Dr. Sahar Joakim, What are the five pillars of Islam?

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 11 มิ.ย. 2024
  • Here, Sahar Joakim briefly discusses the five pillars of Islam. For more, visit www.saharjoakim.net

ความคิดเห็น • 28

  • @vladtheemailer3223
    @vladtheemailer3223 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Thank you so much for taking the time to do this.

  • @JungatHeart
    @JungatHeart หลายเดือนก่อน

    Thank you. 🥇

  • @yonasson762
    @yonasson762 หลายเดือนก่อน

    continue in this style

  • @yonasson762
    @yonasson762 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    we needed a Persian for a clear explanation thanks .

    • @abdar-rahman6965
      @abdar-rahman6965 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Do not be a racist. Persia gave tons of great scholars and philosophers to world especially to Islam

  • @abdar-rahman6965
    @abdar-rahman6965 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

    *Professor, let I post here some important points for your kind information.*
    1- Prophet Mohammad, and his all companions left behind only written Quran; nothing else. Not even one written page of any extra-Quranic manuscript. So naturally, when we talk about Islam, we MUST quote only from Quran.
    2- Quran calls Al-Islam as DEEN; not "Religion=Madhab=Theocracy". Quran tells that near God only one Deen is acceptable which is DEEN Al-Islam. Quran tells that all Prophets of God preached same Deen Al-Islam. Main target of "Religion=Theocracy" is Rituals. Target of Deen Al-Islam is NOT RITUALS 2:177 *but welfare of people=Philanthropy 2:177. DEEN Al-Islam=Divinely Prescribed Way of Life.*
    3- Nowhere Quran tells that there are FIVE pillars of Islam. This Fable comes from millions of forged hadiths. Apparently, Pillar of Islam is "Quran" only. God tells in 17:9 that who will follow Laws and Ethical Codes of Quran, will have great reward in next life.
    4- Quran never ordains Five daily Namaz Rituals but these Rituals were Imported from Persian Zoroastrians by Imams in 8th Century. Quran makes clear in 2:177 that Rituals are NOT A GOOD DEED but Good deed is to have Right Faith 4:136, and then live as a Righteous Philanthropist 2:177. Salat is not any kind of Rituals.
    5- We know each verse of Quran. No any verse of Quran ordains to Prostrate Physically to Ka'ba during Rituals. This IDOL WORSHIP is invented by Imams
    6- The correct pronunciation is Ka'ba; not Kbaa (as you said in video)
    7- Zakat: is Economic System of Quran=Islam, and Zakat-tax is just a minor part of System of Zakat.
    With tons of Loves and Regard.

    • @cecsjuniversity
      @cecsjuniversity หลายเดือนก่อน

      I totally agreed 100% on (1)
      1- Prophet Mohammad, and his all companions left behind only written Quran; nothing else. Not even one written page of any extra-Quranic manuscript. So naturally, when we talk about Islam, we MUST quote only from Quran.
      BRITISH (YAJOOJ) CREATED NEW AHADEES 300 TO 400 YEARS AGO WHEN YAJOOJ CAME OUT FROM THEIR ISLAND. These colonials are Yajooj Majooj who came out wave after wave and taken over entire world. AND now entire globe are their (Zionists) Slaves.

    • @m.afg124
      @m.afg124 หลายเดือนก่อน

      She is speaking about Muslims, not Quranists. Take care.

    • @abdar-rahman6965
      @abdar-rahman6965 หลายเดือนก่อน

      You are one HIMAR without brain. Your Ignorance is beyond limits. Read my other comments

    • @abdar-rahman6965
      @abdar-rahman6965 หลายเดือนก่อน

      J. Shacht was Professor of Islamic law in Columbia University. He wrote:
      _Before year 722 CE, Muslim Jurists used to make Islamic law only from Quran, and they used to say that any Islamic law made from extra-Quranic sources is erroneous. Schacht further writes that it was year 722 CE when People started to fabricate Sunnah and Hadiths in the name of Prophet. _*_So Mr. Donkey: This shows that before year 722 CE, Muslims were Quranists). Definition of Muslim is "Quranist"._*
      Imam Al-Ghazali writes in his magnum Opus "Ihya-al-Aloom" that Companions of Prophet, and their early followers (Tabia'eens) HATED (in Arabic Yakrhoon) to writes hadiths. *So Mr. Donkey: This shows that Sahaaba (Companions of Prophet) were Quranists)*
      Mohammad Hussein Haykal was well known Scholar of Egypt. He wrote in his Book HAYAAT MOHAMMAD (Life of Mohammad) that Prophet and Caliphs forbade to write hadiths and that was era of Abbasid Caliph Mamun Rashid when hadith concoction started.

    • @abdar-rahman6965
      @abdar-rahman6965 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Do you understand Arabic? May be not:
      *Caliph Umar burned and banned all hadiths and equated hadiths to Jewish Talmud. So Caliph Umar was a "Quranist=Muslim". NOT QURANIST=KAAFIR*
      إن الأحاديث كثرت على عهد عمر رضي الله عنه، فأنشد الناس أن يأتوه بها، فلما أتوه بها أمر بتحريقها، ثم قال: مثناة
      تاريخ الإسلام للذهبي, : سير أعلام النبلاء للذهبي

  • @cecsjuniversity
    @cecsjuniversity หลายเดือนก่อน

    Five pillars of Islam means, if anyone become Muslim, what are five fundamental responsibilities. Therefore, unless someone reverted to Islam, these pillars are unknown to non-Muslims. One after Shahada, one become Muslim. He or she will asked, OK Now I am Muslim. What are my fundamental responsibilities? Answer is, WHENEVER need arises you have promised to Allah swt you will obey his orders as follow:
    1- When call of Salaat, you MUST obey and perform Slaaat.
    2- Call for Zakaat, Must pay anual Zakaat.
    3- Called for one month Ramadan to do Som, follow it.
    4- If ready, perform Haj when called in the month of Zilhaj.
    5- When called, join worriers for Jihad physically or financially or both.
    This FIFTH pillar of Islam was removed and replaced by "Shahaddaa" by British (Yajooj) built Islamic Madrassas 300-400 years ago. They produced thousands of Mullahs and spread them with full funding to all Muslim countries and set up local British YAJOOJ financed Madrassas, that has completely changed all ingredients of Islam.
    Therefore, all present Ahadees are fake and British production and Entire Mullah communities are follower of YAJOOJ DAJJAL. Now what do we do?
    Even Britishers Hadees production changed this as:
    These two versions itself clearly provides proof for intelligent person will understand that "it sounds fake incursion".

    • @abdar-rahman6965
      @abdar-rahman6965 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Nowhere Quran mentions these five Pillars; and Mohammad and his all Companions left behind only written Quran. After the death of Mohammad and after the death of his all companions; Mullahs and Imams forged millions of stories and attached those tales with the name of Mohammad and labeled those Concocted stories as Hadiths. These five Pillars tale come from those fabricated hadiths.
      *Islam is Simple:*
      Follow all laws and ethical codes of Quran sincerely, and you will have GREAT REWARD (Quran 17:1).
      That's it. This is PRISTINE ISLAM

    • @cecsjuniversity
      @cecsjuniversity หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@abdar-rahman6965 Brother, I am a strictly follower of Quran only. Lot of peoples thing I am Hadees rejecter, my reply is your are Quran rejecter. However, as for five pillars, you may be right. Yes, Quran did not mentioned specifically five or six pillars. However Quran clearly mentioned, by the default, we all are in hellfire except those who follows these FOUR COMPULSORY DEEDS: Will be pardoned from the hellfire IF (1) Momineens = Salaat, Som, Zakaat, Haj, Jihad (2) Doing good deeds - helping others (3) stand for "Haq" - like today's stand for Palestinians (4) Sabr - obviously whoever stands for Haq, always gets problem, then be patience. Only following of these four compulsory deeds could pull us from default.
      Yet it did set approximate time for five Salaat, and also how to do Wado if not possible "Tayamum" etc. This you cannot reject.

    • @abdar-rahman6965
      @abdar-rahman6965 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Prophet Mohammad, 4 Caliphs and all Companions of Prophet left behind only written Quran. They left behind not a single page of Sunnah and Hadiths. It is matter of basic commonsense to reason that if Sunnah and Hadiths and Tafsirs were part of Islam, then why did four caliph not compile books of Sunnah and Hadiths?
      Books of Sunnah and Hadiths were forged by Sectarians after the death of Prophet and his all companions.
      A Muslim is Essentially a Quran follower only. *According to Quran 6:114, 5:44, 16:89, those persons who do not reject extra-Quranic Hadiths, are Kaafirs. They are not Muslims.*
      They are Mushrik Sunnis who have placed label of Quranist on True Muslims, and in this way, these Mushriks also call Prophet and his all companions Quranists because they all followed only Quran.
      There was ban on hadiths during the era of Rasool and 4 Caliphs. That is a proof that Hadiths are illegal in Islam

  • @aRecluse
    @aRecluse หลายเดือนก่อน

    2 minutes was more than enough about FAKE Islam.
    Quran 3:55 I follow Jesus at Allah's Recommendation.
    Q.5:111 Allah Reveals what PLEASES Him, & this ayat defines the name Muslim.
    People who follow El Mehdi (the Seal of the Prophets and Last Martyr) whose ministry began in June of 1996 are worthy of the name Muslim.
    What is the problem?
    Q.43:78 "Verily! We have brought the Truth to you; but most of you have a hatred for Truth."
    There are several Written Messages from God since the Quran, including Q.3:184 "The Book of Enlightenment", & Q.5:15 "a perspicuous Book."
    Q.25:30 "Then the Messenger will say 'O my Lord, truly my people have treated this Qur-an with neglect."
    The FAKE Islam you speak of is burdensome. Hadith & the absurd Sunnah have prevented people from knowing Quran.
    Our Paradise Father aka Brahman aka Yahweh is The First Source and Center. That is to Whom we should direct our prayers, & many do it in the Name of His Messenger & our Saviour.
    Allah is EVERYTHING. He also Lives in each of us. He Created many God like Entities like the Creator Sons of each universe.
    Michael of this universe named Nebadon was the Spirit in Jesus.
    The Father & the Son & the Holy Spirit (Mother Spirit) make up The Trinity AND the Personality Elements of The Seven Master Spirits.
    When you choose to follow The Light, you may then be in a position to inform people of God's Truths instead of promoting the uniformed 'dark age nonsense' of FAKE Muslims.

    • @Harrysuke
      @Harrysuke หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      Christians believe in the trinity brah. How can the trinity be the truth?

    • @abdar-rahman6965
      @abdar-rahman6965 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      Pauline Christians are Pagans who follow Trinity, Son-ship and also say that Jesus is God. *Quran has guaranteed HELL for them in verses 5:72, 5:73*