How to overcome FEAR by zen master.

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 17 ก.ย. 2024
  • In a secluded Zen monastery high in the mountains, there lived a young monk named Kaito who was plagued by fear. His fears held him back from fully embracing his monastic duties and living peacefully. One day, seeking guidance, he approached the wise Zen Master Ryokan.
    "Master Ryokan," Kaito began, bowing deeply, "I am often overwhelmed by fear. How can I learn to overcome it?"
    Master Ryokan smiled gently and said, "Come with me, Kaito."
    They walked through the serene garden until they reached a high cliff overlooking a vast valley. The view was both breathtaking and intimidating. Master Ryokan pointed to the edge of the cliff. "Fear is like this cliff, Kaito. It can seem insurmountable, but once faced, it can also reveal great beauty and freedom."
    He handed Kaito a small bird's feather. "Hold this feather and step to the edge. Feel the fear, but do not let it paralyze you."
    Kaito, heart pounding, walked to the edge, gripping the feather tightly. As he stood there, he felt the rush of fear but also the exhilaration of the view before him. "This is your first lesson: face your fear directly. Do not avoid it, but embrace it."
    The next day, Master Ryokan took Kaito to a cave. The entrance was dark and foreboding. "Enter the cave," he said, "and explore its depths. Fear often comes from the unknown. By exploring what we fear, we diminish its power over us."
    Kaito, though hesitant, stepped into the cave. He walked slowly, feeling his way through the darkness. As his eyes adjusted, he began to see the beauty within-sparkling stones, hidden streams, and intricate formations. Emerging from the cave, he felt a sense of triumph. "This is your second lesson: explore your fears. The unknown often holds hidden beauty."
    One evening, during a storm, Master Ryokan led Kaito to a small shrine on a hill. The wind howled and lightning flashed. "Stand here and feel the storm," he instructed. "Let it remind you that fear, like a storm, is temporary. It will pass, leaving you stronger."
    Kaito stood in the storm, feeling the wind and rain. At first, he trembled, but gradually, he found a calm center within himself. He realized that by weathering the storm, he could find peace even amidst chaos. "This is your third lesson: endure your fear. Know that it will pass."
    As months passed, Kaito practiced these teachings. Whenever fear arose, he faced it directly, explored its depths, and endured it with the knowledge that it was temporary. His fears began to lose their grip on him, and he found a newfound sense of courage and freedom.
    One day, Master Ryokan took Kaito to a tranquil lake. They sat by the water, watching the gentle ripples. "Fear is a part of life, Kaito, but it need not control you," he said. "By facing, exploring, and enduring your fears, you transform them into sources of strength and wisdom."
    Kaito nodded, understanding the profound truth in Master Ryokan's words. He felt a deep sense of gratitude and inner peace.
    "Thank you, Master, for teaching me how to overcome fear," Kaito said.
    Master Ryokan smiled, his eyes filled with warmth and wisdom. "Remember, Kaito, true courage is not the absence of fear, but the mastery of it. Embrace your fears, and let them guide you to greater strength and understanding."
    And so, Kaito continued his journey, embodying the principles he had learned. His life became a testament to the power of overcoming fear, showing that with courage, exploration, and endurance, one can find true inner peace and freedom, enriching both their own life and the lives of those around them.

ความคิดเห็น • 5

  • @PaganSkye
    @PaganSkye 22 วันที่ผ่านมา

    I love this lesson it’s a valuable lesson to learn for anyone thank you for sharing this 💜💜💜🦋🦋🦋🦋🦋🦋🦋🦋🦋🦋🦋

  • @343-vinaymendhe9
    @343-vinaymendhe9 25 วันที่ผ่านมา +2


  • @PaganSkye
    @PaganSkye 22 วันที่ผ่านมา

    It temporary and it doesn’t have to control your life or your not gonna have any type of happiness. This is great thank you 💜💜💜🦋🦋🦋🦋🦋🦋

  • @nat-nik8011
    @nat-nik8011 26 วันที่ผ่านมา +2

    Great video, fascinating as ever ! 🪅🪅🪅