Your previous NodeRed videos are why I'm all in on Home Assistant. I've made so many automations, that I have no idea how I'd survive in a non-smart home anymore. Thanks for all your hard work!
When my friend moved to a new apartment, and his wife realized that shouting Alexa… won’t do anything and she actually had to walk to the light switch to use it, she said ‘OMG, we live like animals. Do something!’
Man, I had no idea home automation had gone this far. I literally do this kind of work to automate power plants with distributed control systems. It is amazing just how similar the Node Red interface is to Mitsubishi Netmation, Siemens T3000 and Emerson's Ovation programming interfaces. Good stuff...
I'm just starting in the world of home automation/smart home... and your channel has been a HUGE help for me! Thanks a lot! Here's my automation idea: Entities: - Door sensor (Daughter's room) - Echo Flex (Or any connected speaker) (Daughter's room) - Echo Dot (Living room) - Cellphone - RGB LED Strip - Smart doorbell (DIY ESPHome... but it shouldn't matter) - A 7 months old daughter - and... a delivery perfectly timed during my daughter's nap. Idea: When my daughter's room door is closed: - Disable the doorbell - Turn the RGB LED strip in my office red. (Telling me to be quiet) - Start music (lullabies on the echo Flex) When the doorbell is disabled: - Disable the chime - Announce the delivery on the echo dot - Cellphone push notification. When my daughter's room door is open: - Back to normal. Thanks!
One of my more complex Automations: -trigger: power meter induction stove rises above 100 watts -condition: furnace fume extractor is off -action: turn on fume extractor an set kitchen downlights to full power And a similar automation to turn off fume extractor and dim kitchen lights after 1 min of no power drawn by stove
Automation Idea: Use Node Red to monitor Charge Controllers for Tesla Reclaimed Model S and Model 3 Batteries and divert excess solar to chargers, watermakers (desalination), cooling (aircon), irrigation and dehumidifiers. I have a Cay in the Bahamas that runs on reclaimed Tesla Model 3 and Model S batteries. I recently setup Home Assistant and it is now doing some amazing stuff for me using Shelly devices to trigger relays. There is one flaw though, the charge controllers communicate packets in UDP - so I need a way to ready the packets on port 6550 which in turn will tell me the Max, Min, Average Volts of the cells, the total power in/out of the pack (in Watts) and many other cool things. I have the full specs on the UDP Packet. You have been an absolute savior for me - I spent my Saturday reconfiguring my networks to split everything into lhiot, lhnot, lhcameras, etc. I only got into Home Assistant 4 weeks ago and really love it. Had been doing everything before through a mix of Alexa and Smartthings. Built the first full reclaimed Tesla Model 3 as a 75kWh solar storage system for the island a year ago.
Your videos are really of another levels in terms of quality, use of language / layman terms and subtle touches of humor. I’m learning a lot! Thanks for existing.
Great start, the gate node is my favourite, and also the inject enhanced is very good. My wife's two favourites are in the morning, when she opens the blinds in the bedroom, it turns on the coffeemachine in the kitchen :-) Second one is her goodnight button, we have a cube in the kitchen that we use for turning lights on/off and dim, and if she shakes it in the evening, it changes the house mode to night (which changes the motion detections to only turn on certain lights at a low level), locks the frontdoor, turns on the 'under bed' lights in the bedroom, and opens the blind (so it's easier to open the window to get some cold air in), turns off the light in the kitchen and garden, and turns on the bugzapper in the kitchen as well (this will however turn off if the garden door is opened). If it's shook during the day, it sends a TTS to the nearby Google Home to tell our grandchild to put it down :-D My wife has been very opposed to this, but is finding it more and more usefull. I think the most complicated is my thermostat handling, which handles night-eco, open windows, holidays and summertime.
Automation Idea: Make your robot vacuum start when no one is home after sending a actionable notification to the last person who had left (just in case the floors are prepared for the robot). If the robot is started with the actionable notification, use max power settings. If started manually, automatically turn the power to eco (so it's quiet since people are home). If someone returns back into the geofence of the home, have the running robot return to the base station. This is actually one I'm currently working on myself!
This is timely as this year I plan to install a home assistant instance in my Polytunnel. Curently I control temperature with a simple Arduino device monitoring temperature and controlling a couple of fans but I plan to use Node Red to automate temeperature and humidity control and to automate watering using soil sensors. Your video has convinced me that this is the right tool for the job. I would like to hear from anyone who has already done this.
Zoom is a lost art and when I saw you zoom in to allow the viewer to actually see what you were referencing I had to stop and say thank you. Wish more YTers would do this.
I wish I'd seen this before I went through using Node RED. Lots of good Node-RED resources and 'recipes' out there, but this is way better than stumbling around the Net. Node RED was worth the effort before, this removes a lot of the learning curve and makes the return on investment even higher. Thanks for yet another great video! Now I can get back to taking measurements for my soon-to-be-purchased pergola...
I honestly cant even imagine someone doing a better job of thoroughly yet concisely giving a beginners breakdown of node red. Thank you sir! This planet is better off with you on it.
This channel is gold! I for one have a regular coffee routine (morning and evening) so here's an automation idea for you: A connected kettle combined with a connected water spout. When system realizes you've woken up/got up from desk at evening coffee time/manual trigger it will automatically fill up the kettle with the right amount of water, then boil it for you!
THANK YOU! So many YTers have excellent videos but it leaves some folks wondering why ZOOM is not used to show what you want us to focus on (and can see). Your videos meet this criterion and make the point so much easier to see and understand. Again thank you.
Automation Idea: When all Phones are away, trigger a Lights away sequence that randomly turns on and off different lights at different times to simulate presence till about midnight. I tried something like this but failed. I'm interested to see your attempt ;-) I'm now using Presence Faker, thanks for the recommandation.
I used an "inject enhanced" node to send a message every 30 minutes from sunset to bedtime. From there, I have several "within time" nodes turning lights on and off. I also have an input_boolean to turn on and off my "away mode". I'm going to have to look into the "presence faker" node @PersonXes mentioned (thanks). Always looking for a more efficient way.
There seems to be interest in my automation, so here it What does it do: At 04:00 it determines the sunset & sunrise times. One minute later it feeds that information into a series of presence faker nodes which control a light. The reason I have multiple is because I want the light to behave differently depending on what time it is. The first presence faker node runs from 07:00 untill sunrise, the second one from sunrise to sunset, the third from sunset untill bedtime, the third runs around bedtime and the last one runs during the night. All the presence fakers nodes are inactive except if a vacation switch is turned on. I have probably exaggerated a bit, but the result of this automation is a node which simulates quite intelligently my behaviour. Another alternative solution: there are automations that just rerun the on-off cycles of your lights of for example 2 weeks ago.
Here is my idea for a home automation: whenever I start doing the laundry I often forget it after it ran for a few hours. I would love to get a notification when my laundry is done! Using a SonOff with power measurement I can detect if the washing machine has started. When it stops using power for a certain amount of time (after it started to use power) I want to send a notify service using home assistant!
I did this by doing a hybrid node red and HA automation. I use HA to monitor when power increases above a certain value and then when it decreases again. That triggers an input Boolean I created to monitor this. I then used a Node Red current state node to monitor the state of that boolean and output that to my echo device with a custom message to let us know to unload the washer. I’m sure you can do it all more simply in Node Red but this was a more intuitive way for me to achieve what I wanted to do.
Great videos and very useful. I am not a pro at this, and these videos are extremely useful. Here is my automation challenge in Node Red. I started with home automations a few years ago and was just using a basic connection from my DSC alarm system and a RasPi. When arming the system, a series of automations would be triggered, including turning off an insteon switch that control a water pump (my water comes from a well). This way, if there is any pipe damage, while I am away, the pump has no power and there is limited damage. All of this is through a python script. I recently made the jump (thanks to your videos) to Home Assistant and now Node Red. The challenge was that sometimes we program the washer with a 7 hours delay, so that when we are back home, we only have to put the washed clothes into the dryer. For this, the water pump needs to be on. The script on my RasPi is triggered at regular time intervals and checks the status of the alarm system, if disarmed, the pump switch stays on (or is turned on), no matter what, if armed, it will checked the status of the Wemo Insight plug (my washer is connected to it) to determine if the washer draws power (it will draw approx. 800 mW if the delayed wash is programmed). In that case, the script will turn on the pump switch. Since the script is triggered regularly, once the washer has finished and the power draw goes back to close to 0 W, the pump switch is turned back off. This script still has its flaws. If the washer is on a delay, the pump will not turn off until the washer is done. So the pump may stay on all day for the 30 min wash, but at least it works. I think Node Red would improve this. I was thinking of starting with an Event state node that would be triggered if the power consumption was above 10,000mW (which is when the washer actually starts the wash cycle), at that point, it would check the status of the pump switch and turn it on if it was off. It would then wait until (not sure if this is the right node to use here) the state of the washer goes back to below 10W, at which point it would turn off the pump. Since my alarm system is currently not linked to Home Assistant, there is no way of checking the status (away or not). This is why I was hoping that through the process of Node Red, it would know if the pump was turned on and would turn it off again. But if it was already on, it would not proceed and not try to turn it off. Sorry for the long message, but this is not so simple to explain.
Totally agree. Adding commas for multiple entities under a call service node just made me rethink my whole setup. I have one call service per entity so I’ve been using 5 or 6 call service nodes to turn on the lights in a room.... also copying attributes from the current state node is a huge help. Tips like that are exactly what I’m looking for. Thank you for this
I've always been interested in a "good night" (or condition blue from Star Trek) command that would automate the entire house for sleep: check state of blinds/curtains and close if open, turn off or dim house lights, activate hall and stairs lighting, check garage door status and close if open, activate security system, lower volume on all alexa devices, activate pool cleaner, check security camera status and output a message if any are unresponsive, turn off holiday lights if on, set sleeping temperature on thermostat, order cleaning robots to stop work and recharge, ceiling fans on or off depending on sleeping preference or weather outside, activate sprinkler system, and output a notification or alexa response if there are any issues along the way. This is my ultimate dream when I finally automate my house!
I don't know about Amazon Alexa, but Google Home added "Routines" a while ago. You can use some built in routines or create/add your own routines. It is pretty much exactly what you describe, you use a key word/phrase to instruct Google Home to take a series of actions. You can add a number of actions directly in the routine, or you can link it to a Home Assistant Automation (or presumably Node Red) if you have HA integrated with Google Home. I have a bedtime routine ("hey Google, good night") that turns off all the lights except for the master bedroom and arms the alarm system in home mode. I actually need to adjust this routine to turn off master bedroom lights as well and turn on the crown molding LEDs in my soft white before bed mode. I need to see if I can expose WLED presets to HA and Google Home. I have another leaving home routine ("hey Google, good bye") that turns off all the lights and sets the alarm to armed away. I find this is more useful than presence based away since I have younger children that are hard to detect if they are home or not. Even if I use a BLE tracker, it is likely they will leave it at home as often as not.
@@NathanKrick I also use google routines, but I would like to automate it in Node Red tbh. More flexibility and have all your automations in one place, especially usefull if you re-use certain flows - When you go out you might want to reuse parts of that flow for commands as "im going out". Also it can only work within the 'realm' of google home, which is limited compared to Home Assistant. I have not yet found a way to automate the google routines in Node Red yet, so if anyone has a good tip/link for this, please.
@@doodvuurtje7690 I don't use Node Red, so I don't know the capabilities. Can you expose Node Red workflows to Google Home as a smart device (I realize it is not actually a device, but that seems to be how Google Home sees everything; even the Logitech Harmony integration seems to be around device control and Logitech Activities look like devices in Google Home)?
automation idea: automate a smart switch ( water pump for a aquaponics garden) needs to turn on each 1/2 hour for 10 mins, between the hours of 5am to 11pm if HA or NR is rebooted at anytime the cycle need to finish so the garden bed is not left half full of water etc. Great videos by the way , thanks for making them.
I'm working on an automation that will, if my tv is on, and the doorbell rings, it will cast video to my tv. The part I haven't sorted is grabbing the state of the tv, and returning after some time. I'd also like to talk to the guest over the Google home so I don't have to pull out my phone
I have an automation for my kids' bed time routine. I used a light-schedule to start and stop bed time each night and I also have a switch in Home Assistant that I can use to manually turn it on or off. When activated, it turns their RGB lamp to red (don't get out of bed), starts playing a playlist on Volumio (so I don't have to listen to the same song on the noise machine all night), and turns on the fan. I also have a motion sensor pointed at the door to let me know if they are out of bed. To avoid unnecessary notifications, it only sends notifications if bed time is active. In the morning, bed time turns off which sets the RGB lamp to yellow, telling the kids they can get up but can't come out of their room yet. Then after 15 minutes, the light turns to green and they are free to come out of their room and the music stops. This is one of my favorite automations and has really helped our bedtime routine.
Another awesome Node Red overview... thanks a lot man! Your channel recently inspired me to make some ESP32 based MQTT products of my own (E26 RGB Bulb, GU10 RGB Bulb, Battery-Powered light switches, etc), which have actually turned out to be viable prototypes that build upon some of the general security and ease-of-use issues you often discuss in your videos. I just wanted to extend a sincere thank you for your passion to demonstrate secure and effective smart tech implementation, and who knows! maybe one day you'll be doing an overview of some of my products too :)
Thanks for the videos. Automation I'm keen to get going is for leak detection (had our hose connector fail a while back (we are on water tanks), luckily came home short time later so didn't loose much water but got me thinking what would happen if we were away for the weekend). Even worse would be something failing inside house. Thoughts so far are: - Install shelly (via contactor) to turn water pump on and off. - Use flow meter to work out if running or not. - Detect when no one is at home (3 cellphones not on network, Unifi. Not sure if reliable enough but can implement away mode if needed) - If pump is running but washing machine not turned on (probably using a shelly to monitor) turn off the pump and send notifications to our app. Bonus would be to have actionable notification so we can turn back on should we know something is running. - On top of that, pressure can drop and pump will turn on for around 5 seconds every few hours so I don't want it shutting off until pump has been running for at least 10sec.
Great video rob. My favourite and quite complex automation is as follows; Node red starts a sequence when our door to the lounge is opened between 5am and 9am (usually that's when someone will head downstairs for the first time in the morning). It then goes through a gate node which closes and re opens itself after 6 hours (so the automation can't be triggered twice). It then announces hello and good morning through my downstairs Google mini and starts a few automations It turns on a lamp and the kitchen lights and I also have it start the downstairs heating on the radiators to 22 degrees. It checks the outside temp and if it's below 6 degrees c then it starts the heating on my EV and then announces it did that over Google too. The sequence also checks if our EV is still plugged in (and as our EV plug goes under our gate that can only be opened from the back garden side when you get to the front it can be annoying) it reminds whoever (via Google mini again) that the car is still connected and needs to be unplugged. This saves my wife from going out the front and finding my car still plugged in and she has to go back in through the house again, into the back garden and unplug the car (or worse she sometimes climbed the gate). All from just opening the lounge door when we go downstairs. She loves never having to scrape frost off a car in the winter (UK). Thanks Rob as you helped me no end with your videos!
Automation idea: I just used Node-Red this week for a website in-stock item notification to my phone with a link to the items page. This allowed me to snag up some of the new Unifi G3 instant cameras before they sold out in 20 minutes.
I like this idea. Is there an add-on that can check stock and prices for any item on shopping websites? I know there are web browser extensions that can do this and send you an email, but I don't always check my email on a timely matter. An automation would alert me immediately if a product I have my eye on goes on sale.
Again.. my head explode !! You are the coolest dad I've ever seen! Hehe I'm buying it!! So I'll try this today. The idea.. make my furnace smart a little more. (I live in Quebec so..winter = cold and cold = $$ hehe). I want to put duct damper motorized with stepper. So each duct will have 3 positions : close, mid and open. And I want them to change their position depend on Where de are on the house (with sensor) . If everyone are in kitchen and no one in bedroom.. the warm air Will blowing mostly in kitchen ^^ I want To add feature to change the warm air flow manually and with time (1 hour before go to bed for exemple.). I think that, combine with ecobee and temp sensors.. we can save money and make the house more confortable. Node-red seems to be the best way !! Thanks!!
Great video, thanks, as always. My creative and useful automation that I would like to see... When I have a teams meeting scheduled (teams status turns busy) it sets my rgb status light on my door to red, Alexa announces “dad is on a call” and puts Alexa in DND. Teams status change to ‘available’ reverses to green. As a bonus, saying ‘Alexa I’m busy’ pushes the status to teams. Would be useful to have teams, zoom, meet, slack all coordinate status updates from a single point of truth as well.
My favorite automations are based around working from home in my basement. Automation "Kids Incoming": - Door sensor to the basement trips - Office RGB light blinks green twice for a heads up that I have incoming and I should close the door if on a call (This has saved me many a time) Automation "I'm on a call": - Using the call state sensor in the Home Assistant companion app for Android, when on the phone, and is business day/hours - Turn the light in the main basement room to RED and 100% brightness - Turn my LED panels white to illuminate my face for video calls - Update the Home Assistant UI to show me as do not disturb (DND) - Update my Slack instances to show me as DND - On hangup -- return LED panels to previous active effect, return basement room light to previous state, turn off DND in Home Assistant and Slack Automation "Get Work Links": - Every morning poll a shared Github gist to get the latest mark down file with client meeting links, phone numbers, holidays, etc.... - Push to Home Assistant as a sensor - Sensor state auto-updates Lovelace Markdown card to show links on my office tab in Home Assistant
A some what complex one that has turned out to be pretty reliable: I have an outdoor cat that we like to let in the Garage to stay warm, I have an automation that cracks the garage door (I used your video with the Shelly) it can tell when he's in the garage and controls his heating pad too. It also reads the weather conditions to decide when to let him out and notifies me when it does so
Thanks for this! First NR video that actually made things click. Anyone trying to figure out how to view ALL the current state properties of a device (in the video, the Nanoleaf. colors, brightness, etc.), go into the DEBUG module and under output, select COMPLETE MSG OBJECT. It was hard to see in the video and wasn't explicitly mentioned.
Automation idea: I have motion sensors throughout the house. I use nodered to turn lights on and switch on the time of day (sunset for example) to specify intensity. For example the hallway and landing between 6am to sunset is 100% bright. Between sunset to 11pm is 60% and between 11pm till 6am is 1%. No more blinding light when getting a late night glass of water! I also have the lights turn off after x period without motion using the trigger node. Initial trigger nothing, then after x trigger to turn off lights. Also set the trigger node to reset on receiving true, then I add BOTH outputs from the motion sensor to the trigger node. That way the motion sensor sets up the lights turning off and resets the trigger if more motion is detected! Happy to share a flow if you wanna see it.
Thanks for all the videos! Your channel has helped me start migrating from Smartthings/Webcore to Home Assistant. I am loving the Blue Iris/Camera Feed integrations, now slowly moving my Zwave/Zigbee devices over to Home Assistant. I've played around a bit with some automations within HA, but now after discovering NodeRed, it will help keep all my automations organized and easier to manage/troubleshoot. Keep up the great work!
Automation idea: I have setup an alert system using node-red, alexas, and dexcom/sugarmate for our T1d (Type 1 diabetic) I wanted to take some lights or led strips around the house and have them turn red or flash red when she is low and urgently low however when she goes back into range that it would put the lights back to original brightness and color before the alert.
MY wife uses a Medtronic pump and gets a notification from the Carelink App on her phone when going low, so do you think I can look out for the app notifications to build an automation on, or do you use an integration for Dexcom?
@@davidjohnson2782 I actually get the data from sugarmate using json data. If medtronic works with sugarmate then that would work. I am actually just starting a series on how I built the system with full instruction. (Sorry for the plug but always looking out for t1d community). Does your wife have a cgm? We don't have a pump yet but I will use the cgm to look if she is higher than she should be to alert us, I don't actually interface with the pump.
@@davidjohnson2782 if there is a way to interface with pump, I will be looking into if I can grab data. With covid and insurance, it has taken way to long to get a pump. We are hoping for the tandem x2 since it will loop with the dexcom.
Ive used home assistant for a few years now and have got into node red through your videos. Home assistant and node red go well together, Im currently working on a heating flow to control the heating around our home using the node 'ramp-thermostat' and setting automations and GUI on home assistant for triggering various temperature profiles depending on presence and the different times and days of the week.
Your "old" node red videos are one of the first I saw when getting into the home automation scene 4 months ago (feels much longer! My wife feels the same way). So glad I found your node red videos back then as I couldn't IMAGINE making all the automations I already have with dropdown lists. Just shared this video with my friend who's into home automation but was having a hard time with node red. Edit: And Im trying to think of a crazy, but useful flow I need you to make but honestly node red is pretty easy once you get into it. Plus with all the palettes you can download, chances are someones already made a node specifically for what you want to do. Oh and the guys at the node red forum are super smart and will help you best they can (as long as it not something super specific to the Home Assistant version of node red)
My most valuable automation: My wood stove/chimney is notorious to send smoke into my living room when firing up or adding firewood. I have a smoke extracting fan at the top of my chimney, but it was hard to remember to turn it on. Solution: Added micro switch in the door handle of my wood stove. When I unlock, it starts the smoke extraction fan for 20 minutes, and the fume extractor fan in the kitchen is blocked/turned off while door handle is unlocked. Really pleased with the result, has never been smoke in my living room since, not even when the wife fired up 😅
Here's my most useful Node Red Automation: *Notify me in the morning if it snowed so that I can get up a little early and shovel* This is useful, because I don't usually check the weather before bed, and if it snows I need to shovel the sidewalk the driveway to safely get our cars out in the morning. In Home Assistant I use the ClimaCell HACS add-on. It creates a field for precipitation for the next 12 hours (configurable amount). In the evening I use a flow to check each value for the next 12 hours. If there is a frozen type precipitation (freezing_rain_heavy, freezing_rain, freezing_rain_light, freezing_drizzle, ice_pellets_heavy, ice_pellets, ice_pellets_light, snow_heavy, snow, snow_light, flurries) in the upcoming 12 hour period it will turn on a helper boolean in Home Assistant. In the morning another Node Red automation checks to see if this is on and if we are home. If it is on and one of us is at home then I and my wife get a notification, Alexa speaks a notification, and turns the helper off. My notification: "title": "Grab the shovel", "message": "Looks like it showed last night. Might need to grab the shovel.", Wife's automation: "title": "Looks like it snowed last night", "message": "It snowed last night. You should remind Josh to shovel, or if he's gone plan extra time for travel.", Alexa says: "It looks like it snowed yesterday or last night. You might need to shovel your way out this morning. Grab the shovel and get moving." I have a similar automation checking for precipitation before bed if the temperature is >55 and
I'm sending on/off hook status of house telephones and VoIP service Provider status from Node-Red to Home assistant using MQTT as binary sensors. Off hook can be used to trigger media player volume/mute, etc. In the reverse direction, I've got front door motion alerts from Home Assistant ringing my desk phone. Delivery people rarely ring the doorbell and porch pirating is rampant here. I haven't lost a package yet. The phone system is Freeswitch, which is open source.
Automation Idea, have Alexa ask me when I get up if I am going to work today and what car am I taking. The car would automatically be started and ready to go when I am ready to leave.
A simple automation I am working on that others might find useful - I dont like leaving garage door openers in my vehicles for security reasons. When I arrive home, I have home assistant send me an actionable notification that asks if I want to open my garage door. There are probably a hundred different ways to accomplish this, but it is something that touches on a bunch of different topics in Node Red.
You could just put an NFC tag in the car abs scan it like as garage door opener. That’s what I’ve done. It’s super cheap and intuitive. It is also less reliant on device trackers that aren’t always timely.
Automation Idea: Leve some home machines (washing machine, dish washer and maybe others) in standby in the morning and don't turn them on until solar production is above the actual consumption, then trigger on those appliances. If it is past xx time, turn them on, since I want them to be done by the time I get home.
Automation Idea: Automatic Vacation Mode. When house is unoccupied for greater than 24 hours, automatically turn on "Vacation Mode" in HA. This will set thermostat to a conservative value, cut off power to any devices/appliances to save on electricity, and turn off lights. Every night in vacation mode, a single light will turn on in a random room. If a bold intruder is detected (via window/door sensors, motion sensors, etc), play warning sound, wait a bit, then flash main lights, play an alarm through speakers on max volume, and turn on your permanent Christmas lights to do a certain animation. Let neighbors know if they hear an alarm or see those Christmas lights on, an intruder has breached the premise. Automatically stop the audio and flashing of lights after 1 minute. If you can connect to HA remotely, receive a push notification. Maybe add an indoor camera that only turns on only in vacation mode so you can monitor what is happening inside. Care must be taken to prevent accidental triggering. "Vacation Mode" turns off when it detects your phone is in close proximity. But what if your phone's battery died when coming home, or you want to allow someone else to enter your home while you are away? Easiest way is to pause vacation mode when your expected person needs access inside. If you don't, instruct them of a way to turn off "Vacation Mode" before entering the house, or shortly after entering the house. The reason for playing a warning sound and then a delay before playing speakers is to let you or your visitor know that the alarm will sound and to turn it off before the alarms bothers them. An idea to turn this off is to turn on a light in a specific room. If using indoor camera, this will stay on until a family member is detected to be home. The reason for only playing the alarm and flashing of lights for 1 minute is because the intruder should be long gone by then, and if authorities were to come to investigate, they won't have to figure a way to turn it off. If you don't have access to your HA, you can still send a coded tweet for your HA to watch for to pause vacation mode.
I've developed Node red automations that do something fairly similar to what you're proposing. This is built around the fairly new but already great alarmo add-on for home Assistant. Fyi the alarm should not function based on vacation mode. You want the alarm to turn on when you are away (or sleeping, but only downstairs for example), not only when you're gone for more than 24 hours.
To kind of extend on this idea; you can do text notifications if you dont want to access HA remotely or use twitter. For text notifications, you can set node red to email out a message. most if not every US carrier has the ability to email to a phone number, just have to know how your carrier does it and set up the ability to email in node IN THEORY, you can do actionable notifications based on a response text to that email but would have to filter for sender and is questionable on security. but for simple, "hey this is happening" notifications the email to text its fairly fast and easy.
@@PersonXes I'll have to look into alarmo. Based on the add-on name, I assume it will sound an alarm if someone breaks into your home? Personally, I wouldn't want this at night when I am sleeping. For one, it's quite terrifying to be woken up that way. And what if it's a false alarm? Everyone in the house woke up startled. I can see this being the case if say you had your parents visiting you but they arrive at 2am and they have a key to the house. I think they would sound the alarm. This can be avoided if you remembered to turn alarmo off for a night, but that requires remembering to do so. Personally I would like things to always work without requiring me to turn on/off things at certain times. If alarmo can do other types of alerting besides an alarm, then that sounds great. I think for my home (which is being built right now), I'd want a gentle way to wake only me up and to check the camera feeds to determine if intruder or false alarm.
Thanks so much for this video. I've been a long-time user of HA, and making my own custom automations with Python. In about 30 minutes, after watching this, I replaced a Python script (that manages my guest wireless SSID via REST API) with a Node-RED flow. Awesome stuff!
Hi, Because of your channel and other HA channels I’m able to move slowly away from my old Homey system to HA, the only thing stopping me now to completely move is a important flow that manages a lot of things that are not so easy for a non developer to accomplish to be honest, hopefully this is something you can help with. So here it goes ;-) On Sunday @ 20h00 we (my wife and I) receive a message (Notification on our phones) with the message if it’s a school week, we have then 3 options in the message, option 1: yes that means the whole week is enabled as a school week, option 2: tomorrow that means only the next day is enabled as a school day, if we choose this then we receive every day of the work week the message again (used if there is a holiday in the week) option 3 then no action. If nobody reacts on this message then activated automatically a school week Based on this I have different flows; School week, day: @ 21h15 TTS message on the Google hub speaker that it’s a school day and that’s time for bed. 21h20 playing a tooth brushing song (Google music) on the Sonos speaker in the bathroom (2 min) @ 21h22 turn on the light in the kids bedroom, @ 21h30 TTS the kids calendar list (Google) for tomorrow and the coming birthdays, family events also Google calendars (for the next day) turn of the lights and check if his Tv is on, music is playing on the Sonos if so turn it all of. If it’s a school week, day, set and alarm @ 07h15 in the morning, play playlist (google music) on the Sonos, and turn on slowly the lights in the room to 100% (wake up light) TTS the day events of the kids calendar en the birthdays, family events of the day. Do the same in the parents bathroom, only different playlist (radio channel for the news) and TTS calendar events (parents) and birthdays, family events of the day. @ 07h18 turn on the lights in the bathroom, play playlist on the bathroom speaker (Sonos) turn on the lights in the living room, play radio station on the Sonos speaker, cast dashboard to the google hub of the living room. @ 07h25 turn of the lights in the bedrooms (kids, parents) @ 07h50 play TTS message that’s time to leave for school, check of all the lights, devices are turned of in the bedroom, if not turn everything off in the bedrooms, this can be overruled with a switch in the bedrooms. @17h00 check if all the variables are set for the next flow cycle if overruled by the switch reset everything for this to work again. I know that’s quite a complex flow, but you asked for it ;-) and to be honest this is really a show stopper for me now to move completely to HA, so hoping you can support here? Thanks in advance and thanks for your clear and understanding way of explaining the world of HA to this non developer!
Your videos have been very helpful (though I always want more). Just started playing with Node Red and while I don’t need help with them, thought I’d share. First is my home lighting automations. It sets different lights to specific levels 15 minutes before sunset, but only if the house is occupied. If not occupied, it only turns on the outdoor coach lights and in either case runs through a function node to get the current month. If it’s October through December, we have holiday lights/animatronics that will be turned on. All get turned off 15 minutes after sunrise. My other favorite flow adjusts both the upstairs and downstairs thermostats based on time of day, home occupancy and heat/cool state. This way no one can set the thermostats higher or lower than my preferences and they will adjust for home/away status.
Or how about a video explaining each node (properly series of videos since there are so many) and a DETAILED explanation of how to set it up and the different configurations
Asking for automaton ideas suggests he's already going down this road. Using meaningful examples keeps it interesting and sparks ideas. Droning on about each node in detail would be worse than watching paint dry.
@@pmaccas3925 I was once told, if you don't have anything constructive to say don't say anything at all.... Trolling through 5 days of comments...Says a lot... 🤔 Seems like you have plenty of time on your hands to watch 10 videos on each node...
@@davidw9791 get over yourself. It was a constructive comment, just cause i don't agree with you doesn't mean I'm trolling. I've got a different opinion and would prefer something a little different than you that's all. Your idea sounded dull to me, sorry that upset you so much.
@@pmaccas3925 @p maccas dude... Seriously... Where/how was your post CONSTRUCTIVE in any way? Maybe Google the definition... 🤔 😂 You are the one criticizing others posts and suggestions that are days old... Get over yourself troll... This is enough... Some of us have to work and don't sit in mommy's basement all day, trolling TH-cam comments to try to make yourself sound cool. ✌️
@@davidw9791 I only watched the video last night, when am I supposed to comment?! You have a spare time machine? I didn't realise comments had an expiry date; a few days and ur crying. You're a sensitive soul snowflake. Someone with a different opinion isn't a troll. He asked for comments, I read through and replied to a few I was interested in. You're the one who keeps replying and whinning. In fact, you're trolling me!! So give it a rest and jog on.
I have a lot of complicated automations in Home Assistant and never felt the need to use Node-Red. Every time I see you using it in videos it feels like unnecessarily complicated. My most complicated automation controls my (underfloor) heating in living room, office, man cave and VR room. All based on presence, day of the week and temperature sensors around the house. The scripts automate multiple pumps and valves that control the flow of heating water. All of this is done by combining 'Choose' actions and was quite easy to set up. As a programmer, I have a lot of experience with coding, so that might make it easier for me. I recently added a door sensor to my front door that resets my phone notifications about driveway movement and someone ringing the door bell when the kids are sleeping. This also prevents unnecessary alerts if motion is triggered after the door has been opened / closed (people leaving). Home Assistant has made my home smarter and my life so much easier. I owe a lot of my inspiration to you, thank you for that!
@@TheHookUp I suspected that, but because so many people recommended Node-Red, I tried to understand why it has so many users. It might be worth mentioning in your next video that people with programming experience may be better at using Home Assistant automations and scripts. For them, Node-Red may be unnecessarily complicated and will only result in a long learning curve with no positive result.
Another automation I recently finished is that HA reads my work calendar. If I have "vacation" as a meeting tomorrow and I have an alarm set on my phone I get a notification on the phone to remove the alarm. And the other way around also, If tomorrow does not have vacation but there is no alarm it sends a notification. And on Sundays it sends a notification what my upcoming events is for the week. It has already saved me a few times.
Great video! An automation idea: set a "Movies" mode that when launched all lights are switched off, tv switched on on Kodi/Plex and all shutters are automatically closed. Bonus: if several covers used, they are progressively closed, each one starting when the previous one has reached 50%!
Agree with the node red vs home assistant strengths completely. I wouldn't call any of the below too complex but some ideas I've done.. I have a similar setup in node red for my bathroom lights .. - 1st switch turns on one ceiling light and mirror at low brightness - 2nd switch turns on all ceiling lights and mirror at mid brightness - Both switches turn on all the lights and mirror at high brightness another automation in node red which has helped me make maximum use of my Xiaomi Vacuum Robot is: - If it's a decent hour and house is unoccupied (presence detection in node red) the robot cleans some designated rooms (most of the floor) - Once done rather then going back to charge .. he goes and waits for me at the bin so I don't have to remember that he needs to be emptied.. (or too lazy to walk from the robot docking station to the bin and back haha) - Bonus... he says "Hi I'm over here" as as soon as I arrive as well Now I've changed all the lights in the house to smart CCT lights (both bulbs and switches) and will be looking at implementing circadian lighting and also brightness level depending on the hour of the day... using node red. Still need to see how I can set this up though Hate it when I flick the switch and it's too white and bright in the morning
Thanks, Rob. Your channel is on the top of my list for home automation. I know I'm probably too late, but here are two ideas I would like to implement using Node Red: 1 (simple) - Using a pulse (or touch) switch to activate different scenes (e.g.: 1 short pulse = white lights, 1 short + 1 long = dim ceiling light and so on...) Then one can use a single switch for a few different scenes. I know Shelly has it already made, but I'd like to do this with my ESP32. 2 (rather complex) - At a switch you set the lighting mode (or scene) e.g.: study, bedside reading, relaxing. Then you gather light intensity (maybe also color) from a few sensors at strategic places and use Node Red to control all lights in the environment (including blinds or curtain) to adjust the scene. This would work so that if you select reading lights but there is already enough sunlight outside, HA would open the blinds and just complement with a desk lamp. If the same scene is triggered at night, it would use other lamps to provide the same reading comfort at the desk. As I still have a lot to learn, it would be much easier if you showed some clues.
Hey Rob - another great video - been playing with node red for a bit and almost find things easier cobbling together code in a function node - for an idea - using a hue dimmer control a shelly RGBW bulb (I have a couple gu10's)... so 1x "ON" click is on at previous state if state was above certain brightness (for white) or gain (for colour) otherwise turn on and set to a minimum level... use 2x "ON" to 100% white... use other keys or 3x on key to switch from white to colour... use "Dim UP" and "Dim DOWN" to dim increase/decrease (gain/brightness).. 2x click on say "Dim UP" to change colour.. etc. Not being able to get dim/gain status from the shelly app for these bulbs (only on and off) you need to do a status check via HTTP (what is quicker - HTTP or MQTT - HTTP was easier to use) is there a way to create a flow that you can then use for numerous bulbs / rooms controlled via separate dimmers :-) ...... you asked :-) Also maybe using "node-red-contrib-virtual-smart-home" to control devices in your NOT vlan (I cant get Alexa (on IOT vlan) to see these - I found this to be great
My last automation in node-red was a freezing alarm, that sets a heater in my pool-house. Done with a DS18b20 on an ESP8266 and a tasmotized wall-plug. The most heaters with freeze-watch are triggering at 5 degrees Celsius and that is way to warm for keeping the pool-hardware above freezing. That saves energy and i even can monitor the energyconsumption and hysteresis in grafana.
So far my most useful is adding a smart outlet to the washing machine and the dishwasher that can capture power and then using node red go through a few cycles then when a load it started it is broadcast in the public areas of the house and when a load is complete the system broadcasts that a load is done to the public areas (using google home minis and specifying specific nodes) of the house. Having the house let us know a load is done helps us get through laundry a lot faster and I added a reminder every five minutes to help encourage the child that has been assigned that chore to get it done. The one I am still working on is for the summer months. I have a large 36" fan that I can put in one of the windows (at one end) of our house and then I close all of the other windows except one at the other end of the house. Then based on temperature to turn the fan on or off to cool off the house. Getting the when to turn on and when to turn off based on the average of the temperatures in the house compared to the temperature outside kind of works. However I believe my issue is getting it to work while taking into account is the temperature in either area going up or down.
Thanks for the video! This has got me started with Node-Red and to help me build my complex automation I want to do. My home automation idea is control my robot vacuum with my zwave switches. I already have a couple of automatic routines by time but I want to setup an automation by room so that a triple click on the light switch calls up the vacuum for that room. Also including a 5x click to cancel in case it was called in error.
The automation that was most fun for me to write in YAML was the nap/bed time routine for my 1 year old son. It involves a LIFX+ bulb (RGB + IR) and a Sonos speaker. When it's time to wind down, we push a button in Home Assistant that dims the lights to a dull orange at 30% brightness, bright enough that we can read a story. That button also sets a trigger for 20 minutes for the "sound machine" . If we turn off the light in HA within the time the trigger is set, the Sonos speaker will unjoin any groups it may be in, set the volume to 14%, and play a pink noise audio file. It also turns on the IR light so the night-vision on the baby monitor is a much higher quality. When the light turns on above 10%, it will turn off the pink noise and IR light. This lets us turn on the light to it's lowest brightness if we need to sneak in without turning off the pink noise. It also does a check to see if it's the pink noise file that's playing so that it doesn't turn off the Sonos speaker when we're actually playing music from it.
I’ve watched your previous NR videos but I wasn’t ready for it then. Now that I’ve got my HA instance up and running and it’s been stable for 6 months now, it’s time to try NR again. Here it goes!
Node-RED is the best automation tool. I've worked through: Hue, SmartThings, ST WebDriver, Home Assistant (2015), New home assistant, python scripts, lua, and Node-RED. None are as easy to scale out, debug, or build out than Node-RED. Node-RED makes it simple to integrate with DIY devices via API. It's the best.
Thank you for your awesome work! I will try and explain what I'm currently trying to make my HA do, but so far I have been unable. Idea one builds the base, while 2 and 3 etc is meant to build on idea on, or step 1. My ideas go as follows: 1) Any light that turns on (by motion or switch), shall have their color temp adjusted according to the time of day and house mood. For instance, I have a projector in my living room, and I do not want the lights to be bright nor cool when that is on. The lights should also change temp during the day. 2) An input bolian that stops step 1 and forces lights to be on. Handy for cleaning and such. 3) An input bolian (or several based on "mode") that choses a "off" color. So that when an area has no motion, it will switch to that color and brightness (based on that input bolian) 4) An input bolian (or several based on "mode") that does the same for "on" mode IE when there is motion. Idea 2: 1) Make a light blink/change based on calendar. For remembering the trash 2) Wake up lights based on calendar - I love the wake up lights many smart home products offer, but they are always clucky to set, especially to my schedule that changes all the time 3) Make the lights work depending on who is home. If I sleep away, I don’t want to wake my wife because I have an appointment in my calendar That’s all for now. If you want more ideas, or anything seams unclear. Hit me up, also if anyone accepts payment for helping me make my NodeRed do what I said in idea 1, I’m willing and able c,")
dude, honestly I just want to have my coffee automated in the morning. My espresso machine has WiFI - it's useless. I can start it from the bed, sure, but it cleans itself directly in my cup. If the cup isn't there then the coffee goes to waste. You automate that somehow, you'll be my hero
I want to have an umbrella holder near the door to my house such than when I leave, if it's going to rain that day, some assistant tells me "Don't forget your umbrella" and lights up a blue light inside the holder. Seems pretty hard, especially the detection of near the door with the intent of leaving. Let's see what you can do! Awesome videos by the way.
@@Kosh42EFG Limit switch to detect umbrella presence? I think a proximity sensor would get you almost all the way, though detecting when you are leaving vs when just passing by is tough. Especially if you want to consider the case when you leave in a car. Maybe you could time slot the behaviour? Wouldn't really work when going out on a weird time... IDK. Good suggestions, though. Will look into them.
I am just getting started, but one of the projects I am considering is environmental monitoring of my wife’s beehives. I do not see much automation to be had, but certainly monitoring and reporting functions have possibilities.
Thank you very much for the excellent content you produce! I have 2 Node Red automations ideas on my todo list: The first automation involves Node Red and AI Tool for Blue Iris (which I'm using thanks to your videos) When detecting a person (only person, not dog, car, etc) in one of my external cameras for more than 3 consecutive minutes, I would like NodeRed to turn on one of the visible lights from outside the house (garage, garden or living room) at random and keep it on until it no longer detects the person (to simulate a presence) The second automation is a little simpler, and involves a retractable roof that I have in my yard. If my multi-sensor NodeMCU detects rain, and the roof is open, and it is during the time we are awake, Node red triggers the Nest Mini with a message that it is raining. But this message can speech "once per rain" I haven't installed a motor yet to automate the roof closing, so for now I have to run and close it :) Thank You!
Awesome videos as always! Node red takes some understanding! I am looking to smarten my home assistant at the moment. Africa the power goes out a lot so have inverter for backup power which i need to disable devices like geysers when mains fails and no solar charge. Planning to use state of mains plus state of charge of batteries to slowly shut down the house when to prong backup for important stuff like pumps for house water
a defcon [1-5] mode something that flashes the blinds and lights in a sos pattern, cranks the speakers to do a text to speech. trigger based on a health device? secondarily a mode where the house air con / heater turns off, until it predicts you will be home (and it will predict how much time it will take to bring the house / specific rooms to temperature / humidity) perhaps using location tracking/occupancy polling, it may tell the rumba's to go to their recharging locations, do a systems check on all sensors and actuators, awakens the home assistants, turns off the lawn watering, opens the front gate, rolls up the garage door, plays a specific persons welcome chime (as a random rendition in a different musical style)
I like the binary aspect of multiple switches, for say outdoor lights, if you have the type of switch you can tap or long press, I'd tie all your outdoor lights into say two switches per each exit door, maybe- L: Tap, R: None - turns on the wired light. L: Hold, R: H - turns all outdoor lights on/off. L: H, R: T - Cycles through each light hardline visible from the switch location and then a R: H (while still holding L) changes the state of selected hardline.
Plant watering using valves and MiFlora BLE sensors that publish to a node mcu and get integrated into the Home Assistant Wifi. All running on a Raspi. Home Assistant dashboard running on a tablet with state and action widgets and nice graphs with different history scales. That is what I am currently working on and love to see your approach and learn some skills. Thanks and great content! Rgds from Hamburg, Germany
A Lovelace Scene editor powered by nodered. Where you can select the time/day the scene will run and which lights will turn on/off or be ignored, all automated with nodered configured from your Lovelace interface.
Automation idea: I’m new to HA just moving over from OpenHAB, and here is my automation idea. We track my son’s sugar levels via the Dexcom integration in HA. Sometimes he either goes “high” ( above 10) or “low” (below 3.5) in the night while we are sleeping. It would be nice is HA could turn on our bedroom lamp that is controlled via a Sonoff basic. I’m still not sure if I “need” node red. Thanks for your great content as always.
Great Video!! love this type of content. I use Node-RED to parse messages from my RF bridge when doors are opened and closed, or when motion is detected. Some of the actions are; I send my wife an email and trigger motion in Blue Iris every time someone opens the door on her Free Little Library, this helps her to maintain the current stock of books. I also spend a lot of time out in my workshop, when the back door opens I trigger a WLED to blink the lights so I know my dog is on the way and I can let him in. I love HA and Node-RED.
Very good indeed, -loving your videos! Would be great if you do a video about counters - how these values then move to the front end dashboard. For instance, A counter for the nespresso pods, every time I use the machine it display the counter in the dashboard and I get alerted, how to increase 50 in one stab So much to explore around counters, but no one has done a decent video.
You read my mind Rob! Love you’re videos and I’ve been hoping for a new video on node red. I’m finally ready to start learning node red and installed it on my homebridge raspberry pi over the weekend. After figuring a few things out I decided I’m just going with home assistant after all and I’ll be installing it on my home assistant pi soon. Keep up the great work sir, I love all the info you put out! Very detailed and you think about these things from all angles! Thank you!!!
Most of my flows are basic, but my most useful is one that checks which day of the week it is every morning then, when it first detects motion in the living room after 8am, broadcasts a TTS message through Google Home Mini which trash day it is. It also sets it in HA so it will appear on the dashboard.
Great video! My only problem with Shelly is that they are illegal by code to use if you have newer 12Ga wiring as then UL listing is up to 14ga wiring and when using screw down the Shellies connectors are cheaply made. These are good for low voltage but I’m concerned about putting them behind faceplates I can’t see as they heat cool and loosen, and potentially arch.
Here’s my home automation idea. I have a driveway sensor that detects when a vehicle enters my driveway. It’s a simple binary sensor in HA. When it gets triggered, I have it do a couple things....1a) blink the lights on the front of my house on and off a couple times. 1b) if I’m home, it will also blink the led strip I have on top of a book case in my living room. 2a) makes my security camera positioned on the driveway take a snapshot and save it to a file locally accessible by HA. 2b) before the saving the file tho, rename any previously saved image to keep a history of the previous events. 2c) the new file is used as a camera for a picture element card in the HA UI so I can easily see the most recent event. 3) send a actionable notification to my phone that includes the snapshot taken from the security camera with the option to open the garage door. 4) have a 5 minute cool down before another driveway event can be triggered. I have all this setup as an automaton in HA, it would be pretty incredible to see this done in node red as I’m pretty sure it might not be possible with the limited knowledge that i have of node red.
Great topic. I would like to suggest adding face recognition using node red. I try to use it but face some errors. My suggestion is to have a doorbell with face recognition that anounce who is in the door using Alex (TTS). Great content!!
My desired automation that i struggle with is my kitchen light panel, from ikea. I want it to turn on low, when ambient light goes down (sunset) until a fixed time (bedtime) Then i want it to turn on light on low based on motion detector during nighttime And i want it to turn the brightness to 99 if motion is detected during evening for more then 3 seconds. And if i press the ikea puck up to switch to brightness 100 and override the dim to brightness low on no motion for 1 minute. Good luck with automating this. 😀
As always a great video Rob! Due to circumstances I'm working home a lot with Noise Cancelling headphones to minimize disturbances. But because of the headphone I couldn't hear the doorbell and missed deliveries from my favorite Chinese gadget supplier.. Based on Frencks article I first integrated my old fashion doorbell into Home Assistant. Then created a Node-Red automation that triggers the Stroboscope effect on my Yeelights for 500ms and pushes a TTS message to all the Nest mini's as well as a notification on my desktop with Telegram.
Automation Idea: Ok I have to clarify, I've already made this automation but it's by far my best automation and most complicated. On a more symbolic note, this idea came from the first video of Rob's I watched (Google Calendar Home Automation). I have two versions of the same automation for me and my wife since I get up at 5:15am (on a rotating schedule) and she gets up around 7:00am. They both start with a light schedule node which starts the flow when our alarm clocks activate. The flow checks if I'm home (or her for her flow), if we aren't it stops there. It then checks our respective calendars to determine if we work that day. If we do, it turns on a light in a room down the hall. It also checks Waze travel time. It will send me a push notification with my drive time to work and a push notification to my wife with her drive time. It will check if we are still home every 5 mins and if we are and the drive time has changed, it will push another drive time to each of us respectively. Only if all the previous is true (I'm working and home), when I walk into the hallway a motion sensor will send me an actionable notification to turn off the alarm system and will turn on a light downstairs. Fifteen seconds later (as I reach the kitchen) I get another push notification with a payload from our dinner plan calendar which tells me to pull out beef, chicken, etc for thawing in the fridge. When I leave the house, a motion sensor in the utility room will turn off all the lights and reset the drive time push for the next day. My wife's automation is pretty much the same except when she walks into the hallway, it automatically disarms the alarm (no actionable notification) and she doesn't get the dinner push. These two automations have a lot of moving parts (25 nodes for me and 17 nodes for my wife) but by far one of our most useful.
Your previous NodeRed videos are why I'm all in on Home Assistant. I've made so many automations, that I have no idea how I'd survive in a non-smart home anymore. Thanks for all your hard work!
Awesome, love to hear stuff like that.
When my friend moved to a new apartment, and his wife realized that shouting Alexa… won’t do anything and she actually had to walk to the light switch to use it, she said ‘OMG, we live like animals. Do something!’
I started using node red as well a few months ago thanks to your video's
. I have made some very complex stuff in the meantime 😅
Likewise. Any room I still have to touch something like a light switch is a room that needs automating!
I think it is from this channel where I first heard about Home Assistant.
Right.... you've convinced me that I need node red - thanks!
Oh and Dr Zzzzzs does have a hair attribute, it's just null!
Man, I had no idea home automation had gone this far. I literally do this kind of work to automate power plants with distributed control systems. It is amazing just how similar the Node Red interface is to Mitsubishi Netmation, Siemens T3000 and Emerson's Ovation programming interfaces.
Good stuff...
I'm just starting in the world of home automation/smart home... and your channel has been a HUGE help for me! Thanks a lot!
Here's my automation idea:
- Door sensor (Daughter's room)
- Echo Flex (Or any connected speaker) (Daughter's room)
- Echo Dot (Living room)
- Cellphone
- RGB LED Strip
- Smart doorbell (DIY ESPHome... but it shouldn't matter)
- A 7 months old daughter
- and... a delivery perfectly timed during my daughter's nap.
When my daughter's room door is closed:
- Disable the doorbell
- Turn the RGB LED strip in my office red. (Telling me to be quiet)
- Start music (lullabies on the echo Flex)
When the doorbell is disabled:
- Disable the chime
- Announce the delivery on the echo dot
- Cellphone push notification.
When my daughter's room door is open:
- Back to normal.
One of my more complex Automations:
-trigger: power meter induction stove rises above 100 watts
-condition: furnace fume extractor is off
-action: turn on fume extractor an set kitchen downlights to full power
And a similar automation to turn off fume extractor and dim kitchen lights after 1 min of no power drawn by stove
Automation Idea: Use Node Red to monitor Charge Controllers for Tesla Reclaimed Model S and Model 3 Batteries and divert excess solar to chargers, watermakers (desalination), cooling (aircon), irrigation and dehumidifiers.
I have a Cay in the Bahamas that runs on reclaimed Tesla Model 3 and Model S batteries. I recently setup Home Assistant and it is now doing some amazing stuff for me using Shelly devices to trigger relays. There is one flaw though, the charge controllers communicate packets in UDP - so I need a way to ready the packets on port 6550 which in turn will tell me the Max, Min, Average Volts of the cells, the total power in/out of the pack (in Watts) and many other cool things. I have the full specs on the UDP Packet.
You have been an absolute savior for me - I spent my Saturday reconfiguring my networks to split everything into lhiot, lhnot, lhcameras, etc. I only got into Home Assistant 4 weeks ago and really love it. Had been doing everything before through a mix of Alexa and Smartthings. Built the first full reclaimed Tesla Model 3 as a 75kWh solar storage system for the island a year ago.
Your videos are really of another levels in terms of quality, use of language / layman terms and subtle touches of humor. I’m learning a lot! Thanks for existing.
Thanks Anatoly!
Great start, the gate node is my favourite, and also the inject enhanced is very good.
My wife's two favourites are in the morning, when she opens the blinds in the bedroom, it turns on the coffeemachine in the kitchen :-)
Second one is her goodnight button, we have a cube in the kitchen that we use for turning lights on/off and dim, and if she shakes it in the evening, it changes the house mode to night (which changes the motion detections to only turn on certain lights at a low level), locks the frontdoor, turns on the 'under bed' lights in the bedroom, and opens the blind (so it's easier to open the window to get some cold air in), turns off the light in the kitchen and garden, and turns on the bugzapper in the kitchen as well (this will however turn off if the garden door is opened). If it's shook during the day, it sends a TTS to the nearby Google Home to tell our grandchild to put it down :-D
My wife has been very opposed to this, but is finding it more and more usefull.
I think the most complicated is my thermostat handling, which handles night-eco, open windows, holidays and summertime.
Automation Idea: Make your robot vacuum start when no one is home after sending a actionable notification to the last person who had left (just in case the floors are prepared for the robot). If the robot is started with the actionable notification, use max power settings. If started manually, automatically turn the power to eco (so it's quiet since people are home). If someone returns back into the geofence of the home, have the running robot return to the base station. This is actually one I'm currently working on myself!
This is timely as this year I plan to install a home assistant instance in my Polytunnel. Curently I control temperature with a simple Arduino device monitoring temperature and controlling a couple of fans but I plan to use Node Red to automate temeperature and humidity control and to automate watering using soil sensors. Your video has convinced me that this is the right tool for the job. I would like to hear from anyone who has already done this.
Zoom is a lost art and when I saw you zoom in to allow the viewer to actually see what you were referencing I had to stop and say thank you. Wish more YTers would do this.
I wish I'd seen this before I went through using Node RED. Lots of good Node-RED resources and 'recipes' out there, but this is way better than stumbling around the Net. Node RED was worth the effort before, this removes a lot of the learning curve and makes the return on investment even higher.
Thanks for yet another great video! Now I can get back to taking measurements for my soon-to-be-purchased pergola...
I honestly cant even imagine someone doing a better job of thoroughly yet concisely giving a beginners breakdown of node red. Thank you sir! This planet is better off with you on it.
This channel is gold! I for one have a regular coffee routine (morning and evening) so here's an automation idea for you: A connected kettle combined with a connected water spout. When system realizes you've woken up/got up from desk at evening coffee time/manual trigger it will automatically fill up the kettle with the right amount of water, then boil it for you!
I have been watching your previous node-red videos and I feel like you released this video because you knew I was lurking :D. Thanks for the video
THANK YOU! So many YTers have excellent videos but it leaves some folks wondering why ZOOM is not used to show what you want us to focus on (and can see). Your videos meet this criterion and make the point so much easier to see and understand. Again thank you.
Automation Idea: When all Phones are away, trigger a Lights away sequence that randomly turns on and off different lights at different times to simulate presence till about midnight. I tried something like this but failed. I'm interested to see your attempt ;-) I'm now using Presence Faker, thanks for the recommandation.
I used the presence faker node for this
I'll have to look in to presence faker.
I used an "inject enhanced" node to send a message every 30 minutes from sunset to bedtime. From there, I have several "within time" nodes turning lights on and off. I also have an input_boolean to turn on and off my "away mode". I'm going to have to look into the "presence faker" node @PersonXes mentioned (thanks). Always looking for a more efficient way.
Thx for the help, I will try it out👍🏻
There seems to be interest in my automation, so here it What does it do: At 04:00 it determines the sunset & sunrise times. One minute later it feeds that information into a series of presence faker nodes which control a light. The reason I have multiple is because I want the light to behave differently depending on what time it is. The first presence faker node runs from 07:00 untill sunrise, the second one from sunrise to sunset, the third from sunset untill bedtime, the third runs around bedtime and the last one runs during the night. All the presence fakers nodes are inactive except if a vacation switch is turned on. I have probably exaggerated a bit, but the result of this automation is a node which simulates quite intelligently my behaviour. Another alternative solution: there are automations that just rerun the on-off cycles of your lights of for example 2 weeks ago.
Thank you opensource developers for making all of this possible!
Here is my idea for a home automation: whenever I start doing the laundry I often forget it after it ran for a few hours. I would love to get a notification when my laundry is done! Using a SonOff with power measurement I can detect if the washing machine has started. When it stops using power for a certain amount of time (after it started to use power) I want to send a notify service using home assistant!
I did this by doing a hybrid node red and HA automation. I use HA to monitor when power increases above a certain value and then when it decreases again. That triggers an input Boolean I created to monitor this. I then used a Node Red current state node to monitor the state of that boolean and output that to my echo device with a custom message to let us know to unload the washer. I’m sure you can do it all more simply in Node Red but this was a more intuitive way for me to achieve what I wanted to do.
Great videos and very useful. I am not a pro at this, and these videos are extremely useful.
Here is my automation challenge in Node Red.
I started with home automations a few years ago and was just using a basic connection from my DSC alarm system and a RasPi. When arming the system, a series of automations would be triggered, including turning off an insteon switch that control a water pump (my water comes from a well). This way, if there is any pipe damage, while I am away, the pump has no power and there is limited damage. All of this is through a python script. I recently made the jump (thanks to your videos) to Home Assistant and now Node Red.
The challenge was that sometimes we program the washer with a 7 hours delay, so that when we are back home, we only have to put the washed clothes into the dryer. For this, the water pump needs to be on. The script on my RasPi is triggered at regular time intervals and checks the status of the alarm system, if disarmed, the pump switch stays on (or is turned on), no matter what, if armed, it will checked the status of the Wemo Insight plug (my washer is connected to it) to determine if the washer draws power (it will draw approx. 800 mW if the delayed wash is programmed). In that case, the script will turn on the pump switch. Since the script is triggered regularly, once the washer has finished and the power draw goes back to close to 0 W, the pump switch is turned back off. This script still has its flaws. If the washer is on a delay, the pump will not turn off until the washer is done. So the pump may stay on all day for the 30 min wash, but at least it works.
I think Node Red would improve this. I was thinking of starting with an Event state node that would be triggered if the power consumption was above 10,000mW (which is when the washer actually starts the wash cycle), at that point, it would check the status of the pump switch and turn it on if it was off. It would then wait until (not sure if this is the right node to use here) the state of the washer goes back to below 10W, at which point it would turn off the pump. Since my alarm system is currently not linked to Home Assistant, there is no way of checking the status (away or not). This is why I was hoping that through the process of Node Red, it would know if the pump was turned on and would turn it off again. But if it was already on, it would not proceed and not try to turn it off.
Sorry for the long message, but this is not so simple to explain.
The hardest part for me is not really the automation side, but keeping it all tidy, maybe you have some tips/best practices on that?
I'll add that in.
Totally agree. Adding commas for multiple entities under a call service node just made me rethink my whole setup. I have one call service per entity so I’ve been using 5 or 6 call service nodes to turn on the lights in a room.... also copying attributes from the current state node is a huge help. Tips like that are exactly what I’m looking for. Thank you for this
@@csquared9660 Also consider whether creating groups could work in your setup
You Rock Man! I did a automation in 10 min in node-red. I was trying it for months in HA without succeeding completely! YES, I like more node-red!
I've always been interested in a "good night" (or condition blue from Star Trek) command that would automate the entire house for sleep: check state of blinds/curtains and close if open, turn off or dim house lights, activate hall and stairs lighting, check garage door status and close if open, activate security system, lower volume on all alexa devices, activate pool cleaner, check security camera status and output a message if any are unresponsive, turn off holiday lights if on, set sleeping temperature on thermostat, order cleaning robots to stop work and recharge, ceiling fans on or off depending on sleeping preference or weather outside, activate sprinkler system, and output a notification or alexa response if there are any issues along the way. This is my ultimate dream when I finally automate my house!
My good night routine is my favorite automation.
@@TheHookUp please share all about it
I don't know about Amazon Alexa, but Google Home added "Routines" a while ago. You can use some built in routines or create/add your own routines. It is pretty much exactly what you describe, you use a key word/phrase to instruct Google Home to take a series of actions. You can add a number of actions directly in the routine, or you can link it to a Home Assistant Automation (or presumably Node Red) if you have HA integrated with Google Home.
I have a bedtime routine ("hey Google, good night") that turns off all the lights except for the master bedroom and arms the alarm system in home mode. I actually need to adjust this routine to turn off master bedroom lights as well and turn on the crown molding LEDs in my soft white before bed mode. I need to see if I can expose WLED presets to HA and Google Home.
I have another leaving home routine ("hey Google, good bye") that turns off all the lights and sets the alarm to armed away. I find this is more useful than presence based away since I have younger children that are hard to detect if they are home or not. Even if I use a BLE tracker, it is likely they will leave it at home as often as not.
@@NathanKrick I also use google routines, but I would like to automate it in Node Red tbh. More flexibility and have all your automations in one place, especially usefull if you re-use certain flows - When you go out you might want to reuse parts of that flow for commands as "im going out".
Also it can only work within the 'realm' of google home, which is limited compared to Home Assistant.
I have not yet found a way to automate the google routines in Node Red yet, so if anyone has a good tip/link for this, please.
@@doodvuurtje7690 I don't use Node Red, so I don't know the capabilities. Can you expose Node Red workflows to Google Home as a smart device (I realize it is not actually a device, but that seems to be how Google Home sees everything; even the Logitech Harmony integration seems to be around device control and Logitech Activities look like devices in Google Home)?
automation idea: automate a smart switch ( water pump for a aquaponics garden)
needs to turn on each 1/2 hour for 10 mins, between the hours of 5am to 11pm
if HA or NR is rebooted at anytime the cycle need to finish so the garden bed is not left half full of water
etc. Great videos by the way , thanks for making them.
I'm working on an automation that will, if my tv is on, and the doorbell rings, it will cast video to my tv. The part I haven't sorted is grabbing the state of the tv, and returning after some time. I'd also like to talk to the guest over the Google home so I don't have to pull out my phone
I have an automation for my kids' bed time routine. I used a light-schedule to start and stop bed time each night and I also have a switch in Home Assistant that I can use to manually turn it on or off. When activated, it turns their RGB lamp to red (don't get out of bed), starts playing a playlist on Volumio (so I don't have to listen to the same song on the noise machine all night), and turns on the fan.
I also have a motion sensor pointed at the door to let me know if they are out of bed. To avoid unnecessary notifications, it only sends notifications if bed time is active.
In the morning, bed time turns off which sets the RGB lamp to yellow, telling the kids they can get up but can't come out of their room yet. Then after 15 minutes, the light turns to green and they are free to come out of their room and the music stops.
This is one of my favorite automations and has really helped our bedtime routine.
Another awesome Node Red overview... thanks a lot man! Your channel recently inspired me to make some ESP32 based MQTT products of my own (E26 RGB Bulb, GU10 RGB Bulb, Battery-Powered light switches, etc), which have actually turned out to be viable prototypes that build upon some of the general security and ease-of-use issues you often discuss in your videos.
I just wanted to extend a sincere thank you for your passion to demonstrate secure and effective smart tech implementation, and who knows! maybe one day you'll be doing an overview of some of my products too :)
Awesome Patt, good luck on the prototyping!
@@TheHookUp thanks Robert!
Thanks for the videos. Automation I'm keen to get going is for leak detection (had our hose connector fail a while back (we are on water tanks), luckily came home short time later so didn't loose much water but got me thinking what would happen if we were away for the weekend). Even worse would be something failing inside house.
Thoughts so far are:
- Install shelly (via contactor) to turn water pump on and off.
- Use flow meter to work out if running or not.
- Detect when no one is at home (3 cellphones not on network, Unifi. Not sure if reliable enough but can implement away mode if needed)
- If pump is running but washing machine not turned on (probably using a shelly to monitor) turn off the pump and send notifications to our app. Bonus would be to have actionable notification so we can turn back on should we know something is running.
- On top of that, pressure can drop and pump will turn on for around 5 seconds every few hours so I don't want it shutting off until pump has been running for at least 10sec.
Great video rob.
My favourite and quite complex automation is as follows;
Node red starts a sequence when our door to the lounge is opened between 5am and 9am (usually that's when someone will head downstairs for the first time in the morning).
It then goes through a gate node which closes and re opens itself after 6 hours (so the automation can't be triggered twice).
It then announces hello and good morning through my downstairs Google mini and starts a few automations
It turns on a lamp and the kitchen lights and I also have it start the downstairs heating on the radiators to 22 degrees.
It checks the outside temp and if it's below 6 degrees c then it starts the heating on my EV and then announces it did that over Google too.
The sequence also checks if our EV is still plugged in (and as our EV plug goes under our gate that can only be opened from the back garden side when you get to the front it can be annoying) it reminds whoever (via Google mini again) that the car is still connected and needs to be unplugged. This saves my wife from going out the front and finding my car still plugged in and she has to go back in through the house again, into the back garden and unplug the car (or worse she sometimes climbed the gate).
All from just opening the lounge door when we go downstairs.
She loves never having to scrape frost off a car in the winter (UK).
Thanks Rob as you helped me no end with your videos!
You still drive places? My car has a flat battery and tyre. Haven't moved it in a month 🤣
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@@Kosh42EFG haha. Yes. My wife works for the NHS so drives in each day and I work with animals at an aquarium so neither of us can work from home 😣
How are you triggering announcements from your Google devices?
@@donny_bahama using a switch node for the information and the the cast node for the function.
After setting playback speed to .5, at my old age I understood most of it! Thanks for the video. Very helpful for a beginner.
Totally with you Rob, all my automations are in Node Red, much easier to visualise. Good job with the video.
I'm in the process of moving my last few YAML automations over. Much better too to see it visually.
I always love your node-red videos and go back to reference them the time. Thanks again, keep it up!!!!
Automation idea: I just used Node-Red this week for a website in-stock item notification to my phone with a link to the items page. This allowed me to snag up some of the new Unifi G3 instant cameras before they sold out in 20 minutes.
i'd love you to make a video of this just to see the HTTP scraping and scripting interaction. Sounds neat!
@@FrankGraffagnino Alright, I did it. It may suck but I just uploaded it.
I like this idea. Is there an add-on that can check stock and prices for any item on shopping websites? I know there are web browser extensions that can do this and send you an email, but I don't always check my email on a timely matter. An automation would alert me immediately if a product I have my eye on goes on sale.
Again.. my head explode !!
You are the coolest dad I've ever seen!
I'm buying it!! So I'll try this today.
The idea.. make my furnace smart a little more. (I live in Quebec so..winter = cold and cold = $$ hehe).
I want to put duct damper motorized with stepper. So each duct will have 3 positions : close, mid and open. And I want them to change their position depend on Where de are on the house (with sensor) .
If everyone are in kitchen and no one in bedroom.. the warm air Will blowing mostly in kitchen ^^
I want To add feature to change the warm air flow manually and with time (1 hour before go to bed for exemple.).
I think that, combine with ecobee and temp sensors.. we can save money and make the house more confortable.
Node-red seems to be the best way !!
Great video, thanks, as always. My creative and useful automation that I would like to see... When I have a teams meeting scheduled (teams status turns busy) it sets my rgb status light on my door to red, Alexa announces “dad is on a call” and puts Alexa in DND. Teams status change to ‘available’ reverses to green. As a bonus, saying ‘Alexa I’m busy’ pushes the status to teams. Would be useful to have teams, zoom, meet, slack all coordinate status updates from a single point of truth as well.
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My favorite automations are based around working from home in my basement.
Automation "Kids Incoming":
- Door sensor to the basement trips
- Office RGB light blinks green twice for a heads up that I have incoming and I should close the door if on a call (This has saved me many a time)
Automation "I'm on a call":
- Using the call state sensor in the Home Assistant companion app for Android, when on the phone, and is business day/hours
- Turn the light in the main basement room to RED and 100% brightness
- Turn my LED panels white to illuminate my face for video calls
- Update the Home Assistant UI to show me as do not disturb (DND)
- Update my Slack instances to show me as DND
- On hangup -- return LED panels to previous active effect, return basement room light to previous state, turn off DND in Home Assistant and Slack
Automation "Get Work Links":
- Every morning poll a shared Github gist to get the latest mark down file with client meeting links, phone numbers, holidays, etc....
- Push to Home Assistant as a sensor
- Sensor state auto-updates Lovelace Markdown card to show links on my office tab in Home Assistant
A some what complex one that has turned out to be pretty reliable: I have an outdoor cat that we like to let in the Garage to stay warm, I have an automation that cracks the garage door (I used your video with the Shelly) it can tell when he's in the garage and controls his heating pad too. It also reads the weather conditions to decide when to let him out and notifies me when it does so
Thanks for this! First NR video that actually made things click.
Anyone trying to figure out how to view ALL the current state properties of a device (in the video, the Nanoleaf. colors, brightness, etc.), go into the DEBUG module and under output, select COMPLETE MSG OBJECT. It was hard to see in the video and wasn't explicitly mentioned. === null;
It took me more than a few takes to get that out without laughing.
@@TheHookUp can't ever forget that explanation ;)
Btw. both and Rob.tshirt_brand are contants, not variables.
Yes, HA HA HA, brilliant,
@@miklossurjan Hair is very variable. It is constantly decreasing in volume and changing color.
Automation idea: I have motion sensors throughout the house. I use nodered to turn lights on and switch on the time of day (sunset for example) to specify intensity. For example the hallway and landing between 6am to sunset is 100% bright. Between sunset to 11pm is 60% and between 11pm till 6am is 1%. No more blinding light when getting a late night glass of water!
I also have the lights turn off after x period without motion using the trigger node. Initial trigger nothing, then after x trigger to turn off lights. Also set the trigger node to reset on receiving true, then I add BOTH outputs from the motion sensor to the trigger node. That way the motion sensor sets up the lights turning off and resets the trigger if more motion is detected!
Happy to share a flow if you wanna see it.
Automation idea: vacation mode that replays the lights from 7 days ago.
Thanks for all the videos! Your channel has helped me start migrating from Smartthings/Webcore to Home Assistant. I am loving the Blue Iris/Camera Feed integrations, now slowly moving my Zwave/Zigbee devices over to Home Assistant. I've played around a bit with some automations within HA, but now after discovering NodeRed, it will help keep all my automations organized and easier to manage/troubleshoot. Keep up the great work!
Automation idea: I have setup an alert system using node-red, alexas, and dexcom/sugarmate for our T1d (Type 1 diabetic) I wanted to take some lights or led strips around the house and have them turn red or flash red when she is low and urgently low however when she goes back into range that it would put the lights back to original brightness and color before the alert.
MY wife uses a Medtronic pump and gets a notification from the Carelink App on her phone when going low, so do you think I can look out for the app notifications to build an automation on, or do you use an integration for Dexcom?
@@davidjohnson2782 I actually get the data from sugarmate using json data. If medtronic works with sugarmate then that would work. I am actually just starting a series on how I built the system with full instruction. (Sorry for the plug but always looking out for t1d community). Does your wife have a cgm? We don't have a pump yet but I will use the cgm to look if she is higher than she should be to alert us, I don't actually interface with the pump.
@@davidjohnson2782 if there is a way to interface with pump, I will be looking into if I can grab data. With covid and insurance, it has taken way to long to get a pump. We are hoping for the tandem x2 since it will loop with the dexcom.
Ive used home assistant for a few years now and have got into node red through your videos. Home assistant and node red go well together, Im currently working on a heating flow to control the heating around our home using the node 'ramp-thermostat' and setting automations and GUI on home assistant for triggering various temperature profiles depending on presence and the different times and days of the week.
Your "old" node red videos are one of the first I saw when getting into the home automation scene 4 months ago (feels much longer! My wife feels the same way). So glad I found your node red videos back then as I couldn't IMAGINE making all the automations I already have with dropdown lists. Just shared this video with my friend who's into home automation but was having a hard time with node red.
Edit: And Im trying to think of a crazy, but useful flow I need you to make but honestly node red is pretty easy once you get into it. Plus with all the palettes you can download, chances are someones already made a node specifically for what you want to do. Oh and the guys at the node red forum are super smart and will help you best they can (as long as it not something super specific to the Home Assistant version of node red)
Is your friend still your friend because as an intro, this video is appalling
My most valuable automation:
My wood stove/chimney is notorious to send smoke into my living room when firing up or adding firewood. I have a smoke extracting fan at the top of my chimney, but it was hard to remember to turn it on.
Added micro switch in the door handle of my wood stove. When I unlock, it starts the smoke extraction fan for 20 minutes, and the fume extractor fan in the kitchen is blocked/turned off while door handle is unlocked.
Really pleased with the result, has never been smoke in my living room since, not even when the wife fired up 😅
Here's my most useful Node Red Automation: *Notify me in the morning if it snowed so that I can get up a little early and shovel*
This is useful, because I don't usually check the weather before bed, and if it snows I need to shovel the sidewalk the driveway to safely get our cars out in the morning.
In Home Assistant I use the ClimaCell HACS add-on. It creates a field for precipitation for the next 12 hours (configurable amount).
In the evening I use a flow to check each value for the next 12 hours. If there is a frozen type precipitation (freezing_rain_heavy, freezing_rain, freezing_rain_light, freezing_drizzle, ice_pellets_heavy, ice_pellets, ice_pellets_light, snow_heavy, snow, snow_light, flurries) in the upcoming 12 hour period it will turn on a helper boolean in Home Assistant.
In the morning another Node Red automation checks to see if this is on and if we are home. If it is on and one of us is at home then I and my wife get a notification, Alexa speaks a notification, and turns the helper off.
My notification:
"title": "Grab the shovel",
"message": "Looks like it showed last night. Might need to grab the shovel.",
Wife's automation:
"title": "Looks like it snowed last night",
"message": "It snowed last night. You should remind Josh to shovel, or if he's gone plan extra time for travel.",
Alexa says: "It looks like it snowed yesterday or last night. You might need to shovel your way out this morning. Grab the shovel and get moving."
I have a similar automation checking for precipitation before bed if the temperature is >55 and
I'm curious about this export too, sounds amazing!
I'm sending on/off hook status of house telephones and VoIP service Provider status from Node-Red to Home assistant using MQTT as binary sensors. Off hook can be used to trigger media player volume/mute, etc. In the reverse direction, I've got front door motion alerts from Home Assistant ringing my desk phone. Delivery people rarely ring the doorbell and porch pirating is rampant here. I haven't lost a package yet. The phone system is Freeswitch, which is open source.
Automation Idea, have Alexa ask me when I get up if I am going to work today and what car am I taking. The car would automatically be started and ready to go when I am ready to leave.
A simple automation I am working on that others might find useful - I dont like leaving garage door openers in my vehicles for security reasons. When I arrive home, I have home assistant send me an actionable notification that asks if I want to open my garage door.
There are probably a hundred different ways to accomplish this, but it is something that touches on a bunch of different topics in Node Red.
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You could just put an NFC tag in the car abs scan it like as garage door opener. That’s what I’ve done. It’s super cheap and intuitive. It is also less reliant on device trackers that aren’t always timely.
Automation Idea: Leve some home machines (washing machine, dish washer and maybe others) in standby in the morning and don't turn them on until solar production is above the actual consumption, then trigger on those appliances. If it is past xx time, turn them on, since I want them to be done by the time I get home.
Yet another SUPER helpful video. Very much appreciate you cutting through the weeds on all of these preliminary decisions as to "what is best" !
Automation Idea: Automatic Vacation Mode. When house is unoccupied for greater than 24 hours, automatically turn on "Vacation Mode" in HA. This will set thermostat to a conservative value, cut off power to any devices/appliances to save on electricity, and turn off lights. Every night in vacation mode, a single light will turn on in a random room. If a bold intruder is detected (via window/door sensors, motion sensors, etc), play warning sound, wait a bit, then flash main lights, play an alarm through speakers on max volume, and turn on your permanent Christmas lights to do a certain animation. Let neighbors know if they hear an alarm or see those Christmas lights on, an intruder has breached the premise. Automatically stop the audio and flashing of lights after 1 minute. If you can connect to HA remotely, receive a push notification. Maybe add an indoor camera that only turns on only in vacation mode so you can monitor what is happening inside.
Care must be taken to prevent accidental triggering. "Vacation Mode" turns off when it detects your phone is in close proximity. But what if your phone's battery died when coming home, or you want to allow someone else to enter your home while you are away? Easiest way is to pause vacation mode when your expected person needs access inside. If you don't, instruct them of a way to turn off "Vacation Mode" before entering the house, or shortly after entering the house. The reason for playing a warning sound and then a delay before playing speakers is to let you or your visitor know that the alarm will sound and to turn it off before the alarms bothers them. An idea to turn this off is to turn on a light in a specific room. If using indoor camera, this will stay on until a family member is detected to be home. The reason for only playing the alarm and flashing of lights for 1 minute is because the intruder should be long gone by then, and if authorities were to come to investigate, they won't have to figure a way to turn it off. If you don't have access to your HA, you can still send a coded tweet for your HA to watch for to pause vacation mode.
Interesting {Tagging this for later}
I've developed Node red automations that do something fairly similar to what you're proposing. This is built around the fairly new but already great alarmo add-on for home Assistant. Fyi the alarm should not function based on vacation mode. You want the alarm to turn on when you are away (or sleeping, but only downstairs for example), not only when you're gone for more than 24 hours.
To kind of extend on this idea; you can do text notifications if you dont want to access HA remotely or use twitter. For text notifications, you can set node red to email out a message. most if not every US carrier has the ability to email to a phone number, just have to know how your carrier does it and set up the ability to email in node IN THEORY, you can do actionable notifications based on a response text to that email but would have to filter for sender and is questionable on security. but for simple, "hey this is happening" notifications the email to text its fairly fast and easy.
@@kjm5187 Interesting. I haven't looked at node red myself yet so I wasn't aware of all the things it can do but I like it.
@@PersonXes I'll have to look into alarmo. Based on the add-on name, I assume it will sound an alarm if someone breaks into your home? Personally, I wouldn't want this at night when I am sleeping. For one, it's quite terrifying to be woken up that way. And what if it's a false alarm? Everyone in the house woke up startled. I can see this being the case if say you had your parents visiting you but they arrive at 2am and they have a key to the house. I think they would sound the alarm. This can be avoided if you remembered to turn alarmo off for a night, but that requires remembering to do so. Personally I would like things to always work without requiring me to turn on/off things at certain times. If alarmo can do other types of alerting besides an alarm, then that sounds great. I think for my home (which is being built right now), I'd want a gentle way to wake only me up and to check the camera feeds to determine if intruder or false alarm.
Thanks so much for this video. I've been a long-time user of HA, and making my own custom automations with Python. In about 30 minutes, after watching this, I replaced a Python script (that manages my guest wireless SSID via REST API) with a Node-RED flow. Awesome stuff!
Great topic. Loving Node-RED ❤️
msg.topic = 'Great'; // ;-) I'll see my self out
Because of your channel and other HA channels I’m able to move slowly away from my old Homey system to HA, the only thing stopping me now to completely move is a important flow that manages a lot of things that are not so easy for a non developer to accomplish to be honest, hopefully this is something you can help with.
So here it goes ;-)
On Sunday @ 20h00 we (my wife and I) receive a message (Notification on our phones) with the message if it’s a school week, we have then 3 options in the message, option 1: yes that means the whole week is enabled as a school week, option 2: tomorrow that means only the next day is enabled as a school day, if we choose this then we receive every day of the work week the message again (used if there is a holiday in the week) option 3 then no action.
If nobody reacts on this message then activated automatically a school week
Based on this I have different flows;
School week, day: @ 21h15 TTS message on the Google hub speaker that it’s a school day and that’s time for bed.
21h20 playing a tooth brushing song (Google music) on the Sonos speaker in the bathroom (2 min) @ 21h22 turn on the light in the kids bedroom, @ 21h30 TTS the kids calendar list (Google) for tomorrow and the coming birthdays, family events also Google calendars (for the next day) turn of the lights and check if his Tv is on, music is playing on the Sonos if so turn it all of.
If it’s a school week, day, set and alarm @ 07h15 in the morning, play playlist (google music) on the Sonos, and turn on slowly the lights in the room to 100% (wake up light) TTS the day events of the kids calendar en the birthdays, family events of the day.
Do the same in the parents bathroom, only different playlist (radio channel for the news) and TTS calendar events (parents) and birthdays, family events of the day.
@ 07h18 turn on the lights in the bathroom, play playlist on the bathroom speaker (Sonos) turn on the lights in the living room, play radio station on the Sonos speaker, cast dashboard to the google hub of the living room.
@ 07h25 turn of the lights in the bedrooms (kids, parents)
@ 07h50 play TTS message that’s time to leave for school, check of all the lights, devices are turned of in the bedroom, if not turn everything off in the bedrooms, this can be overruled with a switch in the bedrooms.
@17h00 check if all the variables are set for the next flow cycle if overruled by the switch reset everything for this to work again.
I know that’s quite a complex flow, but you asked for it ;-) and to be honest this is really a show stopper for me now to move completely to HA, so hoping you can support here?
Thanks in advance and thanks for your clear and understanding way of explaining the world of HA to this non developer!
Cool, now I can set up a automated house defense system. I call it "Project Kevin".
Great, now we have to worry about Titans?
Your videos have been very helpful (though I always want more). Just started playing with Node Red and while I don’t need help with them, thought I’d share.
First is my home lighting automations. It sets different lights to specific levels 15 minutes before sunset, but only if the house is occupied. If not occupied, it only turns on the outdoor coach lights and in either case runs through a function node to get the current month. If it’s October through December, we have holiday lights/animatronics that will be turned on. All get turned off 15 minutes after sunrise.
My other favorite flow adjusts both the upstairs and downstairs thermostats based on time of day, home occupancy and heat/cool state. This way no one can set the thermostats higher or lower than my preferences and they will adjust for home/away status.
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Or how about a video explaining each node (properly series of videos since there are so many) and a DETAILED explanation of how to set it up and the different configurations
Asking for automaton ideas suggests he's already going down this road. Using meaningful examples keeps it interesting and sparks ideas. Droning on about each node in detail would be worse than watching paint dry.
@@pmaccas3925 I was once told, if you don't have anything constructive to say don't say anything at all.... Trolling through 5 days of comments...Says a lot... 🤔 Seems like you have plenty of time on your hands to watch 10 videos on each node...
@@davidw9791 get over yourself. It was a constructive comment, just cause i don't agree with you doesn't mean I'm trolling. I've got a different opinion and would prefer something a little different than you that's all. Your idea sounded dull to me, sorry that upset you so much.
@@pmaccas3925 @p maccas dude... Seriously... Where/how was your post CONSTRUCTIVE in any way? Maybe Google the definition... 🤔 😂
You are the one criticizing others posts and suggestions that are days old... Get over yourself troll... This is enough... Some of us have to work and don't sit in mommy's basement all day, trolling TH-cam comments to try to make yourself sound cool. ✌️
@@davidw9791 I only watched the video last night, when am I supposed to comment?! You have a spare time machine? I didn't realise comments had an expiry date; a few days and ur crying. You're a sensitive soul snowflake. Someone with a different opinion isn't a troll.
He asked for comments, I read through and replied to a few I was interested in. You're the one who keeps replying and whinning. In fact, you're trolling me!! So give it a rest and jog on.
I have a lot of complicated automations in Home Assistant and never felt the need to use Node-Red. Every time I see you using it in videos it feels like unnecessarily complicated. My most complicated automation controls my (underfloor) heating in living room, office, man cave and VR room. All based on presence, day of the week and temperature sensors around the house. The scripts automate multiple pumps and valves that control the flow of heating water. All of this is done by combining 'Choose' actions and was quite easy to set up. As a programmer, I have a lot of experience with coding, so that might make it easier for me. I recently added a door sensor to my front door that resets my phone notifications about driveway movement and someone ringing the door bell when the kids are sleeping. This also prevents unnecessary alerts if motion is triggered after the door has been opened / closed (people leaving). Home Assistant has made my home smarter and my life so much easier. I owe a lot of my inspiration to you, thank you for that!
You hit the nail on the head I think. Node red makes things easier for those without a programming background.
@@TheHookUp I suspected that, but because so many people recommended Node-Red, I tried to understand why it has so many users. It might be worth mentioning in your next video that people with programming experience may be better at using Home Assistant automations and scripts. For them, Node-Red may be unnecessarily complicated and will only result in a long learning curve with no positive result.
6:00 SHOTS FIRED, I repeat SHOTS FIRED! :)
Can’t wait to see DrZzs retort on this...
Another automation I recently finished is that HA reads my work calendar.
If I have "vacation" as a meeting tomorrow and I have an alarm set on my phone I get a notification on the phone to remove the alarm.
And the other way around also, If tomorrow does not have vacation but there is no alarm it sends a notification.
And on Sundays it sends a notification what my upcoming events is for the week.
It has already saved me a few times.
Technically, the “Justin” object does have the “hair” attribute but the value is “null.”
Great video! An automation idea: set a "Movies" mode that when launched all lights are switched off, tv switched on on Kodi/Plex and all shutters are automatically closed. Bonus: if several covers used, they are progressively closed, each one starting when the previous one has reached 50%!
Automation Idea: I want to know when the washer is done and send a notification.
Ha! My idea too, exactly!
Agree with the node red vs home assistant strengths completely.
I wouldn't call any of the below too complex but some ideas I've done..
I have a similar setup in node red for my bathroom lights ..
- 1st switch turns on one ceiling light and mirror at low brightness
- 2nd switch turns on all ceiling lights and mirror at mid brightness
- Both switches turn on all the lights and mirror at high brightness
another automation in node red which has helped me make maximum use of my Xiaomi Vacuum Robot is:
- If it's a decent hour and house is unoccupied (presence detection in node red) the robot cleans some designated rooms (most of the floor)
- Once done rather then going back to charge .. he goes and waits for me at the bin so I don't have to remember that he needs to be emptied.. (or too lazy to walk from the robot docking station to the bin and back haha)
- Bonus... he says "Hi I'm over here" as as soon as I arrive as well
Now I've changed all the lights in the house to smart CCT lights (both bulbs and switches) and will be looking at implementing circadian lighting and also brightness level depending on the hour of the day... using node red. Still need to see how I can set this up though
Hate it when I flick the switch and it's too white and bright in the morning
There is a dislike, probably by Justin )
Thanks, Rob. Your channel is on the top of my list for home automation.
I know I'm probably too late, but here are two ideas I would like to implement using Node Red:
1 (simple) - Using a pulse (or touch) switch to activate different scenes (e.g.: 1 short pulse = white lights, 1 short + 1 long = dim ceiling light and so on...) Then one can use a single switch for a few different scenes. I know Shelly has it already made, but I'd like to do this with my ESP32.
2 (rather complex) - At a switch you set the lighting mode (or scene) e.g.: study, bedside reading, relaxing. Then you gather light intensity (maybe also color) from a few sensors at strategic places and use Node Red to control all lights in the environment (including blinds or curtain) to adjust the scene. This would work so that if you select reading lights but there is already enough sunlight outside, HA would open the blinds and just complement with a desk lamp. If the same scene is triggered at night, it would use other lamps to provide the same reading comfort at the desk.
As I still have a lot to learn, it would be much easier if you showed some clues. lol
Hey Rob - another great video - been playing with node red for a bit and almost find things easier cobbling together code in a function node - for an idea - using a hue dimmer control a shelly RGBW bulb (I have a couple gu10's)... so 1x "ON" click is on at previous state if state was above certain brightness (for white) or gain (for colour) otherwise turn on and set to a minimum level... use 2x "ON" to 100% white... use other keys or 3x on key to switch from white to colour... use "Dim UP" and "Dim DOWN" to dim increase/decrease (gain/brightness).. 2x click on say "Dim UP" to change colour.. etc. Not being able to get dim/gain status from the shelly app for these bulbs (only on and off) you need to do a status check via HTTP (what is quicker - HTTP or MQTT - HTTP was easier to use)
is there a way to create a flow that you can then use for numerous bulbs / rooms controlled via separate dimmers :-) ...... you asked :-)
Also maybe using "node-red-contrib-virtual-smart-home" to control devices in your NOT vlan (I cant get Alexa (on IOT vlan) to see these - I found this to be great
My last automation in node-red was a freezing alarm, that sets a heater in my pool-house. Done with a DS18b20 on an ESP8266 and a tasmotized wall-plug. The most heaters with freeze-watch are triggering at 5 degrees Celsius and that is way to warm for keeping the pool-hardware above freezing. That saves energy and i even can monitor the energyconsumption and hysteresis in grafana.
So far my most useful is adding a smart outlet to the washing machine and the dishwasher that can capture power and then using node red go through a few cycles then when a load it started it is broadcast in the public areas of the house and when a load is complete the system broadcasts that a load is done to the public areas (using google home minis and specifying specific nodes) of the house. Having the house let us know a load is done helps us get through laundry a lot faster and I added a reminder every five minutes to help encourage the child that has been assigned that chore to get it done.
The one I am still working on is for the summer months. I have a large 36" fan that I can put in one of the windows (at one end) of our house and then I close all of the other windows except one at the other end of the house. Then based on temperature to turn the fan on or off to cool off the house. Getting the when to turn on and when to turn off based on the average of the temperatures in the house compared to the temperature outside kind of works. However I believe my issue is getting it to work while taking into account is the temperature in either area going up or down.
Thanks for the video! This has got me started with Node-Red and to help me build my complex automation I want to do. My home automation idea is control my robot vacuum with my zwave switches. I already have a couple of automatic routines by time but I want to setup an automation by room so that a triple click on the light switch calls up the vacuum for that room. Also including a 5x click to cancel in case it was called in error.
The automation that was most fun for me to write in YAML was the nap/bed time routine for my 1 year old son. It involves a LIFX+ bulb (RGB + IR) and a Sonos speaker.
When it's time to wind down, we push a button in Home Assistant that dims the lights to a dull orange at 30% brightness, bright enough that we can read a story. That button also sets a trigger for 20 minutes for the "sound machine" . If we turn off the light in HA within the time the trigger is set, the Sonos speaker will unjoin any groups it may be in, set the volume to 14%, and play a pink noise audio file. It also turns on the IR light so the night-vision on the baby monitor is a much higher quality.
When the light turns on above 10%, it will turn off the pink noise and IR light. This lets us turn on the light to it's lowest brightness if we need to sneak in without turning off the pink noise. It also does a check to see if it's the pink noise file that's playing so that it doesn't turn off the Sonos speaker when we're actually playing music from it.
I’ve watched your previous NR videos but I wasn’t ready for it then. Now that I’ve got my HA instance up and running and it’s been stable for 6 months now, it’s time to try NR again. Here it goes!
You and me both! Good luck to us!
Node-RED is the best automation tool.
I've worked through: Hue, SmartThings, ST WebDriver, Home Assistant (2015), New home assistant, python scripts, lua, and Node-RED. None are as easy to scale out, debug, or build out than Node-RED. Node-RED makes it simple to integrate with DIY devices via API. It's the best.
Thank you for your awesome work!
I will try and explain what I'm currently trying to make my HA do, but so far I have been unable. Idea one builds the base, while 2 and 3 etc is meant to build on idea on, or step 1.
My ideas go as follows:
1) Any light that turns on (by motion or switch), shall have their color temp adjusted according to the time of day and house mood. For instance, I have a projector in my living room, and I do not want the lights to be bright nor cool when that is on. The lights should also change temp during the day.
2) An input bolian that stops step 1 and forces lights to be on. Handy for cleaning and such.
3) An input bolian (or several based on "mode") that choses a "off" color. So that when an area has no motion, it will switch to that color and brightness (based on that input bolian)
4) An input bolian (or several based on "mode") that does the same for "on" mode IE when there is motion.
Idea 2:
1) Make a light blink/change based on calendar. For remembering the trash
2) Wake up lights based on calendar - I love the wake up lights many smart home products offer, but they are always clucky to set, especially to my schedule that changes all the time
3) Make the lights work depending on who is home. If I sleep away, I don’t want to wake my wife because I have an appointment in my calendar
That’s all for now. If you want more ideas, or anything seams unclear. Hit me up, also if anyone accepts payment for helping me make my NodeRed do what I said in idea 1, I’m willing and able c,")
dude, honestly I just want to have my coffee automated in the morning. My espresso machine has WiFI - it's useless. I can start it from the bed, sure, but it cleans itself directly in my cup. If the cup isn't there then the coffee goes to waste. You automate that somehow, you'll be my hero
I've done that with tasmota. You'll want to get a 4 switch relay to simulate the button presses and an automation for the button sequence
Funny, using Node-Red for many years, but this convinced me to try it out together with home-assistant.
I want to have an umbrella holder near the door to my house such than when I leave, if it's going to rain that day, some assistant tells me "Don't forget your umbrella" and lights up a blue light inside the holder. Seems pretty hard, especially the detection of near the door with the intent of leaving. Let's see what you can do! Awesome videos by the way.
ZigBee door sensor or proximity sensor on an ESP8266, limit switch in the base of the umbrella holder. LEDs on a relay.
@@Kosh42EFG Limit switch to detect umbrella presence?
I think a proximity sensor would get you almost all the way, though detecting when you are leaving vs when just passing by is tough. Especially if you want to consider the case when you leave in a car.
Maybe you could time slot the behaviour? Wouldn't really work when going out on a weird time... IDK. Good suggestions, though. Will look into them.
Nice {Tagging this for later}
I am just getting started, but one of the projects I am considering is environmental monitoring of my wife’s beehives. I do not see much automation to be had, but certainly monitoring and reporting functions have possibilities.
Thank you very much for the excellent content you produce!
I have 2 Node Red automations ideas on my todo list:
The first automation involves Node Red and AI Tool for Blue Iris (which I'm using thanks to your videos)
When detecting a person (only person, not dog, car, etc) in one of my external cameras for more than 3 consecutive minutes, I would like NodeRed to turn on one of the visible lights from outside the house (garage, garden or living room) at random and keep it on until it no longer detects the person (to simulate a presence)
The second automation is a little simpler, and involves a retractable roof that I have in my yard.
If my multi-sensor NodeMCU detects rain, and the roof is open, and it is during the time we are awake, Node red triggers the Nest Mini with a message that it is raining. But this message can speech "once per rain"
I haven't installed a motor yet to automate the roof closing, so for now I have to run and close it :)
Thank You!
Awesome videos as always! Node red takes some understanding! I am looking to smarten my home assistant at the moment. Africa the power goes out a lot so have inverter for backup power which i need to disable devices like geysers when mains fails and no solar charge. Planning to use state of mains plus state of charge of batteries to slowly shut down the house when to prong backup for important stuff like pumps for house water
a defcon [1-5] mode something that flashes the blinds and lights in a sos pattern, cranks the speakers to do a text to speech. trigger based on a health device?
secondarily a mode where the house air con / heater turns off, until it predicts you will be home (and it will predict how much time it will take to bring the house / specific rooms to temperature / humidity) perhaps using location tracking/occupancy polling, it may tell the rumba's to go to their recharging locations, do a systems check on all sensors and actuators, awakens the home assistants, turns off the lawn watering, opens the front gate, rolls up the garage door, plays a specific persons welcome chime (as a random rendition in a different musical style)
I like the binary aspect of multiple switches, for say outdoor lights, if you have the type of switch you can tap or long press, I'd tie all your outdoor lights into say two switches per each exit door, maybe-
L: Tap, R: None - turns on the wired light.
L: Hold, R: H - turns all outdoor lights on/off.
L: H, R: T - Cycles through each light hardline visible from the switch location and then a R: H (while still holding L) changes the state of selected hardline.
Plant watering using valves and MiFlora BLE sensors that publish to a node mcu and get integrated into the Home Assistant Wifi. All running on a Raspi. Home Assistant dashboard running on a tablet with state and action widgets and nice graphs with different history scales. That is what I am currently working on and love to see your approach and learn some skills. Thanks and great content! Rgds from Hamburg, Germany
A Lovelace Scene editor powered by nodered. Where you can select the time/day the scene will run and which lights will turn on/off or be ignored, all automated with nodered configured from your Lovelace interface.
Automation idea:
I’m new to HA just moving over from OpenHAB, and here is my automation idea.
We track my son’s sugar levels via the Dexcom integration in HA. Sometimes he either goes “high” ( above 10) or “low” (below 3.5) in the night while we are sleeping. It would be nice is HA could turn on our bedroom lamp that is controlled via a Sonoff basic.
I’m still not sure if I “need” node red.
Thanks for your great content as always.
Great Video!! love this type of content. I use Node-RED to parse messages from my RF bridge when doors are opened and closed, or when motion is detected. Some of the actions are; I send my wife an email and trigger motion in Blue Iris every time someone opens the door on her Free Little Library, this helps her to maintain the current stock of books. I also spend a lot of time out in my workshop, when the back door opens I trigger a WLED to blink the lights so I know my dog is on the way and I can let him in. I love HA and Node-RED.
As always, great video, Rob! It's also nice to read all the automation ideas.
Hi Rob! One automation idea for your next video: If your house has just one person in it, every time you turn on one light, all others turn off...
Very good indeed, -loving your videos!
Would be great if you do a video about counters - how these values then move to the front end dashboard.
For instance,
A counter for the nespresso pods, every time I use the machine it display the counter in the dashboard and I get alerted, how to increase 50 in one stab
So much to explore around counters, but no one has done a decent video.
You read my mind Rob! Love you’re videos and I’ve been hoping for a new video on node red. I’m finally ready to start learning node red and installed it on my homebridge raspberry pi over the weekend. After figuring a few things out I decided I’m just going with home assistant after all and I’ll be installing it on my home assistant pi soon.
Keep up the great work sir, I love all the info you put out! Very detailed and you think about these things from all angles! Thank you!!!
Most of my flows are basic, but my most useful is one that checks which day of the week it is every morning then, when it first detects motion in the living room after 8am, broadcasts a TTS message through Google Home Mini which trash day it is. It also sets it in HA so it will appear on the dashboard.
Great video! My only problem with Shelly is that they are illegal by code to use if you have newer 12Ga wiring as then UL listing is up to 14ga wiring and when using screw down the Shellies connectors are cheaply made. These are good for low voltage but I’m concerned about putting them behind faceplates I can’t see as they heat cool and loosen, and potentially arch.
Here’s my home automation idea. I have a driveway sensor that detects when a vehicle enters my driveway. It’s a simple binary sensor in HA. When it gets triggered, I have it do a couple things....1a) blink the lights on the front of my house on and off a couple times. 1b) if I’m home, it will also blink the led strip I have on top of a book case in my living room. 2a) makes my security camera positioned on the driveway take a snapshot and save it to a file locally accessible by HA. 2b) before the saving the file tho, rename any previously saved image to keep a history of the previous events. 2c) the new file is used as a camera for a picture element card in the HA UI so I can easily see the most recent event. 3) send a actionable notification to my phone that includes the snapshot taken from the security camera with the option to open the garage door. 4) have a 5 minute cool down before another driveway event can be triggered. I have all this setup as an automaton in HA, it would be pretty incredible to see this done in node red as I’m pretty sure it might not be possible with the limited knowledge that i have of node red.
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Great topic. I would like to suggest adding face recognition using node red. I try to use it but face some errors. My suggestion is to have a doorbell with face recognition that anounce who is in the door using Alex (TTS). Great content!!
My desired automation that i struggle with is my kitchen light panel, from ikea.
I want it to turn on low, when ambient light goes down (sunset) until a fixed time (bedtime)
Then i want it to turn on light on low based on motion detector during nighttime
And i want it to turn the brightness to 99 if motion is detected during evening for more then 3 seconds.
And if i press the ikea puck up to switch to brightness 100 and override the dim to brightness low on no motion for 1 minute.
Good luck with automating this. 😀
As always a great video Rob!
Due to circumstances I'm working home a lot with Noise Cancelling headphones to minimize disturbances. But because of the headphone I couldn't hear the doorbell and missed deliveries from my favorite Chinese gadget supplier..
Based on Frencks article I first integrated my old fashion doorbell into Home Assistant.
Then created a Node-Red automation that triggers the Stroboscope effect on my Yeelights for 500ms and pushes a TTS message to all the Nest mini's as well as a notification on my desktop with Telegram.
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Automation Idea:
Ok I have to clarify, I've already made this automation but it's by far my best automation and most complicated. On a more symbolic note, this idea came from the first video of Rob's I watched (Google Calendar Home Automation).
I have two versions of the same automation for me and my wife since I get up at 5:15am (on a rotating schedule) and she gets up around 7:00am. They both start with a light schedule node which starts the flow when our alarm clocks activate. The flow checks if I'm home (or her for her flow), if we aren't it stops there. It then checks our respective calendars to determine if we work that day. If we do, it turns on a light in a room down the hall. It also checks Waze travel time. It will send me a push notification with my drive time to work and a push notification to my wife with her drive time. It will check if we are still home every 5 mins and if we are and the drive time has changed, it will push another drive time to each of us respectively. Only if all the previous is true (I'm working and home), when I walk into the hallway a motion sensor will send me an actionable notification to turn off the alarm system and will turn on a light downstairs. Fifteen seconds later (as I reach the kitchen) I get another push notification with a payload from our dinner plan calendar which tells me to pull out beef, chicken, etc for thawing in the fridge. When I leave the house, a motion sensor in the utility room will turn off all the lights and reset the drive time push for the next day.
My wife's automation is pretty much the same except when she walks into the hallway, it automatically disarms the alarm (no actionable notification) and she doesn't get the dinner push.
These two automations have a lot of moving parts (25 nodes for me and 17 nodes for my wife) but by far one of our most useful.