat is your viable source for protein. Fasting periods require us to adjust and the adjustment is getting your proteins from beans/rice instead of meat. Eat kidney beans with rice, or black beans with rice or your favorite bean with rice/pasta. Increase your intake of broccoli or other high protein veggies. There's dairy-free protein powders. Lots of options out there to get your necessary proteins without meat during lent.
For the professional athlete where nutrient intake is your PROFESSION, there are vegan ways to take in protein. Are they as effective? No, but those vegan sources will at least mitigate loss. There are many Orthodox hockey players (mostly in the Russian churches). They make it through the Lenten fast just fine. Also the professional bodybuilder could use the Lenten fast as a 'cut' period to improve their definition. For the non-professional, serious rec athlete, or strictly recreational athlete? Do the fast. There are ways to participate in the Lenten fast, or any other fast, and still develop your deep spirituality and closeness to Christ regardless of your profession requiring a specific mode of eating. Just remember that you would not be where you are if it weren't for Christ, His church, and faith in Him.
4:22 I am gonna be Christian the fullest I can and eat meat during the fast. Now you heard it from me. I will fast 40 days whenever I will feel I am ready for it, no one can brainwash me to do it by force. I know that I am not ok towards the church/religion/tradition, If I am not ok towards Jesus let Him decide that, this knowledge keeps me humble. Now you, the good Christians who are fasting 40 days "like Jesus did" but with eating sugars, soy cheeses, expensive shrimp spaghettis and octopuses every day come and judge me.
Nobody will force you to fast, but without keeping the fast you will not make spiritual progress, unless your spiritual father said you must eat meat due to very serious health problems, which is very rare.
@@OrthodoxEthos Fasting is a way to train your spirit but only if one willing to fast. You cant not say "you will excommunicated if you dont participate in fasting" I dont want to fast for 40 days and I am healthy, I am not ready to fast, I dont feel like doing it and I wont do it.
@@dimitrisgakis9206what's your problem? Nobody pointing a gun at your head forcing you fast. You're acting like a self entitled brat. I will not fast bla bla bla, nobody wants your negative vibes especially during Great Lent.
Father, I use Pea Protein Isolate, cheap and 80% protein (complete) good for building muscle, soy protein isolate is even cheaper and higher in protein (90% ) but I can't take soy because of allergies. I've noticed that I get better results in building muscle mass while walking with Christ and fasting - then I ever have just using science and nutrition.
Hebrews 12: 1Wherefore seeing we also are compassed about with so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which doth so easily beset us, and let us run with patience the race that is set before us, 2Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith; who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God. 3For consider him that endured such contradiction of sinners against himself, lest ye be wearied and faint in your minds.
Shaolin monks do 8-12hrs of exercise a day, and they’re operating on a pretty strict vegetarian diet. They also happen to be some of the best martial artists in the world. It’s a lie to think you can’t make athletic gains while sticking to the fasts. It’s more difficult since all plant foods have incomplete proteins, meaning you have to eat multiple foods to get the same result, but it’s undoubtedly possible to do so. If anything, it’s a matter of faith in God, because He is the One Who will strengthen you. God can make somebody mighty in physical strength on bread alone if He so willed it. The only reason somebody shouldn’t keep the fast is for health reasons, and even monks break it for that reason like St. Porphyrios.
I am doing exercise in Judo for many years , fasting period is a good time to become lean, you want protein bake beans 🫘 and lentils or Chek peas 🫛 Salads and broccoli, avoid carbs potato 🥔 and bread , eat lots of fruits 🍇 Simply , for body building I admire some methods for strength and aesthetics but for me getting boring only lifting weight , choose a sport wrestling , judo 🥋, amateur boxing , anything else cycling 🚴 and weightlifting 🏋️ at the same time. The trap is that you getting carbs because of bread and potatoes during fasting period. And also meat 🥩 every day is getting cholesterol high therefore you get lots of heart issues in bodybuilding.
I try to just take some vitamins and eat other alternatives for protein while cutting down the exercise a tiny bit. You do not need meat during the fast to keep exercising.
Legumes nuts mushrooms make the best protein meat substitute in the war Greeks would eat bean soup and saved us from the turks lent is the best way to fight the bad one
I don’t think they are at odds. If you are bulking up, then maybe. However, if you are weight training or using ems, you can make sure you don’t lose muscle during this period and make sure to eat enough calories. But prioritize prayer and fasting first
The only reason why we are alive is because of the Holy Spirit. We cannot breathe without Him. Physical strength no less comes (mysteriously) from the Holy Spirit and not food itself. The lives of the Saints confirm this over and over in every age. Especially in the 21st century. If we sacrifice our professions of body building for Christ, without doubt He will honor and bless us with the abundant strength to live for our loved ones and gain Salvation.
A buddy of mine is 5 ft 9, 175 lb, he can bench press 315 lb and he's vegan. I asked him how do you do it? He said there are lots of foods which contain high levels of protein. I know he also takes creatine ☑️
Plan your ‘bulking cycles’ around Lent and Nativity at the least. Unless you are an athlete who puts food on the table via your sport and it requires more training than is possible with restricting your food intake, it seems hard to justify not simply planning accordingly without worry or complaint. But I’m just an idiot, so what do I know.
What about endurance training and huge caloric burning days where you would lose a lot of weight if you didn’t eat a lot of food and balance it with the right stuff? Same suggestions?
The comments here have very good suggestions. Nuts, rice and beans, beans alone (legumes, lentils..I recommend personally 15 bean soups), mushrooms, VEGA protein powder, other things.
Bro, peanuts, nuts of all sorts.. hummus chickpeas all these things.. I'm a powerlifter that barely eats meat.. i get my proteins from vegetable sources..
It’s 40 days. It’s not that big of a deal to consume suboptimal (from an athletic standpoint) nutrition. You’re probably not a professional athlete, you are probably a hobbyist. 40 days of less protein will make a minimal impact on your physique as long as you’re not gorging on carbs and being gluttonous with fasting foods.
You won’t lose enough protein lifting weights. You’ll just build lean muscle mass. Plenty of protein in some veggies, legumes, etc. modern research shows protein excess not metabolizing to muscle. Supp with amino acids to build protein.
I don't savvy this. The question asked of Father Peter didn't mention bodybuilding or eating meat during times of fast. The question was only two sentences long! I confess that I'm very confused.
Lentils and beans man. Vegan protein powder with almond milk is still good if you throw a little fruit in it to get rid of the chalk flavor. Honestly as part of the fast try just maintaining you will need less protien and when maintaining the gym is lower on your priority list.
Just think Novak Djoković is permanently on plant food, eats very little amounts of food, and is also gluten free. Talking about gains surely no one can make “gains” non stop. Fasting is a spring cleaning of the body and that is so much more beneficial for body than gains. Give your body full rehab 4 times a year. Yoshinori Ohsumi received Nobel price for discovering mechanism of total body rejuvenation process “autophagy”, when all organs and cells in the body rebuild by killing old and sick cells and initiate total body repair. During this time cancer cells are also identified as faulty and removed. Brain also regenerates. Autophagy is achieved only via starvation. God gave us fast for the benefit of body, mind and soul. Go on TH-cam and find out about benefits of fast using autophagy as a key word.
Maybe I’m naïve, but why not just be a bodybuilder AND fast, while fasting doing what you can under the guidance of your physician, trainers, physical therapists, etc. (and of course, as always, your spiritual father). If you have to miss some competitions, oh well, but you can maybe still make a career? Perhaps God will bless you for it.
I think research over the last several years has shown that exercise and fitness is achievable on a vegan diet. Many top level athletes have shown this.
Speaking of physical excercise, I do karate 3 times a week and I have been practicing for almost 8 years, now I am a brown belt. I think martial arts and jogging are way more benificial than lifting weights.
I did this as well. However I realized while we are told that Martial Arts is a “form” of defense what it really does subconsciously is it instills in your mind that you are a powerful person capable of any enemy (builds pride and self reliance). It inherently makes you think there is always a physical enemy at large when really it is the spiritual battles we should wage war with as Ephesians 6:12 states. But most of all there is this unchristian teaching in that there is another spiritual entity called a “chi” also referred to as Ki or Qi or Prana, which is taught as a mystical force that gives one supernatural power. You might deny these things but try to look at this from a Christian perspective not from someone who’s trained for 8 years.
@@eotceotc karate is NOT a cult. It does have some terminology with pagan influence, but there are no true references to pagan gods or spirits. Some might argue that the "kiai" scream Is some sort of demon summoning, but nothing could be further from the truth. It's a scream that Is used to give strength to the techniques in a purely physical wat, with no weird stuff like "I summon Gorzorg's force". Same thing can be said for katas, which are series of techniques done to emulate fighting and to show techniques and not to summon ancient gods. Yoga and karate are oranges and apples, completely different.
Its easy for people who dont live in the world (in contrast to us bodybuilders) and just say ,,well put everything aside and put Christ first" But its not that simple for laymen who live in the world and who pursue their hobbies such as bodybuilding. I tried that and got psychological problems. Simply saying, well put your hobby completely aside is not that easy trust me. Then i can just say ,,ok lets leave everything aside then and become a monk" because why pursue hobbies in the first place? And bodybuilding is one of those hobbies where you just need to have your nutrition in check...
@@johnsambo9379 no, but imagine you are striving to get a physique you desire and working your butt off in order to get it, just to lose it all in those fasting days, and there is 4 fasting cycles each year
Speaking as a qualified PT, bodybuilding itself is not that healthy as a hobby. It develops narcissism, gives anxiety and leads to injury. Play a real sport (ideally outdoors) or do Pilates, they are much better for you in the long run.
@@zeppo_pellini thanks for the encouraging Words big brother, God bless you and your dear ones. Greetings from Vienna From a serbian Orthodox Christan.
The best exercise to do while you are fasting is prostrations with the Jesus prayer ☦️📿
@@TranslatedAssumption 😂😂😂
This is my first year fasting. I mistakenly ate a few things I didn’t realize I shouldn’t eat. But I’m doing all I can. I’m always a little hungry. But it makes me look to the Lord and pray. I learned the fast is an act of love for the Lord. Our body is not our own. Fasting is training our bodies and bringing it into submission to serve God. This is my first year as an Orthodox Christian. I was a Protestant for 24 years prior.
This is my first year fasting aswell, having been an orthodox since birth. I pray we strengthen our soul in this fast, really understand what was done for us on the cross and rejoice in his resurrection☦️
😊 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻🙏🏻❤️✝️🌷
I Work In Pendleton ( Anderson County), South Carolina As A Material Handler For A Soil and Fertilizer Company and I Still Pray, I Still Fast and I Still Practice What I Preach, Which Is Jesus Christ is Lord of Lords and King of Kings. AXIOS ☦️ ‼️
Greetings from a fellow South Carolinian!
@colehunt439 : Greetings in The Immortal Name of The Father and of The Son and of The Holy Spirit . AXIOS ☦️ 🕊 🕯 🙏 ☦️⛪️🌴‼️
Greetings brothers.
Jesus is First, Jesus is Second, Jesus is Third , Jesus is everything ☦️💒❤️🔥
I've acctually progressed while fasting on 2-3 weekly trainings and eating outmeal, beans, lentils. If you are regular every week on liturgy you are not decreasing on anything, quite the opossite.
I work out and I keep the fast. I load up on vegetable protein options and make sure I have some protein with each meail. I also go lighter in weights but do more reps to make up for the lighter weights. You may not make the same gains as you would when you are eating normally, but it is a good idea in general to mix up your routine at the gym to avoid plateauing. Its 40 days, not all year, if you are keeping up with your workout routine and diet prior to starting the fast, and you are healthy, your body will adjust and adjust again when you return to eating meat and eggs.
I do this too. It works.
Fr. Moses McPherson is a competeing powerlifter and a beast of a Priest as well he has some good videos on this topic
came here to post this 😁
On TH-cam?
He was at our Unction service tonight serving with six other priests. He sure fills out that cassock!
@@eikon7001 oh nice! I hadn’t heard of him before this post but I’d love to talk with him. Pretty rare for me to find other Orthodox who lift or do martial arts. Especially a priest!
We don’t say “beast” priest. Correct your mind as priest’s are not animals but our guiding fathers.
Hello everyone and God bless you
I really do love practicing Aikido, my first year has an orthodox christian, I kept practicing, after a while I ask my spiritual father "Is it OK to keep practicing Aikido?" He answered "You have to do it only as a sport, to be in good health. No more than that". After that I choosed to stop because it became like a second path, I was an aikidoka on Wednesdays and a christian on Sundays.
We have to choose Christ and if you are not a professional, keep practicing any sports for the glory of the temple of God that your body is, not for your own glory...
Great Ethiopian long distance runner Kenenisa Bekele told his experience about fasting and training. He said he was fasting Lent while doing cross country competition and got 3rd place. Even if he didn't got 1st place was great full and happy. Which reminds me little things are fulfilling when we are with God.
Well said.
Most people would be surprised at how good fasting is for the body and how far one can go with less food.
Learn to discern true hunger and need for food from the conditioned habit of just wanting to stuff food into your mouth.
I watch Orthodox Ethos video as I work out.
As far as protein goes, beans and rice together form a complete protein. Beans alone and rice alone both lack certain essential amino acids. If eaten together, however, each contributes what the other is missing to form a complete protein.
Currently fasting as someone who lifts weights every day. Anything for Christ our Lord and Saviour ☦️
My spiritual Father informed me that the most important fast is not of food but of inward mind and spirit. We like to place a high value on the fast of food we are accomplishing and then turn around and beat our own brother with our cruel words/judgemental thoughts in our puffed up state of pride. The fasting from food is a tool for us, it's not much of a sacrifice to Christ. But the sacrifice of abandoning our habits/inward judgemental thoughts/anxieties/fears is what pleases Him.
I am supplementing my exercise regimen with pea protein during the fast. There are plenty of options, just do a little bit of research.
Right, my health has gone up with increasing beans for lent.
People say that but then it turns out you need 600g of peas a sitting to get the sufficient protein
You should really look into what pea protein does to your liver. Stay safe out there, brothers.
Pea protein is actually very toxic. Look beyond the globalist marketing campaign.
Are you a professional bodybuilder? I ask you has a brother
Lentils and shellfish have protein, I don't see the issue with the content. Reduction of general food intake would concern me more if anything.
@Ivan.Mikhailovich : AGREED 👍 ‼️
I thought shellfish were traditionally not eaten at all. So probably shouldn't be eaten during fast..
@@ProfessorGoldstriker that's according to levitical dietary restrictions. According to the new covenant, shellfish is fine and considered fast friendly under strict standards.
The best exercise to do while you are fasting is prostrations with the Jesus prayer
❤🕊️🙏☦️ GOD GIVE US STRENGTH ☦️🙏⛪️💪
I am very much enjoying the struggle and challenges of fasting and keeping a busy physical schedule 💯🙏☦️💪
Vegan protein powders/drinks are available at most health food places and some grocery stores
But who trusts those..
@@user-uk9sd2ln7f the product by the brand "VEGA" is reputable and has been on the market for a long time
I'm a dirty Uniate, meaning that my lent is over: I kept the fast, lost weight, but didn't lose any strength. Pea protein shakes, lentil-based foods are key, but my secret technique was carb loading around workouts. Get 1g carb per 1kg of bodyweight before and after working out. I'm still approaching a 300lb bench and look a little leaner.
Lent may not be the best time to push for new PRs in the gym, but it is possible to maintain strength while adhering to the fast and significantly restricting caloric intake. Of course, the leaner you are, the more difficult this becomes. I have found that beans are just about the best protein source during the fast.
I think during fasting it would be appropriate and beneficial too give lifting weights or physical exercise a break for that period .
If we can take away these pleasures of all kinds it will make the fast proper .
At the end of the day fasting involves more than the food aspect off it it goes further than that
I have a job with a very high energy expense. I have to eat some meat or I get weak and getting weak in my job is dangerous. I don't know what to do but after two weeks of the fast I was struggling.
Talk to your spiritual father.
I would advise cutting back on the volume of training. Look up Mike Mentzer's "Heavy Duty" training for example, it might be of interest. Change the routine for the period of the fast and then you can go back to your original routine - in fact, a break from training has been found to give you a boost when you do go back to training.
What a great explanation! Thanks, Father!
Thank you for this answer, I was literally just thinking about this question yesterday.
Starting in February, I exercised while fasting this year because I had gained a lot of weight last year after moving. My goal next Lent is not to exercise while fasting. Counting calories was a real distraction. If I fast regularly from now on I shouldn't have to concern myself with a diet during a fast. I'm happy to be at a confortable weight at the moment though. Thank God.
Some trends I've seen in history(Alexander Zass & overcoming isometrics) and current anecdotes(Vegan calisthenics/Lengthened partial calisthenics) are that the more efficient the stimulus for muscle growth the less there is a need for large amounts of food or protein. On one side of the spectrum, one has to watch their nutrition meticulously while on the other side just eat something.
I think there's a comprise to be made.
Fasting in the form of specific food elimination vs a fast of extreme caloric deficit. I have done bodybuilding diets and specific food elimination is bert easy vs severe deficit. If I swap out pea protein that's not a big deal if I don't change my macros.
It makes more sense for me to remove all seasoning, sauce, and flavorful vegetables. If I'm eating only plain chicken, broccoli and rice every day, that only, while also starving myself gaunt in the face for 16 weeks. If I keep the same calories and stop working out, I won't be hungry and I'll get fat and unproductive. With a reduction in physical output the body is very good at auto regulating non exercise energy expenditure. Basically you'll do less chores to compensate for having less fuel. Tracking and planning physical fitness output is key to avoiding this.
I think there's good reason to add onto the fast in other ways since food deprivation is being split between fasting and dieting. For me that is no music, only scripture or works of the saints. Consciously giving the physical effort and pain to god. Waking up earlier, pushing myself harder. More strick on sleep and removing other social activities for prayer.
I think the fast can be made more severe, more restrictive, and at the end you are both physically and spiritually stronger.
I have many worldly responsibilities and the fast is not about reducing my ability to care for others. Broad shoulders for big burdens.
I also remember an interview with a priest that had mentioned a monk eating a small morsel of chicken While others ate heaping piles of beans and rice and ate until satisfied. I think in this day and age there are many ways to deprive ourselves and we can give anything and everything to God
One must consult one's spiritual father/priest about the fast.
Beans and rice/pasta mixed together form a perfect protein, you can't just insist that ONLY meat is your viable source for protein. Fasting periods require us to adjust and the adjustment is getting your proteins from beans/rice instead of meat. Eat kidney beans with rice, or black beans with rice or your favorite bean with rice/pasta.
Increase your intake of broccoli or other high protein veggies. There's dairy-free protein powders. Lots of options out there to get your necessary proteins without meat during lent.
For the professional athlete where nutrient intake is your PROFESSION, there are vegan ways to take in protein. Are they as effective? No, but those vegan sources will at least mitigate loss. There are many Orthodox hockey players (mostly in the Russian churches). They make it through the Lenten fast just fine. Also the professional bodybuilder could use the Lenten fast as a 'cut' period to improve their definition. For the non-professional, serious rec athlete, or strictly recreational athlete? Do the fast.
There are ways to participate in the Lenten fast, or any other fast, and still develop your deep spirituality and closeness to Christ regardless of your profession requiring a specific mode of eating. Just remember that you would not be where you are if it weren't for Christ, His church, and faith in Him.
Father, mushrooms are the best source of protein during fasting so there is a way to build muscle and to fast
We cant compromise when it comes to any of the traditional precepts. I learned that when practicing other Eastern religions as well.
4:22 I am gonna be Christian the fullest I can and eat meat during the fast. Now you heard it from me.
I will fast 40 days whenever I will feel I am ready for it, no one can brainwash me to do it by force.
I know that I am not ok towards the church/religion/tradition, If I am not ok towards Jesus let Him decide that, this knowledge keeps me humble.
Now you, the good Christians who are fasting 40 days "like Jesus did" but with eating sugars, soy cheeses, expensive shrimp spaghettis and octopuses every day come and judge me.
Nobody will force you to fast, but without keeping the fast you will not make spiritual progress, unless your spiritual father said you must eat meat due to very serious health problems, which is very rare.
@@OrthodoxEthos Fasting is a way to train your spirit but only if one willing to fast. You cant not say "you will excommunicated if you dont participate in fasting" I dont want to fast for 40 days and I am healthy, I am not ready to fast, I dont feel like doing it and I wont do it.
@@dimitrisgakis9206what's your problem? Nobody pointing a gun at your head forcing you fast. You're acting like a self entitled brat. I will not fast bla bla bla, nobody wants your negative vibes especially during Great Lent.
Father, I use Pea Protein Isolate, cheap and 80% protein (complete) good for building muscle, soy protein isolate is even cheaper and higher in protein (90% ) but I can't take soy because of allergies. I've noticed that I get better results in building muscle mass while walking with Christ and fasting - then I ever have just using science and nutrition.
large amount of soy can disrupt hormones. it’s also the main biological weapon used to make men effeminate
Hebrews 12:
1Wherefore seeing we also are compassed about with so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which doth so easily beset us, and let us run with patience the race that is set before us, 2Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith; who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God.
3For consider him that endured such contradiction of sinners against himself, lest ye be wearied and faint in your minds.
Shaolin monks do 8-12hrs of exercise a day, and they’re operating on a pretty strict vegetarian diet. They also happen to be some of the best martial artists in the world. It’s a lie to think you can’t make athletic gains while sticking to the fasts. It’s more difficult since all plant foods have incomplete proteins, meaning you have to eat multiple foods to get the same result, but it’s undoubtedly possible to do so.
If anything, it’s a matter of faith in God, because He is the One Who will strengthen you. God can make somebody mighty in physical strength on bread alone if He so willed it. The only reason somebody shouldn’t keep the fast is for health reasons, and even monks break it for that reason like St. Porphyrios.
I am doing exercise in Judo for many years , fasting period is a good time to become lean, you want protein bake beans 🫘 and lentils or Chek peas 🫛
Salads and broccoli, avoid carbs potato 🥔 and bread , eat lots of fruits 🍇
Simply , for body building I admire some methods for strength and aesthetics but for me getting boring only lifting weight , choose a sport wrestling , judo 🥋, amateur boxing , anything else cycling 🚴 and weightlifting 🏋️ at the same time.
The trap is that you getting carbs because of bread and potatoes during fasting period.
And also meat 🥩 every day is getting cholesterol high therefore you get lots of heart issues in bodybuilding.
There are ways to get complete protein without meat, such as eating legumes with grains, things such as tofu, etc
I try to just take some vitamins and eat other alternatives for protein while cutting down the exercise a tiny bit. You do not need meat during the fast to keep exercising.
Legumes nuts mushrooms make the best protein meat substitute in the war Greeks would eat bean soup and saved us from the turks lent is the best way to fight the bad one
I don’t think they are at odds. If you are bulking up, then maybe. However, if you are weight training or using ems, you can make sure you don’t lose muscle during this period and make sure to eat enough calories. But prioritize prayer and fasting first
what about working during fast? what if your job is physically labourous?
The only reason why we are alive is because of the Holy Spirit. We cannot breathe without Him. Physical strength no less comes (mysteriously) from the Holy Spirit and not food itself. The lives of the Saints confirm this over and over in every age. Especially in the 21st century. If we sacrifice our professions of body building for Christ, without doubt He will honor and bless us with the abundant strength to live for our loved ones and gain Salvation.
A buddy of mine is 5 ft 9, 175 lb, he can bench press 315 lb and he's vegan. I asked him how do you do it? He said there are lots of foods which contain high levels of protein. I know he also takes creatine ☑️
there is plant protein powder to supplement with.
If its all about replacing the foods then is not a fast, is a change in diet.
For my bodybuilders, try get lentils and affordable vegan protein and shrimp, you will not get as good protein but you will manage
Nuts and beans have plenty of protein. I eat very little meat and it has never effected my fitness or muscle mass.
Plan your ‘bulking cycles’ around Lent and Nativity at the least. Unless you are an athlete who puts food on the table via your sport and it requires more training than is possible with restricting your food intake, it seems hard to justify not simply planning accordingly without worry or complaint. But I’m just an idiot, so what do I know.
A spiritual father/priest should be the one to come up with a fasting plan.
When you are in a fasted state, you preserve muscle :)
Rubbish!!! exercising in a fasted state, the body will start breaking down muscle to use protein for fuel. You are a total doofus.
Peanut butter works wonders for me
What about endurance training and huge caloric burning days where you would lose a lot of weight if you didn’t eat a lot of food and balance it with the right stuff? Same suggestions?
The comments here have very good suggestions. Nuts, rice and beans, beans alone (legumes, lentils..I recommend personally 15 bean soups), mushrooms, VEGA protein powder, other things.
Lord Jesus Christ son of God Forgive me a sinner
Bro, peanuts, nuts of all sorts.. hummus chickpeas all these things.. I'm a powerlifter that barely eats meat.. i get my proteins from vegetable sources..
What about protein shakes? Whey is derived from milk, but it's hardly dairy. It can be drunk with water.
Someone suggested VEGA protein powder.
How to vegans weight train... we only fast certain times of the year... jesus sacrificed his life for us why can't we do the same for 40 days
It is not recommended to combine weightlifting with fasting as training boosts testosterone levels which can increase libido, among other things.
It’s 40 days. It’s not that big of a deal to consume suboptimal (from an athletic standpoint) nutrition.
You’re probably not a professional athlete, you are probably a hobbyist. 40 days of less protein will make a minimal impact on your physique as long as you’re not gorging on carbs and being gluttonous with fasting foods.
The total amount of fasting days that people are supposed to follow through out the year can be anywhere from 180 days to 200 days out of the year.
You won’t lose enough protein lifting weights. You’ll just build lean muscle mass. Plenty of protein in some veggies, legumes, etc. modern research shows protein excess not metabolizing to muscle. Supp with amino acids to build protein.
There are vegan bodybuilders. Then again, is bodybuilding really compatible with Orthodox spiritual life?
I don't savvy this. The question asked of Father Peter didn't mention bodybuilding or eating meat during times of fast. The question was only two sentences long! I confess that I'm very confused.
Use pea protein. It is vegan...and 40 days isn't going to "kill your gainz".
Do orthodox have to fast Wednesday and Friday also, not during lent?
Lentils and beans man. Vegan protein powder with almond milk is still good if you throw a little fruit in it to get rid of the chalk flavor.
Honestly as part of the fast try just maintaining you will need less protien and when maintaining the gym is lower on your priority list.
Just think Novak Djoković is permanently on plant food, eats very little amounts of food, and is also gluten free. Talking about gains surely no one can make “gains” non stop. Fasting is a spring cleaning of the body and that is so much more beneficial for body than gains. Give your body full rehab 4 times a year. Yoshinori Ohsumi received Nobel price for discovering mechanism of total body rejuvenation process “autophagy”, when all organs and cells in the body rebuild by killing old and sick cells and initiate total body repair. During this time cancer cells are also identified as faulty and removed. Brain also regenerates. Autophagy is achieved only via starvation. God gave us fast for the benefit of body, mind and soul. Go on TH-cam and find out about benefits of fast using autophagy as a key word.
Does anybody know the outro chant?
Axion Estin.
@@BecomeAnOrthodoxChristian Thank you and God Bless
@@WithstandTheStorm God Bless you, too!
Maybe I’m naïve, but why not just be a bodybuilder AND fast, while fasting doing what you can under the guidance of your physician, trainers, physical therapists, etc. (and of course, as always, your spiritual father). If you have to miss some competitions, oh well, but you can maybe still make a career? Perhaps God will bless you for it.
I think research over the last several years has shown that exercise and fitness is achievable on a vegan diet. Many top level athletes have shown this.
You can still work out. I swim. Just swim slower or swim less laps and work on technique.
Surely if you take something that serious you can afford a nutritionist to find ways to get your protein and nutritions in other ways.
Fasting does not look the same to everyone. You know personally what is the measure of your fast, how much to fast.
ya my fasting is 10 cakes a day and a rack of ribs! Dont tell me otherwise!! You are invalidating my own personal definition of fasting!!!!
We must always consult our Priest/spiritual father before deciding things about the fast.
Just change the protein to non meat protein, and for goodness’ sake it’s only for 40 days.. you won’t loose much of the muscle gains either …
Personally I fast, but still go to the gym
There are vegan body builders very very big bodies including Mr universe
Speaking of physical excercise, I do karate 3 times a week and I have been practicing for almost 8 years, now I am a brown belt. I think martial arts and jogging are way more benificial than lifting weights.
Swimming is the best. Cardio plus you develop muscles. Also not much stress on the joints.
I did this as well. However I realized while we are told that Martial Arts is a “form” of defense what it really does subconsciously is it instills in your mind that you are a powerful person capable of any enemy (builds pride and self reliance).
It inherently makes you think there is always a physical enemy at large when really it is the spiritual battles we should wage war with as Ephesians 6:12 states.
But most of all there is this unchristian teaching in that there is another spiritual entity called a “chi” also referred to as Ki or Qi or Prana, which is taught as a mystical force that gives one supernatural power.
You might deny these things but try to look at this from a Christian perspective not from someone who’s trained for 8 years.
@@eotceotc karate is NOT a cult. It does have some terminology with pagan influence, but there are no true references to pagan gods or spirits. Some might argue that the "kiai" scream Is some sort of demon summoning, but nothing could be further from the truth. It's a scream that Is used to give strength to the techniques in a purely physical wat, with no weird stuff like "I summon Gorzorg's force". Same thing can be said for katas, which are series of techniques done to emulate fighting and to show techniques and not to summon ancient gods. Yoga and karate are oranges and apples, completely different.
Never said it was a cult, did you just copy and paste this? Because you did not address any of my points…
@@eotceotc however, there DEFINITELY are SOME martial arts with demonic influence. Shorinji Kenpo, for example, clearly teaches buddhism.
There are vegan bodybuilders. True body builders know this
Bodybuilding is a very vain homosexual activity.
i see you got like by the author for that one
That's a false issue. There are plenty vegan body builders and athletes! One just need to look around and learn!
Its easy for people who dont live in the world (in contrast to us bodybuilders) and just say ,,well put everything aside and put Christ first"
But its not that simple for laymen who live in the world and who pursue their hobbies such as bodybuilding.
I tried that and got psychological problems.
Simply saying, well put your hobby completely aside is not that easy trust me.
Then i can just say ,,ok lets leave everything aside then and become a monk" because why pursue hobbies in the first place?
And bodybuilding is one of those hobbies where you just need to have your nutrition in check...
Did he tell him to put all his hobbies aside? No!
@@johnsambo9379 no, but imagine you are striving to get a physique you desire and working your butt off in order to get it, just to lose it all in those fasting days, and there is 4 fasting cycles each year
@@johnsambo9379 so if you want to fast and keep bodybuilding, you actually cant and miggt as well just let go of that hobby in general
Speaking as a qualified PT, bodybuilding itself is not that healthy as a hobby. It develops narcissism, gives anxiety and leads to injury. Play a real sport (ideally outdoors) or do Pilates, they are much better for you in the long run.
@@zeppo_pellini thanks for the encouraging Words big brother, God bless you and your dear ones.
Greetings from Vienna
From a serbian Orthodox Christan.
Does… Father Peter… even lift, bro? 😅😜
No sir. He lifts books and spiritual weights. No time for much more. Life is short. Death is at the door.