*If you only get one fertilizer, Easy Green is the one you want. Our unique formula is comprehensive, concentrated, and easy to use. Just dose 1 pump per 10 gallons of water and watch your planted tank flourish! Try it out: **www.aquariumcoop.com/products/easy-green-all-in-one-fertilizer*
Hi do you deliver to London uk 🇬🇧 as I have to large planted tanks and may plants always seem to have a lot of melt and die off. And I can’t find a good plant fertiliser. Love 💖 your vids love 💖 from London uk 🇬🇧
amano shrimp are virtually indestructible. i found one still alive in barely any water inside a used tank i found by a road where it had been for over 3 days. i was so shocked to find it and rushed it to a spare tank where it is alive and well
Hi Irene. Like you, I like the Khulis... I got 2 Black/Chocolate Kuhli to see how they get along with my Betta. Taylor. My Betta lets them accidentally bump into him when they do their Kuhli Happy Dances. I took my tank apart to remove the Fluval Stratum under the gravel because of how it affected my water parameters. Since the Kuhli are soo fast. I ended up putting them in the Quarantine Tank alone and placing Taylor in the 1st Betta kit tank that I got which was only 1.7G until I got the larger tank re-scaped. First the Kuhli in, then put Taylor in. Taylor swam over to the Kuhli who were doing their Happy Dances and the Kuhli danced around him as if they were glad to join him again. He just hung out with them. I tell you Irene, it got me a bit teary seeing old friends be reunited. It was only a few weeks thst they were apart, and they have only been together since December... but, I really like these Black/Chocolate Kuhli. Irene, from 1980 til 2005, I have a big Gourami Tank. I was injured and gavevut away. Now, I am back having fish at 70. Once this 55G Aquarium is up and balanced, I will add a Dwarf Power Blue Gourami and one of the Yellow Gourami to this tank. They were my favorites. And, as far as Nerite Snails, I got them because of Z's recommendation in a prior video. Taylor my Betta, only since 10/27/2022 was my present to myself on my 70th birthday... so, this growing fish family will revolve around him.
I love both of their picks but im with Irene on the Kuhli Loaches. They are definitely my favorite fish and the whole reason I started in the hobby. A huge Thank You to Irene for introducing them to me a few years ago!❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
I had a very strange (you might think) tank with a Kuhli loach, a bullfrog tadpole and a fire-belly newt. At one end there was a structure of rocks with a flat rock on top, so the newt could climb out of the water. My homemade undergravel filter poured water out on the rock. It was room temperature and natural light. I fed them worms. It took three years for the tadpole to become a frog. One morning he was sitting on the rock. I let him go in the creek. I had to move, anyway. Arnie, the loach, did not survive the move. 😞 By the way, the Kuhli loaches I see these days are not very much like an eel, like Arnie was. They look more like catfish.
So fun to consider the choices of both of you! I have 1 tank, with a very stable population, so don’t expect to be purchasing more inhabitants any time soon. Darn! Think I’ll save this vid for future reference. Thanks Irene and Zenzo! Very helpful video.
Glad they mentioned how the honey gourami can bully each other. I thought they were so peaceful and so i added 3 to a 20 gallon heavily planted tank thinking theyd make a great addition but they fought each other way too often. But a single one in a tank that size with corrydora and ember tetra did great.
I've kept chili rasboras & pygmy cories, neocaridina shrimp, CPDs & Emerald Dwarf Rasbora for over 5 years. They're all currently in a heavily planted low tech 55 gallon. My chili rasboras tend to stay in the top third of the tank. The pygmy cories tend to take the bottom two thirds of the tank, regularly resting on plants. My midwater is usually filled out with the CPDs & Emerald Dwarf Rasbora. By the way, the chili rasboras are awesome to watch as they swim around the tank when in a school of over 40!
SO agree about the chilis! I've got my first school right now, and I adore them. They're not the least bit flighty/spooky. Very personable and forward little fish, and their colors are gorgeous, especially when they reach maturity. I have a gold honey gourami in one of my nano tanks with a school of ember tetras and a group of cherry and amano shrimp. She hunts shrimplets but otherwise is very peaceful.
Horned Nerite Snails, genus Clithon, are a better alternative for a snail. They eat algae at the same amounts as regular Nerites, but HNS lay very few eggs.
I dropped a narite snail under my stairs whilst moving some wood once and it was there over a month when I found it and I put it in the tank as a joke to see if it would come back to life forgot about it and then saw it later on doing laps around the tank and it's still alive today🤣
I breed Hillstream Loaches and it's somewhat of a misconception about them eating algae. Sure they will eat some off the glass. I have about 75 - 80 in a 20 long and there's pretty much algae everywhere, they rarely eat it off plants.
Fun video, couldn't pick who I agree with more, all the choices were phenom ! Love the 'Clown Goby' surprise ! I've never kept them and now the appear on my list .....way to go guys, cool video !!!
I enjoyed this video! I have Chili Rasbora and a couple honey gourami in my 30 gallon along with some CPD's and a few others. The 2 Honeys have always been together. They seem to interact ok together. They will approach each other and use their feelers, one will chase the other then it goes in the opposite direction. That doesn't last long, and they aren't nipping each other. It looks like more of a game than aggression. My chili's and CPD are outgoing.... they area always looking for me to feed them when I approach the tank. I have Nerites and gobs of cherry shrimp in the tank, as well as 9 coreys. . Everyone co-exists peacefully. I love the tank!
Might not be a popular pick but i really like cherry barbs, especially a fully matured male has some amazing colors. also the color variation is nice between the male and females
I've got a tank with emerald barbs and I love them so much! Within days they learned I was the yum bringer, and will flash and dance when I come into the room. Great fish, hope I can get mine to breed.
1:11 hahaha!!!!! that's just like me! i found that endlers were the smaller things in guppy tanks and i like them way better. i like the tiny size, form factor, but also the WAY THEY SWIM. the guppies are all waggle-waggle and i kind of don't care for watching it. tho i did just get some of both, and that's part of what i'm learning. the gupps are bright yellow though, so i had to give it a shot.
love, love, love all things Goby. I have 3 stiphodon (orange fin) gobies, and I love the heck out of them. They are never bothered by their larger, scary tank mates (I have nothing that would eat them, but most fish their size just hide at that point) They are fearless! They always look so cranky, and yet they always come up to the glass and check me out when I come by, sometimes they show off to beg for food. Great personalities for such a tiny fish.
I'd go with habrosus corys over pygmy corys for any tank over 5 gallons. They don't get much longer than the pygmaeus but they have the build of the larger cories. Nerites are great but one per unless you want eggs all over your hardscape. Nano oddballs a lot of people don't know about - Darters - great personalities and they don't need a heater. The ultimate nano goldfish substitute is the dwarf platy. If you're looking for a nano anabantid not everyone's seen before coccina complex bettas, licorice gouramis, and smaller paternal mouthbrooding bettas like channoides or antuta are a lot of fun.
Thanks to Zenzo for pointing me to this video. I asked for a collaboration between him and Irene as non-resident employees of Aquarium Co-op and viola...it was already done. Great stuff. Especially Hillstream, Khulis, Shrimp, and Honey Gourami!!
I found myself in between! Some categories agreed with Irene and others I went for Zenzo's choices. My favorite algae eater, though, is the Panda Garra. Very active and has the yellow-black stripes similar to the bumblebee goby.
My fav mid-water nano fish is the ember tetra. They're so beautiful, and they're friendly, too! I have two favorite invertebrates - nerite and mystery snails and neocaridina shrimp (all tied). Currently have one of each snail in my 20L and they're doing great! I feed a little extra for them at the bottom, and nerite also loves to scour the wood, while mystery tends more to the plants and glass.
I’ve had all these and have most of them now… except for the hatchet fish and green neons. Great picks! My favorite livebearers is variatus platy, they don’t need a heater. I used to look at them as very boring but I’ve revisited them and they have grown on me.
I acquired 3 hillstream loaches for my 55 gallon tank a year ago and they are awesome at eating algea. I feed them frozen blood worms every 3 days and that keeps them nice a healthy. I highly recommend them.
Girl you loach crazy!!! It’s cool, I’m glow fish crazed, even if I shouldn’t be … lol Pristella are just so peaceful and I love the green and purple… I love the natural ones too, they are very peaceful, great for a meditation room.
This was such a fun video to watch, I really enjoyed the more free form, back and forth format. Amano shrimp were my first ever shrimp, itching to keep them again at one point. There are so many fish on this video I'd really like to try though!
Zenzo you should do a video with fish tank review next I also love these duet videos I saw girl talks fish on there before but I think that would be a great video as well
Nice tag team you got going there. For small tanks, my algae eater of choice would be Otocinclus. Peaceful, small, quietly goes about its business, hard to beat.
Love my blue axelrodi rasbora and ruby tetras in my 20 long. The ruby tetras have such a unique personality, while the blue axelrodis just give that nice blue pop with a little red
You have a rarity tank. You should make a video highlighting it, cause a lot of us fishkeepers will not find these fish to buy-so we can only enjoy them if you share them with us. You'd have my sub if you did.
Loved the style of this video. What kind of food would you recommend for the Pygmy Corys? I've read that you need to put a piece of cuttle bone in your tank with Nerite snails. They need the calcium for their shells, or they'll get white patches on their shells where it starts to thin and deteriate.
I've probably watched this video 3 times. And since am quarantining 8 zebra danios, 5 glowfish corydoras (i would pick the expensive ones😂🙄 & finding them isn't as easy) and said if i found a pleco that won't be the size of a football or larger I'd get one, so I did. He'll be adult size 4 inches and go into one of my larger guppy tanks post quarantine. *QUESTION* I know corydora like to be in groups of same type so no mix and match, with the glow ones is it safe to assume if i found them in other colors, mine are all orange, would they still form that cory group bond? - this is me totally over thinking, but then again I wasn't sure. I saw they had a sign for a green one but it must have sold, would love some color in my glow tank despite the bad reputation they are alive and deserve to be homed in a good environment.
if they are all the same species then glofish cories of different types and regular aeneus cories can all be kept together. all are aeneus cories and communicate the same. regardless of if they are bronze, albino, longfin, albino longfin, glofish etc. if they are separate species like pandas and sterbai then they will socialize but not be as outgoing
When it comes to the repashy there’s more than one. And never been to sure which ones to use for which fish. I tried the soilent green is a big one fish love. But that’s all I own. How do they differ on diet preferences?
Paused @4:00 to say I hope something I have is in this video, I have orange/gold and orange/platinum koi guppies, Chilli rasboras, green neons and glowlight neon tetras sparkling gouramis and khuli loaches with breeding populations then 4 young L010a red whiptails that have yet to succeed in breeding and remnants of a few other schools 1 gold and 3 black neon tetras 5 cories 3 gold Lazer 2 sterbai and 2 dwarf ottocinculus had a bully in the tank and didn't realize
Great video. Sadly, my Honey is currently suffering from dropsy. I have read they have pretty poor genetics. I'm not sure what I'll be replacing him with...
Not for long. In my experience, once the pea puffer one year, they have murdered everything in my tank. They are not called murder beans for nothing! They are also a shoaling fish. They need to be kept in groups of 6 or more. So, minimum a 20 gallon. All of my peas ate my shrimp, even my amanos 😔 But I love them.
How many nano fish can I put in a ten gallon? I want to do a planted tank with Pygmy corydoras and possibly some shrimp. I can do both in separate tanks since I traded a 20 for a 10 so now I have two tens. Bu lt I just don’t want to have them super crowded. Also I was thinking of doing some guppies with corrydoras and maybe a few rocket fish
Thank you! Right on time but I still struggle. I have a fluval chi which isn't the best tank size plus it's vertical but I want something else than a betta or red cherries since I already have both in a 15gal. I really wanted a single honey gourami with some snails in there but I'll feel guilty to put it in such a small tank. Any recommendations..?
I have a Hillstream loach but it's been bullying my borneo sucker... Probably mistaking it for a mate?? Have isolated him now to another tank.. Probably will settle him in with some of his own kind in a pond situation
Im a KISSING GOURAMI girl myself even if they are too big for a NANO tank. I may do a tank just for a PAIR and some smaller tank mates but i have a 16 gallon bow tank and a betta in a nano tank and while im cycling my new bow tank I cant make upnmy mind what to put in it its a difficult size tank for the type of fish i like so im here looking for ideas I love your videos Ive learned so much and as I have tanks before I am really enjoying the new fish keeping tips
I got confused within the first minute, the guppies, you said 1-2 males to 2-4 females, then said "that way you have more males than females so the females get a break..." so do you want more males than females? Or more females than males? Sorry I'm just confused
He misspoke. You want to start off with more females than males because the males will constantly chase the females. So more females will spread out the chasing. If you only have one female and multiple males they would all be chasing her and she would never get any rest. You could also just get all males so you wouldn't have to deal with babies.
Amano shrimp are truly one of the best critters that an aquarist can keep. I swear, there really isn't a single downside to keeping them: - One of the hardiest shrimp species in the hobby that can handle a wide range of parameters, making them excellent for beginners wanting to get in to keeping shrimp. - They have a voracious appetite and will knock out your algae problem, provided you have enough of them of course. - Larger size and higher level of activity makes them very interesting to observe despite their subdued appearance. - Their semi-translucent body means their diet can alter their appearance. For example, regularly feeding them colorful veggies like carrots can make them look orange! - Very peaceful and get along with basically everything that isn't a potential predator. - Live upwards of 4 years when kept in a healthy aquarium. Just keep your parameters stable and they will thrive. They are in my opinion a staple for any planted aquarium, and always recommend them to newcomers in the hobby. Bonus: My nano oddball/centerpiece pick is definitely the Irrubesco Puffer (also called the Red Eye Red Tail Puffer). They're bigger than pea puffers and thus require more consideration regarding tank size and tank mates, but with the right setup they're a wonderful puffer to keep. They're quire curious and are quick to associate you with food and will come out of hiding whenever they see you (they have excellent eye sight like most puffers do). They're a prime candidate for a black water biotope setup based on their native habitat in Borneo, Indonesia. They're also easy to sex since both genders have distinct patterns from one another. I personally like how the females look, but the male pattern kinda looks like a watermelon, which is pretty fun. The only problem with this species is that they're not common, so getting your hands on one or more can be quite difficult.
Well, don't mix Nerite snails with pea puffers! Lol. I feed large pond snails to my three pea puffers and they'll munch on the large snail till it's dead! 🤷
*If you only get one fertilizer, Easy Green is the one you want. Our unique formula is comprehensive, concentrated, and easy to use. Just dose 1 pump per 10 gallons of water and watch your planted tank flourish! Try it out: **www.aquariumcoop.com/products/easy-green-all-in-one-fertilizer*
How much Easy Green for a 1.7G and a 6.6G kit tanks that I now use for Quarantine?
Hi do you deliver to London uk 🇬🇧 as I have to large planted tanks and may plants always seem to have a lot of melt and die off. And I can’t find a good plant fertiliser. Love 💖 your vids love 💖 from London uk 🇬🇧
amano shrimp are virtually indestructible. i found one still alive in barely any water inside a used tank i found by a road where it had been for over 3 days. i was so shocked to find it and rushed it to a spare tank where it is alive and well
😅😅 That's so awesome! But I'm just imagining someone panicking to save the amano and it's in the tank like, "it's cool man, I'm chillin."
@@jascemarie33 true. impressed that it survived considering that i live in the uk and the temps were under 6c
Lol that shrimp really was "chillin!"
And yet I can't keep them alive lol
@@amazingaquaticsandexotics3030I like your avatar but the lips aren't big enough
Love the callab format of this video. Having you two respond to each other and ask some questions made this video great.
I second this!!!
Thank you!😊
I really like this Irene and Zenzo duet since they both keep such different fish!
Hi Irene. Like you, I like the Khulis... I got 2 Black/Chocolate Kuhli to see how they get along with my Betta. Taylor. My Betta lets them accidentally bump into him when they do their Kuhli Happy Dances. I took my tank apart to remove the Fluval Stratum under the gravel because of how it affected my water parameters. Since the Kuhli are soo fast. I ended up putting them in the Quarantine Tank alone and placing Taylor in the 1st Betta kit tank that I got which was only 1.7G until I got the larger tank re-scaped. First the Kuhli in, then put Taylor in. Taylor swam over to the Kuhli who were doing their Happy Dances and the Kuhli danced around him as if they were glad to join him again. He just hung out with them. I tell you Irene, it got me a bit teary seeing old friends be reunited. It was only a few weeks thst they were apart, and they have only been together since December... but, I really like these Black/Chocolate Kuhli.
Irene, from 1980 til 2005, I have a big Gourami Tank. I was injured and gavevut away. Now, I am back having fish at 70.
Once this 55G Aquarium is up and balanced, I will add a Dwarf Power Blue Gourami and one of the Yellow Gourami to this tank. They were my favorites.
And, as far as Nerite Snails, I got them because of Z's recommendation in a prior video.
Taylor my Betta, only since 10/27/2022 was my present to myself on my 70th birthday... so, this growing fish family will revolve around him.
I love both of their picks but im with Irene on the Kuhli Loaches. They are definitely my favorite fish and the whole reason I started in the hobby. A huge Thank You to Irene for introducing them to me a few years ago!❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
I had a very strange (you might think) tank with a Kuhli loach, a bullfrog tadpole and a fire-belly newt. At one end there was a structure of rocks with a flat rock on top, so the newt could climb out of the water. My homemade undergravel filter poured water out on the rock. It was room temperature and natural light. I fed them worms. It took three years for the tadpole to become a frog. One morning he was sitting on the rock. I let him go in the creek. I had to move, anyway. Arnie, the loach, did not survive the move. 😞 By the way, the Kuhli loaches I see these days are not very much like an eel, like Arnie was. They look more like catfish.
I really enjoyed the originality of the format of this video
So fun to consider the choices of both of you! I have 1 tank, with a very stable population, so don’t expect to be purchasing more inhabitants any time soon. Darn! Think I’ll save this vid for future reference. Thanks Irene and Zenzo! Very helpful video.
Glad they mentioned how the honey gourami can bully each other. I thought they were so peaceful and so i added 3 to a 20 gallon heavily planted tank thinking theyd make a great addition but they fought each other way too often. But a single one in a tank that size with corrydora and ember tetra did great.
I've kept chili rasboras & pygmy cories, neocaridina shrimp, CPDs & Emerald Dwarf Rasbora for over 5 years. They're all currently in a heavily planted low tech 55 gallon.
My chili rasboras tend to stay in the top third of the tank. The pygmy cories tend to take the bottom two thirds of the tank, regularly resting on plants. My midwater is usually filled out with the CPDs & Emerald Dwarf Rasbora.
By the way, the chili rasboras are awesome to watch as they swim around the tank when in a school of over 40!
Oto cats are my favorite all time. I couldn't tell you why, I just really love those fish.
SO agree about the chilis! I've got my first school right now, and I adore them. They're not the least bit flighty/spooky. Very personable and forward little fish, and their colors are gorgeous, especially when they reach maturity.
I have a gold honey gourami in one of my nano tanks with a school of ember tetras and a group of cherry and amano shrimp. She hunts shrimplets but otherwise is very peaceful.
I like the video cause you guys are on a actual live call and it’s good to hear from both of you guys, please make more videos like this.
Horned Nerite Snails, genus Clithon, are a better alternative for a snail. They eat algae at the same amounts as regular Nerites, but HNS lay very few eggs.
Ooo I'll have to try them out.
Great tip! They're next on the list. 👌
I dropped a narite snail under my stairs whilst moving some wood once and it was there over a month when I found it and I put it in the tank as a joke to see if it would come back to life forgot about it and then saw it later on doing laps around the tank and it's still alive today🤣
What a fun video. Hearing Zenzo and Irene share their favorites in each category was so very interesting. Great choices from both!
I breed Hillstream Loaches and it's somewhat of a misconception about them eating algae. Sure they will eat some off the glass. I have about 75 - 80 in a 20 long and there's pretty much algae everywhere, they rarely eat it off plants.
@user-su9gp3bu3j I'm replying
Fun video, couldn't pick who I agree with more, all the choices were phenom ! Love the 'Clown Goby' surprise ! I've never kept them and now the appear on my list .....way to go guys, cool video !!!
Really like this back and forth format. Both did a great job not rambling and having a lot of fluff. Great dynamic.
I enjoyed this video! I have Chili Rasbora and a couple honey gourami in my 30 gallon along with some CPD's and a few others. The 2 Honeys have always been together. They seem to interact ok together. They will approach each other and use their feelers, one will chase the other then it goes in the opposite direction. That doesn't last long, and they aren't nipping each other. It looks like more of a game than aggression. My chili's and CPD are outgoing.... they area always looking for me to feed them when I approach the tank. I have Nerites and gobs of cherry shrimp in the tank, as well as 9 coreys. . Everyone co-exists peacefully. I love the tank!
Might not be a popular pick but i really like cherry barbs, especially a fully matured male has some amazing colors. also the color variation is nice between the male and females
Why do you say it is not a popular pick? I see plenty of them for sale here in Sweden so here they are popular!
I've got a tank with emerald barbs and I love them so much! Within days they learned I was the yum bringer, and will flash and dance when I come into the room. Great fish, hope I can get mine to breed.
1:11 hahaha!!!!! that's just like me! i found that endlers were the smaller things in guppy tanks and i like them way better. i like the tiny size, form factor, but also the WAY THEY SWIM. the guppies are all waggle-waggle and i kind of don't care for watching it. tho i did just get some of both, and that's part of what i'm learning. the gupps are bright yellow though, so i had to give it a shot.
love, love, love all things Goby. I have 3 stiphodon (orange fin) gobies, and I love the heck out of them. They are never bothered by their larger, scary tank mates (I have nothing that would eat them, but most fish their size just hide at that point) They are fearless! They always look so cranky, and yet they always come up to the glass and check me out when I come by, sometimes they show off to beg for food. Great personalities for such a tiny fish.
I'd go with habrosus corys over pygmy corys for any tank over 5 gallons. They don't get much longer than the pygmaeus but they have the build of the larger cories.
Nerites are great but one per unless you want eggs all over your hardscape.
Nano oddballs a lot of people don't know about - Darters - great personalities and they don't need a heater.
The ultimate nano goldfish substitute is the dwarf platy.
If you're looking for a nano anabantid not everyone's seen before coccina complex bettas, licorice gouramis, and smaller paternal mouthbrooding bettas like channoides or antuta are a lot of fun.
You guys do such a great job. Thank you!
Thanks to Zenzo for pointing me to this video. I asked for a collaboration between him and Irene as non-resident employees of Aquarium Co-op and viola...it was already done. Great stuff. Especially Hillstream, Khulis, Shrimp, and Honey Gourami!!
I found myself in between! Some categories agreed with Irene and others I went for Zenzo's choices.
My favorite algae eater, though, is the Panda Garra. Very active and has the yellow-black stripes similar to the bumblebee goby.
Good stuff...! Keep it up and go enjoy some nature today...!
My fav mid-water nano fish is the ember tetra. They're so beautiful, and they're friendly, too! I have two favorite invertebrates - nerite and mystery snails and neocaridina shrimp (all tied). Currently have one of each snail in my 20L and they're doing great! I feed a little extra for them at the bottom, and nerite also loves to scour the wood, while mystery tends more to the plants and glass.
I love nano aquariums, mine are so fun to watch esp because I don't have the space for a big one. Love your channel too it's v helpful
So much information. Thank you for sharing them.
I’ve had all these and have most of them now… except for the hatchet fish and green neons. Great picks! My favorite livebearers is variatus platy, they don’t need a heater. I used to look at them as very boring but I’ve revisited them and they have grown on me.
they also make good control for staghorn algae
This was a great video!!!
Those bumble bee goby's look sweet!
Awesome collaboration video. You should definitely do more🎉
I acquired 3 hillstream loaches for my 55 gallon tank a year ago and they are awesome at eating algea. I feed them frozen blood worms every 3 days and that keeps them nice a healthy. I highly recommend them.
Girl you loach crazy!!! It’s cool, I’m glow fish crazed, even if I shouldn’t be … lol Pristella are just so peaceful and I love the green and purple… I love the natural ones too, they are very peaceful, great for a meditation room.
Great video! Very interesting!
Good video format
I have 2 pands goby's, they get up to 3 in ,mso a bit bigger . 16:08 they get along with every fish . I thjnk i need q1 0r 3 more . A😂nd shrimp
This was such a fun video to watch, I really enjoyed the more free form, back and forth format. Amano shrimp were my first ever shrimp, itching to keep them again at one point. There are so many fish on this video I'd really like to try though!
They're all sweet choices!
Zenzo you should do a video with fish tank review next I also love these duet videos I saw girl talks fish on there before but I think that would be a great video as well
@user-su9gp3bu3j Thank you so much ☺️
Love me some Bumble Bee Gobys. Right on w the Chilies taking time! also make sure they are Chilies, been sold Phoenix Rasboras a couple of times.
neon green rasbora , borneo sucker, ember tetra, white wizard snail, black khuli loach , dwarf pencil fish
Great list
You Guys are a great team! Thank You ❤👃
Great talk. Thanks to both of you.
I absolutely love pea puffers hands down in my top five fish
I wouldn't say that I agreed or disagreed with either, but I was pretty spot-on on guessing what Zenzo and Irene would choose.
Great video I love both of y'all's opinions thanks for sharing
Loved this video! I got some great ideas for my aquarium!
Good vid, I haven't heard of rosy loaches before.
YOU Both are GREAT !
Nice tag team you got going there. For small tanks, my algae eater of choice would be Otocinclus. Peaceful, small, quietly goes about its business, hard to beat.
I’ve never had green neon tetras as a school but I’ve gotten a few on accident over the years in schools of regular neons
Great video and information
Love my blue axelrodi rasbora and ruby tetras in my 20 long. The ruby tetras have such a unique personality, while the blue axelrodis just give that nice blue pop with a little red
You have a rarity tank. You should make a video highlighting it, cause a lot of us fishkeepers will not find these fish to buy-so we can only enjoy them if you share them with us. You'd have my sub if you did.
platinum ricefish are a really cool top dwelling fish !!
Loved the style of this video. What kind of food would you recommend for the Pygmy Corys? I've read that you need to put a piece of cuttle bone in your tank with Nerite snails. They need the calcium for their shells, or they'll get white patches on their shells where it starts to thin and deteriate.
I wish I could find a place to buy marble hatchet fish They look so cool!!!
Love my Betta female. She's gorgeous, curious - always in patrol mode, and bold.
My favorite nano bottom dweller is the Asian Stone Mini Catfish!!
Great list you two
Could I keep red cherry shrimp chili rasboras two nerite snails and one male honey gourami together in my twenty gallon fish tank?
I've probably watched this video 3 times. And since am quarantining 8 zebra danios, 5 glowfish corydoras (i would pick the expensive ones😂🙄 & finding them isn't as easy) and said if i found a pleco that won't be the size of a football or larger I'd get one, so I did. He'll be adult size 4 inches and go into one of my larger guppy tanks post quarantine.
*QUESTION* I know corydora like to be in groups of same type so no mix and match, with the glow ones is it safe to assume if i found them in other colors, mine are all orange, would they still form that cory group bond? - this is me totally over thinking, but then again I wasn't sure. I saw they had a sign for a green one but it must have sold, would love some color in my glow tank despite the bad reputation they are alive and deserve to be homed in a good environment.
if they are all the same species then glofish cories of different types and regular aeneus cories can all be kept together. all are aeneus cories and communicate the same. regardless of if they are bronze, albino, longfin, albino longfin, glofish etc. if they are separate species like pandas and sterbai then they will socialize but not be as outgoing
@@amazingaquaticsandexotics3030 thank you for your reply. I appreciate it. I went into over annalise mode.
🙋🏽♀️ Question- where can I purchase the package of those blood worms 🪱? Thanks
What about CPDs?
Great video!
When it comes to the repashy there’s more than one. And never been to sure which ones to use for which fish. I tried the soilent green is a big one fish love. But that’s all I own. How do they differ on diet preferences?
Paused @4:00 to say I hope something I have is in this video, I have orange/gold and orange/platinum koi guppies, Chilli rasboras, green neons and glowlight neon tetras sparkling gouramis and khuli loaches with breeding populations then 4 young L010a red whiptails that have yet to succeed in breeding and remnants of a few other schools 1 gold and 3 black neon tetras 5 cories 3 gold Lazer 2 sterbai and 2 dwarf ottocinculus had a bully in the tank and didn't realize
Have shrimp in a salt setup as we can't get freshwater tropical shrimp in NZ
Great video. Sadly, my Honey is currently suffering from dropsy. I have read they have pretty poor genetics. I'm not sure what I'll be replacing him with...
Fun-tasic stuff....... So naturally i have to keep them all.
I prefer the borneo loach rather than the hillstream loach just because they have a bit of blue in their fins
ember tetras! in my experience they stay so small, not even an inch. beautiful color against the green in planted tanks
Can you keep big Amano shrimp together with dwarf pufferfish? Thanks for a great video 😊😊😊
Not for long. In my experience, once the pea puffer one year, they have murdered everything in my tank. They are not called murder beans for nothing! They are also a shoaling fish. They need to be kept in groups of 6 or more. So, minimum a 20 gallon. All of my peas ate my shrimp, even my amanos 😔 But I love them.
How many nano fish can I put in a ten gallon? I want to do a planted tank with Pygmy corydoras and possibly some shrimp. I can do both in separate tanks since I traded a 20 for a 10 so now I have two tens. Bu lt I just don’t want to have them super crowded. Also I was thinking of doing some guppies with corrydoras and maybe a few rocket fish
Where can I get hillstream loaches? I live near New York City and I can’t find any anywhere
I missed the type of fish Irene mentioned in the first segment about live bearers. What did she say?
Need a list of dwarf noodle like fishes.
Like kuhil loach
Big fan of scarlet badis probably my favorite nano fish
I want to keep a pea puffer fish on my tank, please suggest me the tank mates could survive since I read they eat many other nano fishes.
i love hillstream loaches, but i think they need 30 gallons at minimum
Thank you! Right on time but I still struggle. I have a fluval chi which isn't the best tank size plus it's vertical but I want something else than a betta or red cherries since I already have both in a 15gal. I really wanted a single honey gourami with some snails in there but I'll feel guilty to put it in such a small tank. Any recommendations..?
Considering the weird dimensions imo the best thing is probably a betta or make it a shrimp tank.
Is it just me or does that hatchet at 0:20 look like it has a bad case of velvet
I have a Hillstream loach but it's been bullying my borneo sucker... Probably mistaking it for a mate?? Have isolated him now to another tank.. Probably will settle him in with some of his own kind in a pond situation
I have 12 chili rasboras and they all hide behind the java moss I have in the tank. Had them about 6 months
Can anyone anywhere understand what she is saying at 1:09 ?
"Endlers live bearers"
sparkling gourami is the definitive peak nano fish
Will angle fish eat the shrimp?
Im a KISSING GOURAMI girl myself even if they are too big for a NANO tank. I may do a tank just for a PAIR and some smaller tank mates but i have a 16 gallon bow tank and a betta in a nano tank and while im cycling my new bow tank I cant make upnmy mind what to put in it its a difficult size tank for the type of fish i like so im here looking for ideas I love your videos Ive learned so much and as I have tanks before I am really enjoying the new fish keeping tips
I’m so sad shrimp are banned where I live 😢
I got confused within the first minute, the guppies, you said 1-2 males to 2-4 females, then said "that way you have more males than females so the females get a break..." so do you want more males than females? Or more females than males? Sorry I'm just confused
He misspoke. You want to start off with more females than males because the males will constantly chase the females. So more females will spread out the chasing. If you only have one female and multiple males they would all be chasing her and she would never get any rest.
You could also just get all males so you wouldn't have to deal with babies.
Guppies for life
I every time I click a video like this I think I hit the wrong video…still not used to tazawa tanks doing these
His maths needs work 😂 or he mixed m/f in the statement
Amano shrimp are truly one of the best critters that an aquarist can keep. I swear, there really isn't a single downside to keeping them:
- One of the hardiest shrimp species in the hobby that can handle a wide range of parameters, making them excellent for beginners wanting to get in to keeping shrimp.
- They have a voracious appetite and will knock out your algae problem, provided you have enough of them of course.
- Larger size and higher level of activity makes them very interesting to observe despite their subdued appearance.
- Their semi-translucent body means their diet can alter their appearance. For example, regularly feeding them colorful veggies like carrots can make them look orange!
- Very peaceful and get along with basically everything that isn't a potential predator.
- Live upwards of 4 years when kept in a healthy aquarium. Just keep your parameters stable and they will thrive.
They are in my opinion a staple for any planted aquarium, and always recommend them to newcomers in the hobby.
Bonus: My nano oddball/centerpiece pick is definitely the Irrubesco Puffer (also called the Red Eye Red Tail Puffer). They're bigger than pea puffers and thus require more consideration regarding tank size and tank mates, but with the right setup they're a wonderful puffer to keep. They're quire curious and are quick to associate you with food and will come out of hiding whenever they see you (they have excellent eye sight like most puffers do). They're a prime candidate for a black water biotope setup based on their native habitat in Borneo, Indonesia. They're also easy to sex since both genders have distinct patterns from one another. I personally like how the females look, but the male pattern kinda looks like a watermelon, which is pretty fun. The only problem with this species is that they're not common, so getting your hands on one or more can be quite difficult.
They are so different in terms of what they keep lol
Well, don't mix Nerite snails with pea puffers! Lol. I feed large pond snails to my three pea puffers and they'll munch on the large snail till it's dead! 🤷
Would appreciate the names of the fish so I don't miss the name but know how to spell it . Thank you