In Win11 GWSL is not necessary to show the GUI of your app. If the GUI of your application is not showing then you need to uncomment any changes done by GWSL (e.g. after upgrading to Win11 from Win10). You can find them with the following command in your terminal: grep -r --exclude-dir=* DISPLAY Also if you have issues on Win10 then there might be some configuration which you can find and get rid of it.
Depending on where you are at with development dev containers are a good option as well that makes the boundary between Linux and windows even more blurred imo.
In Win11 GWSL is not necessary to show the GUI of your app. If the GUI of your application is not showing then you need to uncomment any changes done by GWSL (e.g. after upgrading to Win11 from Win10). You can find them with the following command in your terminal: grep -r --exclude-dir=* DISPLAY
Also if you have issues on Win10 then there might be some configuration which you can find and get rid of it.
Depending on where you are at with development dev containers are a good option as well that makes the boundary between Linux and windows even more blurred imo.
Interesting. Thanks for the tip!
GWSL is $5 on the Microsoft Store now :/
Hey :) If you use Windows 11, you don't need GWSL anymore.