To recap a few earlier comments, (a) don't forget you can pause and think, (b) don't forget Julius's subweapons, and (c) for some reason you actually _don't_ have to kill this one boss to enter the Abyss. Might as well, though; you're clearly close to getting it down. Alucard has a diagonal crouch-stab to deal with things like Unes. (He had it in SotN, too.) Hold down-forward while attacking. And yep, Soma and Alucard are the only characters who can sit in chairs -- inspiring a theory at GameFAQs, back in the day, that doing this was somehow inherently vampiric.
To recap a few earlier comments, (a) don't forget you can pause and think, (b) don't forget Julius's subweapons, and (c) for some reason you actually _don't_ have to kill this one boss to enter the Abyss. Might as well, though; you're clearly close to getting it down.
Alucard has a diagonal crouch-stab to deal with things like Unes. (He had it in SotN, too.) Hold down-forward while attacking.
And yep, Soma and Alucard are the only characters who can sit in chairs -- inspiring a theory at GameFAQs, back in the day, that doing this was somehow inherently vampiric.
I love that theory.