Hi Thank you my brother. So many are thinking they can just SAY they are SAVED and that everyone is a sinner so no need to change any habits - including sexual immorality. Yes we all fall short of the glory of God and we including myself once were dead thru sin. But now having become renewed in Christ Jesus putting on the NEW personality I can no longer continue in sin. Repentance and then stopping the immoral behavior is Required. Christians are trying to rewrite the scriptures with thinking that the temple of God is some building . They defile themselves daily and still feel they can Preach the HOLY WORD, of Christ. I appreciate all the points you make and yes Jesus looks at the Heart. We can not hide from him . Repentance and grief o ver such sin is really key . Jesus is so merciful and close to the broken hearted. I will share this my brother in hopes that it will shake some sense into some of our dear brothers and sisters who struggle with lust Love to you and your wife and your precious children. 🌸👱🏼♀️🌸 Natasha
Thank you, dear sister. The Lord has put a lot of tenderness on my heart lately. I don't want to beat down or drive away anyone that is struggling who wants to overcome. Last night I heard in a dream, "we must be clothed in humility." Even on our best days, we are completely dependent on His grace. It is this institutionalizing of "evil" as "good" and "good" as "evil" that I cannot stand. A person who ignores another's sin is seen as loving. A person who supports another's sin is seen as very loving. But a person who speaks out against it with genuine concern is considered hateful and judgmental. These are the world's standards of love and hate, and it seems to have taken over what is called the church. It's different when speaking with Heathens. How much can they know when they don't know Christ? What can any of us know except that which is given to us from above? Before Jesus saved me, He had opened my eyes to much of the wickedness in the world. So I was able to speak words about darkness and death. But I couldn't speak a single word of life. Until He was in my heart, there was no life in me. Professing Christians bring a different standard upon themselves. I am reminded of when Jesus told the pharisees (I'm paraphrasing), "If you were blind, then you wouldn't have sin. But now you say, 'we see,' therefore your sin remains." There are sincere Christians who genuinely don't understand some concepts, but obviously plainly stated standards like abstaining from fornication cannot be chalked up to ignorance. It is always wonderful hearing from you, Natasha. I pray many blessings to you and your family!
Thank you my brother. So many are thinking they can just SAY they are SAVED and that everyone is a sinner so no need to change any habits - including sexual immorality.
Yes we all fall short of the glory of God and we including myself once were
dead thru sin. But now having become renewed in Christ Jesus putting on the NEW personality I can no longer continue in sin.
Repentance and then stopping the immoral behavior is Required.
Christians are trying to rewrite the scriptures with thinking that the temple of God is some building . They defile themselves daily and still feel they can Preach the HOLY WORD, of Christ.
I appreciate all the points you make and yes Jesus looks at the Heart. We can not hide from him . Repentance and grief o ver such sin is really key . Jesus is so merciful and close to the broken hearted.
I will share this my brother in hopes that it will shake some sense into some of our dear brothers and sisters who struggle with lust
Love to you and your wife and your precious children.
Thank you, dear sister. The Lord has put a lot of tenderness on my heart lately. I don't want to beat down or drive away anyone that is struggling who wants to overcome. Last night I heard in a dream, "we must be clothed in humility." Even on our best days, we are completely dependent on His grace.
It is this institutionalizing of "evil" as "good" and "good" as "evil" that I cannot stand. A person who ignores another's sin is seen as loving. A person who supports another's sin is seen as very loving. But a person who speaks out against it with genuine concern is considered hateful and judgmental. These are the world's standards of love and hate, and it seems to have taken over what is called the church.
It's different when speaking with Heathens. How much can they know when they don't know Christ? What can any of us know except that which is given to us from above? Before Jesus saved me, He had opened my eyes to much of the wickedness in the world. So I was able to speak words about darkness and death. But I couldn't speak a single word of life. Until He was in my heart, there was no life in me.
Professing Christians bring a different standard upon themselves. I am reminded of when Jesus told the pharisees (I'm paraphrasing), "If you were blind, then you wouldn't have sin. But now you say, 'we see,' therefore your sin remains." There are sincere Christians who genuinely don't understand some concepts, but obviously plainly stated standards like abstaining from fornication cannot be chalked up to ignorance.
It is always wonderful hearing from you, Natasha. I pray many blessings to you and your family!