You need to get back to work on this project. Don't let someone leaving or other petty stuff get in the way of what could be a really great offer. The model looks terrific - A study level type sim I would love to have in my fleet... Make Good things happen and people will be there to support you.. Really nice model and a level of detail and systems I always look for in a great sim!
Hello, I'm a real world MD-82 driver. I would be more then glad to help out with any information or videos that you may need. I have been looking forward to this for a very long time and hope your team has succes with this product. If I may add that the egt temperature is high. Normally, without the pneumatic load temps are in the 400° range. Yes it's normal for high temps during start is normal but Max is 760 for 30 seconds. Max egt with a continuous load is 630°. Volts should read 115+/-5. frequency 400+/-8 max a.c. load 1.25. The parameters in the air are a bit different as well. please feel free to contact me. keep up the good work.
Hello, thank you for your comment, sorry for the late answer but we're under heavy tests. Yes the temperature was already modified, the video was done with the first version of the code but then it was changed accordingly to some videos that we had the chance to watch. Thank you very much for your availability, we'll absolutely keep you into proper consideration.
Looks outstanding!! I'll reserve one pax and one cargo model for my airline. I hope you put in an option to have mouse wheel control for switches like most of the new X-Plane aircraft are doing. That's a whole lot more user friendly. None-the-less, I'll be watching for this release. I hope soon.
+signman Bob Thank you very much Bob! Mouse wheel control is already done, you can choose to enable or disable it through the plane configuration panel.
+FlightFoe Thank you! Yes all systems are simulated, some custom failures will be included in the initial release and some others will be added later... our goal is to go something beyond the Leonardo Maddog.
+komrad1983 Hello Komrad, thank you for your question. We still haven't a site as we're still fully focused on the development: we understand very well that a blog/website should be provided in order to give updates more frequently letting everyone aware about our project, but building a site from scratch is a time consuming task (not for the site itself, there're lot of available templates out there, but for the contents) so right now we prefer to continue the development and only when we'll satisfied enough we'll build the site showing actual progress.
Bene...ho seguito con trepidazione gli sviluppi del Rotate MD80 credendo che fosse la volta buona che qualcuno si fosse messo d'impegno per creare un prodotto finalmente superiore al già ottimo Leonardo Maddog. Ma come sempre mi sono dovuto ricrede non appena uscito. Molte molte imprecisioni, sia sui sistemi, sulle procedure e anche a livello grafico, nonosatante a primo sguardo sembrerebbe ottimo. Tralasciando il discorso suoni che è a dir poco penoso... Capisco che un appassionato generico può comunque esserne appagato ma io, grande fan di MD80, utilizzatore storico del Leonardo Maddog e persino impegnato nella costruzione di un Home cockpit con parti vere di MD80, non posso che essere deluso. Ad oggi, il Maddog della Leonardo, seppur si vedano i segni dell'età, rimane a mio avviso ancora uno dei migliori add-on per simulatori di volo. Poi spunta fuori il vostro video, così come nulla fosse, qualcuno mi dice che siete italiani e se devo essere sincero un pochino lo spero perchè forse...e dico forse...una piccola speranza ce l'abbiamo ancora. Non voglio sbilanciarmi ma si capisce subito che il vostro 80 è diverso...fatto con molta più conocenza alle spalle rispetto alla Rotate. Sembra di assaporare un Maddog con una nuova veste. Dite che la vostra ambizione sarebbe quella di "migliorare" il Maddog...secondo me se già riusciste a copiarlo sarebbe già tantissimo. Spero anche in una "predisposizione" all'interfacciamento esterno per chi come me sta costruendo un simulatore, magari anche con un pacchetto da acquistare a parte, purchè ci sia. Sembra strano ma siamo in molti a lottare per interfacciare il Maddog. In genere non commento mai i video, ma stavolta sono stato obbligato perchè voglio che sappiate che c'è gente che spera in un vostro buon lavoro e che, per un ottimo prodotto, sarebbe disposta a spender molto più di quanto costano mediamente gli add-on.
+Flavio “MD80 EFIS Simulator” Perotti Ciao Flavio, ti ringraziamo per il commento molto gradito. Ti confermiamo che il team e' italianissimo, ci stiamo mettendo indubbiamente piu' tempo della concorrenza (abbiamo annunciato il progetto un anno prima di loro e ci stiamo ancora lavorando) proprio perche' stiamo cercando di fare le cose al meglio possibile, cosa tutt'altro che semplice, mettendo la parte sistemi sempre in priorita' rispetto la parte prettamente estetica visto che per noi e' molto piu' importante l'aspetto della simulazione. Per quanto riguarda la predisposizione dell'interfacciamento esterno in realta' sto gia' facendo qualcosa ma e' un discorso da approfondire, visto che stai costruendo un home cockpit vorrei approfittarne e chiederti se possiamo sentirci piu' avanti tramite mail perche' vorrei capire un po' piu' nel dettaglio quali specifici agganci sono necessari per interfacciarsi con l'hardware utilizzato e verificare la fattibilita'.
Hello Jonfrederick, we declared the project on the .org on April 2013, one year before them: anyway we do appreciate that you'll be a customer of us, thank you very much!
Hello, I'm really disappointed with the Rotate version. It looks to me like they quit early developing the aircraft, then put it out for sale only partly done. If this will be a "study" sim, at least to the level of Leonardo's Maddog, with all of the systems and custom FMC, I will certainly be a customer.
Thank you! Running one pack instead of two is more a procedural thing than a technical limitation as running both packs can be done but yet not recommended (it is 'exhausting', sort of, for the APU), of course with both packs running you haven't enough pressure in order to start the engine.
Hello, sorry for the delay! During startup the APU can indeed reach that temperature by design, as stated by the official operating manual: in the meantime we checked some videos, and further checks done by one of the active pilots that are cooperating with us confirmed that temperature during startup is lower that that so I accordingly modified the code.
Yes, we're fixing some issues that are preventing us to make some more videos (wherever possible we want to avoid videos showing obviously wrong behaviors), so next month we should publish something new.
If you are also working on an MD11, please consider also making a Boeing 717 for X-Plane. You will have most of what you need already put together. I'll buy all three aircraft and give them lots of love. (:
Hello, actually it's impossible to give you an answer because we haven't any access to the new version, we still need to discover if our plane will be natively compatible with XP11 or not.
You need to get back to work on this project. Don't let someone leaving or other petty stuff get in the way of what could be a really great offer. The model looks terrific - A study level type sim I would love to have in my fleet... Make Good things happen and people will be there to support you.. Really nice model and a level of detail and systems I always look for in a great sim!
Hello, I'm a real world MD-82 driver. I would be more then glad to help out with any information or videos that you may need. I have been looking forward to this for a very long time and hope your team has succes with this product. If I may add that the egt temperature is high. Normally, without the pneumatic load temps are in the 400° range. Yes it's normal for high temps during start is normal but Max is 760 for 30 seconds. Max egt with a continuous load is 630°. Volts should read 115+/-5. frequency 400+/-8 max a.c. load 1.25. The parameters in the air are a bit different as well. please feel free to contact me. keep up the good work.
thank you for your comment, sorry for the late answer but we're under heavy tests.
Yes the temperature was already modified, the video was done with the first version of the code but then it was changed accordingly to some videos that we had the chance to watch.
Thank you very much for your availability, we'll absolutely keep you into proper consideration.
Lookin sweet guys. Keeping my eyes peeled for further screenshots and news!
Thank you very much! We're actually under heavy tests so we can make some videos, stay tuned.
Looks outstanding!! I'll reserve one pax and one cargo model for my airline.
I hope you put in an option to have mouse wheel control for switches like most of the new X-Plane aircraft are doing. That's a whole lot more user friendly. None-the-less, I'll be watching for this release. I hope soon.
+signman Bob
Thank you very much Bob!
Mouse wheel control is already done, you can choose to enable or disable it through the plane configuration panel.
Respect, Looks great!!!
+Ben L.
Thank you!
Looks very good! Are you simulating all systems plus failures? Would love to have a equivalent to the old Leonardo Maddog
Thank you!
Yes all systems are simulated, some custom failures will be included in the initial release and some others will be added later... our goal is to go something beyond the Leonardo Maddog.
The APU went way above max trmperature, will that be fixed?
I will be flying today and will make an apu start up video for you. Like I said, I'll be more then glad to assist your team in any way possible.
Thank you very much!
Do you guys have a blog or website, where we can follow up the process and updates of model?
+komrad1983 Hello Komrad, thank you for your question. We still haven't a site as we're still fully focused on the development: we understand very well that a blog/website should be provided in order to give updates more frequently letting everyone aware about our project, but building a site from scratch is a time consuming task (not for the site itself, there're lot of available templates out there, but for the contents) so right now we prefer to continue the development and only when we'll satisfied enough we'll build the site showing actual progress.
Bene...ho seguito con trepidazione gli sviluppi del Rotate MD80 credendo che fosse la volta buona che qualcuno si fosse messo d'impegno per creare un prodotto finalmente superiore al già ottimo Leonardo Maddog. Ma come sempre mi sono dovuto ricrede non appena uscito. Molte molte imprecisioni, sia sui sistemi, sulle procedure e anche a livello grafico, nonosatante a primo sguardo sembrerebbe ottimo. Tralasciando il discorso suoni che è a dir poco penoso...
Capisco che un appassionato generico può comunque esserne appagato ma io, grande fan di MD80, utilizzatore storico del Leonardo Maddog e persino impegnato nella costruzione di un Home cockpit con parti vere di MD80, non posso che essere deluso. Ad oggi, il Maddog della Leonardo, seppur si vedano i segni dell'età, rimane a mio avviso ancora uno dei migliori add-on per simulatori di volo.
Poi spunta fuori il vostro video, così come nulla fosse, qualcuno mi dice che siete italiani e se devo essere sincero un pochino lo spero perchè forse...e dico forse...una piccola speranza ce l'abbiamo ancora. Non voglio sbilanciarmi ma si capisce subito che il vostro 80 è diverso...fatto con molta più conocenza alle spalle rispetto alla Rotate. Sembra di assaporare un Maddog con una nuova veste. Dite che la vostra ambizione sarebbe quella di "migliorare" il Maddog...secondo me se già riusciste a copiarlo sarebbe già tantissimo. Spero anche in una "predisposizione" all'interfacciamento esterno per chi come me sta costruendo un simulatore, magari anche con un pacchetto da acquistare a parte, purchè ci sia. Sembra strano ma siamo in molti a lottare per interfacciare il Maddog.
In genere non commento mai i video, ma stavolta sono stato obbligato perchè voglio che sappiate che c'è gente che spera in un vostro buon lavoro e che, per un ottimo prodotto, sarebbe disposta a spender molto più di quanto costano mediamente gli add-on.
+Flavio “MD80 EFIS Simulator” Perotti Ciao Flavio, ti ringraziamo per il commento molto gradito. Ti confermiamo che il team e' italianissimo, ci stiamo mettendo indubbiamente piu' tempo della concorrenza (abbiamo annunciato il progetto un anno prima di loro e ci stiamo ancora lavorando) proprio perche' stiamo cercando di fare le cose al meglio possibile, cosa tutt'altro che semplice, mettendo la parte sistemi sempre in priorita' rispetto la parte prettamente estetica visto che per noi e' molto piu' importante l'aspetto della simulazione. Per quanto riguarda la predisposizione dell'interfacciamento esterno in realta' sto gia' facendo qualcosa ma e' un discorso da approfondire, visto che stai costruendo un home cockpit vorrei approfittarne e chiederti se possiamo sentirci piu' avanti tramite mail perche' vorrei capire un po' piu' nel dettaglio quali specifici agganci sono necessari per interfacciarsi con l'hardware utilizzato e verificare la fattibilita'.
Just tagged you on the apu start video on my page. This is a quick start since we were on the line and already boarding.
Got it, thank you very much!!!
Has the model been launched yet. I am wanting to get one if it is available. My alternative is the other by Rotatesim. Thank you
Hello, thank you for your question!
We'll hit the market before the end of 2016.
sucks that I bought the Rotatesim before i knew about this. still gunna buy it though!
Hello Jonfrederick, we declared the project on the .org on April 2013, one year before them: anyway we do appreciate that you'll be a customer of us, thank you very much!
yeah, I meant i'm awful at doing research ;-)
Hello, I'm really disappointed with the Rotate version. It looks to me like they quit early developing the aircraft, then put it out for sale only partly done.
If this will be a "study" sim, at least to the level of Leonardo's Maddog, with all of the systems and custom FMC, I will certainly be a customer.
Nice training vid, thanks for posting.
Btw, the apu will realistically only run one pac(left or right).
Thank you!
Running one pack instead of two is more a procedural thing than a technical limitation as running both packs can be done but yet not recommended (it is 'exhausting', sort of, for the APU), of course with both packs running you haven't enough pressure in order to start the engine.
Why did APU become 800°c?
Hello, sorry for the delay! During startup the APU can indeed reach that temperature by design, as stated by the official operating manual: in the meantime we checked some videos, and further checks done by one of the active pilots that are cooperating with us confirmed that temperature during startup is lower that that so I accordingly modified the code.
When is it coming out?
Hello, we're under tests right now, we'll release it before the end of 2016.
That is great, is it possible that you could make more videos?
Yes, we're fixing some issues that are preventing us to make some more videos (wherever possible we want to avoid videos showing obviously wrong behaviors), so next month we should publish something new.
I understand.
i guess we will never hear about this project again
Are you working on an Md-11?
Not in full time, just started to draw the very basic lines.
Take all the time you need.
If you are also working on an MD11, please consider also making a Boeing 717 for X-Plane. You will have most of what you need already put together. I'll buy all three aircraft and give them lots of love. (:
Will it be for xplane 10?
You guys have a website?
+THE BRYAN (thebryan426)
Hello, not yet right now all our efforts are about development and testing, as soon as possible we'll build the site.
Sounds good! Keep us updated! Looks great
What is the price going to be.
Hello, we're still evaluating various price targets, can't tell this right now.
Thank you.
You're welcome!
While this be available for x plane 11
Hello, actually it's impossible to give you an answer because we haven't any access to the new version, we still need to discover if our plane will be natively compatible with XP11 or not.
Can we have an update?
Hello, thank you for your message, we're working on the web site and on the final package of the plane, we're almost ready to release it.
Thank you very much! Next week we should open our site so you can subscribe to the newsletter if you want.
you have just destroyed the apu. Look at the egt during start!