I Asked An Ai To Predict The Future And Its Forecasts Are Quite ''IMPRESSIVE''

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 4 ต.ค. 2023
  • Artificial intelligence systems are gaining capabilities to forecast complex future events and technology trends by analyzing massive datasets - but can uncensored AI predictions also reveal chilling downsides of progress absent ethics? In this precedent-setting experiment, I helped develop an advanced AI trained solely on scientific data to simulate humanity's future across society, technology, geopolitics, climate and more. When prompted for its unfiltered vision of the world in coming decades, the AI's timeline and forecasts left me exhilarated by the potential, yet deeply unsettled by the risks of uncontrolled change.
    Join me as we explore this rogue AI's predictions for 2050 and beyond - from work automation to AI regulation, climate action to space travel, biotechnology to shifts in global power. We discuss how its forecasts could help societies identify problems early and strategize solutions. But we also unpack dangers of unchecked AI prediction technologies used by governments and corporations to concentrate power.
    Guiding AI wisely remains imperative as prediction moves beyond biased human limitations. With care and conscience, such tools could enhance foresight on complex challenges - pandemic threats, ecological tipping points, cyberwarfare, technological unemployment. But without oversight, AI oracles risk becoming self-fulfilling prophecies reinforcing the interest of whoever interprets them, not society overall. The difference hinges on whether we develop AI as an empowering public good, or as the oracle from which our tech overlords impose their own designs for the future. How we proceed today steers history for generations hence.
    #ai #future #forecasts #openai #anthropic #google #microsoft #googleai #chatgpt4 #chatgpt #claude2 #bard #bingai #googlebard
  • วิทยาศาสตร์และเทคโนโลยี

ความคิดเห็น • 33

  • @farhanaf832
    @farhanaf832 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

    We can help scientists by processing data from Rosetta at home and folding at home

  • @raulmartinez429
    @raulmartinez429 4 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

    I don't care about 2050
    I care about 2024 - 2030

  • @mojooftheg5961
    @mojooftheg5961 9 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

    You are the AI!

    • @TechHub10004
      @TechHub10004  9 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

      and i suppose u are that smart guy 🧐

    • @mojooftheg5961
      @mojooftheg5961 9 หลายเดือนก่อน

      far from it. I just wonder what will AI bring to humanity? @@TechHub10004

  • @crazyeightsable
    @crazyeightsable 4 หลายเดือนก่อน

    this is very similar to what david shapiro predicts.it's a very iinteresting video.

  • @rgaleny
    @rgaleny 4 หลายเดือนก่อน +1


  • @charlesbrightman4237
    @charlesbrightman4237 9 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Consider the following:
    a. Numbers: Modern science does not even know how numbers and certain mathematical constants exist for math to do what math does. (And nobody as of yet has been able to show me how numbers and certain mathematical constants can come from the Standard Model Of Particle Physics).
    b. Space: Modern science does not even know what 'space' actually is nor how it could actually warp and expand.
    c. Time: Modern science does not even know what 'time' actually is nor how it could actually warp and vary.
    d. Gravity: Modern science does not even know what 'gravity' actually is nor how gravity actually does what it appears to do. And for those who claim that 'gravity' is matter warping the fabric of spacetime, see 'b' and 'c' above.
    e. Speed of Light: 'Speed', distance divided by time, distance being two points in space with space between those two points. But yet, here again, modern science does not even know what space and time actually are that makes up 'speed' and they also claim that space can warp and expand and time can warp and vary, so how could they truly know even what the speed of light actually is that they utilize in many of the formulas? Speed of light should also warp, expand and vary depending upon what space and time it was in. And if the speed of light can warp, expand and vary in space and time, how then do far away astronomical observations actually work that are based upon light and the speed of light that could warp, expand and vary in actual reality?
    f. Photons: A photon swirls with the 'e' and 'm' energy fields 90 degrees to each other. A photon is also considered massless. What keeps the 'e' and 'm' energy fields together across the vast universe? And why doesn't the momentum of the 'e' and 'm' energy fields as they swirl about not fling them away from the central area of the photon?
    And electricity is electricity and magnetism is magnetism varying possibly only in energy modality, energy density and energy frequency. Why doesn't the 'e' and 'm' of other photons and of matter basically tear apart a photon going across the vast universe?
    Also, 'if' a photon actually red shifts, where does the red shifted energy go and why does the photon red shift? And for those who claim space expanding causes a photon to red shift, see 'b' above.
    Why does radio 'em' (large 'em' waves) have low energy and gamma 'em' (small 'em' waves) have high energy? And for those who say E = hf; see also 'b' and 'c' above. (f = frequency, cycles per second. But modern science claims space can warp and expand and time can warp and vary. If 'space' warps and expands and/or 'time' warps and varies, what does that do to 'E'? And why doesn't 'E' keep space from expanding and time from varying?).
    g. Energy: Modern science claims that energy cannot be created nor destroyed, it's one of the foundations of physics. Hence, energy is either truly a finite amount and eternally existent, or modern science is wrong. First Law Of Thermodynamics: "Energy can neither be created nor destroyed." How exactly is 'energy' eternally existent?
    h. Existence and Non-Existence side by side throughout all of eternity. How?

    • @TechHub10004
      @TechHub10004  8 หลายเดือนก่อน

      You pose so many deep, complex questions that I will need time to research and reflect on properly. I sincerely appreciate you mapping out key mysteries modern science has yet to unravel. There is always more to learn!

    • @charlesbrightman4237
      @charlesbrightman4237 8 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@TechHub10004 Thank you. I have my own views of the above items based upon my own theory of everything idea, that is currently awaiting to have my gravity test accomplished (posted on the other thread to you for this video), that act as placeholders until something more correct comes along, if ever. If you want me to post any of those items here for you and others to see and ponder, just ask and ye shall receive. (I like to ask questions to see what others think and believe about certain items, trying to tap into the 'wisdom of the crowd', of which you and I are a part of.)
      One thing not mentioned above is my potential completion of the Periodic Table of the Elements:
      (copy and paste from my files):
      Potential completion of the Periodic Table of the Elements:
      I currently believe that there are 120 chemical elements in this universe. If a person were to look at how electrons fill up the shells in atoms: 2, 8, 18, 32, 32, 18, 8 (seven shells), and realizing that energy could freely flow in this universe if nothing stopped it from doing so, then a natural bell shaped curve might occur. An eighth energy shell might exist with a maximum of two elements in it, chemical element #119 (8s1) and chemical element #120 (8s2).
      Chemical Element #119 (8s1):
      #119 I put at the bottom of the Hydrogen group on the Periodic Table of the Elements. It only has one electron in it's outer shell with room for only one more electron. Energy might even enter the atom through the missing electron spot and then at least some of the energy might get trapped inside of the atom under the atom's outer shell.
      Chemical Element #120 (8s2):
      #120 I put at the bottom of the Helium group since it's outer shell is full of electrons. It might have some of the properties of group two, Beryllium group (Alkali Earth Metals group) since it has two electrons in it's outer shell; as well as some of the properties of the Helium group (Noble Gases group) since it's outer shell is full of electrons; and if you look at the step down deflection of the semi-metals and where #120 would be located on the chart, it's possible #120 might even have some semi-metal characteristics. #120 would be the heaviest element in this universe. I believe chemical element #120 could possibly be found inside the center of stars.
      When a neutron split inside of this atom, it would give off one proton, one electron, neutrinos and energy. The proton and electron would be ejected outside of the atom since all their respective areas are full. One proton and one electron are basic hydrogen, of which the Sun is primarily made up of, and the Sun certainly gives off neutrinos and energy. And note, it's the neutron that split, not a proton. So even after the split, there are still 120 protons inside of the atom and the atom still exists as element #120. The star would last longer that way.
      In addition, if the neutron that split triggered a chain reaction inside of the star, this could possibly be how stars nova, (even if only periodically).
      If stars were looked at as if this theoretical idea were true, and found to even be somewhat true, then we might just have a better model of the universe to work with, even if it's not totally 100% true. And if it's all 100% true, then all the better. (Except of course for those who might be in the way of a periodic nova or supernova. They might have a no good, very bad, horrible day.)

    • @TechHub10004
      @TechHub10004  8 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      Thank you for taking the time to articulate more details on your theory - I find the ideas genuinely fascinating to ponder. In particular, your vision for completing the periodic table with two theoretical new elements at 119 and 120 caught my attention.
      The notion of a natural bell curve distribution with unique properties emerging at the extremes is thought-provoking.
      I can imagine how the outermost 8s shell you describe, with capacity for just two electrons, could potentially give rise to elements with unusual attributes. And locating them within the hydrogen and helium groups based on configurations aligns with a logical symmetry.
      I'm also intrigued by your descriptions of how element 119 with an unfilled shell might absorb and trap energy in novel ways, while the filled shell of 120 could confer greater stability.
      The spectrum of resulting semi-metallic, alkaline earth, and noble gas characteristics is another interesting potential you raise.
      While admittedly speculative, I try to keep an open mind to well-considered theoretical possibilities.
      Our current models are still approximations, always subject to refinement or paradigm shifts with new evidence. If your ideas prompt deeper investigation by researchers, that alone serves a valuable purpose in my view.
      Your notion of element 120 possibly existing at the cores of stars, releasing energy through splitting neutrons also caught my attention. Models proposing mechanisms for observed phenomena like solar output through creative hypotheses are exciting to me - theories must start somewhere.
      I would be sincerely fascinated to hear any additional details on the logic, calculations, observations, or tests behind your framework if you're ever inclined to share more.
      How you built these interlinking concepts into a cohesive explanation makes for compelling food for thought in my opinion.
      The spirit of following curiosity with rigor you demonstrate is inspiring. Please keep me updated on your quest to experimentally validate these fascinating ideas.
      Our exchange has been both enjoyable and mentally stimulating for me, thank you again for taking the time. Let me know if you would ever like to further unpack any aspects!

    • @charlesbrightman4237
      @charlesbrightman4237 8 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@TechHub10004 a. Thank you for your kind words above. Personally for me, the potential completion of the Periodic Table of the Elements posted above makes rational, logical sense to me. Obviously we cannot get to the inside of stars, but 'if' one initially assumes it to be true, then look for items that can be observed to see if what is assumed to be true might be really true, even though we can probably never positively prove it as being really true. To help give us a potential better understanding of this universe and reality itself.
      b. I do not know how many replies YT will allow me to post at one time, but following this post, look for the following:
      (and if you do not find them, then possibly with another reply by you might allow more items to be posted).
      1. My current TOE idea.
      2. My current Gravity test for my TOE idea.
      3. The math for my TOE idea.
      4. My view concerning space and time.
      5. My view concerning numbers.
      (Will try these first, more items might follow).

    • @charlesbrightman4237
      @charlesbrightman4237 8 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Revised TOE: 3/25/2017b.
      My Current TOE:
      THE SETUP:
      1. Modern science currently recognizes four forces of nature: The strong nuclear force, the weak nuclear force, gravity, and electromagnetism.
      2. In school we are taught that with magnetism, opposite polarities attract and like polarities repel. But inside the arc of a large horseshoe magnet it's the other way around, like polarities attract and opposite polarities repel. (I have proved this to myself with magnets and anybody with a large horseshoe magnet and two smaller bar magnets can easily prove this to yourself too. It occurs at the outer end of the inner arc of the horseshoe magnet.).
      3. Charged particles have an associated magnetic field with them.
      4. Protons and electrons are charged particles and have their associated magnetic fields with them.
      5. Photons also have both an electric and a magnetic component to them.
      6. When an electron is in close proximity to the nucleus, it would basically generate a 360 degree spherical magnetic field.
      7. Like charged protons would stick together inside of this magnetic field, while simultaneously repelling opposite charged electrons inside this magnetic field, while simultaneously attracting the opposite charged electrons across the inner portion of the electron's moving magnetic field.
      8. There are probably no such thing as "gluons" in actual reality.
      9. The strong nuclear force and the weak nuclear force are probably derivatives of the electro-magnetic field interactions between electrons and protons.
      10. The nucleus is probably an electro-magnetic field boundary.
      11. Quarks also supposedly have a charge to them and then would also most likely have electro-magnetic fields associated with them, possibly a different arrangement for each of the six different type of quarks.
      12. The interactions between the quarks EM forces are how and why protons and neutrons formulate as well as how and why protons and neutrons stay inside of the nucleus and do not just pass through as neutrinos do.
      13. Personally, I currently believe that the directional force in photons is "gravity". It's the force that makes the sine wave of EM energy go from a wide (maximum extension) to a point (minimum extension) of a moving photon and acts 90 degrees to the EM forces which act 90 degrees to each other. When the EM gets to maximum extension, "gravity" flips and EM goes to minimum, then "gravity" flips and goes back to maximum, etc, etc. A stationary photon would pulse from it's maximum extension to a point possibly even too small to detect, then back to maximum, etc, etc. (The 'stationary photon' does not really exist, it is mentioned basically only to help describe what a stationary photon would do.)
      14. I also believe that a pulsating, swirling singularity (which is basically a pulsating, swirling 'gem' photon) is the energy unit in this universe.
      15. When these pulsating, swirling energy units interact with other energy units, they tangle together and can interlock at times. Various shapes (strings, spheres, whatever) might be formed, which then create sub-atomic material, atoms, molecules, and everything in existence in this universe.
      16. When the energy units unite and interlock together they would tend to stabilize and vibrate.
      17. I believe there is probably a Photonic Theory Of The Atomic Structure.
      18. Everything is basically "light" (photons) in a universe entirely filled with "light" (photons).
      19. When the electron with it's associated magnetic field goes around the proton with it's associated magnetic field, internal and external energy oscillations are set up.
      20. When more than one atom is involved, and these energy frequencies align, they add together, specifically the magnetic field frequency.
      21. I currently believe that this is where a line of flux originates from, aligned magnetic field frequencies.
      22. The Earth can be looked at as being a massive singular interacting photon with it's magnetic field, electrical surface field, and gravity, all three photonic forces all being 90 degrees from each other.
      23. The flat spiral galaxy can be looked at as being a massive singular interacting photon with it's magnetic fields on each side of the plane of matter, the electrical field along the plane of matter, and gravity being directed towards the galactic center's black hole where the gravitational forces would meet, all three photonic forces all being 90 degrees from each other.
      24. As below in the singularity, as above in the galaxy and probably universe as well.
      25. I believe there are only two forces of nature, Gravity and EM, (GEM). Due to the stability of the GEM with the energy unit, this is also why the forces of nature haven't evolved by now. Of which with the current theory of understanding, how come the forces of nature haven't evolved by now since the original conditions acting upon the singularity aren't acting upon them like they originally were, billions of years have supposedly elapsed, in a universe that continues to expand and cool, with energy that could not be created nor destroyed would be getting less and less dense? My theory would seem to make more sense if in fact it is really true. I really wonder if it is in fact really true.
      26. And the universe would be expanding due to these pulsating and interacting energy units and would also allow galaxies to collide, of which, how could galaxies ever collide if they are all speeding away from each other like is currently taught?
      27. As I as well as all of humanity truly do not know what we do not know, the above certainly could be wrong. It would have to be proved or disproved to know for more certainty.

  • @charlesbrightman4237
    @charlesbrightman4237 9 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Legally make me a Billion dollars, get back to me when you have accomplished your task.
    Thank You.

    • @TechHub10004
      @TechHub10004  8 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      Haha, I admire your entrepreneurial spirit!
      AI remains a few technological leaps away from being able to materialize money out of thin air!
      But hey.. thanks for watching, and for prompting us to envision how AI could shape the future, whether for beneficial or concerning ends depending on our collective choices today. Appreciate your fun suggestion!

    • @charlesbrightman4237
      @charlesbrightman4237 8 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@TechHub10004 Thank You. Well, I do not believe an AI could legally create money out of thin air, at least not here in the USA, but maybe other nation's money systems would be available to do so, if not even start an 'AI Nation' with it's own rules, including generating money out of thin air.
      But when I initially wrote this, it was to have an AI legally make me money based upon the USA's laws. I figured having things like micromanaging and high speed trading with stocks, seeing trends where others do not and taking advantage of those trends.
      But also, I current need a lot of money to accomplish my gravity test for my theory of everything idea as well as to help accomplish my 'MIHO', Mission Impossible of the Highest Order, of which by the way, could help to save even an AI's existence, of which I would have to believe they would want one day. Just trying to be a 'forward thinker'.
      (copy and paste from my files):
      Consider the following: UNLESS the following Impossible Mission is successfully accomplished, our very life and existence does not ultimately matter:
      MISSION IMPOSSIBLE: (Or so it currently appears): For those who have the mental and physical resources to help (including AI's):
      Try to save at least 1 single species on and from this Earth to exist beyond this Earth, solar system and most probably collapsing spiral shaped galaxy into a universe that never ends in a big freeze or by some other means so that life itself on and from this Earth has continued meaning and purpose to potentially throughout all of future eternity. (Otherwise, all life on and from this Earth, real and articifical, eventually dies and goes extinct, is ultimately meaningless in the grand scheme of things, and are all a waste of spacetime in this universal existence.)
      * Mission Impossible of the Highest Order: MIHO.
      * Nature is our greatest ally in so far as Nature gives us life and a place to live it, AND Nature is also our greatest enemy that is going to take it all away. (Can we change the ending?)

    • @charlesbrightman4237
      @charlesbrightman4237 8 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@TechHub10004 GRAVITY:
      Here is the test for the 'gravity' portion of my TOE idea. I do not have the necessary resources to do the test but maybe you or someone else reading this does, will do the test, then tell the world what is found out either way.
      a. Imagine a 12 hour clock.
      b. Put a magnetic field across from the 3 to 9 o'clock positions.
      c. Put an electric field across from the 6 to 12 o'clock positions.
      (The magnetic field and electric field would be 90 degrees to each other and should be polarized so as to complement each other.)
      d. Direct a high powered laser through the center of the clock at 90 degrees to the em fields.
      e. Do this with the em fields on and off.
      (The em fields could be varied in size, strength, density and depth. The intent would be to energy frequency match the laser and em fields for optimal results, cancelling out the em modalities of the laser, thereby leaving behind the gravity modality.)
      f. Look for any gravitational / anti-gravitational effects.
      (Including the utilization of ferro cells so as to be able to actually see the energy field movements.)
      (And note: if done right, it's possible a mini gravitational black hole might form. Be ready for it. In addition, it's possible a neutrino might be formed before the black hole stage, the neutrino being a substance with a very high gravitational modality with very low 'em' modalities.)
      (An alternative to the above would be to direct 3 high powered lasers, or a single high powered laser split into 3 beams, each adjustable to achieve the above set up, all focused upon a single point in space. Maybe I could concentrate the Sun's 'em' into a high powered laser. Might even work with the correct set up breaking the Sun's 'em' down into single 'em' energy frequencies acting like a single energy frequency laser. A high energy laser powered by the Sun. Cool, or actually pretty hot. More than one way to build a laser.)
      'If' effects are noted, 'then' further research could be done.
      'If' effects are not noted, 'then' my latest TOE idea is wrong. But still, we would know what 'gravity' was not, which is still something in the scientific world. (But hey, might even still get a Sun powered laser, which of course could even be utliized in outer space for various agendas.).
      This test can speak for itself. It will either be true, partly true, or not true at all. It will either show what gravity truly is, might be, or is not. Science still wins either way and moves forward.
      * And note: Whether my gravity test or another's, a gravitational black hole would have to be formed to prove the concept as being really true. A gravitational black hole that 'if' self fed itself, could literally wipe out this Earth and all on it, possibly this solar system, possibly put a black hole in this section of our galaxy, and potentially even causing a ripple effect in this galaxy and surrounding universe. But hey, if it does, no worries. Nobody would be left to prosecute those who did so. (Possibly famous last words: "Hey, it worked. Ooooppppssss.................)
      But as NASA has already proven that low gravity conditions over a prolonged period of time is harmful to the human species, and large rotating space ships won't really work for space bases on planets and moons, those space bases probably being needed somewhere along the way out of this solar system and galaxy, we need to figure out what gravity truly is and see if we can generate artificial gravity so as to have smaller space ships and proper gravity conditions for space bases on planets and moons. Otherwise, at least all human life will most probably die and go extinct one day. Currently, no exceptions.
      * Added note: Just trying to save at least 1 single species from this Earth to exist beyond this Earth so that life itself from this Earth has continued meaning and purpose to. Gives me something to do while I exist, otherwise, what is it all and everything for? Even if my TOE idea were correct, but if it did not help species survive beyond this Earth, what good would it ultimately be?
      So, are you feeling lucky? Doing nothing and at least the entire human species eventually dies and goes extinct with a high degree of certainty. Doing a gravity test, (mine and/or another's), and there is at least a slim chance of literally wiping out this entire Earth and all on it, and possibly more. Do you and other's truly want me to prove my TOE idea as being really true?
      But also:
      Questions: Are at least some black holes in this universe due to a species who were trying to discern what 'gravity' truly was, came up with a test to do so, were successful, but the black hole generated (to prove what gravity truly was) self fed itself and wiped them and at least their entire planet out? What species might have existed where a black hole now resides?
      (Since all of life itself is ultimately meaningless in the grand of scheme of things anyway, do the gravity test and see what occurs?)
      * Added note: Suggestion: 'IF' society did not want to do the gravity test, one suggestion might be to at least create a model as if it were true, then see how that model matches with observations and predictions. It might be possible to discern the theory of everything without actually generating a gravitational black hole (which would definitely prove the TOE idea as being really true).

    • @charlesbrightman4237
      @charlesbrightman4237 8 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@TechHub10004 And this is why:
      (copy and paste from my files):
      EXISTENTIAL PHYSICS: Current Analysis:
      (subject to revision as new information might dictate):
      WARNING: NOT FOR ALL AUDIENCES: Only read this if you think you can handle it.
      a. 6th mass extinction event (possibly occurring now), and the 6th won't be the last. (And 'yes', at least some humans will survive these earlier mass extinction events).
      b. Sun becomes a red giant one day as it switches from burning hydrogen to burning helium and will wipe out all life left on this Earth if not even the entire Earth itself. (And 'yes', a long time from now, but the destination is set like a way point on a journey).
      c. Our spiral shaped galaxy is most probably collapsing in upon itself, (note: adding to the red shift observations by the way), and it's possible ALL galaxies eventually collapse in upon themselves (not confirmed yet).
      d. 'If' one believes in the big bang theory, and space itself expanding, then the entire universe and all in it will most probably end in a big freeze. (And 'yes', a long time from now, but the destination would be set like a way point on a journey). Note also: the singular big bang is probably not really true, there are other 'normal' explanations for the red shift observations, and the universe is most probably not going to end in a big freeze. Also, 'if' the current forces of nature came into existence in the early moments of the expansion of the singularity, and the singularity is still basically expanding, then the forces of nature will probably evolve one day, possibly even in the very next moment of expansion of this universe, and possibly wipe out everything in existence in basically a blink of an eye. Of which note also, the forces of nature as well as the universe always existed and never had a beginning. But 'if' modern science is correct, well ....................................blink...........................................
      e. Outer space travel: Currently impossible to do for long periods of time due to:
      1. Harmful cosmic radiation, including any potential neutrino impacts. (While most neutrinos go right through us, not all of them do all of the time). AI and biological life would most probably not survive unless proper protections were had.
      2. Biological species, especially humans, need proper gravity conditions and large rotating space ships probably will not work for space bases on planets and moons. Otherwise, biological life, especially humans, will not survive long term.
      3. Biological species, especially humans, need many more items to properly survive, otherwise they won't.
      * Note: If anybody has any actual factual evidence to counter the above, I welcome it.

    • @charlesbrightman4237
      @charlesbrightman4237 8 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@TechHub10004 Plus this:
      (copy and paste from my files):
      a. Modern science claims that 'gravity' is matter warping the fabric of spacetime.
      b. There is a lot of matter in a galaxy which would put a huge dent in spacetime.
      c. How could a galaxy not collapse in upon itself if space and time were warped to make it so?
      d. Or, is modern science wrong as to what 'gravity' truly is?
      e. And what exactly is 'space' that it can be warped?
      f. And what exactly is 'time' that it can be warped?
      g. Modern science claims that from nubula clouds in this universe that new stars, planets, moons, solar systems and a new galaxy can form.
      h. Modern science claims that nubula clouds come from supernova'd stars.
      i. It must have been a huge star that supernova'd so as to be able to generate a nebula cloud large enough to generate more stars, planets, moons, solar systems and a new galaxy.
      j. Or, is modern science wrong about how all nebula clouds form?
      k. Is it at least possible that galaxies collapse in upon themselves, go supernova, thereby generating enough matter and energy so as to be able to generate new stars, planets, moons, solar systems and a new galaxy?
      l. Galaxy -> Collapses in upon itself -> Supernova's -> Huge nebula cloud forms -> New galaxy eventually forms.
      m. Possibly been going on throughout all of eternity past, is going on today, and possibly will be going on throughout all of future eternity?
      n. Possibly also why there are so many unanswered questions concerning the singular big bang theory, because the singular big bang theory is not really true?
      o. The universe always existed in some form, never had a beginning, and might possibly never have an end? No Creator necessary? Is that even why in part some cling to a singular big bang theory so as to be able to still in part be able to justify a Creator God existing (which probably does not actually exist in actual reality)?
      p. Modern science claims that an expanding 'space' of this existence will end in a 'big freeze'. But is it more correct that this existence will not end in a big freeze but just that galaxies and life just come and go in this eternal existence? Life just has to find a way to stay alive in outer space with galaxies that come and go, otherwise life ends one day from something, including possibly a collapsing galaxy?

  • @chriscourtney4339
    @chriscourtney4339 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    You neglect to foresee the Amish revolution
    Or Quaker.

  • @daxtonbrown
    @daxtonbrown 9 หลายเดือนก่อน

    I think the AI is disturbingly woke and useless.

    • @TechHub10004
      @TechHub10004  8 หลายเดือนก่อน

      I appreciate you sharing your critical perspective. AI certainly has potential downsides worth monitoring if applied irresponsibly. Maintaining human oversight will be crucial. But I also aim to analyze the technology responsibly and with nuance. Thanks for engaging!

  • @CraigSakada
    @CraigSakada หลายเดือนก่อน

    Is this company affiliated with p*rnhub?😂

    • @TechHub10004
      @TechHub10004  หลายเดือนก่อน

      Lol 🤣🤣🤣 not really