WE'RE ON DISCORD! BromleyHQ discord.gg/CnhSBYb5qy BaseStrengthAI is better than online coaching, 1/10th of the price: Learn more at www.BaseStrength.com Barbell Apparel x BROMLEY merch: at www.Barbellapparel.com/Bromley
“Rating the efficacy of training programs on a ranking of ‘smart’ to ‘short bus’ is a peculiar methodology. Thank you Mr. Bromely for this humorous scale!”
22:30 - This is so true. I know a guy who squats 240kg and DLs (sumo) about the same, but he's been stuck on a 120kg bench for ages. He has narrow shoulders and relatively small arms, and he always asks me about nuances in his bench technique, and ignores my advice to do just do a bunch of hypertrophy work to just get yoked.
Agreed. Hypertrophy work is needed for all exercises, but Bench more so than others. Cant lift heavy without big muscles to recruit. And you cannot grow large muscles without a lot of reps and sets. And You cant lift a lot of reps and sets per workout in the 85-95% 1RM range. So, it would seem that 65-75% range is better. With occasional 90%+ work one week of the month, and PR's scheduled monthly. I think my mistake which held me back on my weak azz bench, was extending/rounding shoulders out as it seemed to help lift more the at the time. By keeping shoulder tucked back, this initially reduces 1RM but builds the large pecs required to perform the lift at heaver weights. It also became apparent shoulder damage begins to accrue with 2 or more plates if shoulder joints are not rigidly supported.
@JustinSmith-hr6qg the 100lbs in 10 weeks one, great program but be prepared to bring snacks and intraworkout cuz some of the days take 3 ish hours to complete
I started training in 1978, No I'm not young. In that time I have tried lots of programs. Over all I think all programs will work for a time then all programs eventually stop working. The human body will adapt to almost anything that does not kill it. At the end of the day it don't matter what you do it matters more how consistent you are with the habit of doing it. I hope that makes sense. It really don't matter what you do, just do something and do it regularly. You will live longer.
I started experimenting with eastern style programming last year around August-September. I was doing it by accident due to wanting better technique and recovering from some tendinitis in my upper back. To my surprise within 2 months by October I was able to put 25 lbs on my squat as a late intermediate lifter! I spent a lot of time reinventing the wheel but now that I know this is a thing I’ll probably look into what’s already been done and see how that overlaps with what’s already worked for me. This video is interesting and engaging for sure!
First guy should significantly drop the volume on all of those accessories and ramp up the volume on his main lifts. He’s worried about his arms while leaving tons of strength gains on the table and ultimately would benefit from getting stronger in the long run, imo.
I’d personally disagree-arm training doesn’t introduce much systemic fatigue (if any) and he’s doing most of his arm work at the end of his sessions which allows them to not interfere with his main lifts. Maybe he could theoretically handle more volume on his main lifts, but whether or not he trains arms less probably won’t make much of a difference there anyway And besides, some guys (me included) have to do a bunch of arm work to get theirs to grow just because the stimulus our arms get from compounds is barely better than nothing
I'm going to give my two cents and that's all its worth but when I'm squatting 3-4 times a week, I cut down deadlifts to 1 day a week or i feel as though your just suffering in one or the other.
I've found I can perform SLDL/Romanian after High-Bar Squat, as it does not seem to recruit my obliterated Quads hardly at all. And a back squat barely touches hamstrings. And a high-bar position saves the lower back for the SLDLs. Might be a good way to get in meaningful hamstring/lower back work with squats that does not kill. There is a good chance RDL/SLDL will also help improve regular DLs. But I no longer perform those. (Used to nearly puke doing heavy DLs. But RDL at lighter weigh is far less strenuous).
@Triple_J.1 For sure. I lift heavy though generally in the 500-600 range. So if I'm squatting those weights 4 times a week my central nervous system can't handle a lot of heavy deadlifting is what I'm saying. Otherwise I just get cooked and all my lifts suffer.
Hey Bromley great video! I have a question for you : If I do 2x9 1x7 1x6 at 60kg in the strict press then next workout do 3x8 1x7 at 60kg so totaling 31 reps across 4 sets on both workouts but with different reps per set did I actually achieve overload? Only reason I couldn't maintain the constant rep count across the sets was fatique build up so ... this has been a conundrum for me a while now,
Short-bus is my new favorite tier. On a more related note, so many people people need to push themselves more. I'm looking at these numbers and they're like.. barely 1.5x lift to bodyweight ratios
Hi Alex. I've been following you awhile. I'd like to submit my new plan for your take. M,W,F will be Steve Justa's barrel lifting program T, T, S im going to start learning the steel mace. Justa's barrel lifting program is even tougher than breathing squats, so I'm taking a do or die approach this time. It's the only program that ever stopped me. Thanks
I did your deadlift 5x5 program as written. It was way too much volume and it was one of only two programs that made me regress, the other being smolov jr. I am enhanced and was eating at a surplus and was 34 years old at the time.
@AlexanderBromley sure, I can upload a few vids. I was supposed to amrap 220kg after having done it for 5 before starting the program. Couldnt get it off the floor on the amrap day after ten weeks taking my deadlift 5x5 worksets from 175ish to 200. My final heavy 5x5 was at 200 before the deload and it moved alright. I weighed around 96kg to start a 99 at the end. For accessories I did ham curls, paused sldl, hip thrust.I did a bodybuilding upper body focused lat day separately.
What was your max around the time you did 220kg for 5? I saw your vid of doing 455 x 7 with long rests in between. Is that your normal pacing for a set? Also, you went from 175 to 200 over 10 weeks, then jumped to 220?
7:45 I would say, since Muscle Protein Synthesis continues up to 48 hours after heavy workout, muscular Glycogen replenishment requires up to 48hrs after extended physical exertion, and muscle soreness tends to peak 32-36hrs after a workout also. Rapidly improving by the 48hr mark... It would make sense to workput each muscle group at least twice per week, up to every-other day (3.5 per week). Should probably combine these four days into 2. And repeat them twice a week. Or even 3 times (6 gym days, squat, bench, deadlift and overhead press 3x per week). This would be the upper-limit of what is attainable from a volume, Hypertrophy and recovery standpoint.
I had to take the ego hit and swap them for regular high bar, I cant hit the front rack position or have the necessary ankle mobility even with plates. Sadge, they look Chad asf
@ I feel you on that bro! It feels incredibly awkward and hurts my arms and hands. I’ve tried the crossover style as well and still just not a good feeling overall.
@@leonardo9259funny, i have the exact opposite problem can't squat deep with the bar on my back, and shoulders are too stiff to hold the bar on deep reps😅
@@aesop2733 actually I haven’t considered the zercher to replace this one. I might try that for sure. I did try bringing my feet closer together for the front squat which helped a bit but still just not a good feeling going down.
Dude I'm still only like 1.5 yrs in, but I don't get how people do so much volume. If I have like an hour in the gym, I manage to do like.. warm up sets on overhead with the bar, 95, 135, 170, and then like 3 sets of 195 at 6 reps, supersetted with a few sets of pullups that I'm not good at so they vary from like... sets of 8 slow negatives to sets of 5 cheated ones, etc. And that's it. Idkhtf people are doing like 6 different exercises at a few sets each or whatever. That'd take me 3 hours
When you do the isolation exercises at the end you don't need to do warm up sets if you've done compounds that targeted the same muscles before and if you use machines you don't have to spend any time carrying weights around. My first exercises take a lot of time too but I spend 1,5-2 hours at the gym to do 8 exercises.
Warmup sets should be as efficient as possible. Skip the empty bar once you can lift 225lb. Go right to 0.2, then 0.4 then 0.6 of 1RM for a warmup, up to the point you are starting warmup with 135lb or so. Then use that weight to start warmup from now on. (I physically cannot even squat less than 135lb with proper form). E.g. If 1RM = 225b Warmup sets: 0.2 = 45lb x 10 NO rest. 0.4 = 90lb x 10 1 min rest. 0.6 = 135lb x 5 2 min rest. 0.7 = 155lb x 5 3 min rest. 0.8 = 180lb x 3r Hard Working Sets 0.9 = 205lb x 3r 0.8 = 180lb x 6r x2 Drop Set: 0.7 = 155lb x 10 Bonus/Elective set for Hypertrophy: 0.7 = 155lb again to failure. (5-10 reps). Strict 3 min rest between sets, part of which is already covered while changing weights. Part of which is spent getting under the weights. Use 3 mins from racked to un-racked. Always rest a full 3 minutes for hard sets. Anything less leaves strength on the table. Never rest longer than 5 minutes, as virtually no further recovery happens, and muscles begin to cool down about then. Also it wastes 2 minutes times all of your sets. Which can add up to significant time in the gym (Perhaps an hour or more per week). Don't stand around on a phone. Unless it is the timer or to record the workout. You should be complete with all warmup sets right at the 10 minute mark. And the working sets are completed in an additional 12-15 minutes. 22-25 mins per primary exercise. Two primary exercises per Gym day. (Leg/Arm, Push/Pull, whatever split You prefer, etc). This means your heavy work is completed within 45-50 minutes. By which point your gas tank will be probably about run out for any other heavy work. Spend the next 10-40 mins on accessory (Pull-ups, dips, rows, shrugs, lat pull downs, are all my Go-to's).
US schools that have bus systems for their students, have a bus for their "special education" students (developmentally handicapped). This bus is shorter in length than the standard school bus that the other students would use. So if you're riding to school on the "short bus", you are one of those "special" students. So with that context in mind, a "short bus" program would be considered "developmentally handicapped"
@misledpoet so this is intended as a little humor at the expense of intellectually disabled kids that did nothing to anyone? Well, not cool. Not the kind of humor I'd expect from a grown man and father.
I get it now. Sort of a cheap shot for clicks where intellectually disabled kids that didn't do anything to anyone are the subject of the humor. Not a comment from a grown man and new father. Just garbage. I'm unsubbing. Thanks for the explanation.
@@MegaUlysses1234 Literally no mentally handicapped child knows they are cognitively handicapped. And making short-bus jokes does not affect them at all, because they cannot read and they are not here studying technical aspects of weight lifting. The only people who are offended at R* jokes are parents of R* kids. But most of them were told their child had issues before they were born and they decided to have and raise them anyway. So, who is the victim again?
American customary measures are defined by the Metric System, and then by the International System, since 1893. Why do Americans insist in using their old and needlessly complex system when it's actually a complication of what everyone else uses?
Are you being Fr? It's because this is the way we grew up. It's what's most natural for us. It's not like I, an 18 year old, established the metric system myself, or anybody else currently alive in the country. And yes I'm trying to learn to use imperial in my day to day.
@AlexanderBromley it's an objective fact. Sorry it makes you an emotional. Numerous studies show that whites score significantly higher on hand grip strength tests than all other groups. Every wsm winner of all time is white, and the vast majority of all powerlifter champions are white, including all 3 GOAT candidates. All higher weight class weightlifter champions are white, whites are taller on average, weigh more, have broader shoulders and shorter limbs, and carry more genes that dileneate towards strength. You are coping. You are sad. And your programs suck.
BromleyHQ discord.gg/CnhSBYb5qy
BaseStrengthAI is better than online coaching, 1/10th of the price:
Learn more at www.BaseStrength.com
Barbell Apparel x BROMLEY merch:
at www.Barbellapparel.com/Bromley
Smart to short-bus in an unhinged rating system. Thanks Alex!
Translate please😂
“Rating the efficacy of training programs on a ranking of ‘smart’ to ‘short bus’ is a peculiar methodology. Thank you Mr. Bromely for this humorous scale!”
@@garymcnall4065 Many thanks. Got it (and agree).
It’s now my new rating system
"Short-bus" is the name of my current program, I'm also writing a bench only called "Window licker."
Plz continue this periodically. Might make a good series, learned a good bit from this
5/3/1 Expanded Universe fan fiction was pretty good.
22:30 - This is so true. I know a guy who squats 240kg and DLs (sumo) about the same, but he's been stuck on a 120kg bench for ages. He has narrow shoulders and relatively small arms, and he always asks me about nuances in his bench technique, and ignores my advice to do just do a bunch of hypertrophy work to just get yoked.
Hypertrophy work is needed for all exercises, but Bench more so than others.
Cant lift heavy without big muscles to recruit. And you cannot grow large muscles without a lot of reps and sets. And You cant lift a lot of reps and sets per workout in the 85-95% 1RM range. So, it would seem that 65-75% range is better. With occasional 90%+ work one week of the month, and PR's scheduled monthly.
I think my mistake which held me back on my weak azz bench, was extending/rounding shoulders out as it seemed to help lift more the at the time. By keeping shoulder tucked back, this initially reduces 1RM but builds the large pecs required to perform the lift at heaver weights. It also became apparent shoulder damage begins to accrue with 2 or more plates if shoulder joints are not rigidly supported.
When I could squat my body weight. I could bench the bar😂😂😂😂😂😂
That squat program is legit! I hit PR’s both times I ran it 🤘
I ran it as well and hit a noice 15kg PR after 1 cycle, from 210-225, the 8x8 on week 3 was disgusting tho
Bromleys? Or another one in the video?
@JustinSmith-hr6qg the 100lbs in 10 weeks one, great program but be prepared to bring snacks and intraworkout cuz some of the days take 3 ish hours to complete
@nathankrizbai2131 thank you !
@nathankrizbai2131I added negative 10lb to my squat and then a hamstring injury doing it
please bromley make this a series I learned so much from this video
I started training in 1978, No I'm not young. In that time I have tried lots of programs. Over all I think all programs will work for a time then all programs eventually stop working. The human body will adapt to almost anything that does not kill it. At the end of the day it don't matter what you do it matters more how consistent you are with the habit of doing it. I hope that makes sense. It really don't matter what you do, just do something and do it regularly. You will live longer.
Unironically based. 👏🏾
I started experimenting with eastern style programming last year around August-September. I was doing it by accident due to wanting better technique and recovering from some tendinitis in my upper back. To my surprise within 2 months by October I was able to put 25 lbs on my squat as a late intermediate lifter! I spent a lot of time reinventing the wheel but now that I know this is a thing I’ll probably look into what’s already been done and see how that overlaps with what’s already worked for me. This video is interesting and engaging for sure!
I did a version of rip and tear for powerlifting meet prep and it ate me alive
I recognize that Gödel, Escher, Bach book cover. Big Brain Bomley.
I loved that book since the first time I read it in middle school. Fun stuff
Intro was not very skibidi
Fr fr on god
Skibbidi Ohio rizz
2 kiwi
As an old guy I don't know what a hell you are saying... GET OFF MY LAWN!
wow i'm learning so much. what a great idea to figure out programing and progression.
Could you please make this a series?
Alex please do more of this!
First guy should significantly drop the volume on all of those accessories and ramp up the volume on his main lifts. He’s worried about his arms while leaving tons of strength gains on the table and ultimately would benefit from getting stronger in the long run, imo.
I’d personally disagree-arm training doesn’t introduce much systemic fatigue (if any) and he’s doing most of his arm work at the end of his sessions which allows them to not interfere with his main lifts.
Maybe he could theoretically handle more volume on his main lifts, but whether or not he trains arms less probably won’t make much of a difference there anyway
And besides, some guys (me included) have to do a bunch of arm work to get theirs to grow just because the stimulus our arms get from compounds is barely better than nothing
Thank you strong Santa
Really liking this style of video!! Just bought your base strength book and loved it, hoping to get peak strength for Christmas ha ha
I'm going to give my two cents and that's all its worth but when I'm squatting 3-4 times a week, I cut down deadlifts to 1 day a week or i feel as though your just suffering in one or the other.
I've found I can perform SLDL/Romanian after High-Bar Squat, as it does not seem to recruit my obliterated Quads hardly at all. And a back squat barely touches hamstrings. And a high-bar position saves the lower back for the SLDLs.
Might be a good way to get in meaningful hamstring/lower back work with squats that does not kill. There is a good chance RDL/SLDL will also help improve regular DLs. But I no longer perform those. (Used to nearly puke doing heavy DLs. But RDL at lighter weigh is far less strenuous).
@Triple_J.1 For sure. I lift heavy though generally in the 500-600 range. So if I'm squatting those weights 4 times a week my central nervous system can't handle a lot of heavy deadlifting is what I'm saying. Otherwise I just get cooked and all my lifts suffer.
these videos are soooooooooooooooo good, i loved it so much ngl
This is a good video concept
This is fantastic do this everyone month or so
Hey Bromley great video! I have a question for you : If I do 2x9 1x7 1x6 at 60kg in the strict press then next workout do 3x8 1x7 at 60kg so totaling 31 reps across 4 sets on both workouts but with different reps per set did I actually achieve overload? Only reason I couldn't maintain the constant rep count across the sets was fatique build up so ... this has been a conundrum for me a while now,
Short-bus is my new favorite tier.
On a more related note, so many people people need to push themselves more. I'm looking at these numbers and they're like.. barely 1.5x lift to bodyweight ratios
Hi Alex. I've been following you awhile.
I'd like to submit my new plan for your take.
M,W,F will be Steve Justa's barrel lifting program
T, T, S im going to start learning the steel mace.
Justa's barrel lifting program is even tougher than breathing squats, so I'm taking a do or die approach this time. It's the only program that ever stopped me. Thanks
Gödel, Escher, Bach on the desk. Good for the brain day.
I did your deadlift 5x5 program as written. It was way too much volume and it was one of only two programs that made me regress, the other being smolov jr. I am enhanced and was eating at a surplus and was 34 years old at the time.
5 sets of deads every other week was too much volume?? Be interested in seeing what weight you started at and what else you were doing.
@AlexanderBromley sure, I can upload a few vids. I was supposed to amrap 220kg after having done it for 5 before starting the program. Couldnt get it off the floor on the amrap day after ten weeks taking my deadlift 5x5 worksets from 175ish to 200. My final heavy 5x5 was at 200 before the deload and it moved alright. I weighed around 96kg to start a 99 at the end. For accessories I did ham curls, paused sldl, hip thrust.I did a bodybuilding upper body focused lat day separately.
What was your max around the time you did 220kg for 5? I saw your vid of doing 455 x 7 with long rests in between. Is that your normal pacing for a set? Also, you went from 175 to 200 over 10 weeks, then jumped to 220?
“Chaps my ass” 😂 gotta steal that 1.
Can you make a strength program for grippers?
Damn. Strength programs are a whole different animal.
Tells people to join his discord, doesn't leave a discord link 😔
where could we find the second program of the video? Wes is his name.if I understood it correcty. I really liked it.
hes a mod in the discord. Bromley linked it in the pinned comment
7:45 I would say, since Muscle Protein Synthesis continues up to 48 hours after heavy workout, muscular Glycogen replenishment requires up to 48hrs after extended physical exertion, and muscle soreness tends to peak 32-36hrs after a workout also. Rapidly improving by the 48hr mark...
It would make sense to workput each muscle group at least twice per week, up to every-other day (3.5 per week).
Should probably combine these four days into 2. And repeat them twice a week. Or even 3 times (6 gym days, squat, bench, deadlift and overhead press 3x per week). This would be the upper-limit of what is attainable from a volume, Hypertrophy and recovery standpoint.
Where are all the rows bros
Brother, I just rewrote my program last week... where can I send it to you to get roasted??
Front squats are crazy hard for me to do.
I had to take the ego hit and swap them for regular high bar, I cant hit the front rack position or have the necessary ankle mobility even with plates. Sadge, they look Chad asf
@ I feel you on that bro! It feels incredibly awkward and hurts my arms and hands. I’ve tried the crossover style as well and still just not a good feeling overall.
@@leonardo9259funny, i have the exact opposite problem can't squat deep with the bar on my back, and shoulders are too stiff to hold the bar on deep reps😅
Have you tried a zercher squat or adjusting your foot position
@@aesop2733 actually I haven’t considered the zercher to replace this one. I might try that for sure. I did try bringing my feet closer together for the front squat which helped a bit but still just not a good feeling going down.
2 kiwi
Reject 99 banana, accept 2 kiwi
@@thegoldfish123 2 Kiwi
@@Rorschachs_Bloat 2 kiwi
Is it possible 3 kiwi?
@@leonardo9259 no
I feel like I'm running a 4th of the volume as a lot of these.
What’s his discord?
Bro has no fear of cancel culture
Dude I'm still only like 1.5 yrs in, but I don't get how people do so much volume. If I have like an hour in the gym, I manage to do like.. warm up sets on overhead with the bar, 95, 135, 170, and then like 3 sets of 195 at 6 reps, supersetted with a few sets of pullups that I'm not good at so they vary from like... sets of 8 slow negatives to sets of 5 cheated ones, etc. And that's it. Idkhtf people are doing like 6 different exercises at a few sets each or whatever. That'd take me 3 hours
Same, I see programs with like 18 sets per session, how tf can you push hard on every set? Even if it's machine only, seems ridiculous.
When you do the isolation exercises at the end you don't need to do warm up sets if you've done compounds that targeted the same muscles before and if you use machines you don't have to spend any time carrying weights around. My first exercises take a lot of time too but I spend 1,5-2 hours at the gym to do 8 exercises.
Warmup sets should be as efficient as possible.
Skip the empty bar once you can lift 225lb.
Go right to 0.2, then 0.4 then 0.6 of 1RM for a warmup, up to the point you are starting warmup with 135lb or so.
Then use that weight to start warmup from now on. (I physically cannot even squat less than 135lb with proper form).
E.g. If 1RM = 225b
Warmup sets:
0.2 = 45lb x 10
NO rest.
0.4 = 90lb x 10
1 min rest.
0.6 = 135lb x 5
2 min rest.
0.7 = 155lb x 5
3 min rest.
0.8 = 180lb x 3r
Hard Working Sets
0.9 = 205lb x 3r
0.8 = 180lb x 6r x2
Drop Set:
0.7 = 155lb x 10
Bonus/Elective set for Hypertrophy:
0.7 = 155lb again to failure. (5-10 reps).
Strict 3 min rest between sets, part of which is already covered while changing weights. Part of which is spent getting under the weights. Use 3 mins from racked to un-racked.
Always rest a full 3 minutes for hard sets. Anything less leaves strength on the table. Never rest longer than 5 minutes, as virtually no further recovery happens, and muscles begin to cool down about then. Also it wastes 2 minutes times all of your sets. Which can add up to significant time in the gym (Perhaps an hour or more per week).
Don't stand around on a phone. Unless it is the timer or to record the workout.
You should be complete with all warmup sets right at the 10 minute mark.
And the working sets are completed in an additional 12-15 minutes.
22-25 mins per primary exercise.
Two primary exercises per Gym day. (Leg/Arm, Push/Pull, whatever split You prefer, etc).
This means your heavy work is completed within 45-50 minutes. By which point your gas tank will be probably about run out for any other heavy work. Spend the next 10-40 mins on accessory (Pull-ups, dips, rows, shrugs, lat pull downs, are all my Go-to's).
Alex what do you mean about short bus on the title?
US schools that have bus systems for their students, have a bus for their "special education" students (developmentally handicapped). This bus is shorter in length than the standard school bus that the other students would use.
So if you're riding to school on the "short bus", you are one of those "special" students.
So with that context in mind, a "short bus" program would be considered "developmentally handicapped"
@misledpoet so this is intended as a little humor at the expense of intellectually disabled kids that did nothing to anyone? Well, not cool. Not the kind of humor I'd expect from a grown man and father.
I get it now. Sort of a cheap shot for clicks where intellectually disabled kids that didn't do anything to anyone are the subject of the humor. Not a comment from a grown man and new father. Just garbage. I'm unsubbing. Thanks for the explanation.
@@MegaUlysses1234Go, unsub. Nobody asked.
Literally no mentally handicapped child knows they are cognitively handicapped. And making short-bus jokes does not affect them at all, because they cannot read and they are not here studying technical aspects of weight lifting.
The only people who are offended at R* jokes are parents of R* kids.
But most of them were told their child had issues before they were born and they decided to have and raise them anyway. So, who is the victim again?
WAIT you didn't do mine did you?
First guy is probably British. Measuring weights in kg and heught in feet and inches.
Skibidi sigma victory royal
smart to short bus, fucking brilliant 🤣
American customary measures are defined by the Metric System, and then by the International System, since 1893. Why do Americans insist in using their old and needlessly complex system when it's actually a complication of what everyone else uses?
Because we’re better
@andrewhenley2161 The fact you need to define your measurements in Metric says otherwise.
Are you being Fr? It's because this is the way we grew up. It's what's most natural for us. It's not like I, an 18 year old, established the metric system myself, or anybody else currently alive in the country. And yes I'm trying to learn to use imperial in my day to day.
Lift, add weight deload repeat. Eat clen tren hard my bros
You should not be judging anyones program, you're laughably bad at creating them.
Oh LOL you're the dumb fuck who thought whites were stronger than everyone else. I'm sure you're the expert HAHAHAHA
@AlexanderBromley it's an objective fact. Sorry it makes you an emotional.
Numerous studies show that whites score significantly higher on hand grip strength tests than all other groups.
Every wsm winner of all time is white, and the vast majority of all powerlifter champions are white, including all 3 GOAT candidates. All higher weight class weightlifter champions are white, whites are taller on average, weigh more, have broader shoulders and shorter limbs, and carry more genes that dileneate towards strength.
You are coping. You are sad. And your programs suck.
2 kiwi
2 kiwi
2 Kiwi
@Rorschachs_Bloat 2 kiwi
2 kiwi
2 kiwi
@@Rorschachs_Bloat 2 kiwi
2 kiwi
2 kiwi
2 kiwi
2 kiwi
2 kiwi
2 kiwi
2 kiwi
2 kiwi