Congratulations to the winners of the Armada - Soviet Tier VIII aircraft carrier Chkalov: EU albin322 ASIA rockymmm NA Xhiucoatl You will obtain the reward within the following week. ⚓⚓⚓ A Captain’s guide to using the German Tier VIII battleship. Read the news on your server: EU: NA: ASIA: ⚓⚓⚓ 📝 What is your favorite «Armada» episode? 🔔 Leave us a comment right after subscribing to the channel - 🔊 All episodes «Armada» on the link below Keep an eye out on the official World of Warships website: ⚓⚓⚓ 00:00-Teaser for Armada: German battleship Brandenburg 00:15-History of Brandenburg 00:50 - Modeling the ship in World of Warships. Brandenburg - German promo premium Tier VIII battleship 02:35 - Game tactics for Brandenburg 02:55 - Upgrades for German Tier VIII battleship Brandenburg
12 main gun 305mm and have 4, triple turrets , 20 secondary 105mm guns and 12. 150 mm guns . And in total has 44 weapons ... Server EU. Name: Borhandark
The BRANDENBURG has 44 guns total (Main and Secondaries): 4 x 3 305 mm Main Guns plus 20 x 105 mm and 12 x 150 mm Secondary Guns. What an impressive armament.
Beautiful Ship! 44 Artillery guns into total. (3x4 305mm main guns, 20 105mm and 12 150mm secondary) CobaltDeath, WOWS NA server. Thanks for the opportunity!
@Makoniel she does have a higher "icebreaker" and a better armor scheme than Bismarck with a portion of the mid-deck being 80mm. The trouble is that 1) her superstructure is gigantic like other German BBs, and 2) fire damage in this game is sort of broken, and armor is irrelevant against fires. Also 3) with the meta being pushed further and further out due to CVs and subs and HE spam, her 18.5km range is really anemic and she'll probably struggle to stay alive within that kind of range. Also 4) it appears unlike Tirptiz and Bismarck, her forward and aft firing arcs are actually quite terrible (~6 degrees worse, which is actually a lot), which unfortunately to fire all your guns you'll have to give an uncomfortable amount of broadside meaning she'll eat tons of damage. Nonetheless Brandenburg seems interesting but in this meta ... not sure how she'll do.
Brandenburg is equipped with a total of 44 artillery guns, 12 x 305 main battery, 12 x 150mm & 20 x 105mm secondaries In game name: Karandar Server: NA Looks like a very interesting ship. I enjoy the detail in these Armada videos & the commentator is sharp dressed as usual
This ship is now one of my faivorite ships on the german ship line. Well done 👍 Also there is this other German blueprint heavy cruiser desings; D-class and P-class, the successors of the Deutschland-class. Big gap in here when you think Deutschland-class and then jump to the O-class. The full tech tree history might be complete then when these ships are added.
Can't wait to own and play this ship. Brandenburg had a total of 44 artillery pieces for main armament - 12 x 305mm SK C/39, 20 x 105mm & 12 x 150mm guns for secondaries. Game name is Total_Stranger on NA server.
Brandenburg is equipped with a total of 44 artillery guns(AA), 12 x 305 main battery, 12 x 150mm & 20 x 105mm secondaries In game name: xaviercentenol Server: NA Looks like a very interesting ship and seems to have potencial to rule in battles. Great work in this videos I always enjoy to ser them when a new Warship comes in to know how it is and all the details!
With the skipper skills and the new tech tree line coming out, I am loving the playstyle. Every new ship is a chance for good new vid material lol. 44 guns into total. 3x4 305mm main guns, 20 105mm and 12 150mm secondary Gyphon_GF, NA server. Thank you for the chance.
Well this must be the right answer then, from Philipp (1 day ago) Thanks Philipp, 20 it is. "The answer you are looking for is 20. 2 more than Bismarck's 18, as per the hint. Allthough I do feel there was a translation error here, as that is 20 artillery mounts. There's more than one Gun in a mount, but that would not be more than 2 more than Bismarck. " ClosedCoffin on NA
So seeing as Brandonberg was designed well after Odin why did Wargaming not give the ship the upgraded 305 Dhr CL/1911 guns designed after the WW1 version that is included on Brandenburg, Odin and Agir?
Brandenburg BB has TWENTY artillery guns: FOUR x3 305mm,SIX x2 150mm and TEN x2 105 mm. (30mm AA guns are not classified as artillery in game) I give this answer because, according to the "clue", Bismarck has only two more artillery 'guns'' than Brandenburg, then you must be counting mountings as "guns" rather than barrels because this is the only count that works for the clue. (Bismarck having EIGHTEEN artillery guns: FOUR x2 380mm,SIX x2 150mm and EIGHT x2 105 mm) No other way of counting has a difference of two. IGN: Panavius Server: SEA
IGN: Di3z Server: EU BB Brandenburg has 44 artillery guns in total without AA Guns (12 x 305 mm principal guns and the secondaries : 20 x 105 mm guns and 12 x 150 mm guns). There is 72 x 30mm AA Guns too, If we count the anti-aircraft artillery Brandenburg has 116 Guns in total. Maybe there is a trap? You say 2 more than the Bismarck while he has 36 guns without AA artllery..that's 8 less than the Brandenburg, if you count the AA artillery : 134 Guns in total, in this case Bismarck has 28 more guns, I don't understand the clue.
Brandenburg has 12x 30.5 cm SK C/39 guns in 4 triple turrets, 12x 15 cm SK C/28 guns and 20x 10.5 cm SK C/33. Additionally, the Brandenbur has 2x 533mm quadruple torpedo mounts on each side of the ship. IGN: JNoxus Server: EU
Batteries on Brandenburg: Twelve guns 305 mm/56 SK C/39 (Main Battery) Twenty guns 105 mm/65 SK C/33 and twelve guns 150 mm/55 SK C/28 (secondaries) Seventy two guns 30 mm Flakvierling 103/38 Anti Aircraft Two torpedo quad launchers 533 mm Vierling
According to the WoW wiki site (and general consensus in these comments), 44 main and secondary artillery guns, but "2 more than Bismarck" (which is 36, according to the WoW wiki site) = 38 Prin744, NA
Answer: Main Battery: 4 SK C-39 triple turrets with a caliber of 305 mm. Secondary Battery: twenty 105 mm guns and twelve 150 mm guns. Torpedo armament: two 533 mm quadruple torpedo launchers.
Answer: 3x4 305mm main guns; 12 main battery guns, 20 - 105mm secondary guns, 12-150mm secondary guns, 44 guns total. Game name is ILOVERAMEN. I play in the North American server. Also, I wanted to thanks WOWS for giving us a great game that we hopefully can all enjoy!Thanks for your time and have a great day!
The Brandenburg sounds like an interesting brawler. Answer: 12x 305 mm guns housed in four triple turrets, 12x 150 mm guns, 20x 105 mm guns and two 533mm torpedo launchers. Name: Gregory_Charles_Kent Server: EU
12 times 305mm SK C/39 guns Main Guns housed in 4 triple Turrets 20 times 105mm and and 12 times 150mm Secondary Guns Nickname : Oshadha24170 Server : Asia I really love World of Warships because it feels soo cool to handle such ships as Bismarck Queen Elizabeth and USS Iowa Kaiser and Koning was my favourite I can't Imagine how detailed these ships are I mean All the ships just look Identical to the real ship I really want to thanks World of Warships for bringing these WW1 and WW2 Legends to life now I am trying to Obtain Yamato and Grosser Kurfurst I really looking forward to obtain these Ships Thanks Wargaming for this magnificent game. Good Luck all !!!
The BRANDENBURG has 44 guns total (Main and Secondaries): 4 x 3 305 mm Main Guns plus 20 x 105 mm and 12 x 150 mm Secondary Guns. What an impressive armament. Nickname: Hocus Server: EU
T8 Brandenburg has: 12 x 305 mm guns housed in 4 triple turrets, 20 x 105 mm guns and 12 x 150 mm guns. 44 guns in total. And 2 533mm torp tubes as well. IGN: _Djustin_ Server: Asia
The ship consists of 12 (primary 305mm), 20 (105mm secondary), 12 (150mm secondary), 72 (30mm Anti aircraft) for a total of 116 "guns". If you require just the guns covered in the video only it was a total of 44 Primary and secondary but you did say all guns. NA Server, Punisher_1
"a high cruising speed" - yeah, a high CRUISING speed. Which could be a veiled "high speed in straight line but needs ages to achieve it and bleeds a lot when turning".
I’m just starting out German battleships, to answer the question, 12 305mm guns housed in 4 triple turrets, 20 105mm secondary guns along with 12 150mm secondary guns. I’m total, there are 44 guns on this beast. I’m game name is Arvin_1___ on the NA server. Good luck everyone else!
Brandenburg is equipped with a total of 44 artillery guns, 12 x 305 main battery, 12 x 150mm & 20 x 105mm secondaries In game name: Yusaku_Fujiki Server: EU I think its very decent ship like Odin :)
Brandenburg has 44 Guns (Main and Secondaries) 3x4 305mm main guns, 20 x 105mm and 12 x 150mm secondary guns, for a total of 44 guns. Thank you for the chance to win this wonderful ship. Server: CIS Name: Ya_Lyotchik_Gastello
The ship has twelve 305 SK c/39 main guns, twenty 105 mm and twelve 150 mm secondary guns as well as two 533 quadruple-tube torpedo launchers. That would be a total of 44 guns. In game name - Air_Robert Server - EU
looks like we have another traslation error here. Seems like he is asking for turrets, not guns. The hint is that it has 2 more that Bismarck. Brandenburg has 20 turrets (4 Main, 16 secondary), Bismarck has 18 (4 Main, 14 secondary) When it comes to guns it doesnt check out. Brandenburg has 44 guns, Bismarck has 36, that is difference of 8 If you include AA. Brandenburg has 116 guns. Bismarck has 134 (B hull) or 72 (A hull). That also doesnt check out. IGN: TakeshiSushi Server: EU
battleship Branden burg has 12 305mm main gun, 21 secondary 105mm gun and 12 105mm guns for a total of 45 artillery guns. - Penderghast - North American server
The answer to the question is: 3x4 305mm main guns, 20 x 105mm and 12 x 150mm secondary guns, for a total of 44 guns. Sounds like a formitable brawler in the hands of a skilled captain :)
A total of 44 artillery guns on Brandenburg 12 - 305mm Main guns 20 - 105mm Secondary guns 12 - 150mm Secondary guns other guns will be just 72 - 30mm AA guns as 105mm guns are dual-purpose EU - IGN: Kinnary
@World of Warships Official Channel hi guys, could you tell me when the period of free commander reset and free demount ends, i've been trying to find it online but i didn't find anything. So when is this bonus gonna end?
Q: How many artillary guns of all calibers are installed on BB Brandeneburg A: Total of 44 guns 12 x 305 mm (main) 20 x 105 mm (secondary) 12 x 150 mm (secondary) IGN: Grody Server: EU
Brandenburg has 12 30.5cm SK C/39 Guns in 4 triple turrets, 20 10.5 cm SK C/33 in 10 twin turrets, and 12 15 cm SK C/28 guns, totalling to a answer of 44 artillery guns. Glyk_Skovorodkin CIS
44 Total guns; to include 12 305mm/56 SK C/39 main battery guns in 4 triple-mount turrets, 20 105mm/65 SK C/33 dual-purpose guns in 10 twin-mount turrets(5 to each side), and 12 150mm/55 SK C/28 guns in 6 twin-mount turrets(3 on each side). She also has 2 533 mm vierling quadruple-tube torpedo launchers(1 on each side) and 72 30 mm Flakvierling 103/38 AA guns. IGN: Shortmoon Server: NA
Brandenburg has a total of 44 artillery guns Main guns 12 x 305mm, plus 12 x 150mm and 20 x 105mm Jayde2405 Asia ps At (3:50) the hint is two move guns than the Bismark, but the Bismark only has 36 (8 x 380mm, 12 x 150mm and 16 x 105mm)
Brandenburg Artillery Armamament: Comprises of 44 Artillery Pieces: Main Armament: 12 305mm SK C/39 Secondary Armament: 20 105mm SK C/33, 12 150mm SK C/28 Server: NA Name: alexandertt1
Odin now is more like a tier VII :( . NA server: Lackystricker 4x3 (12) 305mm primary guns, 10x2 (20) 105mm secondaries guns 6x2 (12) 150mm secondadies guns. 42 total artilery.
The answer to your question is this: The Ship has 3x4 305mm Main Guns ; 20 x 105mm & 12 x 150mm Secondary Guns, which comes down to 44 Guns. Superiour firepower!!
You did ask for ALL artillery guns of all caliber... so it includes the 44 main artillery plus the 72 anti-aircraft artillery... for 116 artillery guns total. Enjoying climbing the German battleships line :) Server: NA (East) In Game Name: Pousto77
The answer is 38, because taking the hint is that there are 2 more than bismarck. And the Bismarck in its B hull configuration has 36 artillery pieces, so if we ad the +2 of the hint, it makes it 38. Name: todres Server: NA
Answer: 44 guns in total: 12 x 305mm in 4 triple turrets, 20 x 105mm in 10 turrets, 12 x 150mm in 6 turrets. But these are eight more than on Bismarck. These guns are mounted in 20 mounts. So the answer should be 20. name: Domi1279 Server: EU
Already got her out of a container. None the less the camo would be great to have * __ * answer is: 3x4 305mm, 20x105mm, 12x150mm --≥ 44 in total. FreshRugget, Server EU
Congratulations to the winners of the Armada - Soviet Tier VIII aircraft carrier Chkalov:
EU albin322
ASIA rockymmm
NA Xhiucoatl
You will obtain the reward within the following week.
A Captain’s guide to using the German Tier VIII battleship.
Read the news on your server:
📝 What is your favorite «Armada» episode?
🔔 Leave us a comment right after subscribing to the channel -
🔊 All episodes «Armada» on the link below
Keep an eye out on the official World of Warships website:
00:00-Teaser for Armada: German battleship Brandenburg
00:15-History of Brandenburg
00:50 - Modeling the ship in World of Warships. Brandenburg - German promo premium Tier VIII battleship
02:35 - Game tactics for Brandenburg
02:55 - Upgrades for German Tier VIII battleship Brandenburg
12 cañones de 305 mm alojados en 4 torretas triples, 20 cañones de 105 mm y 12 cañones de 150 mm. 44 armas en total IGN: txetxotxu Servidor: UE
Brandenburg has 116 artillery Guns in all. (305 mm 4x3,105 mm 10x2 ,150 mm 6x2 ,30 mm 18x4)
32 secondary gun armaments (20x105mm, 12x150mm)
Tigernumberone on the EU server.
Cheers from good old Germanys north coast 🇩🇪 o7
12 main gun 305mm and have 4, triple turrets , 20 secondary 105mm guns and 12. 150 mm guns . And in total has 44 weapons ... Server EU. Name: Borhandark
So where is my Armada video on the renown class bb Repulse?
The BRANDENBURG has 44 guns total (Main and Secondaries): 4 x 3 305 mm Main Guns plus 20 x 105 mm and 12 x 150 mm Secondary Guns. What an impressive armament.
so a Odin with a extra gun..feels nice
Brandenburg is father of brawling now
@@janasenthil pommern is the father of brawling brandenburg is litteraly a nerfed pommern
But no hydro
@@panzerelite_born2compete I guess the Brandenburg can btfo now just because it doesn't have it
Actually her hull is Tirpitz. So think Tirpitz with four Odin turrets
Beautiful Ship!
44 Artillery guns into total.
(3x4 305mm main guns, 20 105mm and 12 150mm secondary)
CobaltDeath, WOWS NA server. Thanks for the opportunity!
Fun ship, but with the current meta where HE is the go, 58k health is not enough plus he AA is quite bad
@Makoniel she does have a higher "icebreaker" and a better armor scheme than Bismarck with a portion of the mid-deck being 80mm. The trouble is that 1) her superstructure is gigantic like other German BBs, and 2) fire damage in this game is sort of broken, and armor is irrelevant against fires. Also 3) with the meta being pushed further and further out due to CVs and subs and HE spam, her 18.5km range is really anemic and she'll probably struggle to stay alive within that kind of range. Also 4) it appears unlike Tirptiz and Bismarck, her forward and aft firing arcs are actually quite terrible (~6 degrees worse, which is actually a lot), which unfortunately to fire all your guns you'll have to give an uncomfortable amount of broadside meaning she'll eat tons of damage. Nonetheless Brandenburg seems interesting but in this meta ... not sure how she'll do.
I've had great success with her AA suite. Best outta all the German BBs so far in my 6 years of playing.
Brandenburg is equipped with a total of 44 artillery guns, 12 x 305 main battery, 12 x 150mm & 20 x 105mm secondaries
In game name: Karandar
Server: NA
Looks like a very interesting ship. I enjoy the detail in these Armada videos & the commentator is sharp dressed as usual
This ship is now one of my faivorite ships on the german ship line. Well done 👍
Also there is this other German blueprint heavy cruiser desings; D-class and P-class, the successors of the Deutschland-class.
Big gap in here when you think Deutschland-class and then jump to the O-class. The full tech tree history might be complete then when these ships are added.
My favorite Armada video is this, I'm so excited about the Brandenburg. I love secondary BB's. EIschen, NA
Another cons which is not mentioned, the ship does not have turtleback, so a good hit will send your new ship to feed the fishes
Ouch, remind me of U-boat got destroyed in a movie Greyhound
44 guns total. von Waldenberger. NA server. The missing link of the Kriegsmarine! Absolutely love it!
Douze canons de 305 mm (4x3), 20 en 105 mm et 12 en 150 mm soit un total de 44.
Nom: Helyas_de_Helliwich
Serveur: WOWS EU
Can't wait to own and play this ship. Brandenburg had a total of 44 artillery pieces for main armament - 12 x 305mm SK C/39, 20 x 105mm & 12 x 150mm guns for secondaries. Game name is Total_Stranger on NA server.
Brandenburg is equipped with a total of 44 artillery guns(AA), 12 x 305 main battery, 12 x 150mm & 20 x 105mm secondaries
In game name: xaviercentenol
Server: NA
Looks like a very interesting ship and seems to have potencial to rule in battles. Great work in this videos I always enjoy to ser them when a new Warship comes in to know how it is and all the details!
scetr99 for total guns there are 305 mm (4x3), 20 x 105 mm, 12 x 150 mm for a total 44
Brandenburg has:
12 305mm main guns, 20 105mm and 12 150mm secondary guns
which is 44 guns in total
With the skipper skills and the new tech tree line coming out, I am loving the playstyle. Every new ship is a chance for good new vid material lol.
44 guns into total.
3x4 305mm main guns, 20 105mm and 12 150mm secondary
Gyphon_GF, NA server. Thank you for the chance.
Well this must be the right answer then, from Philipp (1 day ago)
Thanks Philipp, 20 it is.
"The answer you are looking for is 20. 2 more than Bismarck's 18, as per the hint. Allthough I do feel there was a translation error here, as that is 20 artillery mounts. There's more than one Gun in a mount, but that would not be more than 2 more than Bismarck. "
ClosedCoffin on NA
Tier VIII Brandenburg has:
12x 305mm main guns; 20x 105mm and 12x 150mm secondary guns.
So seeing as Brandonberg was designed well after Odin why did Wargaming not give the ship the upgraded 305 Dhr CL/1911 guns designed after the WW1 version that is included on Brandenburg, Odin and Agir?
She carries 44 artillery guns across primary and secondary batteries.
AdmiralSturdee playing on the EU server
Just got it in amazon prime container. Sweet!
I really hope this ship comes to Legends I will buy it immediately
Greets from germany ... i live in Brandenburg East Germany 👌👌👌
All are 44 guns (12 Main 305mm, 12 Secondary 150mm, 20 Secondary 105mm)
ASIA: Soulglyphter
Tier VIII Brandenburg has:
12x 305mm main guns;
20x 105mm and
12x 150mm secondary guns.
Brandenburg BB has TWENTY artillery guns: FOUR x3 305mm,SIX x2 150mm and TEN x2 105 mm. (30mm AA guns are not classified as artillery in game) I give this answer because, according to the "clue", Bismarck has only two more artillery 'guns'' than Brandenburg, then you must be counting mountings as "guns" rather than barrels because this is the only count that works for the clue. (Bismarck having EIGHTEEN artillery guns: FOUR x2 380mm,SIX x2 150mm and EIGHT x2 105 mm) No other way of counting has a difference of two.
IGN: Panavius
Server: SEA
Can you please add jets like de-Haviland Vampire or MiG-15?
As a side note, I think the "hint" given is incorrect.
IGN: Di3z
Server: EU
BB Brandenburg has 44 artillery guns in total without AA Guns (12 x 305 mm principal guns and the secondaries : 20 x 105 mm guns and 12 x 150 mm guns). There is 72 x 30mm AA Guns too, If we count the anti-aircraft artillery Brandenburg has 116 Guns in total.
Maybe there is a trap? You say 2 more than the Bismarck while he has 36 guns without AA artllery..that's 8 less than the Brandenburg, if you count the AA artillery : 134 Guns in total, in this case Bismarck has 28 more guns, I don't understand the clue.
Brandenburg has 12x 30.5 cm SK C/39 guns in 4 triple turrets, 12x 15 cm SK C/28 guns and 20x 10.5 cm SK C/33. Additionally, the Brandenbur has 2x 533mm quadruple torpedo mounts on each side of the ship.
IGN: JNoxus
Server: EU
Batteries on Brandenburg:
Twelve guns 305 mm/56 SK C/39 (Main Battery)
Twenty guns 105 mm/65 SK C/33 and twelve guns 150 mm/55 SK C/28 (secondaries)
Seventy two guns 30 mm Flakvierling 103/38 Anti Aircraft
Two torpedo quad launchers 533 mm Vierling
According to the WoW wiki site (and general consensus in these comments), 44 main and secondary artillery guns,
but "2 more than Bismarck" (which is 36, according to the WoW wiki site) = 38
Prin744, NA
Answer: Main Battery: 4 SK C-39 triple turrets with a caliber of 305 mm. Secondary Battery: twenty 105 mm guns and twelve 150 mm guns. Torpedo armament: two 533 mm quadruple torpedo launchers.
Brandenburg hast 12×305 mm (3×4) main battery guns, 20×105 mm and 12×150 mm secondary guns
44 guns into total.
3x4 305mm main guns, 20 105mm and 12 150mm secondary
fgbu, ASIA server. Much appreciated .
Brandenburg has 44 artillery guns total. Game name is Streej. I play on the North American server.
The BRANDENBURG has 44 guns total (Main and Secondaries): 4 x 3 305 mm Main Guns plus 20 x 105 mm and 12 x 150 mm Secondary Guns.
Answer: 3x4 305mm main guns; 12 main battery guns, 20 - 105mm secondary guns, 12-150mm secondary guns, 44 guns total. Game name is ILOVERAMEN. I play in the North American server. Also, I wanted to thanks WOWS for giving us a great game that we hopefully can all enjoy!Thanks for your time and have a great day!
The Brandenburg sounds like an interesting brawler.
12x 305 mm guns housed in four triple turrets,
12x 150 mm guns,
20x 105 mm guns and
two 533mm torpedo launchers.
Name: Gregory_Charles_Kent
Server: EU
12 times 305mm SK C/39 guns Main Guns housed in 4 triple Turrets
20 times 105mm and and 12 times 150mm Secondary Guns
Nickname : Oshadha24170
Server : Asia
I really love World of Warships because it feels soo cool to handle such ships as Bismarck Queen Elizabeth and USS Iowa
Kaiser and Koning was my favourite I can't Imagine how detailed these ships are I mean All the ships just look Identical to the real ship I really want to thanks World of Warships for bringing these WW1 and WW2 Legends to life now I am trying to Obtain Yamato and Grosser Kurfurst I really looking forward to obtain these Ships Thanks Wargaming for this magnificent game. Good Luck all !!!
The BRANDENBURG has 44 guns total (Main and Secondaries): 4 x 3 305 mm Main Guns plus 20 x 105 mm and 12 x 150 mm Secondary Guns. What an impressive armament.
Nickname: Hocus
Server: EU
T8 Brandenburg has: 12 x 305 mm guns housed in 4 triple turrets, 20 x 105 mm guns and 12 x 150 mm guns. 44 guns in total. And 2 533mm torp tubes as well.
IGN: _Djustin_
Server: Asia
12 Hauptbatterie 305 er in 4 Türmen 20 X105er und 12 X 150er in Zwillingstürmen also 44 Total.
12 main guns in 4 turrets @ 305mm, Secondary's are 20 x 105mm & 12 150mm (She also has 2 Quadruple tube torpedo launchers)
IGN: Invictas
Server: Asia
The ship consists of 12 (primary 305mm), 20 (105mm secondary), 12 (150mm secondary), 72 (30mm Anti aircraft) for a total of 116 "guns". If you require just the guns covered in the video only it was a total of 44 Primary and secondary but you did say all guns. NA Server, Punisher_1
"a high cruising speed" - yeah, a high CRUISING speed.
Which could be a veiled "high speed in straight line but needs ages to achieve it and bleeds a lot when turning".
IGN: SkullHuntah
Server: EU
Tier VIII Brandenburg has:
12 305mm main guns
20 105mm and
12 150mm secondary guns
I’m just starting out German battleships, to answer the question, 12 305mm guns housed in 4 triple turrets, 20 105mm secondary guns along with 12 150mm secondary guns. I’m total, there are 44 guns on this beast. I’m game name is Arvin_1___ on the NA server. Good luck everyone else!
Brandenburg is equipped with a total of 44 artillery guns, 12 x 305 main battery, 12 x 150mm & 20 x 105mm secondaries
In game name: Yusaku_Fujiki
Server: EU
I think its very decent ship like Odin :)
Tier VIII Brandenburg has:
12x 305mm main guns;
20x 105mm and
12x 150mm secondary guns.
Ragnarsschrottbock EU
Tier VIII Brandenburg has:
12x 305mm main guns;
20x 105mm and
12x 150mm secondary guns.
Brandenburg holds an impressive 44 guns. Game name is Demon_Wolf_DRAC. I play on the NA server. A true force to deal with.
44 guns into total.
3x4 305mm main guns, 20 105mm and 12 150mm secondary
IGN: Shanghaied
Server: NA
Answer: 44
Brandenburg looks like a great brawling ship. 👍🏻
Brandenburg has 44 Guns (Main and Secondaries) 3x4 305mm main guns, 20 x 105mm and 12 x 150mm secondary guns, for a total of 44 guns. Thank you for the chance to win this wonderful ship.
Server: CIS
Name: Ya_Lyotchik_Gastello
The ship has twelve 305 SK c/39 main guns, twenty 105 mm and twelve 150 mm secondary guns as well as two 533 quadruple-tube torpedo launchers.
That would be a total of 44 guns.
In game name - Air_Robert
Server - EU
Tier VIII Brandenburg:
12x 305mm main guns housed in 4 triple turrets,
20x 105mm + 12x 150mm secondary guns.
2x533mm torp tubes as well.
Name: Jeka_V0Robey
Server: CIS
looks like we have another traslation error here. Seems like he is asking for turrets, not guns.
The hint is that it has 2 more that Bismarck.
Brandenburg has 20 turrets (4 Main, 16 secondary), Bismarck has 18 (4 Main, 14 secondary)
When it comes to guns it doesnt check out.
Brandenburg has 44 guns, Bismarck has 36, that is difference of 8
If you include AA. Brandenburg has 116 guns. Bismarck has 134 (B hull) or 72 (A hull). That also doesnt check out.
IGN: TakeshiSushi
Server: EU
battleship Branden burg has 12 305mm main gun, 21 secondary 105mm gun and 12 105mm guns for a total of 45 artillery guns. - Penderghast - North American server
The answer to the question is: 3x4 305mm main guns, 20 x 105mm and 12 x 150mm secondary guns, for a total of 44 guns. Sounds like a formitable brawler in the hands of a skilled captain :)
A total of 44 artillery guns on Brandenburg
12 - 305mm Main guns
20 - 105mm Secondary guns
12 - 150mm Secondary guns
other guns will be just 72 - 30mm AA guns as 105mm guns are dual-purpose
EU - IGN: Kinnary
Tier VIII Brandenburg has:
12 305mm main guns
20 105mm and
12 150mm secondary guns
EU server.
The Brandenburg has 44 artillery guns in total.
ingame name: DasPhantomDerOper
Server: WoW EU
Brandenburg Tier VIII Premium ship
12x 305mm SKC main guns housed in 4 triple turrets, 20x 105mm and 12x 150mm secondary guns.
Anti aircraft armament: Seventy-two 30mm Flakvierling 103/38 guns
2 533mm torp tubes
Brandenburg has 44 guns in total (12 305mm + 12 150mm + 20 105mm).
In game name: Nitrebua
Server: EU
44 guns into total.
3x4 305mm main guns
20 105mm and
12 150mm secondary
ASIA: blueblitz
@World of Warships Official Channel hi guys, could you tell me when the period of free commander reset and free demount ends, i've been trying to find it online but i didn't find anything. So when is this bonus gonna end?
Q: How many artillary guns of all calibers are installed on BB Brandeneburg
A: Total of 44 guns
12 x 305 mm (main)
20 x 105 mm (secondary)
12 x 150 mm (secondary)
IGN: Grody
Server: EU
The answer is 2 more mounts of the 105’s.
Brandenburg has 12 30.5cm SK C/39 Guns in 4 triple turrets, 20 10.5 cm SK C/33 in 10 twin turrets, and 12 15 cm SK C/28 guns, totalling to a answer of 44 artillery guns.
Is the one answer first will be the winner ??? because some one answer first in the comment but i don t know is he win or not ?
12 305 mm main battery, 20 105mm and 12 150mm secondaries. 44 in total
Piesandgravy EU
44 Total guns; to include 12 305mm/56 SK C/39 main battery guns in 4 triple-mount turrets, 20 105mm/65 SK C/33 dual-purpose guns in 10 twin-mount turrets(5 to each side), and 12 150mm/55 SK C/28 guns in 6 twin-mount turrets(3 on each side). She also has 2 533 mm vierling quadruple-tube torpedo launchers(1 on each side) and 72 30 mm Flakvierling 103/38 AA guns.
IGN: Shortmoon
Server: NA
The total amount of artillery this ship has is 44.
Game name is general_zach.
Please bring back convoys they were a lot of fun .........
Branden burg has 44 guns, swa0mpfox on NA server. Sounds like fun.
There 44 guns of all calibers on the Brandburg. Ingame name: koloth on the NA server.
Brandenburg has a total of 44 artillery guns Main guns 12 x 305mm, plus 12 x 150mm and 20 x 105mm Jayde2405 Asia
ps At (3:50) the hint is two move guns than the Bismark, but the Bismark only has 36 (8 x 380mm, 12 x 150mm and 16 x 105mm)
Brandenburg has:
12 305mm main guns
20 105mm and 12 150mm secondary guns
the answer: 44 guns in total = 12 X 305mm guns housed in 4 triple turrets, 20 X 105 mm guns and 12 X 150 mm guns.
There are 116 guns on Brandenburg. Twelve 305 mm. Twenty 105 mm. Twelve 150 mm. Seventy-two 30 mm.
jurgens613 on NA server
Brandenburg Artillery Armamament:
Comprises of 44 Artillery Pieces:
Main Armament: 12 305mm SK C/39
Secondary Armament: 20 105mm SK C/33, 12 150mm SK C/28
Server: NA
Name: alexandertt1
Odin now is more like a tier VII :( .
NA server: Lackystricker
4x3 (12) 305mm primary guns,
10x2 (20) 105mm secondaries guns
6x2 (12) 150mm secondadies guns.
42 total artilery.
12 305 mm guns in 4x3 turrets, 20 105 mm guns, and 12 150 mm guns. 44 guns in total
Vorax4 NA
Answer: Total gun count: 44 pieces
IGN: XViking
Server: EU
Looks like an slighly buffed Odin, so lets hope more fun to play
The answer to your question is this: The Ship has 3x4 305mm Main Guns ; 20 x 105mm & 12 x 150mm Secondary Guns, which comes down to 44 Guns. Superiour firepower!!
tc9760 NA and the answer to the question is 45 guns all together 12-305 main / 24-150 sec /12-105 sec
If my math is correct, looks like 44 guns batteries total. I play on the NA server, and my in game name is 81firebird. Good luck to all!
You did ask for ALL artillery guns of all caliber... so it includes the 44 main artillery plus the 72 anti-aircraft artillery... for 116 artillery guns total.
Enjoying climbing the German battleships line :)
Server: NA (East)
In Game Name: Pousto77
A total of 44 artillery guns. 12 main 305s as well as 20 105mm and 12 105mm
EU Server
The answer is 38, because taking the hint is that there are 2 more than bismarck. And the Bismarck in its B hull configuration has 36 artillery pieces, so if we ad the +2 of the hint, it makes it 38.
Name: todres
Server: NA
T8 Brandenburg has: 12 x 305 mm guns, 20 x 105 mm guns and 12 x 150 mm guns. 44 guns in total.
IGN: _Ryua_
Server: NA
Answer: 44 guns in total: 12 x 305mm in 4 triple turrets, 20 x 105mm in 10 turrets, 12 x 150mm in 6 turrets. But these are eight more than on Bismarck. These guns are mounted in 20 mounts. So the answer should be 20.
name: Domi1279
Server: EU
Already got her out of a container. None the less the camo would be great to have * __ * answer is: 3x4 305mm, 20x105mm, 12x150mm --≥ 44 in total.
FreshRugget, Server EU
12x305mm main guns, 20x105mm and 12x150mm secondary guns (efato EU)
Tier VIII Brandenburg has:
12 305mm main guns
20 105mm and
12 150mm secondary guns
They are 44 artillery guns installed (30 mm AA-guns does't count to the artillery in germany).
IGN: Richtank
Server: EU
Tier VIII BB Brandenburg has a total of 44 guns (12 = 305mm main guns, 12 = 150mm and 20 = 105mm secondary guns)
wert_0712 EU
*Answer:* 20 Artillery-turrets of any caliber
*Server:* EU , *Nickname:* __Nexis981__ ( 1 underscore , then Nexis981 , then 1 underscore )
*Subscribed:* yes ✅
*Thumb up:* yes ✅
Tier VIII Brandenburg:
12x 305mm main guns housed in 4 triple turrets,
20x 105mm + 12x 150mm secondary guns.
2x533mm torp tubes as well.
Name: volcomix2021 | Server: EU