BLUF: Social Security is a benefit justifiably earned by hard working-tax paying citizens! It IS NOT Congress' slush fund!!! We demand that Congress find a way to replenish Social Security without increasing taxes!
I am disabled after a stroke, and I will be 62 soon and have paid into the system for more than 43 years in the medical field as a nurse. I have to fight for disability benefits, though I can not work right now and I am unsure if I can ever work again. In the process, I may (God Forbid) lose everything I (over worked) for and earned through (Great sacrifice of My health) all these years. The American Dream has not been The American Dream for American Citizens for 1/2 a century or longer. We The People need to stand up to this ruthless and apatheic government and demand " Our Monies" they so greedily took out of Our paychecks every payperiod/paycheck. The government is suppose to work for US, not US work for them. Career politicians have stolen Our Monies for Our Retirement and would rather We die and live in poverty and squalor before giving US a dime of the monies they were suppose to put aside ( a seperate tax for workers) for Our retirement.
Sorry you are going through this. There is a trust fund of social security money that will fund itself but does run out in 5-10 years at the rate people are retiring vs those who pay into the system. So the money is sitting there in a trust for you to collect. Your issue is with so many people trying to get disability fraudulently that they have a ton of red tape to get through before bens are approved. It’s not a politician that this holding you up. It’s the Social Security Administration itself. It’s horribly understaffed etc. Hang in there, I hope you get approved soon
I worked 30 years and can't afford to eat or pay electricity every other thing wtf anyone else worked there ass off and watch PEOPLE that never worked make more than us that worked wtf
I'm disabled and was forced on SSI too, my income is $896 a month, and my rent is $915 My rent to income ratio this year was 102%, they are raising it to 107%. SSI penalized me for trying to work to pay my bills. I've been saying I'd love a reality show where politicians and celebrities live in a house and have to pay bills on my income. I'm glad I'm not the only one
this is a lyiing/ frauding demon crat/marxist spewing fake lying virtue "fairness act" when THEY steal from everything for everything AGAINST AMERICANS, and the names they use for their "acts" are always the reverse of what they are/ say!.
20 years ago, I was a private assistant to a very wealthy couple. I would deposit their SSI checks in the office petty cash account. that was about $3,600 a month. and it barely covered the office liquor supply. No one with hundreds of millions of dollars needs SSI, but, if one day they need it, the money should be available to them..
My aunt worked in the cafeteria for about 4-5 years and only has 9k in her retirement. She is living off of 850 a month SS and they freaking held her check when my uncle died because she made a little too much that year as a “widow”. She is afraid to even take out the 9k even monthly because they will stop the small amount she is getting. Don’t worry I took her to Sam’s club and told her to get what she needs. This is not just about teachers, this is about hard working Americans who are really struggling right now. We have to face it our government has been come so bloated it is ineffective.
I would love to have this! I was a Postal Service Employee for 33 years worked in outside the Government before and After retirement I get $887 a month in SS because of WEP
Thank you, Rep Abigail Spanberger, for your relentless tenacity to get this bill to where it is today. Let's hope Schumer and/or McConnell don't squash it in the Senate.
Had the GOV not passed laws allowing them to dip into the SS fund as loans (which are never paid back), we'd all retire with the benifits rightly owed.....
In 1935, FDR had surplus SS funds invested in government bonds because they were the safest place. And Congress could use some cash. Now it's all a big stink about money being stolen from SS and never being paid back. And it's being paid.
They say it's going to cost Billions, well how many Billions did they save over the last 40 years that should have been paid out to people that earned it.
If someone qualifies for Social Security, they shouldn't have it reduced by 2/3 ONLY because they also have a pension (which they worked for as well.) This bill corrects a wrong that has been in place too long. I've contributed a ton to Social Security in the private sector and have the required quarters, but I also qualify for a state pension and my SS should be paid to me according to the same rules as everyone else because I paid into it as required.
Get our money back from Ukraine and the crooked politicians who have been stealing from us for years, you know like Gold Bar Bob, Mitch the old turtle,Scankley Peelose, and all the rest and stop giving it to BlackRock and those companies, and stop sending money to the red Chinese.
little news flash for all the tens of millions of ex government employees, at every level starting at the local level. All direct taxation is unconstitutional, income, property, school, inheritance, these are all unconstitutional and I no longer pay any of it and as more people wake up none of us will. We are not paying for your retirement not now not ever. Everybody moves into the social security system, politicians, teachers, all public employees. Private sector employees no longer have pensions.
Social security is based on the average highest 35 wage years (adjusted for inflation). A person who works 20 years in social security and 15 years in public pension gets 15 ZERO years averaged into their social security payment value. The penalty is already there. Getting another pension that the employee and employer contributed double or triple the amount they would into social security isn’t a windfall anymore than a company putting money into an employee’s 401k (those contributions are not taxed for Social Security). IF the WEP remains, then to be fair, people getting 401k contributions from their employers should also be penalized for their windfall.
I've been working since I was 15 years old. My parents instilled a work-ethic that was second to none. I served in the Nat'l Guard, I have been a public school teacher for 32 years - and will be retiring soon. There are thousand, millions of Americans just like me. SS is not your slush fund. Do the right thing!
Thank you for standing up for hardworking citizens who have paid into this system. A job to put food on the table isn't a "windfall" just because it's a government job.
This affects my sister and sister in law who worked at Catholic and public schools, my brother in law who worked as an accountant in private and government jobs, my x wife who worked back and forth between sectors. If my wife dies before me I will be denied $35000!in survivor benefits annually because I worked in Treasury, Defence and Energy departments serving my country.
I support this ammendment, I have worked private sector for enough years to full fill my 4 quarters and then went to work a government job, I have retired from that government job and will not be able to get any social security pension due to my retirement I receive. I was forced to have social security taken out of my paychecks and now I can't receive 1 penny when I get to social security retirement and that is theft to me. I earned it, I deserve to get a monthly pension check from my money that I put into that system.
I hope I finally get a survivor benefit from my wife’s passing. She worked in private sector for 20 years, and I worked in city govt. After she’s died after 23 yrs of marriage, I applied for a survivor benefit with social security. SSA told me that because I worked for city govt they can’t provide me with a survivor benefit. Where did the money go my wife paid into SS? I felt like I was robbed along with our kids.
My aunt is on SS and can barely afford to live on her own. Thankfully she has family to support her but she feels robbed as she’s contributed to this for her whole life and wants her own but can’t afford it comfortably.
THANK YOU to all those who SUPPORTED HR82. Previous politicians ignored the problem for years and years because quite honestly they didn't care. Now that there is the support from the majority of Representatives to fix this , the opposition comes up with "a new solution". And do you know how long their "better bill" will take to implement? Probably NEVER, as it has very little support and is therefore doomed to fail, which is EXACTLY what those who oppose H.R. 82 want. Years and years and years and years of taking money out of hard working peoples paychecks and give them nothing to crumbs at the end. What a slimy group of politicians who oppose this knowing they will screw millions of Americans for decades to come, what a bunch of scumbags.
When Elon and Vivek slash wasteful government spending, the first thing they should do with the saved money is replace all the stolen funds from the Social Security account.
Federal Employees get retirement a 401 k and Social Security and big companies usually offer a 401 K and Social Security, but most employees only receive Social Security. WHY ARE OUR taxes funding retirement and pensions? We do need to be fair and only fund a 401 K or just retirement, not both. Then it would be fair to NOT lower Social Security. But the federal employees always deserve much more than everyone else DON'T THEY!! They should stop bonuses as well as they are often a fraud.
Let's the ss ssia disability act be given more money 2,000.00 A month At least They can pay their own rent utilities and pay for their food. We won't need HUd. Food stamps And utilities assistance The money from these programs can be rerouted back into the system ❤❤❤❤ This can make progress 🙌
If congress wants to resolve the SSI problem they need to replace all the money the removed over the years from the fund to fund the short fall they created , some like $4.2 trillion !!!
They weren't robbed. Your government workers knew exactly what they agreed to gor retirement. No double dipping!! If this passes many people that did not work for the government needs to get double in their social security now. Many of government workers pesion is taxpayer funded. Unbelievable.
no, no more pensions for government employees at any level, everybody gets moved into the social security, we have tens and tens pf millions on the pension system that I for one and many others will no longer pay for with unconstitutional direct taxation (income, school, property, inheritance, these are all unconstitutional taxes).
So us veterans should be stripped of retirement pension and only given SSI? Are you going to increase our SSI to pay us what our retirement and SSI combined will pay?
Do you realize most people on pensions also paid into social security for years and never get that back? They also pay into a retirement fund which pays their pension. Want to cut government pensions? Start with congress. They only nèd to serve 2 terms and then get one for life. Another thing that has been draining is children collecting. I don't mean those that actually deserve it, but a 12 yr old with adhd gets a check every month. You also have 22-year-olds who get ss disability because they have anxiety and can't work. Though most never paid a dime in.
Blah Blah Blah. They talk and promise but never deliver. Stop paying SSI, Welfare, Migrant Welfare, out of the Social Security We The Taxpayers Paid In. Especially when they, the WORTHLESS, receive more than those of us who worked and paid in
Friend , I am not worthless , I am a disabled displaced homemaker from DV who can not currently legally drive due to my vision and my SSI is $924 a month . I remain back into D V , because to rent a room in Raleigh , N.C. , for example is $570 a month , and to QUALIFY to rent a ROOM , you have to make 3 times the rent in income . That means to leave my ab*s er , that SSI check would have to be $1710 a month . Just so you know , when I first began receiving it in 2008 , it was $724 a month , but if I lived in an assisted living at that time , the facility would receive $ 1165 a month . Do you get it ? If you are a business man you will understand that the disabled are being used to provide income for PRIVATE ENTERPRISES ! Just think of the improvement for disabled people like me , living in insane DV , shut in with no food or family , my ab*ser ( I call him White Diddy ) is trying to starve me to death in his h*m*s y xual glee , if that money went to myself ! I worked like anybody else does to support myself before I met Norman Bates and became disabled , and I have worked like a dog unpaid for years fighting hateful non performing and ab*sive cops and peadoughs , asking nothing but a place to sleep ! The area I live in is actually MORE expensive than the Capitol Raleigh , the Hispanics are all paid for , and the munny laundering c*rtels have driven up the real estate prices . Locals can't buy homes here, it is a market for Californians and New Yorkers , Durham N. C. , home of Duke U . The Churches should be doing their job , instead of entertaining junkies . I know your frustration , because one year the one I live with ( middle class ) paid $35,000 in taxes , and similar lately , and we could be helping people or ourselves with that . Have you focused on the illegality of the Federal income tax ? Get rid of it !
There is a solution, remove the program, payout everyone who contributed, let people invest their money in things they deem valuable. It is flawed because it sources from payroll taxes. If your objective is to solve economic inequality, UBI funded by a different mechanism is a much better alternative.
Time to privatize social security. Let every American that wants to set up their own private accounts that the government can not touch. You can make more money if it's yours and your investments. Give Americans a choice if you would rather the govt keep it like now, you can choose that. If you want it to be yours you can make an account and it goes into that.
How about you just leave me alone, leave my labor alone... Just let me work and make money without giving the government any of it :P Like George Washington Promised...
Instead, they don't tell US We have a choice not to participate in SS. They just tell US that if We don't pay taxes, We go to jail. Except if you have connections like A. Sharpton?
The easiest fix abolish the government pension and funds make government workers pay their back ss payments with the pension fund if that’s short they get less ss , the government allowed private pension to do a similar bailout , see it simpler and a win win you wouldn’t be seeing people being put on ss that are not paying in if the government workers depended on it.
Danger to Social Security benefits. Social Security Fairness Act of 2023 (H.B 82) cost $200 billion, would bankrupt Social Security 6 months earlier. The Equal Treatment of Public Servants Act of 2023 (H.R. 5342) cost $24 billion is fair and would not drain Social Security.
What fair treatment. Someone age 55 can come to America, work 10 years, and get an SS check for life? What about the diehard patriots/ citizens who worked 20 plus years, paid into the system every payperiod, have all their quarters, and are denied SS benefits when their body fails ( from years of being abused from being overworked). The government is suppose to be for " We The People" not for greedy politicians to squander on foreign wars, etc.
This affects my sister and sister in law who worked at Catholic and public schools, my brother in law who worked as an accountant in private and government jobs, my x wife who worked back and forth between sectors. If my wife dies before me I will be denied $35000!in survivor benefits annually because I worked in Treasury, Defence and Energy departments serving my country.
BLUF: Social Security is a benefit justifiably earned by hard working-tax paying citizens! It IS NOT Congress' slush fund!!! We demand that Congress find a way to replenish Social Security without increasing taxes!
It makes no difference now. Trump has been elected and he is cancelling SSI
@judyives1832 NO TAX ON SOCIAL SECURITY. Got it?!
It was designed by FDR to be a slush fund.
@@judyives1832 - THIS IS A LIE!!!
The government needs to pay back everything they have stolen from social security
I am disabled after a stroke, and I will be 62 soon and have paid into the system for more than 43 years in the medical field as a nurse. I have to fight for disability benefits, though I can not work right now and I am unsure if I can ever work again. In the process, I may (God Forbid) lose everything I (over worked) for and earned through (Great sacrifice of My health) all these years. The American Dream has not been The American Dream for American Citizens for 1/2 a century or longer. We The People need to stand up to this ruthless and apatheic government and demand " Our Monies" they so greedily took out of Our paychecks every payperiod/paycheck. The government is suppose to work for US, not US work for them. Career politicians have stolen Our Monies for Our Retirement and would rather We die and live in poverty and squalor before giving US a dime of the monies they were suppose to put aside ( a seperate tax for workers) for Our retirement.
Sorry you are going through this. There is a trust fund of social security money that will fund itself but does run out in 5-10 years at the rate people are retiring vs those who pay into the system. So the money is sitting there in a trust for you to collect. Your issue is with so many people trying to get disability fraudulently that they have a ton of red tape to get through before bens are approved. It’s not a politician that this holding you up. It’s the Social Security Administration itself. It’s horribly understaffed etc. Hang in there, I hope you get approved soon
I agree with her 100%.
I worked 30 years and can't afford to eat or pay electricity every other thing wtf anyone else worked there ass off and watch PEOPLE that never worked make more than us that worked wtf
Mandatory BUDGET TRAINING for all members of the House & Senate. Make deficit spending a crime!
Novel idea, the opposition party gets to decide what to cut in order to reach a balanced budget. You would 100% never see a deficit again.
I'm a disabled WV Coal miner and support a family of 4 off of $1550 a month. Let's see politicians survive off that.
I'm disabled and was forced on SSI too, my income is $896 a month, and my rent is $915
My rent to income ratio this year was 102%, they are raising it to 107%. SSI penalized me for trying to work to pay my bills.
I've been saying I'd love a reality show where politicians and celebrities live in a house and have to pay bills on my income. I'm glad I'm not the only one
Thank you so much Abigail Spanberger! We appreciate you! I am one of those Americans!
this is a lyiing/ frauding demon crat/marxist spewing fake lying virtue "fairness act" when THEY steal from everything for everything AGAINST AMERICANS, and the names they use for their "acts" are always the reverse of what they are/ say!.
They have already stole from it . What about all the people that contributed to it but died before ever being able to collect ?
Exactly my grandparents and my parents, my brother....all died before collecting what they paid in
The people who lost a spose and almost half of SS income
My brother died at 67 and was about to start collecting it. He had a special needs son who is in his late 30's .
Big FU from Biden and the Democrats
20 years ago, I was a private assistant to a very wealthy couple. I would deposit their SSI checks in the office petty cash account. that was about $3,600 a month. and it barely covered the office liquor supply. No one with hundreds of millions of dollars needs SSI, but, if one day they need it, the money should be available to them..
My aunt worked in the cafeteria for about 4-5 years and only has 9k in her retirement. She is living off of 850 a month SS and they freaking held her check when my uncle died because she made a little too much that year as a “widow”. She is afraid to even take out the 9k even monthly because they will stop the small amount she is getting. Don’t worry I took her to Sam’s club and told her to get what she needs. This is not just about teachers, this is about hard working Americans who are really struggling right now. We have to face it our government has been come so bloated it is ineffective.
dei hires in all gov't agencies.
I would love to have this! I was a Postal Service Employee for 33 years worked in outside the Government before and After retirement I get $887 a month in SS because of WEP
Thank you, Rep Abigail Spanberger, for your relentless tenacity to get this bill to where it is today. Let's hope Schumer and/or McConnell don't squash it in the Senate.
Had the GOV not passed laws allowing them to dip into the SS fund as loans (which are never paid back), we'd all retire with the benifits rightly owed.....
In 1935, FDR had surplus SS funds invested in government bonds because they were the safest place. And Congress could use some cash.
Now it's all a big stink about money being stolen from SS and never being paid back. And it's being paid.
give them full SS benefits and end taxpayer funded pensions. What percentage of nonpublic employees get a pension?
They say it's going to cost Billions, well how many Billions did they save over the last 40 years that should have been paid out to people that earned it.
Thank you 😊🙏
and I am still paying in a ridiculous amount as a self-employed individual that I will never see. The system is broken,
Thank you
Thank you Abigail!👍🙏🏻🇺🇸
Then pay them out according to what they paid in, not a flat fee determined as if they paid in for a lifetime.
If someone qualifies for Social Security, they shouldn't have it reduced by 2/3 ONLY because they also have a pension (which they worked for as well.) This bill corrects a wrong that has been in place too long. I've contributed a ton to Social Security in the private sector and have the required quarters, but I also qualify for a state pension and my SS should be paid to me according to the same rules as everyone else because I paid into it as required.
Thank you!
Thank you for your work on this Fairness Act!
Get our money back from Ukraine and the crooked politicians who have been stealing from us for years, you know like Gold Bar Bob, Mitch the old turtle,Scankley Peelose, and all the rest and stop giving it to BlackRock and those companies, and stop sending money to the red Chinese.
little news flash for all the tens of millions of ex government employees, at every level starting at the local level. All direct taxation is unconstitutional, income, property, school, inheritance, these are all unconstitutional and I no longer pay any of it and as more people wake up none of us will. We are not paying for your retirement not now not ever. Everybody moves into the social security system, politicians, teachers, all public employees. Private sector employees no longer have pensions.
Social security is based on the average highest 35 wage years (adjusted for inflation). A person who works 20 years in social security and 15 years in public pension gets 15 ZERO years averaged into their social security payment value. The penalty is already there. Getting another pension that the employee and employer contributed double or triple the amount they would into social security isn’t a windfall anymore than a company putting money into an employee’s 401k (those contributions are not taxed for Social Security). IF the WEP remains, then to be fair, people getting 401k contributions from their employers should also be penalized for their windfall.
I've been working since I was 15 years old. My parents instilled a work-ethic that was second to none. I served in the Nat'l Guard, I have been a public school teacher for 32 years - and will be retiring soon. There are thousand, millions of Americans just like me. SS is not your slush fund. Do the right thing!
Thank you for standing up for hardworking citizens who have paid into this system. A job to put food on the table isn't a "windfall" just because it's a government job.
This affects my sister and sister in law who worked at Catholic and public schools, my brother in law who worked as an accountant in private and government jobs, my x wife who worked back and forth between sectors. If my wife dies before me I will be denied $35000!in survivor benefits annually because I worked in Treasury, Defence and Energy departments serving my country.
I support this ammendment, I have worked private sector for enough years to full fill my 4 quarters and then went to work a government job, I have retired from that government job and will not be able to get any social security pension due to my retirement I receive. I was forced to have social security taken out of my paychecks and now I can't receive 1 penny when I get to social security retirement and that is theft to me. I earned it, I deserve to get a monthly pension check from my money that I put into that system.
"They" are using SSI for Reparations...........I have a headache,,,,,,$1200 a month,.........
Reparations? They're using it for illegals and funding wars
Go figure out what SSI actually is, and you may have some credibility.
I hope I finally get a survivor benefit from my wife’s passing. She worked in private sector for 20 years, and I worked in city govt. After she’s died after 23 yrs of marriage, I applied for a survivor benefit with social security. SSA told me that because I worked for city govt they can’t provide me with a survivor benefit. Where did the money go my wife paid into SS? I felt like I was robbed along with our kids.
Pitiful shame, American dream YOU SAY
My aunt is on SS and can barely afford to live on her own. Thankfully she has family to support her but she feels robbed as she’s contributed to this for her whole life and wants her own but can’t afford it comfortably.
This better be the best four years of my life.
People on social security disability are last in line for affordable housing that can't even afford to rent a room .
THANK YOU to all those who SUPPORTED HR82. Previous politicians ignored the problem for years and years because quite honestly they didn't care. Now that there is the support from the majority of Representatives to fix this , the opposition comes up with "a new solution". And do you know how long their "better bill" will take to implement? Probably NEVER, as it has very little support and is therefore doomed to fail, which is EXACTLY what those who oppose H.R. 82 want. Years and years and years and years of taking money out of hard working peoples paychecks and give them nothing to crumbs at the end. What a slimy group of politicians who oppose this knowing they will screw millions of Americans for decades to come, what a bunch of scumbags.
When Elon and Vivek slash wasteful government spending, the first thing they should do with the saved money is replace all the stolen funds from the Social Security account.
Wouldn't be an issue if they hadn't stolen from the TRUST FUND since Lyndon Johnson
I think rage rooms will be a booming business.
It might be a good investment?
Federal Employees get retirement a 401 k and Social Security and big companies usually offer a 401 K and Social Security, but most employees
only receive Social Security. WHY ARE OUR taxes funding retirement and pensions? We do need to be fair and only fund a 401 K or just retirement, not both. Then it would be fair to NOT lower Social Security. But the federal employees always deserve much more than everyone else DON'T THEY!!
They should stop bonuses as well as they are often a fraud.
Let's the ss ssia disability act be given more money 2,000.00
A month At least
They can pay their own rent utilities and pay for their food.
We won't need HUd. Food stamps
And utilities assistance
The money from these programs can be rerouted back into the system ❤❤❤❤
This can make progress 🙌
If congress wants to resolve the SSI problem they need to replace all the money the removed over the years from the fund to fund the short fall they created , some like $4.2 trillion !!!
pensions need investigations first.
Will it be retroactive?
Flat Tax!!! Flat Tax!!!! Flat Tax!!!!! Flat Tax!!!!!
No Tax, No Tax, No Tax!!!!
It sounds good, but you know the government.. they will find a way to screw us over even with that.
They weren't robbed. Your government workers knew exactly what they agreed to gor retirement. No double dipping!! If this passes many people that did not work for the government needs to get double in their social security now. Many of government workers pesion is taxpayer funded. Unbelievable.
BS this law was enacted while some of these people were working.
no, no more pensions for government employees at any level, everybody gets moved into the social security, we have tens and tens pf millions on the pension system that I for one and many others will no longer pay for with unconstitutional direct taxation (income, school, property, inheritance, these are all unconstitutional taxes).
So us veterans should be stripped of retirement pension and only given SSI? Are you going to increase our SSI to pay us what our retirement and SSI combined will pay?
Do you realize most people on pensions also paid into social security for years and never get that back? They also pay into a retirement fund which pays their pension. Want to cut government pensions? Start with congress. They only nèd to serve 2 terms and then get one for life. Another thing that has been draining is children collecting. I don't mean those that actually deserve it, but a 12 yr old with adhd gets a check every month. You also have 22-year-olds who get ss disability because they have anxiety and can't work. Though most never paid a dime in.
I want the ability to opt out of social security and it into my 401k. I dont give an f, if people are too lazy to create their financial security!
Social security came before you. It can stay and you can still have your 401k. while it crashes.
Blah Blah Blah.
They talk and promise but never deliver.
Stop paying SSI, Welfare, Migrant Welfare, out of the Social Security We The Taxpayers Paid In. Especially when they, the WORTHLESS, receive more than those of us who worked and paid in
The average social security recipient receives $1200 per month, while an ILLEGAL is given $2200 per month from the money WE THE TAXPAYERS PAID IN.
Show me some actual proof illegals are getting paid other than just tinfoil hat rants and Fox articles.
Friend , I am not worthless , I am a disabled displaced homemaker from DV who can not currently legally drive due to my vision and my SSI is $924 a month . I remain back into D V , because to rent a room in Raleigh , N.C. , for example is $570 a month , and to QUALIFY to rent a ROOM , you have to make 3 times the rent in income . That means to leave my ab*s er , that SSI check would have to be $1710 a month . Just so you know , when I first began receiving it in 2008 , it was $724 a month , but if I lived in an assisted living at that time , the facility would receive $ 1165 a month . Do you get it ? If you are a business man you will understand that the disabled are being used to provide income for PRIVATE ENTERPRISES ! Just think of the improvement for disabled people like me , living in insane DV , shut in with no food or family , my ab*ser ( I call him White Diddy ) is trying to starve me to death in his h*m*s y xual glee , if that money went to myself ! I worked like anybody else does to support myself before I met Norman Bates and became disabled , and I have worked like a dog unpaid for years fighting hateful non performing and ab*sive cops and peadoughs , asking nothing but a place to sleep ! The area I live in is actually MORE expensive than the Capitol Raleigh , the Hispanics are all paid for , and the munny laundering c*rtels have driven up the real estate prices . Locals can't buy homes here, it is a market for Californians and New Yorkers , Durham N. C. , home of Duke U . The Churches should be doing their job , instead of entertaining junkies . I know your frustration , because one year the one I live with ( middle class ) paid $35,000 in taxes , and similar lately , and we could be helping people or ourselves with that . Have you focused on the illegality of the Federal income tax ? Get rid of it !
There is a solution, remove the program, payout everyone who contributed, let people invest their money in things they deem valuable. It is flawed because it sources from payroll taxes. If your objective is to solve economic inequality, UBI funded by a different mechanism is a much better alternative.
Time to privatize social security. Let every American that wants to set up their own private accounts that the government can not touch. You can make more money if it's yours and your investments. Give Americans a choice if you would rather the govt keep it like now, you can choose that. If you want it to be yours you can make an account and it goes into that.
How about you just leave me alone, leave my labor alone... Just let me work and make money without giving the government any of it :P Like George Washington Promised...
Instead, they don't tell US We have a choice not to participate in SS. They just tell US that if We don't pay taxes, We go to jail. Except if you have connections like A. Sharpton?
The easiest fix abolish the government pension and funds make government workers pay their back ss payments with the pension fund if that’s short they get less ss , the government allowed private pension to do a similar bailout , see it simpler and a win win you wouldn’t be seeing people being put on ss that are not paying in if the government workers depended on it.
Danger to Social Security benefits.
Social Security Fairness Act of 2023 (H.B 82) cost $200 billion, would bankrupt Social Security 6 months earlier.
The Equal Treatment of Public Servants Act of 2023 (H.R. 5342) cost $24 billion is fair and would not drain Social Security.
What fair treatment. Someone age 55 can come to America, work 10 years, and get an SS check for life? What about the diehard patriots/ citizens who worked 20 plus years, paid into the system every payperiod, have all their quarters, and are denied SS benefits when their body fails ( from years of being abused from being overworked). The government is suppose to be for " We The People" not for greedy politicians to squander on foreign wars, etc.
Thank you.
This affects my sister and sister in law who worked at Catholic and public schools, my brother in law who worked as an accountant in private and government jobs, my x wife who worked back and forth between sectors. If my wife dies before me I will be denied $35000!in survivor benefits annually because I worked in Treasury, Defence and Energy departments serving my country.