I don't think the sternum tattoo guy was the a-hole. What else could he have done? He waited THIRTY MINUTES and even tried to see if a female artist could do the work instead if that would make the client more comfortable thus putting her comfort above his pay. How "patient" can someone reasonably expected to be with someone who books their time for a tattoo the KNOW will involve taking their shirt off, but then comes in and won't do that? I feel like thirty minutes is PLENTY patient.
About the sternum tattoo story... Did we read the same thing?? A girl comes in knowing she is uncomfortable with being topless in front of a man, the tattoo artist is understanding and says she can change in the bathroom and even offers tape to cover her boobs, she refuses. So the artist goes out of his way to ask his coworkers if one of them can do the tattoo and it's still not good enough for that client! If she doesn't want to get tattooed by anyone at that studio and is just standing there looking at her phone OF COURSE THEY WOULD ASK HER TO LEAVE!! What else are they supposed to do? Summon a perfect tattoo artist just for her??
I disagree about the tattoo artist. He may have put it differently, but I do see his point. She intentionally booked a sternum tattoo, so she knew she would have to bare her chest. She also knowingly booked a male tattoo artist. She had *5 whole weeks* to mentally prepare or to simply book someone else if she was too anxious about it. Instead, she showed up and wasted everyone's time. He said a half hour had already passed and she was still doing nothing but sitting there fiddling with her phone. If he started it an hour later, her time would bleed into the time of his next client too, who would have to just sit there waiting, and the same with the next. Also, he did offer her to switch to a female artist and also to come back another time with a friend to feel more at ease. I don't think he's the AH at all.
Also it looks like English is not their first language, and it's kinda bold of our host to preach about patience without taking any herself to read the story once again slowly to understand what actually happened.
But why would you come to a tattoo artist, knowing what area you’re about to get tattooed, and just sit around for half an hour wasting everyone’s time? Either the artist is leaving out a lot of info or the client needs to grow up a little bit. Sorry not sorry but don’t expect artists to waste their time and money if you’re not prepared for the piece YOU SOUGHT THEM OUT FOR
I don’t know though. As someone who has a lot of trauma surrounding sexual and nudity issues, I find that sometimes you think you can handle something, and then in the moment you just freeze and don’t see a way out of the situation, feel like you can’t even move or anything. To others it might not be that visible that you’re going through something in that moment. Maybe, if she had trauma around this, she thought she’d be okay, had already made a lot of progress, and then came to the studio and something about the artist may have reminded her of her trauma, and she froze. I think that, while it’s difficult to handle these things as the other person in the situation, the artist could have been more understanding and kind. But it’s always difficult to judge these things when we only know his side of the story…
@@eline.de.allerbeste yeah but he offered her to go to a female and in the end her trauma is not his problem. She needs to work through it on her own time 🤷♀️
@@acorbey yes, of course she needs to work through it. I’m just saying that in these situations, it’s often better not to present someone with all kinds of decisions and alternatives, but rather be understanding give them space. Then if the appointment has to be canceled, that can happen sometimes and it is what it is. If someone had a sudden relapse of a physical condition, the appointment would also need to be canceled, and the artist would likely be understanding
@@eline.de.allerbeste yes, but he waited half an hour. that IS giving her space and being patient. he has zero way of knowing this specific persons' needs, and expecting him to perfectly baby her when she set the appointment and SHE knows her limits is ridiculous. he was absolutely professional, unless we're missing a TON of info.
I hate taking my shirt off in public. But I wanted my stomach tattooed, so I made an appointment to get it done. Now obviously I knew I would have to take my shirt off. Sitting around and wasting my artists time would have accomplished nothing. Either take the shirt off or don’t schedule the tattoo with someone you’re not already comfortable. Sorry, but that artist is not the asshole. The client was. I would’ve been pissed as well; and as he said he WAS patient, even waiting 20 minutes can throw off a whole days schedule.
re: sternum tattoo person... i dunno, like. it seemed like he was doing everything he could to help her feel at ease, including offering an alternative, space, time, tape, etc. she had over a month to work out her nerves, knew what she was coming in for, knew his gender, insisted on him as an artist, and then refused to actually allow him to work. it is not a tattoo artist's job to be your therapist, and (as an artist with social anxiety/difficulty reading ppl bc of neurodivergence reasons) i'm SURE most of them are not at all equipped to be such. given the information we have, he didn't seem to be an asshole; he just didn't bend over backward to baby her through the experience.
Literally the last girl oughta get the tattoo soon so John can see how happy it makes her. Like it would be nice for him to get to see her enjoying the gift
Sternum tattoo nta he tried multiple things to try and make her comfortable but nothing was working. Also, his 1st language may not be English so that may be why the post is written that way.
people are always like "tattoos need MEANING and they have to be PERSONAL to you and you have to think about them for 34 years etc etc" and then go and say "its just a tattoo lmao" when someone is upset about someone copying their tattoo. I love people sometimes
4th story let me get this right the boyfriend called his girlfriend a "b*tch" over his dying friend being nice about giving good memories to people he cares for before he leaves......so i guess this guy is so insecure jealous and low-key just hates his "best" friend as no matter what excuses the boyfriend uses from then on he's backstabbed the trust of not just his girlfriend but of John & Lexi too by insinuating a sweet thing as toxic or disgusting in his eyes, asap couple counseling or grief therapy for boyfriend to repair the bridge he's burning or if this is the latest of a long line of similar issues you've been ignoring in the hopes he'll change break-up OP.
The one about the sternum tattoo really annoyed me actually. Just my perspective, but you can tell if someone's not ready to take their shirt off in a tattoo shop. The way I see it was actually compassionate to take the pressure of and tell her to leave so she could come back on a different day when she was 100% comfortable, or just book with a different artist
Also I think english might not be the first language of OP which potentially makes the storytelling different, less nuanced. The contextualisation beforehand with being booked also makes me think that they did not have all the time in the world to take care of this situation and could be detrimental to the potential next appointments. But again all of those are guesses
About the post of refusing service to a client - keep in mind that Reddit can be used internationally and spelling mistakes don't have to show whether or not someone is qualified to be an artist. They can slso simply be from a country that doesn't speak english as a native language. I have been insulted on that platform for my spelling several times by now - but no one ever took my offer to switch to my native language, which isn't english. That aside he is not an AH - if she won't take off the clothing covering the area she wants a tattoo on, how shall the artist do his job? Ending the stare off there doesn't make him an AH.
i don’t think the shirt removal guy thing is the asshole. If you aren’t comfortable enough to get your chest tattooed at the point it takes you 30min to take your shirt off, either prevent the artist about it before and arrive sooner to get confortable and not make the tattoo artist lose their time or just don’t get a chest tattoo at all
I have a lord of the rings memorial sleeve and would also be pissed if someone copied it or wanted the same, I lost my mum 7 years ago and she gave me the books when I was a little girl so I have loved the series for over 25 years. Tattoos can be so meaningful! I will never understand copying other peoples art!
Completely agree. That girl who wanted to use her "best friend's" art made me so angry. WTF kind of best friend would do that? It's a memorial piece for her father, it has meaning not just a love of a movie.
When I got my sternum done, in the booking email my artist specifically told me to wear a flannel so I could be covered while she worked on me. I understand being nervous about it but that's why I also specifically booked a female tattoo artist to alleviate some of the uneasiness
Omg the lovely guy wanting to pay for a tattoo as a gift omg how sweet her bf needs to get over himself. That tattoo would be the most meaningful thing ever and I hope she went and got it done regardless because she deserves to have that beautiful memorial to both her dad and her friend 🌈
The last one is literally heartbreaking. I hope she got her tattoo, what an unbelievably sweet gift from her friend.. and then for her boyfriend to turn that generosity and love into something horrible, it just makes me hurt for her.
Sternum story the tattoo artist isn't the asshole imo. Yes, you may know of tattoo artists who have a longer wait list, his time is still valuable though! One person stuffing about messes up his day/other clients time. She knew he was a male tattoo artist, she knew where she wanted the tattoo and what that would entail. Had months to work out something with him, to make her feel more comfortable on the day of. He still did his best to make her feel comfortable and she wasn't seeming to value his time at all, stuffing around on her phone.
that last one made me realize... a lot of these posts seem to expose super controlling partners. makes me wonder how there was no red flag beforehand up until getting a tattoo. my fiance has told me straight up that it's my body and i can get as many tattoos as i want. but i already knew that's what his reaction would be because i know him and i know he respects my bodily autonomy. very odd relationships out there! makes me super grateful to have found my partner. everyone deserves to be treated with respect in their relationship.
Same. It really makes me wonder if couples ever talk to each other. I found a post the other day about a couple who had been together for 3-5 years and finally got married. Only to find out after marriage that one wanted kids and the other doesn’t. There was another story I heard about an elderly couple who had been married for 40 years and the wife didn’t know what the husband did for a living. She had no clue. Just that he would get up, go to work, and come home Like, how? How do you never bring that up? Like ur life goals, ur boundaries, marriage, kids, career, etc. I‘m so confused
@@kri_cal that's wild. yeah i guess some people just... don't communicate well at all or something? doesn't make any sense to me personally. the kids one especially is a big oof. that's like THE major thing you should talk about before marriage. makes me wonder if these people even know each other at all.
The last one hit so close to home for me that I actually commented on her post. I've been with a guy who forbid me from buying my own food, his rationale being that "men should provide". People like that are self-centered control freaks and tbh it makes me question how good a friend Rob actually is, given how readily he agreed to a gift.
The sternum story isn’t the asshole. A client comes in and expects to get a sternum tattoo without removing her top, not compromising and wasting time. The artist had full right to kick her out, the client is the asshole 100%.
The last story was so heartbreaking. That boyfriend doesn't deserve a friend like John and he definitely doesn't deserve the girlfriend he has. He's so insecure, it's laughable. He should be grateful, that his best friend is doing such a kind thing for his girlfriend. It's pathetic.
Sternum tattoo~ I book tattoo appointments and am so excited for those weeks/ months leading up to the tattoo. However, the moment I'm in front of the shop or studio, my social anxiety skyrockets. So I can understand if someone unexpectedly is uncomfortable in this situation. Plus, was the customer dealing with some issues previously and was mistakenly thinking they were ready for something like this? While I don't think anyone should be blamed when dealing with what happens to their body, the artist too has their livelihood to think about. Someone working through an unexpected problem with a customer and thinking fast may sacrifice a polite or sensitive tone. Part of the job, id imagine, is to get the client comfortable. However, if he wasn't able to do that and she felt she couldn't move forward in any way, is he supposed to wait all day until she's ready? Sounds like a bad time for all but it's hard for me to blame either one. Yes he needs to work on his people skills, but in the moment, as sucky as it is (did she travel to get the tattoo? Take a day off work to schedule it?) , I probably would've just left on my own. If I'm still not feeling comfortable after meeting/speaking with the artist and seeing how the environment is, taking your shirt off certainly isn't going to make it any easier. Don't waste the artist's time or put yourself at further discomfort.
I think waiting a certain % of the tattoo booking makes sense, and she should pay for the wait time. If it was a quick tattoo he did what he could, but if it was a big one he could have waited a bit longer. I don't think either of them were assholes though, I imagine the woman didn't know ahead of time how she's react and communicating in those instances is hard, but the artist can only do so much before they're just losing money. It's nice the artist will have them back too.
That last guy is insecure as hell and super controlling. I would advise her to find someone who didn't try to order her around, especially just because he's so easily emasculated by someone else being kind. Also, I had the community going on 29 again! Edit the video again, get rid of that 33 business! 😂
She wanted something cute and didn't think about what is involved. I would wonder how much other tattooing that girl has, especially the style. I have my theories on those.
I've never had a sternum tattoo, but wouldn't she have been able to wear a button up shirt and just unbuttoned the shirt so he could tattoo her chest, her breast could have just remained covered then. I'm not sure whether that would be too close to the tattoo though...
Yes, I arrived early! The first one seems terrible to me, the friend wanting to steal the design! why he doesn't make his own, or ask a tattoo artist 🤷🏽♀️. And the last one... The boyfriend treats the girl like a thing, horrible. Ps. the room looks amazing 💜✨
I had brain cancer at age 20, I'm now 25. I love tattoos, I have 10 so far. I plan to get my late dog's paw print next month for my cancerversary. I've gifted tattoo gift receipts so that last one is totally not on her. That was THEIR decision so I think that's so sweet of him!
I understand needing to be patient as a tattoo artist - but as a client it’s important to not waste the artist’s time. It’s very disrespectful in my opinion. They typically plan their schedule according to certain times and clients etc and for her to sit around and be on her phone? It’s a tattoo appointment you know what you’re there for. I think the client is wrong.
There's so little context in the one about the sternum tattoo, but I feel like in that situation I would have frozen if I felt uncomfortable with the artists. I don't understand why she was waiting around if she was uncomfortable, but maybe she didn't feel able to leave either? It reminded me of when I got my back tattoo and the artist made comments about me "not needing to cover up" or "I wouldn't mind if I saw something" and it was weird, but I got the tattoo anyway with my cardigan on backwards.
The problem is that when she told her to leave and come back when she felt more comfortable, she got upset and complained to his boss. I understand not being confident enough to ask to cancel mid appointment, but she should have understood that he couldn't wait forever if she clearly wasn't getting ready
If you know you're getting a tattoo that requires you to take off some of your clothing you have to be okay with taking off your clothing before you even book it. If you're uncomfortable with a male/female artist touching you or seeing you without that article of clothing than why book them in the first place? It's like purposely wasting someone's time that they could spend on someone else and make money. There's plenty of very welcoming and coddling shops for people these days so if you need that book one of them. My uncle passed away at the beginning of last year from cancer and before he passed he spent a bunch of money on his friend's buying them an RV to live in, a new mattress, and a nice laptop. He was one of the nicest people ever and it's hard since he's gone. On mother's day after he passed I went to a shop and got a memorial piece that I drew of a the first fish he caught when he moved to Alaska
The sternum tattoo AITA story. I agree about being as patient as possible with the customer, make them as comfortable as possible. 30 minutes is a long time, however I agree with you, with the not knowing about her situation, not knowing why it's taking long, whether it's a deep routed issue for her. I thought the artist after pausing the video, come across as someone trying to help. Getting her to change in a more secure place, offering up a female artist to make her feel more comfortable. I do imagine that it can be difficult to feel exposed and uncomfortable. So offering up a female artist was a nice gesture, plus if the artist says she can do the design, no problem. My thoughts are if the customer was willing to, pay the artist a little more for the waited time, as time is money for an artist. Sending her away, I can see the other side as well, I bet the artist would push the deposit across for another day, give her a little time. I know I suffer with body dysmophia, so I get very anxious. To the point I'm doing weights as I have a month until my bicep tattoo.. we all deal with it differently. I have had my exposed butt and been fully topless at times, as much as I suffer and internally hyperventilate... I just have to trust. I never want to use too much of the artist's time.
I had a sternum tattoo done and my male friend did the tattoo. I was definitely a little uncomfortable at first, he was very respectful and taped my shirt down to keep me covered after a few minutes it was getting in the way so I choose to just un tape it and go boobies out. 😅he was willing to keep working around the taped shirt but it was getting in the way for sure. I understand being nervous…. But he waited thirty minutes and waiting longer than that the artist is losing so much money. They typically earn 150 an hour so waiting much past 30 minutes takes 150$ away from that artist. Sounds like he went above and beyond to make her comfortable and she just wasn’t prepared. If she booked 5 weeks out she had lots of time to prepare get a button down and find a way to expose her sternum and keep her boobs covered. I don’t think he’s the AH
I really don’t think the tattoo artist guy was an a-hole. As a girl who is uncomfortable with guys doing my medical stuff/ tattoos if it’s somewhere like under my shirt, I would never book a guy for that. I would also not reject the offer for a female and then stand there on my phone lol like what did she expect to happen. I agree that he could’ve talked to her about it and been like “What do you need me to do to make you comfortable?” but why didn’t she say anything? She just stood there on her phone 💀
I feel like there’s been a misunderstanding between you and the written post… And as I can see, many people in the comments agree with me. Some of the context is probably easier to understand when you realise the post’s writer probably is not a native English speaker
entertaining as always! some of these people are... interesting 😳 oh: anti-glare spray is available that can be applied to glass if you're feeling crafty and still want your art under glass. cheers!
Unless he does some serious growing up and sincerely apologizes I guess? He might also be acting out his grief of being about to lose his friend, some people act really weird when they don't know how to handle their feelings. Either way, he needs to apologize and change, or get in the bin.
I'm very weird about my chest area because I am trans. So naturally I am not going to book an appointment for an area that a) I don't want to show to anyone and also b) is undergoing major surgery as soon as insurance lets me. Instead, I'm getting my limbs tattooed first so I can keep my binder on. I feel the artist did what he could here, the client wasn't ready and underestimated her body image problems.
The sternum tattoo guy is not the asshole, I disagree. I understand it can be tough to take your top off, but going in for a sternum tattoo you should know you have to take your top off. I don't want to assume anything about the client, and I'm fully aware there could be a multitude of reasons why she would be nervous to take her top off, but she booked a sternum tattoo 5 weeks in advance, that's a lot of time to mentally prepare yourself / cancel if you can't. Just sitting in the tattoo studio won't help to be honest. I get taking a couple minutes, but sitting there for upwards of half an hour is gonna eat up a ton of time and possibly eat into the next clients appointment. I don't think that makes him the asshole for saying "come back a different day when you're more comfortable"
The last one made me so mad! Imagine your dying friend gift you your memorial tattoo and your asshole boyfriend make it about him and his insecurities?! He sounded very offensive btw
Huh, just realised that YT had unsubscribed me. The Lord of the rings tattoo, I sadly think there was a point she could have handled it better, but it's too late now, when the friend said she wanted to get it as a matching tatt, understandably OP seems to have reacted from an emotional place and flat out said no. If she'd not been on the spot she could have said "I'm flattered our friendship means a lot that you want to get matching tattoos, but this tattoo is very special to me h is a memorial for my dad. Perhaps we can design a friendship tattoo together for after I get this one." Unfortunately, she now seems unreasonable and friends that are getting the story from Sam are likely only getting half the story because they think nite just a tattoo, where really it's a memorial piece, and no one wants to share one of those with a friend, unless you are sharing the same grief for the person who passed (like a mutual bff). Absolutely NTA, but maybe could have handled it a different way and saved herself from unnecessary drama. - I'm afraid I disagree about the Sternum tattoo artist. It seems like the OPs 1st language might not be English, and thatxs why it all seems quite abrupt in the description of what happened. He first offered the girl the opportunity to change in the bathroom and use tape, then he offered a female coworker to do it, it sounds like she still hadn't made any move to even try and get ready. As he says she was still just stood looking at him and occasionally fiddling with her phone. On the face of it, it sounds like she just wasn't ready to get do that with a male tattooist, even after 5 weeks to get herself psyched up or arrange to bring a friend. He gave her half an hour and it wasn't like she was hiding in the bathroom trying to figure out what to do with the tape or something, she still hadn't even headed to the bathroom. He could have had more patience, but where do you draw the line? 45 mins, an hour, 2 hours? On the one hand, yes, that tattooist should be making you feel comfortable, it sounds like in his own way he tried, but not everyone has great social skills or are particularly empathic (he could have his own anxieties or even be neurodivergent). And it sounds likenhe did all he knew to do, it also sounds like he was feeling uncomfortable after 30 minutes of it, and his comfort matters here too. And honestly, he's not a therapist to try and guess at what's going on, and it's not his job to read her mind. It didn't sound like she made _any_ effort to communicate with him beyond just not wanting the female coworker to do the tattoo. She could have said "Hey, I know I'm being difficult, but could your coworker help me get situated or sit in with us while things get started, because I'm super nervous". She clearly wouldn't explain to him what was going on. If the coworker seems to think he could have been more patient, then why didn't she help? Ok, so the client said she didn't want her to do that tattoo, but just that he asked her he had to have explained the situation to the coworker, so why didn't she offer to talk to her or make suggestions to him? I just don't know what he's supposed to do at that point, and clearly neither did he. Perhaps he could have suggested she get the tattoo elsewhere, but if she was set one style, then likely she was set on the location too. It honestly sounded like he may have done her a favour because if she was that unsure that after 30 minutes she still couldn't get herself psyched up for it, then either she didn't really want the tattoo or she didn't want it from him. And I'd be worried that if she did then get in place to start that she might suddenly decide to stop & that she wasn't ready after he'd already started. She wasn't coming across as someone who just needed five more minutes to build up to getting undressed. Or that if he just said the magic word she would be fine. Nope, she either was never gonna psyche up for it or there was something else going on. And that is likely just my suspicious mind, but I have to wonder if something else is going on here. Because she knew she would have to expose her chest, at least partially, for a sternum tattoo why didn't she bring someone with her? Or talk to him about what was wrong, etc. As I said, I have a suspicious mind, and I have to wonder if what she was actually planning was to set him up for a complaint of being inappropriate, but hadn't bargained on their being female coworkers, or she got cold feet. NTA imo. Client either has issues she needs to work through before getting her tattoo or she was upto something. I don'tvhave tattoos, but I got my nipple pierced when I was 25, I was very self conscious and have very little history of intimacy and also am a survivor of SA. But I knew I was signing up for a nipple piercing and to get that I needed to take my top & bra off. I also knew that it would be a waste of time... both his, mine, and my friend who'd driven me there if I just stood around like a daft sausage. In that situation there really is only one delay to actually make it happen, and that's to just do it. It doesn't get done by standing there for 30 minutes, all that happens then is you get more nervous and also embarrassed for feeling like you're being daft. - The last one was so sad but also sweet, what a lovely friend to spend his money making memories with friends, and thennhis BEST FRIEND, his ride or die, who was happy enough to take his money for a custom build computer, has to bring disgusting accusations and jealousy into it. Like dud, that's your BFF, who is dying, and he knows that your girlfriend really wanted her memorial tattoo for her dad. Like, it couldn't be less sexual. Jfc he needs therapy or something. Part of me thinks OP should run from Rob as fast as possible. But I worry that she might lose her friendship with John and Lexi, as they might feel they have to pick a side... and of course John & Rob are BFF's so he's either gonna side with Rob or he'll side with OP and Rob will lose his BFF before he even dies...leaving him resenting & hating OP even more than he already seems to, because tonhim itxd just "prove he was right" or some bs. And I agree, the "no one should pay for your tattoos other than you or me" sounds a lot like branding & control. Thing is, can therapy even help someone with that outlook? Sounds like he needs to watch less Andrew Tate! OP is definitely NTA, Rob is though.
for that first one I don't think a flat-out "no" was a bad answer. If your friend doesn't accept a simple no, especially about something this personal, are they really your friend? You shouldn't have to explain yourself when you're not giving consent and stating a boundary. If you constantly compromise to please the other, then they won't know your boundaries.
The parents in the 2nd story should really stop being messy. Their petty bullshit shouldn't negatively affect the child's relationship with all members of the family.
Every time I watch your videos it makes me want to try a treacle tart for the first time, and I never have. Gotta see if Boston has any places that sell a good one. Also your hair is so beautiful, I'm jealous. Your look is on point
On the Lord of the rings post, up until she said that this was something she's been thinking about for a while as a tribute to her dad. I was like YTA, but that alone the fact that it is a tribute tattoo I'm going to say NTA
Idk, i wanted a chest tattoo. I got there had a button down and a front close bra, no pasties. Dude was like sorry no shirt has to go and i later saw why cause it was a medium piece. He offered a privacy screen which was appreciated but was silly since everyone kept looking over to see (other artists) Thankfully i feel comfy around men so being on a table as a large person bra tapped on and shirtless. 😂 i knew he was gonna be in my face but damn. He had to lean in hard core gave me warnings etc. IF your female and have anxiety its better to maybe get an artist who has a private suite or is female or offer privacy screen~
Re: sternum tattoo I’m also surprised by how many people are siding with the artist - I feel like it’s abundantly clear they’re leaving a LOT of details out of the post. But what we do have is them trying to pawn off their client on coworkers and the other people in the studio agreeing they were being an asshole. My money is on either a complete lack of communication with the client or being overly aggressive with directions.
The first post sounds like the artist is not a native English speaker. He didn't explain anything except giving boob tape. He did say that he asked about a female artist but he didn't say he asked what the issue. He said she was just staring at him. So for 30 minutes they just stared at each other? When I had a sternum tattoo, higher up between my breasts, they took me into a back room. There's also nothing wrong with keeping a pop up screen in your shop
I really hope that boyfriend leaves her over that tattoo because he would be doing her a favor. Maybe he thinks Jon should be spending more money on him too. And yeah, the misogyny is far too much on top of it all
The tattoo artist post sounds like the artist doesn't speak english as their first language, hence why there is so many spelling mistakes and pronouns errors. Not that surprising if they are from some nordic country or from japan for example.
I felt like the tattoo artist who kicked the client out left so much info out. Did he set up barrier screen? Was he insisting she remove her bra? Cos I just got my sternum tattooed and the artist assured me that I could keep my bra on and I did. And we were only people in shop. So many things they could have done to make the client more comfortable.
If she was just standing there, after being given several options, there’s literally nothing else he could do but kick her out. Lauren you need to re read. He did those thing you said. He communicated. She didn’t. If clients don’t owe their artists anything, then neither do the artists owe clients.
Just for the record, some languages are very odd about gender. French, for example, uses the same words for "his", "her" and "its". It would be very normal for a French-speaking person to come up with a sentence like "He removed her shirt" when they mean "He removed his [own] shirt".
The 1st story is so simple : she litteraly spent years on that design (and even if she didn't spent that much time on it) AND it is memorial tattoo so just no, it is moooooore than logical and legitimate to refuse having it match with someone, even without the memorial aspect of it, it is her design. And even if it was a design from the tattoo artist, it's more than acceptable to not want to have it match with someone and in that context 100% more.. people are so dumb
John wants to be remembered he’s doing stuff for those he damned well loves do it remember the man and how kind loving he was take John with you to get it
It's possible that the boyfriend in the last one is afraid of the tattoo being a constant reminder of his friend. That would be something some people just wouldn't want to say so they come up with and excuse. If it really is only the another man buying her something big, yeah, he's an arsehat on that. If it's insecurity that maybe he's can't currently afford either to provide this for her, less of an arse, but still bad.
Do you know any good tattoo studios that are good in the Dallas cowboy stadium area/city of Texas I’m interested in possibly getting a tattoo when I visit family at the end of February 23
I’m going to be the devils advocate but with the last one, I almost wonder if he’s grasping at straws. Because he’s saying “it’s permanent” i almost wonder if he’s struggling with the idea of having a permanent reminder of one of his close friends on her not because he’s a guy but because he’s dying. When I lost my dad I got a copy of the tattoo he designed on my back, because I wanted his tattoo to still be in the world. I know that for some of my family, it was and still can be hard for them to see because it reminds them that he’s not here.
I know this is not a recent video, but I feel like the guy that kicked the client out is leaving a lot of information out. If another artist who was present calls him an a-hole, I would trust that judgement. I somehow get the feeling that he might have been very rude and/or creepy towards her. That would explain why she booked him knowing he’s a man for that area and was ok with it but had trouble going through with it after meeting him. Also the way he wrote this seems like a rant of a person searching for validation after doing something wrong.
Honestly if you come in having booked a sternum tattoo by a male artist you should know that you can’t keep your shirt on. He seemed very patient as well, both offering her tape and asked if she would be more comfortable with a female artist. He is not the asshole.
Even though the friend of the LOTR memorial tattoo girl was in the wrong for wanting to copy her design, she as a person rubbed me the wrong way. Maybe an unpopular opinion, but I´ve never understood why people who "don´t really like tattoos" still want to get one specific tattoo. I get that it´s a memorial piece, but surely there are other ways of honoring your dead loved one than getting involved in an art form you don´t actually like or respect? I feel like that would lead to the person being super critical of any tiny perceived flaws in the tattoo, it sounds like a recipe for unhappiness and laser removal.
I want a twilight tattoo because it was my childhood and teenhood wethood 😂😂💅😂 sooooo not all tattoos are SUPER meaningful becuz all twilight taught me was my sexuality … bisexual 😂😂😂❤
I don’t agree with the situation tattoo artist. If you go to get a sternum tattoo you should be prepared to topless with just boob tape. As the artist said if she does feel comfortable book with a female. I feel once you get to the studio you need to get over it. That’s just how I feel
I don't think the sternum tattoo guy was the a-hole. What else could he have done? He waited THIRTY MINUTES and even tried to see if a female artist could do the work instead if that would make the client more comfortable thus putting her comfort above his pay. How "patient" can someone reasonably expected to be with someone who books their time for a tattoo the KNOW will involve taking their shirt off, but then comes in and won't do that? I feel like thirty minutes is PLENTY patient.
About the sternum tattoo story... Did we read the same thing??
A girl comes in knowing she is uncomfortable with being topless in front of a man, the tattoo artist is understanding and says she can change in the bathroom and even offers tape to cover her boobs, she refuses.
So the artist goes out of his way to ask his coworkers if one of them can do the tattoo and it's still not good enough for that client!
If she doesn't want to get tattooed by anyone at that studio and is just standing there looking at her phone OF COURSE THEY WOULD ASK HER TO LEAVE!!
What else are they supposed to do? Summon a perfect tattoo artist just for her??
That is exactly what I was thinking!!!
Also, she had 5 weeks to prepare for it, it's not like it caught her by surprise and didn't know beforehand or anything.
agreed, he was absolutely not the asshole in that situation at ALL. it's not a tattoo artist's job to be your therapist.
I agree
She didn’t refuse, it just took her some time
I disagree about the tattoo artist. He may have put it differently, but I do see his point. She intentionally booked a sternum tattoo, so she knew she would have to bare her chest. She also knowingly booked a male tattoo artist. She had *5 whole weeks* to mentally prepare or to simply book someone else if she was too anxious about it. Instead, she showed up and wasted everyone's time. He said a half hour had already passed and she was still doing nothing but sitting there fiddling with her phone. If he started it an hour later, her time would bleed into the time of his next client too, who would have to just sit there waiting, and the same with the next.
Also, he did offer her to switch to a female artist and also to come back another time with a friend to feel more at ease. I don't think he's the AH at all.
Also it looks like English is not their first language, and it's kinda bold of our host to preach about patience without taking any herself to read the story once again slowly to understand what actually happened.
But why would you come to a tattoo artist, knowing what area you’re about to get tattooed, and just sit around for half an hour wasting everyone’s time? Either the artist is leaving out a lot of info or the client needs to grow up a little bit. Sorry not sorry but don’t expect artists to waste their time and money if you’re not prepared for the piece YOU SOUGHT THEM OUT FOR
My thoughts exactly
I don’t know though. As someone who has a lot of trauma surrounding sexual and nudity issues, I find that sometimes you think you can handle something, and then in the moment you just freeze and don’t see a way out of the situation, feel like you can’t even move or anything. To others it might not be that visible that you’re going through something in that moment. Maybe, if she had trauma around this, she thought she’d be okay, had already made a lot of progress, and then came to the studio and something about the artist may have reminded her of her trauma, and she froze. I think that, while it’s difficult to handle these things as the other person in the situation, the artist could have been more understanding and kind. But it’s always difficult to judge these things when we only know his side of the story…
@@eline.de.allerbeste yeah but he offered her to go to a female and in the end her trauma is not his problem. She needs to work through it on her own time 🤷♀️
@@acorbey yes, of course she needs to work through it. I’m just saying that in these situations, it’s often better not to present someone with all kinds of decisions and alternatives, but rather be understanding give them space. Then if the appointment has to be canceled, that can happen sometimes and it is what it is. If someone had a sudden relapse of a physical condition, the appointment would also need to be canceled, and the artist would likely be understanding
@@eline.de.allerbeste yes, but he waited half an hour. that IS giving her space and being patient. he has zero way of knowing this specific persons' needs, and expecting him to perfectly baby her when she set the appointment and SHE knows her limits is ridiculous. he was absolutely professional, unless we're missing a TON of info.
I hate taking my shirt off in public. But I wanted my stomach tattooed, so I made an appointment to get it done. Now obviously I knew I would have to take my shirt off. Sitting around and wasting my artists time would have accomplished nothing. Either take the shirt off or don’t schedule the tattoo with someone you’re not already comfortable. Sorry, but that artist is not the asshole. The client was. I would’ve been pissed as well; and as he said he WAS patient, even waiting 20 minutes can throw off a whole days schedule.
re: sternum tattoo person... i dunno, like. it seemed like he was doing everything he could to help her feel at ease, including offering an alternative, space, time, tape, etc. she had over a month to work out her nerves, knew what she was coming in for, knew his gender, insisted on him as an artist, and then refused to actually allow him to work. it is not a tattoo artist's job to be your therapist, and (as an artist with social anxiety/difficulty reading ppl bc of neurodivergence reasons) i'm SURE most of them are not at all equipped to be such. given the information we have, he didn't seem to be an asshole; he just didn't bend over backward to baby her through the experience.
Literally the last girl oughta get the tattoo soon so John can see how happy it makes her. Like it would be nice for him to get to see her enjoying the gift
Sternum tattoo nta he tried multiple things to try and make her comfortable but nothing was working. Also, his 1st language may not be English so that may be why the post is written that way.
people are always like "tattoos need MEANING and they have to be PERSONAL to you and you have to think about them for 34 years etc etc" and then go and say "its just a tattoo lmao" when someone is upset about someone copying their tattoo. I love people sometimes
“What does that even mean?”
“It’s provocative, it gets the people _going_ “
4th story let me get this right the boyfriend called his girlfriend a "b*tch" over his dying friend being nice about giving good memories to people he cares for before he leaves......so i guess this guy is so insecure jealous and low-key just hates his "best" friend as no matter what excuses the boyfriend uses from then on he's backstabbed the trust of not just his girlfriend but of John & Lexi too by insinuating a sweet thing as toxic or disgusting in his eyes, asap couple counseling or grief therapy for boyfriend to repair the bridge he's burning or if this is the latest of a long line of similar issues you've been ignoring in the hopes he'll change break-up OP.
The one about the sternum tattoo really annoyed me actually. Just my perspective, but you can tell if someone's not ready to take their shirt off in a tattoo shop. The way I see it was actually compassionate to take the pressure of and tell her to leave so she could come back on a different day when she was 100% comfortable, or just book with a different artist
Also I think english might not be the first language of OP which potentially makes the storytelling different, less nuanced. The contextualisation beforehand with being booked also makes me think that they did not have all the time in the world to take care of this situation and could be detrimental to the potential next appointments.
But again all of those are guesses
Yeah I just think the way they went about it want so great
About the post of refusing service to a client - keep in mind that Reddit can be used internationally and spelling mistakes don't have to show whether or not someone is qualified to be an artist. They can slso simply be from a country that doesn't speak english as a native language. I have been insulted on that platform for my spelling several times by now - but no one ever took my offer to switch to my native language, which isn't english.
That aside he is not an AH - if she won't take off the clothing covering the area she wants a tattoo on, how shall the artist do his job? Ending the stare off there doesn't make him an AH.
i don’t think the shirt removal guy thing is the asshole. If you aren’t comfortable enough to get your chest tattooed at the point it takes you 30min to take your shirt off, either prevent the artist about it before and arrive sooner to get confortable and not make the tattoo artist lose their time or just don’t get a chest tattoo at all
I have a lord of the rings memorial sleeve and would also be pissed if someone copied it or wanted the same, I lost my mum 7 years ago and she gave me the books when I was a little girl so I have loved the series for over 25 years. Tattoos can be so meaningful! I will never understand copying other peoples art!
Completely agree. That girl who wanted to use her "best friend's" art made me so angry. WTF kind of best friend would do that? It's a memorial piece for her father, it has meaning not just a love of a movie.
Right, like it's fine if you also want a lotr tattoo, but don't steal their design!
When I got my sternum done, in the booking email my artist specifically told me to wear a flannel so I could be covered while she worked on me. I understand being nervous about it but that's why I also specifically booked a female tattoo artist to alleviate some of the uneasiness
Omg the lovely guy wanting to pay for a tattoo as a gift omg how sweet her bf needs to get over himself. That tattoo would be the most meaningful thing ever and I hope she went and got it done regardless because she deserves to have that beautiful memorial to both her dad and her friend 🌈
The last one is literally heartbreaking. I hope she got her tattoo, what an unbelievably sweet gift from her friend.. and then for her boyfriend to turn that generosity and love into something horrible, it just makes me hurt for her.
Sternum story the tattoo artist isn't the asshole imo. Yes, you may know of tattoo artists who have a longer wait list, his time is still valuable though! One person stuffing about messes up his day/other clients time. She knew he was a male tattoo artist, she knew where she wanted the tattoo and what that would entail. Had months to work out something with him, to make her feel more comfortable on the day of. He still did his best to make her feel comfortable and she wasn't seeming to value his time at all, stuffing around on her phone.
that last one made me realize... a lot of these posts seem to expose super controlling partners. makes me wonder how there was no red flag beforehand up until getting a tattoo. my fiance has told me straight up that it's my body and i can get as many tattoos as i want. but i already knew that's what his reaction would be because i know him and i know he respects my bodily autonomy. very odd relationships out there! makes me super grateful to have found my partner. everyone deserves to be treated with respect in their relationship.
Same. It really makes me wonder if couples ever talk to each other. I found a post the other day about a couple who had been together for 3-5 years and finally got married. Only to find out after marriage that one wanted kids and the other doesn’t.
There was another story I heard about an elderly couple who had been married for 40 years and the wife didn’t know what the husband did for a living. She had no clue. Just that he would get up, go to work, and come home
Like, how? How do you never bring that up? Like ur life goals, ur boundaries, marriage, kids, career, etc. I‘m so confused
@@kri_cal that's wild. yeah i guess some people just... don't communicate well at all or something? doesn't make any sense to me personally. the kids one especially is a big oof. that's like THE major thing you should talk about before marriage. makes me wonder if these people even know each other at all.
The last one hit so close to home for me that I actually commented on her post. I've been with a guy who forbid me from buying my own food, his rationale being that "men should provide". People like that are self-centered control freaks and tbh it makes me question how good a friend Rob actually is, given how readily he agreed to a gift.
The sternum story isn’t the asshole. A client comes in and expects to get a sternum tattoo without removing her top, not compromising and wasting time. The artist had full right to kick her out, the client is the asshole 100%.
The last story was so heartbreaking. That boyfriend doesn't deserve a friend like John and he definitely doesn't deserve the girlfriend he has. He's so insecure, it's laughable. He should be grateful, that his best friend is doing such a kind thing for his girlfriend. It's pathetic.
Sternum tattoo~ I book tattoo appointments and am so excited for those weeks/ months leading up to the tattoo. However, the moment I'm in front of the shop or studio, my social anxiety skyrockets. So I can understand if someone unexpectedly is uncomfortable in this situation. Plus, was the customer dealing with some issues previously and was mistakenly thinking they were ready for something like this? While I don't think anyone should be blamed when dealing with what happens to their body, the artist too has their livelihood to think about. Someone working through an unexpected problem with a customer and thinking fast may sacrifice a polite or sensitive tone. Part of the job, id imagine, is to get the client comfortable. However, if he wasn't able to do that and she felt she couldn't move forward in any way, is he supposed to wait all day until she's ready? Sounds like a bad time for all but it's hard for me to blame either one. Yes he needs to work on his people skills, but in the moment, as sucky as it is (did she travel to get the tattoo? Take a day off work to schedule it?) , I probably would've just left on my own. If I'm still not feeling comfortable after meeting/speaking with the artist and seeing how the environment is, taking your shirt off certainly isn't going to make it any easier. Don't waste the artist's time or put yourself at further discomfort.
Best take so far in the comment section
I think waiting a certain % of the tattoo booking makes sense, and she should pay for the wait time. If it was a quick tattoo he did what he could, but if it was a big one he could have waited a bit longer. I don't think either of them were assholes though, I imagine the woman didn't know ahead of time how she's react and communicating in those instances is hard, but the artist can only do so much before they're just losing money. It's nice the artist will have them back too.
That last guy is insecure as hell and super controlling. I would advise her to find someone who didn't try to order her around, especially just because he's so easily emasculated by someone else being kind.
Also, I had the community going on 29 again! Edit the video again, get rid of that 33 business! 😂
Why is the last one's boyfriend getting jealous about his dying best friend? He's freakin' dying!
But they scheduled for a sternum tattoo, did they think they would be able to get tattooed through their clothes?
She wanted something cute and didn't think about what is involved. I would wonder how much other tattooing that girl has, especially the style. I have my theories on those.
@@deltasaves isn't that reading too much into It?
I've never had a sternum tattoo, but wouldn't she have been able to wear a button up shirt and just unbuttoned the shirt so he could tattoo her chest, her breast could have just remained covered then. I'm not sure whether that would be too close to the tattoo though...
Yes, I arrived early! The first one seems terrible to me, the friend wanting to steal the design! why he doesn't make his own, or ask a tattoo artist 🤷🏽♀️. And the last one... The boyfriend treats the girl like a thing, horrible. Ps. the room looks amazing 💜✨
I had brain cancer at age 20, I'm now 25. I love tattoos, I have 10 so far. I plan to get my late dog's paw print next month for my cancerversary. I've gifted tattoo gift receipts so that last one is totally not on her. That was THEIR decision so I think that's so sweet of him!
I understand needing to be patient as a tattoo artist - but as a client it’s important to not waste the artist’s time. It’s very disrespectful in my opinion. They typically plan their schedule according to certain times and clients etc and for her to sit around and be on her phone? It’s a tattoo appointment you know what you’re there for. I think the client is wrong.
Could you read some of the comments as well? Sometimes the OP answers questions and give more clarity and context about the posts
There's so little context in the one about the sternum tattoo, but I feel like in that situation I would have frozen if I felt uncomfortable with the artists. I don't understand why she was waiting around if she was uncomfortable, but maybe she didn't feel able to leave either? It reminded me of when I got my back tattoo and the artist made comments about me "not needing to cover up" or "I wouldn't mind if I saw something" and it was weird, but I got the tattoo anyway with my cardigan on backwards.
The problem is that when she told her to leave and come back when she felt more comfortable, she got upset and complained to his boss. I understand not being confident enough to ask to cancel mid appointment, but she should have understood that he couldn't wait forever if she clearly wasn't getting ready
I'm getting my first tattoo in maybe 2 weeks and I'm so nervous so I'm binging your tattoo videosss
Ah how exciting 🥳
If you know you're getting a tattoo that requires you to take off some of your clothing you have to be okay with taking off your clothing before you even book it. If you're uncomfortable with a male/female artist touching you or seeing you without that article of clothing than why book them in the first place? It's like purposely wasting someone's time that they could spend on someone else and make money. There's plenty of very welcoming and coddling shops for people these days so if you need that book one of them. My uncle passed away at the beginning of last year from cancer and before he passed he spent a bunch of money on his friend's buying them an RV to live in, a new mattress, and a nice laptop. He was one of the nicest people ever and it's hard since he's gone. On mother's day after he passed I went to a shop and got a memorial piece that I drew of a the first fish he caught when he moved to Alaska
The sternum tattoo AITA story. I agree about being as patient as possible with the customer, make them as comfortable as possible. 30 minutes is a long time, however I agree with you, with the not knowing about her situation, not knowing why it's taking long, whether it's a deep routed issue for her. I thought the artist after pausing the video, come across as someone trying to help. Getting her to change in a more secure place, offering up a female artist to make her feel more comfortable. I do imagine that it can be difficult to feel exposed and uncomfortable. So offering up a female artist was a nice gesture, plus if the artist says she can do the design, no problem. My thoughts are if the customer was willing to, pay the artist a little more for the waited time, as time is money for an artist. Sending her away, I can see the other side as well, I bet the artist would push the deposit across for another day, give her a little time. I know I suffer with body dysmophia, so I get very anxious. To the point I'm doing weights as I have a month until my bicep tattoo.. we all deal with it differently. I have had my exposed butt and been fully topless at times, as much as I suffer and internally hyperventilate... I just have to trust. I never want to use too much of the artist's time.
I had a sternum tattoo done and my male friend did the tattoo. I was definitely a little uncomfortable at first, he was very respectful and taped my shirt down to keep me covered after a few minutes it was getting in the way so I choose to just un tape it and go boobies out. 😅he was willing to keep working around the taped shirt but it was getting in the way for sure. I understand being nervous…. But he waited thirty minutes and waiting longer than that the artist is losing so much money. They typically earn 150 an hour so waiting much past 30 minutes takes 150$ away from that artist. Sounds like he went above and beyond to make her comfortable and she just wasn’t prepared. If she booked 5 weeks out she had lots of time to prepare get a button down and find a way to expose her sternum and keep her boobs covered. I don’t think he’s the AH
Love love love the gallery wall/art gallery/tattoo studio vibe x
I really don’t think the tattoo artist guy was an a-hole. As a girl who is uncomfortable with guys doing my medical stuff/ tattoos if it’s somewhere like under my shirt, I would never book a guy for that. I would also not reject the offer for a female and then stand there on my phone lol like what did she expect to happen. I agree that he could’ve talked to her about it and been like “What do you need me to do to make you comfortable?” but why didn’t she say anything? She just stood there on her phone 💀
I feel like there’s been a misunderstanding between you and the written post… And as I can see, many people in the comments agree with me. Some of the context is probably easier to understand when you realise the post’s writer probably is not a native English speaker
entertaining as always! some of these people are... interesting 😳 oh: anti-glare spray is available that can be applied to glass if you're feeling crafty and still want your art under glass. cheers!
Rob needs to go 💯 OP gets to keep her friendship with Lexie and the memory of John, but Rob needs to not be in the picture.
Unless he does some serious growing up and sincerely apologizes I guess? He might also be acting out his grief of being about to lose his friend, some people act really weird when they don't know how to handle their feelings. Either way, he needs to apologize and change, or get in the bin.
OMG, that last one - GIRL - throw the whole man away :U
I disagree on the sternum one. It's not the artists fault at all.
I'm very weird about my chest area because I am trans. So naturally I am not going to book an appointment for an area that a) I don't want to show to anyone and also b) is undergoing major surgery as soon as insurance lets me. Instead, I'm getting my limbs tattooed first so I can keep my binder on. I feel the artist did what he could here, the client wasn't ready and underestimated her body image problems.
The room looks amazing!
Tysm 🥹❤️
The sternum tattoo guy is not the asshole, I disagree. I understand it can be tough to take your top off, but going in for a sternum tattoo you should know you have to take your top off. I don't want to assume anything about the client, and I'm fully aware there could be a multitude of reasons why she would be nervous to take her top off, but she booked a sternum tattoo 5 weeks in advance, that's a lot of time to mentally prepare yourself / cancel if you can't. Just sitting in the tattoo studio won't help to be honest. I get taking a couple minutes, but sitting there for upwards of half an hour is gonna eat up a ton of time and possibly eat into the next clients appointment. I don't think that makes him the asshole for saying "come back a different day when you're more comfortable"
The last one made me so mad! Imagine your dying friend gift you your memorial tattoo and your asshole boyfriend make it about him and his insecurities?! He sounded very offensive btw
Huh, just realised that YT had unsubscribed me.
The Lord of the rings tattoo, I sadly think there was a point she could have handled it better, but it's too late now, when the friend said she wanted to get it as a matching tatt, understandably OP seems to have reacted from an emotional place and flat out said no. If she'd not been on the spot she could have said "I'm flattered our friendship means a lot that you want to get matching tattoos, but this tattoo is very special to me h is a memorial for my dad. Perhaps we can design a friendship tattoo together for after I get this one." Unfortunately, she now seems unreasonable and friends that are getting the story from Sam are likely only getting half the story because they think nite just a tattoo, where really it's a memorial piece, and no one wants to share one of those with a friend, unless you are sharing the same grief for the person who passed (like a mutual bff). Absolutely NTA, but maybe could have handled it a different way and saved herself from unnecessary drama.
I'm afraid I disagree about the Sternum tattoo artist. It seems like the OPs 1st language might not be English, and thatxs why it all seems quite abrupt in the description of what happened. He first offered the girl the opportunity to change in the bathroom and use tape, then he offered a female coworker to do it, it sounds like she still hadn't made any move to even try and get ready. As he says she was still just stood looking at him and occasionally fiddling with her phone. On the face of it, it sounds like she just wasn't ready to get do that with a male tattooist, even after 5 weeks to get herself psyched up or arrange to bring a friend. He gave her half an hour and it wasn't like she was hiding in the bathroom trying to figure out what to do with the tape or something, she still hadn't even headed to the bathroom.
He could have had more patience, but where do you draw the line? 45 mins, an hour, 2 hours? On the one hand, yes, that tattooist should be making you feel comfortable, it sounds like in his own way he tried, but not everyone has great social skills or are particularly empathic (he could have his own anxieties or even be neurodivergent). And it sounds likenhe did all he knew to do, it also sounds like he was feeling uncomfortable after 30 minutes of it, and his comfort matters here too. And honestly, he's not a therapist to try and guess at what's going on, and it's not his job to read her mind.
It didn't sound like she made _any_ effort to communicate with him beyond just not wanting the female coworker to do the tattoo. She could have said "Hey, I know I'm being difficult, but could your coworker help me get situated or sit in with us while things get started, because I'm super nervous". She clearly wouldn't explain to him what was going on. If the coworker seems to think he could have been more patient, then why didn't she help? Ok, so the client said she didn't want her to do that tattoo, but just that he asked her he had to have explained the situation to the coworker, so why didn't she offer to talk to her or make suggestions to him?
I just don't know what he's supposed to do at that point, and clearly neither did he. Perhaps he could have suggested she get the tattoo elsewhere, but if she was set one style, then likely she was set on the location too. It honestly sounded like he may have done her a favour because if she was that unsure that after 30 minutes she still couldn't get herself psyched up for it, then either she didn't really want the tattoo or she didn't want it from him. And I'd be worried that if she did then get in place to start that she might suddenly decide to stop & that she wasn't ready after he'd already started. She wasn't coming across as someone who just needed five more minutes to build up to getting undressed. Or that if he just said the magic word she would be fine. Nope, she either was never gonna psyche up for it or there was something else going on.
And that is likely just my suspicious mind, but I have to wonder if something else is going on here. Because she knew she would have to expose her chest, at least partially, for a sternum tattoo why didn't she bring someone with her? Or talk to him about what was wrong, etc. As I said, I have a suspicious mind, and I have to wonder if what she was actually planning was to set him up for a complaint of being inappropriate, but hadn't bargained on their being female coworkers, or she got cold feet. NTA imo. Client either has issues she needs to work through before getting her tattoo or she was upto something.
I don'tvhave tattoos, but I got my nipple pierced when I was 25, I was very self conscious and have very little history of intimacy and also am a survivor of SA. But I knew I was signing up for a nipple piercing and to get that I needed to take my top & bra off. I also knew that it would be a waste of time... both his, mine, and my friend who'd driven me there if I just stood around like a daft sausage. In that situation there really is only one delay to actually make it happen, and that's to just do it. It doesn't get done by standing there for 30 minutes, all that happens then is you get more nervous and also embarrassed for feeling like you're being daft.
The last one was so sad but also sweet, what a lovely friend to spend his money making memories with friends, and thennhis BEST FRIEND, his ride or die, who was happy enough to take his money for a custom build computer, has to bring disgusting accusations and jealousy into it. Like dud, that's your BFF, who is dying, and he knows that your girlfriend really wanted her memorial tattoo for her dad. Like, it couldn't be less sexual. Jfc he needs therapy or something.
Part of me thinks OP should run from Rob as fast as possible. But I worry that she might lose her friendship with John and Lexi, as they might feel they have to pick a side... and of course John & Rob are BFF's so he's either gonna side with Rob or he'll side with OP and Rob will lose his BFF before he even dies...leaving him resenting & hating OP even more than he already seems to, because tonhim itxd just "prove he was right" or some bs. And I agree, the "no one should pay for your tattoos other than you or me" sounds a lot like branding & control. Thing is, can therapy even help someone with that outlook? Sounds like he needs to watch less Andrew Tate! OP is definitely NTA, Rob is though.
for that first one I don't think a flat-out "no" was a bad answer. If your friend doesn't accept a simple no, especially about something this personal, are they really your friend? You shouldn't have to explain yourself when you're not giving consent and stating a boundary. If you constantly compromise to please the other, then they won't know your boundaries.
The parents in the 2nd story should really stop being messy. Their petty bullshit shouldn't negatively affect the child's relationship with all members of the family.
If I was the girl in the last story I would LEAVE! No time for toxic bf's 😤
Damn, I feel like the Rob boyfriend is projecting something... The friend and his girlfriend sound so sweet.
The 2 lights over your shoulder make it look like there is a creature staring at the camera and I love it
I'm so early. I'm so excited for another aita video they are some of my favorite, right under your tattoo etiquette series. Also happy late birthday 🥳
Thank you 😃🥳
Have you considered decorating for easter/spring? I recommend it for the fun of changing things
Really wish I could turn on notifications for this channel , love your videos 🥹
Every time I watch your videos it makes me want to try a treacle tart for the first time, and I never have. Gotta see if Boston has any places that sell a good one. Also your hair is so beautiful, I'm jealous. Your look is on point
Omg the room acc looks so good x happy delayed birthday as well xx
Thank you!!
Happy birthday Lauren !
On the Lord of the rings post, up until she said that this was something she's been thinking about for a while as a tribute to her dad. I was like YTA, but that alone the fact that it is a tribute tattoo I'm going to say NTA
I think it looks amazing, I love walls just coverd in frames!
You also are looking cute as always ♡
Idk, i wanted a chest tattoo. I got there had a button down and a front close bra, no pasties. Dude was like sorry no shirt has to go and i later saw why cause it was a medium piece. He offered a privacy screen which was appreciated but was silly since everyone kept looking over to see (other artists) Thankfully i feel comfy around men so being on a table as a large person bra tapped on and shirtless. 😂 i knew he was gonna be in my face but damn. He had to lean in hard core gave me warnings etc. IF your female and have anxiety its better to maybe get an artist who has a private suite or is female or offer privacy screen~
Ooh I'm so early! Also I am loving the room so much!
Love what you did with the room! And happy belated birthday! 💕
Ty!! 🥹❤️
Happy belated 29th birthday Lauren…!!!😁 Hope you had a lovely time x
I turned 30 this year I still get shocked looks when people asked my age. I wouldn't pick you for 33 either 😅
Re: sternum tattoo I’m also surprised by how many people are siding with the artist - I feel like it’s abundantly clear they’re leaving a LOT of details out of the post. But what we do have is them trying to pawn off their client on coworkers and the other people in the studio agreeing they were being an asshole. My money is on either a complete lack of communication with the client or being overly aggressive with directions.
On the first one, that tattoo probably won't live up to expectations.
I have to agree with you with all of these! And that last one, holy shit...major red flags for sure. Rob is the asshole..
The first post sounds like the artist is not a native English speaker. He didn't explain anything except giving boob tape. He did say that he asked about a female artist but he didn't say he asked what the issue. He said she was just staring at him. So for 30 minutes they just stared at each other? When I had a sternum tattoo, higher up between my breasts, they took me into a back room. There's also nothing wrong with keeping a pop up screen in your shop
I really hope that boyfriend leaves her over that tattoo because he would be doing her a favor. Maybe he thinks Jon should be spending more money on him too. And yeah, the misogyny is far too much on top of it all
The tattoo artist post sounds like the artist doesn't speak english as their first language, hence why there is so many spelling mistakes and pronouns errors. Not that surprising if they are from some nordic country or from japan for example.
Happy belated birthday!
I felt like the tattoo artist who kicked the client out left so much info out. Did he set up barrier screen? Was he insisting she remove her bra? Cos I just got my sternum tattooed and the artist assured me that I could keep my bra on and I did. And we were only people in shop. So many things they could have done to make the client more comfortable.
9:30. That’s why you always spell check your tattoos… just to be safe.
If she was just standing there, after being given several options, there’s literally nothing else he could do but kick her out. Lauren you need to re read. He did those thing you said. He communicated. She didn’t. If clients don’t owe their artists anything, then neither do the artists owe clients.
Happy lucky 33 rd birthday 🎉♥️dear sweet Lauren. You look 23 darlin❣️
Lauren upload 😍❤️ hope youre doing well sweetheart and happy late birthday ❤️
Tysm!!! 🥳❤️
Just for the record, some languages are very odd about gender. French, for example, uses the same words for "his", "her" and "its". It would be very normal for a French-speaking person to come up with a sentence like "He removed her shirt" when they mean "He removed his [own] shirt".
I just turned 33 too 🎉
Happy birthday 🥳
The 1st story is so simple : she litteraly spent years on that design (and even if she didn't spent that much time on it) AND it is memorial tattoo so just no, it is moooooore than logical and legitimate to refuse having it match with someone, even without the memorial aspect of it, it is her design. And even if it was a design from the tattoo artist, it's more than acceptable to not want to have it match with someone and in that context 100% more.. people are so dumb
John wants to be remembered he’s doing stuff for those he damned well loves do it remember the man and how kind loving he was take John with you to get it
Happy belated birthday!
You not only can “get away” with 29 I genuinely thought you were 28/29
You could get away with 24!
Happy birthday! Im a january baby too and I turn 30 on friday 🥲
I’m a simple gal. I see Lauren, I click. 😁🖤
It's possible that the boyfriend in the last one is afraid of the tattoo being a constant reminder of his friend. That would be something some people just wouldn't want to say so they come up with and excuse. If it really is only the another man buying her something big, yeah, he's an arsehat on that. If it's insecurity that maybe he's can't currently afford either to provide this for her, less of an arse, but still bad.
I’m also turning 33 in a few days! Happy birthday beautiful! 🎉
Do you know any good tattoo studios that are good in the Dallas cowboy stadium area/city of Texas I’m interested in possibly getting a tattoo when I visit family at the end of February 23
I love your hello darlings also why the helk am j so early that never happems
Get rid of Rob and get that tattoo.
I’m going to be the devils advocate but with the last one, I almost wonder if he’s grasping at straws. Because he’s saying “it’s permanent” i almost wonder if he’s struggling with the idea of having a permanent reminder of one of his close friends on her not because he’s a guy but because he’s dying. When I lost my dad I got a copy of the tattoo he designed on my back, because I wanted his tattoo to still be in the world. I know that for some of my family, it was and still can be hard for them to see because it reminds them that he’s not here.
I know this is not a recent video, but I feel like the guy that kicked the client out is leaving a lot of information out. If another artist who was present calls him an a-hole, I would trust that judgement. I somehow get the feeling that he might have been very rude and/or creepy towards her. That would explain why she booked him knowing he’s a man for that area and was ok with it but had trouble going through with it after meeting him.
Also the way he wrote this seems like a rant of a person searching for validation after doing something wrong.
Rob has RED FLAGS... hope she breaks up with him
Honestly if you come in having booked a sternum tattoo by a male artist you should know that you can’t keep your shirt on. He seemed very patient as well, both offering her tape and asked if she would be more comfortable with a female artist. He is not the asshole.
happy late birthday!
Even though the friend of the LOTR memorial tattoo girl was in the wrong for wanting to copy her design, she as a person rubbed me the wrong way. Maybe an unpopular opinion, but I´ve never understood why people who "don´t really like tattoos" still want to get one specific tattoo. I get that it´s a memorial piece, but surely there are other ways of honoring your dead loved one than getting involved in an art form you don´t actually like or respect? I feel like that would lead to the person being super critical of any tiny perceived flaws in the tattoo, it sounds like a recipe for unhappiness and laser removal.
Some people don’t like kids but there are specific kids that they love deeply.
I want a twilight tattoo because it was my childhood and teenhood wethood 😂😂💅😂 sooooo not all tattoos are SUPER meaningful becuz all twilight taught me was my sexuality … bisexual 😂😂😂❤
Yeah the one about the stepdad, NTA
I don’t agree with the situation tattoo artist. If you go to get a sternum tattoo you should be prepared to topless with just boob tape. As the artist said if she does feel comfortable book with a female. I feel once you get to the studio you need to get over it. That’s just how I feel
The setup looks amazing!!
Tysm ❤️
Dump the boyfriend and get a tattoo in remembrance of the friend and his girlfriend.