While I’m not entirely through the video, I do appreciate that you don’t genuinely hate Fates. There’s a lot there, and as someone who’s wasted far too much of her own free time analyzing it, it’s refreshing to see someone not drop kick it and try to get to the underlying problems, rather than just singling out of of those problems and then nitpicking it to oblivion. That being said, one of the-I’ll freely admit this-far too subtle plot points in the early part of Fates is that the plan to kill Mikoto was a contingency, not the main plan. The main plan was for Corrin to get knocked into Valla, where Anankos could take control of them and he would from there have Corrin as a vessel to do, well, Anankos stuff. The Mikoto thing was a contingency if for whatever reason that first plan didn’t work, since the binary there is they’re either hit into Valla, or not, where the Hoshidans were probably strong enough that they’d recognize Corrin and take them back where the contingency happens. To my knowledge, this isn’t fully explained anywhere, but it’s fairly safe conjecture given all of the pieces. Again, it never mentions any of this directly, which is itself a problem, but that’s why this whole plan was as weird as it was. It being explained would’ve been great, but it wasn’t because… well Fates. Still though, I appreciate the video! It’s always refreshing to see people not outright hating the games that do have so much going for them, and I look forward to the rest of this series!
That does make more sense than any reason I came up with for the weird bit about knocking Corrin into Valla. But yeah, the game def should've explained that better
@@Bicken You say that second part as if they explained it at all. This could be entirely coincidental and we'd never know, since they just never acknowledge it in game-I *think* there could be something in the artbook about it, but I haven't read it so I wouldn't know. I like to think the Fates devs did their homework for the plot, but just forgot to turn it in. Still though, keep up the good work!
Alot of Fates plot points typically have very subtle explanations, such as the one you just brought up, which is probably why a lot of people have problems with its story as lots of events aren't directly explained. Personally, as someone who also has spent much time overanalyzing Fates, I can definitely appreciate its story at this point but at the same time I can understand why a lot of people aren't particularly into it. Also I don't really think the intention was for Corrin to be possessed exactly but for them to be taken out of the picture (and then reanimated like Arete and Sumeragi), as it's said in Revelations that Gunter was intended to be a puppet of Anankos originally, however that plan changed when Takumi fell into the Canyon shortly after and was then chosen to be the Vessel instead in both Conquest and Birthright.
@@AmirPrinceling I think it being subtle isn't necessarily a bad thing, but because it's so unsubtle in some regards (like the obviously evil Garon) it makes it easier to dismiss the rest of the story as nonsensical fluff instead of digging deeper.
@@AmirPrinceling the Reason for fate's sloppy story, is because the writers where trying to achieve too much with not enough time. Intelligents Systems had an idea for Fate to have three stories to appeal to everyone, but they realized that they didn't have enough writers. So they hired an outside writer, Shin Kibayashi was that writer. Intelligent Systems wanted Shin to write the outline for each pathway, what happened instead is that Shin wrote 500 pages for each pathway. Nintendo knew this was too long so they cut the story into pieces without the writers permission and the fact the Nintendo demanded Fates come on the Fire Emblem Anniversary only made things worse. Which resulted in this hilariously mess of a story. The good news this that there is a manga based on Fates that is a little better. Its called Fire Emblem If: the Crown of Niberlung.
4:44 Let's not forget that Lilith is also Corrins only actual genetic sibling... kinda. What even is Lilith as a character? I feel her existence was only created for the My Castle feature as the tutorial giver/lore expositioner; but then that brings the question of why the hell they kill her off later in Conquest and Birthright. It's like they wanted her to be non-plot relevant and plot relevant at the same time. Sorry, I know this is about prologue and I'm talking about stuff much later, but this character is just so weird. Great video as always and I can't wait to see where this goes.
Oh yeah I completely forgot about lilith being related to corrin. I think killing her was just supposed to be a grasp at an emotional death that doesn't affect gameplay
Yeah for some dumb reason they decided to kill off Scarlet in revelation because they need to kill someone off to make sure the two other routes have something over revelation.
@@Bicken Fr, I honestly didn't even give a shit that Lillith died. She had no relevance to the story other than being a my castle guide. The #1 death that hit me the most was Ryoma's in late game Conquest when you're invading Hoshido.
I really like the idea of chapter 5, and I also like the new personality of Garon, it makes him an actual character and not an old Disney villain that is bad because he is bad
what i always loved and hated about fates was it’s characters. specifically, the attention bias for plot-relevant/non plot-relevant characters. there are people on both sides with SUPER interesting stories who get sidelined for more important (usually royal) stories. justice for oboro and scarlet, man.
I would do a few things: 1. Bring all the paths together in a single package to add replay value without spending extra money. 2. Give the player more of a connection to Hoshido. Have them sneak away or do reconnaissance and get to know the people before the big revelation so the choice has more impact. 3. Have the player be more visibly upset in the pick a side paths when going up against major characters and more visibly frustrated in the go rogue path when other characters do something drastic and stupid. 4. Have some kind of negotiation mechanic where major characters can be convinced to defect and join your side.
When it comes to the first point, all they needed to do is do exactly what Sacred Stones did, only had a mechanic that requires you to play both sides in order to unlock the rest.
@The Other Jared I really like all of those except 4. I think the consequences of picking a side were already a bit understated in fates, and recruiting the opposite cast would go a bit too far
These are really good changes, I’ve always thought that fates has one of the best story concepts with amazing potential but one of the worst executions. Having Corrin kill Mikoto in dragon form adds such a good weight of guilt, and also actually utilises the dragon in the plot which always bugged me because after they get the dragonstone they no longer lose control and it’s pretty much forgotten. Maybe throughout the story Corrin has to learn how to control it in the face of stressful situations as well to add to the conflict. Nohr and notably Garon being portrayed as heartless in war but deeply caring for his family is so so much better than plain evil they went for. Overall I really like seeing ideas of what fates could have been while also not hating everything that the game does and this is a good step in the right direction!
Ok but garon caring for his family would change the dynamic of the family and azura's abuse too. Making Xander the " substitute father" everyone, including corrin, would rely on would also make the choice difficult, you are not choosing nohr for the king, but for Xander Camilla Leo Elise . See the mama bear type is already filled by camilla, ruthless in battle but deeply caring for her familly. Garon is supposed to feel like the absente dad, the one solely focused on his job and ready to make any sacrifice for the prosperity of his kingdom. He only cares about the expansion of his people, but not so heavilly portrayed as evil like in the game, sort of a cold dictator. Also he was anonkosed so it really feels weird portraying him as caring.
@@ununun9995 the Reason for fate's sloppy story, is because the writers where trying to achieve too much with not enough time. Intelligents Systems had an idea for Fate to have three stories to appeal to everyone, but they realized that they didn't have enough writers. So they hired an outside writer, Shin Kibayashi was that writer. Intelligent Systems wanted Shin to write the outline for each pathway, what happened instead is that Shin wrote 500 pages for each pathway. Nintendo knew this was too long so they cut the story into pieces without the writers permission and the fact the Nintendo demanded Fates come on the Fire Emblem Anniversary only made things worse. Which resulted in this hilariously mess of a story. The good news this that there is a manga based on Fates that is a little better. Its called Fire Emblem If: the Crown of Niberlung.
Playing as the Hoshidans with the objective to kill Dragon Corrin while Ryoma acts as an unkillable Burger King trying to get you sounds cool actually.
Definitely agree on making Garon totally not evil. Maybe the whole papa bear vibe would make him much more sympathetic for being so violent if his family is in danger. Heck maybe his wife was killed so that's why he's like that.
@@necrozmaIV The issue here is that Garon's very presence makes several characters' loyalty to him not really make sense. By making him just violently protective of his Family and Nohr in general while having a genuinely pleasant side, that loyalty makes more sense. Besides, Iago could easily fill the Pure Evil character niche if you really need one.
I think the problems with the story plot, it mostly has to do with what they had to cut out from what the main writer wrote out originally. They asked him to write 100 page story, he ended up writing a 500 page story I think. So a lot of things got cut out to make it fit the format of three games. So instead having the whole "meat and bones", it mostly had the bones with some pieces of meat on it. That and adding the child/inheritance mechanic that had no purpose either than to pseudo copy Awakening.
The child units never worked in this game at all-some of the kids had nice personalities/designs, but story wise they had no impact. In Awakening the kids are from the future-learning their messed-up childhoods and how your (The avatar/the Shepeards) failure was the direct cause of that help fuel your desire to change fate. I worked to get all the units in my playthrough because I liked hearing how the base characters changed personality in that dark future/learing what happens if we fail to stop Grima. The Awakening kids are optional, but serve a purpose as motivation for the characters. See Chrom's 'You deserved better than a sword and a world of troubles'. In Fates not one of those kids served a purpose to the plot or its themes, guess they saw how popular in Awakening they were and didn't get the reason why-not because players like seeing their ships have kids, but because they had an interesting purpose.
The very idea of a having a chapter's objective change mid-fight relative to the plot is a game changer for modern FE writing in general, it's a genius idea.
the sad thing is that they have actually had map objectives change a couple times, but in ways that really don't utilise it well. For instance in 3H Bernadetta and Petra's paralogue changes from Arrive to Kill Bosses after the Empire/Church ambush you (depending on the route), but it doesn't do anything meaningful the story of the paralogue and just serves as a gameplay surprise.
I'm so excited for the next parts. I have actually thought about how to improve fates story for some time now. One of the things I figured would make nohr more likable is making the whole country poor. Nohr is going through famine and they are unable to harvest anything. Garon asks Hoshido to borrow some food and once they refuse because they only have enough for one nation, their only option is to attack Hoshido. This way Nohr attacking Hoshido is not seen as an "evil nation attacks good nation" trope.
I feel like that might be moving a bit to close to just flipping the morality switch in the opposite direction. Like, making the Hoshidans just refuse to do trade would be out of character with how they're characterized, but I do agree that the game needed waaaaaay more moral gray, and at the very least having Nohr be going through a famine would make for a bit of interesting and realistic worldbuilding, considering that Nohr is in constant darkness.
@@Bicken @Cris_PSI I'm pretty sure its canonical that Nohr has very little food to the point of famine because their land sucks and that Hoshido has a lot due having good land. They dont do a good job of highlighting this but I'm pretty sure its a thing.
@@autisonm yeah. I'm gathering that from the comments lol. Def needed to be highlighted a bit more in the game considering most people *barely* remember it.
Bicken It was just a one-off moment in Birthright, chapter 21 I think. They’re discussing it and Ryoma’s like “omg I had no idea you had no food we have enough food to feed like 10 Nohrs lol”
@@autisonm the Reason for fate's sloppy story, is because the writers where trying to achieve too much with not enough time. Intelligents Systems had an idea for Fate to have three stories to appeal to everyone, but they realized that they didn't have enough writers. So they hired an outside writer, Shin Kibayashi was that writer. Intelligent Systems wanted Shin to write the outline for each pathway, what happened instead is that Shin wrote 500 pages for each pathway. Nintendo knew this was too long so they cut the story into pieces without the writers permission and the fact the Nintendo demanded Fates come on the Fire Emblem Anniversary only made things worse. Which resulted in this hilariously mess of a story. The good news this that there is a manga based on Fates that is a little better. Its called Fire Emblem If: the Crown of Niberlung.
I've written like Three or four versions of Fates, trying to make something genuinely compelling. Most of them didn't get very far or diverged too heavily from the original story. I might take another stab at it - and I look forward to seeing what you have in mind. Regardless, banger so far. Checking the "make Garon somewhat sympathetic" box is always step one. In particular, I'm excited to see how you handle Xander down the line - he can be remarkably problematic.
I always find the problems with Garon and Xander get much easier to handle with the little bits of context the story gives on Norh. Namely the Harem Wars and the starving. Like the Harem wars, a fan name for an event where Garon's main wife died and his harem slaughtered each other, right there you can make Garon a decent character. He had a wife and like 10+ lovers and just as many if not more kids, his wife died, and when he was grieving ALL of his lovers died and all but 4 of his kids died, from Camilla's words it sounds like she and Leo murdered most of them off. Yeah, I wonder why the guy might not be very trusting to sentimental any more. And for Xander, Norh is starving, literally children are dying of starvation. Most of the army of Norh is there literally just so their families can eat, as Silas tells us in Birthright. Xander is one of the only things holding his country from absolute anarchy, what do you want him to do?
@@nahte123456 Unfortunately, they put things like this as support/obscure lore instead of main story But yeah, instead of CQ focusing way too much in Garon being possesed they should spend more time trying to show how the nohrians have reasons to be like they are While BR would paint them as monsters and Hoshido as self righteous and hypocrites sometimes, like some kind of Hoshidan propaganda, while CQ would explore how the war goes way deeper than good vs evil Then Rev would be just the fanservice story and focus more on Lilith/Anankos, adding some from Heirs of Fate into it
@@renren47618 I've said it plenty of times, Fates has a great story, like the bullet point, wiki-summary story is pretty great, debatably among the best in the series. The WRITING though is just bad. The way they almost hide some of the most important bits of story is nearly disgraceful as writers.
@@nahte123456 There is a hack called Good Guy Garon for CQ It basically changes 1 cutscene and most of the dialogue This rom hack/mod alone made CQ story one of the best in the FE series, and the guy just improved the writting Even without changing too much, Fates's story has a solid base, but an awful writting
I don’t care much for complete rewrites that change all the dialogue, because hindsight is 20/20 and it just comes across as a fanfic trying to sell itself as the real thing, without giving credit to the original story in the first place
I appreciate the fact that you genuinely enjoy Fates and are making constructive criticism and edits rather than just blindly hating it and overhauling the whole plot. I also love your editing and music choices, very high quality! I’m definitely looking forward to the next episode of you fixing Fates!
glad theres ppl like me who love fates for the trainwreck it is but also am willing to understand that there def was potential rather than just saying its bad and always would be, and at the end of the day even as someone who openly still kinda dislikes the sandbox style of fe, i find fates gameplay to be incredibly fun to mess around with whether it be stupid stuff in BR or pulling off strategies in CQ
oh man, this is a... bold video choice. there are so many conflicting and confusing issues with fates' writing that reframing a lot of this, while extremely impressive and what you've done so far is really good, man that's a tall order. Watching this video reminded me of how many weird moments the prologue has LMAO. Garons plan, lillith, the yato, basically everything with mikoto (the barrier, her foresight ,the throne). Im interested to see where this goes, even though I fully believe that so much of the lore and concepts behind fates just need to be fully scrapped
Honestly my biggest gripe with the whole decision was just how cartoonishly evil Garon and Nohr were made out to be during the prologue. Sure, you could say that not everyone associated with Nohr is evil or malicious, but when you get exposed to the worst parts of Nohr and only the best parts of Hoshido, the choice ultimately leans too heavily towards favoring Hoshido and makes the player feel like the villain for siding with a Nohr.
Super excited for part 2 Learned how to mod Fates mainly to try and fix the story, and your first part is perfect since it largely keeps the same chapters in order
@@Bicken the Reason for fate's sloppy story, is because the writers where trying to achieve too much with not enough time. Intelligents Systems had an idea for Fate to have three stories to appeal to everyone, but they realized that they didn't have enough writers. So they hired an outside writer, Shin Kibayashi was that writer. Intelligent Systems wanted Shin to write the outline for each pathway, what happened instead is that Shin wrote 500 pages for each pathway. Nintendo knew this was too long so they cut the story into pieces without the writers permission and the fact the Nintendo demanded Fates come on the Fire Emblem Anniversary only made things worse. Which resulted in this hilariously mess of a story. The good news this that there is a manga based on Fates that is a little better. Its called Fire Emblem If: the Crown of Niberlung.
I really enjoy this video as it's only aiming to flesh out the story, not a brand new fan fic. Also the scripts fast pace, along with the editing make the video really snappy. My main thing that always bothered me was how it tries dumping too many characters onto you all at once. Every royal is just thrown at you, including azura, and just too many plot lines to keep up with, that I just ended up playing revelations as my first playthrough. I didn't care for either side, and two lolis calling me big sis wasn't going to change that. (Side note I'm like the only rev fan.) I really like the idea of giving more screentime to the nohr royals, and making garen less of the "guys it's the main villain" archetype. Also literally fixing my whole feelings towards the dumb plan of Hans throwing you off a bridge in such a creative way. Also thank you for fixing the dumb obviously evil sword. I mean I really don't understand who at I.S. thought a magic evil sword going passed a seal, and then nobody questioning corrin for more than a second because like sakura says in the c support "everyone likes corrin." Tldr; good vid 👌
The edits are fantastic lol and I'm very interested to see this different take on Fates! I've tried going through and completely overhauling the story myself but seeing that you keep the plot progression from the games, you've already come up with some compelling points that make the decision more difficult for the player. I can't wait to see more!
5:22 (not defending the story BUT) Garons plan WAS to send Corrin to Vallah because when you die there you can come back as a zombie thing? And then a possessed Corrin could get into the kingdom and kill Mikoto themselves. Yes I know the barrier should prevent that but Mikoto's dead husband possessed zombie also got in and took the sword to do the plan anyways, which implies that was the back up and that if they retain enough of themselves they can still get in I guess? It's still a stupid idea, but the series pulling Corrin into the Chasm was intended. As dumb an idea as it was.
A mama bear Garon would be great. Honestly, any number of reasons could have been made to make Nohr an equal choice, and justify the war against Hoshido as a necessary evil. Personally, I remember thinking the choice was made for us. Garon had to die. The difference was, would the princess of Nohr decide to go to a foreign power, bringing their country and adoptive family to their knees? Or would she *stay* with the broken kingdom and convince her literally adoring siblings that her father is a madman who wants her dead and was intent on throwing the country into needless conflict. A 'royal rebellion' arc would have been really satisfying for me, but instead our siblings couldn't believe Garon was evil until we destroyed an entire country and he literally turned into a goo monster.
New to the channel and I can easily say I'd watch a two hour video of you explaining what you'd do to fix the story, even if the actual story is my guilty pleasure. Can't wait to watch more of your videos
As someone that's hated Fates mainly for the huge amount of missed potential, god I must say your editing makes this video super entertaining and I'm looking forward to hearing more of your ideas for this game! Good stuff! Out of curiousity, how do you intend on covering the routes of these games? Separate series or a sort of broad-strokes sort of deal?
I plan to do a video per route, and covering the plot of each game beat for beat, which means I'll probs spend a little less time establishing my points in future videos and more time devoted to my changes
Starting off... I love Fates. It honestly is one of my favorite games alongside Three Houses, and honestly Fates > Awakening just for gameplay alone. Awakening is great but either way this is a discussion for another time. The gameplay, music, characters, themes, settings, tone, etc were spot on but the actual story and execution kept falling flat. Thanks for this video and I can't wait for the next one because I love this game so much I want to see what it could have been and it really doesn't help that the memes, and just in general everything when this game came out was really nice. Ahh, if only we could go back to those days.
When ever I say that Fates is and always will be my favorite fire emblem games, I always just have to say they are the games that got me into the series.
I feel like this is going to be a wonderful series! Can't wait to see more! I'm also so happy to hear someone else show love for Fates since I believe it 100% has some BIG flaws, its literally so fun. Even its terrible writing can be charming in itself, but Im already so excited to see what version of the story you will come up with ^U^
I've never understood Lilith as a character. She felt more like a plot device and had no actual character depth or meaning. I kind of wish they had made her playable and gave her some sort of character. Also they could have made her part Silent Dragon and part Astral Dragon instead of getting rid of one side in favor of being a fish dragon. like Tiki she could have two dragon forms
Why would Garon get his own daughter, who he loves very much, to fail the practice mission he gives her (which could lead to a Hoshidan doing their job and killing the enemy) or be planted by Hans in Hoshido (which gambles his dear daughter’s life immensely) so that she can break down from stress and kill a bunch of people (there’s no guarantee that Corrin would snap late enough to meet Mikoto, or for people to recognize her as a princess) most likely for the first time and knowingly or unknowingly killing her own mother (which Garon is sure to factor in since you eluded to the fact that he knows of the throne this time) and then have no feasible exit strategy, aside from a military push, for a loved daughter who has just broken down from stress, killed her own mother and the monarch deep in enemy territory?
I think you're misunderstanding. Garon is still a horrible monster. He would just better at hiding it. I'm gonna go more into it in my conquest video, but disocvering Garon's darker side would be a slow burn over the course of the game instead of being immediately obvious. As for the dragon throne thing, I'll admit it isn't the most structurally fullproof plan possible, but its still feasible for the familiar sights to jog corrin's memories and trigger the transformation without garon knowing that Hoshido has a magic throne.
I love videos like these where someone fixes something bad by putting their good opinions in. It's fascinating and as a self proclaimed future game dev it tells me what and what not to do with gameplay, graphics, and story. For example I love the idea of Garon being a momma bear if only it was actually like that. Im excited to see the rest of these videos so this is an easy subscribe!
Now that we have great "family villains" like Omni-man and Homelander I guess changing Garon to look more like one of those two would also be a good idea.
I've actually never seen the boys or invincible. If I had to pinpoint what inspired my changes to him, it'd probably be Arcane, which is amazing if you haven't seen it btw
One subtle change to Corrin's characterization that I've always felt would hugely help the plot ... is if they were notably passive, as in employing passive conflict resolution tactics anytime conflict arose. Wishing to please everyone, but finding that the more they try to play both sides and not create enemies, the more pain and tragedy they cause--and all senseless, increasingly not getting anyone closer to their goal of peace between the nations. Forcing Corrin to learn the hard way to search inside themself for what they truly believe, make a stand for that belief, knowing that either side has its pros and cons, and embracing that beyond the immediate pain they might be causing to those they love is the way to the future of peace between the nations they are truly fighting for. If that all makes sense. I might not have worded it the best. But I feel even that subtle shift could create SOOOO much more emotional investment into Corrin, maybe even akin to the investment I felt for Robin despite being an avatar.
You could even create a major plot point out of the point of the story where Corrin shifts from reacting to the immediate desire/instinct to people please ... into proactively fighting that urge, and thinking of the future they want rather than the nightmarish present where they *have* to fight, and inflict pain, but to a greater purpose.
And I was just thinking, this could make the choice in Chapter 6 so interesting! Instead of them being fully committed to their choice ... their mindset in that moment is, "These are the people I can least stand to hurt right now." ... Which, would make the Revelations branch be that much more compelling. That would be arguably the most strong and simultaneously weak version of Corrin--consciously making the decision that "I don't want to hurt ANY of you--which means right now, I HAVE to hurt each and every one of you equally." Refusing to commit even enough to choose a side.
@@liliana.9929 the Reason for fate's sloppy story, is because the writers where trying to achieve too much with not enough time. Intelligents Systems had an idea for Fate to have three stories to appeal to everyone, but they realized that they didn't have enough writers. So they hired an outside writer, Shin Kibayashi was that writer. Intelligent Systems wanted Shin to write the outline for each pathway, what happened instead is that Shin wrote 500 pages for each pathway. Nintendo knew this was too long so they cut the story into pieces without the writers permission and the fact the Nintendo demanded Fates come on the Fire Emblem Anniversary only made things worse. Which resulted in this hilariously mess of a story. The good news this that there is a manga based on Fates that is a little better. Its called Fire Emblem If: the Crown of Niberlung.
Amazing vid. I got alerted to this channel from your fe7 stuff (right where I was personally struggling on HHM) but this feels just as natural. Keep up the good work!
@@Bicken I also had some quick ideas as to how to make the story better: make the prologue two chapters longer and, instead of using non important unit characters such as Kaze, Rinkah and Jakob during it, make us actually use both the Hoshidan and Nohr royal's for 3 chapters each, this would let us get a feel for those units and bond with them as a players. Besides, getting ryoma and xander as temporary jagen's would be lit asf. Also it would be nice if, like in Hoshido, Corrin actually interacted with the common people from Nohr and got a feeling of how hard their life is, and how much they need his/her help and deserve a better future, even though they're bound to a barren homeland. And my last idea would be to more or less gaslight the player, making the first orders from garon seem bad and twisted, only to be revealed later that those "bad orders" actually were able to help the people from nohr. And so this would make that, instead of being outright evil, Garon is just a "the ends justify the means" person, while Corrin would be the other side of the coin as someone who tries to find a solution that doesn't involve conquering and murdering a bunch of people, but at the same time, both would be trying to achieve the exact same goal: the salvation of nohr. This could even go deeper and help explain as to why garon became a puppet of anakos, showing how he tried to use that ugly dragon's power to help the people of his country before being consumed and corrupted.
@@thiago292 That sounds like it would've been super neat if they had done something along those lines. I was actually considering writing in more maps where the player interacted with each royal personally, but ultimately decided that it'd be too much work :^)
@@thiago292 the Reason for fate's sloppy story, is because the writers where trying to achieve too much with not enough time. Intelligents Systems had an idea for Fate to have three stories to appeal to everyone, but they realized that they didn't have enough writers. So they hired an outside writer, Shin Kibayashi was that writer. Intelligent Systems wanted Shin to write the outline for each pathway, what happened instead is that Shin wrote 500 pages for each pathway. Nintendo knew this was too long so they cut the story into pieces without the writers permission and the fact the Nintendo demanded Fates come on the Fire Emblem Anniversary only made things worse. Which resulted in this hilariously mess of a story. The good news this that there is a manga based on Fates that is a little better. Its called Fire Emblem If: the Crown of Niberlung.
I’m so happy for this vid, playing this game for the first time finally and have become obsessed with it, but exactly for these reasons. To rewrite my own fan version. This has given me many ideas, and I believe people have said it about the going to the chasm. Anankos’s plan (being Garon’s plan since he’s a literal puppet) to turn Corrin into his avatar.
This all sounds really good! Only thing I'm worried about is that the player might now have a strong bond with Mikoto to care that you killed her and so doesn't have any real incentive to join Hoshido. I remember seeing Mikoto and immediately thinking: "oh she gon die" and when I was proven right I didn't really care for it either way. Maybe I'm just spouting nonsense but it's something to consider. Other than that, I love the way you edit and can't wiat for the next few videos!
I mean, ideally yeah, the player SHOULD be more invested in Mikoto's death. Plus the main focus of my changes were to make Nohr seem like an actual option that new players would choose for themselves rather than just the "evil" route.
More of the prologue scenes with Hoshido could have Mikoto in them. Or even switch out a green unit in the faceless chapter to have Mikoto out there sniping monsters. Gameplay wise, she could be a priestess class with class skills from other classes. it would be cool to show the players class changing in a subtle way.
@@zlwilson21 the Reason for fate's sloppy story, is because the writers where trying to achieve too much with not enough time. Intelligents Systems had an idea for Fate to have three stories to appeal to everyone, but they realized that they didn't have enough writers. So they hired an outside writer, Shin Kibayashi was that writer. Intelligent Systems wanted Shin to write the outline for each pathway, what happened instead is that Shin wrote 500 pages for each pathway. Nintendo knew this was too long so they cut the story into pieces without the writers permission and the fact the Nintendo demanded Fates come on the Fire Emblem Anniversary only made things worse. Which resulted in this hilariously mess of a story. The good news this that there is a manga based on Fates that is a little better. Its called Fire Emblem If: the Crown of Niberlung.
@@orangeslash1667 Yeah, I remember people in the community getting excited that they had hired an outside writer for this game but I didn't know about the pressure from Nintendo and the extreme amount of stuff they cut! So that makes more sense now! Thanks for the details!
Love the video! Though I think it's not all that fair to say Corrin had no reason to choose Nohr over Hoshido. If anything, she knows her siblings from Nohr. She just met her siblings from Hoshido.
yes thats true for Corrin, but that's something that we're told and not shown. In order for a self insert avatar to work, the player needs to see eye to eye with that character, and in this case - they don't.
Would it be better if Corrin weren’t an avatar at all? I certainly felt like they were more of a “main character you can just change the appearance of and they get a cool castle” than a highly customizable avatar
@@emblemblade9245 i mean obviously avatars are worse than real characters, but the marketing for the game was based on corrin being a self insert and I don't think its fair to undermine that.
@@emblemblade9245 the Reason for fate's sloppy story, is because the writers where trying to achieve too much with not enough time. Intelligents Systems had an idea for Fate to have three stories to appeal to everyone, but they realized that they didn't have enough writers. So they hired an outside writer, Shin Kibayashi was that writer. Intelligent Systems wanted Shin to write the outline for each pathway, what happened instead is that Shin wrote 500 pages for each pathway. Nintendo knew this was too long so they cut the story into pieces without the writers permission and the fact the Nintendo demanded Fates come on the Fire Emblem Anniversary only made things worse. Which resulted in this hilariously mess of a story. The good news this that there is a manga based on Fates that is a little better. Its called Fire Emblem If: the Crown of Niberlung.
I like this video a lot and I look forward to the next one since it seems the thought put into this is more than needed. You have earned my subscription.
This all definitely works. Though, there's a rumor that that the writers of fates actually had a lot more planned, but unfortunately, the higher-ups puts some serious strain, and the result was the current version of fates. But what you did with this rendition so far is pretty solid. I say that, because I'm pretty impressed at what you came up with. Despite the tattered, and incomplete nature of the story, you made current plot points much more cohesive.
@@emblemblade9245 the Reason for fate's sloppy story, is because the writers where trying to achieve too much with not enough time. Intelligents Systems had an idea for Fate to have three stories to appeal to everyone, but they realized that they didn't have enough writers. So they hired an outside writer, Shin Kibayashi was that writer. Intelligent Systems wanted Shin to write the outline for each pathway, what happened instead is that Shin wrote 500 pages for each pathway. Nintendo knew this was too long so they cut the story into pieces without the writers permission and the fact the Nintendo demanded Fates come on the Fire Emblem Anniversary only made things worse. Which resulted in this hilariously mess of a story. The good news this that there is a manga based on Fates that is a little better. Its called Fire Emblem If: the Crown of Niberlung.
Alright dude there's some stellar editing in this video that I would expect from a 2m+ sub channel, so pretty much keep doing this and you'll make it huge in no time, awesome stuff
I will say originally I was going to point out the fact that Garon is basically possessed by the events of this story. But honestly your rewrite is so good so far I can't wait for the rest of the story.
Really good start so far, I really like all of your changes, especially your changes with Garon, which are incredibly similar to my own, if I were to rewrite fates. In my headcanon, everything the Nohr siblings went through with the concubine wars, Garon also went through when he was a kid, so he learned at a young age to be cold and ruthless to get results, but that also lead to him really cherishing his own kids, like Xander keeps trying to tell us that he does in the actual game.
I just finished Conquest a few weeks ago for the first time, so this is great timing! I loved the game in spite of its clunky story at times. Great video!
I always like seeing these kinds of videos! It's easy to dunk on a piece of media - point out the things you don't like or hate. I find there is more value and love finding ways to improve a piece of media in innocent reimagining! This might be the 3rd Fates Re-imagined video on TH-cam I watched and I hope you make more.
I'd love a part 2. I definitely like the approach you're taking for a rewrite. A lot of the *ideas* are fine and lead to important plot. But the stuff they put in-between is... bad.
Okay, so as someone who's like, BIG special interest is fates? This video is the start to everything i've wanted to do for a while. Fates is super important to me and I've sunk almost four hundred hours into the game just re-playing in general, but my big issue was *always* nohr. I hated playing conquest bc given the info we had, it just always felt like OBJECTIVELY the wrong choice (and let's not even touch on the golden route issue), but your touches actually feel like good ways to feel closer to the nohrian royals - AND, the bit with takumi and yukimura definitely lends itself very well to the ending of conquest, with takumi not only feeling betrayed by Corrin, but feeling like if his siblings had just taken his side, none of this would have happened in the first place. It makes me want to re-try doing a fates rewrite myself, tbh! I'm super excited to see the next videos!
This really fixes the whole choice thing a lot-like you're wary of Garon but aren't fully sure if he's completely evil (having this maybe I could change his ways thing), plus you have been helped/are attached to your siblings there, however, you have connection to your Hoshido siblings as well and this mindset of 'I just killed your queen and put this kingdom at risk, I need to make things right'. A lot more impactful than just picking which side has better looking characters or which side has the gameplay you prefer thanks to them making the difficulty for them wildly different. Fates had such wonderful potential, they just had really bad execution.
I kinda feel like Nohr was meant to be the villain side, but because the game took the Pokémon route it got badly reworked into what it was. Fates in general has clear, obvious signs of things being added because of the popularity of Awakenings, and not because they made sense in the game.
Not only that, but Birthright and Conquest have so many parallels that make sense when thinking about content to include in a video game so that the player gets a similar but different experience from each, but much less sense writing wise
Lol, didn't expect to see this on my main page, but glad I did. Fates is also my guilty pleasure and I love the majority of the characters (for some reason Lilith is my favorite one, even though she's... basically useless for the plot). Waiting for seeing how this goes! (I would tell some ideas I have, but i'm bad at english and maybe they are really stupid xd)
Bicken it’s very well written and it says a lot of things which honestly should have been said way earlier….also Rev is just as much DLC as Heirs of Fate is.
@@viviblue7277 the Reason for fate's sloppy story, is because the writers where trying to achieve too much with not enough time. Intelligents Systems had an idea for Fate to have three stories to appeal to everyone, but they realized that they didn't have enough writers. So they hired an outside writer, Shin Kibayashi was that writer. Intelligent Systems wanted Shin to write the outline for each pathway, what happened instead is that Shin wrote 500 pages for each pathway. Nintendo knew this was too long so they cut the story into pieces without the writers permission and the fact the Nintendo demanded Fates come on the Fire Emblem Anniversary only made things worse. Which resulted in this hilariously mess of a story. The good news this that there is a manga based on Fates that is a little better. Its called Fire Emblem If: the Crown of Niberlung.
Orange Slash I know the story of the manga and how fates was rushed. Heirs of Fate didn’t suffer from rushing being super late dlc and therefore was able to make something incredible story wise that meshes beautifully with gameplay (and far better than the Manga in my opinion but that’s probably due to medium preference).
Great video! I always love seeing peoples takes on the fates story. One thing you said in the video was questioning how Garon predicted Lilith saving Corrin and Rinka capturing her. I don’t think he did. Ganglari has an obviously evil eye he’s spying out of. I think the plan though not stated in game was to have Corrin flung into Valla with Ganglari and then do the whole Valla possession thing that Anankos does with Takumi, Gunther, and all of Valla’s residents in various routes. When that didn’t go well that’s when they had the random valla sumeragi appear in the town square to explode ganglari when it was probably supposed to be Corrin that did it in the first place. I think Garon’s intention was originally to have Corrin be the one to kill Mikoto. Or maybe I’m just putting more thought into it than the writers. Could go either way.
The player doesn't have a reason to join Nohr??? I know that Garon is terrible but like, abandoning your family (that you actually have reason to care about) is a pretty strong deterrent from joining Hoshido. Also, while her death is Garon a fault it's also hard to care about your 'siblings' from Hoshido without her there. I found Conquest to be the most reasonable choice to make of the 3 routes honestly. (Not that it didn't deserve a change regardless)
yes, the player (not corrin) doesn't have a reason to side with Nohr. You spend as much ingame time with the Hoshido family as you do with Nohr, and they treat you way better and also aren't obviously meant to be the evil country. I agree that in a logistical sense, Conquest should be the easiest route to go with, but it falls flat on its face in execution.
That was such a great video imo! If that's how fates would have gone then i would have definitely liked the characters more (and story). Two things i would have liked to see is Garon actually not controlled by Anankos (yet), until however the story fits with his ark and Mikoto staying alive but becoming more obsessed with Corrin in a way that Anankos could control her? I wonder how nyx is gonna fit into the conquest story (even though she shouldn't really do much considering what she did in the original plot anyways) since she was just there if i remember correctly. Keep up the great work and i hope to see the new plot at the end. p.s. if i sound really formal, its cause i don't know how to write in a nicer way (sorry abt that)
I honestly think that if you made these changes (or someone else did like in a mod) I would enjoy playing fates again. Because all the things you mentioned make me feel as though I would enjoy the game again(like I may still play it, but not for the story, and I hate to play like then when playing a fire emblem game. I love the stories and want to like the characters and even some of the enemies) Can't wait for the next parts and to hear you talking about the three routes(or would you have sticked with the 2 I wonder now. Guess we'll see in time😊)
I always felt like Garon was handled so poorly and could've been not so outright evil to where picking to side with him didn't feel like such a bad option. I never liked him but wanted to because it's stated so many times how he used to be different and yet we never see it or even some semblance of it. This rewrite of him is literally what I wanted so much from him.
I’d say Fates’ story sucks less because of the writer’s being bad at their job and more because they were making three games at once and didn’t have time to iron out it’s kinks. Fates’ plot feels like a rough draft because it kind of is.
A challenge that was deemed inpossible, was now possible
While I’m not entirely through the video, I do appreciate that you don’t genuinely hate Fates. There’s a lot there, and as someone who’s wasted far too much of her own free time analyzing it, it’s refreshing to see someone not drop kick it and try to get to the underlying problems, rather than just singling out of of those problems and then nitpicking it to oblivion.
That being said, one of the-I’ll freely admit this-far too subtle plot points in the early part of Fates is that the plan to kill Mikoto was a contingency, not the main plan. The main plan was for Corrin to get knocked into Valla, where Anankos could take control of them and he would from there have Corrin as a vessel to do, well, Anankos stuff. The Mikoto thing was a contingency if for whatever reason that first plan didn’t work, since the binary there is they’re either hit into Valla, or not, where the Hoshidans were probably strong enough that they’d recognize Corrin and take them back where the contingency happens. To my knowledge, this isn’t fully explained anywhere, but it’s fairly safe conjecture given all of the pieces.
Again, it never mentions any of this directly, which is itself a problem, but that’s why this whole plan was as weird as it was. It being explained would’ve been great, but it wasn’t because… well Fates. Still though, I appreciate the video! It’s always refreshing to see people not outright hating the games that do have so much going for them, and I look forward to the rest of this series!
That does make more sense than any reason I came up with for the weird bit about knocking Corrin into Valla. But yeah, the game def should've explained that better
@@Bicken You say that second part as if they explained it at all. This could be entirely coincidental and we'd never know, since they just never acknowledge it in game-I *think* there could be something in the artbook about it, but I haven't read it so I wouldn't know. I like to think the Fates devs did their homework for the plot, but just forgot to turn it in. Still though, keep up the good work!
Alot of Fates plot points typically have very subtle explanations, such as the one you just brought up, which is probably why a lot of people have problems with its story as lots of events aren't directly explained. Personally, as someone who also has spent much time overanalyzing Fates, I can definitely appreciate its story at this point but at the same time I can understand why a lot of people aren't particularly into it.
Also I don't really think the intention was for Corrin to be possessed exactly but for them to be taken out of the picture (and then reanimated like Arete and Sumeragi), as it's said in Revelations that Gunter was intended to be a puppet of Anankos originally, however that plan changed when Takumi fell into the Canyon shortly after and was then chosen to be the Vessel instead in both Conquest and Birthright.
@@AmirPrinceling I think it being subtle isn't necessarily a bad thing, but because it's so unsubtle in some regards (like the obviously evil Garon) it makes it easier to dismiss the rest of the story as nonsensical fluff instead of digging deeper.
@@AmirPrinceling the Reason for fate's sloppy story, is because the writers where trying to achieve too much with not enough time. Intelligents Systems had an idea for Fate to have three stories to appeal to everyone, but they realized that they didn't have enough writers. So they hired an outside writer, Shin Kibayashi was that writer. Intelligent Systems wanted Shin to write the outline for each pathway, what happened instead is that Shin wrote 500 pages for each pathway. Nintendo knew this was too long so they cut the story into pieces without the writers permission and the fact the Nintendo demanded Fates come on the Fire Emblem Anniversary only made things worse. Which resulted in this hilariously mess of a story. The good news this that there is a manga based on Fates that is a little better. Its called Fire Emblem If: the Crown of Niberlung.
4:44 Let's not forget that Lilith is also Corrins only actual genetic sibling... kinda. What even is Lilith as a character? I feel her existence was only created for the My Castle feature as the tutorial giver/lore expositioner; but then that brings the question of why the hell they kill her off later in Conquest and Birthright. It's like they wanted her to be non-plot relevant and plot relevant at the same time. Sorry, I know this is about prologue and I'm talking about stuff much later, but this character is just so weird. Great video as always and I can't wait to see where this goes.
Oh yeah I completely forgot about lilith being related to corrin. I think killing her was just supposed to be a grasp at an emotional death that doesn't affect gameplay
Yeah for some dumb reason they decided to kill off Scarlet in revelation because they need to kill someone off to make sure the two other routes have something over revelation.
at least shes playable and has some personally in fire emblem heroes lmao also fallen lilith is so dam cool in heroes lol
@@Bicken Fr, I honestly didn't even give a shit that Lillith died. She had no relevance to the story other than being a my castle guide. The #1 death that hit me the most was Ryoma's in late game Conquest when you're invading Hoshido.
Lilith should have been a playable Manakete or something
Would be cool
I really like the idea of chapter 5, and I also like the new personality of Garon, it makes him an actual character and not an old Disney villain that is bad because he is bad
what i always loved and hated about fates was it’s characters. specifically, the attention bias for plot-relevant/non plot-relevant characters. there are people on both sides with SUPER interesting stories who get sidelined for more important (usually royal) stories. justice for oboro and scarlet, man.
I would do a few things:
1. Bring all the paths together in a single package to add replay value without spending extra money.
2. Give the player more of a connection to Hoshido. Have them sneak away or do reconnaissance and get to know the people before the big revelation so the choice has more impact.
3. Have the player be more visibly upset in the pick a side paths when going up against major characters and more visibly frustrated in the go rogue path when other characters do something drastic and stupid.
4. Have some kind of negotiation mechanic where major characters can be convinced to defect and join your side.
When it comes to the first point, all they needed to do is do exactly what Sacred Stones did, only had a mechanic that requires you to play both sides in order to unlock the rest.
@The Other Jared I really like all of those except 4. I think the consequences of picking a side were already a bit understated in fates, and recruiting the opposite cast would go a bit too far
The defecting was stupid in 3H, and it’d be stupid here.
These are really good changes, I’ve always thought that fates has one of the best story concepts with amazing potential but one of the worst executions. Having Corrin kill Mikoto in dragon form adds such a good weight of guilt, and also actually utilises the dragon in the plot which always bugged me because after they get the dragonstone they no longer lose control and it’s pretty much forgotten. Maybe throughout the story Corrin has to learn how to control it in the face of stressful situations as well to add to the conflict. Nohr and notably Garon being portrayed as heartless in war but deeply caring for his family is so so much better than plain evil they went for. Overall I really like seeing ideas of what fates could have been while also not hating everything that the game does and this is a good step in the right direction!
Ok but garon caring for his family would change the dynamic of the family and azura's abuse too. Making Xander the " substitute father" everyone, including corrin, would rely on would also make the choice difficult, you are not choosing nohr for the king, but for Xander Camilla Leo Elise . See the mama bear type is already filled by camilla, ruthless in battle but deeply caring for her familly.
Garon is supposed to feel like the absente dad, the one solely focused on his job and ready to make any sacrifice for the prosperity of his kingdom. He only cares about the expansion of his people, but not so heavilly portrayed as evil like in the game, sort of a cold dictator. Also he was anonkosed so it really feels weird portraying him as caring.
@@ununun9995 the Reason for fate's sloppy story, is because the writers where trying to achieve too much with not enough time. Intelligents Systems had an idea for Fate to have three stories to appeal to everyone, but they realized that they didn't have enough writers. So they hired an outside writer, Shin Kibayashi was that writer. Intelligent Systems wanted Shin to write the outline for each pathway, what happened instead is that Shin wrote 500 pages for each pathway. Nintendo knew this was too long so they cut the story into pieces without the writers permission and the fact the Nintendo demanded Fates come on the Fire Emblem Anniversary only made things worse. Which resulted in this hilariously mess of a story. The good news this that there is a manga based on Fates that is a little better. Its called Fire Emblem If: the Crown of Niberlung.
Playing as the Hoshidans with the objective to kill Dragon Corrin while Ryoma acts as an unkillable Burger King trying to get you sounds cool actually.
Definitely agree on making Garon totally not evil. Maybe the whole papa bear vibe would make him much more sympathetic for being so violent if his family is in danger.
Heck maybe his wife was killed so that's why he's like that.
I can somewhat agree, just have one question. What's wrong with a Pure Evil Disney Type Character?
@@necrozmaIV The issue here is that Garon's very presence makes several characters' loyalty to him not really make sense. By making him just violently protective of his Family and Nohr in general while having a genuinely pleasant side, that loyalty makes more sense.
Besides, Iago could easily fill the Pure Evil character niche if you really need one.
@@nickkelley9139 Yeah that makes sense.
I think the problems with the story plot, it mostly has to do with what they had to cut out from what the main writer wrote out originally. They asked him to write 100 page story, he ended up writing a 500 page story I think. So a lot of things got cut out to make it fit the format of three games. So instead having the whole "meat and bones", it mostly had the bones with some pieces of meat on it. That and adding the child/inheritance mechanic that had no purpose either than to pseudo copy Awakening.
The child units never worked in this game at all-some of the kids had nice personalities/designs, but story wise they had no impact. In Awakening the kids are from the future-learning their messed-up childhoods and how your (The avatar/the Shepeards) failure was the direct cause of that help fuel your desire to change fate. I worked to get all the units in my playthrough because I liked hearing how the base characters changed personality in that dark future/learing what happens if we fail to stop Grima. The Awakening kids are optional, but serve a purpose as motivation for the characters. See Chrom's 'You deserved better than a sword and a world of troubles'. In Fates not one of those kids served a purpose to the plot or its themes, guess they saw how popular in Awakening they were and didn't get the reason why-not because players like seeing their ships have kids, but because they had an interesting purpose.
The very idea of a having a chapter's objective change mid-fight relative to the plot is a game changer for modern FE writing in general, it's a genius idea.
the sad thing is that they have actually had map objectives change a couple times, but in ways that really don't utilise it well. For instance in 3H Bernadetta and Petra's paralogue changes from Arrive to Kill Bosses after the Empire/Church ambush you (depending on the route), but it doesn't do anything meaningful the story of the paralogue and just serves as a gameplay surprise.
basically the good guy garon rom hack of conquest
This already sounds leagues better than what we got. Sincerely, another guilty pleasure “Fates” enjoyer.
I'm so excited for the next parts. I have actually thought about how to improve fates story for some time now.
One of the things I figured would make nohr more likable is making the whole country poor. Nohr is going through famine and they are unable to harvest anything. Garon asks Hoshido to borrow some food and once they refuse because they only have enough for one nation, their only option is to attack Hoshido. This way Nohr attacking Hoshido is not seen as an "evil nation attacks good nation" trope.
I feel like that might be moving a bit to close to just flipping the morality switch in the opposite direction. Like, making the Hoshidans just refuse to do trade would be out of character with how they're characterized, but I do agree that the game needed waaaaaay more moral gray, and at the very least having Nohr be going through a famine would make for a bit of interesting and realistic worldbuilding, considering that Nohr is in constant darkness.
@@Bicken @Cris_PSI I'm pretty sure its canonical that Nohr has very little food to the point of famine because their land sucks and that Hoshido has a lot due having good land. They dont do a good job of highlighting this but I'm pretty sure its a thing.
@@autisonm yeah. I'm gathering that from the comments lol. Def needed to be highlighted a bit more in the game considering most people *barely* remember it.
Bicken It was just a one-off moment in Birthright, chapter 21 I think. They’re discussing it and Ryoma’s like “omg I had no idea you had no food we have enough food to feed like 10 Nohrs lol”
@@autisonm the Reason for fate's sloppy story, is because the writers where trying to achieve too much with not enough time. Intelligents Systems had an idea for Fate to have three stories to appeal to everyone, but they realized that they didn't have enough writers. So they hired an outside writer, Shin Kibayashi was that writer. Intelligent Systems wanted Shin to write the outline for each pathway, what happened instead is that Shin wrote 500 pages for each pathway. Nintendo knew this was too long so they cut the story into pieces without the writers permission and the fact the Nintendo demanded Fates come on the Fire Emblem Anniversary only made things worse. Which resulted in this hilariously mess of a story. The good news this that there is a manga based on Fates that is a little better. Its called Fire Emblem If: the Crown of Niberlung.
I've written like
Three or four versions of Fates, trying to make something genuinely compelling. Most of them didn't get very far or diverged too heavily from the original story. I might take another stab at it - and I look forward to seeing what you have in mind. Regardless, banger so far. Checking the "make Garon somewhat sympathetic" box is always step one. In particular, I'm excited to see how you handle Xander down the line - he can be remarkably problematic.
I always find the problems with Garon and Xander get much easier to handle with the little bits of context the story gives on Norh. Namely the Harem Wars and the starving.
Like the Harem wars, a fan name for an event where Garon's main wife died and his harem slaughtered each other, right there you can make Garon a decent character. He had a wife and like 10+ lovers and just as many if not more kids, his wife died, and when he was grieving ALL of his lovers died and all but 4 of his kids died, from Camilla's words it sounds like she and Leo murdered most of them off. Yeah, I wonder why the guy might not be very trusting to sentimental any more.
And for Xander, Norh is starving, literally children are dying of starvation. Most of the army of Norh is there literally just so their families can eat, as Silas tells us in Birthright. Xander is one of the only things holding his country from absolute anarchy, what do you want him to do?
@@nahte123456 Unfortunately, they put things like this as support/obscure lore instead of main story
But yeah, instead of CQ focusing way too much in Garon being possesed they should spend more time trying to show how the nohrians have reasons to be like they are
While BR would paint them as monsters and Hoshido as self righteous and hypocrites sometimes, like some kind of Hoshidan propaganda, while CQ would explore how the war goes way deeper than good vs evil
Then Rev would be just the fanservice story and focus more on Lilith/Anankos, adding some from Heirs of Fate into it
@@renren47618 I've said it plenty of times, Fates has a great story, like the bullet point, wiki-summary story is pretty great, debatably among the best in the series.
The WRITING though is just bad. The way they almost hide some of the most important bits of story is nearly disgraceful as writers.
@@nahte123456 There is a hack called Good Guy Garon for CQ
It basically changes 1 cutscene and most of the dialogue
This rom hack/mod alone made CQ story one of the best in the FE series, and the guy just improved the writting
Even without changing too much, Fates's story has a solid base, but an awful writting
I don’t care much for complete rewrites that change all the dialogue, because hindsight is 20/20 and it just comes across as a fanfic trying to sell itself as the real thing, without giving credit to the original story in the first place
I appreciate the fact that you genuinely enjoy Fates and are making constructive criticism and edits rather than just blindly hating it and overhauling the whole plot. I also love your editing and music choices, very high quality! I’m definitely looking forward to the next episode of you fixing Fates!
glad theres ppl like me who love fates for the trainwreck it is but also am willing to understand that there def was potential rather than just saying its bad and always would be, and at the end of the day even as someone who openly still kinda dislikes the sandbox style of fe, i find fates gameplay to be incredibly fun to mess around with whether it be stupid stuff in BR or pulling off strategies in CQ
oh man, this is a... bold video choice. there are so many conflicting and confusing issues with fates' writing that reframing a lot of this, while extremely impressive and what you've done so far is really good, man that's a tall order. Watching this video reminded me of how many weird moments the prologue has LMAO. Garons plan, lillith, the yato, basically everything with mikoto (the barrier, her foresight ,the throne). Im interested to see where this goes, even though I fully believe that so much of the lore and concepts behind fates just need to be fully scrapped
Good to see I'm not the only one who sees the comparison between Fates and the Star Wars Prequels
Honestly my biggest gripe with the whole decision was just how cartoonishly evil Garon and Nohr were made out to be during the prologue. Sure, you could say that not everyone associated with Nohr is evil or malicious, but when you get exposed to the worst parts of Nohr and only the best parts of Hoshido, the choice ultimately leans too heavily towards favoring Hoshido and makes the player feel like the villain for siding with a Nohr.
the visual and auditory humor of this video is actually amazing. I was laughing so much lol
Super excited for part 2
Learned how to mod Fates mainly to try and fix the story, and your first part is perfect since it largely keeps the same chapters in order
it was a game from my childhood despite its somewhat poor writing it makes me happy to see people talking about it
You could have just asked, "what's better, stupid or clichee?"
clichee, everytime
I actually had a bit in the script going into how cliché was better than stupid but I cut it out because it got waaaaay too rambly
This was a great video and loved the changes you made.
Also that intro made me think I was watching a max0r video which is awesome.
Thanks! I love his style
@@Bicken the Reason for fate's sloppy story, is because the writers where trying to achieve too much with not enough time. Intelligents Systems had an idea for Fate to have three stories to appeal to everyone, but they realized that they didn't have enough writers. So they hired an outside writer, Shin Kibayashi was that writer. Intelligent Systems wanted Shin to write the outline for each pathway, what happened instead is that Shin wrote 500 pages for each pathway. Nintendo knew this was too long so they cut the story into pieces without the writers permission and the fact the Nintendo demanded Fates come on the Fire Emblem Anniversary only made things worse. Which resulted in this hilariously mess of a story. The good news this that there is a manga based on Fates that is a little better. Its called Fire Emblem If: the Crown of Niberlung.
I thought about making a video like this a while ago, but that would have forced me to play Fates again. You are much braver than I.
I really enjoy this video as it's only aiming to flesh out the story, not a brand new fan fic. Also the scripts fast pace, along with the editing make the video really snappy.
My main thing that always bothered me was how it tries dumping too many characters onto you all at once. Every royal is just thrown at you, including azura, and just too many plot lines to keep up with, that I just ended up playing revelations as my first playthrough. I didn't care for either side, and two lolis calling me big sis wasn't going to change that.
(Side note I'm like the only rev fan.)
I really like the idea of giving more screentime to the nohr royals, and making garen less of the "guys it's the main villain" archetype. Also literally fixing my whole feelings towards the dumb plan of Hans throwing you off a bridge in such a creative way.
Also thank you for fixing the dumb obviously evil sword. I mean I really don't understand who at I.S. thought a magic evil sword going passed a seal, and then nobody questioning corrin for more than a second because like sakura says in the c support "everyone likes corrin."
Tldr; good vid 👌
The edits are fantastic lol and I'm very interested to see this different take on Fates! I've tried going through and completely overhauling the story myself but seeing that you keep the plot progression from the games, you've already come up with some compelling points that make the decision more difficult for the player. I can't wait to see more!
As someone who knows 0 about Fates I’m accepting this explanation as canon, thank you for the great quality as always
5:22 (not defending the story BUT) Garons plan WAS to send Corrin to Vallah because when you die there you can come back as a zombie thing? And then a possessed Corrin could get into the kingdom and kill Mikoto themselves.
Yes I know the barrier should prevent that but Mikoto's dead husband possessed zombie also got in and took the sword to do the plan anyways, which implies that was the back up and that if they retain enough of themselves they can still get in I guess?
It's still a stupid idea, but the series pulling Corrin into the Chasm was intended. As dumb an idea as it was.
A mama bear Garon would be great. Honestly, any number of reasons could have been made to make Nohr an equal choice, and justify the war against Hoshido as a necessary evil.
Personally, I remember thinking the choice was made for us. Garon had to die. The difference was, would the princess of Nohr decide to go to a foreign power, bringing their country and adoptive family to their knees? Or would she *stay* with the broken kingdom and convince her literally adoring siblings that her father is a madman who wants her dead and was intent on throwing the country into needless conflict.
A 'royal rebellion' arc would have been really satisfying for me, but instead our siblings couldn't believe Garon was evil until we destroyed an entire country and he literally turned into a goo monster.
New to the channel and I can easily say I'd watch a two hour video of you explaining what you'd do to fix the story, even if the actual story is my guilty pleasure. Can't wait to watch more of your videos
Dude is literally trying to do the impossible. I respect this and wish you luck in undertaking this task.
As someone that's hated Fates mainly for the huge amount of missed potential, god I must say your editing makes this video super entertaining and I'm looking forward to hearing more of your ideas for this game! Good stuff! Out of curiousity, how do you intend on covering the routes of these games? Separate series or a sort of broad-strokes sort of deal?
I plan to do a video per route, and covering the plot of each game beat for beat, which means I'll probs spend a little less time establishing my points in future videos and more time devoted to my changes
would love to see pt 2! 🙏
It's in the progress of being made... slowly
I just found this channel and I'm mad I found it before the other videos are out... Hope you continue the videos
I'm working on a bunch of stuff but fates part 2 is on the chopping block
@@Bicken Sad to see you have not gotten to next part. I'll check again in 3 months maybe.
Man, i'm so glad i found your channel. Pretty good stuff
Starting off... I love Fates. It honestly is one of my favorite games alongside Three Houses, and honestly Fates > Awakening just for gameplay alone. Awakening is great but either way this is a discussion for another time.
The gameplay, music, characters, themes, settings, tone, etc were spot on but the actual story and execution kept falling flat. Thanks for this video and I can't wait for the next one because I love this game so much I want to see what it could have been and it really doesn't help that the memes, and just in general everything when this game came out was really nice. Ahh, if only we could go back to those days.
When ever I say that Fates is and always will be my favorite fire emblem games, I always just have to say they are the games that got me into the series.
I feel like this is going to be a wonderful series! Can't wait to see more! I'm also so happy to hear someone else show love for Fates since I believe it 100% has some BIG flaws, its literally so fun. Even its terrible writing can be charming in itself, but Im already so excited to see what version of the story you will come up with ^U^
The extremely frantic editing is killing me. Good job! I look forward to the rest.
I've never understood Lilith as a character. She felt more like a plot device and had no actual character depth or meaning. I kind of wish they had made her playable and gave her some sort of character. Also they could have made her part Silent Dragon and part Astral Dragon instead of getting rid of one side in favor of being a fish dragon. like Tiki she could have two dragon forms
I think she was supposed to be like a proto-sothis type figure, but it just doesn't work
Why would Garon get his own daughter, who he loves very much, to fail the practice mission he gives her (which could lead to a Hoshidan doing their job and killing the enemy) or be planted by Hans in Hoshido (which gambles his dear daughter’s life immensely) so that she can break down from stress and kill a bunch of people (there’s no guarantee that Corrin would snap late enough to meet Mikoto, or for people to recognize her as a princess) most likely for the first time and knowingly or unknowingly killing her own mother (which Garon is sure to factor in since you eluded to the fact that he knows of the throne this time) and then have no feasible exit strategy, aside from a military push, for a loved daughter who has just broken down from stress, killed her own mother and the monarch deep in enemy territory?
I think you're misunderstanding. Garon is still a horrible monster. He would just better at hiding it. I'm gonna go more into it in my conquest video, but disocvering Garon's darker side would be a slow burn over the course of the game instead of being immediately obvious. As for the dragon throne thing, I'll admit it isn't the most structurally fullproof plan possible, but its still feasible for the familiar sights to jog corrin's memories and trigger the transformation without garon knowing that Hoshido has a magic throne.
I'm excited to see other parts, I love stuff like this where something flawed is improved without just making it something new.
I love videos like these where someone fixes something bad by putting their good opinions in. It's fascinating and as a self proclaimed future game dev it tells me what and what not to do with gameplay, graphics, and story. For example I love the idea of Garon being a momma bear if only it was actually like that. Im excited to see the rest of these videos so this is an easy subscribe!
Now that we have great "family villains" like Omni-man and Homelander I guess changing Garon to look more like one of those two would also be a good idea.
I've actually never seen the boys or invincible. If I had to pinpoint what inspired my changes to him, it'd probably be Arcane, which is amazing if you haven't seen it btw
Dude this is actually what ive always wanted Fates to be and it's gorgeous
One subtle change to Corrin's characterization that I've always felt would hugely help the plot ... is if they were notably passive, as in employing passive conflict resolution tactics anytime conflict arose. Wishing to please everyone, but finding that the more they try to play both sides and not create enemies, the more pain and tragedy they cause--and all senseless, increasingly not getting anyone closer to their goal of peace between the nations. Forcing Corrin to learn the hard way to search inside themself for what they truly believe, make a stand for that belief, knowing that either side has its pros and cons, and embracing that beyond the immediate pain they might be causing to those they love is the way to the future of peace between the nations they are truly fighting for.
If that all makes sense. I might not have worded it the best. But I feel even that subtle shift could create SOOOO much more emotional investment into Corrin, maybe even akin to the investment I felt for Robin despite being an avatar.
That's a really smart way to deal with corrin's character. I wish I had thought of that
You could even create a major plot point out of the point of the story where Corrin shifts from reacting to the immediate desire/instinct to people please ... into proactively fighting that urge, and thinking of the future they want rather than the nightmarish present where they *have* to fight, and inflict pain, but to a greater purpose.
And I was just thinking, this could make the choice in Chapter 6 so interesting!
Instead of them being fully committed to their choice ... their mindset in that moment is, "These are the people I can least stand to hurt right now."
... Which, would make the Revelations branch be that much more compelling. That would be arguably the most strong and simultaneously weak version of Corrin--consciously making the decision that "I don't want to hurt ANY of you--which means right now, I HAVE to hurt each and every one of you equally." Refusing to commit even enough to choose a side.
@@liliana.9929 the Reason for fate's sloppy story, is because the writers where trying to achieve too much with not enough time. Intelligents Systems had an idea for Fate to have three stories to appeal to everyone, but they realized that they didn't have enough writers. So they hired an outside writer, Shin Kibayashi was that writer. Intelligent Systems wanted Shin to write the outline for each pathway, what happened instead is that Shin wrote 500 pages for each pathway. Nintendo knew this was too long so they cut the story into pieces without the writers permission and the fact the Nintendo demanded Fates come on the Fire Emblem Anniversary only made things worse. Which resulted in this hilariously mess of a story. The good news this that there is a manga based on Fates that is a little better. Its called Fire Emblem If: the Crown of Niberlung.
Amazing vid. I got alerted to this channel from your fe7 stuff (right where I was personally struggling on HHM) but this feels just as natural. Keep up the good work!
Bizarrely, you said everything that I was thinking just yesterday!
Well this video did start as a shower thought lol.
@@Bicken I also had some quick ideas as to how to make the story better: make the prologue two chapters longer and, instead of using non important unit characters such as Kaze, Rinkah and Jakob during it, make us actually use both the Hoshidan and Nohr royal's for 3 chapters each, this would let us get a feel for those units and bond with them as a players. Besides, getting ryoma and xander as temporary jagen's would be lit asf.
Also it would be nice if, like in Hoshido, Corrin actually interacted with the common people from Nohr and got a feeling of how hard their life is, and how much they need his/her help and deserve a better future, even though they're bound to a barren homeland. And my last idea would be to more or less gaslight the player, making the first orders from garon seem bad and twisted, only to be revealed later that those "bad orders" actually were able to help the people from nohr. And so this would make that, instead of being outright evil, Garon is just a "the ends justify the means" person, while Corrin would be the other side of the coin as someone who tries to find a solution that doesn't involve conquering and murdering a bunch of people, but at the same time, both would be trying to achieve the exact same goal: the salvation of nohr. This could even go deeper and help explain as to why garon became a puppet of anakos, showing how he tried to use that ugly dragon's power to help the people of his country before being consumed and corrupted.
@@thiago292 That sounds like it would've been super neat if they had done something along those lines. I was actually considering writing in more maps where the player interacted with each royal personally, but ultimately decided that it'd be too much work :^)
@@thiago292 the Reason for fate's sloppy story, is because the writers where trying to achieve too much with not enough time. Intelligents Systems had an idea for Fate to have three stories to appeal to everyone, but they realized that they didn't have enough writers. So they hired an outside writer, Shin Kibayashi was that writer. Intelligent Systems wanted Shin to write the outline for each pathway, what happened instead is that Shin wrote 500 pages for each pathway. Nintendo knew this was too long so they cut the story into pieces without the writers permission and the fact the Nintendo demanded Fates come on the Fire Emblem Anniversary only made things worse. Which resulted in this hilariously mess of a story. The good news this that there is a manga based on Fates that is a little better. Its called Fire Emblem If: the Crown of Niberlung.
I’m so happy for this vid, playing this game for the first time finally and have become obsessed with it, but exactly for these reasons. To rewrite my own fan version.
This has given me many ideas, and I believe people have said it about the going to the chasm. Anankos’s plan (being Garon’s plan since he’s a literal puppet) to turn Corrin into his avatar.
Woah, this is actually fucking sick, I want to see a Fates romhack with this story now
1:31 Female Corrin is based
(since it means less Felicia)
This all sounds really good! Only thing I'm worried about is that the player might now have a strong bond with Mikoto to care that you killed her and so doesn't have any real incentive to join Hoshido. I remember seeing Mikoto and immediately thinking: "oh she gon die" and when I was proven right I didn't really care for it either way. Maybe I'm just spouting nonsense but it's something to consider. Other than that, I love the way you edit and can't wiat for the next few videos!
I mean, ideally yeah, the player SHOULD be more invested in Mikoto's death. Plus the main focus of my changes were to make Nohr seem like an actual option that new players would choose for themselves rather than just the "evil" route.
More of the prologue scenes with Hoshido could have Mikoto in them. Or even switch out a green unit in the faceless chapter to have Mikoto out there sniping monsters. Gameplay wise, she could be a priestess class with class skills from other classes. it would be cool to show the players class changing in a subtle way.
@@zlwilson21 the Reason for fate's sloppy story, is because the writers where trying to achieve too much with not enough time. Intelligents Systems had an idea for Fate to have three stories to appeal to everyone, but they realized that they didn't have enough writers. So they hired an outside writer, Shin Kibayashi was that writer. Intelligent Systems wanted Shin to write the outline for each pathway, what happened instead is that Shin wrote 500 pages for each pathway. Nintendo knew this was too long so they cut the story into pieces without the writers permission and the fact the Nintendo demanded Fates come on the Fire Emblem Anniversary only made things worse. Which resulted in this hilariously mess of a story. The good news this that there is a manga based on Fates that is a little better. Its called Fire Emblem If: the Crown of Niberlung.
@@orangeslash1667 Yeah, I remember people in the community getting excited that they had hired an outside writer for this game but I didn't know about the pressure from Nintendo and the extreme amount of stuff they cut! So that makes more sense now! Thanks for the details!
Man!! I wanted to do this too for so long, godspeed my dude. Fates is prime for rewrites I like what you've made so far!
Love the video! Though I think it's not all that fair to say Corrin had no reason to choose Nohr over Hoshido. If anything, she knows her siblings from Nohr. She just met her siblings from Hoshido.
yes thats true for Corrin, but that's something that we're told and not shown. In order for a self insert avatar to work, the player needs to see eye to eye with that character, and in this case - they don't.
Would it be better if Corrin weren’t an avatar at all? I certainly felt like they were more of a “main character you can just change the appearance of and they get a cool castle” than a highly customizable avatar
@@emblemblade9245 i mean obviously avatars are worse than real characters, but the marketing for the game was based on corrin being a self insert and I don't think its fair to undermine that.
@@emblemblade9245 the Reason for fate's sloppy story, is because the writers where trying to achieve too much with not enough time. Intelligents Systems had an idea for Fate to have three stories to appeal to everyone, but they realized that they didn't have enough writers. So they hired an outside writer, Shin Kibayashi was that writer. Intelligent Systems wanted Shin to write the outline for each pathway, what happened instead is that Shin wrote 500 pages for each pathway. Nintendo knew this was too long so they cut the story into pieces without the writers permission and the fact the Nintendo demanded Fates come on the Fire Emblem Anniversary only made things worse. Which resulted in this hilariously mess of a story. The good news this that there is a manga based on Fates that is a little better. Its called Fire Emblem If: the Crown of Niberlung.
I like this video a lot and I look forward to the next one since it seems the thought put into this is more than needed. You have earned my subscription.
This all definitely works. Though, there's a rumor that that the writers of fates actually had a lot more planned, but unfortunately, the higher-ups puts some serious strain, and the result was the current version of fates. But what you did with this rendition so far is pretty solid. I say that, because I'm pretty impressed at what you came up with. Despite the tattered, and incomplete nature of the story, you made current plot points much more cohesive.
I wouldn't be surprised if they did have more planned. There are so many areas in the story that just feel rushed
The writing history of Fates will always be one of the biggest mysteries I’d want to see solved.
@@emblemblade9245 True, if they ever do a fates remake, they ought to bring back those writers and let them use their true vision.
@@emblemblade9245 the Reason for fate's sloppy story, is because the writers where trying to achieve too much with not enough time. Intelligents Systems had an idea for Fate to have three stories to appeal to everyone, but they realized that they didn't have enough writers. So they hired an outside writer, Shin Kibayashi was that writer. Intelligent Systems wanted Shin to write the outline for each pathway, what happened instead is that Shin wrote 500 pages for each pathway. Nintendo knew this was too long so they cut the story into pieces without the writers permission and the fact the Nintendo demanded Fates come on the Fire Emblem Anniversary only made things worse. Which resulted in this hilariously mess of a story. The good news this that there is a manga based on Fates that is a little better. Its called Fire Emblem If: the Crown of Niberlung.
this will be canon in my head. can’t wait to see the next videos!
Alright dude there's some stellar editing in this video that I would expect from a 2m+ sub channel, so pretty much keep doing this and you'll make it huge in no time, awesome stuff
I will say originally I was going to point out the fact that Garon is basically possessed by the events of this story. But honestly your rewrite is so good so far I can't wait for the rest of the story.
Now we need a GBA demake with the better plot
That moma bear, and the stress one was quite funny lmao
Me who make daily fates me: WRITE THAT DOWN! WRITE THAT DOWN!
Also, love that the style is close of being a Max0r video. I love it
Really good start so far, I really like all of your changes, especially your changes with Garon, which are incredibly similar to my own, if I were to rewrite fates. In my headcanon, everything the Nohr siblings went through with the concubine wars, Garon also went through when he was a kid, so he learned at a young age to be cold and ruthless to get results, but that also lead to him really cherishing his own kids, like Xander keeps trying to tell us that he does in the actual game.
I just finished Conquest a few weeks ago for the first time, so this is great timing! I loved the game in spite of its clunky story at times. Great video!
10/10 intro, i completely agree. i stand with the few brave enough to admit they liked fates, despite it's failings
I think the idea about Hans sending Corrin to Valla would be Anakos would mind control her like he did with Gunter.
I always like seeing these kinds of videos! It's easy to dunk on a piece of media - point out the things you don't like or hate. I find there is more value and love finding ways to improve a piece of media in innocent reimagining! This might be the 3rd Fates Re-imagined video on TH-cam I watched and I hope you make more.
I'd love a part 2. I definitely like the approach you're taking for a rewrite. A lot of the *ideas* are fine and lead to important plot. But the stuff they put in-between is... bad.
This game brings me back chillhood, this game is my childhood I love this game so much this game never gets old to me
This is going to be a 10 parter epic.
Okay, so as someone who's like, BIG special interest is fates? This video is the start to everything i've wanted to do for a while. Fates is super important to me and I've sunk almost four hundred hours into the game just re-playing in general, but my big issue was *always* nohr. I hated playing conquest bc given the info we had, it just always felt like OBJECTIVELY the wrong choice (and let's not even touch on the golden route issue), but your touches actually feel like good ways to feel closer to the nohrian royals - AND, the bit with takumi and yukimura definitely lends itself very well to the ending of conquest, with takumi not only feeling betrayed by Corrin, but feeling like if his siblings had just taken his side, none of this would have happened in the first place. It makes me want to re-try doing a fates rewrite myself, tbh! I'm super excited to see the next videos!
"Likable mass murderer"
That's such an oxymoron without context
This really fixes the whole choice thing a lot-like you're wary of Garon but aren't fully sure if he's completely evil (having this maybe I could change his ways thing), plus you have been helped/are attached to your siblings there, however, you have connection to your Hoshido siblings as well and this mindset of 'I just killed your queen and put this kingdom at risk, I need to make things right'. A lot more impactful than just picking which side has better looking characters or which side has the gameplay you prefer thanks to them making the difficulty for them wildly different. Fates had such wonderful potential, they just had really bad execution.
There's actually multiple ongoing mod projects to try and fix fates. I wish them well.
2:13 he just remembered a really funny joke.
I kinda feel like Nohr was meant to be the villain side, but because the game took the Pokémon route it got badly reworked into what it was.
Fates in general has clear, obvious signs of things being added because of the popularity of Awakenings, and not because they made sense in the game.
Not only that, but Birthright and Conquest have so many parallels that make sense when thinking about content to include in a video game so that the player gets a similar but different experience from each, but much less sense writing wise
Ambitious... I like it
Subscribe and notifications turned on, can't wait to see the rest of the routes you choose to edit!
So glad I got this recommended, Fates is one of my favorite games but the writing/plot is the worst part. Can’t wait to see the next parts!
Garon's plan after Corrin falling into was for Anankos to posses her before going to Hoshido
Lol, didn't expect to see this on my main page, but glad I did. Fates is also my guilty pleasure and I love the majority of the characters (for some reason Lilith is my favorite one, even though she's... basically useless for the plot). Waiting for seeing how this goes! (I would tell some ideas I have, but i'm bad at english and maybe they are really stupid xd)
Route 4 (Heirs of Fate) doesn’t need fixing but by the sounds of it you are only doing the first three routes which is nice.
I never player heirs of fate...
or any of the dlc for that matter
Bicken it’s very well written and it says a lot of things which honestly should have been said way earlier….also Rev is just as much DLC as Heirs of Fate is.
@@viviblue7277 the Reason for fate's sloppy story, is because the writers where trying to achieve too much with not enough time. Intelligents Systems had an idea for Fate to have three stories to appeal to everyone, but they realized that they didn't have enough writers. So they hired an outside writer, Shin Kibayashi was that writer. Intelligent Systems wanted Shin to write the outline for each pathway, what happened instead is that Shin wrote 500 pages for each pathway. Nintendo knew this was too long so they cut the story into pieces without the writers permission and the fact the Nintendo demanded Fates come on the Fire Emblem Anniversary only made things worse. Which resulted in this hilariously mess of a story. The good news this that there is a manga based on Fates that is a little better. Its called Fire Emblem If: the Crown of Niberlung.
Orange Slash I know the story of the manga and how fates was rushed. Heirs of Fate didn’t suffer from rushing being super late dlc and therefore was able to make something incredible story wise that meshes beautifully with gameplay (and far better than the Manga in my opinion but that’s probably due to medium preference).
Excellent video!
Bro blue Chad face is a great human accomplishment.
Great video! I always love seeing peoples takes on the fates story. One thing you said in the video was questioning how Garon predicted Lilith saving Corrin and Rinka capturing her. I don’t think he did. Ganglari has an obviously evil eye he’s spying out of. I think the plan though not stated in game was to have Corrin flung into Valla with Ganglari and then do the whole Valla possession thing that Anankos does with Takumi, Gunther, and all of Valla’s residents in various routes. When that didn’t go well that’s when they had the random valla sumeragi appear in the town square to explode ganglari when it was probably supposed to be Corrin that did it in the first place. I think Garon’s intention was originally to have Corrin be the one to kill Mikoto. Or maybe I’m just putting more thought into it than the writers. Could go either way.
Apparently the original script had to be cut down from what they initially wanted to do, so a draft that properly explains that possibly exists
The player doesn't have a reason to join Nohr??? I know that Garon is terrible but like, abandoning your family (that you actually have reason to care about) is a pretty strong deterrent from joining Hoshido. Also, while her death is Garon a fault it's also hard to care about your 'siblings' from Hoshido without her there.
I found Conquest to be the most reasonable choice to make of the 3 routes honestly. (Not that it didn't deserve a change regardless)
yes, the player (not corrin) doesn't have a reason to side with Nohr. You spend as much ingame time with the Hoshido family as you do with Nohr, and they treat you way better and also aren't obviously meant to be the evil country. I agree that in a logistical sense, Conquest should be the easiest route to go with, but it falls flat on its face in execution.
1:36 And it's fittingly enough the version that IS seems to favor.
A massive undertaking
I’m gonna be as old as Gunter by the time part 2 comes out.
I'm working on it!
Pleeeaaaaase, make part 2!
That was such a great video imo! If that's how fates would have gone then i would have definitely liked the characters more (and story). Two things i would have liked to see is Garon actually not controlled by Anankos (yet), until however the story fits with his ark and Mikoto staying alive but becoming more obsessed with Corrin in a way that Anankos could control her?
I wonder how nyx is gonna fit into the conquest story (even though she shouldn't really do much considering what she did in the original plot anyways) since she was just there if i remember correctly.
Keep up the great work and i hope to see the new plot at the end.
p.s. if i sound really formal, its cause i don't know how to write in a nicer way (sorry abt that)
I just console myself by saying that FE isn't about lore and more about masochistic pleasure. 💀
I honestly think that if you made these changes (or someone else did like in a mod) I would enjoy playing fates again. Because all the things you mentioned make me feel as though I would enjoy the game again(like I may still play it, but not for the story, and I hate to play like then when playing a fire emblem game. I love the stories and want to like the characters and even some of the enemies)
Can't wait for the next parts and to hear you talking about the three routes(or would you have sticked with the 2 I wonder now. Guess we'll see in time😊)
I always felt like Garon was handled so poorly and could've been not so outright evil to where picking to side with him didn't feel like such a bad option. I never liked him but wanted to because it's stated so many times how he used to be different and yet we never see it or even some semblance of it. This rewrite of him is literally what I wanted so much from him.
Cannot Wait For Part 2!!
I like how safe it is for people to hate the prequels for no reason
I played Echoes before playing this so, the "villainous" king in fate felt like a massive downgrade compared to Rudolf
oh absolutely
I’d say Fates’ story sucks less because of the writer’s being bad at their job and more because they were making three games at once and didn’t have time to iron out it’s kinks. Fates’ plot feels like a rough draft because it kind of is.