So basically mouseclickers: are Josepm, lazavik, bluebaum, minhail, paravyan, hakobyan, hong, xiong, paranav, naradissky clockpuhers are : Nepo, MVL, Caruana, Dubov, So, Duda, Firouzja, Aronian,Grischuka Carlsen and Hikaru are elite 2. What about Hans? Are you leaving Hans out for some special reason. .
Mr Kramnik, there is a lot going on in some public spat involving FIDE vs Freestyle chess Magnus/Hikaru/Emil. Not sure whom to believe, can you do a fact video on it and share your opinion at the end. As a chess fan I want to see fischer random / freestyle more because it appears to give fresher positions. Who are you siding with?
Some accusations at first seem paranoid but then seem to appear well founded. I do think one day this generation will be looked upon as naive and too trusting. Letting the cheats go out of control and uncontested. But I don't know what's real in chess anymore
been like that online for 30 years now. real life society has had 10,000 years to evolve. online digital realm is not even a century. But like Kramnik says. digital world is now affecting the physical one and taking us backwards.
I'm not sure if you're familiar with Call of Duty, but I think it's possible CDC may use some strategies outlined in US Patent "US20160005270A1", which are suspected to be used in CoD's Engagement Optimized Matchmaking (EOMM). This is my feeling having played CDC as a lower rated player, which maybe doesn't hold much weight since I don't have much understanding of the game, but I feel I experience overwhelming losses from lower rated players very frequently the few times I've played CDC, whereas on lichess (which I've used almost daily since 2020) I've rarely experienced such anomalous games, and they are usually easily explained by the player's online rating being unstable; if I'm being overwhelmingly crushed on lichess, I almost always see that the player is much higher rated than me as opposed to lower rated. Some features of EOMM would not apply to chess as the game/field cannot be "modified", but some features such as pairing players with pseudo-human players are quite worrying possibilities for online games in the modern day.
Is there any evidence that when the suspected players play each other that their performance gets even better? They probably would know that each other use the same "aid" and therefore resort to more suspect actions?
How the hell would they "know" who cheats? Nobody know conclusively, we know there are anomalies. Anomalies exist completely naturally. We don't know who cheats.
Владимир Борисович, не знаю прочитаете вы или нет. Но вдруг вам поможет, как когда-то помогло мне. Я не знаю как вы экспортируете данные из ческома или другого сайта для вашей статистики, но я надеюсь что формат данных одинаковый (название колоночек, тип данных...). Затем можно просить искусственный интеллект (тот же чат GPT ) написать вам макрос для обработки этих данных так, как вы хотите. Проведите пару тестов чтобы убедиться что макрос работает как положенно и просто проганяйте все экспортированные данные. Это будет экономить кучу времени для обработки. Не знаю будет ли вам это интересно, или посчитаете читерством)) ИИ пишет макросы отлично. Вам ничего не нужно знать о программировании и просто все описывать своими словами. Типа возьми колонку Б и сделай линейную регрессию по колонке А. Полученные данные вставь в новую колонку с заголовком ХХХ... Удачи❤
Позвольте полюбопытствовать а вы собираете статистику непосредственно манеры игрока держать фигуру на готове как например у С Жигалко или же наоборот водить курсором по доске(у вас кстати такая привычка присутствует а потом ведёте курсор обратно к фигуре теряя время хотя в голове уже определились с ходом.). Или по вашему мнению это не существенно?
Kramnik again showing he has not to much understanding of chess and the internet; it has been shown many many times that those with better online mouse skills on the average day will accumulate more free seconds to take tylenol and have fewer headaches; therefore they can perform better. In addition, they have many extra seconds to pray to their god for better weather. You do not have neither a meteorology nor a neurology degree and therefore lack understanding.
Why do you put Blübaum in the mouseclickers list? Since years he is a well respected member of the german national team, playing regularly otb. You are going way to far, and in this case, it is just wrong!
@kohnr3381 this is so ridiculous, of course he would not cheat, because he would not give away the earnings of Bundesliga, National Team and other league play for just 1000 Dollars from that damn titled tuesday. He is not even a streamer who has any other earnings from winning that overrated tournament. On the other hand is he not a mouseclicker, he is a clockpusher most of the time, so these arguments do not count as well. This whole random person blaming should stop. This is really hunting persons, that are not officially caught by cheating at any time. The only one here caught cheating because using other accounts is Kramnik himself.
@@ZiemerJohannes Had the same being said about Lance Armstong by a german cycling fan a few months before he got tested positive for doping, how naive are you really? There is thousands of cases in professional sports using doping - state wide doping in both east and west germany before the reunion of germany, state wide doping programs in UDSSR and also in the US and many other countries. "of course he would not cheat, because he would not give away the earnings of Bundesliga, National Team and other league play for just 1000 Dollars" it is not only 1000 dollars - it is a bunch of money many of these players have made from online tourneys - Nepo and Caruana two absolute top players have said that multiple times on various podcasts. Caruana has said only a few days ago that he knows for sure that 11 out of the top 100 in chess have KNOWINGLY cheated and been banned at some point on online portals. THIS IS A FACT. you acting like cheating is not even a possibility is pure naivety. i am also from germany and do not trust anyone in sports because I know doping and cheating are deeply infesting sports since decades.
Предлагаю ещё тренеров для команд назначить,всё-таки уже конкретное противостояние: Вас предлагаю сделать тренером "Clockpushers",а вот кто станет тренером вторых,даже интересно(Можно А.Бортника,чтобы ещё кумовство в команде было по отношению к г-ну Народицкому)
Так а что там с Хикару то все таки? Он слишком жесткий? А будут учитываться бонусы Рассы например?(скажем Азиат +5% к скилам а европеец +5% к скорости счета....) так можно бесконечно собирать статистику на каждый чих состояние время года и тд. Только как это относиться к игре в которую как вы сами же неоднократно писали играть тяжело и физически и морально и есть элемент случайности от обстоятельств не выспался задел фигуру простыл что угодно.. как это отражает подозрения в нечестной игре? а как вы будете объяснить череду случайностей не зависящих от факторов собранной вами статистики? Со всем уважением Владимир Борисович возможно стоит остановиться?
This short vid actually is more damning than the other 3 parts is like the frosting on the cake
Mr. Kramnik: one of the actual problems of your videos is that they are full of facts. I understand this can overwhelm a vast majority of audience : )
When money is involved, one can't trust nobody!
Oh, ça c'est top! That's very convincing Mr Kramnik
So basically mouseclickers: are Josepm, lazavik, bluebaum, minhail, paravyan, hakobyan, hong, xiong, paranav, naradissky
clockpuhers are : Nepo, MVL, Caruana, Dubov, So, Duda, Firouzja, Aronian,Grischuka
Carlsen and Hikaru are elite 2.
What about Hans? Are you leaving Hans out for some special reason.
...Hans doesn't belong in either group
Clockpushers and Mouseclickers🤣🤣
Hans latest game on his channel in the time scramble…
Any hints on next investigation?
Mr Kramnik, there is a lot going on in some public spat involving FIDE vs Freestyle chess Magnus/Hikaru/Emil. Not sure whom to believe, can you do a fact video on it and share your opinion at the end. As a chess fan I want to see fischer random / freestyle more because it appears to give fresher positions. Who are you siding with?
Some accusations at first seem paranoid but then seem to appear well founded. I do think one day this generation will be looked upon as naive and too trusting. Letting the cheats go out of control and uncontested. But I don't know what's real in chess anymore
been like that online for 30 years now. real life society has had 10,000 years to evolve. online digital realm is not even a century. But like Kramnik says. digital world is now affecting the physical one and taking us backwards.
I'm not sure if you're familiar with Call of Duty, but I think it's possible CDC may use some strategies outlined in US Patent "US20160005270A1", which are suspected to be used in CoD's Engagement Optimized Matchmaking (EOMM). This is my feeling having played CDC as a lower rated player, which maybe doesn't hold much weight since I don't have much understanding of the game, but I feel I experience overwhelming losses from lower rated players very frequently the few times I've played CDC, whereas on lichess (which I've used almost daily since 2020) I've rarely experienced such anomalous games, and they are usually easily explained by the player's online rating being unstable; if I'm being overwhelmingly crushed on lichess, I almost always see that the player is much higher rated than me as opposed to lower rated.
Some features of EOMM would not apply to chess as the game/field cannot be "modified", but some features such as pairing players with pseudo-human players are quite worrying possibilities for online games in the modern day.
Is there any evidence that when the suspected players play each other that their performance gets even better? They probably would know that each other use the same "aid" and therefore resort to more suspect actions?
How the hell would they "know" who cheats? Nobody know conclusively, we know there are anomalies. Anomalies exist completely naturally. We don't know who cheats.
Владимир Борисович, не знаю прочитаете вы или нет. Но вдруг вам поможет, как когда-то помогло мне. Я не знаю как вы экспортируете данные из ческома или другого сайта для вашей статистики, но я надеюсь что формат данных одинаковый (название колоночек, тип данных...). Затем можно просить искусственный интеллект (тот же чат GPT ) написать вам макрос для обработки этих данных так, как вы хотите. Проведите пару тестов чтобы убедиться что макрос работает как положенно и просто проганяйте все экспортированные данные. Это будет экономить кучу времени для обработки.
Не знаю будет ли вам это интересно, или посчитаете читерством))
ИИ пишет макросы отлично. Вам ничего не нужно знать о программировании и просто все описывать своими словами. Типа возьми колонку Б и сделай линейную регрессию по колонке А. Полученные данные вставь в новую колонку с заголовком ХХХ...
Waw this is very interesting and impressive work. Very sharp analisis.
Позвольте полюбопытствовать а вы собираете статистику непосредственно манеры игрока держать фигуру на готове как например у С Жигалко или же наоборот водить курсором по доске(у вас кстати такая привычка присутствует а потом ведёте курсор обратно к фигуре теряя время хотя в голове уже определились с ходом.). Или по вашему мнению это не существенно?
Kramnik again showing he has not to much understanding of chess and the internet; it has been shown many many times that those with better online mouse skills on the average day will accumulate more free seconds to take tylenol and have fewer headaches; therefore they can perform better. In addition, they have many extra seconds to pray to their god for better weather. You do not have neither a meteorology nor a neurology degree and therefore lack understanding.
In a way nothing new under the sun: money makes wonders, unfortunately not that we expect :(
What do you think about the IM's nd Fm's who are not worse by any means then mouseclickers?
Why do you put Blübaum in the mouseclickers list? Since years he is a well respected member of the german national team, playing regularly otb. You are going way to far, and in this case, it is just wrong!
So what? Because he is in your national team and "respected" by his fans he can't cheat?
@kohnr3381 this is so ridiculous, of course he would not cheat, because he would not give away the earnings of Bundesliga, National Team and other league play for just 1000 Dollars from that damn titled tuesday. He is not even a streamer who has any other earnings from winning that overrated tournament. On the other hand is he not a mouseclicker, he is a clockpusher most of the time, so these arguments do not count as well. This whole random person blaming should stop. This is really hunting persons, that are not officially caught by cheating at any time. The only one here caught cheating because using other accounts is Kramnik himself.
"ofcourse he would not cheat" until he would ... You won't silence anyone.
@@ZiemerJohannes Had the same being said about Lance Armstong by a german cycling fan a few months before he got tested positive for doping, how naive are you really? There is thousands of cases in professional sports using doping - state wide doping in both east and west germany before the reunion of germany, state wide doping programs in UDSSR and also in the US and many other countries. "of course he would not cheat, because he would not give away the earnings of Bundesliga, National Team and other league play for just 1000 Dollars" it is not only 1000 dollars - it is a bunch of money many of these players have made from online tourneys - Nepo and Caruana two absolute top players have said that multiple times on various podcasts. Caruana has said only a few days ago that he knows for sure that 11 out of the top 100 in chess have KNOWINGLY cheated and been banned at some point on online portals. THIS IS A FACT. you acting like cheating is not even a possibility is pure naivety. i am also from germany and do not trust anyone in sports because I know doping and cheating are deeply infesting sports since decades.
Предлагаю ещё тренеров для команд назначить,всё-таки уже конкретное противостояние: Вас предлагаю сделать тренером "Clockpushers",а вот кто станет тренером вторых,даже интересно(Можно А.Бортника,чтобы ещё кумовство в команде было по отношению к г-ну Народицкому)
Он О. Бортник, Олександр Бортник
Так а что там с Хикару то все таки? Он слишком жесткий? А будут учитываться бонусы Рассы например?(скажем Азиат +5% к скилам а европеец +5% к скорости счета....) так можно бесконечно собирать статистику на каждый чих состояние время года и тд. Только как это относиться к игре в которую как вы сами же неоднократно писали играть тяжело и физически и морально и есть элемент случайности от обстоятельств не выспался задел фигуру простыл что угодно.. как это отражает подозрения в нечестной игре? а как вы будете объяснить череду случайностей не зависящих от факторов собранной вами статистики? Со всем уважением Владимир Борисович возможно стоит остановиться?
I think Naroditsky is obvious cheater.
also Blubaum
stop calling him that. his new name is narocheatsky.
He’s a cheater and the worst of the worst too. Super lying and annoying too.
Not enough evidence to say that
he finished 9th in the World blitz so how did you come to that conclusion?
It’s seems impossible
Time to start procedure.
I block, I report - then I analysis :))
The Procedure:
Block ✅️
Report ✅️
Analyze game ✅️
Ninety alot ✅️
Chess mafia and his pets (all the names shown in chart ) should quite playing chess
😮 mr delusional comeback