wait nerfs ? was it good at some point ? the dpm seems to be awwwwful... but yeah ... if every t8 prem was balanced like that the mm would be way more enjoyable
Yeah I like the fact that its more than playable and has parts where it shines like mobility and gun is very comfortable and its sad that a lot of people in the community only compare how bad it is when you put it near skoda or bz
Take care my man the people like you are endangered species, hard to find , a lot dead because of the imposible challenges they put to events, to get somth free.😂😂😅
@@stephendvernermy time is worth nothing. If I wouldn't play WoT I would do some other unproductive thing or just watch ceiling. There's difference between time and free time, why would I price tag my free time.
I played 50 games so far in it, I love this tank super fun to play and its a consistent tank and if you have awareness when to make a play, this tank is pretty good and like I said fun at the same time, I am super happy that I grinded for it. For me it feels like I am playing AE Phase, has very similar feeling.
This tank is an awesome reverse-sidescrapper(at least for me). While it does not have any overwhelming quality in terms of performance it's simply consistent. For me as a player that doesn't play the OP tanks a lot(I have them, simply don't enjoy playing with them too often) this tank is fun to play, has higher skill floor than quite a few of its colleagues. Do I recommend it? Not in the current Meta, too many OP tenks. Is it a fun tank to play? For me(9+ years playing the game) yes.
@@aleximan3589 Surprisingly many people try to shoot the turret while it's still angled and not flat towards them. Also their brain usually goes full Monke seeing so much side armor.
Of all the tanks I have, the 56TP is strangely one I love to play on ridgelines and some maps with ambush opportunities (and lately, no SPG in most of my games), it feels like a slow medium, yet it isn't, but the gun handling, that is the smoothest on all heavy I've seen so far, it may not be the fastest turret rotation, but for a heavy, it feels really agile and can snap shots so easily. I love it.
This is exactly what I needed today, some AEG memes for a Monday. Thanks guys! I figured tank would be more or less balanced, which is good, but I had no desire to grind out 50 battle pass levels in 10 days. I also wasn't interested enough to dump out a bunch of gold for another premium tank. Anyhow, thanks for the vid, I can't get enough Awesome and Epic content.
It's a good tank overall, i got it for around 9k gold cuz i have a new account and i don't have enough tanks to have it done for free and finish the other 3 chapters. If not the bz this tank wouldn't be so underrated tbh.
The problem with it is, it has a high skill floor and the players with the skill to make it work are not going to enjoy it. I picked it up because they are going to stuff it in the loot boxes as filler. Have I been making it work, sure. When the daily missions are done will I play it? Nah. I feel bad for new players that got it, and it is the only tank they have. They are going to constantly be at a disadvantage and eventually quit. No excuse to cut its balls like this. They could have balanced the turret to be 250 effective, or bumped the DPM, or bumped the alpha to 440 so it matched the Polish line but nope.
This polish tier 8 premium tank designed by the Belarusian video game develeoper Wargamingis a fantastically crafted machine with a lot of carry potential and fantastic credit making! Thank you Wargaming for this gift! O kurwa
I think this tank is good and balanced, it has a strong side like his gun but disadvantage of armour and crew/modules easily geting knocked out, but I would still add some armour for it to bounce some shells
56TP lacks these 20-30 dmg to the alpha in relation to 53TP or 50TP Prot, but from these three we have the best aiming time, the best accuracy and the second best soft statistics after 53TP, which 50TP Prot can only dream of. This is not a tank for the front line, to hit the muzzle, this is the good old IS-8 before the name change, the Chinese 110 before the changes or even a T34. True, the armor could be better, let's say 90-100 mm on the front instead of 80 mm, but at some cost, with minimal armor, the vehicle still weighs more than 50TP Prot., Obj. 252U, K-2 or old IS-3. PS. However, he would recommend playing with other modules: Venting System/Bounty Ventilation, Innovative Loading System/Bounty Rammer, Bounty Aiming/Fire-Control System T3.
so, first of all I liked the video.. secondly: I think you guys shouldnt look at the tank in a way, that there are better ones.. the 56TP is (in my opinion) amazing, it has mediocore speed, good gun and terrible armor However, what is a plus, that Wargaming instead of making an even more broken tank into the game, made this, and tries to promote other tanks that could change the meta finally WG (as I feel like) understands, that they cannot keep making better and better ones, and because they cannot nerf them, they try to create other tanks that could possibly change the game because of its enjoyment.. Since the Kranvagn has been nerfed, I feel like WG is trying hard to put the game on the better tracks, and I believe that they will achieve (sry bad english xD). Maybe not in 2 months, but we gotta stick to this game, cuz it may takes some time, but noone knows the future. Who knows, maybe one day they will announce, that they will nerf the BZ176.. The power is in our hands, we won once when wot plus came, we just need to do the same.. Long live, Wargaming!
it's not great, but the overall good mobility, decent sidescraping capability together with the reliable gun make it very enjoyable to me. it may not have the best gun, but it hits reliably, something that can not be said about other T8 guns
I love this new tank it has great gun handling, very good mobility and even though dpm is bad it just makes you want to aim your shots more in my opinion. I think if these OP premium tanks didn't exist it would be loved by the community but right now premium tanks are only looked at how much they destroy other people's fun
I like the tank, it is basically a td though. The gun is good and reliable, but should be 420Alpha , 176 is your worst enemy, you will get penned without aiming. I play it with turbo, hardening and rammer and it works quite well. Needs a more passive game plan though. Honestly id say it was worth the grind
sadly i was too busy to actualy get this one. When i look at this tank i always just think isn't the renegade just better in every way. Its faster has similar armor, 30 less alpha but 1000 more dpm and gets easily to max viewrange.
I think they can easily balance this tank by increasing damage and penetration. It has too low dpm, it won't be OP all of a sudden if it does 450 damage oe somerhing. And give it some pen so it has at the least a fighting chance vs tanks like BZ-176 and tier 10...
i feel like they couldve kept the damage because its only a matter of time until ppl find out about its weakspot that is the mantlet. this way it doesnt really have anything redeeming anymore. as soon as ppl know that this is just a weaker but slightly faster 50tp pr
I honestly really like my tp56. The armor is trash and the dpm is low, but the gun handling is freaking amazing and its pretty mobile for a chonky boi. Has a lot of character and is fun to play, tis a good prem
6:55 if i had a nickel for every game that Zwatsh and EdwinE20 almost solo carried on serene coast, i would have 2 nickels, which isn't a lot, but it is weird that it happened twice
If only the gun mantlet had a good 250mm so that regular rounds couldnt pen it - with the sides being 200, much like the patriot, this tank would be very good. OR AT LEAST 440 alpha
Flat out truth. I had the same experience with this POS. You can’t play the game with any other strategy other than treating it like a sniper, out of enemy view range, never alone, never play it like a heavy. It’s a light tank with a powerful gun. You brought up excellent points especially when the MM pits you against the IS-3a, the premium BeeZed and just about anything that hits your sides and rear. WG made another “Stat Feeder” - for everyone on enemy teams and it’ll soon disappear from games because it’s a promoted piece of sh*t!
For the BZ and Skoda I agree that they will F the 56tp in no time. But IS3A... Are you sure about that cuz I clearly remember that IS3A gun is absolutely garbage : You have an average dpm for a tier 8 in the current meta, where the only "good" part is the fact that you can have 3 shots in the magazine and fire them without reload penalty like a prog. Yeah it's dumb as F but when you miss 2 shots out of 3 due to the obnoxious gun handling then yeah you're just an IS3 with a A added to its name (and with 3 shots to sometimes burst the shit out of someone then back to regular reload) and as we all know the IS3 is far from being meta anymore (no gun depression, ok"ish"/average mobility, no armour, no view range...) If you're having trouble at dealing with IS3A then that's definitely skill issue not the tank being OP or some shit (especially with all the recent maps designed for braindead scumbag hull-down enjoyer...)
"Its a heavy tank that cannot do the heavy tank role" Tiger 1 and literally every severely power crept non hull down heavy from tier 7-8: *I'm gonna pretend i didn't see that* at least it has gun handling
I think, im gonna buy back this tank…. 😂 its nicely ballanced, maybe a bit under powered (when they nerfed it, they showed how deep in ass they have us….) but looks nice. And the gun can actually hit… I had enough of skoda, bourr and prog., they arent even atractive to me anymore… 😂
Cursing in Polish when the skin has Carmen de Bisonte on it seems wrong... you should curse in Italian 🤭 As for the tank performance, I think you had the best experience as I've never seen a 56TP that stood out. It seems like an average tank
I don't hate it, it connects shots really well to make it use the low DPM it has. But... if it had a top speed so it could be more of a heavium, or had turret armor, it might see more action. As it stands now, it's there to support the OP tanks on your team. If you have none, you're fucked.
I have played a lot to get this tank and after around 40 battles I am pretty sure I will trade it for Lis or something. I have Renegade, T-832, IS3-A and don't really see any point in playing mediocre heavy tank in the current meta. People will just exploit your passive playstyle in 56TP. They will rush your position and farm you. Sad but true.
I hate when this tank Is called bad cus i reality it Is just balanced,and all bz176 enjoyers out there call this tank shit cus it dont have 2 shots autoloader with 500 alfa
now the BP is over and most who played either get it by hard work or with greens, its time (to those who played it) to shout "O KURRRWWWWAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
Imagine enjoying a game nowadays without having to spend money. Yes, for a company money is everything as it keeps the company alive, but we've seen with war thunder what happens when you become too greedy and I believe that may hit world of tanks in the near future, at least when more overpowered premiums are added and overpowered vehicles get nerfed. Probably a lot of people would agree and yeah, it may be fun to stomp anyone you see, being a force of nature, but sadly so many people do it that all it does is drive people away from it. WG is doing a fine job trying to balance overpowered vehicles, but sadly it is the wrong way. WG adds an overpowered tank to combat the previous one thus outperforming and becoming the tank the matchmaker is swarmed with. I think most people will agree that a vehicle should be brought down to the others and thus balancing it. A tank can be a bit stronger then others, I think noone would have an issue if premiums were slightly above average. Yes, it would be (slightly) annoying, but you wouldn't need a credit saving so large that even fort knox would be interested in what you have. You paid for something and you got advantages and you get a slightly better tank because you paid for it. A friend of mine wanted to play with me but because he would be new I declined, saying "you can only play the game if you are willing to spend money". And the thing is that not only tier 8 is affected. Because of how many tier 8 players there are any tier 6 game is basically a +2 or rather +4 in the case of the BZ-176. At tier 6 you may even have 5 quintillion credits for gold and all the other credit advantages, but all it takes is one guy, one tomato, one red player with 40% winrate to pull out their dads credit card or their own to compete with people way better then him. Sure, he would still be bad at the game, but how will you pen him if his tank has 1000mm of effective armour or is an auto ricochet hell, you will not pen him, he can stand still and take his time just to nuke you for 1000 dmg, even if you were in a strong position and he was in the open. He only needed to find some pile of rubble to hide his tiny lower plate and then went hulldown, only covering his lower plate and bounces everything, it is like machine guns fire on a maus. And now everyone, no matter the stats, can do that and everyone does as it would be stupid not to as you cannot compete unless you pay. And now those people can ruin the day of people trying to enjoy the game by climbing the tiers. Lower tiers are horrible because of seal clubbers with 50 skill crews in a tier 1 tank and mid tiers are just a sh*tfest of what is the most meta vehicle for that tier. And when you come to tier 6 you basically see 4 BZs and what do you get? 4 AMX 65Ts. The matchmaker screws you over, your wallet screws you over and you can do nothing as you have no power, no matter the amount of gold you can spam. You will not pen them, and they will oneshot you. And all they had to do to gain that power was spend 50 bucks on a premium. And now you are left with 2 choices: Join them as only the most overpowered premiums can be played to be able to ahve an impact on the outcome or you play arty so you can shoot them anywhere and stun them for 30 minutes and splash them for 500 each shot. You cannot grind to tier 10 unless it is an artillery piece basically (though you can probably still play currently, just that it is not enjoyable after tier 5 while grinding (don't forget the stock grind)) or you spend another 50 bucks and wait for a conversion event to get the tier 9 vehicle or tier 10 vehicle just to notice that it gets even shittier from there as the cheiftain shits on the BZ-176 and you see them only shoot gold because of ridiculous armor values and impenetrable hulldown tanks with no weakspots. And on top of that the tank you tried to avoid still bullies you and dominates you because they made something that could classify as a tier 11 tank a tier 8 premium. what a great and enjoyable game, no wonder why you cannot simply remove the armor penetration indicator and make penetrating a tank knowledge based, as there is only a pixel of a weakspot which you cannot even see as the design was like "lets use a 10mm plate here instead of a 100mm one".
I think that those outlier OP tanks that you brought up at the end should ALL be rebalanced, and the players who ONLY play those and have to rely on them to feel superior in the game can deal with it.
Probably the worst mistake i made in world of tanks, spent gold to advance some stages (cannot grind too much due to work), and im regreting it deeply. I dont understand the purpose of this tank, for me is very unconfortable to play. Also boring, just wait for the other tank to fire and peek the corner to shoot and hide , and the armor of the turret is as bad as the hull armor. The gun is not that good to compensate for the bad platform. As you said at the end of the video, why should you bring this tank to the battle instead of ANY other HT?. My 2 cents. Nice vid.
I grind 0 hours for this tank,wait a minute,hold on aint playn this game for cpl years i am here only to laugh with these two😂😂😂,only thing i can promise i will come back and watch another video👍
I honestly feel like this tank was made to fool people who wants to buy Skoda T56. People can really get confused between the actually good T56 and super generic 56TP.
Dude i really wanted to get that tank so bad, but i predicted it that there's no way i can get it without buying the FUCKING PREMIUM BATTLE PASS that a level can be bought right? Man svck f2p, cant they just lower it like only 25 levela inatead of 50 levels, or cant they just extended it more than 10 days!? 70 pts multiplied by TEN days is equal to 700 and it only reached to 14 levels. . . just WTF WG!?
We did NOT get this tank from WG. This is the tank AFTER the nerfs. What do you think about it? 🚯
wait nerfs ? was it good at some point ? the dpm seems to be awwwwful... but yeah ... if every t8 prem was balanced like that the mm would be way more enjoyable
It seems very…. Balanced. Heh.
Its just a medium tank with out the outragous armor
Nice alpha, armor working, but unreliable, with a bit of skill and luck you can get good results... And woe to tier 6 facing it...
50tp prototype wannabe
I spent 40+ hrs grinding to get the tank for free and although I wish the armor was a little better, im glad its a balanced tank and still fun to play
Yeah I like the fact that its more than playable and has parts where it shines like mobility and gun is very comfortable and its sad that a lot of people in the community only compare how bad it is when you put it near skoda or bz
Take care my man the people like you are endangered species, hard to find , a lot dead because of the imposible challenges they put to events, to get somth free.😂😂😅
If you spent 40hrs grinding it wasn’t really free. How much is your time worth?
@@stephendvernermy time is worth nothing. If I wouldn't play WoT I would do some other unproductive thing or just watch ceiling. There's difference between time and free time, why would I price tag my free time.
I think War gaming finally made a balanced tank, yes it might have the best armour, the gun makes up for that.
I can tell Edvin did really enjoy this tank, loved the rant in the end xD Beautiful! Keep it up boys! Very enjoyable content!
I played 50 games so far in it, I love this tank super fun to play and its a consistent tank and if you have awareness when to make a play, this tank is pretty good and like I said fun at the same time, I am super happy that I grinded for it. For me it feels like I am playing AE Phase, has very similar feeling.
This tank is an awesome reverse-sidescrapper(at least for me). While it does not have any overwhelming quality in terms of performance it's simply consistent. For me as a player that doesn't play the OP tanks a lot(I have them, simply don't enjoy playing with them too often) this tank is fun to play, has higher skill floor than quite a few of its colleagues. Do I recommend it? Not in the current Meta, too many OP tenks. Is it a fun tank to play? For me(9+ years playing the game) yes.
what's the point of reverse siddescrapping when you can pen the tank in the turret lmao
@@aleximan3589 Surprisingly many people try to shoot the turret while it's still angled and not flat towards them. Also their brain usually goes full Monke seeing so much side armor.
Of all the tanks I have, the 56TP is strangely one I love to play on ridgelines and some maps with ambush opportunities (and lately, no SPG in most of my games), it feels like a slow medium, yet it isn't, but the gun handling, that is the smoothest on all heavy I've seen so far, it may not be the fastest turret rotation, but for a heavy, it feels really agile and can snap shots so easily. I love it.
This is exactly what I needed today, some AEG memes for a Monday. Thanks guys! I figured tank would be more or less balanced, which is good, but I had no desire to grind out 50 battle pass levels in 10 days. I also wasn't interested enough to dump out a bunch of gold for another premium tank. Anyhow, thanks for the vid, I can't get enough Awesome and Epic content.
It's a good tank overall, i got it for around 9k gold cuz i have a new account and i don't have enough tanks to have it done for free and finish the other 3 chapters. If not the bz this tank wouldn't be so underrated tbh.
It was an honor to meet you while playing this tank. Till we meet again (50TP proto from the El Halluf game)
The problem with it is, it has a high skill floor and the players with the skill to make it work are not going to enjoy it. I picked it up because they are going to stuff it in the loot boxes as filler. Have I been making it work, sure. When the daily missions are done will I play it? Nah.
I feel bad for new players that got it, and it is the only tank they have. They are going to constantly be at a disadvantage and eventually quit. No excuse to cut its balls like this. They could have balanced the turret to be 250 effective, or bumped the DPM, or bumped the alpha to 440 so it matched the Polish line but nope.
Edwin idk what you said here 9:40 but it for sure wasn't "my men" in polish 😂 . My men in polish would be for example "mój ziom" ;)
This polish tier 8 premium tank designed by the Belarusian video game develeoper Wargamingis a fantastically crafted machine with a lot of carry potential and fantastic credit making! Thank you Wargaming for this gift! O kurwa
Siema indeed guys, indeed.
Cheers from Poland 🍻 and thx for upload
8:32 "I am the mighty kurwa tank" 🤣
2:29 your average chad CDC enjoyer
I think this tank is good and balanced, it has a strong side like his gun but disadvantage of armour and crew/modules easily geting knocked out, but I would still add some armour for it to bounce some shells
Whoo, new video. I love it guys, keep up the great work. Im always excited to see new videos from you guys!
I think 122TM is better for a low DPM good gun handling prem. Better armor and its a medium meaning it punches above its weight if it uses that armor.
That outro/conclusion was amazing hahaha
56TP lacks these 20-30 dmg to the alpha in relation to 53TP or 50TP Prot, but from these three we have the best aiming time, the best accuracy and the second best soft statistics after 53TP, which 50TP Prot can only dream of. This is not a tank for the front line, to hit the muzzle, this is the good old IS-8 before the name change, the Chinese 110 before the changes or even a T34. True, the armor could be better, let's say 90-100 mm on the front instead of 80 mm, but at some cost, with minimal armor, the vehicle still weighs more than 50TP Prot., Obj. 252U, K-2 or old IS-3.
PS. However, he would recommend playing with other modules: Venting System/Bounty Ventilation, Innovative Loading System/Bounty Rammer, Bounty Aiming/Fire-Control System T3.
8:32 "I am the mighty kurwa tank" freaks the shiy out of me💀💀
Would love to see you guys olay the whole polish heavy tank line
so, first of all I liked the video..
secondly: I think you guys shouldnt look at the tank in a way, that there are better ones..
the 56TP is (in my opinion) amazing, it has mediocore speed, good gun and terrible armor
However, what is a plus, that Wargaming instead of making an even more broken tank into the game, made this, and tries to promote other tanks that could change the meta finally
WG (as I feel like) understands, that they cannot keep making better and better ones, and because they cannot nerf them, they try to create other tanks that could possibly change the game because of its enjoyment..
Since the Kranvagn has been nerfed, I feel like WG is trying hard to put the game on the better tracks, and I believe that they will achieve (sry bad english xD).
Maybe not in 2 months, but we gotta stick to this game, cuz it may takes some time, but noone knows the future.
Who knows, maybe one day they will announce, that they will nerf the BZ176..
The power is in our hands, we won once when wot plus came, we just need to do the same..
Long live, Wargaming!
FCM is just bigger medium with more hp, so its not that bad as it can actually move around map
lets go, can't wait for your content on Steel Hunter
it's not great, but the overall good mobility, decent sidescraping capability together with the reliable gun make it very enjoyable to me. it may not have the best gun, but it hits reliably, something that can not be said about other T8 guns
I love this new tank it has great gun handling, very good mobility and even though dpm is bad it just makes you want to aim your shots more in my opinion. I think if these OP premium tanks didn't exist it would be loved by the community but right now premium tanks are only looked at how much they destroy other people's fun
My man that conclusion sums up wg it’s hilarious 😂
Sad i couldn’t be here for the stream my name tag is literally the name of the video LAMO
I love you guys, keep it up!
Love you too ;)
I like the tank, it is basically a td though. The gun is good and reliable, but should be 420Alpha , 176 is your worst enemy, you will get penned without aiming. I play it with turbo, hardening and rammer and it works quite well. Needs a more passive game plan though. Honestly id say it was worth the grind
that conclusion was...... perfect
sadly i was too busy to actualy get this one. When i look at this tank i always just think isn't the renegade just better in every way. Its faster has similar armor, 30 less alpha but 1000 more dpm and gets easily to max viewrange.
I think they can easily balance this tank by increasing damage and penetration. It has too low dpm, it won't be OP all of a sudden if it does 450 damage oe somerhing. And give it some pen so it has at the least a fighting chance vs tanks like BZ-176 and tier 10...
i feel like they couldve kept the damage because its only a matter of time until ppl find out about its weakspot that is the mantlet. this way it doesnt really have anything redeeming anymore. as soon as ppl know that this is just a weaker but slightly faster 50tp pr
I want WG to add the coconut sound when ramming. Should be part of the game.
I got back into the game after a long time. The rant at the end perfectly sums up what is wrong with the game today.
I honestly really like my tp56. The armor is trash and the dpm is low, but the gun handling is freaking amazing and its pretty mobile for a chonky boi.
Has a lot of character and is fun to play, tis a good prem
if i had a nickel for every game that Zwatsh and EdwinE20 almost solo carried on serene coast, i would have 2 nickels, which isn't a lot, but it is weird that it happened twice
@@AwesomeEpicGuys Genuninely surprised how few got the reference to Phineas and Ferb, Doof meme
If only the gun mantlet had a good 250mm so that regular rounds couldnt pen it - with the sides being 200, much like the patriot, this tank would be very good. OR AT LEAST 440 alpha
Flat out truth. I had the same experience with this POS. You can’t play the game with any other strategy other than treating it like a sniper, out of enemy view range, never alone, never play it like a heavy. It’s a light tank with a powerful gun. You brought up excellent points especially when the MM pits you against the IS-3a, the premium BeeZed and just about anything that hits your sides and rear. WG made another “Stat Feeder” - for everyone on enemy teams and it’ll soon disappear from games because it’s a promoted piece of sh*t!
For the BZ and Skoda I agree that they will F the 56tp in no time. But IS3A... Are you sure about that cuz I clearly remember that IS3A gun is absolutely garbage :
You have an average dpm for a tier 8 in the current meta, where the only "good" part is the fact that you can have 3 shots in the magazine and fire them without reload penalty like a prog. Yeah it's dumb as F but when you miss 2 shots out of 3 due to the obnoxious gun handling then yeah you're just an IS3 with a A added to its name (and with 3 shots to sometimes burst the shit out of someone then back to regular reload) and as we all know the IS3 is far from being meta anymore (no gun depression, ok"ish"/average mobility, no armour, no view range...)
If you're having trouble at dealing with IS3A then that's definitely skill issue not the tank being OP or some shit (especially with all the recent maps designed for braindead scumbag hull-down enjoyer...)
Aced the tank after 2 matches. 4k dpg so far. Aiming for that mark
"Its a heavy tank that cannot do the heavy tank role"
Tiger 1 and literally every severely power crept non hull down heavy from tier 7-8: *I'm gonna pretend i didn't see that*
at least it has gun handling
hi guys, little bit off topic, but what do you think about is-6b? i just want some tier 8 prem from bonds
KV5 is better :)
Somehow the 56TPs on the enemy team bounced most of my shots from my T10 while aiming at the gun mantlet :/
4:40 Fire Extinguishers are too expensive 😃
Edwan speaking with polish :D It rock's! :D
This would be the strongest tank in the game tier for tier if it got released in like 2015
This tank just needs two cupolas from the 122tm and 100mm+ armor on the turret front/sides and the upper plate…
I think, im gonna buy back this tank…. 😂 its nicely ballanced, maybe a bit under powered (when they nerfed it, they showed how deep in ass they have us….) but looks nice. And the gun can actually hit…
I had enough of skoda, bourr and prog., they arent even atractive to me anymore… 😂
Cursing in Polish when the skin has Carmen de Bisonte on it seems wrong... you should curse in Italian 🤭
As for the tank performance, I think you had the best experience as I've never seen a 56TP that stood out. It seems like an average tank
when zwatch say very angry, im the most happiest man in the world its mading me laugh everytime
2137 premium days 🥳
Polish LT hahahaha with 450+ damage and drunk accuracy
Hello from PL❤
10:40 kinda bad timing with premium account days to be honest, 2137 is meme in poland, it's exact hour when "Jan Paweł 2" died
I don't hate it, it connects shots really well to make it use the low DPM it has. But... if it had a top speed so it could be more of a heavium, or had turret armor, it might see more action. As it stands now, it's there to support the OP tanks on your team. If you have none, you're fucked.
"Dont have any weak spots at all " Wargaming 2022- 2023 💀💀💀
I have played a lot to get this tank and after around 40 battles I am pretty sure I will trade it for Lis or something. I have Renegade, T-832, IS3-A and don't really see any point in playing mediocre heavy tank in the current meta. People will just exploit your passive playstyle in 56TP. They will rush your position and farm you. Sad but true.
I hate when this tank Is called bad cus i reality it Is just balanced,and all bz176 enjoyers out there call this tank shit cus it dont have 2 shots autoloader with 500 alfa
now the BP is over and most who played either get it by hard work or with greens, its time (to those who played it) to shout "O KURRRWWWWAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
Wow a Heavy tank with a gun handling that not French or Drunk Russian?
):16 how did the TS-5 end up in this situation?
He got pushed. We think.
Imagine enjoying a game nowadays without having to spend money. Yes, for a company money is everything as it keeps the company alive, but we've seen with war thunder what happens when you become too greedy and I believe that may hit world of tanks in the near future, at least when more overpowered premiums are added and overpowered vehicles get nerfed. Probably a lot of people would agree and yeah, it may be fun to stomp anyone you see, being a force of nature, but sadly so many people do it that all it does is drive people away from it. WG is doing a fine job trying to balance overpowered vehicles, but sadly it is the wrong way. WG adds an overpowered tank to combat the previous one thus outperforming and becoming the tank the matchmaker is swarmed with. I think most people will agree that a vehicle should be brought down to the others and thus balancing it. A tank can be a bit stronger then others, I think noone would have an issue if premiums were slightly above average. Yes, it would be (slightly) annoying, but you wouldn't need a credit saving so large that even fort knox would be interested in what you have. You paid for something and you got advantages and you get a slightly better tank because you paid for it. A friend of mine wanted to play with me but because he would be new I declined, saying "you can only play the game if you are willing to spend money". And the thing is that not only tier 8 is affected. Because of how many tier 8 players there are any tier 6 game is basically a +2 or rather +4 in the case of the BZ-176. At tier 6 you may even have 5 quintillion credits for gold and all the other credit advantages, but all it takes is one guy, one tomato, one red player with 40% winrate to pull out their dads credit card or their own to compete with people way better then him. Sure, he would still be bad at the game, but how will you pen him if his tank has 1000mm of effective armour or is an auto ricochet hell, you will not pen him, he can stand still and take his time just to nuke you for 1000 dmg, even if you were in a strong position and he was in the open. He only needed to find some pile of rubble to hide his tiny lower plate and then went hulldown, only covering his lower plate and bounces everything, it is like machine guns fire on a maus. And now everyone, no matter the stats, can do that and everyone does as it would be stupid not to as you cannot compete unless you pay. And now those people can ruin the day of people trying to enjoy the game by climbing the tiers. Lower tiers are horrible because of seal clubbers with 50 skill crews in a tier 1 tank and mid tiers are just a sh*tfest of what is the most meta vehicle for that tier. And when you come to tier 6 you basically see 4 BZs and what do you get? 4 AMX 65Ts. The matchmaker screws you over, your wallet screws you over and you can do nothing as you have no power, no matter the amount of gold you can spam. You will not pen them, and they will oneshot you. And all they had to do to gain that power was spend 50 bucks on a premium. And now you are left with 2 choices: Join them as only the most overpowered premiums can be played to be able to ahve an impact on the outcome or you play arty so you can shoot them anywhere and stun them for 30 minutes and splash them for 500 each shot. You cannot grind to tier 10 unless it is an artillery piece basically (though you can probably still play currently, just that it is not enjoyable after tier 5 while grinding (don't forget the stock grind)) or you spend another 50 bucks and wait for a conversion event to get the tier 9 vehicle or tier 10 vehicle just to notice that it gets even shittier from there as the cheiftain shits on the BZ-176 and you see them only shoot gold because of ridiculous armor values and impenetrable hulldown tanks with no weakspots. And on top of that the tank you tried to avoid still bullies you and dominates you because they made something that could classify as a tier 11 tank a tier 8 premium. what a great and enjoyable game, no wonder why you cannot simply remove the armor penetration indicator and make penetrating a tank knowledge based, as there is only a pixel of a weakspot which you cannot even see as the design was like "lets use a 10mm plate here instead of a 100mm one".
Will you guys ever play world of tanks blitz again
We should never say never. But we are very busy keeping up with World of Tanks PC at the moment.
@@AwesomeEpicGuys ok thanks for the reply
Love you guys! Just i love you
For me personally i dont understand what people have with the skoda 56 thingy cant even pen tier 6 mediums
Try APCR and you'll understand.
@@Dextroyer77 thats even worse
@@razorblade1103 I meant premium AP. 248mm at tier VIII is nothing too amazing but it's definitely workable.
Normal people seeing amount of your premium days: 😴
Polish people: 💀💀💀💀
Its not a bad tank its just that the competitors are just too good
2:28 CDC is the NEW meta
3:11 ok never mind
I think it is a balanced tank that makes fun to play.
It's the same as E-75 TS, a heavium.
I penned this tonke the other day in my bz-176 :)
I did 912 damag
I think that those outlier OP tanks that you brought up at the end should ALL be rebalanced, and the players who ONLY play those and have to rely on them to feel superior in the game can deal with it.
2137 days premium witch the Polish tank. I'm very proud
2137 premium days - appreciate it
Siemka PL!!! 🇵🇱
Kto z Polski na tym kanale? Pozdro!
We still need one more day to take 56tp but because of lagg and idiots in games
Thats a lot of damage
Not even disappointed that I didn't grind this.
This tank is like an average Polish lad, hard working and reliable but gets drunk every other game :D
have you noticed that there are no tech tree tanks? :|
Probably the worst mistake i made in world of tanks, spent gold to advance some stages (cannot grind too much due to work), and im regreting it deeply. I dont understand the purpose of this tank, for me is very unconfortable to play. Also boring, just wait for the other tank to fire and peek the corner to shoot and hide , and the armor of the turret is as bad as the hull armor. The gun is not that good to compensate for the bad platform. As you said at the end of the video, why should you bring this tank to the battle instead of ANY other HT?. My 2 cents. Nice vid.
so glad i didnt waste my time grinding for that
I grind 0 hours for this tank,wait a minute,hold on aint playn this game for cpl years i am here only to laugh with these two😂😂😂,only thing i can promise i will come back and watch another video👍
nawet ok czołg i jest grywalny więc mocne 7/10
Gun mantlet is weak though. Tier 8 normal AP has no problem pen it.
imagine if arty should kill the enemy arty first and then they can hit the other enemy tanks
finaly wargaming made a balanced premium wow
too bad im not a midles zombie with 8-10 hr a day to be able to finish this maraton :C
Możecie zagrać Polską linią artylerii?
(Can you play the Polish artillery line?)
With WOT+ you can have armour
So nice video i like it
I honestly feel like this tank was made to fool people who wants to buy Skoda T56. People can really get confused between the actually good T56 and super generic 56TP.
rose are red
violets are blue
what the flank are you?
my aim is bad
im such a scrub
i really wanna play
a new, op, meta tank
i hate the fact that this tank is actually a good tank, but it's just worse than the broken premiums, which renders it unwanted by a lot of players
guess who got to tier 50 and didnt get it!
As Polish I Approve those memes - OOOOO KURWA
Dude i really wanted to get that tank so bad, but i predicted it that there's no way i can get it without buying the FUCKING PREMIUM BATTLE PASS that a level can be bought right? Man svck f2p, cant they just lower it like only 25 levela inatead of 50 levels, or cant they just extended it more than 10 days!? 70 pts multiplied by TEN days is equal to 700 and it only reached to 14 levels. . . just WTF WG!?