Fan theory: after losing his mind in quarantine, Jordan decides that music is the key to saving humanity. After searching his home for anything that makes sound remotely listenable, Jordan finds a small panpipe, along with a strange hat and coat. He wears the coat as a replacement for his shredded hoodie and keeps the hat to complete the look. I think you all know the rest
Plot twist : Shayne's started going crazy and actually believes he's the character. He threatened Smosh to upload the video because the character believes he can save the world. Don't worry buddy, you always make us happy
Plot twist: Jordan emerged from quarantine with a top hat and a pan flute. It's said that he still roams the land, warning weary travelers of impending perils.
Oh. my. god. this is the prelude to Weary Travelers Man. Sent into the future to know all impeding doom, only then to be sent back to present time to warn weary travelers.
Haik Mherian wait, you are the annoying kid from the video!!! 😃 So inspirational, what a social justice warrior 😍🤩 Thank you for saving us all by typing this 😎 Such kind, thoughtful words 😊 Please continue spreading this positivity 😇
Not going to lie the “No” answer part is basically how I act towards most people when I don’t see them face to face and talk to them online, it’s just too tiring to make a conversation through typing words and sending it.
Who else wants to see a video where Jordan asks out Rachel as a prank but she says yes to prank him but than they end up having a good relationship, no one, darn
*100h without internet:* Jordan tries to prank his own reflection *500h without internet:* Jordan is walking on all fours, upside down, backwards, pretending to be an inverted horse *1000h without internet:* Jordan is debating the backlying theories of spaghetti-pranks with his shower head, with his clothes on in an order that would surprise you
0:36 “I had $3000 saved up from my bar mitzvah,and I donated that money... ...To Amazon Prime,where I busted quarantine snacks.” *They got us in the first half,I’m not gonna lie*
Jordan: I think insanity is setting in. Shayne before this: watch this [dialing phone] dominos your my favorite pizza place now watch pizza hut your my favorite pizza place.
Pizza hut calls back "So we heard we're your favorite pizza place. Watch this this 50 second ad to get a discount on your next pizza. The discount is 2 of the slices are free."
Future video-Annoying kid has a wedding. Its just Jordan preparing for his wedding to Rachel and then by the end when Jordan goes to say I do he decides to make a prank saying I don't causing Rachel to angrily storm out of the wedding.
I heard that random facts work well so here’s some: The longest wedding veil was the same length as 63.5 football fields. *A dozen bodies were once found in Benjamin Franklin’s basement.*
“I was only spreading the most infectious disease on the planet..... laughter” - that was pure Shayne
“Water prank.....”
*pours milk in Rachel’s backpack*
Gabi DiMarco for some reason I read this as backyard at first and I was confused 😂
_"Heyyyy! Rachel, its Jorda-"_
*_Me in any social interaction, even before covid._*
This comment is underrated 😂
I dont do social interaction
Batman dies in Endgame you just did tho
@@kulhrada6900 technically not socially internetly
Lol same
I’m 90% sure this is actually how Shane is dealing with quarantine
99.9% sure this is how everyone is
I bet some days people are really going this nuts lol
Yeah shane
Ah ahahahahahhaa
Fan theory: after losing his mind in quarantine, Jordan decides that music is the key to saving humanity. After searching his home for anything that makes sound remotely listenable, Jordan finds a small panpipe, along with a strange hat and coat. He wears the coat as a replacement for his shredded hoodie and keeps the hat to complete the look. I think you all know the rest
Ohhhh I like that theory
YESSSSS! Awesome theory
I... I don’t get it :(
lookin to enter quarantine, ey? i've seen many enter but none return
Are we sure this isn't just a recording of Shayne in quarantine
Man does have a point
he has a point
who knows
You have a point, this is really just Shayne in his natural habitat
Plot twist : Shayne's started going crazy and actually believes he's the character. He threatened Smosh to upload the video because the character believes he can save the world.
Don't worry buddy, you always make us happy
MasterTevs lol this is an amazing comment
Where's the banana?
This is a nice comment
I feel like this isn’t a skit and he’s actually going insane while filming himself
I could watch Keith in this character making “false” rumors for hours.
Aly Dietz amen
Plot twist: Jordan emerged from quarantine with a top hat and a pan flute. It's said that he still roams the land, warning weary travelers of impending perils.
Graeme Edwards I can hear this sentence.
Oh. my. god. this is the prelude to Weary Travelers Man. Sent into the future to know all impeding doom, only then to be sent back to present time to warn weary travelers.
@@jonasbro1992 and the panflute
I love this
i was about to type thisss lmaooo
I can't believe that he's willing to cut off the hoodies' sleeves just for a video 😂😂
Diyanah Anuar shut up
@@haikmherian no you shut up
Haik Mherian wait, you are the annoying kid from the video!!! 😃 So inspirational, what a social justice warrior 😍🤩 Thank you for saving us all by typing this 😎 Such kind, thoughtful words 😊 Please continue spreading this positivity 😇
Haik Mherian tf happened
@@PfoteL No idea why they're arguing...
I died when he said “I’m out to touch you too” 🤣🤣🤣 Almost made me spit out my water 😭😭😭
Annoying kid when teacher asks, how do you turn up the volume?
Jordan Schwartz: ALT F4
Taco The Cat what does it do?
Mallory Fallon it shuts down ur computer
Taco The Cat I would say no do ctrl shift qq it’s another way to shut your computer it works on some computers
Wait... Does that mean im also the annoying kid?
i LITERALLY spat my drink out when Keith said “I WAS THE KID THAT JUMPED IN HARAMBE’S CAGE!”
I read this when it happened
Me too, I *heart* Keith! xo
I can’t do that. It’s 5:29am in the morning, and my family would be *furious* if they found out.
Bro.. Imagine passing by his house and seeing him trying to make a fire and laughing alone
Can u imagine fr... lmao good job it’s inside his house
Would be awesome yet scary
That’s some 2019 joker shit😂
Bro imagine if you went out side
Bro imagine him trying to make fire laugh
“Hey Rachel”
That is how I interact with most people.
Why just why ?? I felt that on a personal level.
Not going to lie the “No” answer part is basically how I act towards most people when I don’t see them face to face and talk to them online, it’s just too tiring to make a conversation through typing words and sending it.
why just why ?? Ilovethis
This interaction has me wheezing idk why
Annoying kid would act up over online class and do that just to say “what are you gonna do? send me home?”
"No we will make you COME to school for detention :D"
ok wtf im not that annoying
Annyoing kid in online class, that would be cool
@@BreadedSpace schools are literally doing that
My brother did that but I lost my voice and he said what are you gonna do yell at me?
Jordan facetiming two people and calling it “all his friends” is a whole mood
Is my life
Him having 2 friends is a mood? What an actual stupid thing to say.
Nichols Blackburn BRUH MOMENT
The fact that one of them was his teacher made it funnier
And relatable
Now we need "Brianna Boho in quarantine"
Deckardd Wizardd
And Courtney Freaken Miller
Theory, Jordan Schwartz is the traveler with the pipes.
I commented something like this but I didn't see your comment, sorry
Que the Vsauce music
Skrebz lmao
Makes sense
Makes sense
I was only spreading the most infectious disease
Me: Actually, It’s-
Jordan: Laughter
"I was the kid who jumped into Harambe's cage." We got him bois
I'm going to find the target ,Bravo 6 going dark
im watching a 28 year old man slowly losing their sanity
me: this is entertaining
@@zainc2492 their works to.
John Smith they both make sense if it didn’t it’s the internet
666th like. Hail Satan!!!
No you can say they cause now he has multiple personalities in his head
Max the Farmer You know they can be used as a singular too, right? It’s in the dictionary...
@@p_rneliushubert lol it's the lyrics to the song Shayne was singing
Bro that from imagine by John Lennon
Imagine imagining that we are all imagining
What age is Jordon? His personality says middle school but his bedroom says college dorm.
I think that he is a high schooler from the way that everyone else acts
@@allieshoen6100 Shayne*
@@darknut6487 It isn't unnecessary if that's how his name is spelled.
All the kids who actually act like this trynna reassure themselves that they’re not like this
Elijah Hiltebrand I promise I’m not like this
This was me in 6th grade, I just look back at myself and I cringe
You can't prove this isn't me.
So my last name is Schwartz. My cousin's name is Jordan.... he watches smosh...... and has a girlfriend named Rachel.
No way!
That's crazy bruh
No one asked
Confirmed, Jordan and Rachel get together
@@Emeralve I asked
One time I was in the shower and I started to slip and I tried to grab onto the water.
Yes this is big brain time
Super pig brain
Edit: big brain
Me too
Btw I’ve seen this posted before on doming else so idk if u really did it or not
Me 😂
If Michael Scott were a teenager, he’d be Jordan Schwartz.
To be fair, Michael Scott was cool.
No one likes you
This comment made watching the video 10000x better
Why do I feel like Shane is lowkey actually like this irl
Jordan: "I think this is the toughest thing I've ever gone through..."
TH-cam: *pizza hut ad*
You’re my favorite pizza place
I got an H&R Block ad
Serena and Lily 😂
I got a flower ad
Brianna Maher I got a frickin corona virus ad....
Who else wants to see a video where Jordan asks out Rachel as a prank but she says yes to prank him but than they end up having a good relationship, no one, darn
I do
smosh please do this
U have no idea
I think this is how Shayne actually acts in quarantine.
Aren't everyone?
Plot twist : Jordan Schwartz is actually Geoff Schwartz's son
@@carlopannone5281 he is a character on the Goldbergs, played by Sam Lerner
But he looks like Matt Bradley.....
ShourtyTheDragonSlayer dun dun duuuuuun
U do gotta appreciate that even in Quarantine, Jordan Schwartz makes documentaries for us😂
They should do Courtney freakin Miller in quarantine
I agree
Nah she's the one who'll punch corna out of existence
No gross man beacause Noah is well a gross man because well names don’t lye I’m on a lane Jonathan lane
Keith’s “rumours” were the best! “I was the kid that jumped in Harambe’s cage” killed me 😂
I'm emotionally invested in this series now
You weren't before?
Hot take: Jordan is actually the most tragic character, even more than Hamlet.
Wow, you are absolutely right
“Pranks aren’t dangerous if they make good content.”
-Every TH-cam vlogger and Instagram comedian ever
This is the origin story of the crazy old man character
Wooooooaaaahhhh that would be the biggest plot twist EVER.
YES they never told him quarantine was over
what if hes a time traveler 0_o
Abboe Stritt28 turns out he’s only 27
One thing Jordan did that he should have never done...
*R E A D T H E C O M M E N T S*
I bet he didnt eat his cereal
Let the talentless cult shine
patel lol
*100h without internet:* Jordan tries to prank his own reflection
*500h without internet:* Jordan is walking on all fours, upside down, backwards, pretending to be an inverted horse
*1000h without internet:* Jordan is debating the backlying theories of spaghetti-pranks with his shower head, with his clothes on in an order that would surprise you
It's been a while since I legitimately laughed at a comment
Greenpixel omg yeah. They’re all ‘quote’ - no one cares, 2020
No one:
yet another _quote_
Greenpixel yes I agree
"I was only spreading the most infectious disease ever"
Same 🤣
Stupidity isn't a virus. But it sure is spreading like one.
@@aidanredding8058 Virus isn't a stupidity. But it sure spreads like one.
Let's be honest, the most annoying kid in quarantine, is the kid who's not in quarantine.
That's not how this works
I mean my country is not rlly on lockdown other than flights being closed soooo.....
Absolute Carnage fr; the sooner they stop visiting their friends, the sooner everyone can get out of their houses 😂
What would you do to the kid, Cletus?
True tho
"i was the kid that jumped in harambes cage" is the funniest line ive heard in so long holy shit keith ur gold
Bruh that gave me the flashbacks!! i miss my boy Harambe
“Well jamie_plazz09, I’m out to touch you too.”
Jordan Schwartz, 2020
Shayne is probably the best method actor in Smosh
0:36 “I had $3000 saved up from my bar mitzvah,and I donated that money...
...To Amazon Prime,where I busted quarantine snacks.”
*They got us in the first half,I’m not gonna lie*
"I don't even need the internet "
proceeds to make a TH-cam video
Litterally nobody
Jordan: Imagine theres No heaven, I wrote that song
Whats that song from i forgot
@@carterheiser5205 Imagine by John Lennon
Plot Twist: He is John Lennon.
i was about to like the comment but it was at 69
Little do you know Shane’s already lost his mind, forgotten who he is and now thinks he is some kid named Jordan Schwartz
Tactical Pacifist yEs
Wait.. that's not what's happening?
@@certiimxhzn r/wooosh
@@karactora9646 its not r/woooosh, I was joking by saying I thought that's what actually happened
So really, you should get r/wooooshed
When Jordan was going insane I thought that we're getting The Old Traveller's origin story
Jordan: I think insanity is setting in.
Shayne before this: watch this [dialing phone] dominos your my favorite pizza place now watch pizza hut your my favorite pizza place.
Surprisingly Jordan is Shaynes least insane reoccurring character.
You monster
Pizza hut calls back
"So we heard we're your favorite pizza place. Watch this this 50 second ad to get a discount on your next pizza. The discount is 2 of the slices are free."
Watch this: Hi little caesers, im a registered sex offender
during Keith’s part at the end my mom goes “who is that? Chris Rock?” 🤣
Kennedy Gerow Flashback to Oscar episode.
earlier: Rachel has a huge crush on me
later: rachel, it's jordan. NO.
me: nAni? o_~
First jordan video??
She uses the mean card to act like she doesn’t like him!
@@jenniferarbour8597 no actually in these Jordan videos he always acts like Rachel likes him but he’s lying, litteraly watch any other Jordan video
@@watchf Watch the most annoying kid in the haunted house, in that video it was revealed that Rachel actually has a crush on Jordan.
@@xdarkevolution657 this was mine
The return of Jordan: the man who went to jail for burning his school down
And Amateur Ghost Hunter
I forgot about that XD
Those 18 dislikes are from Jordan’s online classmates
Shut up their apart of the video
itz_gachalice 1. I have no clue what you’re talking about, and 2. It’s they’re
147 so guess it's from his whole grade in school.
@@itz_gachalice7848 *they're
last time we had jordan content, rachel still had a crush on him
ps: peep that ian and anthony lunchbox (around 10 mins)
Elizabeth Recella Oh my gosh I just noticed the lunchbox...
Elizabeth Recella where?
Elizabeth Recella never mind I found it
7peachytae where?
Wait never mind I found it
Suggestion: most annoying kid goes to college with Damien as the roommate. He's just polite Damien trying not to lose it
Well, after the "Most Annoying Roommate" video, that would be interesting.
Jordan’s slow decent into madness is just Shayne breaking out of character
CaptainFirebolt AHHAHAAH true
Keith: Says “Corona”
TH-cam: hahahahaha...AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
"hey Rachel it's jor-"
*Way to realistic*
Jordan and rachel is my favorite during this series
“If Christmas and Easter had a baby” says Jordan Schwartz, a fully Bar-Motzvahd person
I was expecting Jordan to appear somewhere at the end and say “LoOKinG tO eNTeR QuaRAnTiNE, Eh?!”
My favourite Shayne character 😂
Says "Corona"
No, TH-cam changed monetization policy surrounding Corona. It's fine to say it and words like it now.
Daniel Aldrich You know it was a joke right? -_-
No Content
He’s just speaking facts, dude.
@@happy9378 he's just spittin' fax.
Tell me why I heard the word “demonetized” in Noah’s voice
“Water prank”
*shows video of dumping milk into Rachel’s bag*
shane: slowly drags himself out of frame
me: jumps so hard i scream when he pops again
Since everyone is in quarantine, could Courtney continue with “Courtney plays Sims”. Such a big cliffhanger!!!
But then Shayne couldn't sneak up on her
u mean courtney freakin miller
I feel bad for Jordan, he just needs some friends, but he also slept with his shoes on so he may deserve what he gets
I can't take my smile face off. Thanks a lot XD
is it just me or does it seem like shayne recorded this without telling anyone, then told them to do the parts and forced them to upload it 😂
my friend is LITERALLY like Jordan Schwartz: annoying, stupid, funny, idiotic, oblivious and we annoy him all the time
Last time I was this early, 'No Touching' was still a rule on smosh TNTL videos lmao
Now it's a rule for everybody.
@@jadelion3979 lol true tho
Siddharth Prabhu isnt it still a rule?
*60hrs past no internet*
Jordan: haha i shat my pants _4 days_ ago
So he shat himself about 2 1/2 days BEFORE he gave up internet...
@@drollfurball2863 About 1 1/2 not 2 1/2
@@drollfurball2863 I was literally about to just say that 😂
I wouldn’t even last 65 seconds without internet, let alone 65 hours lol.
"I was attracted to the teletubbies"
Had me dying 😂😂
Jordan: I’ll phone my next closest friend
Calls his teacher😂
"I'm out to touch you too", I feel bad for Jordan, he is so misunderstood XD
Imagine his classmates thinking that they got rid of Jordan but, he still isn't leaving them.
I crapped my self you just got pranked lmao he is loosing his mind.
Please do "Every Theatre Kid Ever"
"Every Art School Ever"
That probably be impossible due to the circumstances
Besides Courtney FREAKING Miller, Jordan is one of my favorite Shayne characters 😂👏🏻
Shayne legitimately scaring me with his crawling 😂. And keith (forgot character name and too lazy to go back) spreading truths about himself
He still found a way to piss everyone off 😂
Shane always cracks me up I love the part we’re he starts crying saying he got tested positive from being banned from the internet lmao 😂
@@tuyow3589 *where
"This is the hardest thing anyone has ever went through": ad plays*
I love Shayne much. Perfectly imperfect and weird.
11:19 I was the kid that jumped in harambe's cage! LMFAO im ded.
I can’t wait until Jordan and Rachel confess their feelings for each other
Future video-Annoying kid has a wedding. Its just Jordan preparing for his wedding to Rachel and then by the end when Jordan goes to say I do he decides to make a prank saying I don't causing Rachel to angrily storm out of the wedding.
Felix O'Neill lol
Jordan : "I don't need social media to survive quarantine"
Me : probably not me
There was an ad for piano but it a freaking DEMON SLAYER SOUNDTRACK and i couldnt resist even though i wanted to watch this.
Jordan is the type of kid who comments, "First", on every post ever.
I heard that random facts work well so here’s some:
The longest wedding veil was the same length as 63.5 football fields.
*A dozen bodies were once found in Benjamin Franklin’s basement.*
Plot twist: this is actually jordon and Shayne is just his TH-cam name 🤯
Demonica *Shanye West
@@bluebeowolf9327 Look in the description, it is written "Shayne Topp".
@@peach8158 'Shayne Topp'
@Demonica It’s a joke. Some of the cast has a reoccurring joke where they call Shayne Shanye West. Like Kanye West but combined with Shayne.
"Hey Rachel it's Jor-"
Diovolo why didn’t you win¡
“I can do this. I have to. For humanity” lmao 😂 🤣😂🤣
*Jordan aching like this is a survival thing*
Me after just starting to watch ‘Naked and Afraid’ : What-
“I’m going to keep you sane through this quarantine”
This is actually just Shayne and the isolation made him go crazy.
and smosh just set up hidden cameras
probably ian
and shayne is talking to NO ONE
Metal Head Maniac yeS sO tRuE
The ending with kieth is an underrated part of this video lmao 😂😂😂