Hey guys, got a lot going on but it shouldn't affect videos. Just very tired recently. Starting dialysis soon. Let me know how you like the shorter intro for this video
thanks. By the way its really nice seeing how your mood and or tone has changed throughout the years. You seem a lot happier or maybe more comfortable making videos. Im happy for you
you can see one of the problems with the APDS (penetration goes from 300mm at 0 degrees down to 84mm at 60 degrees) by comparing it to the HEAT-FS on the T92 (penetration goes from 254mm at 0 degrees down to 127mm at 60 degrees), which also explains why the APDS couldn't penetrate the T-54, although it's worth mentioning that the earliest 1947 variant has 120mm UFP (60 degrees) and LFP (54 degrees), unlike the later models that only have 100mm, although the APDS would have a hard time with the later models as well due to the angle of the armor.
Peeking a corner and seeing a M103 staring at me and knowing theres nothing i can do to frontal pen him is my biggest nightmare,sure I should go for barrel shot but for some reason m103 barrel is made of star mass
At 13:00 im pretty sure if you destroy solid shot shells they don't explode but just take off from the ammo counter, honestly I'm impressed Gaijin didn't just make all ammo types explode asif they were APHE
Yeah about the vertical targeting speed... I was playing the T-72M1 in the Swedish tree while grinding the event and it literally has 2.5deg/s vertical traverse WITH the elevation mod installed (not factoring in crew skill though.) I do vividly remember dying several times on relatively flat urban maps after running over small bumps and mounds of rubble, only for the gun to go wildly off target and then die to something with useable gun handling characteristics. I do feel like Odd was overblowing the M551/76 a bit considering it's literally better than a T-72 in that regard. Also I have no idea how this is balanced at 6.7, especially as someone who played the stabilized British tanks with APDS when they were still 6.3-7.0ish. I do enjoy the amount of nostalgia this brings me though.
10:52 Well you see Spookston. The commanders flesh provided a buffer dampening the impact against the ammo so when your sabot went clean through the commander and the ammo, it wasn't as hard due to the flesh softening the blow.
7:45 the leKPz M41 is .3 BR higher than the american bulldog because it has heat. I also don't often use the HEAT on my leKPz M41 because the sabot is just better
I'll tell you the real reason this thing will go to 8.0. It has smoke launchers. And no american tank below 8.0 with the sole exception of the m24, m4a3 105 and m4a2 75 are allowed to have smoke launchers. Despite the objective historical fact that every single m4a3 and m4a2 variant should have it.
The vertical traverse issues can easily be resolved by having your cursor near the reticle, it appears to kinda be a bug because if you go very far away from the reticle with your cursor, your stabilizer will just fight you
It is not a bug, it is design that way. Stab in wt is most likely implemented as angle delta. Line 1 cross the tip of barrel and axis of rotation. Line 2 cross the mouse cursor and the axis of rotation. If delta is less than some value, the barrel axis will snap to the cursor axis in the calculation next cycle. Otherwise, it will move at current turret traverse rate. Then they loop until the delta is 0. But that is not how stabilizer should behave. Irl Stabilizer will only move as fast as your drive mechanism can push (in wt, implemented as traverse angle per second). Irl Stabilizer also has minimum angle per second and error (not implemented in wt at all afaik). Gayjiggle "fixed it" a while ago (like years ago). The implement the max traverse limit. So for some vehicle with very slow turret traverse and pretty good maneuverability (such as stb), you can out traverse your stabilizer. They trail it for a couple week, people complained, they revert the changes.
PT-76-57 and M551(76) teach us that if you want to upgrade your underperforming amphibious light tank, then all you need to do is install a new gun derivative of WWII AAA gun on it😅
Just wanna say that I think its funny that they added this thing as a BP reward instead of making it a free rank V american light, you know, as a vehicle before the real Sheridan?
British 6.7 got uptiered to the stars because they were stabilized and had sabot access, this thing might end up the same way. The irony is that I had the same experience back then with those tanks: you often get the first shot due to the stab, but sabot often fails to deliver and can put you at a disadvantage despite having the first shot. Yet... A heavy tank like an IS or KT has no hope to outshoot a stabilized vehicle like this -- their only recourse is exactly that: hoping the incoming sabot fails and gives them a chance to respond. It's pretty whack but not that surprising that it's coming in at such a low BR, especially considering how bad the 152mm version(which is *8.3* now!!) got hit by the missile ballistics changes. I don't doubt that the m551/76 is the more effective version between the two now, because the 152mm HEAT is oversized garbage and the shillelagh missile falls out of the gun and hits the ground half the time. Even the T92 which I've found is one of the best light tanks in a tree full of great light tanks, doesn't compare well without the stabilizer. I hope this thing at least goes up to 7.3+. Something like this that is light, stabilized, and with access to high-penetration ammo will be a menace if it stays under-tiered. It also still has access to the 76mm APBC round, which has a much better balance of damage vs penetration compared to the sabot, though everyone seems to fixate on the sabot.
I think you’d like the AMX-30B2 series, they’re basically just fast, light vehicles with pretty good guns and thermals at 8.7, plus a 20mm coax is always nice.
The first game I got this Vic I brought it straight to 8.3(before it was moved up in br) and did pretty well. I still sometimes like to bring it to higher brs just for the laughs.
10:21 Spookston says he is broke while he has 601 GE. Man i am Happy when i have 100 GE and most of the time i am a zero GE but Spooston says he is broke with 600 GE HOW
Day 29 You should play a tank with hydropneumatic suspension (recommend the MBT-70) But the catch is you have to drop the suspension as low as it can go for the whole match.
It sad to see that light tank, especially in late ww2 br have speed and gun(able to pen all heavy in its br from the front) advantage vs heavy in the same br, basically invalidating the only advantage for heavy even if it get a downtier, and then there's this thing that also get it's stabilizer on top of speed and gun at 6.7 Miss 2014-2015 wt ground where heavy can be played as heavy
I'll give you one better, a few days ago playing the Chieftain Mk.10 my 410mm APFSDS bounced off the flat side of an IT-1, and not only it bounced, the dart in the cam literally turned 90º and spiked into the ground
M42 contraero video soon? Also sorry you’re not feeling well. Hope you feel better soon and that dialysis goes well. I know it’s a very hard process. Just know your content is very appreciated.
Solid Shot needs a flat surface to be effectiv, it has not the normalisation value like a AP or APHE. Thats why you bounce often angled surfaces like the lower plate from the T54, but pen a IS4 Cheek when its no angled round to you.
Hey guys, got a lot going on but it shouldn't affect videos. Just very tired recently. Starting dialysis soon. Let me know how you like the shorter intro for this video
Hope you feel better soon 🥺❤No worries man do what you need to
If you need to take some days off go ahead man, don't overwork yourself
Get well soon
Curse of the thunder
Yeowch, get well soon!
1:15 spookston was left absolutely baffled, befuddled, bemused, bewildered, confounded, lost, mazed and utterly perplexed at getting a non pen.
nonpenning the turret rear of an unangled and unmoving king tiger with a 300mm pen sabot round
@@Spookston yup non pen checks out according to gaijin. totally shouldn't have sent the turret to space or something😂
"Um excuse me what the acctual fu-"
its the most bamboozled sound he ever made 😂😂
@@SpookstonGaijin: iT's A feAtUre 🥴
12:36 Notice how the sabot went through one crewman's neck and only turned him red-orange :)
put a thumb in it lol
Not only it didn't kill the guy, it also injured a crewmate behind him.
Either Sabots are useless or those tank members have a neck of Corey Taylor.
mf must be made out of Adamantium
Oddbawz: I hate this tank!
Spookston: I love this tank!
The duality of WT players.
how can you hate a fully stabilized light tank with apds at 6.7, unless you're the one facing it
@@irirjhrhr4645the vertical traverse is really bad, and bawz was getting a lot of hilly maps
@@irirjhrhr4645APDS and Solidshot in general are very iffy. I prefer APHE or a big HE.
I saw people saying this thing should be the same BR as the bulldog before it released
Spookston is just a gremlin
That Tiger 2 at 1:13 was definitely a Skyrim guard in the past.
"hmmm, must have been the wind"
You know what else is light and the best? The ikv 72s and 103s! Day 44
yes IKV 103 would be so fun to watch this gremlin play
Love the ikv 103 :D
yessssssssssssss the ikv 103 would be so fun to watch
Nuh uh, BT-42 is way better ;)
In this episode Spooks shoots directly at ammo and it does nothing half the time.
thanks. By the way its really nice seeing how your mood and or tone has changed throughout the years. You seem a lot happier or maybe more comfortable making videos. Im happy for you
11:35 its even worse with the german commanders, they call tank destroyers "luftabwehrstellung" (Anti-Air Gun)
I mean, the flak88 is an AA gun lmao
Want to see you play the Ikv 91 or 91-105. Both are incredible :D
I'm actually grinding the Ikv 91-105 right now.
Please don't give more attention to these cancer vehicles. The less people that play them, the better
@@KekusMagnus uh...don't worry buddy I'm DEFINITELY going to give them more attention now lmao
@@Iron_Blood_Enjoyer1933 once you get 91-105 8.7 becomes so fun. Definitely worth the grind:)
@@Tanks.With.Teeth.Malloy What's a good CAS option for 8.7 anyway?
Attempt 24: requesting Spookston to play one of the "Alternate" Top Tier tanks:
M48 Super
AMX 40
you can see one of the problems with the APDS (penetration goes from 300mm at 0 degrees down to 84mm at 60 degrees) by comparing it to the HEAT-FS on the T92 (penetration goes from 254mm at 0 degrees down to 127mm at 60 degrees), which also explains why the APDS couldn't penetrate the T-54, although it's worth mentioning that the earliest 1947 variant has 120mm UFP (60 degrees) and LFP (54 degrees), unlike the later models that only have 100mm, although the APDS would have a hard time with the later models as well due to the angle of the armor.
Now that you’ve played the best American light tank, can you play the “best” American heavy tank the M103? Attempt 8 btw
that thing scares me
@@connivingkhajiit23 kg of SOLID shot (best AP shell in the game)
I would love to see the M103
Peeking a corner and seeing a M103 staring at me and knowing theres nothing i can do to frontal pen him is my biggest nightmare,sure I should go for barrel shot but for some reason m103 barrel is made of star mass
@@sashingopaul3111the French 120mm guns fire the same exact AP shell as the M103.
Still waiting and asking for another day still to see Spookston play the AMX-10P AA because its such a gremlin
Spookston: Man, I really hate sabot
Also Spookston: [never even bothers trying a single round of solid shot]
Love the unloved M47 Patton day 115!
the 3 inch gun carrier is a perfect fit for you, really complements your play style......
Bonus points for just being a good looking tank imo. I’ve always loved the Sheridan visually.
alternate title : spookston gets gaslighted by sabot for almost 16 minutes
Video 31 of asking Spookston to use the Chi-Ha with the 120MM short gun
Finally, someone else trying to get him to play it! I've been asking for over a year at this point lol
crew goes invisible if a tank is on fire cuz it looks silly if they were just sitting in the fire
As someone who mained britian, sabot would always either mutulate the tank or just non pen, and it gets less consistent the lower caliber it is.
Today i noticed Spook's in the GHPC special thanks and i actually said "Spookston!" in genuine surprise and excitement
Keeo on the good work
So when the next major update does come out, any of the new & fun looking vehicles will be definitely be in a video.
This version of the M551 has a lower ammo capacity than the regular 152mm variant…
Hearing spook having fun is my favorite kind of video
When i saw the title i was kinda worried this was gonna be another HSTV-L video😅
3:25 that T-32 team tried to kill steal lol
Day 65 of asking Spookston to play the M11/39
6:50 hey spookston, theres this cool thing when you hold J, it allows you to switch vehicles, thought id give some knowledge
The average british experience
Havent seen the video...good video keep up the work
If you haven't seen the video then what doesn't happen in it?
Petition to pause tickets when you get a nuke
At 13:00 im pretty sure if you destroy solid shot shells they don't explode but just take off from the ammo counter, honestly I'm impressed Gaijin didn't just make all ammo types explode asif they were APHE
Day 182 of asking for T95
12:02 I have no laughed louder at a spookston video than this moment and I don’t even care why.
day 32 of asking for radkampfwagen 90
Another glorious lunch watching Spookston and then subsequently asking him to do an M3 GMC video because is fun.
OMG I loved the Elite, "I've taken a grievous wound." Peak Spookston
Yeah about the vertical targeting speed... I was playing the T-72M1 in the Swedish tree while grinding the event and it literally has 2.5deg/s vertical traverse WITH the elevation mod installed (not factoring in crew skill though.) I do vividly remember dying several times on relatively flat urban maps after running over small bumps and mounds of rubble, only for the gun to go wildly off target and then die to something with useable gun handling characteristics. I do feel like Odd was overblowing the M551/76 a bit considering it's literally better than a T-72 in that regard. Also I have no idea how this is balanced at 6.7, especially as someone who played the stabilized British tanks with APDS when they were still 6.3-7.0ish. I do enjoy the amount of nostalgia this brings me though.
I love how Spookston is always like look at me i am so dumb whilst he outsmarts like 80% of the people he goes up against
Well you see Spookston. The commanders flesh provided a buffer dampening the impact against the ammo so when your sabot went clean through the commander and the ammo, it wasn't as hard due to the flesh softening the blow.
1:16 Spookston.exe has stopped working
Just got back from cruise and now I see 3 new spookston videos. This made my day
7:45 the leKPz M41 is .3 BR higher than the american bulldog because it has heat. I also don't often use the HEAT on my leKPz M41 because the sabot is just better
Gaijin: SABO rounds don't like angled armor.
shoots completely straight pieces of armor
*non pen*
12:03 I just realized that Spookston might really like the movie Zootopia
I'll tell you the real reason this thing will go to 8.0.
It has smoke launchers.
And no american tank below 8.0 with the sole exception of the m24, m4a3 105 and m4a2 75 are allowed to have smoke launchers.
Despite the objective historical fact that every single m4a3 and m4a2 variant should have it.
Woooo, spookston video!
The vertical traverse issues can easily be resolved by having your cursor near the reticle, it appears to kinda be a bug because if you go very far away from the reticle with your cursor, your stabilizer will just fight you
It is not a bug, it is design that way.
Stab in wt is most likely implemented as angle delta.
Line 1 cross the tip of barrel and axis of rotation. Line 2 cross the mouse cursor and the axis of rotation.
If delta is less than some value, the barrel axis will snap to the cursor axis in the calculation next cycle.
Otherwise, it will move at current turret traverse rate.
Then they loop until the delta is 0.
But that is not how stabilizer should behave. Irl Stabilizer will only move as fast as your drive mechanism can push (in wt, implemented as traverse angle per second). Irl Stabilizer also has minimum angle per second and error (not implemented in wt at all afaik).
Gayjiggle "fixed it" a while ago (like years ago). The implement the max traverse limit. So for some vehicle with very slow turret traverse and pretty good maneuverability (such as stb), you can out traverse your stabilizer. They trail it for a couple week, people complained, they revert the changes.
Day 2 of asking spookston to play as a chinese top tier AA with the catch that his vehicle will be the Z-10 with 16 TY-90s and 4 ATGMs
PT-76-57 and M551(76) teach us that if you want to upgrade your underperforming amphibious light tank, then all you need to do is install a new gun derivative of WWII AAA gun on it😅
Spook: "Let's be smart about this(shoots a weakspot)"
Gaijin: "No"
Also please bring more HE shells, overpressurable tanks can be so common
Trust me, no one is harping on enough about the out of this world physics on APDS
Just wanna say that I think its funny that they added this thing as a BP reward instead of making it a free rank V american light, you know, as a vehicle before the real Sheridan?
British 6.7 got uptiered to the stars because they were stabilized and had sabot access, this thing might end up the same way. The irony is that I had the same experience back then with those tanks: you often get the first shot due to the stab, but sabot often fails to deliver and can put you at a disadvantage despite having the first shot. Yet... A heavy tank like an IS or KT has no hope to outshoot a stabilized vehicle like this -- their only recourse is exactly that: hoping the incoming sabot fails and gives them a chance to respond.
It's pretty whack but not that surprising that it's coming in at such a low BR, especially considering how bad the 152mm version(which is *8.3* now!!) got hit by the missile ballistics changes. I don't doubt that the m551/76 is the more effective version between the two now, because the 152mm HEAT is oversized garbage and the shillelagh missile falls out of the gun and hits the ground half the time. Even the T92 which I've found is one of the best light tanks in a tree full of great light tanks, doesn't compare well without the stabilizer.
I hope this thing at least goes up to 7.3+. Something like this that is light, stabilized, and with access to high-penetration ammo will be a menace if it stays under-tiered. It also still has access to the 76mm APBC round, which has a much better balance of damage vs penetration compared to the sabot, though everyone seems to fixate on the sabot.
I think you’d like the AMX-30B2 series, they’re basically just fast, light vehicles with pretty good guns and thermals at 8.7, plus a 20mm coax is always nice.
You know he’s gonna nail the shot when he says “I can’t even see what that is”
13:55 skidaddle skidoodle make sure the smoke covers your bootle
1:17 bro made a beat
Spookston when he wastes time instead of j’ing out and then cant drop the nuke
Ur editing is great, i like this video.
Spookston having fun is very nice to watch
11:29 ngl i was also really confused when my commander called the enemy Ferdidand a SAM. that is definitely not a surface to air missile
The first game I got this Vic I brought it straight to 8.3(before it was moved up in br) and did pretty well. I still sometimes like to bring it to higher brs just for the laughs.
Spookston light vehicle video. LETS GOOOOOOO
14:32 this one came from the heart and it could be heard
Hope you feel better soon bro. You are best war thunder creator and are in our thoughts!
Yay! Another video from my favorite wt cc 😊
Video 10 of asking Spookston to play the LAV-AD with Anti-Tank HEAT
10:44 I AM NOT CRAZY 10:56 I had that guy dead to rights
I think Spookston has been watching some better call saul lmao
Gaijin: makes a huge amount of maps
Also Gaijin: Makes you play the same 5 maps repeatedly
**shrinks every map into a dick ramming competition**
3:24 Got me XD Classic German Meme.
Day 7 of asking Spookston to play some of the worst spaa in game, the M19/42 dusters
The rubber ball sound effects gets me every time.
10:21 Spookston says he is broke while he has 601 GE. Man i am Happy when i have 100 GE and most of the time i am a zero GE but Spooston says he is broke with 600 GE HOW
I recommend the TAM, absolute sniping beast in downtiers with LRF and APFSDS; gotten lots of nukes with it.
in my experience, the cromwell v is very OP if used correctly. i’ve ranked upwards of 18 rounds from all directions and still came out on top
As much as I drive the M41A1 for comedy, this thing's probably up my alley.
Spookston “look at all those planes up”
Me “👁️👁️😑 where ?”
Really enjoyed the video. Good luck with everything. I'll give you a pas on suggesting Churchills. This time.
Day 29 You should play a tank with hydropneumatic suspension (recommend the MBT-70) But the catch is you have to drop the suspension as low as it can go for the whole match.
Still watching your videos Spookston, just haven’t tought about a vehicle for me to ask about and you to play, keep making videos! Watch them all
Classic German main behavior at 1:20
>Shot in back of turret
>Briefly looks around
>Huh, must be nothing
14:03 bro really skeedaddled out of there
11:30 He's just informing his friend, Sam about the tank.
T29 a2d lineup gets a new member
It sad to see that light tank, especially in late ww2 br have speed and gun(able to pen all heavy in its br from the front) advantage vs heavy in the same br, basically invalidating the only advantage for heavy even if it get a downtier, and then there's this thing that also get it's stabilizer on top of speed and gun at 6.7
Miss 2014-2015 wt ground where heavy can be played as heavy
I'll give you one better, a few days ago playing the Chieftain Mk.10 my 410mm APFSDS bounced off the flat side of an IT-1, and not only it bounced, the dart in the cam literally turned 90º and spiked into the ground
M42 contraero video soon? Also sorry you’re not feeling well. Hope you feel better soon and that dialysis goes well. I know it’s a very hard process. Just know your content is very appreciated.
Only spookston would be upset that he cant nuke a map full only with teammates
Solid Shot needs a flat surface to be effectiv, it has not the normalisation value like a AP or APHE. Thats why you bounce often angled surfaces like the lower plate from the T54, but pen a IS4 Cheek when its no angled round to you.
ap is solid shot
@@5000mahmudI meant the Sabot
Spookston you shall not escape the Black Prince, you WILL play it
Just found your channel about a week ago and I love it! love the chill vibes, could you do the type 74 next? would be cool to see.
Everyone: "WarThunder is realistic!"
Also WarThunder: 1:15
Seeing the spookston having a grudge with the Brazilian guy was funny as heck
This footage makes me regret ignoring the battlepass this season
Play the m50 😀 . And we are here with you in this tough time.
Sabot tends to work like a D&D skill save role d20. If you hit 15+, you pen and do damage. 10-15, pen but no damage. Rest is just no pen.
Gaijin modeling sabot: "I am going to make a round that is so toxic"