Dow Institute for Advanced Biological & Animal Research (DIABAR) DUHS

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 1 ม.ค. 2025
  • DIABAR began its journey as a Laboratory Animal Sciences (LAS) in 2008 comprising a total 4.07Acre area, later on, it was upgraded by the establishment of its extension laboratory as Advanced Research Laboratory (ARL) in January 2017. In continuation of innovation, various sections are established; most importantly, a Basic Biological Manufacturing Facility (BBMF) designed as per DRAP approval, Quality Operation Sections established as per regulatory standards including Quality Control Laboratory (QC) & Quality Assurance (QA) and R&D Sections, all are now collectively working under the umbrella of DIABAR from 2021.
    A journey of transformation is going on with the hope of getting International Accreditation and Licensing to work as an exclusive pre-clinical & toxicological testing service provider and as a basic manufacturer of biologicals in the country and South Asia. Presently DIABAR has five major sections as per DUHS approved organogram shown below:
    1. Research and Development (R&D) Section
    2. Advanced Research Laboratory/Pre-Clinical & Toxicology Contract Laboratory
    3. Basic Biological Manufacturing Facility (BBMF) - Venom Collection and Processing Laboratory (VCPL) - Plasma Collection and Processing Laboratory (PCPL)
    4. Quality control operations
    5. Central Animal House Facility
    We are unique in the country as producers of basic biological raw materials under the designated facility BBMF. VCPL is a nested facility for the collection and processing of venom to serve as a raw material provider and as a bio-bank of Big 4 which has been used for the immunization of horses to collect hyper-immunized plasma.
    Two major projects are our prime targets to improve the health system of the country to decrease the economic burden by indigenous production of biological plants using local strains. 1. Anti-snake venom (ASV) production against big 4 snakes of Pakistan 2. Inactivated Rabies Vaccine production under GCF-790 awarded by World Bank The Dow Institute for Advanced Biological & Animal Research (DIABAR), is continuously working on the concept of Venom Bank for bio-therapeutics and cosmetics purposes. Due to our running Anti-Snake Venom Project, our prime target is Pakistan’s Big-4 Venoms detailed Venomics, Biological & Toxicological profiles and Therapeutics Index in different animal disease and cell-based models, these data are also beneficial for the Anti-Snake Venom project indigenously in the country especially Next-Generation anti-snake venom and marketing of snake venom as raw material, this is the first time the Pakistani venom is explored on these aspects, we have completed our data on 4 batches of venom regarding general quality control tests as per our previously approved methods.
    Under the entitlement of “DUHS Venom Project BIG-4” with the approval and Agreement of Vice Chancellor, Prof. Dr. Saeed Quraishy, we are designing a series of Projects for pilot studies and applied for different funding agencies for conducting comprehensive R&D projects leading to commercialization.

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