Salt is a mineral that your body needs. Salt is stored in your bones. When you don't have enough salt, the body takes it from the bones and when it is depleted even from your bones, you can drop dead in just one day. The problem is people take refined salts and restaurants use refined salts. Most people do not know what type of salt is good. I add half a teaspoon of salt with my breakfast daily and do not have pressure problems. The good salts to use are Maldon Sea Salt, Celtic Sea Salt, Redmond's Kosher Real Sea Salt, Icelandic Flake Salt, Fleur de Sel Salt and Unprocessed Rock Salt. This is the reason why God made the sea salty. Just taste your blood and it is salty. Even my pet parakeet on my shoulder will drink my sweat because it knows how important it is. In the old days, people barter trade using salt. Caffeine is a huge salt waster and coffee drinkers must add salt to their meals daily to stay healthy. It is Big Pharma that wants people to suffer from hyponatremia. Please remember that SODIUM IS AN ELECTROLYTE!
I was low salt for years and always had issues like Vertigo. When I increased my salt and keep my sodium levels up, no vertigo and all the other issue I had are gone.
BRAVO!! I've practiced chiropractic Applied Kinesiology for 33 years. Virtually every patient on a restricted salt diet responds favorably when we add a good sea salt -- including and especially heart patients.
How true ! I always eat salt in reasonable quantity everyday. Salt does not raise Blood Pressure. It is People who raise the Blood Pressure of other People !
Thanks to open my mind.I haven't take salt for about a BP never been normal always high, kidney problem.cholesterol very high, always dizzy.thanks Doc
What a great interview! I learned some very important things. Dr. DiNicolantonio is extremely sharp, straight forward and understands the big picture of this important mineral nutrient. BTW, Native Americans like the Hopi who were agrarian created well-worn paths to salt licks. Whereas hunter and gatherer tribes acquired all the dietary salt needed from the animals they consumed. Note that there is a big difference between commercial salt, like Morton's, and salt from the diet or from the sea. Some of the differences are moisture content, trace mineral content, and roughness of the crystal relative to machine processing.
I am a BP patient I stopped eating salt due to doc advise . Recently tests carried out suggested I was low on sodium so doc suggested I start taking sodium again. Very confusing.
min 21:27 tells the whole story A blood test that shows normal sodium levels can be misleading because as the doctor said, if there is a salt deficiency the body compensates by robbing salt, calcium and magnesium from the bones.
SO HAPPY to have stumbled upon this. Love all Dr Perlmutter’s books and now my intro into another interesting one! Have always been suspicious of banning salt but was outnumbered by…well, everyone. It just doesn’t seem SALT could be the culprit. Everyone seems to have high blood pressure (except moi) and eliminates salt. I always suggest trying a higher quality salt ..but their doctors say no so it’s a losing battle, every time. Now I have something more thought provoking to add to the conversation. Again, appreciate both of you for taking the time to make this video. Also, writing these books must require some intense focus & discipline ~ thank you for doing it. 😊
I'm the one who was not taking salt for a year.i was eating sugar sweet, cake more than anybody in the world and dizziness,high blood pressure,cold hands and feet.thanks to open my eyes.
There is a normal salt feed back in our bodies. Each one of us must eat to their taste buds, what is salty for one is insipid for another. Trust your feedback: ie taste buds.
My mother gave up salt, developed low sodium and hadto take salt pills which eventually upset her stomach causing her to vomit sending her into heart failue and death. She was 98.
A couple years ago I heard the talk about the importance of adequate salt intake and it was just in time. It makes perfect sense. And I started to use iodized salt. I am lucky I paid attention to that message.
Im glad to come across this educational video. Honestly we all have that talk with the doctors to lower the salt , but I always ask my doctor why i cant stop eating to much salt . Never had a correct answer until now. Born in South America and rise in the farm we use salt for basically for medical use to animals and to heal wounds, if we had a cut salt was used on it . Plus cows are supposed to eat salt everyday to have a good digestion. THANKS
I have found that very thing, just a little dash of salt give me balance. I will first eat my food without seasoning to learn to taste the lovely taste of the vegetables and meat that I am eating. Training myself to do this. I am finding, I liked to eat a lot at one time more for the taste that seasoning gave food. But, I DO NEED salt! But, I don't eat a bunch of processed food either. This all really comes down to an individual basis. What is the baseline of health that we are carrying around? I am so glad to hear this being discussed. I have definitely cut back on my sugar intake and can actually walk down all aisles of the bad food at the grocery store and not crave ANY OF IT! Whoot! Whoot!! And, at 62, I do my own lawn care, gardening, cleaning of house, exercise outside with my dog, am self employed, etc. And it's in the 100's here right now. I need to eat folks and drink water, etc with ice!! I am adding beverage drinking without ice some, but in 100 degree temps I need ice...thanks for this most informative video!!
Were you having headaches when your brain was swelling ?,if so can you describe a little those headaches. I'm. Asking because I've been low on sodium and chloride , as the day go by I feel weak and crazy headaches all over my head. I'm skinny but taking pills for high blood pressure.
Explosives Conversations. Real Professional and We are blessed 🙌 . Many thanks for your willingness by to share your expertise for the benefits of all of us.I personally Salute both of you 👍 very knowledgeable
Could someone please help me speak to Dr. Rick Johnson’s finding that salt flips your fat storing switch?? I have always craved salt and all my relatives were forbidden to touch it in their final years
I thought in a book the main point that sodium has to be balanced with potassium, as long it is balanced you can eat more than 1 tsp of sodium if you at the same time add same amount of potassium.
The problem is with the processed salt, what today sells with the name of "table salt" in most stores. Not the salt itself, but the chemical they put in to process it. Fortunately, today everyone can purchase healthy salt, salt that is not processed, for relatively affordable price, such as: Himalayan Salt, Celtic Salt, and some other See Salts (make your research). I like the Himalayan salt the best, but also the Celtic salt. A bit difference between the two, each has something unique mineral in them that the other one doesn't have. I would suggest these two to anyone. The regular so called "table salt" you see in many food stores, mostly stripped (80% or more) from the minerals you will find in the Himalayan or Celtic salt. You really need those minerals from the salt, rather than the "salt" itself, for your maximum health. Same is the situation with meat-eating, some says it is unhealthy, some says it is healthy. Organic meat is healthy, processed meet is not, no matter what kind of meat. Same is the situation with vegetables, as well as fruits, might be healthy, might be dangerous to health: Organic vegetables and fruits are healthy, plasticized are not, and GMO is probably not. It is all depends what you compare with what. Anything processed is not healthy, doesn't matter you are vegetarian, meat eater or something else. Use natural, unprocessed salt, Himalayan or Celtic and there are some others as well, drop the processed salt, and you don't need to worry about your health. The problem in our food is with the over procession, with all those chemicals that added to them, those are the unhealthy things, not the actual food. Those added chemicals that ruins our food, makes them unhealthy. Eat clean food as much as you can.
Also salt when dissolved in a fluid like water creates electrolytes... Meaning the minerals like sodium, calcium,, magnesium and potassium form an electrical charge. Our cells and organs need that electrical charge to function or we die.
current times are challenging old standards that have no basis in fact but everyone including your doctor think are gospel... THEY ARE NOT. Congratulations to the people & doctors that say NO
ive started haveing salted water and it works great everyday i drink four 750ml ot water with a quater of a tea spoon of salt added a few hours before so the water can absorb the sodium and its changed my life for better massively ill only drink that bar at most a small glass or 2 mid day of pure water and some days also some kombucha also alittle salt on my food maybe half a tea spoon on each meal the trick is also make sure your eating loads of veg and salad . some beans and potatoes and plenty of soaked roasted nuts and avocados these things have high potassium to balance the sodium and then fish for protein and eggs big pharma push low salt and low fat
I was born in 1942 grew up listening to whole family table saying don’t use that salt shaker to my doctor grandfather so I never did. 80 now saying best kidney numbers seen in anyone my age. Geez your worrying me but probably got in America diet . Carivore.
If the food we eat needs salt to make it palatable then we probably shouldn't eat it. If kids won't eat "healthy food" without salt then it's not "healthy "
I have a problem with I have more thin Six months with Salt in my mouth I visit larsDoctorthe can help please tell me what can do the salt infer my tang24/24
Spinach and most nuts are high in oxalates which bind minerals, preventing their absorption. Oxalates also accumulate in the tissues over time leading to painful inflammation and kidney disease and stones in some. Caused fibromyalgia and urinary pain for me. I realize there is more awareness about high oxalate foods and the health issues they cause since this video was uploaded. Sally Norton is a good reference on this subject. Maybe kids intuitively know they shouldn't be eating nuts and veggies? I consider them strictly survival foods for me now.
You need to eat calcium rich dairy like yogurt, cheese or milk with oxalate rich foods as dairy is eliminating oxalates. Combine spinach with yogurt for example.
Interestingly I crave salty foods and am insulin resistant and yet I bloat with the recommended daily limit and it is incredibly uncomfortable I just don’t know what I would do with either more or less amounts with it. Even if I keep an amount around 2800 the daily limit it would be too uncomfortable. I will say though that since I keep my limit under 2800 my BP is normal.
Sodium is not salt, it is added to salt during procession. Try Himalayan or Celtic salt, those are natural salts filled with needed minerals to health, these salts are not processed.
1. Go to a normal salt intake and measure BP 2. Low sugar cravings with salt intake 3. Insulin NEEDS salt to be metabolized 4. Salt is a necessary mineral and the brain regulates its needs. Sugar is NOT a mineral. 5. Salt deficiency is electrolites imbalance 6. Bone broth has high sodium intake 7. Truffle salt*** 8. Salt= Iodine
@@maricamaas2326It's actually not real salt, it's synthetic salt, has zero minerals in it, and the minuscule amount of iodine in it is not worth ingesting poison for any more that adding a pinch of arsenic powder to our food would be if it had a couple of grains of a nutrient in it. Table salt or "Sodium Chloride" is heated to such an extremely high temperature that it burns out all its nutrients, not only voiding it of all nutritional value, (similar to denaturing), but rendering it toxic to the human body, which is why it causes hypertension as the body is kicked into overdrive in a desperate attempt to rid itself of the poison, (like it does with all toxic substances). Despite what most modern day "experts" say, Hypothyroidism caused by Iodine deficiency is no longer just a problem seen in underdeveloped countries, due to widespread agribusiness the soil in developed countries has become extremely depleted of essential nutrients, so nutritional deficiencies are now very common in developed countries as well which explains why Hypothyroidism has become so prominent. Another major cause of the increase in Hypothyroidism caused by Iodine deficiency in developed countries is due to the practice of adding the chemical waste byproduct "Fluorosilicic Acid" (FSA) to the municipal water reserve referred to by the government as "water fluoridation", which is extremely misleading because they present it as a natural clean form of fluoride which it is NOT, it is "Fluorosilicic Acid" (FSA), which is listed on as being "a hazardous corrosive byproduct of the production of hydrogen fluoride (HF) and phosphate-containing fertilizers.". Unfortunately, apart from all the other health problems this extremely corrosive toxic substance can cause, Fluoride (and its byproducts) compete with iodine in the thyroid gland, and when the person is already deficient, it competes with and blocks what little Iodine there is in the body, depressing and eventually suppressing thyroid function. Yet doctors will lie and claim that ALL cases of Hypothyroidism in developed countries are caused by the autoimmune disorder "Hashimoto's", and are genetic, but that is absolute untrue, countless people report being the first in their entire families to have gotten the condition, are never tested for Iodine deficiency, as the doctor refuses to investigate any other root cause because "it doesn't matter because the treatment is the same either way", which is obviously negligent and corrupt as why would any real doctor be comfortable with risking subjecting their patient to the other health problems caused by chronic Iodine deficiency instead of just taking a blood test? Instead they refuse to even consider it a possibility due to something as arbitrary as their patient's geographical location and just take out their prescription pad and prescribe Thyroxoin, (which does not work for this type of Hypothyroidism) then proceed to gaslight their patients when they report still experiencing Hypothyroid symptoms, (or dare claim that it's not the cause of their symptoms even though they were absolutely healthy before their thyroid became underactive). Do not touch table salt or tap water, take an Iodine supplement, (Terry Naturally Tri-Iodine is an excellent one), and reduce or ideally eliminate consuming genetically modified, non-organic, processed and refined "food-like" products. Stick to real, organic, non-mutated food.
I drink warm salt water/tea, Himalayan…80 oz/day…2ml per 16 oz. Also adding salt to foods. I make my own food…not pre-processed, already salted foods. I’m one who needs about the maximum recommended by those who are familiar with our need. I used to have low blood pressure.
Damned if I do, damned if I don’t- Am an heart failure patient instructed to avoid salt at all cost, a matter of life or death , all symptoms likely to be caused by salt. Is real knowledge the preserve of only 😮some part of the medical profession ?
Some on the Carnivore diet have recovered from stroke and heart issues with meat, saturated fat and lots of salt. Watch No Carb Life and hear the stories of health recovery.
IF we go BACK TO BASICS .... meaning we eat like the first human beings on earth ... there was no salt they could sprinkle over their food. They just ate the animal ... and the vegetables ... without salt.
Not increased BP, but increased blood volume... If the volume is adequate, blood vessels need not constrict (with resulting higher pressure); neither does the heart need to pump as many times per minute.
Important to realise that in principle low BP is more dangerous, and life-threatening than is high BP. Fainting (when BP is too low), preserves life, since by lying down, blood-flow to the brain is restored.
@@maricamaas2326i have low BP and it feels like a heart attack before fainting lol it also gave me fear of bleeding since blood loss and low bp feel the same, dizziness, blackened vision, nausea and vomiting also make you get even worse so u pass out and hit the head on the floor lol, i lay down before passing out, since when it happens you only hear a faint noise, and you start dreaming when there is no oxygen in the brain 😢 you wake up and think you are in bed, but you are on the cold floor and cant tell how you got there
@@ivark8201 sorry but zero scientific citations equals zero scientific basis. I've spent years studying and researching nutrition, you'll have to provide more than an opinion piece on TH-cam to convince me.
Glad I decided to click on this video. I will treat salt with greater respect now.
Salt is a mineral that your body needs. Salt is stored in your bones. When you don't have enough salt, the body takes it from the bones and when it is depleted even from your bones, you can drop dead in just one day. The problem is people take refined salts and restaurants use refined salts. Most people do not know what type of salt is good. I add half a teaspoon of salt with my breakfast daily and do not have pressure problems. The good salts to use are Maldon Sea Salt, Celtic Sea Salt, Redmond's Kosher Real Sea Salt, Icelandic Flake Salt, Fleur de Sel Salt and Unprocessed Rock Salt. This is the reason why God made the sea salty. Just taste your blood and it is salty. Even my pet parakeet on my shoulder will drink my sweat because it knows how important it is. In the old days, people barter trade using salt. Caffeine is a huge salt waster and coffee drinkers must add salt to their meals daily to stay healthy. It is Big Pharma that wants people to suffer from hyponatremia. Please remember that SODIUM IS AN ELECTROLYTE!
I would like to ask you a question - is dry eyes related to a lack of salt, like dehydration of the whole body?
The interviewer asked the right questions. Smart man.
I was low salt for years and always had issues like Vertigo. When I increased my salt and keep my sodium levels up, no vertigo and all the other issue I had are gone.
Me too! Avoided salt and got lightheaded every time I raised from sitting position. Started eating slightly more salt with potassuand it disappeared.
BRAVO!! I've practiced chiropractic Applied Kinesiology for 33 years. Virtually every patient on a restricted salt diet responds favorably when we add a good sea salt -- including and especially heart patients.
Thank you for being a change agent John!
Witch doctor quackery
Anything referred to by someone as 'quackery', is well worth considering 🧐
How true !
I always eat salt in reasonable quantity everyday.
Salt does not raise Blood Pressure. It is People who raise the Blood Pressure of other People !
Thanks to open my mind.I haven't take salt for about a BP never been normal always high, kidney problem.cholesterol very high, always dizzy.thanks Doc
Hymalayan or Celtic salt. Not table salt
As advised in this book: In order to lower BP, one should lower sugar intake... Dizziness usually results from low sodium and with it lowered BP.
What a great interview! I learned some very important things. Dr. DiNicolantonio is extremely sharp, straight forward and understands the big picture of this important mineral nutrient.
BTW, Native Americans like the Hopi who were agrarian created well-worn paths to salt licks. Whereas hunter and gatherer tribes acquired all the dietary salt needed from the animals they consumed.
Note that there is a big difference between commercial salt, like Morton's, and salt from the diet or from the sea. Some of the differences are moisture content, trace mineral content, and roughness of the crystal relative to machine processing.
Yes! Not to mention the plastics and other environmental pollutants in sea salt.
I am a BP patient I stopped eating salt due to doc advise . Recently tests carried out suggested I was low on sodium so doc suggested I start taking sodium again. Very confusing.
min 21:27 tells the whole story
A blood test that shows normal sodium levels can be misleading because as the doctor said, if there is a salt deficiency the body compensates by robbing salt, calcium and magnesium from the bones.
SO HAPPY to have stumbled upon this. Love all Dr Perlmutter’s books and now my intro into another interesting one! Have always been suspicious of banning salt but was outnumbered by…well, everyone. It just doesn’t seem SALT could be the culprit. Everyone seems to have high blood pressure (except moi) and eliminates salt. I always suggest trying a higher quality salt ..but their doctors say no so it’s a losing battle, every time. Now I have something more thought provoking to add to the conversation. Again, appreciate both of you for taking the time to make this video. Also, writing these books must require some intense focus & discipline ~ thank you for doing it. 😊
Thank you for the invaluable infromation,which totally makes me rethink my eating habits and my dependence on sugar.
I'm the one who was not taking salt for a year.i was eating sugar sweet, cake more than anybody in the world and dizziness,high blood pressure,cold hands and feet.thanks to open my eyes.
There is a normal salt feed back in our bodies. Each one of us must eat to their taste buds, what is salty for one is insipid for another.
Trust your feedback: ie taste buds.
It’s like when you go to ER, first thing they do is give you an IV filled with sodium and water
My mother gave up salt, developed low sodium and hadto take salt pills which eventually upset her stomach causing her to vomit sending her into heart failue and death. She was 98.
100% interessante . Peccato che il Dr. DiNicolantonio non pubblica i suoi libri ne in italiano ne in spagnolo.
Dr. Perlmutter, this is another wonderful video and informative interview! I am so glad that I found you, and your channel! Thank you very much.
I sprinkle Light grey CELTIC Sea on my food. ❤
A couple years ago I heard the talk about the importance of adequate salt intake and it was just in time. It makes perfect sense. And I started to use iodized salt. I am lucky I paid attention to that message.
EXCELLENT INTERVIEW 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 Thank you for bringing the SALT myth out‼️
Im glad to come across this educational video. Honestly we all have that talk with the doctors to lower the salt , but I always ask my doctor why i cant stop eating to much salt . Never had a correct answer until now.
Born in South America and rise in the farm we use salt for basically for medical use to animals and to heal wounds, if we had a cut salt was used on it . Plus cows are supposed to eat salt everyday to have a good digestion. THANKS
I have found that very thing, just a little dash of salt give me balance. I will first eat my food without seasoning to learn to taste the lovely taste of the vegetables and meat that I am eating. Training myself to do this. I am finding, I liked to eat a lot at one time more for the taste that seasoning gave food. But, I DO NEED salt! But, I don't eat a bunch of processed food either. This all really comes down to an individual basis. What is the baseline of health that we are carrying around? I am so glad to hear this being discussed. I have definitely cut back on my sugar intake and can actually walk down all aisles of the bad food at the grocery store and not crave ANY OF IT! Whoot! Whoot!! And, at 62, I do my own lawn care, gardening, cleaning of house, exercise outside with my dog, am self employed, etc. And it's in the 100's here right now. I need to eat folks and drink water, etc with ice!! I am adding beverage drinking without ice some, but in 100 degree temps I need ice...thanks for this most informative video!!
You eat folks and drink eater with ice??
Thanks, Dr Perlmutter...I just finished reading Super Fuel. Great book...I have a much better understanding of fats now.
Best - Mike
It absolutely is. Glad to know you picked up a copy!
I spend a month in hospital last June when all the soldium was flushed out of my body and my brain swelled and press against my skull.
Thats what I am going thru now. Dr wanted me to go to hospital. Ill pass on that.
Were you having headaches when your brain was swelling ?,if so can you describe a little those headaches. I'm. Asking because I've been low on sodium and chloride , as the day go by I feel weak and crazy headaches all over my head. I'm skinny but taking pills for high blood pressure.
@@theduckrc211v4My 3 day migraines have vanished since I added back salt into my diet. 🎉🎉🎉😊
Excellent. Amazing information. Thanks.
Thank you for this vital infor.
Great interview, thank's a lot; we live, we learn 🎉🙋♂🎈
thank you Doctor I a good one with your family ❤
The heart muscles also need saline solution to function correctly
Thanks. I no longer have to feel guilty for my heavy salt intake. Now I just have to work on the guilt from my raisin binging.
Even when just seeing raisins, reminded of your comment 😅
Don’t forget man changed the genetics in our wheat that is now making us bigger people. Sad…too many diabetics today.
Explosives Conversations. Real Professional and We are blessed 🙌 . Many thanks for your willingness by to share your expertise for the benefits of all of us.I personally Salute both of you 👍 very knowledgeable
Could someone please help me speak to Dr. Rick Johnson’s finding that salt flips your fat storing switch?? I have always craved salt and all my relatives were forbidden to touch it in their final years
would have loved to something about salt and hormones
I thought in a book the main point that sodium has to be balanced with potassium, as long it is balanced you can eat more than 1 tsp of sodium if you at the same time add same amount of potassium.
I put Spirulina or Chlorella powder mixed with PURE organic CACAO POWDER IN MY CUP and add hot water to it.❤
Is there any correlation between low sodium (128) and chloride (90) and peripheral edema?
The problem is with the processed salt, what today sells with the name of "table salt" in most stores. Not the salt itself, but the chemical they put in to process it.
Fortunately, today everyone can purchase healthy salt, salt that is not processed, for relatively affordable price, such as: Himalayan Salt, Celtic Salt, and some other See Salts (make your research). I like the Himalayan salt the best, but also the Celtic salt. A bit difference between the two, each has something unique mineral in them that the other one doesn't have. I would suggest these two to anyone. The regular so called "table salt" you see in many food stores, mostly stripped (80% or more) from the minerals you will find in the Himalayan or Celtic salt. You really need those minerals from the salt, rather than the "salt" itself, for your maximum health.
Same is the situation with meat-eating, some says it is unhealthy, some says it is healthy. Organic meat is healthy, processed meet is not, no matter what kind of meat.
Same is the situation with vegetables, as well as fruits, might be healthy, might be dangerous to health: Organic vegetables and fruits are healthy, plasticized are not, and GMO is probably not.
It is all depends what you compare with what. Anything processed is not healthy, doesn't matter you are vegetarian, meat eater or something else. Use natural, unprocessed salt, Himalayan or Celtic and there are some others as well, drop the processed salt, and you don't need to worry about your health. The problem in our food is with the over procession, with all those chemicals that added to them, those are the unhealthy things, not the actual food. Those added chemicals that ruins our food, makes them unhealthy. Eat clean food as much as you can.
Also prefer Himalayan, but probably Iodated table salt would be better than taking in no salt?
Also salt when dissolved in a fluid like water creates electrolytes... Meaning the minerals like sodium, calcium,, magnesium and potassium form an electrical charge. Our cells and organs need that electrical charge to function or we die.
What about Plastic in sea salt? I will buy rhe book on salt by Dr. Nicolantonio
I lose a lot of weight while on a saline IV. Not sure why...😮 Dehydration came to mind but MD said no.
wow, maybe that's why I drink my coffee with salt instead of sugar and I find it really tasty
current times are challenging old standards that have no basis in fact but everyone including your doctor think are gospel... THEY ARE NOT. Congratulations to the people & doctors that say NO
Salt is One of the important Natural resources here on earth . It is essential tò our physical body . .
ive started haveing salted water and it works great
everyday i drink four 750ml ot water with a quater of a tea spoon of salt added a few hours before so the water can absorb the sodium and its changed my life for better massively
ill only drink that bar at most a small glass or 2 mid day of pure water and some days also some kombucha
also alittle salt on my food maybe half a tea spoon on each meal
the trick is also make sure your eating loads of veg and salad . some beans and potatoes and plenty of soaked roasted nuts and avocados these things have high potassium to balance the sodium and then fish for protein and eggs
big pharma push low salt and low fat
I was born in 1942 grew up listening to whole family table saying don’t use that salt shaker to my doctor grandfather so I never did. 80 now saying best kidney numbers seen in anyone my age. Geez your worrying me but probably got in America diet . Carivore.
If the food we eat needs salt to make it palatable then we probably shouldn't eat it. If kids won't eat "healthy food" without salt then it's not "healthy "
I have a problem with I have more thin Six months with Salt in my mouth I visit larsDoctorthe can help please tell me what can do the salt infer my tang24/24
Spinach and most nuts are high in oxalates which bind minerals, preventing their absorption. Oxalates also accumulate in the tissues over time leading to painful inflammation and kidney disease and stones in some. Caused fibromyalgia and urinary pain for me. I realize there is more awareness about high oxalate foods and the health issues they cause since this video was uploaded. Sally Norton is a good reference on this subject.
Maybe kids intuitively know they shouldn't be eating nuts and veggies? I consider them strictly survival foods for me now.
You need to eat calcium rich dairy like yogurt, cheese or milk with oxalate rich foods as dairy is eliminating oxalates. Combine spinach with yogurt for example.
Interestingly I crave salty foods and am insulin resistant and yet I bloat with the recommended daily limit and it is incredibly uncomfortable I just don’t know what I would do with either more or less amounts with it. Even if I keep an amount around 2800 the daily limit it would be too uncomfortable. I will say though that since I keep my limit under 2800 my BP is normal.
Check your potassium levels
How many times did thid guy say "actually?"
What is real salt? I am an MD BTW! Very interesting talk ! Very good points … I like it :)
Redmonds "Real Salt".
Handsome Doctor
One hell of a mind opener! Thankyou guys....
I’m 67 and feel really good. Never added salt or sugar in my diet. my theory is that there is already a lot of sodium in our food.
I also follow this
Sodium is not salt, it is added to salt during procession. Try Himalayan or Celtic salt, those are natural salts filled with needed minerals to health, these salts are not processed.
@@sakuratanaka7295 Have you tried Redmond? I use Redmond and Celtic.
Right on.
1. Go to a normal salt intake and measure BP
2. Low sugar cravings with salt intake
3. Insulin NEEDS salt to be metabolized
4. Salt is a necessary mineral and the brain regulates its needs. Sugar is NOT a mineral.
5. Salt deficiency is electrolites imbalance
6. Bone broth has high sodium intake
7. Truffle salt***
8. Salt= Iodine
Why you keep Interrupting the guest doctor needlessly ??
Avoid salt salt ???? What really is the real thing????
Eat salt as you wish and
Measure Ka,Na,Ca
And then correct quantities you take .... !!!!
Avoid TABLE SALT. What is considered as poison is indeed table salt. But rock salt that is found naturally is what is essential for our health!
Pink Hymalayan or Celtic salt. They are natural salts with more minerals in. Table salt is the no no
Even table salt - especially when iodated - would be better than taking in no salt?
@@maricamaas2326It's actually not real salt, it's synthetic salt, has zero minerals in it, and the minuscule amount of iodine in it is not worth ingesting poison for any more that adding a pinch of arsenic powder to our food would be if it had a couple of grains of a nutrient in it. Table salt or "Sodium Chloride" is heated to such an extremely high temperature that it burns out all its nutrients, not only voiding it of all nutritional value, (similar to denaturing), but rendering it toxic to the human body, which is why it causes hypertension as the body is kicked into overdrive in a desperate attempt to rid itself of the poison, (like it does with all toxic substances).
Despite what most modern day "experts" say, Hypothyroidism caused by Iodine deficiency is no longer just a problem seen in underdeveloped countries, due to widespread agribusiness the soil in developed countries has become extremely depleted of essential nutrients, so nutritional deficiencies are now very common in developed countries as well which explains why Hypothyroidism has become so prominent.
Another major cause of the increase in Hypothyroidism caused by Iodine deficiency in developed countries is due to the practice of adding the chemical waste byproduct "Fluorosilicic Acid" (FSA) to the municipal water reserve referred to by the government as "water fluoridation", which is extremely misleading because they present it as a natural clean form of fluoride which it is NOT, it is "Fluorosilicic Acid" (FSA), which is listed on as being "a hazardous corrosive byproduct of the production of hydrogen fluoride (HF) and phosphate-containing fertilizers.".
Unfortunately, apart from all the other health problems this extremely corrosive toxic substance can cause, Fluoride (and its byproducts) compete with iodine in the thyroid gland, and when the person is already deficient, it competes with and blocks what little Iodine there is in the body, depressing and eventually suppressing thyroid function.
Yet doctors will lie and claim that ALL cases of Hypothyroidism in developed countries are caused by the autoimmune disorder "Hashimoto's", and are genetic, but that is absolute untrue, countless people report being the first in their entire families to have gotten the condition, are never tested for Iodine deficiency, as the doctor refuses to investigate any other root cause because "it doesn't matter because the treatment is the same either way", which is obviously negligent and corrupt as why would any real doctor be comfortable with risking subjecting their patient to the other health problems caused by chronic Iodine deficiency instead of just taking a blood test? Instead they refuse to even consider it a possibility due to something as arbitrary as their patient's geographical location and just take out their prescription pad and prescribe Thyroxoin, (which does not work for this type of Hypothyroidism) then proceed to gaslight their patients when they report still experiencing Hypothyroid symptoms, (or dare claim that it's not the cause of their symptoms even though they were absolutely healthy before their thyroid became underactive).
Do not touch table salt or tap water, take an Iodine supplement, (Terry Naturally Tri-Iodine is an excellent one), and reduce or ideally eliminate consuming genetically modified, non-organic, processed and refined "food-like" products.
Stick to real, organic, non-mutated food.
I drink a glass of water into which I have sprinkled salt, especially when sitting at bar with beer-drinking friends.
I drink warm salt water/tea, Himalayan…80 oz/day…2ml per 16 oz. Also adding salt to foods. I make my own food…not pre-processed, already salted foods. I’m one who needs about the maximum recommended by those who are familiar with our need. I used to have low blood pressure.
What kind of salt?
Redmond Real Salt
thank you so much may GOd bless you get ready Jesus christ Can soon
Damned if I do, damned if I don’t- Am an heart failure patient instructed to avoid salt at all cost, a matter of life or death , all symptoms likely to be caused by salt. Is real knowledge the preserve of only 😮some part of the medical profession ?
Some on the Carnivore diet have recovered from stroke and heart issues with meat, saturated fat and lots of salt. Watch No Carb Life and hear the stories of health recovery.
I advise the young man to remove those earpods, because they are transmitting RADIATION INTO YOUR BRAIN.
yes but that's for another discussion and it's not radiation, it's simply rf waves, mind high freq rf(typically 2.5ghz or 5ghz)
Salt important
its bad for CKD.
I’m can’t sleep Idrtp audio parthenon water
IF we go BACK TO BASICS .... meaning we eat like the first human beings on earth ... there was no salt they could sprinkle over their food. They just ate the animal ... and the vegetables ... without salt.
Do you drink blood like they did?
Or salty insects ?
Ahh, sorry but there were no vegetables for the first humans. Vegetables are something new to humans and haven't been around all that long.
They drank animal blood and even the bile. They contain sodium.
They used to withhold salt from prisoners and they died.
Salt you can get that in the sea water soduim dry the sea water and you can get the salt
stomach acid is made from Salt 💯💯
I have sir i my tang
a hundred grams of salt doesn't raise BP... wait, I thought the good thing about salt is the increased BP?
Not increased BP, but increased blood volume... If the volume is adequate, blood vessels need not constrict (with resulting higher pressure); neither does the heart need to pump as many times per minute.
Important to realise that in principle low BP is more dangerous, and life-threatening than is high BP. Fainting (when BP is too low), preserves life, since by lying down, blood-flow to the brain is restored.
@@maricamaas2326i have low BP and it feels like a heart attack before fainting lol it also gave me fear of bleeding since blood loss and low bp feel the same, dizziness, blackened vision, nausea and vomiting also make you get even worse so u pass out and hit the head on the floor lol, i lay down before passing out, since when it happens you only hear a faint noise, and you start dreaming when there is no oxygen in the brain 😢 you wake up and think you are in bed, but you are on the cold floor and cant tell how you got there
red alert. BS detected (someone got paid by the salt industry)
@@ivark8201 sorry but zero scientific citations equals zero scientific basis. I've spent years studying and researching nutrition, you'll have to provide more than an opinion piece on TH-cam to convince me.
Salt is like 75 cents and last on shelves for a year+ ….
Who got paid and who paid him?
great, don't take salt, it's your life.