"Barely promoted themselves" Ah yes the UFC shill channel is back at it again with the narrative 💀 apparently it is the fighters' job to "promote themselves" and not the PROMOTION
It could also be the language barrier. To many fans, Ilia seems stoic and a man of few words. To the point and precise. But Spanish speakers have described his speaking cadence and choice of words to that one a young McGregor, someone who has witty trash talk. So when someone is speaking in their 2nd, 3rd, or 4th language, their personality cant really shine.
Plus fedor was extremely promoted by the organization and vladimir putin interviewed him and he was promoted by Vladimir and news chs kept interviewing him in russia . And he russia golden boy which the west and japan felt like he was mystical @@des0163
@@des0163I only remember one commercial and it was when his brother fought Mirko Crocop and Fedor was angry his brother god koed, he even sweared few words on Crocop. That's it. :D
Well, I love me some Miocic, but I wouldn't exactly call him a "10 top big MMA star"... had they listed a few honorable mentions, then yes he would have probably been given a shout out, but IMO, everyone on this list is indeed a bigger star than "Lil' Big Cro Cop 2.0" (not being a native English speaker, it was a nightmare to try to understand what he is saying, and from what I've gathered even some native speakers have trouble understand him, which doesn't really help)
Robbie may be a man of few words, but my favorite Robbie line will always be him recounting his fight with Rory and saying that’s his favorite fight because of how violent and how much he had to push himself in that fight.
Robbie Lawler being here does make me smile, mainly because in my UFC 5 career mode he was my first fight in the UFC and he immediately started talking shit to me 😂😂
I love the Diaz brothers they are the perfect example of anyone can be a fighter no matter your past and how you grew up now they can give back to the community and show kids no matter where u are and from u can become a ufc star
It is interesting how Nate had Nick and his career to look to to help see dos and donts and learn from. Nate kinda learned to enjoy media and spotlight in his own way somehow and spin it to help succeed, see the positives in it and still be himself and not compromise or focus on anything but fighting and "putting on a good show."
Yup, Legendary Dass Brothers. So legendary that they are struggling to make money now. Hardcore fans aren't the ones who usually pay the bills, are they?
@@hunterkenway6212what makes you think they are struggling lol have you done a little research to see how much Nate has made off of his last several fights?
@@cathleenmoore710 It's the fact that he still has to do those embarrassing fights with Jake Paul & now a retired Masvidal just to take L's unlike others who have successful businesses, movies or social media channels setup to earn proves my point. For once stop defending these kinds of delusional people & encourage them to promote themselves properly in all business ventures in life.
Rory and Robbie are the best examples of fighters who don't fight for the fame or money but rather because this is their lives. Their 2nd fight together is arguably one of the best fights that have ever been recorded.
To understand the Crocop/Vanderlei staredown, you have to understand the wake of destruction Vanderlei had behind him at the time, he was crushing everyone in devastating fashion, and Crocop didn't care about any of that, got in Vanderlei's face and let him know this wasn't gonna be a walk in the park... Legend.
The Robbie Lawler interview where he said "im not just taking his neck..... Im taking his soul" is some of the coldest stuff ever. He ment that. And he was talking about a possible fight with Connor McGregor.
2:48 I audibly groaned in disgusting when I realized Frankie was being interviewed by Brandon Schlub. The irony of him being in a video about fighters being humble is staggering.
You nailed it. This is why promoters like Don King get paid the big bucks. I remember when Tyson didn't have much to say, then complained about his pay and turned around to promote himself. These non-shit-talkers are my favorite fighters. They train to be the best and you can count on them to get shit done.
Fedor should have been number 1 and nick shouldn’t even be on the list because he definitely promotes himself when he bitches after loses and he doesn’t stop bitching
Lawler doesnt need to be anything but himself. Guy's a warrior and literally left it all in the cage everytime. Real fans recognize real fighters and their effort to win and be the best.
Mark Hunt leading the class action lawsuit against the UFC is even more silly when you learn that at one point he was offered a payday to be let out of his contract. Like, not only did you like the contract enough to sign it, but they couldn't pay you to get out of it. crazy
Hunt didn't lead the class action lawsuit against the UFC. He did lead a suit for a totally different reason. Maybe if you pay attention to the facts, you'll be the one to avoid arriving at "silly" notions.
#15 baby. I just want to say that Mr Chris w is definitely suffering from some issues mentally when it comes to his recent so called victory and I'm happy to be the number 15, on here hope all is well guys let's keep MMA growing and going well, let's go baby
I'd give top1 place to Fedor. Dude did not speak at all yet all his fights were talking for him! Legend. I wish he fought in UFC and would zip Dana once and for all.
Nate didn't start liking self-promoting until the very end when he started making real money and I think he did it for that reason because he felt like him and his brother deserve to get paid before they retired
Stipe does so little press that they forgot to put him on the list
I think because he did the Modelo commercials he was disqualified from the list. Like they explained in the beginning of the video
He had like 4 commercials
The stockton slap was one of the greatest promotions lol
for real the Diaz's always put on a show that's the best sort of promotion.
wHat Iz ThIS, tHe MoNeY cHaNnEl?!@@DonMofet
I love the connection that mma on point has with random Mike Perry clips😂
definitely not my fault
"Barely promoted themselves"
Ah yes the UFC shill channel is back at it again with the narrative 💀 apparently it is the fighters' job to "promote themselves" and not the PROMOTION
@@Bayliun every single one gets me going, thanks mate.
mirko has the most surprising personality of any fighter. dude is relaxed and playful in real life but you’d think hed be a stone cold killer
The killers in the room are usually the most chill. People who don’t feel threatened don’t need to flex.
Cro Cop the legend. Loved that clip of him reaching for the Japanese p*rn magazines then instead reaching for the manga😂
It could also be the language barrier. To many fans, Ilia seems stoic and a man of few words. To the point and precise. But Spanish speakers have described his speaking cadence and choice of words to that one a young McGregor, someone who has witty trash talk. So when someone is speaking in their 2nd, 3rd, or 4th language, their personality cant really shine.
Not really I speak Croatian and even tho I respect him he gose on rants pretty often and talks a Lot of bullshit
3:45 in what world do people think Bo Nickel is a good talker/self promoter. Guy just sounds like any footballer high-school in a cheesy USA movie
I can't remember his fights but I know his name, so he must be doing a decent job with promotion.
@AngryJT UFC have done good a good job shoving him in our faces.
@@I_AM_BAYTORturning the whole fan base against you isn't him doing it right 😂
Saying Hunt "walked off home" makes me picture him just walking into the ocean like godzilla in the direction of hawaii.
Izzy laughing at Strickland's joke @6:48 😂
Fedor has to be top 5 at least
Plus fedor was extremely promoted by the organization and vladimir putin interviewed him and he was promoted by Vladimir and news chs kept interviewing him in russia .
And he russia golden boy which the west and japan felt like he was mystical @@des0163
Did you watch the video?
He was top 4 in video buddy :D but i'd give him personally number 1 spot, he proved everything with his fights in pride.
@@des0163I only remember one commercial and it was when his brother fought Mirko Crocop and Fedor was angry his brother god koed, he even sweared few words on Crocop. That's it. :D
@SHAAAaaaOLiiiiN what's your point, buddy?
Nick Diaz is what you get when you have a 10 in charisma but hate speech.
Dont think you know what charisma is
Diaz racist? Never heard any of his hate speech.
@@wesleymcglone6937he means Diaz doesn't like talking
@@TheUnderDogUzumaki Accept for hate speech. Thinks he's the next Hitler. I'm with you.
@wesleymcglone6937 lol, Jesus dude.... you don't know how to infer what somebody means? He HATES speech..... not he commits "hate speech".
Where my man Stipé at?
In DC's blind spot.
Well, I love me some Miocic, but I wouldn't exactly call him a "10 top big MMA star"... had they listed a few honorable mentions, then yes he would have probably been given a shout out, but IMO, everyone on this list is indeed a bigger star than "Lil' Big Cro Cop 2.0"
(not being a native English speaker, it was a nightmare to try to understand what he is saying, and from what I've gathered even some native speakers have trouble understand him, which doesn't really help)
He is getting so ignored that he can't even make the list of fighters that are trying to get ignored lol
@@randallflagg3700stipe needs subtitles 😅
" Never got riled up once,"- Mike Bisping.
A list of a lot of my all time favorite fighters. Truly the stoic quiet ones that just go out there and let their fighting do the talking.
Robbie may be a man of few words, but my favorite Robbie line will always be him recounting his fight with Rory and saying that’s his favorite fight because of how violent and how much he had to push himself in that fight.
One of my favorites from robbie, he was being asked about a possible McGregor fight "if I hurt him I'm not taking his neck......I'm taking his soul" 😂
I think because Johnnie Hendrix dopped up, he knew in his heart that he couldn't talk shit
Robbie Lawler being here does make me smile, mainly because in my UFC 5 career mode he was my first fight in the UFC and he immediately started talking shit to me 😂😂
this one of my favorite channels now
Fedor actually does know English, he just doesn't speak it in the media.
Cro Cop had that man thinking that was his last day above ground lol
Mirko almost made that man crap his pants 😂
He was so fucking scared 😆 🤣 I don't blame him though 👀
"that man"
I'm amazed at how little the new fans know about the history of the sport.
@@PhilSophia-ox7ep UFC missed out not hiring Mauro...iconic voice in MMA
As would most anybody if they’re being honest about it. Mauro I get it
For me Nick Diaz is like real life Stone Cold. Just a absolute rebel who defy any type of authority and i just love him for that.
Yall missed out on including one of nates all time best quotes "where i come from, people like you get slapped"
@@piotrd7355 damn. Did I really put Nate? Like, I know the difference and I know Nick is the one that said it.... That's embarrassing.
Well edit that shit homie.
@@I_AM_BAYTOR kiss my ass. I did a stupid and got corrected. It's all right there for everyone to see. Editing would be a bitch move.
@@danelynch7171 Nah edit that shit. The proof of the stupid will still be there for folks to judge.
I was binge watching all y'all's videos...again, and then this new one just popped up! Noice!
Dan Henderson is a terrifying man.
How relaxed he always seemed made him more terrifying.
Honorable mentions:
Joe Lauzon
Jim Miller
This video is bullshit and this channel is a shill hub for UFC, it's not the fighters job to promote themselves, but the *PROMOTION'S*
@@carphucker2973 shills already deleted my comments you don't gotta simp for Dana "bro"
@@carphucker2973 lmao shills already deleted my comment you can go easy on Dana's meat
I love the Diaz brothers they are the perfect example of anyone can be a fighter no matter your past and how you grew up now they can give back to the community and show kids no matter where u are and from u can become a ufc star
It is interesting how Nate had Nick and his career to look to to help see dos and donts and learn from. Nate kinda learned to enjoy media and spotlight in his own way somehow and spin it to help succeed, see the positives in it and still be himself and not compromise or focus on anything but fighting and "putting on a good show."
How is Stipe Miocic not on this list. I think ALL mma media doesn't like him or respect him.
Great video
I miss this channels old music theme, that was legendary
"now if he could talk like Bo Nickal..."
Savage 😂
18:29 shit Nick looks like Higuruma here, funny enough Higuruma also ain't a fan of talking lol.
Man Cro Cop is a fkn legend. Such a cool dude and an absolute Destroyer at the same time
I'm glad Charlie Radtke finally made it to the Ufc. That dude was always getting into fights at the high school I went to.
Bapa let Frankie speak!
Career advice from Branson Schwab is Gringo Papi level hilarious
Hendricks: good on you for keeping true to your wrestling roots
MMA Right On Point 💯
Love how the video was super long was entertaining
Cro Cop never had to self-promote; just watch him kick.
Right leg hospital
I feel like different fighters promote themselves in different ways. Legendary Diaz brothers are a good example.
Yup, Legendary Dass Brothers. So legendary that they are struggling to make money now. Hardcore fans aren't the ones who usually pay the bills, are they?
@@hunterkenway6212what makes you think they are struggling lol have you done a little research to see how much Nate has made off of his last several fights?
@@cathleenmoore710 It's the fact that he still has to do those embarrassing fights with Jake Paul & now a retired Masvidal just to take L's unlike others who have successful businesses, movies or social media channels setup to earn proves my point. For once stop defending these kinds of delusional people & encourage them to promote themselves properly in all business ventures in life.
@@hunterkenway6212 “This is number 1 bullshit.”
@@piotrd7355 Okay buddy, keep beating that "I Support Unsuccessful Weedheads Drum😂"
Gegard Mousasi should be on the list.
And that’s why we love these fighters, because they were all about that action
Rory and Robbie are the best examples of fighters who don't fight for the fame or money but rather because this is their lives. Their 2nd fight together is arguably one of the best fights that have ever been recorded.
To understand the Crocop/Vanderlei staredown, you have to understand the wake of destruction Vanderlei had behind him at the time, he was crushing everyone in devastating fashion, and Crocop didn't care about any of that, got in Vanderlei's face and let him know this wasn't gonna be a walk in the park... Legend.
The Robbie Lawler interview where he said "im not just taking his neck..... Im taking his soul" is some of the coldest stuff ever. He ment that. And he was talking about a possible fight with Connor McGregor.
2:48 I audibly groaned in disgusting when I realized Frankie was being interviewed by Brandon Schlub. The irony of him being in a video about fighters being humble is staggering.
3:56 his T shirt sponsor is upside down. 😂
You nailed it. This is why promoters like Don King get paid the big bucks. I remember when Tyson didn't have much to say, then complained about his pay and turned around to promote himself. These non-shit-talkers are my favorite fighters. They train to be the best and you can count on them to get shit done.
It was funny seeing Brendan Schaub talking about people sounding stupid
Never Heard CroCop speak Till today
That Sean comment got me laughing my bollox off
Bayliun is the only one i like on mma on point these days
Moral of the story - it happens organically lol
Note how all of these guys are the old guard, the OGs
Fedor should have been number 1 and nick shouldn’t even be on the list because he definitely promotes himself when he bitches after loses and he doesn’t stop bitching
14:07 when you fart and everyone is trying to figure out who did it….
I’m a recent MMA fan but I’ve known about Cain since 2019 and this is the first time I’m hearing him speak. Nuts. Goated dude tho
Alex Pereira deserves to be on this list, absolute savage
He does promote himself actually kinda well
Just because he doesn't talk much doesn't mean he doesn't promote
@@RealMrSmile how?
3:55 his PEDs got him fighting gigs!
This video is ten of my favorite fighters
12:43 that's just what I thought at that same moment, lol
Babe wake up, MMA On Point uploaded.
Lawler doesnt need to be anything but himself. Guy's a warrior and literally left it all in the cage everytime. Real fans recognize real fighters and their effort to win and be the best.
I will always believe Lawler when he said he'd have taken Conor's soul in that interview.
I honestly forgot Fedor didn't speak English. I always just thought he just never spoke and preferred to stay silent.
anyone else go right to robbie lawlers retirment clip?
Let the fighting do the talk is a thing of the past
Spent minutes trying to figure out what roofless meant
Lawler’s neck is a weapon.
He could probably kill 90% of humans with a single head butt.
Frankie Edgar was on True Life..thats like the equivalent of doing TH-cam now lol
Mark Hunt leading the class action lawsuit against the UFC is even more silly when you learn that at one point he was offered a payday to be let out of his contract.
Like, not only did you like the contract enough to sign it, but they couldn't pay you to get out of it. crazy
Hunt didn't lead the class action lawsuit against the UFC. He did lead a suit for a totally different reason.
Maybe if you pay attention to the facts, you'll be the one to avoid arriving at "silly" notions.
@@PhilSophia-ox7ep you're referring to the lawsuit about Lesnar's drug use. He was part of the class action as well. Good try there buddy.
Roided up Hendricks was a G!
19:30 Okamoto surrounding by the shawties.
Robbie is one of the nicest athletes I’ve ever met.
#15 baby. I just want to say that Mr Chris w is definitely suffering from some issues mentally when it comes to his recent so called victory and I'm happy to be the number 15, on here hope all is well guys let's keep MMA growing and going well, let's go baby
Sorry but Fedor can definitely speak English
I love Frankie Edgars personality.
He was great for the sport.
Crazy how Dana looks far younger now with a shaved head than he did decades ago prior to shaving it
Without even watching yet I’m hoping Cro Cop is in this
And Nick's beatdown of BJ Penn was brutal..... And said he didn't want to hurt BJ, imagine if he did, sheesh.
Wasent they signed to a promotion lool
Fedor was popular as hell in Russia I think for him that was probably enough. That being said here in America he was a legend
You definitely missed a bunch of important champs
Take a mental note - Hendo
I'd give top1 place to Fedor. Dude did not speak at all yet all his fights were talking for him! Legend. I wish he fought in UFC and would zip Dana once and for all.
Where I come from, people that make lists like this get slapped
Where's Stipe??
Tbh I love the fighters who don't run their mouths like tryhards.
Unless they're hilarious of course
CM Punk has to be top 5 atleast
Nate didn't start liking self-promoting until the very end when he started making real money and I think he did it for that reason because he felt like him and his brother deserve to get paid before they retired
Finally Diaz gets the number 1 spot. Diaz army worldwide!
Mirko is a legend
And now imagine everyone else… who don’t get promoted at all and get like $3000 for a fight and have to work 2 other jobs
I’m pretty sure I remember Frankie Edgar choke out a tiger in a commercial…
Yet we all know and love all 10 of them, makes you wonder :P
Top 10 nerds/gamers/geeks in mma (Joe Lauzon, Shane Carwin, Rich Franklin, Matt Serra, Adesanya, GSP, MVP, Moreno, Mighty Mouse, Mr Wonderful, Mayhem Miller, Josh Barnett, Bendo, Angela Hill for the ladies).
I’d like to think that if I was in mma, I’d be the strong, silent type. I’m already one of those two things.
I became a Nick fan first what got me into the sport was the 2nd fight with noons. He's the shit.