Faith is a none statement. Belief wihout question makes no sence. Faith does not equal peace, getting off one's bottom and doing something is what it takes , not faith.
Imagine a world where no one lied????? Religous people don't bother me as long as they understand I don't need someone to tell me how to act and I don't need a leader.
Except that you have joined a mind control cult. One that uses an ancient holy book as a hate manual to wave around at non believers. Take your disgusting and toxic holy book and go. You should understand there are many that have neither need or want of your religious gibberish.
w/e i was an atheist all 2 times i went to church. i laughed in my head the whole time and i didnt feel guilty at all. i wish i had a camera to publish their stupidity
@MidwayJournal Christianity has become a way of life just as Judaism has and many other beliefs are a way of life. Its called culture or sub-cultures within a society when many ways of life are lived from different religions under one nation. However, I stand by what I said in the first place, because the assertion or interpretation of a scripture is not based on reality. Its is a story and that's it.
Betraying the confidence of people for money? I don't care what they worship or believe. Why hurt people like that? Why win trust with lies? She makes atheism seem immoral.
It's not about religion - ppl don't like a betrayer in the group whose only reason to be there is to secretly gather info to write a book. She's not writing the book about herself but about the ppl she spied on and their beliefs. Anyway, it is a book I certainly won't bother reading, even if I could myself as on the atheist side.
I have felt similarly violated when it turns out someone I have been talking to confesses they are christian. The shock usually stays with me and colors the interactions that I may have with the person later on. As an atheist I find it so repulsive that someone would give up their critical thinking faculties and moral rationale to something so intrinsically immoral as the bible. Whorshipping the genocidal God of the kanaanites speaks so clearly and so lowly of their core reasoning.
(cont.) The words "till all be fulfilled" gives you a hint. He meant the prophetic texts of the Old Testament. Otherwise, when does a Civil Law of the ancient Israelites get fulfilled? When the first person is stoned? When the first 1000? A million? When?
And who says atheists can't be moral? Here is where I stand, if you think church's are so bad, then you should not feel bad in lying to people who invest emotionally in you. After all they are 'bad' people or at least they are empowering 'bad' institutions. On the other hand, if you are not so sure, then don't do it under false pretenses.
@rivas832 You said "why would 2 commandments be dedicated to what would essentially be the same sin?". Although I completely agree with you, I gotta say that it didn't stop the first three Cs from being effectively the same bloody thing did it? I mean Cs 1, 2 and 3 basically state "You will not worship anything other than me", so if consistency was the writers' main issue, then if 'coveting' also meant theft (which it doesn't) then they SHOULD have included it in the list for repetition sake.
@givebirthathome that is exactly my point, explaining your intentions is a legitimate way to learn but that experience is different from the experience one would have if they pretended to be one of the group. people confess to cops all the time? I dont see the relevance, could you elaborate?
@MidwayJournal, The Bible says David was righteous in all things except those concerning Bathsheba and Uriah the Hittite. In 1 Samuel 21, David lies about being on the king's business and about being insane(verses 2-8 and verses 12-13). The argument that David wasn't lying because he was to become King of Israel is bunk because lying is the act of making a statement that is intended to convey an idea that is false. Hence, the Bible clearly sanctions lying and even commands it!
churches are open to the public, isn't "infiltrating" a little heavy when she can walk in and sit down regardless. Its not like you need a membership to get in. if a church doesn't welcome outsiders thats when you need to infiltrate.
This is a false mea culpa. Whatever ethical dilemmas she claims to have had, they obviously weren't real enough to prevent her from sticking to the confidentiality agreement and publishing her book. She should admit that the book is more important to her than the trust of the people portrayed in it. I'm not saying she shouldn't have done it. If they were in Falwell's church, they're probably not that great of people, and it's important to expose religion. But she should at leave be honest.
@truvelocity Its because Christianity is not meant to be a religion but a way of life. Its not that people are thrown to the "lake of fire" because they failed to do certain this and thats BUT because EVERY SINGLE ONE, including pastors, popes, priests, saints themselves, MUST be thrown there. What makes the difference is the crucifixion, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ which offers to us a way out of the road to hell we are walking in. We do NOT deserve that but it is freely given.
MidwayJournal This is exactly the reason I rejected Christianity years ago. Humans are flawed. No one is perfect. So God who "created" us, sets up the crime, threatens his own creations with the punishment of burning forever if we don't follow the ambiguous guidance laid out in the bible. God so loved the world that he killed everyone on it, including animals and fish during the great flood. He so loved the world that he had his only son sent to earth to be horribly tortured and killed to demonstrate his "love and forgiveness". He could of just forgiven / loved his people for their flaws and demonstrated a better path but threats of hell fire, torture and murder scare more people into obedience. Its really not about living the right life as you say. A serial murderer can be "saved" by confessing his sins before his execution and spend eternity in heaven but someone like Ghandi, who peacefully helped millions through non-violent protest, will be in hell because he got the wrong gospel and worshiped the wrong god. Let's not forget the 6 million children per year that die before they're 5 years old (from preventable diseases, lack of clean water, malnutrition) that didn't get "saved" either. No thank you!
If slavery and blind acceptance to a master who will torture you forever if you disobey him is "a way of life", then I guess Christianity is a way of life, but it most certainly is also meant to be a religion, as it satisfies all the criteria of stupidity that goes along with that title.
Mary Carroll You know damn well that's the only reason you accepted "Jesus who isn't real"! It scared you to think you might burn in hell so you tell yourself you chose "Jesus who isn't real" You're going to go to hell for lying like you did in that comment!
I know of an ex-atheist who, after a two hour conversation regarding God, said, outright, "I hate the concept of God because if there is a God, He must allow young girls to get raped, and innocent people to be butchered to death. I'm not going to follow a God like that!" I always say that most atheists believe that they don't need to believe in some fairy tale God to be good. One day, they will have great difficulty explaining how their goodness can get them into heaven (Titus 3:4-5)
@GBS990 Commandments 4 & 5: - Remember the Sabbath and keep it holy - Honour your father and mother Which laws prevent you from working on a Sunday, or, force you to "honour" (whatever that means?) your parents? 6 & 7: - You shall not murder - You shall not commit adultery - You shall not steal These are the same basic precepts found in the Golden Rule, which is an ethical code the world over. Are the 10 Cs the basis for Chinese law, merely because murder and theft are forbidden in China?
Whats the worst thing Gina was not that you are an atheist but the fact you lied. If in the first place they knew you were one, that would have made a difference. Of course, the result of your deceit would be anger. That is natural and right for that matter. I hope though that those times you were there, it will affect your life in a more positive manner.
@bettySwollox Evangelical Christians have an answer to your quotes form Lev and Deut. They say Jesus died on the cross to wash away all of your sins, so therefore, those commandments no longer apply. They just simply "made it up" even though it doesn't say that anywhere in any bible, old or new. Oh, the irony.
@GBS990 8, 9 & 10 - You shall not bear false witness against your neighbour Lying is punishable, though it depends on what effect the lie had on someone else's life: certain forms of libel and slander, or, a legal process such as perjury. - You shall not covet your neighbour's wife - You shall not covet anything that belongs to your neighbour Is there a law to prevent you from coveting your neighbour's wife? I can't imagine there is. As for 'coveting' in general; your country is built on...
@givebirthathome telling them her intentions would have changed the way they interacted with her. she probably did think about different ways of interacting with the church, but that wouldn't have given her the insights she was looking for.
@GBS990 (Conclusion cont.) what does this tell us? It tells us that at best, you have a total of three maybe four concepts, at a stretch, that could serve as the basis for some of your laws in your country. It tells us the the 10 Cs should actually be called the 3 Cs. Either way, they are not divinely inspired, heavenly mandated, God given laws. They are Man's laws; secular and universal in nature. Traceable throughout the history of our species. So why is it that you think otherwise?
@Mrmoc7 Maddoff's victims didn't WILLFULLY allow themselves to be deceived. Christians place faith in an already disproven and dubious source, and then tout this nonsense as if it were as true as modern science. That's a phenomenal disparity between your example.
Hard to see how else she could have behaved. If the book she has been writing was about christians and how they relate to would-be-converts then she had to play that part to get an authentic response. From the point of view of the people she was mixing with they at least had the opportunity to convince her of the right of their position albeit not knowing they had a more difficult task on hand than at first appeared.
@GBS990 Oh please... Her book is non biased, loving and compassionate. Nothing in there to bash Christians whatsoever. Have you even bothered to read it?
@GBS990 You are talking about 3 dimensional space versus emotions. Emotions and logic don't wash. So, comparing a driving booklet for the DMV and psychology are two completely different things. Our country was based on secular ideals, which means freedom of religion separate from church and state, meaning a Muslim who is an American is just as much a citizen as an atheist. You keep asking me about rules for a moral compass, when that moral compass is stretched at your convenience.
"Infiltrates". Silly. I've never been to a church or spoken to a Christian who wasn't open about their beliefs regardless of the other person's religious persuasion (including atheism). Might someone be more careful with their wording around a non-believer? I suppose. I would be, but only because I'd be mindful that, given their different experience and base of knowledge, they may misinterpret or misunderstand certain statements without context. Many (MANY) ignorant comments below prove this!
But I would advice opening up to any idea, u dont have to believe it, just acknowledge it. Your neighbor who gave you those x-mas gift are probly christians, your long lost cousin who recently appear after a long time disappearance gave you something good is probly a religious person, the dude who saved you after that car almost hit you is probly someone religious. I would advice no generalization, generalization basically can be related to racism, as we dont look at individuals personal traits.
8 And again he stooped down, and with his finger wrote on the ground. 9 And they, when they heard it, went out one by one, beginning from the eldest, [even] unto the last: and Jesus was left alone, and the woman, where she was, in the midst. 10 And Jesus lifted up himself, and said unto her, Woman, where are they? did no man condemn thee? 11 And she said, No man, Lord. And Jesus said, Neither do I condemn thee: go thy way; from henceforth sin no more.
@HedeenJeff I am sorry I offended you, but in my point of view, I can't follow something or any organized religion. I just can't. It is beyond me how anyone can believe in everlasting lake of fire if you don't do things a certain way to deserve everlasting life. To me, this is pure mythology. Superstition. Pretend. Yes, it is a harsh point of view, but I can't believe in something no matter how comforting or reassuring it can feel. I just think organized religions are delusional.
@wildnine00 "Is there one against beating children?" On the contrary, the "rules" about beating children aren't so much against this act but rather...: Exodus {21:15} And he that smiteth his father, or his mother, shall be surely put to death. {21:17} And he that curseth his father, or his mother, shall surely be put to death. Deut. {21:18} if....a rebellious son, does not obey his parents,.. all the men of his city shall stone him with stones, that he die:
@GBS990 I never thought about those who do the most evil standing out the most, as its acceptable to kill during war time to protect one's freedoms as a necessary evil. I don't find the 10 commandments bad, I find the belief in sharing the commandments will have an impact on cultures that have been doing fine without them for eons of time I am not using anything for a reference point. I feel that I am loved and I am powerful, loving and powerful, and love and am powerful. Humbly and simply.
@GBS990 How many of the "10 rules" do you apply to your life on a daily basis? There's no way you could possibly abide by all of them. Nor would you want to, as half of them are nonsense.
@kryckeestrooff So never in your life have you ever seen a nice car drive by, or walked past a house, or seen someone wearing nice clothes or jewellery and thought "That's really nice, I'd like one of those too!"? Not even when you were a kid and saw other kids playing with their toys? Never? So how do you define NEVER?
@GBS990 Leaders of religious movements lie for their political agenda, that isn't seen by you as breaching their moral compass in order to feed their followers a steady diet of whatever feels good? The book was more important to bridge the gap of secular people in order to understand how the church works with understanding. I think you need to look at it with an air of sophistication instead of dragging Jesus into it.
@kryckeestrooff rivas832 is right, to covet X isn't synonymous with wanting to take or steal X from another person. Covet simply means to desire something earnestly. There is no way in the world that you could ever have made it this far in your life, without having once coveted something, be it a physical object, like a bike or a computer game, or even a conceptual idea, like world peace or going to Heaven.
@GBS990 What's a moral compass? I only know I had parents who loved me, raised secular, no belief in anything other than reality. My understanding of a psychopath and or a serial killer and someone who is a hero is the ability to feel empathy. Plenty of god believers have tortured and murdered people and plenty of atheists have not. So, what is your moral compass? Does it come from you or a book of rules?
John..Really? REALLY? What about those pastors in church giving you a plate that they pass around the pews for money? You need to go talk to Matt again.
First realize your a sinner...Believe in your heart God raised Jesus Christ from the dead, confess him as Lord, ask him to forgive your sins (repent of them), wash you in his blood, and make you his child. Read and obey the Gospel, it has the power to save your soul.
@kryckeestrooff In all of historical records, there is no Jesus. He never existed. Persecuting a group for crucifying a deity is very wrong, when it never happened. In fact, archeologists and anthropologists found out that slaves did not build the pyramids, it was workers who were compensated very well for it. They had housing and retirement settlements. The bible is one of the greatest fairy tales ever told. Besides, The Chinese have 3,000 years up on the bible and more accurate writing.
@GBS990 (cont.) ... the principle that everyone wants that which belongs to another. Your economy depends on it, marketing principles depend on it, the banking industry depends on it. Coveting isn't stealing, it's merely an earnest desire to have what someone else may have. Conclusion (just noticed I can't count haha properly) The first 5 we can ignore. 6, 7 (7 incidentally is not illegal in all states) & 8 already exist in the Golden Rule. 9 in certain context is punishable & 10 see above...
@GBS990 "It really isn't that hard to follow a few rules." I know, it really isn't that hard to answer a few simple questions either. So why have you failed to respond to them? If you're under the impression that your above statement is an answer, then I'm sorry to tell you, but it's a pathetic attempt at best. Before I answer your question, I'd first like you to answer the one I put to you earlier, as I asked you which or how many of the 10 rules do you apply to your life on a daily basis?
@GBS990 So in your mind, which of the 10 commandments serve as the basis of US law? Let's take a look at the first three: - You shall have no other gods before me - You shall not make for yourself an idol - You shall not make wrongful use of the name of your God Which one of these is illegal? In fact, looking at one and three, what happened to the freedom of religion and the freedom of speech? Somewhat unconstitutional of God to command such things isn't it? Three down, seven to go!
@wildnine00 It's obvious the GBS990 has never read the Bible in its entirety; preferring instead to merely cherry-pick the nice and fluffy bits that suit a particular mindset. I think it's disgusting how the people who believe that the 10 commandments is a moral code which society should live by, yet they've never even read the rest of the instructions found in the other books, which give context to the book of Exodus, in which they first appear.
@truvelocity Right, I cant make all my own decisions. Im a slave of Jesus Christ, I was disobediant to his spirit more than once and Iwash punished for it. I think hes been taking it real easy on me, I hope. I prayed for it a while back, Im new at this. Faith is more than just belief, its also trust and obediance.
@Edinaldo08 I have no problem following the facts, that is why I am an Atheist. I don't need to make stuff up and hide from reality. :) I got the Adam and Eve thing from the bible itself KJV
@HedeenJeff I know the dogma. You have to be flawed in order to be fixed. The "your a sinner" routine. Then, you convince others that they can't make decisions unless its through Jesus, otherwise, they are prone to sin because of original sin, which took place with a man and woman made out of dust and a rib with a talking snake.... Riiiiiiiiight.....!!!
@truvelocity John 8 4 they say unto him, Teacher, this woman hath been taken in adultery, in the very act. 5 Now in the law Moses commanded us to stone such: what then sayest thou of her? 6 And this they said, trying him, that they might have [whereof] to accuse him. But Jesus stooped down, and with his finger wrote on the ground. 7 But when they continued asking him, he lifted up himself, and said unto them, He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone at her.
@kryckeestrooff "I never mean't I have never desired something, just not that which is not mine! Is this so hard to understand?" Yes, it is hard to understand. But that's because it doesn't make any sense, because you are talking absolute and utter pish! Effectively you're trying to tell me that you've never had the true, earnest desire to: - win a race, a competition, an award - receive good grades, a certificate of (higher) education - witness the realization of an ideal Well?
@MazeleyFanClub I hate to demoralize you but please, do not drag Christianity to what you are doing. Babling curse words are never an indication of Christian faith. You are just showing to them that you are like them. Please, clean your words.
@CognosSquare there seems to be this air of superiority they carry with them, or secretly feel but dont express outside of there own thoughts. Or pity towards the unbelievers, that it is there personal mission to save us sinners. Is that not an arrogance? to have this certainty of things you cannot be certain of with any degree of evidence or logic. These sorts of meme or memes they are infected with, are the most dangerous kind.
@truvelocity I know, the trouble is, they also don't realise that Jesus said: Matt. {5:18} "For verily I say unto you, Till heaven and earth pass, one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the law, till all be fulfilled." And thatiIn Isaiah {40:8} it is proclaimed that: "The grass withereth, the flower fadeth: but the word of our God shall stand for ever." Haha, Christians! Who'd of thought that they were the least endowed when it came to Biblical literacy?
"Infiltrates"? *Dude, they let you in the door with nary a question.* You have to exert more effort to _infiltrate_ your kitchen pantry.
It was infiltration as the word is defined : ).
Faith is a none statement. Belief wihout question makes no sence. Faith does not equal peace, getting off one's bottom and doing something is what it takes , not faith.
"Greed is the root of evil... Oppression is the fruit it bears... Religion is the fertilizer in which it thrives."
How do you know if something is evil?
@@maximilianthomas3006 I don't like the term evil for it means many things to different people. I'd rather use the term harmful.
Imagine a world where no one lied?????
Religous people don't bother me as long as they understand I don't need someone to tell me how to act and I don't need a leader.
Except that you have joined a mind control cult. One that uses an ancient holy book as a hate manual to wave around at non believers. Take your disgusting and toxic holy book and go. You should understand there are many that have neither need or want of your religious gibberish.
You know, if youd done this to westboro baptist church, you'd have zero guilt~
w/e i was an atheist all 2 times i went to church. i laughed in my head the whole time and i didnt feel guilty at all. i wish i had a camera to publish their stupidity
@MidwayJournal Christianity has become a way of life just as Judaism has and many other beliefs are a way of life. Its called culture or sub-cultures within a society when many ways of life are lived from different religions under one nation. However, I stand by what I said in the first place, because the assertion or interpretation of a scripture is not based on reality. Its is a story and that's it.
Betraying the confidence of people for money? I don't care what they worship or believe. Why hurt people like that? Why win trust with lies? She makes atheism seem immoral.
It's not about religion - ppl don't like a betrayer in the group whose only reason to be there is to secretly gather info to write a book. She's not writing the book about herself but about the ppl she spied on and their beliefs. Anyway, it is a book I certainly won't bother reading, even if I could myself as on the atheist side.
I have felt similarly violated when it turns out someone I have been talking to confesses they are christian. The shock usually stays with me and colors the interactions that I may have with the person later on.
As an atheist I find it so repulsive that someone would give up their critical thinking faculties and moral rationale to something so intrinsically immoral as the bible.
Whorshipping the genocidal God of the kanaanites speaks so clearly and so lowly of their core reasoning.
The words "till all be fulfilled" gives you a hint. He meant the prophetic texts of the Old Testament.
Otherwise, when does a Civil Law of the ancient Israelites get fulfilled? When the first person is stoned? When the first 1000? A million? When?
And who says atheists can't be moral? Here is where I stand, if you think church's are so bad, then you should not feel bad in lying to people who invest emotionally in you. After all they are 'bad' people or at least they are empowering 'bad' institutions. On the other hand, if you are not so sure, then don't do it under false pretenses.
You said "why would 2 commandments be dedicated to what would essentially be the same sin?". Although I completely agree with you, I gotta say that it didn't stop the first three Cs from being effectively the same bloody thing did it? I mean Cs 1, 2 and 3 basically state "You will not worship anything other than me", so if consistency was the writers' main issue, then if 'coveting' also meant theft (which it doesn't) then they SHOULD have included it in the list for repetition sake.
that is exactly my point, explaining your intentions is a legitimate way to learn but that experience is different from the experience one would have if they pretended to be one of the group.
people confess to cops all the time? I dont see the relevance, could you elaborate?
The Bible says David was righteous in all things except those concerning Bathsheba and Uriah the Hittite.
In 1 Samuel 21, David lies about being on the king's business and about being insane(verses 2-8 and verses 12-13). The argument that David wasn't lying because he was to become King of Israel is bunk because lying is the act of making a statement that is intended to convey an idea that is false.
Hence, the Bible clearly sanctions lying and even commands it!
churches are open to the public, isn't "infiltrating" a little heavy when she can walk in and sit down regardless. Its not like you need a membership to get in. if a church doesn't welcome outsiders thats when you need to infiltrate.
This is a false mea culpa. Whatever ethical dilemmas she claims to have had, they obviously weren't real enough to prevent her from sticking to the confidentiality agreement and publishing her book. She should admit that the book is more important to her than the trust of the people portrayed in it. I'm not saying she shouldn't have done it. If they were in Falwell's church, they're probably not that great of people, and it's important to expose religion. But she should at leave be honest.
Wasn't there a case a few years back of a woman who lied about her age so she could attend high school again?
Didn't seem right in that case either.
@truvelocity Its because Christianity is not meant to be a religion but a way of life. Its not that people are thrown to the "lake of fire" because they failed to do certain this and thats BUT because EVERY SINGLE ONE, including pastors, popes, priests, saints themselves, MUST be thrown there. What makes the difference is the crucifixion, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ which offers to us a way out of the road to hell we are walking in. We do NOT deserve that but it is freely given.
MidwayJournal This is exactly the reason I rejected Christianity years ago. Humans are flawed. No one is perfect. So God who "created" us, sets up the crime, threatens his own creations with the punishment of burning forever if we don't follow the ambiguous guidance laid out in the bible. God so loved the world that he killed everyone on it, including animals and fish during the great flood. He so loved the world that he had his only son sent to earth to be horribly tortured and killed to demonstrate his "love and forgiveness". He could of just forgiven / loved his people for their flaws and demonstrated a better path but threats of hell fire, torture and murder scare more people into obedience.
Its really not about living the right life as you say. A serial murderer can be "saved" by confessing his sins before his execution and spend eternity in heaven but someone like Ghandi, who peacefully helped millions through non-violent protest, will be in hell because he got the wrong gospel and worshiped the wrong god. Let's not forget the 6 million children per year that die before they're 5 years old (from preventable diseases, lack of clean water, malnutrition) that didn't get "saved" either. No thank you!
If slavery and blind acceptance to a master who will torture you forever if you disobey him is "a way of life", then I guess Christianity is a way of life, but it most certainly is also meant to be a religion, as it satisfies all the criteria of stupidity that goes along with that title.
Mary Carroll
You know damn well that's the only reason you accepted "Jesus who isn't real"! It scared you to think you might burn in hell so you tell yourself you chose "Jesus who isn't real"
You're going to go to hell for lying like you did in that comment!
I know of an ex-atheist who, after a two hour conversation regarding God, said, outright, "I hate the concept of God because if there is a God, He must allow young girls to get raped, and innocent people to be butchered to death. I'm not going to follow a God like that!" I always say that most atheists believe that they don't need to believe in some fairy tale God to be good. One day, they will have great difficulty explaining how their goodness can get them into heaven (Titus 3:4-5)
I know of no Atheist who would have this issue... Since there is no god/heaven/hell. If you can't show it, you don't know it.
Commandments 4 & 5:
- Remember the Sabbath and keep it holy
- Honour your father and mother
Which laws prevent you from working on a Sunday, or, force you to "honour" (whatever that means?) your parents?
6 & 7:
- You shall not murder
- You shall not commit adultery
- You shall not steal
These are the same basic precepts found in the Golden Rule, which is an ethical code the world over. Are the 10 Cs the basis for Chinese law, merely because murder and theft are forbidden in China?
Whats the worst thing Gina was not that you are an atheist but the fact you lied. If in the first place they knew you were one, that would have made a difference. Of course, the result of your deceit would be anger. That is natural and right for that matter. I hope though that those times you were there, it will affect your life in a more positive manner.
Given Falwell's reputation, he deserved nothing more.
People do whatever they can to make their point... I am glad she recognized that she just deliberately used then...
What was she looking to find? I don't see it as "infiltrating". She just went to church, lol.
@bettySwollox Evangelical Christians have an answer to your quotes form Lev and Deut. They say Jesus died on the cross to wash away all of your sins, so therefore, those commandments no longer apply. They just simply "made it up" even though it doesn't say that anywhere in any bible, old or new. Oh, the irony.
8, 9 & 10
- You shall not bear false witness against your neighbour
Lying is punishable, though it depends on what effect the lie had on someone else's life: certain forms of libel and slander, or, a legal process such as perjury.
- You shall not covet your neighbour's wife
- You shall not covet anything that belongs to your neighbour
Is there a law to prevent you from coveting your neighbour's wife? I can't imagine there is. As for 'coveting' in general; your country is built on...
telling them her intentions would have changed the way they interacted with her. she probably did think about different ways of interacting with the church, but that wouldn't have given her the insights she was looking for.
(Conclusion cont.) what does this tell us? It tells us that at best, you have a total of three maybe four concepts, at a stretch, that could serve as the basis for some of your laws in your country. It tells us the the 10 Cs should actually be called the 3 Cs. Either way, they are not divinely inspired, heavenly mandated, God given laws. They are Man's laws; secular and universal in nature. Traceable throughout the history of our species. So why is it that you think otherwise?
@Mrmoc7 Maddoff's victims didn't WILLFULLY allow themselves to be deceived. Christians place faith in an already disproven and dubious source, and then tout this nonsense as if it were as true as modern science. That's a phenomenal disparity between your example.
Like, you know, aaaahhhh .... this whole "ethics" thing is like .... aaaaa ... bogus because she got what she wanted and then said who she was.
Hard to see how else she could have behaved. If the book she has been writing was about christians and how they relate to would-be-converts then she had to play that part to get an authentic response. From the point of view of the people she was mixing with they at least had the opportunity to convince her of the right of their position albeit not knowing they had a more difficult task on hand than at first appeared.
@GBS990 Oh please... Her book is non biased, loving and compassionate. Nothing in there to bash Christians whatsoever. Have you even bothered to read it?
@GBS990 You are talking about 3 dimensional space versus emotions. Emotions and logic don't wash. So, comparing a driving booklet for the DMV and psychology are two completely different things. Our country was based on secular ideals, which means freedom of religion separate from church and state, meaning a Muslim who is an American is just as much a citizen as an atheist.
You keep asking me about rules for a moral compass, when that moral compass is stretched at your convenience.
@BrutusBlackest Oh... I love your comment.
"Infiltrates". Silly. I've never been to a church or spoken to a Christian who wasn't open about their beliefs regardless of the other person's religious persuasion (including atheism).
Might someone be more careful with their wording around a non-believer? I suppose. I would be, but only because I'd be mindful that, given their different experience and base of knowledge, they may misinterpret or misunderstand certain statements without context.
Many (MANY) ignorant comments below prove this!
But I would advice opening up to any idea, u dont have to believe it, just acknowledge it.
Your neighbor who gave you those x-mas gift are probly christians, your long lost cousin who recently appear after a long time disappearance gave you something good is probly a religious person, the dude who saved you after that car almost hit you is probly someone religious.
I would advice no generalization, generalization basically can be related to racism, as we dont look at individuals personal traits.
8 And again he stooped down, and with his finger wrote on the ground.
9 And they, when they heard it, went out one by one, beginning from the eldest, [even] unto the last: and Jesus was left alone, and the woman, where she was, in the midst.
10 And Jesus lifted up himself, and said unto her, Woman, where are they? did no man condemn thee?
11 And she said, No man, Lord. And Jesus said, Neither do I condemn thee: go thy way; from henceforth sin no more.
@HedeenJeff I am sorry I offended you, but in my point of view, I can't follow something or any organized religion. I just can't. It is beyond me how anyone can believe in everlasting lake of fire if you don't do things a certain way to deserve everlasting life. To me, this is pure mythology. Superstition. Pretend. Yes, it is a harsh point of view, but I can't believe in something no matter how comforting or reassuring it can feel. I just think organized religions are delusional.
"Is there one against beating children?"
On the contrary, the "rules" about beating children aren't so much against this act but rather...:
{21:15} And he that smiteth his father, or his mother,
shall be surely put to death.
{21:17} And he that curseth his father, or his mother,
shall surely be put to death.
{21:18} if....a rebellious son, does not obey his parents,.. all the men of his city shall stone him with stones, that he die:
@GBS990 I never thought about those who do the most evil standing out the most, as its acceptable to kill during war time to protect one's freedoms as a necessary evil.
I don't find the 10 commandments bad, I find the belief in sharing the commandments will have an impact on cultures that have been doing fine without them for eons of time
I am not using anything for a reference point. I feel that I am loved and I am powerful, loving and powerful, and love and am powerful. Humbly and simply.
You where doing a job, and got personally involved in what you should have kept at a distance.
How many of the "10 rules" do you apply to your life on a daily basis? There's no way you could possibly abide by all of them. Nor would you want to, as half of them are nonsense.
So never in your life have you ever seen a nice car drive by, or walked past a house, or seen someone wearing nice clothes or jewellery and thought "That's really nice, I'd like one of those too!"? Not even when you were a kid and saw other kids playing with their toys? Never? So how do you define NEVER?
@GBS990 Leaders of religious movements lie for their political agenda, that isn't seen by you as breaching their moral compass in order to feed their followers a steady diet of whatever feels good?
The book was more important to bridge the gap of secular people in order to understand how the church works with understanding.
I think you need to look at it with an air of sophistication instead of dragging Jesus into it.
rivas832 is right, to covet X isn't synonymous with wanting to take or steal X from another person. Covet simply means to desire something earnestly. There is no way in the world that you could ever have made it this far in your life, without having once coveted something, be it a physical object, like a bike or a computer game, or even a conceptual idea, like world peace or going to Heaven.
@GBS990 What's a moral compass? I only know I had parents who loved me, raised secular, no belief in anything other than reality. My understanding of a psychopath and or a serial killer and someone who is a hero is the ability to feel empathy. Plenty of god believers have tortured and murdered people and plenty of atheists have not. So, what is your moral compass? Does it come from you or a book of rules?
John..Really? REALLY? What about those pastors in church giving you a plate that they pass around the pews for money?
You need to go talk to Matt again.
@HeadTater fair enough, that is a reasoned assessment. I agree wholeheartedly.
First realize your a sinner...Believe in your heart God raised Jesus Christ from the dead, confess him as Lord, ask him to forgive your sins (repent of them), wash you in his blood, and make you his child. Read and obey the Gospel, it has the power to save your soul.
@kryckeestrooff In all of historical records, there is no Jesus. He never existed. Persecuting a group for crucifying a deity is very wrong, when it never happened. In fact, archeologists and anthropologists found out that slaves did not build the pyramids, it was workers who were compensated very well for it. They had housing and retirement settlements. The bible is one of the greatest fairy tales ever told. Besides, The Chinese have 3,000 years up on the bible and more accurate writing.
... the principle that everyone wants that which belongs to another. Your economy depends on it, marketing principles depend on it, the banking industry depends on it. Coveting isn't stealing, it's merely an earnest desire to have what someone else may have.
(just noticed I can't count haha properly) The first 5 we can ignore. 6, 7 (7 incidentally is not illegal in all states) & 8 already exist in the Golden Rule. 9 in certain context is punishable & 10 see above...
"It really isn't that hard to follow a few rules."
I know, it really isn't that hard to answer a few simple questions either. So why have you failed to respond to them? If you're under the impression that your above statement is an answer, then I'm sorry to tell you, but it's a pathetic attempt at best.
Before I answer your question, I'd first like you to answer the one I put to you earlier, as I asked you which or how many of the 10 rules do you apply to your life on a daily basis?
@benaberry Because the only road to peace is faith, not religion. Religions are series of beliefs that are not going anywhere at all!
So in your mind, which of the 10 commandments serve as the basis of US law? Let's take a look at the first three:
- You shall have no other gods before me
- You shall not make for yourself an idol
- You shall not make wrongful use of the name of your God
Which one of these is illegal? In fact, looking at one and three, what happened to the freedom of religion and the freedom of speech? Somewhat unconstitutional of God to command such things isn't it?
Three down, seven to go!
It's obvious the GBS990 has never read the Bible in its entirety; preferring instead to merely cherry-pick the nice and fluffy bits that suit a particular mindset. I think it's disgusting how the people who believe that the 10 commandments is a moral code which society should live by, yet they've never even read the rest of the instructions found in the other books, which give context to the book of Exodus, in which they first appear.
Yes, it's an option, but I doubt she'll be having a church service any time soon.
@truvelocity Right, I cant make all my own decisions. Im a slave of Jesus Christ, I was disobediant to his spirit more than once and Iwash punished for it. I think hes been taking it real easy on me, I hope. I prayed for it a while back, Im new at this. Faith is more than just belief, its also trust and obediance.
Wait, is that Nyk, G.O.D. or FactvsReligion?
I hope she didn't eat the wafer, or anything 'objectionable' like that.
@Edinaldo08 I have no problem following the facts, that is why I am an Atheist. I don't need to make stuff up and hide from reality. :)
I got the Adam and Eve thing from the bible itself KJV
@LeGioNoFZioN good point
Interesting premise for a book. That being said, I don't think I could read something by someone with such poor communication skills. Umm, you know.
@HedeenJeff I know the dogma. You have to be flawed in order to be fixed. The "your a sinner" routine. Then, you convince others that they can't make decisions unless its through Jesus, otherwise, they are prone to sin because of original sin, which took place with a man and woman made out of dust and a rib with a talking snake....
John 8
4 they say unto him, Teacher, this woman hath been taken in adultery, in the very act.
5 Now in the law Moses commanded us to stone such: what then sayest thou of her?
6 And this they said, trying him, that they might have [whereof] to accuse him. But Jesus stooped down, and with his finger wrote on the ground.
7 But when they continued asking him, he lifted up himself, and said unto them, He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone at her.
"I never mean't I have never desired something, just not that which is not mine! Is this so hard to understand?"
Yes, it is hard to understand. But that's because it doesn't make any sense, because you are talking absolute and utter pish! Effectively you're trying to tell me that you've never had the true, earnest desire to:
- win a race, a competition, an award
- receive good grades, a certificate of (higher) education
- witness the realization of an ideal
@Ryguy1450 no, no. All religious people consider themselves as part of their religion, as such they will say "we are one"
@1crommy You are lieing ab out Darwin. He even pointed out how the eye evolved.
Awesome : )
@MazeleyFanClub I hate to demoralize you but please, do not drag Christianity to what you are doing. Babling curse words are never an indication of Christian faith. You are just showing to them that you are like them. Please, clean your words.
@emcce69 lol, I was kind of hinting at that. :)
she didn't have to lie to anyone to do this, weird. Also, the is very little of interest in this video, I hope the full video is better :P
@CognosSquare there seems to be this air of superiority they carry with them, or secretly feel but dont express outside of there own thoughts. Or pity towards the unbelievers, that it is there personal mission to save us sinners. Is that not an arrogance? to have this certainty of things you cannot be certain of with any degree of evidence or logic. These sorts of meme or memes they are infected with, are the most dangerous kind.
I know, the trouble is, they also don't realise that Jesus said:
Matt. {5:18}
"For verily I say unto you, Till heaven and earth pass, one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the law, till all be fulfilled."
And thatiIn Isaiah {40:8} it is proclaimed that:
"The grass withereth, the flower fadeth: but the word of our
God shall stand for ever."
Haha, Christians! Who'd of thought that they were the least endowed when it came to Biblical literacy?
@truvelocity Just believe and have Faith, its your only hope.
No matter what. Accept Jesus as Lord and Savior.
Through the lies to make money with!!
How disgusting.
You conned them
just spit it out....
@VenomProductions1 well yes , open your eyes my man!
Rule 3
You shall not make wrongful use of the name of your God
God's instruction
Lev. 24:16
Blasphemers will be stoned to death
can I marry her? Is that an option?
@deadmen117 God Bless you
Rule 7
You shall not commit adultery
God's instruction
Leviticus 20:10
Kill the adulterers
You shouldn't feel guilty for deceiving people who already willfully allow themselves to be deceived on a daily basis.
LOL@ people who think they know everything.
@torzidotwisted thanks.
@1crommy LOL
Rule 5
Honour your Father and Mother
God's instruction
See post to wildnine00 below
Under cover like this lol
An atheist lying to make money. I wouldn't have believed that could ever happen. "Morally problematic" that translates to morally wrong right.
That's so loving. You must be a Christian?