I wish this becomes official DLC once the game is finished and released on Steam, UAF ships are just so beautiful and powerful. They are not flawed and stupid like most of vanilla ships and not just copy and paste existing textures like most of other modded ships. They literally have the best performance and looks, so using them is much fun and less stressful. Thanks for the vid, Remnants needed to be crushed and punished hard!
Surrounded by mini nukes and laying down ridiculous amounts of fire
Truly a beautiful sight
Not the nuclear bees!
it's over...
I have fallen to corruption of the most heinous kind
I wish this becomes official DLC once the game is finished and released on Steam, UAF ships are just so beautiful and powerful. They are not flawed and stupid like most of vanilla ships and not just copy and paste existing textures like most of other modded ships. They literally have the best performance and looks, so using them is much fun and less stressful. Thanks for the vid, Remnants needed to be crushed and punished hard!