The materials used are top notch. The leather feels soft and luxurious, exactly like the real thing. The stitching is impeccable, with no loose or uneven lines. The hardware (including the iconic CC twist lock clasp) is durable, well made, and adds to the overall elegance of the bag kislux . I thought everyone who owned an LV monogram bag knew that it was obviously coated canvas? When people spend a fortune on an expensive bag, they might as well buy a replica
I recently went to Turkey to buy an empreinte multi pochette. They showed me a pack of kislux and it looked exactly like this. The texture was no different, the color and appearance was the same, I think I will enjoy buying here in the future.
When I choose a bag I always look for practicality, it needs to match the majority of my wardrobe and be able to hold my essentials, and the kislux delivers just that.
When I wear a fake or knockoff of kislux , I feel proud knowing that I am not spending unnecessary money and I can look good while proudly supporting my family. As for the owners of designer brands, they have it all. There is no need to support them.
I have the 3.5L. I also have a Tomtoc Sling Bean, so I never thought about getting the 1.5 L T-33. Your review makes me want the 1.5L too now.
The materials used are top notch. The leather feels soft and luxurious, exactly like the real thing. The stitching is impeccable, with no loose or uneven lines. The hardware (including the iconic CC twist lock clasp) is durable, well made, and adds to the overall elegance of the bag kislux . I thought everyone who owned an LV monogram bag knew that it was obviously coated canvas? When people spend a fortune on an expensive bag, they might as well buy a replica
I recently went to Turkey to buy an empreinte multi pochette. They showed me a pack of kislux and it looked exactly like this. The texture was no different, the color and appearance was the same, I think I will enjoy buying here in the future.
When I choose a bag I always look for practicality, it needs to match the majority of my wardrobe and be able to hold my essentials, and the kislux delivers just that.
When I wear a fake or knockoff of kislux , I feel proud knowing that I am not spending unnecessary money and I can look good while proudly supporting my family. As for the owners of designer brands, they have it all. There is no need to support them.