'FACE' Album reaction is available here - th-cam.com/video/dVZJrmuHky8/w-d-xo.html Thank you guys for watching, hope you enjoy these reactions :) Thank you, Jimin for an absolute masterpiece of an album! 🖤 PS - As always, these are just my thoughts and my interpretation of the Lyrics and Visuals :)
You are one of my fav reactors and I just want to help you by informing that Like Crazy or any song in the album is about a romantic relationship, he said the album was for himself and it was about his feeling during the pandemic and facing his inner demons, the girl represents a part of himself that he's been trying to avoid coming to terms with, like escapism choosing to stay in dream even if it breaks him to avoid reality
I so totally agree. He's set the bar so high in the industry. It's like watching an artist creating a masterpiece with each blank canvas. Mind blowing 👌💯💜
At 5 o'clock in the morning here in Brazil, my heart was racing watching my baby Mochi all grown up. Feel like a proud mommy. A 54 years young Army from Brazil.
The video remembered me my time when I was partying in the clubs.... I never felt so empty in my entire live. Maybe for the moment it is satisfying, but it could never fill the emptiness :( But now I'm free! Like Jimin in his other video
❣The whole club scene was hazy, most times, with everyone in background sort of a blur all except Jimin because in actuality it was a dream sequences. It totally conveyed the party feel at the club, showing Jimin in his element, drinking, having an amazing time. If you recall it started out Jimin in blue light, but zeroed in on his eye which turned into Jimin’s eye in more natural lighting, while he had his head resting on the table with dazed look, in that small depressing apartment. The next scene, back at the club was back to the blue lighting again, which represented back to the dream state. He even said at one point please don’t wake me. I don’t want to leave this dream. Jimin himself said that basically the whole album was written referring to his inner thoughts, emotions, struggles, despair, loneliness & depression during the yrs of pandemic. He hoped that many ppl could relate to these kind of feelings. Keep this in mind while listening to the whole album, there are lyric vids you can refer too or sites like Genius that also has the English translations. Also in the order of the album actually Like Crazy came first. As well as others before Set Me Free. Which if you recall at the end he was free from all the emotional, disparaging past feelings.
Hello dear human! "It is as beautiful as it is heart-breaking" is just a simple, powerful way to describe this work of art. I am still amazed of what their minds and souls can create and just how blessed we are to be able to enjoy it all. For me, this felt like a continuation of Lie and Set me free like where he is at now. Living a lie, caught in a dream and finally breaking free and being his beautiful self. What a soul. Have a great day and take care!
Love your interpretation very much! I think the girl can also represent Jimin himself, his other persona, which also makes a lot of sense. Thank you for the reaction ❤
♦Jimin mentioned that one of his fav movies “Like Crazy” inspired parts of the song aside from the title of song. In the beginning as well as ending to the song, he even samples excerpts from it. Jimin has also said that many of the songs on the album convey what he was going through, his thoughts, his feelings, his emotions as well as despair & depression, during the pandemic in the last few yrs. He also was hoping that maybe he could help others by way of relating & going through similar difficulties during pandemic. So this song Like Crazy, could also be during that time, thinking back while laying his head down, on table in that depressing small room, dreaming of the better times in the past, when he was free to be able to go out & enjoy himself, as well as being with someone, or with friends, or even around ppl in general, being able to be free to go out & party as well. Which is why he even said during his dream state, please don’t wake me up from this dream. I want to stay here.. Maybe that was what all the dirty grimyness also represented, despair of situation, how he felt or how things were at that time, even when it seemed to even ooze into his dream state.
Essa música parece um conto de fadas sombrio. sua voz soa como um sussurro fazendo você ir a algum lugar. é como um sonho, mas novamente como se você estivesse usando substâncias. você meio que começa a sentir um pouco do que jimin quer que sintamos. aquela garota, uma vez que eles se encontram no meio, todas as fotos semi-paradas parecem que o vemos através dos olhos daquela garota. e no final ele olha enquanto a câmera gira, é como se estivéssemos girando também, mas olhando para ele enquanto ele diz "preciso de uma maneira de podermos sonhar". e ele olha para baixo novamente como se não conseguisse encontrar um caminho e isso o machuca profundamente. simplesmente não é um pensamento novo para ele chorar, apenas para aceitar que ele continuará tentando. ele olha para a câmera com frequência, mas parece diferente quando vemos que a garota está por perto. parece que ele está falando com a gente/ela. Mas é como se ele estivesse tentando nos dizer algo difícil de explicar, mas diz. ele preferia estar fora do que sentir as emoções tristes sóbrio. Jimin disse algo sobre o álbum expressar os sentimentos que sentiu durante a pandemia em ordem cronológica. em certo sentido, envolve o exército, bts ou o próprio jimin de uma vez. sempre foi sobre nós, as emoções confirmam como ele deve ter se sentido durante todo esse tempo. o "para sempre você e eu" está sempre em segundo plano em momentos diferentes, apenas baixinho se você ouvir com atenção. algumas coisas que ainda não posso explicar completamente, mas não somos apenas nós, mas o próprio Jimin, sempre alcançando a perfeição, mas com tudo considerado parece fora de alcance. o "sozinho de novo ... qual é o objetivo" é tão doloroso porque ele pode realmente sentir isso. como se desistisse por um momento, ou voltasse a ficar triste e sóbrio, não mais no clube onde pode esquecer na companhia de seus amigos, fãs etc. há tanto que quero explicar, mas há algumas coisas que não posso conectar ou explicar ainda. independentemente disso, este M / V foi profundo. entre triste e a mudança repentina de som lentamente alivia você da tristeza e o distrai, até que você esteja sozinho novamente, então começa. não é de admirar que ele não queira ir embora ou ser salvo. ele quer viver naquele momento em que tudo está temporariamente bem. a cena do banheiro me lembra filmes onde a festa é lá fora e os banheiros são onde você vai chorar, pensar, refletir e se afogar antes de sair de novo e esquecer. você quer esquecer, mas você se lembra ocasionalmente, levando você a voltar e esquecer DE NOVO. a tristeza sendo um fator de incentivo para sair e festejar, não ficar sóbrio e apenas curtir as luzes, completamente perdido. ENTRE UM MIXTO DE FICÇAO E REALIDADES FORTES. MAIS UMA OBRA DE ARTE DESSE SER PENSSANTE. APLAUSOS.👏👏👏❤
'Like Crazy' became the 3rd song by Jimin to reach #1 on iTunes in at least 117 countries, making Jimin the first and only artist in the whole world and in the history of iTunes to have 3 songs all reaching #1 in at least 117 countries!
Thank you so much, I really loved your reaction and interpretation - Jimin is incredible…I am just wondering if the mud doesn’t represent depression or dark thoughts, dark feelings, sucking him in, dragging him away, dogging his very footsteps even…🤷♂️💜💜
Thank you for the reaction, being able to put the album in a synopsis is genius❤🥂 I had to watched and listen to each of the songs several times to figure out the relationship. #Jimin is genius and his mind is Art itself💖💖💖🥂
8:03 the way you say it! ive never in my life too having a good time dancing to a music while weeping cuz its just so sad!! this is so contradictory, this feeling must have a name, idk what!
There are alot of interpretations and I think there are many layers to this song and MV. After the Dance performance I am convinced that the theory that he struggling excepting his feminine side is the essence. Did you notice the photo of Mapplethorpe on his knee at the MV? My brother admire this Photographer. He made a lot of act and also bdsm Photos and is known in the LGBT community. I can't help but wonder if Jimins Photofolio was inspired by Mapplethorpe. Bc of all the varnish and leather. I am so here for Jimin talking his talk and showing all his faces. LOVING IT 😳💜
Soo goood!!!! Thank you for sharing this! And I love your breakdown of the entire video especially about the girl. I kept thinking she was a missed opportunity....which is what kinda what you were saying but you did it much better!!! Great reaction and Thanks for sharing💜💜
I really like your interpretation of the MV. You are awesome in explaining every details of the song and im mind blown by it. Jimin is incredibly amazing from his voice, visuals and emotions in this MV. Thank you DG for your reaction
Thank you for your reaction! You are so perceptive and explains so well both lyrics and the sceans. I love this MV and it's such a contrast to "Set me free". 💜💜💜💜
I believe from looking at the dance production the girl is a reflection of himself. The idea of Anima? Perhaps which is concept within BTS ‘her’ I’m not sure she is a loved one as much as himself. Referring to the film during covid in a strict lockdown loved ones would have been unable to see each other. Unless they lived together. Like many stuck alone at home with your own thoughts. I think that distance and enforced break from an important relationship is something that would be very relatable in terms of the film. A helpless situation where you’re unable to see that person.
the concept of anima has been consistent with jimin, as we can see after jimin and the girl were walking through the crowd, the next scene was jimin facing himself in the mirror. he's dragging himself in this muddy yet euphoric situation.
ITS SOOO GOOD..dear lord....YESS...i knew JIMIN had this in him....set him free, let him sing. You know the K. govt cancelled his other songs because of a swear word...so much for artistic freedom. no wonder set me free....The S.Korean govt is democratic...but not so much. Our poor Men are screaming.
Actually, K.govt didn’t cancel his songs… Anyone in Korea can listen his song freely but his song can’t be on broadcast without censoring due to the policy of K-Communication Commission. The policy is applied to every Korean musician to prevent kids or minors to listen to songs including sexual&cursing words.
I watched this music video twice, once by myself and the second time with you now and I never noticed the hand of the girl who pulls jimin was actually muddied as well. I don't know if there's something wrong with me or your attention to detail is out of this world :D or both :D
If you watch the behind the scenes and making of the music video Jimin explains how this album is about all the emotions and depression and moods that he went through during the pandemic. The lift is also reminiscent of his song LIE from years ago. The choreographed lifts are not new for him..
aside from jimins visuals and unmatched talent. this song feels like a dark fairytale. his voice sounds like a whisper making you go somewhere. its dreamlike, but again like you're on substances. you kinda start to feel a bit of what jimin wants us to feel. that girl, once they meet up in the middle, all the semi still shots look like we see him through the eyes of that girl. and towards the end he looks as the camera spins, its like we are spinning too but looking at him as he says "i need a way we can dream on". and he looks down again like he cant find a way and it deeply hurts him. its just not fresh of a thought for him to cry, just to accept that he will keep trying. he looks at the camera often but it feels different once we see that the girl is in his proximity. it feels like he's talking to us/her. a whole story that DG explained well, but its like he's trying to tell us something that's hard to explain, yet says it. he'd rather be out of it than feel the sad emotions sober. jimin did say something about the album expresses the feelings he felt during the pandemic in chronological order. in a sense, its involving army, bts or jimin himself all at once. it was always about us, the emotions do support how he must have felt during that whole time. the "forever you and i" is always in the background at different times, just quietly if you listen closely. some things i cant fully explain just yet, but its not just us, but jimin himself, like DG said, always reaching perfection but with everything factored in it feels just out of reach. the "alone again...whats the point" is so painful because he might really feel that. like he's given up for the moment, or goes back to being sad and sober, no longer in the club where he can forget in the company of his friends, fans etc. there's so much i want to explain but there are some things i cant connect or explain yet. regardless, this M/V was deep. go into it sad and the sudden change of sound slowly eases you off the sadness and distracts you, until you're alone again then it sets in. no wonder he doesn't wanna leave or be saved. he wants to live in that moment where everything temporarily ok. the bathroom scene reminds me of movies where the party is outside and the bathrooms are where you go to cry, think, reflect and drown before you go out again and forget. you wanna forget but you remind yourself occasionally, driving you to go back out and forget AGAIN. the sadness being a push factor to go and party, not be sober and just enjoy the lights, completely lost. edit: its like a cycle of sadness and enjoying the night. he starts and ends the same way but the more you watch the more you see, learn and connect. you become so aware that you do it more and more just to forget that you're aware of what you're doing. reliving the same thing but you start noticing it, its repeating. just things i noticed or felt. i could be hella off but DG did well explaining this M/V.
The western European agreement for the ro-ro ferry safety reached in Stockholm in 1996 and is valid for ro-ro passenger ferries, irrespective of flag, trading regularly between two signatories, ports. According to Stockholm rules, a ferry must withstand 500 mm of water on its watertight vehicle deck when the residual freeboard in a damaged condition is below 0.3m. If the residual freeboard is above 2m, the 500 mm of water on deck is reduced to zero. The height of water is measured from the lowest point in the flooded compartment when trim and heel are taken into account. If that point is under the waterline in a damaged condition, the water height will be measured from the outside water level. This is most likely a Not so subtle reference to the Sewol ferry disaster in Korea which is what their song Spring Day is about.
@@lightefilit shut up, ppl can have multiple interpretation. armys on twt also clocked that. and it makes sense with jimin's album theme which is a reflection, a resonation.
@@peerlesscucumber9522 you can't "interpret" people, especially when he very explicitly said what his song is about. Twitter fans cannot speak over Jimin WTF. They always treat him as a concept, not a human.
@@lightefilit we're talking about HIS ART, the art that he's put out to the world, not him in particular. art is meant to be interpreted to its consumer. we might not have the same interpretation he intended, but that doesnt us as consumers are not allowed to make our own interpretation. be serious.
@@peerlesscucumber9522 you gotta be kidding. You can interpret lyrics for YOURSELF to relate to YOURSELF. You can’t “interpret” his intentions, or his own words and lyrics. ESPECIALLY, and I repeat for the last time, WHEN HE DID SAY WHAT THE SONG IS ABOUT AND WHAT IT MEANS TO HIM! Jimin talked so many times about how his lyrics straight forward, and asked to just take his words as they are. Yet fandom wants to fucking “headcanon” their own version. Pathetic. As I said, he’s a concept to you about which you can theorise and project onto, not a human being.
I don't think the song was about a break up as so much as more tumoil , like set me free. the guys rarely make songs with clear meanings I may be wrong though.
'FACE' Album reaction is available here - th-cam.com/video/dVZJrmuHky8/w-d-xo.html
Thank you guys for watching, hope you enjoy these reactions :)
Thank you, Jimin for an absolute masterpiece of an album! 🖤
PS - As always, these are just my thoughts and my interpretation of the Lyrics and Visuals :)
You are one of my fav reactors and I just want to help you by informing that Like Crazy or any song in the album is about a romantic relationship, he said the album was for himself and it was about his feeling during the pandemic and facing his inner demons, the girl represents a part of himself that he's been trying to avoid coming to terms with, like escapism choosing to stay in dream even if it breaks him to avoid reality
I so totally agree. He's set the bar so high in the industry. It's like watching an artist creating a masterpiece with each blank canvas. Mind blowing 👌💯💜
His versatility 😭 first the masterpiece that was set me free pt.2, and now 80s synth pop? He’s such an incredible artist 💜
At 5 o'clock in the morning here in Brazil, my heart was racing watching my baby Mochi all grown up.
Feel like a proud mommy.
A 54 years young Army from Brazil.
A supportive army mommy … thankyou ❤️❤️
Jimin🎉billboard hot100 No.1🎉💜💜💜
Jimin is a great artist. His angelic beautiful voice is stunningly beautiful, Park Jimin is too gorgeous to be true❤
Love it!! My 80s British invasion heart is so happy. Lol. Jimin is showing,not just ARMY, but the World what an ARTIST is!!
The video remembered me my time when I was partying in the clubs.... I never felt so empty in my entire live. Maybe for the moment it is satisfying, but it could never fill the emptiness :(
But now I'm free! Like Jimin in his other video
Thanks for the reaction ,bro ❤️🩹🫂
His voice is so beautifully addictive 🥺 Thank you for your reaction🙏
So proud of him. Borahae Jimunishi! 💜 #mybias
❣The whole club scene was hazy, most times, with everyone in background sort of a blur all except Jimin because in actuality it was a dream sequences. It totally conveyed the party feel at the club, showing Jimin in his element, drinking, having an amazing time. If you recall it started out Jimin in blue light, but zeroed in on his eye which turned into Jimin’s eye in more natural lighting, while he had his head resting on the table with dazed look, in that small depressing apartment. The next scene, back at the club was back to the blue lighting again, which represented back to the dream state. He even said at one point please don’t wake me. I don’t want to leave this dream. Jimin himself said that basically the whole album was written referring to his inner thoughts, emotions, struggles, despair, loneliness & depression during the yrs of pandemic. He hoped that many ppl could relate to these kind of feelings. Keep this in mind while listening to the whole album, there are lyric vids you can refer too or sites like Genius that also has the English translations. Also in the order of the album actually Like Crazy came first. As well as others before Set Me Free. Which if you recall at the end he was free from all the emotional, disparaging past feelings.
Hello dear human! "It is as beautiful as it is heart-breaking" is just a simple, powerful way to describe this work of art. I am still amazed of what their minds and souls can create and just how blessed we are to be able to enjoy it all. For me, this felt like a continuation of Lie and Set me free like where he is at now. Living a lie, caught in a dream and finally breaking free and being his beautiful self. What a soul. Have a great day and take care!
Love you reaction 😅
Love your interpretation very much! I think the girl can also represent Jimin himself, his other persona, which also makes a lot of sense. Thank you for the reaction ❤
Gracias Jimin hermoso talentoso muy buena su canción definitivamente toca el corazón con su bella voz única es un gran artista 👋👋👋👋👍👍👍🐥
I thought your reaction was brilliant
The detail, understating and interpretation of Like Crazy was amazing
Jimin is phenomenal ❤
DG is the only reactor who has actually seen the movie Like Crazy, and tries to tie in the themes depicted in that long-distance relationship story. 💜
Sueño cumplido mí ángel, tu propio álbum ❤️ Felicidades y gracias x este hermoso regalo 🎁 pero el mejor regalo ha sido verte triunfar y muy feliz 😚
Amazing voice, amazing concept, artically well done
This is unbelievable I love your reaction I am still in shock Jimin what you have done!!!
♦Jimin mentioned that one of his fav movies “Like Crazy” inspired parts of the song aside from the title of song. In the beginning as well as ending to the song, he even samples excerpts from it. Jimin has also said that many of the songs on the album convey what he was going through, his thoughts, his feelings, his emotions as well as despair & depression, during the pandemic in the last few yrs. He also was hoping that maybe he could help others by way of relating & going through similar difficulties during pandemic. So this song Like Crazy, could also be during that time, thinking back while laying his head down, on table in that depressing small room, dreaming of the better times in the past, when he was free to be able to go out & enjoy himself, as well as being with someone, or with friends, or even around ppl in general, being able to be free to go out & party as well. Which is why he even said during his dream state, please don’t wake me up from this dream. I want to stay here.. Maybe that was what all the dirty grimyness also represented, despair of situation, how he felt or how things were at that time, even when it seemed to even ooze into his dream state.
Wow ❤❤ i like your reaction❤
Essa música parece um conto de fadas sombrio. sua voz soa como um sussurro fazendo você ir a algum lugar. é como um sonho, mas novamente como se você estivesse usando substâncias. você meio que começa a sentir um pouco do que jimin quer que sintamos. aquela garota, uma vez que eles se encontram no meio, todas as fotos semi-paradas parecem que o vemos através dos olhos daquela garota. e no final ele olha enquanto a câmera gira, é como se estivéssemos girando também, mas olhando para ele enquanto ele diz "preciso de uma maneira de podermos sonhar". e ele olha para baixo novamente como se não conseguisse encontrar um caminho e isso o machuca profundamente. simplesmente não é um pensamento novo para ele chorar, apenas para aceitar que ele continuará tentando. ele olha para a câmera com frequência, mas parece diferente quando vemos que a garota está por perto. parece que ele está falando com a gente/ela. Mas é como se ele estivesse tentando nos dizer algo difícil de explicar, mas diz. ele preferia estar fora do que sentir as emoções tristes sóbrio. Jimin disse algo sobre o álbum expressar os sentimentos que sentiu durante a pandemia em ordem cronológica. em certo sentido, envolve o exército, bts ou o próprio jimin de uma vez. sempre foi sobre nós, as emoções confirmam como ele deve ter se sentido durante todo esse tempo. o "para sempre você e eu" está sempre em segundo plano em momentos diferentes, apenas baixinho se você ouvir com atenção. algumas coisas que ainda não posso explicar completamente, mas não somos apenas nós, mas o próprio Jimin, sempre alcançando a perfeição, mas com tudo considerado parece fora de alcance. o "sozinho de novo ... qual é o objetivo" é tão doloroso porque ele pode realmente sentir isso. como se desistisse por um momento, ou voltasse a ficar triste e sóbrio, não mais no clube onde pode esquecer na companhia de seus amigos, fãs etc. há tanto que quero explicar, mas há algumas coisas que não posso conectar ou explicar ainda. independentemente disso, este M / V foi profundo. entre triste e a mudança repentina de som lentamente alivia você da tristeza e o distrai, até que você esteja sozinho novamente, então começa. não é de admirar que ele não queira ir embora ou ser salvo. ele quer viver naquele momento em que tudo está temporariamente bem. a cena do banheiro me lembra filmes onde a festa é lá fora e os banheiros são onde você vai chorar, pensar, refletir e se afogar antes de sair de novo e esquecer. você quer esquecer, mas você se lembra ocasionalmente, levando você a voltar e esquecer DE NOVO. a tristeza sendo um fator de incentivo para sair e festejar, não ficar sóbrio e apenas curtir as luzes, completamente perdido. ENTRE UM MIXTO DE FICÇAO E REALIDADES FORTES. MAIS UMA OBRA DE ARTE DESSE SER PENSSANTE. APLAUSOS.👏👏👏❤
'Like Crazy' became the 3rd song by Jimin to reach #1 on iTunes in at least 117 countries, making Jimin the first and only artist in the whole world and in the history of iTunes to have 3 songs all reaching #1 in at least 117 countries!
The girl is maybe also an reflection of himself, his anime...
Loved your interpretation of this song … loved the MV and your thoughts on it
If this song isn't a massive hit, there's no justice in the world.
Thank you so much, I really loved your reaction and interpretation - Jimin is incredible…I am just wondering if the mud doesn’t represent depression or dark thoughts, dark feelings, sucking him in, dragging him away, dogging his very footsteps even…🤷♂️💜💜
Like Crazy is just fckng amazing aaahhhh
I've been anticipating your reaction to this MV and man the way you deliever is so amazing! Thank you so much
Thank you for the reaction, being able to put the album in a synopsis is genius❤🥂 I had to watched and listen to each of the songs several times to figure out the relationship. #Jimin is genius and his mind is Art itself💖💖💖🥂
Чимин лучший ,мне понравился его соло альбом
Another little insight: the camera angle shot of that hall scene is the BTS logo. 😎👍💜
He broken the record 1mil sale album
Best reaction and understanding of the layers of this video and this type of feeling. Thanks DG x
What a beautiful voice. I really like your analysis.
8:03 the way you say it! ive never in my life too having a good time dancing to a music while weeping cuz its just so sad!! this is so contradictory, this feeling must have a name, idk what!
If you find out if there's an actual term for that feeling let me know :)
There are alot of interpretations and I think there are many layers to this song and MV. After the Dance performance I am convinced that the theory that he struggling excepting his feminine side is the essence. Did you notice the photo of Mapplethorpe on his knee at the MV? My brother admire this Photographer. He made a lot of act and also bdsm Photos and is known in the LGBT community. I can't help but wonder if Jimins Photofolio was inspired by Mapplethorpe. Bc of all the varnish and leather. I am so here for Jimin talking his talk and showing all his faces. LOVING IT 😳💜
Soo goood!!!! Thank you for sharing this!
And I love your breakdown of the entire video especially about the girl.
I kept thinking she was a missed opportunity....which is what kinda what you were saying but you did it much better!!!
Great reaction and Thanks for sharing💜💜
I really like your interpretation of the MV. You are awesome in explaining every details of the song and im mind blown by it. Jimin is incredibly amazing from his voice, visuals and emotions in this MV. Thank you DG for your reaction
Tq for that breakdown..always nice to hear your take on it.
Jimin is just a beautiful soul we wana embrace
Everything you said is SPOT ON!!! thank you for the breakdown, always looking forward to your reaction on BTS's music.
another glimpse of his emotions during the pandemic...brilliant!!!
I really liked the song it’s make me cry 😭 but also want to dance 💃🏻 that’s incredible ❤❤
You wow me with your explanation of this video. Thank you.
I really enjoy you’re reaction and interpretation go go go
I love your reactions!! you're so humble and genuine w ur reactions
Thank you for review! I love this song more after this video ❤
To me, the girl is a reflection of Jimin himself.
I think you are my favorite reactor!!!!! Thank you for reacting to JIMIN related contents!!
I like ur comments on d tiniest details 2 better appreciate d song. More power
Genius king💜💜💜
a very detailed and thorough analysis of the MV, good job.
Thank you for your reaction! You are so perceptive and explains so well both lyrics and the sceans. I love this MV and it's such a contrast to "Set me free". 💜💜💜💜
I believe from looking at the dance production the girl is a reflection of himself. The idea of Anima? Perhaps which is concept within BTS ‘her’ I’m not sure she is a loved one as much as himself.
Referring to the film during covid in a strict lockdown loved ones would have been unable to see each other. Unless they lived together. Like many stuck alone at home with your own thoughts. I think that distance and enforced break from an important relationship is something that would be very relatable in terms of the film. A helpless situation where you’re unable to see that person.
the concept of anima has been consistent with jimin, as we can see after jimin and the girl were walking through the crowd, the next scene was jimin facing himself in the mirror. he's dragging himself in this muddy yet euphoric situation.
This song kind of makes me wish The Weeknd and jimin would collaborate
ITS SOOO GOOD..dear lord....YESS...i knew JIMIN had this in him....set him free, let him sing. You know the K. govt cancelled his other songs because of a swear word...so much for artistic freedom. no wonder set me free....The S.Korean govt is democratic...but not so much. Our poor Men are screaming.
Не утрируй)
Не правительство, а телеканал)
Actually, K.govt didn’t cancel his songs… Anyone in Korea can listen his song freely but his song can’t be on broadcast without censoring due to the policy of K-Communication Commission. The policy is applied to every Korean musician to prevent kids or minors to listen to songs including sexual&cursing words.
love your interpretation !
Loved your analysis, thank you.
I enjoyed your reaction very much thank you
Uauuuuuu ameiiiiii ele arrasou lindoooooo********
love your interpretations - thankyou
Wow your explanation is beautiful and deep thankyou
Ele só encontrou quando se viu no espelho,eu acho que a moça significa sua própria face
I always love you reaction videos as they really show how thoughtful you are as a person. ❤
LoVely 🤍 Cutie 🦋 SeXy 🔥 Beautiful 💯 JiMin
You got it ….bravo 🎉
I watched this music video twice, once by myself and the second time with you now and I never noticed the hand of the girl who pulls jimin was actually muddied as well. I don't know if there's something wrong with me or your attention to detail is out of this world :D or both :D
If you watch the behind the scenes and making of the music video Jimin explains how this album is about all the emotions and depression and moods that he went through during the pandemic.
The lift is also reminiscent of his song LIE from years ago. The choreographed lifts are not new for him..
What a great interpretations of song!
aside from jimins visuals and unmatched talent. this song feels like a dark fairytale. his voice sounds like a whisper making you go somewhere. its dreamlike, but again like you're on substances. you kinda start to feel a bit of what jimin wants us to feel. that girl, once they meet up in the middle, all the semi still shots look like we see him through the eyes of that girl. and towards the end he looks as the camera spins, its like we are spinning too but looking at him as he says "i need a way we can dream on". and he looks down again like he cant find a way and it deeply hurts him. its just not fresh of a thought for him to cry, just to accept that he will keep trying. he looks at the camera often but it feels different once we see that the girl is in his proximity. it feels like he's talking to us/her. a whole story that DG explained well, but its like he's trying to tell us something that's hard to explain, yet says it. he'd rather be out of it than feel the sad emotions sober. jimin did say something about the album expresses the feelings he felt during the pandemic in chronological order. in a sense, its involving army, bts or jimin himself all at once. it was always about us, the emotions do support how he must have felt during that whole time. the "forever you and i" is always in the background at different times, just quietly if you listen closely. some things i cant fully explain just yet, but its not just us, but jimin himself, like DG said, always reaching perfection but with everything factored in it feels just out of reach. the "alone again...whats the point" is so painful because he might really feel that. like he's given up for the moment, or goes back to being sad and sober, no longer in the club where he can forget in the company of his friends, fans etc. there's so much i want to explain but there are some things i cant connect or explain yet. regardless, this M/V was deep. go into it sad and the sudden change of sound slowly eases you off the sadness and distracts you, until you're alone again then it sets in. no wonder he doesn't wanna leave or be saved. he wants to live in that moment where everything temporarily ok. the bathroom scene reminds me of movies where the party is outside and the bathrooms are where you go to cry, think, reflect and drown before you go out again and forget. you wanna forget but you remind yourself occasionally, driving you to go back out and forget AGAIN. the sadness being a push factor to go and party, not be sober and just enjoy the lights, completely lost.
edit: its like a cycle of sadness and enjoying the night. he starts and ends the same way but the more you watch the more you see, learn and connect. you become so aware that you do it more and more just to forget that you're aware of what you're doing. reliving the same thing but you start noticing it, its repeating. just things i noticed or felt. i could be hella off but DG did well explaining this M/V.
Great reaction and analysis! 💜
Wauw, your depiction of the videos is mind blowing!
I’m a fan 👌
The club scene is very 80’s along with the music.. Army on twt is saying the girl is himself reason why they did not meet..
I think the 'FACE' album is so Mysterious.
But I think it revolve around there theory of 'Escapism'.
But still Cant say what actually the story is?
The western European agreement for the ro-ro ferry safety reached in Stockholm in 1996 and is valid for ro-ro passenger ferries, irrespective of flag, trading regularly between two signatories, ports. According to Stockholm rules, a ferry must withstand 500 mm of water on its watertight vehicle deck when the residual freeboard in a damaged condition is below 0.3m. If the residual freeboard is above 2m, the 500 mm of water on deck is reduced to zero. The height of water is measured from the lowest point in the flooded compartment when trim and heel are taken into account. If that point is under the waterline in a damaged condition, the water height will be measured from the outside water level.
This is most likely a Not so subtle reference to the Sewol ferry disaster in Korea which is what their song Spring Day is about.
The live performance is premiering tonight on Jimmy Fallon 12:30am est
I think the girl and Jimin are 1, meaning there are 2 different sides of Jimin thats why they never meet.
i think the girl actually represents jimin. she, in a way, is jimin's reflection.
That's not what happens.
@@lightefilit shut up, ppl can have multiple interpretation. armys on twt also clocked that. and it makes sense with jimin's album theme which is a reflection, a resonation.
@@peerlesscucumber9522 you can't "interpret" people, especially when he very explicitly said what his song is about. Twitter fans cannot speak over Jimin WTF. They always treat him as a concept, not a human.
@@lightefilit we're talking about HIS ART, the art that he's put out to the world, not him in particular. art is meant to be interpreted to its consumer. we might not have the same interpretation he intended, but that doesnt us as consumers are not allowed to make our own interpretation. be serious.
@@peerlesscucumber9522 you gotta be kidding.
You can interpret lyrics for YOURSELF to relate to YOURSELF. You can’t “interpret” his intentions, or his own words and lyrics. ESPECIALLY, and I repeat for the last time, WHEN HE DID SAY WHAT THE SONG IS ABOUT AND WHAT IT MEANS TO HIM!
Jimin talked so many times about how his lyrics straight forward, and asked to just take his words as they are. Yet fandom wants to fucking “headcanon” their own version.
Pathetic. As I said, he’s a concept to you about which you can theorise and project onto, not a human being.
2:09. 7:00. 7:33. 7:58. 8:21
The girl is either represent Army or his reflection
I think it’s his other persona, most definitely a reflection!
10:51. 11:11. 22:45. 23:22
In the English version some of the lyrics are a little different.
I don't think the song was about a break up as so much as more tumoil , like set me free. the guys rarely make songs with clear meanings I may be wrong though.
Maybe there are layers. The one meaning, which is on the surface - the obvious, and the other deeper meaning, which we can try to interpret
I loved your reaction and analysis so much!! Thank you for it!! 👏👏