Quick Exposure Assessment of Flood Inundation Shakti P. C.(水.土砂防災研究部門)
- เผยแพร่เมื่อ 12 ม.ค. 2025
- Quick Exposure Assessment of Flood Inundation
In recent years, extreme rain events and associated floods have been frequently experienced in Japan. If we are to improve our understanding of flood process and to best monitor them consideration of fundamental input parameters as well as flood scenarios such as back water effect and embankment failure are very important during flood event so that quick analysis of flood inundation scenario can be performed and it is a key reference for emergency response and the further impact assessment of socio-economic magnitude. The collection and processing of data from disaster areas in near real-time and their aggregation is always desirable to enhance disaster management. Therefore, utilizing the flood inundation mapping product and social information (e.g., land use data, building datasets, road networks, and population datasets), an exposure assessment of flood inundation for any area can be disseminated that provides insight on various types of socio-economic factors within the flood-affected region. When such an exposure assessment of flood inundation is released quickly for any flooded region in near real-time, it would be a key reference for implementing quick strategies and special actions to collect damage information, emergency response, evacuation, smooth recovery of living environments, and resource allocation by local or national governments.
NIED has issued several types of flood-related information, which are available on the NIED’s crisis response website (crs.bosai.go.jp/). An important type of information is quick mapping of flood inundation for a flood-affected area. With the assistance of a quick flood inundation mapping product, in this study, we developed a tool for the quick exposure assessment of flood inundation in a city of Japan. As a case study, we conducted our research on a city that was severely affected by flooding.
In the first week of July 2020, torrential rainfall caused heavy flooding in different cities of the Kyushu region. Among them, Hitoyoshi City in Kumamoto Prefecture was severely flooded, especially the northern part. In this study, we have further applied the developed exposure assessment tool to flood inundation in Hitoyoshi City. We outlined the hazard and exposure scenarios based on a simple assumption and presented the overall results. We plan to apply our quick assessment tool to future flood events for further verification. Further improvement of the tool and consideration of other social data to present complete assessment of flood inundation will be addressed in future work.
令和2年度 防災科研 成果発表会
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