Dr Reid Oliver's Story - ATWT - Part 70

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 24 ก.ย. 2024
  • Before anything else is said... PLEASE take a look at this website and CONSIDER DONATING. We're doing incredibly so far. Eric has already said how touched he is by it.
    At long last I'm back with every video and all extra clips. With super speed internet in my new flat EVENTUALLY, they will all be up today and tomorrow. I can only apoligise for the constant delay in posting. Life is without a doubt completely to blame!
    For those who watch the show religiously, you will ALL know how the story ends. For those who were unaware, the show ends ENTIRELY on September 17th and Reid's story has reached its end on screen. These videos will track it till the very end with some choices about the ending itself. (see later videos)
    I would be VERY GRATEFUL if ANY comments you make could be contained to the things happening in THIS video and past ones only so as not to spoil anything or ruin the enjoyment of THESE scenes. Thanks a MILLION and I hope you guys understand.
    I have always given my opinion in these videos and will continue to. I love the fact that others may disagree so to reiterate (as the videos to come, I get pretty opinionated!) these are MY opinions only!
    Anyway, to the episode...
    Chris is an idiot. This opinion will be reinforced and repeated continually over the rest of the story. Let me just get it out now...
    He's a character they'd cast and re cast over the years and someone that not many really give a damn about. Katie is a well loved and cherished character by many and her relationship with people like Simon, Brad, Henry etc .... that's what everyone wants to see and see come to a really well rounded ending. The relationship with Chris makes me so uncomfortable. It's NEVER felt organic and natural and it's ALWAYS felt forced, rushed, badly written and Chris is developed in a way that makes it so difficult to root for him.
    The fact that Reid is even mixed up in this mess is tiresome. I mean, it's obvious that the Chief of Staff link and the link between him and Katie... THAT is the driving force but it's something I wish was used then resolved quickly... unfortunately it's NOT and we have to suffer Chris Hughes for a lot longer. Damnit.
    I can understand Chris' reason for worrying and not telling people immediately. Shock does that to people. I can only understand it for a short while though...
    On a happier and less serious note, Reid/Eric looks absolutely glowy in this episode. It's the labcoat I think ;)
    I love how professional he is, how he tries to push Chris to be honest and how he's STILL not able to do anything about it because he cares for Katie and in a way... Chris.
    The fact Luke realises Reid is distracted and not quite himself says a lot. I mean, one of Reid's trademark stamps is his ability to block things out. It's the beginning of the complete and utter crack down of his defences.... it's both amazing to watch AND awful. I've always wanted him to change and develop but he's so affected by everything and so shocked by his feelings.... it's kinda hard to watch....
    I always HOPED that the Chris v Reid stuff would be fun, light-hearted and FULL OF SNARK. I REALLY wish it was instead of having Chris so out of it all of the time.
    Love Luke's little feel of Reid's brow. It's so ridiculous how WELL they know each other and are so cute about it. It is WITHOUT A DOUBT one of their charms :D
    I adore Katie. Always have, always will, and knowing her character, she is very supportive and passionate even if it is completely ridiculous sometimes... bit like Luke in a way... the fact she's sticking by Chris so fully is understandable. I HATE the fact they have ZERO chemistry but I love Terri's acting so it's worth watching the HORROR of them kissing....
    THIS IS WITHOUT A DOUBT ONE OF MY FAVOURITE LUKE AND REID SCENES EVER. Van Hansis and his dimples have been part of my life for many years now and I have NEVER seen him as cute as RIGHT NOW in the sofa scene. Reid is SO TYPICALLY Reid. He's stoic, serious and yet there's that Eric/Reid-trademark flicker of amusement or smile ... it says SO much by doing SO little. The fact Reid lands so cutely by Reid and Reid LETS him... sigh It's so comfortable and easy. THIS is Luke and Reid at their BEST.
    Luke's so trained being a spoiled brat from a rich family, it's so hilarious. Reid and his loathing of dog and pony shows only makes it funnier. THE SMILE. Oh man he's brilliant. Damned scary too, hahaha!
    Reid's so out of it though but I am always grateful that Luke is around for that. I mean, if you had to have anyone stand by you when you felt crappy...you'd want it to be Luke Snyder and his sunshine smile, right? :D
    Continued at Part 71...

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