@@nicholasr82 Absolutely! One of the easiest questions I’ve ever had to answer. I know prayer changes me. Faith and trust matter too. Romans 8:28 “And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose”. So I carry on in life knowing that everything that happens even if it’s bad will still work in my favor in the bigger picture. Sometimes when bad things are happening I find myself asking God to change that situation but then I remember that I’m going through that situation for a reason. I pray for understanding, to not miss the message He’s trying to send me. I also know that His grace and mercy is with me so through prayer I’m building my faith and leaning on Him more and more. Slowly but surely I come out stronger. And as my faith and relationship grow (through prayer) I’m better equipped to deal with what comes next.
Man is the co-ruler of life on earth. He bears a part of the responsibility to bring Goodness to pass...both in his own life and in that of others. God intends not to do anything on earth without Man's knowledge and cooperation. This is why God would listen to Man's prayer. One of the greatest works of "cultivating the garden" is praying for others.
The role of prayer is quite simple - to ask God for what we want. God will decide whether we need it and will give it to us if we do. Our lives are our responsibility not God's. If we need something but we do not ask for it God has no obligation to give it.
@@thelonelyartist711 well indeed. If our desire is for the welfare of others (as it should be) we can also pray for them. And again God will decide if its necessary and give or withhold accordingly
@@user-kf7tt2vk6t Nope, Job's friends blamed Job for the difficulties in his life. I have not blamed you or your wife for the rape she suffered. I simply mentioned a fact of life that God has never promised that life will be easy. I also mentioned the fact that God has given each of us the power to choose good or evil. The power to choose evil would be useless if God stopped everyone who tried to make a bad choice. God has to let people make their bad choices even when they hurt innocent people so that either they can learn from their mistakes or so that at the last day they evil deeds may used against them in the Final Judgement. Prayer is not going make you escape every bad thing in life. Even the Son of God prayed "Father take this cup from me, nevertheless not my will be done but thine". And we know that Jesus had a difficult life despite being perfect. How then will we who also make bad choices escape having hardships in life?
Pastor Tony Evans explained it this way: God answering prayers can be compared to a TV Channel and a TV. The channels are always there but it does not connect to the your TV until you you connect it. Similarly prayers are answered because you ask for it, it's there God is just waiting for you to ask. Ask and it shall be given. I hope I explained it OK.
Dear brother, there are lot of explanations which would suggest or tell us that every thing is determined by god and our prayer doesn't change situations but only change me. I did not get this logic. If my prayers do nothing why would I pray. What I mean here is, if I am sick I prayed god and he healed me is what my understanding. Timing might vary. But his is already determined to heal or not heal, then there is no point of praying. It's like irrespective of prayer, god operates things as per his plan. Sounds like god is dictator, not only in this concept. I am exploring all these concepts and everytime explanations or beliefs or understanding is such that everything is attributed to god and man is like puppet, I don't think it is. Your explanation has better way but people are denying it..
Mental gymnastics belongs to their absolute first aid survival kit when being roasted by knowledgeable scholars - which they anyway mostly avoid......fir very obvious reasons.....😋😂
@@martinwagner7361 when you mean knowledgeable scholars if you mean philosophers of religion and theology, about 75% of these are Bible believing Christian
@@jackbolland9628 I guess my comment speaks for itself what kind of guys I call knowledgeable Jack.....surely NOT these jokers from bible seminaries whose conclusions ohh wonder ooh wonder always fits so nearly with the doctrine of the seminary presented.....😉😂
@@jackbolland9628 After I had a NearDeathExperience over 13y ago I was pretty furious about these Scammers of Christianity with their demonic shit of Doctrines worth NOTHING, actually in regards to the REALITY of GOD first hand experienced by myself a total BLASPHEMY making a demon God who supposedly sends people forever to hell and needs his son butchered to appease his nonsensical wrath with a lust for blood......As the hardcore Atheist that I was I should have gone straight to hell which didn't happen, just the exact opposite- received by EXCRUCIATING Love. So what do these Bullshitters KNOW : NOTHING. Therefore they can be roasted by anyone who truly knows.....not only NearDeathExperiencers though first and foremost they, obviously..... But there are as well good scholars like Bart Ehrmann whom I salute for the fact that he started his journey as a scholar as a Christian Fundamentalist only to find out that it was all Mumbo jumbo and THEN having the scientific INTEGRITY to present his research results DESPITE going against his very preferences- an integrity these lousy Scammers could only dream off. Plus all the damage they cause to multimillion of people with their dark demonic and FALSE Doctrines. Search Bart Ehrmann if you want an internationally renowned Scholar with INTEGRITY Jack... Interestingly enough Bart confirmed everything I experienced in my NDE and later spiritual Quest but UNFORTUNATELY he draw the entirely wrong conclusions: just because the Doctrines of Christianity ARE FALSE , the entire Niccaen Creed yes - so Jesus neither died for the forgiveness of our sins for his psycho pathological Daddy nor is Jesus God etc.etc. and all of that doesn't mean GOD doesn't exist, that's Barts unfortunate conclusion most likely because he was so heavily imprinted with all these extremely pathological Doctrines..... The reason I have such a harsh contempt for them is simply that I see the devastating damage they do to humanity first hand in the hospice that I volunteer - either these Doctrines turn you into an Atheist (and I'm still waiting for an happily dying Atheist) or they scare you into beLIEving in a "god" that will probably send you to eternal punishment......I became the first since already in Sunday school I smelled the foul cake of Christianity with so called Pastors and Volunteers as "Teachers" that were just unable to answer any of the more intelligible questions and therefore we treated it as a kind of fairytale show just good enough for a lot of jokes amongst us Youngsters but surely NOT good enough to be ever taken seriously....... And the way God was presented to us as this harshly judgmental Authority figure sending Rascals like us all too eagerly into everlasting torment neither was very inviting...yet the REALITY of GOD that I experienced 35y later I WOULD HAVE LOVED to know most intimately my ENTIRE LIFE. WHO wouldn't like to experience the most exquisite, purest LOVE with NO STRINGS ATTACHED......? It would spared me many hopeless years as an Atheist - and I'm absolutely convinced that Jesus taught this truth originally to his disciples but that it got later on corrupted by Christianity. ... Not only would the Truth give an immense assurance for our dying people but even more so to our LIVING People who could live fully instead of crippled by fear and left empty by the vanity of our collective Consumerism, our common substitute for God..... At least we have by now many thousands of profound testimonies of NearDeathExperiences, one doesn't even need to experience it but can get at least some sense of it as enough sincere Experiencers are willing to share it publicly- which is quite a big step as nobody wants to have the most intimate Experience of their entire Life mocked and defiled by some Scoffers and their shaky egocentric "What I haven't experienced yet can't exist" world view. With the advancement of modern resuscitation techniques we will get more and more NDEs and more & more verifiable data - that alone gives reason to a LOT of optimism as much research for the survival of Consciousness independent from death of the physical body WILL take place with many of the most intelligent Researchers challenging our primitive outdated material reductionists "model" of Consciousness leading to a real PARADIGM SHIFT in the future as the outcome of all the research will hopefully have a deepest impact on our whole way of Life with its many ethical inefficiencies, after all the REALITY of GOD is far too exciting and exhilarating with its countless meaningful implications then to just leave it for Religion......😉😱 😇🙏❤
I don't think this discussion really answers the question: "Does Prayer Change God's Mind?" A simple, down-to-earth example: someone I know is sick with cancer. People pray for the person's healing. Do those prayers change God's mind in such a way that he heals the cancer? If not, then the question arises... Did not enough people pray? Did they not pray sincerely enough? Or, was the faith of those who prayed too weak to influence God to change His mind? What is the purpose of prayer if it does not change God's mind? I am comfortable with God's sovereignty and his providential orchestrations either way. I am comfortable praying in earnest regardless of the outcome. But it is a hard thing to explain to others that prayer, though very important, does not change God's mind in such outcomes.
Exactly .. this is what I’m struggling with at the moment .. does he choose who he heals and who he doesn’t ? To say he heals one person and not the other well , just doesn’t seem right to me .. also why do devote and faithful Christians spreading the word of god get horrible terrible diseases that make them suffer the last year’s of their life ... where’s this “protection”
Hmm.... Deep. This is wheri feel the words of Jesus that if we pray according to his will he will answer us. We have to move according to his will not our flesh and our desires. A close relationship with the holy spirit grants us this. Also Jesus has said he that beleives in me this signs shall follow them. So when preaching to unbelievers if theres any amongst then that is sick. If you are truly know christ and you are not led by your flesh in his name they shall be healed. Im a testimony of the many times God has answered. We just have to be kore closer to him to know his will. I guess thatd why at times it feels he isn't listening. Even christ before he died wished for a moment he didn't go through suffering but he asserted not as i will but as you will
I have watched many videos produced by Roman Catholic, Lutheran Church Missouri Synod, and Southern Baptist Convention theologians and they are all super sure of their take on the Bible. They are well meaning, wonderfully qualified , men who have studied the Bible on a level way beyond most of us. They sometimes are almost in agreement. More often , they review the same passages of scripture and conclude differently. What are we to believe? We are to believe that somehow, by a great mystery , and unfathomable set of circumstances we are born into sin. What is sin? It is disobedience to God. And it goes on from there.
it's more than mental gymnastics: it is also deeply based in intentional intellectual dishonesty - their evasion and double-speak is purposeful and they are fully aware of what they are doing --- they should change their site from 'honestanswers' to 'lying-for-Jesus'
There would be simpler ways of answering this. To the question "If God is omnipotent and omniscient, why pray?" one might reply "Why do anything?" Praying that it doesn't rain is not substantially different from carrying an umbrella in terms of not getting wet. It would seem that God wants some input on our part rather than doing everything for us. Also, if God is omniscient, who is to say that feedback from us, including in the form of prayers, is not part of the mechanism of that omniscience?
im very late to this reply but as a calvinist, God does not change his will, however he changes his mind, ill explain, when you pray something like moses prayed to God to not kill the Jews, he "changed" his mind, but God knew that he would change his mind through his predestined will, God's will was to allow moses prayer, he knew he was going to change his mind, and that was his will. Hopefully that cleared up.
It is precisely because I believe in God's sovereignty that I lose any reason for praying. Nothing I can say will do anything, and despite watching this whole video, I still don't see how that fact changes. What should I pray for? I can't know His plans, so whatever I ask for, whatever I pray for, isn't going to happen b/c I don't have the foresight to know what God is going to do. The ONLY thing I can reasonably pray at any point is a submissive prayer, "Thy Will be done." That's it. In the last year? 2 years? That's the only prayer I can seem to feel like isn't a waste of time. Just telling Him, "I submit to your will." As if He doesn't already know that anyway... So.. again... what's the point aside from that he says, 'pray without ceasing?" I pray without ceasing, for something that likely won't ever happen (life's experience shows 99.9% of my prayers for friends, family, nation go completely unanswered/'NO."), I pray, Thy Will be Done, which is going to be done whether I pray or not, my petitions to Him aren't going to change His mind, nor would I want them to, as He knows better than I anyway... I just don't see the point of prayer. I don't know what I'm supposed to accomplish with praying about random things that may or may not happen b/c it's God's Will whether it happens or not and He doesn't change.
It keeps you in communement with Him. Prayer doesnt have to be a list of "i wants". It can be a conversation. It can be expressing your fears or your joy. It can be anything. The point of prayer is that your stay connected to Him at all times.
"Does prayer actually change God's mind?" "Let me explain how God's sovereignty and prayer can coexist." [proceeds to explain that if you don't pray, someone else will pray the same thing] OK look. First of all, sovereign God sometimes *willfully* withholds his hand waiting for prayer to happen. James 4:2b says, "You do not have because you do not ask God." Secondly, the thing I've noticed about Calvinists and anyone else who only sees God through the lens of "sovereign" is that they get hung up on God's eternal nature and immutability, and they ignore the fact that God is *multi-dimensional* .. On one hand, God lives eternally, He laid out the world's and its containing universe's timeline like a movie reel. On the other hand, God has entered into this timeline, He has engaged with His creation, and is actively participating in it with us as we experience the sequence of events. In this sense, God is not just eternal, He is *present* with us. As such, the relationship God has with humankind is just that--a relationship. He relates to us, and as such He has designed our world such that we are not on a robotic rail, we engage with Him, and the Bible has multiple examples of where *God being present actually, literally, changes his mind* . The ancient verbiage translates as "repents". Regardless, little of this relates to the value of prayer "motivating" God. God, who is indeed sovereign, awaits His hand as He awaits our ask. That's how He likes to do it, because He wants an engaged relationship with us.
This was one of the most helpful clue of my Christian life. A great biblical answer for me in my despair. May God bless you hundredfold for your great ministry.
It’s important to pray for exactly what God says is already gonna happen. Then God can answer those prayers because that’s what he was already planning on doing.
All genuine prayer is led of the Spirit of God who knows the mind of God and helps us in our intercession in relation to what to ask for. God inhabits eternity and is not subject to time, so He knows what He intends to do and lays that conviction on the heart of the one who prays.
therefore prayer is useless, you are asking for what god wants you to ask for, literally. What a useless act to partake in. Literally asking God for what God has made you desire to ask... so he makes you want x, you want x and so have to pray for x to the very entity that gave you the desire!?
In the story of Sodom & Gomorrah, God's mind is changed through prayer. Initially He was just going to destroy the cities & everyone in them, but through prayer Abraham pleaded with God until He said that He would spare the cities for the sake of one righteous person.
Ah, so God not only doesn't have a "perfect" plan, but his decisions are obviously not always the best ones if he changed his first choice. But your apologetics can cover all the bases, including 5th base.
We are Him so our ideas are considered and weighed of course otherwise we’d have no reason to exist. We are gathering information honing and recording perfect love from macro to micro. His plan is laid out plain and simple, unless we require otherwise of Him. Mark 11:24-25, Matthew 6 is important in this regard as well.
With humble love : Calvinists fumble this topic all the time because they actually say God’s decisions are the cause of all things and the Bible is clear that it would be a misunderstanding of the Bible to think that .. Double talk is not God’s way. But when you relinquish a MAN’s teaching, CALVINS, you will see God and his sovereignty the right way as he teaches in the Bible of himself .
I'd say that prayer changes us/ our plans and not God's will. Keeping it simple I would like to picture two roads one adjacent to each other if our life is prayerfully lived we go to the path of God's will while if we don't have prayers within us we go the other way which is our worldy desires.
I for one opine that God DOES often change His Mind, and often in response to our prayers. God would have changed His Mind about Sodom and Gommorrah if enough people had prayed and repented. I understand that St. Thomas Aquinus taught that God does sometimes change His Mind but, since all time is present to God, God foresees that He will change His Mind.
If he knows he will change his mind, than there's no changing, because he KNEW from the beginning what will happen and transpire in time ahead. Change by definition means different course of action from the planned one. If there is ONLY the planned one, there's NO CHANGE OF COURSE OF ACTION, thus no change of mind.
@@bogdanvojnovic989 I understand what you are saying but I'm not sure that is the clearest way to look at it. At least from the human perspective, from where we stand in the scheme of things, It seems to me clearer to say that God might change His mind if enough people pray, or He might change His original plan if someone commits a grievous enough sin, like for instance Adam and Eve. I certainly do agree that God is not indecisive and that He doesn't change His mind on whims or caprices.
Consistancy is not a strong point with some theologians. "Prayer works," but it doesn't really do anything. Biblically, prayer is not some way to manipulate God. Rather, it is designed for us to acknowledge who He is, what He is doing and to willingly submitting to it. If I pray for a new house, and I get a new house, that does not mean my prayer "worked." That means I prayed and I got a new house...two separate things. God's promise is to give us deep spiritual satisfaction, not to give us material things. "Blessing equals material things" is a distinctly western thought pattern and is left over from the Old Covenant. Under the New Covenant, prayer deals with the eternal, not the temporal. Fortunately for those in oppressed and persecuted areas, the temporal is of little importance to God or man. Prayer is for God's benefit in that it acknowledges who He is in all of His majesty and power, and for our benefit as we discover what He's doing and getting on board with it. In His sovereignty, God has determined to give us freedom to choose to follow Him through Christ or not. He has also given us the freedom to commune with Him in prayer, or not. It is to our benefit to choose to commune with Him in prayer.
Can you prove that a God exist? Are praying to your self, meditating, building up your own confidence and then go out and work toward your goals, but giving a invisible God credit, plus your money.
Johann Schultz I get the angst with all of this Johann, I’ve struggled with the idea of prayer... a lot. I agree with parts of what people say but am baffled by a whole lot of stuff said, especially the pre-programmed Christianeeze stuff. My father died at a young age and it was so disappointing, I prayed with as much “faith” as I could, still died. Yet, I have seen very specific and meaningful requests answered, not just things that fit with Gods redemptive plan, like, personal meaningful likes that I have. As I write this, I still struggle to pray faithfully for more “noble” things but I think there is still something to this thing called prayer. Stay strong dear, you are a special gem in the eyes of the maker. Sincerely, Dennis
@@jrwatson4265, God’s existence can be proven and has been to the satisfaction of hundreds of millions of people. And the arguments against his existence are absurd. Even intelligent people like Christopher Hitchens have to resort to ridiculous arguments in order to attack Christianity (sadly, Hitchens is experiencing an eternity in torment…which is a high price to pay for a few dozen years of sinful living and the accolades of people who will meet his same fate). Book recommendations: The Irrational Atheist I Don’t Have Enough Faith To Be An Atheist Evidence That Demands a Verdict, Vol 1 and 2 “A young man who wishes to remain a sound atheist cannot be too careful of his reading.“ - CS Lewis
“Under the New Covenant, prayer deals with the eternal, not the temporal.” You seem to be saying we shouldn’t pray for temporal, and especially material, things. James says the opposite in chapter 4: “You covet but you cannot get what you want, so you quarrel and fight. You do not have because you do not ask God.” The clear implication is that they SHOULD ask God but haven’t. He then adds an important detail for those who do ask: “When you ask, you do not receive, because you ask with wrong motives, that you may spend what you get on your pleasures.” So, while God isn’t an ATM from which we can pull endless piles of cash to “live your best life now!”, there is nothing wrong with praying for temporal things. There is nothing in the NT that says such prayers are restricted to people who lived under the Old Covenant.
If it doesn't affect what god does, then that would mean that prayer is pointless. Where does that leave religions? If it does affect what god does, then god is not perfect, as he has had his mind changed. Where does that leave religions? Either way, it's not good for all the gods.
Or, how can you distract a busy God to focus him on your tiny problem. That seems blasphemous to me. Doesn’t He know what to do without you telling Him? Anyone who prays has very big balls as they are commanding God Himself. I would never do such a thing.
I didn't hear an "honest answer" to the question. Sounds like he's saying people should only pray for what they know God is already going to do. Unfortunately, for some reason, God is a lot more cryptic these days is communications with humans, or at least it seems that way.
In my opinion----and I emphasize that it is only a human opinion---God DOES sometimes change His Mind, in answer to a prayer of petition. In scripture, at the wedding at Cana, Jesus (God) changed water into wine after His mother petitioned Him to do so. This was Jesus' first public miracle and it launched His public ministry. But Jesus' original plan was to launch His public ministry at some other time and place. So clearly here God did change His Mind after a prayer of petition. Prayer changes things.
"Prayer changes things." Then a "perfect plan" is impossible. But curious why GOD would do party tricks, but not use its power to save suffering children? It seems its priorities are all fucked up, and obviously, so are yours.
I think the key is found in Gods will, not according to our selfish desires. 1 John 5:14-15 (CSB) 14 This is the confidence we have before him: If we ask anything according to his will, he hears us. 15 And if we know that he hears whatever we ask, we know that we have what we have asked of him. James puts it in another way. James 4:3 (CSB) You ask and don’t receive because you ask with wrong motives, so that you may spend it on your pleasures. See, people; Often it’s the case, that God knows what and why we ask for stuff. James is saying don’t ask with the wrong intentions or desires of the heart because you won’t get anything from the Lord.
Gods is infinity in all his attributes, he sees all time as one and sees all butterfly effects. He has infinity unlimited processing powers for ultimate game theory. And he wants us to struggle, grow, care, trust in him, rely on him, for he is a good Father who wants his children to overcome by the power of the shed blood of Jesus and the Spirit
@@2l84me8 The fact that we are communicating should be a good start. It may sound goofy, but you can ask him if you are willing. There is plenty of apologetics on the internet. If he is real and there is more than this life, should it not need an hour of research.
@@douglasanderson1276 The huge difference here is that I can communicate with you and receive direct feedback. There is no such equivalent with your god nor is there a reason to try with a specific one when there is currently no evidence for any god.
@@2l84me8 OK. Then all is meaningless. Where did all the known and unknown come from? It is still a worth pursuit to at least consider there is more than this broken world that screams that all things are broken (pain)
@@douglasanderson1276 That isn’t a response nor is that a good reason to believe without evidence, let alone attempt to communicate with no feedback at all.
I've considered that perhaps God who not only carries out his divine will in the world also divinely wills us to pray a certain way at times which would be in alignment with what He ends up carrying out. Otherwise it's just rolling the dice. I've listened to many a Christian complain bitterly that they prayed their hearts out to God and that He did not grant their requests. Do I believe that I must pray for God's will to take place in my life for it to happen? No. For example I never prayed for Him to make me a believer, to give me faith. I would not have even considered such an idea back then. In any case His will, not mine was done. Jesus told us to pray that His will be done, so we're bending our will to His, or perhaps that's His work as well: Php 2:12 Therefore, my beloved, as you have always obeyed, so now, not only as in my presence but much more in my absence, work out your own salvation with fear and trembling, Php 2:13 for it is God who works in you, both to ___will___ and to ___work___ for his good pleasure.
There are many options of the paths to God's sovereign plan. He seems to allow some changes to be affected along the way through prayer without ever changing His preordained final outcome. Prayer does not change the purpose of God but it can change the actions He takes to accomplish it.
@@justicemo9090 Philippians 2:7 states that he emptied himself. Which means he put that aside to dwell with us and to live the human life. That doesn’t mean he wasn’t God, he still was able to read peoples thoughts and what not. I’m sure The Lord wants to hear his children with fresh ears sometimes and put aside his all knowing stature. Look at God more personally, not only as a God but also as a father. God bless friend hope this helps :) ♥️💯
My opinion is that praying works for the person that's praying and opens them up and from a scientific perspective in this dimension of reality energies match energies so it can't be a bad thing to draw in "like energies" that creates higher energy around us. In that respect it would be advantageous for us to pray. But not with an expectation toward a certain result. If someone was meant to die at a certain age, no amount of praying is going to change that. We should accept that we do not have all the information on this subject maybe never will because our senses limit our experience in this dimension. We are consciousness squeezed into a meat suit that will eventually die and we will continue on as pure consciousness.
In short, yes prayer can change God’s mind if the prayer is according to His will and character. I would’ve liked for him to give examples of God saying He would do something and then various men of God praying for Him to do something different. There are many examples of this!
I agree, the question was never answered. Either prayer changes God’s mind or it doesn’t. If it does, then can someone else pray for a different outcome and change his mind again?
So, prayer can't and won't change anything (because God has everything planned), but it's still important because...and this is where his explanation goes off the rails and becomes unintelligible. Given that God is omniscient and knows the (already entirely planned out) future, the only thing your prayer might conceivably change is how you feel about the subject of your prayer. Pray for your child to beat cancer. It won't change anything--hundreds of children die of cancer every day, as per God's plan--but it might make you feel better.
"7 And the Lord said to Moses, “Go down, for your people, whom you brought up out of the land of Egypt, have corrupted themselves. 8 They have turned aside quickly out of the way that I commanded them. They have made for themselves a golden calf and have worshiped it and sacrificed to it and said, ‘These are your gods, O Israel, who brought you up out of the land of Egypt!’” 9 And the Lord said to Moses, “I have seen this people, and behold, it is a stiff-necked people. 10 Now therefore let me alone, that my wrath may burn hot against them and I may consume them, in order that I may make a great nation of you.” 11 But Moses implored the Lord his God and said, “O Lord, why does your wrath burn hot against your people, whom you have brought out of the land of Egypt with great power and with a mighty hand? 12 Why should the Egyptians say, ‘With evil intent did he bring them out, to kill them in the mountains and to consume them from the face of the earth’? Turn from your burning anger and relent from this disaster against your people. 13 Remember Abraham, Isaac, and Israel, your servants, to whom you swore by your own self, and said to them, ‘I will multiply your offspring as the stars of heaven, and all this land that I have promised I will give to your offspring, and they shall inherit it forever.’” 14 And the Lord relented from the disaster that he had spoken of bringing on his people." (Exodus 32:7-14, ESV) We can infer then that God does in some sense "change his mind." How exactly that works, I don't know. I'm not God. The point is that prayer is important and we should pray to Father God.
The exact same scriptures I referenced to prove this point...lets not forget when hezekiah was told to set his house in order because the Lord said He would soon die...but he prayed earnestly and God added 15 more years 2 his life...or when Jesus was not set to do any works or miracles but his mother prayed that the water be turned into wine abd He ANSWERED and manifested her request just to name a few ...seems to me alot of changes were made by God after petitioned by man...
After reading the sarcastic unbelieving comments it comes down to this, for those who do believe no explanation is necessary. For those who don’t believe no explanation is possible. Deal with it !
But we have reality to deal with those who do believe and claim that their prays get answered. If I was a believer, I'll be praying to see a real change in the way the Laws of physics work on this planet. I'll put an end to any kinds of accidents that affect lives on earth in horrific way. Just think about that.
Or you could just admit you can't prove any "god" exists...but that would require intellectual honesty and to let go of your ego, and we all know that isn't going to happen.
Prayer is a self-indulgent delusion. If a god existed to answer conflicting prayers of self-centered humans, the god would not have any will left over for itself. I suggest it is only because humans are so unruly and judgmental of each other, that so many are willing to place faith in the existence of a judge-mental god. As the Roman historian Polybius once said, “Since the masses of the people are inconstant, full of unruly desires, passionate, and reckless of consequences, they must be filled with fears to keep them in order. The ancients did well, therefore, to invent gods, and the belief in punishment after death.”
Personally I am not a Calvinist due to its fallible logistics in predestination and prayer (though not in all Calvinistic beliefs), so I think open theism works well with the doctrine because God has changed His mind before from prayers, such as having spared judging Nineveh after the Assyrians repented (when Jonah preached there). Why is God so judgmental? Why can't He just be careless and let the world operate without intervention if the world seems to work well without Him? Because those who live to do evil until death would get exactly what they want, and those who live to be just and righteous only suck wind in meaninglessness, and die anyway. Are religions made to brainwash societies to obey hierarchies? I can't say the motives for all world religions, but their fundamental intents were to resolve the fear of death. Except we have a standard of substantiation to prove God exists and the fundamental of what Christianity really is (though I do agree Christianity has been abused as an agent of governance in the past). I would fear that if there is no God, then those who are as depraved as me would get away with what all their hearts desired, along with thieves, murderers, rapists, pedophiles, sex traffickers, and terrorists. Even worse, that “evil” and “good” would be delusional concepts. How strange would the world have to be, that if humanity thirsted for justice and righteousness to the ends of the earth, that justice is nothing but an illusion used to control people? Why thirst for water where there is no such a thing? What would be the moral difference between cutting off a head of lettuce and my neighbor's head off? We would either be insane or deterministic. Because I desire to be good like everybody else does, and I am not, morals rustle in a forest of objective truth. Otherwise, why try to be good without a standard or reason to? If it is not so that I hurt people, then what stops you from always getting away with hidden evil such as theft? Your conscience of course. And otherwise, the ten commandments would be good advice instead of laws bearing repercussions if there is no justice in the afterlife. Thus Jesus was right, "Blessed are those who do hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they shall be filled." (Mat 5:6) And, “There appoints a man the day of his death and after this comes to him the Judgement” (Hebrews 9:27). Justice is served in the afterlife, eternal life offered to everyone who is willing to receive it, and mercy granted to the repentant. Hell proves we have a free will to spend eternity with God or without Him. No one will be in heaven against their will. Hell is not vile completely because God made it vile, rather being anywhere far from God’s presence will all that is good also be far (life, strength, goodness, joy, etc.) That is our fulfillment; our thirst for righteousness is quenched (Proverbs 11:4). But only through Jesus Christ only can we inherit the righteousness we decided to not muster for ourselves, so we will be saved from the wrath we duly deserve (Romans 6:23) by repenting and putting our faith in Christ. Without Christ, He will judge you by your conscience that both defends you and condemns you, and you will receive the wages of your sin fairly. We also have another thirst for knowing why we exist and why existence exists. The same thirst for justice and being good is axiomatic for moral standards. Why not a thirst for knowing our being also be axiomatic for a super intelligent conscious being?
@wanda taylor //WHAT ABOUT THE DMT ENTITIES THAT PEOPLE MEET?// Good drugs + awesome brain? Why would it take certain "conditions" in order to _meet these entities?_ If I am an entity that can communicate in this realm, I am going to do so and not leave the conditions being met for contact up to those in this realm. Harry Houdini swore that if it was at all possible for his "soul to return" that he would do so and so far, not once since his death has he done so...doesn't mean it's not possible, but the odds look rather slim. Granted there is still much we do not understand, but I will save that for another discussion. //EARTH COULD BE AMAZING// "Amazing" is a place in one's mind...just like "Heaven" & "Hell". //MISPLACED POWER NEEDS TO BE ABOLISHED.// Agreed, but as long as humans exist they will find ways to abuse & fuck things up...such is our nature. //SMILES// Back atcha. :)
Prayer is the cooperation of man being in agreement with God's will. That is God and man living, moving, working, and acting together through prayer, that when we pray we pray with the Holy Spirit in our spirit. For it is the Spirit of Jesus who is God that prays in our prayer. That God heart desire is to bring in His kingdom here to earth. For example Jesus taught us to pray in Matt. 6:10: "Your kingdom come, Your will be done in heaven, so also on earth. That God's heart desire is for God and man to be one in His move to bring heaven to earth, that is only through the Body of Christ the church being built up together with the believers in Christ here on earth today, that is through the Body of Christ the church here on earth so that God's authority can be expressed through the corporate Christ which are all the believers. When all the churches in all the nation are built up in the resurrection and life of Christ and are all living in their mingled spirit far above the enemies of God by been seated on the throne in God in Christ above God's enemies in the heavens then God will put Satan and the enemies under the Church feet. That is we need the corporate Christ the Church which are all the saved saints to be living a life of transcendency far above Satan and his authorities who are the evil spirits in the heavens and air. That we need to pray for the Body of Christ the saints to be built up into Christ resurrectionon and life. That the Church needs the expression of Christ. That is whatever Christ attained and obtained through His resurrection is being transmitted to the Body of Christ, that is the Church is living in resurrection, that God's power toward the believers is the same as the power He caused to operate in Christ. That Christ is the Head and the saints His believers are His Body here on earth to represent Him. That is the Body participate in the power that operates in the Head. That the first power that God caused to operate in Christ raised Christ from the dead. This power has overcome death, the grave, and Hades. Death and Hades could not hold Christ. Second, the power that God caused to operate in Christ seated Christ at God's right hand in the heavenlies far above all. Third, the power that God caused to operate in Christ, was subjected all things under His feet, Christ being far above all is one thing. His having all things subjected under His feet is another. The former is Christ's transcendency, the latter, the subjection of all things to Him. Fourth, God's power that He caused to operate in Christ gave Christ to be Head over all things to the church. Christ's Headship over all things is a gift from God to Him. It was through God's surpassingly great power that Christ received Headship the universe. That to the church implies a kind of transmission. Whatever Christ, the Head has attained and obtained is transmitted to the church, His Body. In this transmission to the church shares with Christ in all His attainments, the resurrection from the dead, His being seated in His transcendency, the subjection of all things under His feet, and the headship over all things. That Christ has the fourfold power the resurrection power, the ascending power, the subjecting power, and the heading up power which all fourfold power is being transmitted to the church the Body of Christ Eph. 1:19:23. And that the Church with all the built up believers in Christ is what going to bring in God's kingdom and also bring Christ back, that this is what God's heart desire is for the Church in all the nations to be built up in Christ and to expressed Christ's victory that God may have the glory in the church in Christ Jesus unto all generations. And that Satan will be destroyed through the corporate Christ. That this is what we pray for because this meets God's needs and also our needs that both God and man want to do away with Satan and his kingdom of darkness, that we stand on God side in Christ and pray for the Body of Christ the churches that all the believers in every nation to be strengthened and empower and built up in the Lord to bring the Lord back. That is the Body of Christ the Church should be displaying the victory over the enemy by living a crucified life in Christ.
@@RealMadridArsenal17 lol God is the same yesterday, today, and forever. That His will has always been about Him and that man is the center of His economy. That is God's heart desire has always been that man created as a corporate vessel for His dwelling in man's spirit to rule with man here on earth and not just from the heavens. For the heavens is His throne where He exercise His authority and also within man as His corporate expression. For this was the purpose of why He created man for. That God's mind has always been the same from eternity pass right up to this very day that when God has His corporate man, the one new man which He created on the cross in Christ to head up all things in Himself in Christ Jesus then God's enemy which is death who is Satan will be put under the the Body of Christ the Church and rhus He will the Jews and the Gentiles will be made one. It is called God dispensing Himself through Christ into His believers through the Holy Spirit
@@mereannaranui1205 still doesn't answer whether god answers prayer if his mind doesn't change. If he changes his mind that means he doesn't know the future. Religious people cannot have it both ways. It's either god doesn't know everything hence he can be influenced by prayers or he knows everything about the future and that prayers means nothing to him. Pick a side. Don't preach cuz it's not working.
@@RealMadridArsenal17 Capital G not a small g for it is God with a capital G. And God answer prayers when it is according to His will and not to our natural concepts. And that we must pray in one spirit and one accord according to His heart desire. That we need to know God and what was His purpose of why He created man, for man had always been the center of His economy. That God answers our prays when we are in accordance to His heart desire and purpose. That alot of people and those in the religious places pray mainly for the riches of the material world but these are not the riches that God wants to give man, for God is not a material God, for the material world is of His enemy Satan the devil to distract people from the economy of God! And the economy of God is to dispense the riches of what He is into us through His Son by the Holy Spirit which is life, light, righteousness, peace, joy, etc, and to enliven us in our regenerated spirit that we may grow up into His life to overcome death for death is God's enemy, that why He is called the God of resurrection and that we may have Christ reconstituted into us as our life and person that through us taking Christ as our life and person then God will have a way to do away with His enemy death who is Satan! That is God's heart desire is to bring His heavenly Kingdom to earth which is the Body of Christ the church is the new man, the corporate Chtist. So read your Bible and get to know God's heart desire that this has been God's heart desire from eternity pass right through the Old Testament and the New Testament is to dispense Himself into man that man may have His life and nature mingled with the human nature, for our human spirit is a copy of God's Spirit, that is man's body was meant for God and man's spirit was meant to be His dwelling place inwardly that is God and man living together here on earth as one unity. That God did not wish to live on the outside of man in the heavens, that He also wanted to dwell in man here on earth inwardly in the human spirit. So when you pray according to His dwelling place and toward the New Jerusalem God will operated within to grow His life inwardly in His believers and stregthened them that they become corporate new man in Christ.
@@mereannaranui1205 at this point, I'll just leave it right there. You're becoming annoyingly redundant while at the same time not having moved the needle one inch. Prayer doesn't move your god.
If I, or someone else prays according to God's plan, then prayer changes nothing. There is only the illusion of change from my perceptive. All of his rambling was just an attempt to divert from that simple conclusion.
Glad I'm not the only one who noticed that ^_^" "A tale , told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, Signifying nothing.” ― William Shakespeare, Macbeth
This is such a hard attempt to make the Bible say what you want it to say to fit Calvinistic beliefs. Come on your answer is so hard to explain and is barely understandable. Why are we over complicating simple things. Prayer is not that complicated. Simple people in all of humanity’s history always believed that when they prayed God would hear them and that prayer did and could change outcomes, which otherwise wouldn’t have changed if not for the prayer. This “friction” did not exist for them. Why are we creating it now just so it can fit Calvinistic interpretations of Gods sovereignty etc. It’s simple. When we pray by faith and God hears us, and if what we ask for is in line with his word and will he will do it. The parable you referred to vaguely clearly shows that the persistent woman changed the kings mind. So yes we can change events, and outcomes through prayer. Then again you vaguely referred to the story of Jesus praying in the garden. Jesus knew the Fathers plan but he still prayed for a potential change to the plan, but he submitted his will to the Fathers. If there was no potential for a change of the plan, then Jesus was praying wrong. And we all know that cannot be. In that prayer Jesus made we learned that we can pray for God to change his mind, so it is possible, however we should always submit our wills to his. If he’s not willing to change his mind, we should submit to it, and if he’s willing to change his mind, we should be grateful and he shall receive all glory
Prayer isnt about getting what YOU want. Its about affirming your commitment to what HE wants. If you could pray and it just happen, then who's really the God? God isnt a genie in a lamp.
Well thats what he said in the video. But he never answered the question which was the title of the video does it change Gods mind? According to him it does not. But the bible says it does. How can you pray in line with Gods will when your about to loose your home or a spouse is about to die from an illness? How do you know those things are Gods will? They may not be. His will maybe for you to ask Him to help you or it may be to deal this blow to change you. Either way your prayer and sincere repentence (if needed) can change Gods mind.
Prayer is much more comprehensive than petition....confession, thanksgiving, worship all seem good reasons for prayer. Petition against God’s will is futile. Often like Paul’s thorn, prayer is how we get through the attacks of Satan, the world cosmos and especially our own sinful nature. We need prayer, God does not. Q. Is it legit to be thankful for great men of God, long dead? Not prayer for the dead but rather, thankful for Schofield, Calvin, Luther and great men of God?
Love this. If you have a friend and you love that friend and you want to please this friend, you would do the things you know makes this friend happy. Praying in conjunction with God's will shows we support what our God wants and this makes him happy.
@@ShelDockToyotaVitz but he put that will in you in the first place, so saying "should reflect his will" assumes his will is not in us and thus negates your initial statement/comment
Some of this is false doctrine. SOURCE THE BIBLE MORE. It is the tool we use for discernment. Think about when Jesus raised Lazarus from the dead or followed the man all the way back to his home so that he could heal his daughter. God is compassionate and is merciful. He sympathizes with us and our prayers do mean something to him. So to answer the question, YES prayer can change God's mind because prayer is an act of faith and just as the Bible says in John 15 - "when you abide in my love, I will abide in you". When you seek the prayers of saints it is an even stronger act of faith because you are believing that GOD HEARS OUR PRAYERS. Some of these men should not be answering such questions. Lean not on your own understanding but lean on every word of God.
"First of all, in order for God to change His mind, He would have to improve upon Himself in some way. In other words, if God changed His mind, that action would suggest that His first way of thinking was deficient, but, because we prayed, He improved His plan concerning our situation. We change our minds when we see a better way to do something. We thought A but realized B was better, so we change our mind. But, since God knows all things, the beginning from the end (Revelation 22:13; Ephesians 1:4), it is not possible for Him to improve upon any plan that He has made. His plans are already perfect (2 Samuel 22:31), and He has stated that His plans will prevail (Isaiah 46:9-11)." www.gotquestions.org/does-prayer-change-God-mind.html
Chris Baies exactly bro, it is not that our prayer changes God's mind but rather it is we that changes, as we spend time with God in prayer, we came to know the will of God in our life...
So what about when Hezekiah was told to get his house in order ,that he would soon die...but he prayed earnestly to God to change this and God added 15 more years to his life....or what about the children of isreal who begin to worship a molten calf in the wilderness after being set free from slavery in egypt, but because moses delayed coming down from the mountain, God said your people have made an idol an worshipped it , I am hot with anger and I will consume them...but moses prayed and God repented and stayed His hand from destroying them...or when God said that He would destroy sodom and Gomorrah but Abraham prayed and asked God if their be just one righteous would he stay His hand from destroying the cities and God said yes and allowed lot and his wife escape judgement even tho she turned back and the cities were still destroyed because of sin...I dont wanna say prayer changes Gods mind but I will say He gives certain measures of grace to whomever He will
@@reniqharris ".I dont wanna say prayer changes Gods mind but I will say He gives certain measures of grace to whomever He will" Oh absolultley. God is a gracious God who comes to our level and communicates with us anthropomorphically or humanly. He gives us the chance to speak to him and pray and intercede because it tests us and changes us. Prayer is not for changing God, it's for changing us. We see who God is when we pray.
Prayer would be unnecessary if all were perfect, acted in God's perfection, sinless. However this is not the case, when sin enters the picture, God, in his perfection, has set this universe to do his will by rules, some unknown to us. "It rains on the just and the unjust", "The land will vomit you out." It then falls upon us to ask his "exception" to judgement, circumstances, and giving praise because of the knowledge of his mercy. In Jonah, would God have destroyed Nineveh had they not prayed? As believers we should NEVER deal in what ifs, or I should have, but "pray always"."having faith that God will hear you, and respond."
I would be careful if someone goes around claiming he has the honest answers to something... honestly our comprehension of eternal truths are limited and npt all things are revealed .... we have the tendency to see through our own theological perspectives
The way god believers work out things in their mind, there's no way for their make believe god to fail!! You could pray to anything, and it would answer prayer the same way. How 'god' answers prayer: -guy gets shot at but the shot misses, god protected him, so god is good. -guy gets shot but missed all vital organs, its a miracle...god saved him, so god is good. -guy gets shot and lasting damage to his body, god saves him, because god has more plans for his life...so god is good. -guy gets shot and killed. Guy is in better place, heaven...so god is good.
I liked your comment because you brought up an excellent dilemma. As one who has preached on this topic, "what does it mean for God to be good?" we consider His attributes and then identify what God wills and does not. "Good" usually means "moral excellence" and the ten commandments show God's attributes. For a faithful, born-again, Christ follower, to die is gain (Philippians 1:21) neither does living the happiest life now even matter (Acts 20:24). God is good because He is rich in mercy and loves righteousness. God is also good as a hater of evil, who punishes thieves, murderers, rapists, pedophiles, sex traffickers, and terrorists, who have gotten away with evil in their lives. God's judgment is more thorough than that. Let's say the guy gets shot, but before he does, he examines himself whether or not God will be merciful and let him into heaven when he dies. - guy thinks he is honest, but he's told countless lies in his life. (9) - guy thinks he respects property, but he has stolen since his youth. (8) - guy says he has a clean mouth, but he says "OMG" and "JFC" as it rolls off the tongue. (3) - guy thinks he is pure in heart, but he lusted after women with fornication and pornography. (7, matt 5:27) - guy thinks he is all loving, but inwardly he has hated people before. (2nd of the greatest commandments) - guy thinks his life is personal, but he covets the lives of wealthy and joyful people. (10) - guy thinks he is merciful, but he will never forgive his neighbor. (matt 18:21) - guy believes he values his soul, but he gambles it like he gambles his money. (mark 8:36) - guy thinks God smiles upon him, but God's wrath abides on him. (Proverbs 20:6) - guy thinks he is a good person and God is bad, but then he looks in the mirror. (James 1:23) guy is a lying, thieving, blasphemous, adulterous, fornicating, unforgiving, coveting, idolater, at heart and he has to face God on judgment day whether he dies by the gun or not. guy is definitely going to Hell justly. Am I righteous? Not even close. But Jesus paid the guy's fine (Romans 6:23) so guy (and anyone) can inherit God's righteousness to enter the kingdom of God (2 Corinthians 5:21) so long as they REPENT (2 Tim 2:19, Luke 13:3), put their faith in Jesus (Romans 13:14), and be born again (John 3:3). Grace is the reason why guy lives after death (Ephesians 2:8), and survives gunfire (Luke 13:4), so God's grace does not determine whether or not He is good, rather His character. Therefore, God wills that no one goes to Hell, but all to repent and live (2 Peter 3, Acts 17:30, Ezekiel 33:11).
actually good is something that is beneficial to society and bad is something that hurts society. god has done many things that has hurt society, like telling people how to beat their slaves and genocides and just watching while there are people in the world suffering from hunger, illness, dehydration, poverty, murder, rape, mental illnesses and so on, so god isn't all good because he lets things that are negative impact society. I'm certain you won't agree with me on this, but it is what it is.
@@ilikecheeseburger42 I see your point, but consider if people loved God and neighbor and tried to live for God and be less selfish and corrupt. I imagine these world problems would be better resolved.
religion is corruptable (even christianity) just ask the kings in the middle ages who said they got their right to rule from god himself and if anyone opposed them they opposed god and even some killings.
Saw the link but although it is better explained it also falls short. People struggle with this question. I think it is a simple limitation of understanding of God. Thanks for the link.
@@FFamadas Good Day and your welcome... Yes you are somewhat correct we human only lives in one spectrum of time. But God is in infinite It is Hard to comprehend... But at the end of the day that is why we always said he''s will be done/Thy will be done or in short amen. Whether we actually say, "Thy will be done" when we pray, or whether we use a less formal phrase, it is important to pray in God's will. It is acceptable for us to tell God what our will is for a given situation, but then we should always defer to Him and let Him know that we desire His will above our own. Even Jesus did this in the Garden of Gethsemane when He was facing torture and death on the cross: "…he fell with his face to the ground and prayed, 'My Father, if it is possible, may this cup be taken from me. Yet not as I will, but as you will'" (Matthew 26:39). And just to add more about this... th-cam.com/video/dRD0rGmJQQE/w-d-xo.html
This is Calvinistic answer... honest Calvinistic answers... good also to hear from other theological perspective... like Arminian view on prayers... then we may have a fuller honest answers
God's plan is dependent on my prayers (2:47-2:52)? How does that work with this man's version of sovereignty? When a man has a wrong understanding of something like sovereignty, he will have to say illogical things to make his beliefs work.
No. But it may change YOUR mind. Just like a child that says 'I love you' to his parents, whether the child says it a lot, or not at all, a parents unconditional love does not change.
Prayer is important in all things...if we don't pray, then God dose not hear us...he waits constantly for us to pray to him to ask him for what his plan is for us...if we don't then God won't answer...it's like this...if you want to ask your father for a loan...you wouldn't just look at him and think he knows what your wanting lol okay....you need to ask your father, as we need to ask our Heavenly Father...it's as simple as that Amen.🙏 don't get caught up in these people on these sites, for alot of them dance around the subject as one person said on here...and when you ask God, you ask him with love and respect, for he is our Heavenly Father Amen.🙏
".you wouldn't just look at him and think he knows what your wanting" yes but God is not human he knows already so that is the difference. When you look at God he already knows
@@BlackV4You that's right...but he still needs us to ask him🙏it's prayer that we ask him of our needs...as I said...God waits eagerly for us to get in touch with him through prayers...he will wait on our questions through prayers....even though he already knows our needs Amen 🙏
@@BlackV4You and our God is human...he is immortal...he created man in his own image🙏do you have a bible? If so start reading from Matthew through to the end of the new testament...if you don't have a bible...best you go get one...or download the NIV...that's the New International version Amen🙏thankyou for your comment though...for God can see your interested in knowing him 🙏
God may answer some prayers and other He might not. If He doesn’t answer it there’s always a reason but doing what mark 11:24 says helps to getting prayers answered. Mark 11:24 “Therefore I tell you, whatever you ask for in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours.”
He will not answer prayers that he has not set for you. For example, if you said “dear lord please let me and this girl get together because I love her.” If he doesn’t want you to be with her he won’t answer, same with a job, if that’s not what he planned then he won’t answer
Sometimes God’s silence is his answer. In the garden Jesus asked his Father to pass this cup from me but let it not be my will,but yours. The Father’s silence was his answer. By simply say NO! that’s an answer.
Prayers answered along with miracles... do not SAVE! It is known that Lord Jesus answered a lot of prayers made a lot of miracles and cured many in the Holy Bible. Yes Lord Jesus (God Logos) being God Creator [Revelation 21:6] can still answer prayers and yes he can still make miracles and heal anyone He chooses to anywhere in the word and anytime He wants to because He is creator God Logos and a loving Father to all. “Lord Jesus Christ is the ALPHA and the OMEGA, the CAUSE of the CREATIONAL BEGINNING, the CAUSATION OF CREATION, the SUPREME and UPMOST PURPOSE FOR ALL CREATIONS" In the case of the 10 leprous only one returns to thank him and it is not known if He was SAVED (Salvation) in the end. Any of the other leprous healed who never returned to thank Lord Jesus were also not SAVED! Being that their bodies were healed from the illness of leprosy did not mean Salvation for them. It must be clearly understood that the ~healing of the body~ , must not be confused with SALVATION which in essence is the healing of the ill-begotten heart/soul that needs purification! [Matthew 15-19] “FOR OUT OF THE HEART PROCEED EVIL THOUGHTS MURDERS ADULTERIES FORNICATIONS THEFTS FALSE WITNESS BLASPHEMIES” Furthermore the heart suffers from vainglory, ego, envy, hatred, lustiness stinginess and greed. These are equally strong passions that siege the heart at self-will and force the mind (body) in the unnatural act of sin. The purpose of the creation of His Church with Lord Jesus as High Priest and Mediator to His Father 2000 years ago was/ is the purification of the heart (only God can forgive sins) in order to enable man back to the presence of God! [Mathew5:8] “Blessed are the pure in heart: for they shall see God” Baptism, and Prayer in relationship to Salvation must be in accordance with the WILL of God as delivered by the Holy Spirit the day of Pentecost with 85 Holy Apostolic Canons that describe the WILL of God for the Salvation of man! The 85 canons of apostles www.holytrinitymission.org/books/english/cannons_apostles_rudder.htm Salvation is like a sailboat that must be made from many parts to be sail worthy. In the absence of the ~therapy from sin~ and the remaking of man into a new creation part man part god, life after death remains the same as before the coming of our Lord Jesus where there was No Hope No Salvation! [Exodus 33:20] And he said, Thou canst not see my face: for there shall no man see me, and live. Ierotheos Metropolitan of Naupaktos about Greek Orthodox Baptism “Through the "rite of birth in God", holy baptism, man's nous (mind) is illuminated, freed from slavery to sin and the devil, and is united with God. GOD IS LIGHT AND THE SAINTS IN THE HOLY SPIRIT BECOME LIGHT [Acts: 6-15] " 15 And all that sat in the He face council, looking stedfastly on him, saw his face as it had been the face of an angel. The Image and Likeness of God th-cam.com/video/ezItFNpdnVY/w-d-xo.html The word Salvation means "salvation from death" and the word "death" means the eternal separation of man from God! God bless wordpress.com/posts/jameswiliamsblog.wordpress.com
There was an episode of MASH where a bomber crew member suffered from amnesia and thought he was Christ. He said that God hears all prayers, but many times, the answer is no.
No Larry..kneeling does show that we're coming under the authority of One who is greater but the position of the body is 2nd only to the position of our spirit. If we come humbly in spirit it won't matter the position of the physical body. One can pray while working, driving, resting, kneeling, etc. To stay in a constant spirit of prayer thruout any given day would require of us to be in many positions but God honors your intentions.
So what you're saying is...my prayer is a part of God's plan. Yet, if I choose not to pray, he will have someone else pray so that his plan is still accomplished. So wouldn't that mean that my prayer is NOT a part of God's plan? if it was, then my not praying would thwart his plan. Unless God changes his mind and chooses for someone else's prayer to accomplish the same purpose once I choose not to pray...
We are like children trying to help our Father build a tree house for us. He doesn’t need our help, but he wants us to help and allows us to help because he loves us and wants a happy family. Any pain in this short life is equivalent to that painful vaccine shot you give your own baby to protect them for the rest of their life. The baby doesn’t understand why mom or dad is allowing the pain in the moment. This life is a blink of the eye compared to eternity.
If God wants the best for us and is able to make us happy why doesn't He cure cancer? Why does He kill thousands of people each year by natural disasters? If God is merciful why do thousands of children get abused by priests? Can you explain this disparity from your God?
@@TboneWTFGod does not interfere with His gift of free will. He gave Adam and Eve crucial instructions- they utilized their free will to disobey Father. All suffering, pain and evil is the result of living in a fallen world. But make no mistake-God never ever wastes the wounds. His word states that suffering ultimately produces character. It's in our weakness that HIS strength is made perfect in us. I speak from experience. At the end of the day we must decide...either we trust Our Creator, The Most High God or we trust our adversary, the devil. These are the only choices. I choose The Most High. Choose this day whom you will serve. Edit: Choosing to trust yourself is idolatry which separates you from God. Consequently, trusting yourself over God is indeed still choosing the adversary.
@@kyvministries You're confused my dear because your gad also has a Divine Plan for you. So which is it Free Will? or Divine Plan? It can't be both because one negates the other. Any thoughts?
I’m so glad God answers prayers for people to pass their tests, or not get sick before vacation. It’a so much more important than people praying for the 1,000 of kids that die everyday and get a “no” from God. It almost sounds like the 1,000’s that die in the same situation would die either way because of poison water or rotten food. Whether they pray or not. And the people that try hard and study then pray would pass their test either way. Because they studied
Not my prayer. Denied me a husband to go through with.I have been alone since 1984 when I got saved. Prayer is ridiculous. Since I am now 74 and be dead soon. The years went by. I will never accept singleness. Never will be close to God again . He has left me all alone. Am I angry you bet. Bitter you bet.
I feel sorry for you, Marsha, but that isn't how prayer works. You are "ordering" a new husband from God. That is a bit like the song "Stairway to Heaven," but isn't what God does. Jesus asked not to have to go on the Cross, a far bigger ask, but He still had to do it. Your desired husband won't just be at your door one day, stamped by God's Post Office. As an article in Readers' Digest explained, you have to listen, and that is a skill. Two bereaved people were asking God to take away their grief. Suddenly, they realized that God had been doing just that, but not in the way that they expected. He had been sending visitors to get their minds off their mourning. How many eligible bachelors or widowers have crossed your path, but you rejected them because they didn't have a label "Direct from God, special delivery?" According to that article, that is probably how God answered your prayer, but you had to listen.
Where have you been all these years since 1984? Soaking in your tears? I've been all over the place working for God and looking for you and you've been in your cry house begging God to bring me to you? No wonder I couldn't find you. You probably want me to do everything around the house while you sit on your butt and do nothing! Boy am I glad you never looked out your window.
@@douglaidlaw740 John 14: …"13And I will do whatever you ask in My name, so that the Father may be glorified in the Son. 14If you ask Me for anything in My name, I will do it." ---- care to try again with some other foolishness which doesn't directly contradict words supposedly spoken by Jesus ?
@@bonesrhodes3762 yeah let's just take that out of context without reading the entire chapter so we can make God sound like a genie here to grant our every wish
What kind of stupid question is that? Of course prayer changes Gods heart. I can testify to this a million times, and there are scriptures in Gods Word to back it up!!
It’s not a stupid question. Some people don’t know the relationship between God’s will, our free will and our prayers. It is confusing at times because any of those important factors can contradict at any time.
Rediculous! You obviously don't understand who God is. To say that you CHANGE God's mind is to say that you present God with something that He did not already know. God knows all, and that includes anything you pray even before you pray it. You don't CHANGE God's mind or heart no matter what you do.
Does prayer actually change God's mind? is the name of this clip, he outlines the problem in that it seems a paradox without any clear answer and then talks it upside down and inside out and concludes he has answered it , but at the end he is no further along than the start, i listened to it three times and came away none the wiser. sorry Dr Step but saying God has preordained everything but we have free will and petitioner prayer is possible just because it is in scripture, is meaningless. It's like saying god created the world and he also didn't create it because it says so in scripture ( I know it doesn't say any such thing but you get the point ). the only way one can deal with that question and accept it, is by not dealing with it ...
@Mark Yates so God already knows and has decided who is going to hell ? and all prayer does for those so dammed is to connect, be at peace and understand that will? really? can't you see the problem
Could it be that when we pray we determine the way in which things will come to pass in our lives? The plans of our lives will come to pass according to the will of god but when we pray , these plans are perhaps delivered in a more favorable way. For eg. Let’s say you petition to him for help to go to university. Perhaps you going to university is already a part of gods plan for your life but if you hadn’t prayed you would have struggled to come up with the finances for school (perhaps work many jobs) but when you pray and ask perhaps the approach to university becomes easier/clearer. Perhaps the opportunity for a scholarship comes your way. So...essentially your not changing gods mind regarding the end result but how you get to the end is dependent upon prayer. I feel also perhaps that the method in which things happen without prayer may cause some damage to not only our soul but bodies as well. Maybe the plan for our lives is like a fork. If you pray you get to go one way which has to lead to a better more fulfilling result. If we don’t pray then the other alternative to our lives is presented to us which could result in a shorter more woeful life. Both were already there for us...and it’s through prayer that it is finalized. I don’t know...that’s kind of my interpretation of prayer when it comes to petitioning for things. Of course prayer entails so much more than asking for things. It’s important to remember that as well. (I’m not sure if the university eg was a good enough one so let’s take another. Say you have a book to read. Reading this book is a part of your destiny according to gods will. Say before you read the book you asked for wisdom and understanding. After reading the book I would assume you would leave with a better meaning from the book. You would understand the lesson taught in the book much more and apply it to your life better leading to a more favorable result from you reading the book. Say you hadn’t prayed before; you would’ve read the book just the same but gotten nothing from it. It would’ve been just a story to you and so then you would miss out on it’s application in your life which perhaps would’ve had a profound impact. I hope that makes sense.)
We *weren't* born with Free Will. The Bible clearly tells us humans are enslaved to Sin. No Free Will to Choose God. We can NOT choose God, we would NEVER choose God, because we are enslaved in Sin. Christ breaks those chains of sin away from us, that we may 'choose" God. However, once we're saved, He has transformed us into a new creature whom is under the sovereign Will of our Creator.. again, no free will of our own. We never have actual autonomous free will. We're either enslaved to Sin, or slaves for Christ.
When Jesus was on the cross and is near death, he asks God why he has forsaken him. Why did he ask that? It's God's plan and he is the son of God so he knows what is coming. Jesus actually said he would die and be risen in three days. So, why ask God why he has forsaken him?
Jesus was not actually asking him that. He was quoting scripture. Read Psalm 22. Psalm 22 is evidence of Jesus in the Old Testament. Psalm 22 is a direct account of what was to come. ♡
The way I understand it is, that as part of this plan Jesus experienced what we would have experienced when we die and were sent to hell. A spiritual separation from god, and Jesus began to feel that in the garden. He was trying to pray to the father and he wasn't able to reach him. He is then crucified and reeling from the pain of that separation as well as all the physical pain. He would know that he was to be sacrificed but to experience that lack of gods presence was too much to bear and he called out in sorrow.
He was fulling the scripture, he is quoting one of David's poem/songs. If you read that scripture you will see that it's not a reclamation but the introduction of a statement of fait. God "separation" from Jesus was expected, but terrible.
' Prayer doesn't change God, it changes me. ' - A. Hopkins as C.S. Lewis in "Shadowlands" (not verbatim)
I don't care who said it tell me how
@@nicholasr82 No. I am not C.S. Lewis. It was Lewis who was quoted; he's dead.⚰️
@@nicholasr82 Are you asking how prayer changes you or (a person) I should say?
@@makinghistory20 either and your answer has to be experience not imagination or churchianity has to be real Christianity. (don't take offence).
@@nicholasr82 Absolutely! One of the easiest questions I’ve ever had to answer. I know prayer changes me.
Faith and trust matter too. Romans 8:28 “And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose”. So I carry on in life knowing that everything that happens even if it’s bad will still work in my favor in the bigger picture. Sometimes when bad things are happening I find myself asking God to change that situation but then I remember that I’m going through that situation for a reason. I pray for understanding, to not miss the message He’s trying to send me. I also know that His grace and mercy is with me so through prayer I’m building my faith and leaning on Him more and more. Slowly but surely I come out stronger. And as my faith and relationship grow (through prayer) I’m better equipped to deal with what comes next.
The greatest enemy of knowledge isnt lack of knowledge it is believing you already know
That is religion/faith in a nutshell.
Man is the co-ruler of life on earth. He bears a part of the responsibility to bring Goodness to pass...both in his own life and in that of others. God intends not to do anything on earth without Man's knowledge and cooperation. This is why God would listen to Man's prayer.
One of the greatest works of "cultivating the garden" is praying for others.
The role of prayer is quite simple - to ask God for what we want. God will decide whether we need it and will give it to us if we do.
Our lives are our responsibility not God's. If we need something but we do not ask for it God has no obligation to give it.
ThandaM better said. Quick, to the point. Less confusing, but we could add in "what others may need".
@@thelonelyartist711 well indeed. If our desire is for the welfare of others (as it should be) we can also pray for them. And again God will decide if its necessary and give or withhold accordingly
@@user-kf7tt2vk6t Yep. God never promised a simple or easy life to anyone. And freedom of choice means freedom to make the wrong choices as well.
@@user-kf7tt2vk6t Nope, Job's friends blamed Job for the difficulties in his life. I have not blamed you or your wife for the rape she suffered. I simply mentioned a fact of life that God has never promised that life will be easy.
I also mentioned the fact that God has given each of us the power to choose good or evil. The power to choose evil would be useless if God stopped everyone who tried to make a bad choice. God has to let people make their bad choices even when they hurt innocent people so that either they can learn from their mistakes or so that at the last day they evil deeds may used against them in the Final Judgement.
Prayer is not going make you escape every bad thing in life. Even the Son of God prayed "Father take this cup from me, nevertheless not my will be done but thine". And we know that Jesus had a difficult life despite being perfect. How then will we who also make bad choices escape having hardships in life?
Pastor Tony Evans explained it this way: God answering prayers can be compared to a TV Channel and a TV. The channels are always there but it does not connect to the your TV until you you connect it. Similarly prayers are answered because you ask for it, it's there God is just waiting for you to ask. Ask and it shall be given.
I hope I explained it OK.
Dear brother, there are lot of explanations which would suggest or tell us that every thing is determined by god and our prayer doesn't change situations but only change me. I did not get this logic. If my prayers do nothing why would I pray. What I mean here is, if I am sick I prayed god and he healed me is what my understanding. Timing might vary. But his is already determined to heal or not heal, then there is no point of praying. It's like irrespective of prayer, god operates things as per his plan. Sounds like god is dictator, not only in this concept. I am exploring all these concepts and everytime explanations or beliefs or understanding is such that everything is attributed to god and man is like puppet, I don't think it is. Your explanation has better way but people are denying it..
Anyone who believes what your pastor and this guy says, will most likely become more delusional.
I give a 9.7 for the mental gymnastics this guy just did.
Lmao couldn't get any more confusing.
Mental gymnastics belongs to their absolute first aid survival kit when being roasted by knowledgeable scholars - which they anyway mostly avoid......fir very obvious reasons.....😋😂
@@martinwagner7361 when you mean knowledgeable scholars if you mean philosophers of religion and theology, about 75% of these are Bible believing Christian
@@jackbolland9628 I guess my comment speaks for itself what kind of guys I call knowledgeable Jack.....surely NOT these jokers from bible seminaries whose conclusions ohh wonder ooh wonder always fits so nearly with the doctrine of the seminary presented.....😉😂
@@jackbolland9628 After I had a NearDeathExperience over 13y ago I was pretty furious about these Scammers of Christianity with their demonic shit of Doctrines worth NOTHING, actually in regards to the REALITY of GOD first hand experienced by myself a total BLASPHEMY making a demon God who supposedly sends people forever to hell and needs his son butchered to appease his nonsensical wrath with a lust for blood......As the hardcore Atheist that I was I should have gone straight to hell which didn't happen, just the exact opposite- received by EXCRUCIATING Love. So what do these Bullshitters KNOW : NOTHING.
Therefore they can be roasted by anyone who truly knows.....not only NearDeathExperiencers though first and foremost they, obviously.....
But there are as well good scholars like Bart Ehrmann whom I salute for the fact that he started his journey as a scholar as a Christian Fundamentalist only to find out that it was all Mumbo jumbo and THEN having the scientific INTEGRITY to present his research results DESPITE going against his very preferences- an integrity these lousy Scammers could only dream off.
Plus all the damage they cause to multimillion of people with their dark demonic and FALSE Doctrines.
Search Bart Ehrmann if you want an internationally renowned Scholar with INTEGRITY Jack...
Interestingly enough Bart confirmed everything I experienced in my NDE and later spiritual Quest but UNFORTUNATELY he draw the entirely wrong conclusions: just because the Doctrines of Christianity ARE FALSE , the entire Niccaen Creed yes - so Jesus neither died for the forgiveness of our sins for his psycho pathological Daddy nor is Jesus God etc.etc. and all of that doesn't mean GOD doesn't exist, that's Barts unfortunate conclusion most likely because he was so heavily imprinted with all these extremely pathological Doctrines.....
The reason I have such a harsh contempt for them is simply that I see the devastating damage they do to humanity first hand in the hospice that I volunteer - either these Doctrines turn you into an Atheist (and I'm still waiting for an happily dying Atheist) or they scare you into beLIEving in a "god" that will probably send you to eternal punishment......I became the first since already in Sunday school I smelled the foul cake of Christianity with so called Pastors and Volunteers as "Teachers" that were just unable to answer any of the more intelligible questions and therefore we treated it as a kind of fairytale show just good enough for a lot of jokes amongst us Youngsters but surely NOT good enough to be ever taken seriously.......
And the way God was presented to us as this harshly judgmental Authority figure sending Rascals like us all too eagerly into everlasting torment neither was very inviting...yet the REALITY of GOD that I experienced 35y later I WOULD HAVE LOVED to know most intimately my ENTIRE LIFE. WHO wouldn't like to experience the most exquisite, purest LOVE with NO STRINGS ATTACHED......?
It would spared me many hopeless years as an Atheist - and I'm absolutely convinced that Jesus taught this truth originally to his disciples but that it got later on corrupted by Christianity. ...
Not only would the Truth give an immense assurance for our dying people but even more so to our LIVING People who could live fully instead of crippled by fear and left empty by the vanity of our collective Consumerism, our common substitute for God.....
At least we have by now many thousands of profound testimonies of NearDeathExperiences, one doesn't even need to experience it but can get at least some sense of it as enough sincere Experiencers are willing to share it publicly- which is quite a big step as nobody wants to have the most intimate Experience of their entire Life mocked and defiled by some Scoffers and their shaky egocentric "What I haven't experienced yet can't exist" world view.
With the advancement of modern resuscitation techniques we will get more and more NDEs and more & more verifiable data - that alone gives reason to a LOT of optimism as much research for the survival of Consciousness independent from death of the physical body WILL take place with many of the most intelligent Researchers challenging our primitive outdated material reductionists "model" of Consciousness leading to a real PARADIGM SHIFT in the future as the outcome of all the research will hopefully have a deepest impact on our whole way of Life with its many ethical inefficiencies, after all the REALITY of GOD is far too exciting and exhilarating with its countless meaningful implications then to just leave it for Religion......😉😱
I don't think this discussion really answers the question: "Does Prayer Change God's Mind?" A simple, down-to-earth example: someone I know is sick with cancer. People pray for the person's healing. Do those prayers change God's mind in such a way that he heals the cancer? If not, then the question arises... Did not enough people pray? Did they not pray sincerely enough? Or, was the faith of those who prayed too weak to influence God to change His mind? What is the purpose of prayer if it does not change God's mind? I am comfortable with God's sovereignty and his providential orchestrations either way. I am comfortable praying in earnest regardless of the outcome. But it is a hard thing to explain to others that prayer, though very important, does not change God's mind in such outcomes.
Exactly .. this is what I’m struggling with at the moment .. does he choose who he heals and who he doesn’t ? To say he heals one person and not the other well , just doesn’t seem right to me .. also why do devote and faithful Christians spreading the word of god get horrible terrible diseases that make them suffer the last year’s of their life ... where’s this “protection”
Hmm.... Deep. This is wheri feel the words of Jesus that if we pray according to his will he will answer us. We have to move according to his will not our flesh and our desires. A close relationship with the holy spirit grants us this. Also Jesus has said he that beleives in me this signs shall follow them. So when preaching to unbelievers if theres any amongst then that is sick. If you are truly know christ and you are not led by your flesh in his name they shall be healed. Im a testimony of the many times God has answered. We just have to be kore closer to him to know his will. I guess thatd why at times it feels he isn't listening. Even christ before he died wished for a moment he didn't go through suffering but he asserted not as i will but as you will
A personal relationship with God is very important, that comes through prayer
Not even Muslim are that pathetic that they claim to have a relationship with Muhammad.
Prayer is communicating with father God. I'm praying to thank him. I'm not going to change his mind about His perfect plans.
Oh now that is truly sad.
@@billgamelson9964 man
I have heard it said, and I agree, that while prayer changes nothing, it accomplishes everything.
This "answer" was all over the place.
These men from the Southern Seminary are some of the best performers of mental gymnastics I've ever heard
twisted pretzels
I have watched many videos produced by Roman Catholic, Lutheran Church Missouri Synod, and Southern Baptist Convention theologians and they are all super sure of their take on the Bible. They are well meaning, wonderfully qualified , men who have studied the Bible on a level way beyond most of us. They sometimes are almost in agreement. More often , they review the same passages of scripture and conclude differently.
What are we to believe? We are to believe that somehow, by a great mystery , and unfathomable set of circumstances we are born into sin. What is sin? It is disobedience to God. And it goes on from there.
it's more than mental gymnastics: it is also deeply based in intentional intellectual dishonesty - their evasion and double-speak is purposeful and they are fully aware of what they are doing --- they should change their site from 'honestanswers' to 'lying-for-Jesus'
There would be simpler ways of answering this. To the question "If God is omnipotent and omniscient, why pray?" one might reply "Why do anything?" Praying that it doesn't rain is not substantially different from carrying an umbrella in terms of not getting wet. It would seem that God wants some input on our part rather than doing everything for us. Also, if God is omniscient, who is to say that feedback from us, including in the form of prayers, is not part of the mechanism of that omniscience?
What about when Moses changes Gods mind when God repented on killing them off
im very late to this reply but as a calvinist, God does not change his will, however he changes his mind, ill explain, when you pray something like moses prayed to God to not kill the Jews, he "changed" his mind, but God knew that he would change his mind through his predestined will, God's will was to allow moses prayer, he knew he was going to change his mind, and that was his will. Hopefully that cleared up.
No one can change God's mind. But if God wills due to your Righteousness and true love for Him He can do things which you may not have expected.
Love that you tackled this question
It is precisely because I believe in God's sovereignty that I lose any reason for praying. Nothing I can say will do anything, and despite watching this whole video, I still don't see how that fact changes.
What should I pray for? I can't know His plans, so whatever I ask for, whatever I pray for, isn't going to happen b/c I don't have the foresight to know what God is going to do.
The ONLY thing I can reasonably pray at any point is a submissive prayer, "Thy Will be done."
That's it. In the last year? 2 years? That's the only prayer I can seem to feel like isn't a waste of time. Just telling Him, "I submit to your will."
As if He doesn't already know that anyway... So.. again... what's the point aside from that he says, 'pray without ceasing?"
I pray without ceasing, for something that likely won't ever happen (life's experience shows 99.9% of my prayers for friends, family, nation go completely unanswered/'NO."), I pray, Thy Will be Done, which is going to be done whether I pray or not, my petitions to Him aren't going to change His mind, nor would I want them to, as He knows better than I anyway...
I just don't see the point of prayer. I don't know what I'm supposed to accomplish with praying about random things that may or may not happen b/c it's God's Will whether it happens or not and He doesn't change.
It keeps you in communement with Him. Prayer doesnt have to be a list of "i wants". It can be a conversation. It can be expressing your fears or your joy. It can be anything. The point of prayer is that your stay connected to Him at all times.
"Does prayer actually change God's mind?"
"Let me explain how God's sovereignty and prayer can coexist." [proceeds to explain that if you don't pray, someone else will pray the same thing]
OK look. First of all, sovereign God sometimes *willfully* withholds his hand waiting for prayer to happen. James 4:2b says, "You do not have because you do not ask God." Secondly, the thing I've noticed about Calvinists and anyone else who only sees God through the lens of "sovereign" is that they get hung up on God's eternal nature and immutability, and they ignore the fact that God is *multi-dimensional* .. On one hand, God lives eternally, He laid out the world's and its containing universe's timeline like a movie reel. On the other hand, God has entered into this timeline, He has engaged with His creation, and is actively participating in it with us as we experience the sequence of events. In this sense, God is not just eternal, He is *present* with us. As such, the relationship God has with humankind is just that--a relationship. He relates to us, and as such He has designed our world such that we are not on a robotic rail, we engage with Him, and the Bible has multiple examples of where *God being present actually, literally, changes his mind* . The ancient verbiage translates as "repents". Regardless, little of this relates to the value of prayer "motivating" God. God, who is indeed sovereign, awaits His hand as He awaits our ask. That's how He likes to do it, because He wants an engaged relationship with us.
This was one of the most helpful clue of my Christian life. A great biblical answer for me in my despair. May God bless you hundredfold for your great ministry.
It’s important to pray for exactly what God says is already gonna happen. Then God can answer those prayers because that’s what he was already planning on doing.
How to answer a question without answering the question
It's called "circular reasoning" or hyperbole.
All genuine prayer is led of the Spirit of God who knows the mind of God and helps us in our intercession in relation to what to ask for. God inhabits eternity and is not subject to time, so He knows what He intends to do and lays that conviction on the heart of the one who prays.
therefore prayer is useless, you are asking for what god wants you to ask for, literally. What a useless act to partake in. Literally asking God for what God has made you desire to ask...
so he makes you want x, you want x and so have to pray for x to the very entity that gave you the desire!?
Tefilla does not mean “beg” it literally means to analyze yourself. God doesn’t need prayer. It’s not for meant for God, but for us.
In the story of Sodom & Gomorrah, God's mind is changed through prayer. Initially He was just going to destroy the cities & everyone in them, but through prayer Abraham pleaded with God until He said that He would spare the cities for the sake of one righteous person.
Ah, so God not only doesn't have a "perfect" plan, but his decisions are obviously not always the best ones if he changed his first choice.
But your apologetics can cover all the bases, including 5th base.
@@atheistangel007 Lmaoooooo
We are Him so our ideas are considered and weighed of course otherwise we’d have no reason to exist. We are gathering information honing and recording perfect love from macro to micro. His plan is laid out plain and simple, unless we require otherwise of Him. Mark 11:24-25, Matthew 6 is important in this regard as well.
With humble love : Calvinists fumble this topic all the time because they actually say God’s decisions are the cause of all things and the Bible is clear that it would be a misunderstanding of the Bible to think that .. Double talk is not God’s way. But when you relinquish a MAN’s teaching, CALVINS, you will see God and his sovereignty the right way as he teaches in the Bible of himself .
I'd say that prayer changes us/ our plans and not God's will. Keeping it simple I would like to picture two roads one adjacent to each other if our life is prayerfully lived we go to the path of God's will while if we don't have prayers within us we go the other way which is our worldy desires.
I for one opine that God DOES often change His Mind, and often in response to our prayers. God would have changed His Mind about Sodom and Gommorrah if enough people had prayed and repented. I understand that St. Thomas Aquinus taught that God does sometimes change His Mind but, since all time is present to God, God foresees that He will change His Mind.
If he knows he will change his mind, than there's no changing, because he KNEW from the beginning what will happen and transpire in time ahead. Change by definition means different course of action from the planned one. If there is ONLY the planned one, there's NO CHANGE OF COURSE OF ACTION, thus no change of mind.
@@bogdanvojnovic989 I understand what you are saying but I'm not sure that is the clearest way to look at it. At least from the human perspective, from where we stand in the scheme of things, It seems to me clearer to say that God might change His mind if enough people pray, or He might change His original plan if someone commits a grievous enough sin, like for instance Adam and Eve.
I certainly do agree that God is not indecisive and that He doesn't change His mind on whims or caprices.
Consistancy is not a strong point with some theologians. "Prayer works," but it doesn't really do anything. Biblically, prayer is not some way to manipulate God. Rather, it is designed for us to acknowledge who He is, what He is doing and to willingly submitting to it. If I pray for a new house, and I get a new house, that does not mean my prayer "worked." That means I prayed and I got a new house...two separate things. God's promise is to give us deep spiritual satisfaction, not to give us material things. "Blessing equals material things" is a distinctly western thought pattern and is left over from the Old Covenant. Under the New Covenant, prayer deals with the eternal, not the temporal. Fortunately for those in oppressed and persecuted areas, the temporal is of little importance to God or man. Prayer is for God's benefit in that it acknowledges who He is in all of His majesty and power, and for our benefit as we discover what He's doing and getting on board with it. In His sovereignty, God has determined to give us freedom to choose to follow Him through Christ or not. He has also given us the freedom to commune with Him in prayer, or not. It is to our benefit to choose to commune with Him in prayer.
Does that mean God can't heal my schizophrenia?
Can you prove that a God exist? Are praying to your self, meditating, building up your own confidence and then go out and work toward your goals, but giving a invisible God credit, plus your money.
Johann Schultz I get the angst with all of this Johann, I’ve struggled with the idea of prayer... a lot. I agree with parts of what people say but am baffled by a whole lot of stuff said, especially the pre-programmed Christianeeze stuff.
My father died at a young age and it was so disappointing, I prayed with as much “faith” as I could, still died.
Yet, I have seen very specific and meaningful requests answered, not just things that fit with Gods redemptive plan, like, personal meaningful likes that I have. As I write this, I still struggle to pray faithfully for more “noble” things but I think there is still something to this thing called prayer.
Stay strong dear, you are a special gem in the eyes of the maker. Sincerely, Dennis
@@jrwatson4265, God’s existence can be proven and has been to the satisfaction of hundreds of millions of people. And the arguments against his existence are absurd. Even intelligent people like Christopher Hitchens have to resort to ridiculous arguments in order to attack Christianity (sadly, Hitchens is experiencing an eternity in torment…which is a high price to pay for a few dozen years of sinful living and the accolades of people who will meet his same fate).
Book recommendations:
The Irrational Atheist
I Don’t Have Enough Faith To Be An Atheist
Evidence That Demands a Verdict, Vol 1 and 2
“A young man who wishes to remain a sound atheist cannot be too careful of his reading.“ - CS Lewis
“Under the New Covenant, prayer deals with the eternal, not the temporal.”
You seem to be saying we shouldn’t pray for temporal, and especially material, things. James says the opposite in chapter 4:
“You covet but you cannot get what you want, so you quarrel and fight. You do not have because you do not ask God.”
The clear implication is that they SHOULD ask God but haven’t. He then adds an important detail for those who do ask:
“When you ask, you do not receive, because you ask with wrong motives, that you may spend what you get on your pleasures.”
So, while God isn’t an ATM from which we can pull endless piles of cash to “live your best life now!”, there is nothing wrong with praying for temporal things. There is nothing in the NT that says such prayers are restricted to people who lived under the Old Covenant.
If it doesn't affect what god does, then that would mean that prayer is pointless. Where does that leave religions? If it does affect what god does, then god is not perfect, as he has had his mind changed. Where does that leave religions? Either way, it's not good for all the gods.
//then that would mean that prayer is pointless//
Nailed it.
It's because prayers are not a "make your request to the genie God up in the sky" It's supposed to be a DECLARATION OF DEPENDANCE!!!!
oh it's essentially useless in it's effects, all it's meant to do is remind us just how helpless we are...wow never thought of it like that, thanks.
Or, how can you distract a busy God to focus him on your tiny problem. That seems blasphemous to me. Doesn’t He know what to do without you telling Him? Anyone who prays has very big balls as they are commanding God Himself. I would never do such a thing.
Sorry, but after hearing all that it still seems to me that you didn't answer the question "Does prayer actually change God's mind?"
King Hezekiah seemed to think so. For 15 years. Did he have a credit card?
It should be obvious to most people the answer is "of course not!"
I didn't hear an "honest answer" to the question. Sounds like he's saying people should only pray for what they know God is already going to do. Unfortunately, for some reason, God is a lot more cryptic these days is communications with humans, or at least it seems that way.
In my opinion----and I emphasize that it is only a human opinion---God DOES sometimes change His Mind, in answer to a prayer of petition.
In scripture, at the wedding at Cana, Jesus (God) changed water into wine after His mother petitioned Him to do so. This was Jesus' first public miracle and it launched His public ministry. But Jesus' original plan was to launch His public ministry at some other time and place. So clearly here God did change His Mind after a prayer of petition.
Prayer changes things.
It is pretty mysterious I will say
And since he's omniscient, He already new the petition would come.
"Prayer changes things."
Then a "perfect plan" is impossible.
But curious why GOD would do party tricks, but not use its power to save suffering children?
It seems its priorities are all fucked up, and obviously, so are yours.
@@joshmamba8053 That makes absolutely zero sense.
@@codymarkley8372 Yep, almost as "mysterious" as a _flat Earth._
I think the key is found in Gods will, not according to our selfish desires. 1 John 5:14-15 (CSB) 14 This is the confidence we have before him: If we ask anything according to his will, he hears us. 15 And if we know that he hears whatever we ask, we know that we have what we have asked of him. James puts it in another way. James 4:3 (CSB) You ask and don’t receive because you ask with wrong motives, so that you may spend it on your pleasures. See, people; Often it’s the case, that God knows what and why we ask for stuff. James is saying don’t ask with the wrong intentions or desires of the heart because you won’t get anything from the Lord.
Gods is infinity in all his attributes, he sees all time as one and sees all butterfly effects. He has infinity unlimited processing powers for ultimate game theory. And he wants us to struggle, grow, care, trust in him, rely on him, for he is a good Father who wants his children to overcome by the power of the shed blood of Jesus and the Spirit
How do you know that’s true? Can you demonstrate your god’s existence?
@@2l84me8 The fact that we are communicating should be a good start. It may sound goofy, but you can ask him if you are willing. There is plenty of apologetics on the internet. If he is real and there is more than this life, should it not need an hour of research.
@@douglasanderson1276 The huge difference here is that I can communicate with you and receive direct feedback. There is no such equivalent with your god nor is there a reason to try with a specific one when there is currently no evidence for any god.
OK. Then all is meaningless. Where did all the known and unknown come from?
It is still a worth pursuit to at least consider there is more than this broken world that screams that all things are broken (pain)
@@douglasanderson1276 That isn’t a response nor is that a good reason to believe without evidence, let alone attempt to communicate with no feedback at all.
I've considered that perhaps God who not only carries out his divine will in the world also divinely wills us to pray a certain way at times which would be in alignment with what He ends up carrying out. Otherwise it's just rolling the dice. I've listened to many a Christian complain bitterly that they prayed their hearts out to God and that He did not grant their requests.
Do I believe that I must pray for God's will to take place in my life for it to happen? No. For example I never prayed for Him to make me a believer, to give me faith. I would not have even considered such an idea back then. In any case His will, not mine was done. Jesus told us to pray that His will be done, so we're bending our will to His, or perhaps that's His work as well:
Php 2:12 Therefore, my beloved, as you have always obeyed, so now, not only as in my presence but much more in my absence, work out your own salvation with fear and trembling,
Php 2:13 for it is God who works in you, both to ___will___ and to ___work___ for his good pleasure.
Then you can say God already knew what everyone would pray for which was already factored into his plans.
There are many options of the paths to God's sovereign plan. He seems to allow some changes to be affected along the way through prayer without ever changing His preordained final outcome. Prayer does not change the purpose of God but it can change the actions He takes to accomplish it.
so you can surprise God? if God is found changing his mind what exactly would that mean? (is he not ever constant in his thoughts, means and intent)
if the outcome is preordained, then prayer is useless
@@justicemo9090 there were times when Jesus was amazed with peoples faith
@@samuelmansman4828 then Jesus was not omniscient, God is omniscient, therefore Jesus is not God... (that's for mainstream christianity).
@@justicemo9090 Philippians 2:7 states that he emptied himself. Which means he put that aside to dwell with us and to live the human life. That doesn’t mean he wasn’t God, he still was able to read peoples thoughts and what not. I’m sure The Lord wants to hear his children with fresh ears sometimes and put aside his all knowing stature. Look at God more personally, not only as a God but also as a father. God bless friend hope this helps :) ♥️💯
Thank you lord Jesus Christ for restoration in my marriage with my husband Floyd
My opinion is that praying works for the person that's praying and opens them up and from a scientific perspective in this dimension of reality energies match energies so it can't be a bad thing to draw in "like energies" that creates higher energy around us. In that respect it would be advantageous for us to pray. But not with an expectation toward a certain result. If someone was meant to die at a certain age, no amount of praying is going to change that. We should accept that we do not have all the information on this subject maybe never will because our senses limit our experience in this dimension. We are consciousness squeezed into a meat suit that will eventually die and we will continue on as pure consciousness.
prayer changes OUR minds. god does not have a mind, he IS mind and we are just a piece of that
ok...good luck with that one.
In short, yes prayer can change God’s mind if the prayer is according to His will and character. I would’ve liked for him to give examples of God saying He would do something and then various men of God praying for Him to do something different. There are many examples of this!
Has prayer ever resolved serious problems you have had? Can you offer an example?
I pray that another persons prayers don’t get answered.
Who wins?
How is God's mind going to change according to his will and character? It would remain exactly the same
Yes... Prayer is all about relationship between God and man.
Really? And how do you know it's a god let alone your chosen god?
Did it show you at least 2 forms of ID?
This was not an answer to the question.
I agree, the question was never answered. Either prayer changes God’s mind or it doesn’t. If it does, then can someone else pray for a different outcome and change his mind again?
So, prayer can't and won't change anything (because God has everything planned), but it's still important because...and this is where his explanation goes off the rails and becomes unintelligible. Given that God is omniscient and knows the (already entirely planned out) future, the only thing your prayer might conceivably change is how you feel about the subject of your prayer. Pray for your child to beat cancer. It won't change anything--hundreds of children die of cancer every day, as per God's plan--but it might make you feel better.
“If I don’t pray for something, can I thwart God?” No, because if you don’t pray for something then God didn’t pre-ordain you to pray for it.
the Q&A Pre-ordain? Doesn't that go against the 'free will' that God has given us?
Very good statement! We only pray through what He knew before!
"7 And the Lord said to Moses, “Go down, for your people, whom you brought up out of the land of Egypt, have corrupted themselves. 8 They have turned aside quickly out of the way that I commanded them. They have made for themselves a golden calf and have worshiped it and sacrificed to it and said, ‘These are your gods, O Israel, who brought you up out of the land of Egypt!’” 9 And the Lord said to Moses, “I have seen this people, and behold, it is a stiff-necked people. 10 Now therefore let me alone, that my wrath may burn hot against them and I may consume them, in order that I may make a great nation of you.”
11 But Moses implored the Lord his God and said, “O Lord, why does your wrath burn hot against your people, whom you have brought out of the land of Egypt with great power and with a mighty hand? 12 Why should the Egyptians say, ‘With evil intent did he bring them out, to kill them in the mountains and to consume them from the face of the earth’? Turn from your burning anger and relent from this disaster against your people. 13 Remember Abraham, Isaac, and Israel, your servants, to whom you swore by your own self, and said to them, ‘I will multiply your offspring as the stars of heaven, and all this land that I have promised I will give to your offspring, and they shall inherit it forever.’” 14 And the Lord relented from the disaster that he had spoken of bringing on his people." (Exodus 32:7-14, ESV)
We can infer then that God does in some sense "change his mind." How exactly that works, I don't know. I'm not God. The point is that prayer is important and we should pray to Father God.
The exact same scriptures I referenced to prove this point...lets not forget when hezekiah was told to set his house in order because the Lord said He would soon die...but he prayed earnestly and God added 15 more years 2 his life...or when Jesus was not set to do any works or miracles but his mother prayed that the water be turned into wine abd He ANSWERED and manifested her request just to name a few ...seems to me alot of changes were made by God after petitioned by man...
Prayer, the more often one prays to Lord God, not showy, in private, one becomes holier day by day, and a far better person, closer and closer to God.
Prayer is the key and its our master key!
try understanding the logic behind the entire video... or are you just faithing it through
try understanding the logic behind the entire video... or are you just faithing it through
Isaiah 38:5 talks about how Hezekiah repented and lived 15 years more. God changes his mind if we repent and humble ourselves before him.
But it’s not really changing His mind. He knew that he would pray and He was prepared to answer that prayer.
After reading the sarcastic unbelieving comments it comes down to this, for those who do believe no explanation is necessary. For those who don’t believe no explanation is possible. Deal with it !
But we have reality to deal with those who do believe and claim that their prays get answered.
If I was a believer, I'll be praying to see a real change in the way the Laws of physics work on this planet. I'll put an end to any kinds of accidents that affect lives on earth in horrific way.
Just think about that.
Or you could just admit you can't prove any "god" exists...but that would require intellectual honesty and to let go of your ego, and we all know that isn't going to happen.
@@420kerbster Yeah, and Elvis made me pancakes today 😋
@@flashoftruth You too!!
Prayer is a self-indulgent delusion. If a god existed to answer conflicting prayers of self-centered humans, the god would not have any will left over for itself. I suggest it is only because humans are so unruly and judgmental of each other, that so many are willing to place faith in the existence of a judge-mental god. As the Roman historian Polybius once said, “Since the masses of the people are inconstant, full of unruly desires, passionate, and reckless of consequences, they must be filled with fears to keep them in order. The ancients did well, therefore, to invent gods, and the belief in punishment after death.”
Personally I am not a Calvinist due to its fallible logistics in predestination and prayer (though not in all Calvinistic beliefs), so I think open theism works well with the doctrine because God has changed His mind before from prayers, such as having spared judging Nineveh after the Assyrians repented (when Jonah preached there).
Why is God so judgmental? Why can't He just be careless and let the world operate without intervention if the world seems to work well without Him? Because those who live to do evil until death would get exactly what they want, and those who live to be just and righteous only suck wind in meaninglessness, and die anyway. Are religions made to brainwash societies to obey hierarchies? I can't say the motives for all world religions, but their fundamental intents were to resolve the fear of death. Except we have a standard of substantiation to prove God exists and the fundamental of what Christianity really is (though I do agree Christianity has been abused as an agent of governance in the past).
I would fear that if there is no God, then those who are as depraved as me would get away with what all their hearts desired, along with thieves, murderers, rapists, pedophiles, sex traffickers, and terrorists. Even worse, that “evil” and “good” would be delusional concepts. How strange would the world have to be, that if humanity thirsted for justice and righteousness to the ends of the earth, that justice is nothing but an illusion used to control people? Why thirst for water where there is no such a thing? What would be the moral difference between cutting off a head of lettuce and my neighbor's head off? We would either be insane or deterministic. Because I desire to be good like everybody else does, and I am not, morals rustle in a forest of objective truth. Otherwise, why try to be good without a standard or reason to? If it is not so that I hurt people, then what stops you from always getting away with hidden evil such as theft? Your conscience of course. And otherwise, the ten commandments would be good advice instead of laws bearing repercussions if there is no justice in the afterlife. Thus Jesus was right, "Blessed are those who do hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they shall be filled." (Mat 5:6) And, “There appoints a man the day of his death and after this comes to him the Judgement” (Hebrews 9:27). Justice is served in the afterlife, eternal life offered to everyone who is willing to receive it, and mercy granted to the repentant. Hell proves we have a free will to spend eternity with God or without Him. No one will be in heaven against their will. Hell is not vile completely because God made it vile, rather being anywhere far from God’s presence will all that is good also be far (life, strength, goodness, joy, etc.) That is our fulfillment; our thirst for righteousness is quenched (Proverbs 11:4). But only through Jesus Christ only can we inherit the righteousness we decided to not muster for ourselves, so we will be saved from the wrath we duly deserve (Romans 6:23) by repenting and putting our faith in Christ. Without Christ, He will judge you by your conscience that both defends you and condemns you, and you will receive the wages of your sin fairly.
We also have another thirst for knowing why we exist and why existence exists. The same thirst for justice and being good is axiomatic for moral standards. Why not a thirst for knowing our being also be axiomatic for a super intelligent conscious being?
When I pray, coincidents happen. When I don't pray, coincidents don't happen.
Nonsense, you just notice them more...
why don't you pray to win the lottery 😂
@wanda taylor You love your interpretation of what you think "god" _is,_ gods are "man-made" too.
Good drugs + awesome brain? Why would it take certain "conditions" in order to _meet these entities?_ If I am an entity that can communicate in this realm, I am going to do so and not leave the conditions being met for contact up to those in this realm. Harry Houdini swore that if it was at all possible for his "soul to return" that he would do so and so far, not once since his death has he done so...doesn't mean it's not possible, but the odds look rather slim. Granted there is still much we do not understand, but I will save that for another discussion.
"Amazing" is a place in one's mind...just like "Heaven" & "Hell".
Agreed, but as long as humans exist they will find ways to abuse & fuck things up...such is our nature.
Back atcha. :)
So many times, so many specific requests, so many prayers answered completely but sometimes in manners and ways I couldn't imagine. Faithful GOD.
Prayer moves God to hear and contemplate your prayer
When they were drawing straws to see who got what topic, this guy lost.
Faith can do all things
Have you looked at the definition of faith?
Faith is the excuse people give when they have no good response for their actions.
Prayer is the cooperation of man being in agreement with God's will. That is God and man living, moving, working, and acting together through prayer, that when we pray we pray with the Holy Spirit in our spirit. For it is the Spirit of Jesus who is God that prays in our prayer. That God heart desire is to bring in His kingdom here to earth. For example Jesus taught us to pray in Matt. 6:10: "Your kingdom come, Your will be done in heaven, so also on earth. That God's heart desire is for God and man to be one in His move to bring heaven to earth, that is only through the Body of Christ the church being built up together with the believers in Christ here on earth today, that is through the Body of Christ the church here on earth so that God's authority can be expressed through the corporate Christ which are all the believers. When all the churches in all the nation are built up in the resurrection and life of Christ and are all living in their mingled spirit far above the enemies of God by been seated on the throne in God in Christ above God's enemies in the heavens then God will put Satan and the enemies under the Church feet. That is we need the corporate Christ the Church which are all the saved saints to be living a life of transcendency far above Satan and his authorities who are the evil spirits in the heavens and air. That we need to pray for the Body of Christ the saints to be built up into Christ resurrectionon and life. That the Church needs the expression of Christ. That is whatever Christ attained and obtained through His resurrection is being transmitted to the Body of Christ, that is the Church is living in resurrection, that God's power toward the believers is the same as the power He caused to operate in Christ. That Christ is the Head and the saints His believers are His Body here on earth to represent Him. That is the Body participate in the power that operates in the Head. That the first power that God caused to operate in Christ raised Christ from the dead. This power has overcome death, the grave, and Hades. Death and Hades could not hold Christ. Second, the power that God caused to operate in Christ seated Christ at God's right hand in the heavenlies far above all. Third, the power that God caused to operate in Christ, was subjected all things under His feet, Christ being far above all is one thing. His having all things subjected under His feet is another. The former is Christ's transcendency, the latter, the subjection of all things to Him. Fourth, God's power that He caused to operate in Christ gave Christ to be Head over all things to the church. Christ's Headship over all things is a gift from God to Him. It was through God's surpassingly great power that Christ received Headship the universe. That to the church implies a kind of transmission. Whatever Christ, the Head has attained and obtained is transmitted to the church, His Body. In this transmission to the church shares with Christ in all His attainments, the resurrection from the dead, His being seated in His transcendency, the subjection of all things under His feet, and the headship over all things. That Christ has the fourfold power the resurrection power, the ascending power, the subjecting power, and the heading up power which all fourfold power is being transmitted to the church the Body of Christ Eph. 1:19:23. And that the Church with all the built up believers in Christ is what going to bring in God's kingdom and also bring Christ back, that this is what God's heart desire is for the Church in all the nations to be built up in Christ and to expressed Christ's victory that God may have the glory in the church in Christ Jesus unto all generations. And that Satan will be destroyed through the corporate Christ. That this is what we pray for because this meets God's needs and also our needs that both God and man want to do away with Satan and his kingdom of darkness, that we stand on God side in Christ and pray for the Body of Christ the churches that all the believers in every nation to be strengthened and empower and built up in the Lord to bring the Lord back. That is the Body of Christ the Church should be displaying the victory over the enemy by living a crucified life in Christ.
Loads of Bullshit here. Prayer is a placebo of you believe that the mind of God doesn't change.
@@RealMadridArsenal17 lol God is the same yesterday, today, and forever. That His will has always been about Him and that man is the center of His economy. That is God's heart desire has always been that man created as a corporate vessel for His dwelling in man's spirit to rule with man here on earth and not just from the heavens. For the heavens is His throne where He exercise His authority and also within man as His corporate expression. For this was the purpose of why He created man for. That God's mind has always been the same from eternity pass right up to this very day that when God has His corporate man, the one new man which He created on the cross in Christ to head up all things in Himself in Christ Jesus then God's enemy which is death who is Satan will be put under the the Body of Christ the Church and rhus He will the Jews and the Gentiles will be made one. It is called God dispensing Himself through Christ into His believers through the Holy Spirit
@@mereannaranui1205 still doesn't answer whether god answers prayer if his mind doesn't change. If he changes his mind that means he doesn't know the future. Religious people cannot have it both ways. It's either god doesn't know everything hence he can be influenced by prayers or he knows everything about the future and that prayers means nothing to him. Pick a side. Don't preach cuz it's not working.
@@RealMadridArsenal17 Capital G not a small g for it is God with a capital G. And God answer prayers when it is according to His will and not to our natural concepts. And that we must pray in one spirit and one accord according to His heart desire. That we need to know God and what was His purpose of why He created man, for man had always been the center of His economy. That God answers our prays when we are in accordance to His heart desire and purpose. That alot of people and those in the religious places pray mainly for the riches of the material world but these are not the riches that God wants to give man, for God is not a material God, for the material world is of His enemy Satan the devil to distract people from the economy of God! And the economy of God is to dispense the riches of what He is into us through His Son by the Holy Spirit which is life, light, righteousness, peace, joy, etc, and to enliven us in our regenerated spirit that we may grow up into His life to overcome death for death is God's enemy, that why He is called the God of resurrection and that we may have Christ reconstituted into us as our life and person that through us taking Christ as our life and person then God will have a way to do away with His enemy death who is Satan! That is God's heart desire is to bring His heavenly Kingdom to earth which is the Body of Christ the church is the new man, the corporate Chtist. So read your Bible and get to know God's heart desire that this has been God's heart desire from eternity pass right through the Old Testament and the New Testament is to dispense Himself into man that man may have His life and nature mingled with the human nature, for our human spirit is a copy of God's Spirit, that is man's body was meant for God and man's spirit was meant to be His dwelling place inwardly that is God and man living together here on earth as one unity. That God did not wish to live on the outside of man in the heavens, that He also wanted to dwell in man here on earth inwardly in the human spirit. So when you pray according to His dwelling place and toward the New Jerusalem God will operated within to grow His life inwardly in His believers and stregthened them that they become corporate new man in Christ.
@@mereannaranui1205 at this point, I'll just leave it right there. You're becoming annoyingly redundant while at the same time not having moved the needle one inch. Prayer doesn't move your god.
If I, or someone else prays according to God's plan, then prayer changes nothing. There is only the illusion of change from my perceptive. All of his rambling was just an attempt to divert from that simple conclusion.
Glad I'm not the only one who noticed that ^_^"
"A tale
, told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, Signifying nothing.”
― William Shakespeare, Macbeth
This is such a hard attempt to make the Bible say what you want it to say to fit Calvinistic beliefs. Come on your answer is so hard to explain and is barely understandable.
Why are we over complicating simple things. Prayer is not that complicated. Simple people in all of humanity’s history always believed that when they prayed God would hear them and that prayer did and could change outcomes, which otherwise wouldn’t have changed if not for the prayer.
This “friction” did not exist for them. Why are we creating it now just so it can fit Calvinistic interpretations of Gods sovereignty etc.
It’s simple. When we pray by faith and God hears us, and if what we ask for is in line with his word and will he will do it. The parable you referred to vaguely clearly shows that the persistent woman changed the kings mind. So yes we can change events, and outcomes through prayer.
Then again you vaguely referred to the story of Jesus praying in the garden. Jesus knew the Fathers plan but he still prayed for a potential change to the plan, but he submitted his will to the Fathers.
If there was no potential for a change of the plan, then Jesus was praying wrong. And we all know that cannot be. In that prayer Jesus made we learned that we can pray for God to change his mind, so it is possible, however we should always submit our wills to his. If he’s not willing to change his mind, we should submit to it, and if he’s willing to change his mind, we should be grateful and he shall receive all glory
Congratulations! You're an open theist!! Amazing theology....lol 😬
That’s definite open theism.
Very insightful 🙌
lol not really
That's really helped me
me too..
What are your thoughts on the head covering mentioned in 1 Corinthians 11? Is it relevant today?
Gods word remains the same, through the ages, so yes it is.
It bridges the gap of freewill.
Fact is, if a truly Perfect being did exist..........we wouldn't.
Prayer isnt about getting what YOU want. Its about affirming your commitment to what HE wants. If you could pray and it just happen, then who's really the God? God isnt a genie in a lamp.
Well thats what he said in the video. But he never answered the question which was the title of the video does it change Gods mind? According to him it does not. But the bible says it does. How can you pray in line with Gods will when your about to loose your home or a spouse is about to die from an illness? How do you know those things are Gods will? They may not be. His will maybe for you to ask Him to help you or it may be to deal this blow to change you. Either way your prayer and sincere repentence (if needed) can change Gods mind.
Prayer is much more comprehensive than petition....confession, thanksgiving, worship all seem good reasons for prayer. Petition against God’s will is futile. Often like Paul’s thorn, prayer is how we get through the attacks of Satan, the world cosmos and especially our own sinful nature. We need prayer, God does not. Q. Is it legit to be thankful for great men of God, long dead? Not prayer for the dead but rather, thankful for Schofield, Calvin, Luther and great men of God?
I think that they are still blessing us through the spirit of God then yeah I think we can thank God for them.
Right, but only petitioning prayers are the ones that are somewhat said to change God's mind. That's why he focuses on those.
Love this. If you have a friend and you love that friend and you want to please this friend, you would do the things you know makes this friend happy.
Praying in conjunction with God's will shows we support what our God wants and this makes him happy.
And then there was corona god is good
"shows", so without prayer, he cannot see or tell whether or not you support what he wants?
"shows", so without prayer, he cannot see or tell whether or not you support what he wants?
Our actions should support our prayers, also our prayers should reflects the will of our God. Yes what we do matters to our God.
@@ShelDockToyotaVitz but he put that will in you in the first place, so saying "should reflect his will" assumes his will is not in us and thus negates your initial statement/comment
Some of this is false doctrine. SOURCE THE BIBLE MORE. It is the tool we use for discernment. Think about when Jesus raised Lazarus from the dead or followed the man all the way back to his home so that he could heal his daughter. God is compassionate and is merciful. He sympathizes with us and our prayers do mean something to him. So to answer the question, YES prayer can change God's mind because prayer is an act of faith and just as the Bible says in John 15 - "when you abide in my love, I will abide in you". When you seek the prayers of saints it is an even stronger act of faith because you are believing that GOD HEARS OUR PRAYERS. Some of these men should not be answering such questions. Lean not on your own understanding but lean on every word of God.
"First of all, in order for God to change His mind, He would have to improve upon Himself in some way. In other words, if God changed His mind, that action would suggest that His first way of thinking was deficient, but, because we prayed, He improved His plan concerning our situation. We change our minds when we see a better way to do something. We thought A but realized B was better, so we change our mind. But, since God knows all things, the beginning from the end (Revelation 22:13; Ephesians 1:4), it is not possible for Him to improve upon any plan that He has made. His plans are already perfect (2 Samuel 22:31), and He has stated that His plans will prevail (Isaiah 46:9-11)." www.gotquestions.org/does-prayer-change-God-mind.html
Chris Baies exactly bro, it is not that our prayer changes God's mind but rather it is we that changes, as we spend time with God in prayer, we came to know the will of God in our life...
So what about when Hezekiah was told to get his house in order ,that he would soon die...but he prayed earnestly to God to change this and God added 15 more years to his life....or what about the children of isreal who begin to worship a molten calf in the wilderness after being set free from slavery in egypt, but because moses delayed coming down from the mountain, God said your people have made an idol an worshipped it , I am hot with anger and I will consume them...but moses prayed and God repented and stayed His hand from destroying them...or when God said that He would destroy sodom and Gomorrah but Abraham prayed and asked God if their be just one righteous would he stay His hand from destroying the cities and God said yes and allowed lot and his wife escape judgement even tho she turned back and the cities were still destroyed because of sin...I dont wanna say prayer changes Gods mind but I will say He gives certain measures of grace to whomever He will
@@reniqharris ".I dont wanna say prayer changes Gods mind but I will say He gives certain measures of grace to whomever He will"
Oh absolultley. God is a gracious God who comes to our level and communicates with us anthropomorphically or humanly. He gives us the chance to speak to him and pray and intercede because it tests us and changes us. Prayer is not for changing God, it's for changing us. We see who God is when we pray.
Prayer would be unnecessary if all were perfect, acted in God's perfection, sinless. However this is not the case, when sin enters the picture, God, in his perfection, has set this universe to do his will by rules, some unknown to us. "It rains on the just and the unjust", "The land will vomit you out." It then falls upon us to ask his "exception" to judgement, circumstances, and giving praise because of the knowledge of his mercy. In Jonah, would God have destroyed Nineveh had they not prayed? As believers we should NEVER deal in what ifs, or I should have, but "pray always"."having faith that God will hear you, and respond."
I would be careful if someone goes around claiming he has the honest answers to something... honestly our comprehension of eternal truths are limited and npt all things are revealed .... we have the tendency to see through our own theological perspectives
Is it me or is the video not matching the audio?
Revelation says prayer and repentance to stop the wrath of Jesus
So pray to a wrathful god is stop being a wrathful god?
How about a simple yes or no.
Exactly. Probabley because the question cannot really be answered
Not a simple question
The way god believers work out things in their mind, there's no way for their make believe god to fail!! You could pray to anything, and it would answer prayer the same way.
How 'god' answers prayer:
-guy gets shot at but the shot misses, god protected him, so god is good.
-guy gets shot but missed all vital organs, its a miracle...god saved him, so god is good.
-guy gets shot and lasting damage to his body, god saves him, because god has more plans for his life...so god is good.
-guy gets shot and killed. Guy is in better place, heaven...so god is good.
I liked your comment because you brought up an excellent dilemma. As one who has preached on this topic, "what does it mean for God to be good?" we consider His attributes and then identify what God wills and does not. "Good" usually means "moral excellence" and the ten commandments show God's attributes. For a faithful, born-again, Christ follower, to die is gain (Philippians 1:21) neither does living the happiest life now even matter (Acts 20:24). God is good because He is rich in mercy and loves righteousness. God is also good as a hater of evil, who punishes thieves, murderers, rapists, pedophiles, sex traffickers, and terrorists, who have gotten away with evil in their lives. God's judgment is more thorough than that. Let's say the guy gets shot, but before he does, he examines himself whether or not God will be merciful and let him into heaven when he dies.
- guy thinks he is honest, but he's told countless lies in his life. (9)
- guy thinks he respects property, but he has stolen since his youth. (8)
- guy says he has a clean mouth, but he says "OMG" and "JFC" as it rolls off the tongue. (3)
- guy thinks he is pure in heart, but he lusted after women with fornication and pornography. (7, matt 5:27)
- guy thinks he is all loving, but inwardly he has hated people before. (2nd of the greatest commandments)
- guy thinks his life is personal, but he covets the lives of wealthy and joyful people. (10)
- guy thinks he is merciful, but he will never forgive his neighbor. (matt 18:21)
- guy believes he values his soul, but he gambles it like he gambles his money. (mark 8:36)
- guy thinks God smiles upon him, but God's wrath abides on him. (Proverbs 20:6)
- guy thinks he is a good person and God is bad, but then he looks in the mirror. (James 1:23)
guy is a lying, thieving, blasphemous, adulterous, fornicating, unforgiving, coveting, idolater, at heart and he has to face God on judgment day whether he dies by the gun or not. guy is definitely going to Hell justly. Am I righteous? Not even close. But Jesus paid the guy's fine (Romans 6:23) so guy (and anyone) can inherit God's righteousness to enter the kingdom of God (2 Corinthians 5:21) so long as they REPENT (2 Tim 2:19, Luke 13:3), put their faith in Jesus (Romans 13:14), and be born again (John 3:3).
Grace is the reason why guy lives after death (Ephesians 2:8), and survives gunfire (Luke 13:4), so God's grace does not determine whether or not He is good, rather His character. Therefore, God wills that no one goes to Hell, but all to repent and live (2 Peter 3, Acts 17:30, Ezekiel 33:11).
actually good is something that is beneficial to society and bad is something that hurts society. god has done many things that has hurt society, like telling people how to beat their slaves and genocides and just watching while there are people in the world suffering from hunger, illness, dehydration, poverty, murder, rape, mental illnesses and so on, so god isn't all good because he lets things that are negative impact society. I'm certain you won't agree with me on this, but it is what it is.
@@ilikecheeseburger42 I see your point, but consider if people loved God and neighbor and tried to live for God and be less selfish and corrupt. I imagine these world problems would be better resolved.
we don't need religion to be good people, just take a look at places like Sweden and Switzerland.
religion is corruptable (even christianity) just ask the kings in the middle ages who said they got their right to rule from god himself and if anyone opposed them they opposed god and even some killings.
No one has ever proved God and prayers are a placebo chant.
The title is a bait. The question is not really dealt with. Disappointing.
Saw the link but although it is better explained it also falls short. People struggle with this question. I think it is a simple limitation of understanding of God. Thanks for the link.
@@FFamadas Good Day and your welcome... Yes you are somewhat correct we human only lives in one spectrum of time. But
God is in infinite
It is Hard to comprehend...
But at the end of the day that is why we always said he''s will be done/Thy will be done
or in short amen.
Whether we actually say, "Thy will be done" when we pray, or whether we use a less formal phrase, it is important to pray in God's will. It is acceptable for us to tell God what our will is for a given situation, but then we should always defer to Him and let Him know that we desire His will above our own. Even Jesus did this in the Garden of Gethsemane when He was facing torture and death on the cross: "…he fell with his face to the ground and prayed, 'My Father, if it is possible, may this cup be taken from me. Yet not as I will, but as you will'" (Matthew 26:39).
And just to add more about this...
This is Calvinistic answer... honest Calvinistic answers... good also to hear from other theological perspective... like Arminian view on prayers... then we may have a fuller honest answers
It just beyond your understanding!
You know Hebrew? Most likely not! Your interpreting someone else’s interpretation lol. Humble yourself! You need it.
God's plan is dependent on my prayers (2:47-2:52)? How does that work with this man's version of sovereignty? When a man has a wrong understanding of something like sovereignty, he will have to say illogical things to make his beliefs work.
No. But it may change YOUR mind. Just like a child that says 'I love you' to his parents, whether the child says it a lot, or not at all, a parents unconditional love does not change.
Surprised he didn’t mention Jacob wrestling with God
Prayer is important in all things...if we don't pray, then God dose not hear us...he waits constantly for us to pray to him to ask him for what his plan is for us...if we don't then God won't answer...it's like this...if you want to ask your father for a loan...you wouldn't just look at him and think he knows what your wanting lol okay....you need to ask your father, as we need to ask our Heavenly Father...it's as simple as that Amen.🙏 don't get caught up in these people on these sites, for alot of them dance around the subject as one person said on here...and when you ask God, you ask him with love and respect, for he is our Heavenly Father Amen.🙏
".you wouldn't just look at him and think he knows what your wanting" yes but God is not human he knows already so that is the difference. When you look at God he already knows
@@BlackV4You that's right...but he still needs us to ask him🙏it's prayer that we ask him of our needs...as I said...God waits eagerly for us to get in touch with him through prayers...he will wait on our questions through prayers....even though he already knows our needs Amen 🙏
@@BlackV4You and our God is human...he is immortal...he created man in his own image🙏do you have a bible? If so start reading from Matthew through to the end of the new testament...if you don't have a bible...best you go get one...or download the NIV...that's the New International version Amen🙏thankyou for your comment though...for God can see your interested in knowing him 🙏
Someone said prayer doesn't answer all things, is it true?
God may answer some prayers and other He might not. If He doesn’t answer it there’s always a reason but doing what mark 11:24 says helps to getting prayers answered. Mark 11:24 “Therefore I tell you, whatever you ask for in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours.”
He will not answer prayers that he has not set for you. For example, if you said “dear lord please let me and this girl get together because I love her.” If he doesn’t want you to be with her he won’t answer, same with a job, if that’s not what he planned then he won’t answer
Sometimes God’s silence is his answer. In the garden Jesus asked his Father to pass this cup from me but let it not be my will,but yours. The Father’s silence was his answer. By simply say NO! that’s an answer.
Prayers answered along with miracles... do not SAVE!
It is known that Lord Jesus answered a lot of prayers made a lot of miracles and cured many in the Holy Bible. Yes Lord Jesus (God Logos) being God Creator [Revelation 21:6] can still answer prayers and yes he can still make miracles and heal anyone He chooses to anywhere in the word and anytime He wants to because He is creator God Logos and a loving Father to all. “Lord Jesus Christ is the ALPHA and the OMEGA, the CAUSE of the CREATIONAL BEGINNING, the CAUSATION OF CREATION, the SUPREME and UPMOST PURPOSE FOR ALL CREATIONS"
In the case of the 10 leprous only one returns to thank him and it is not known if He was SAVED (Salvation) in the end. Any of the other leprous healed who never returned to thank Lord Jesus were also not SAVED! Being that their bodies were healed from the illness of leprosy did not mean Salvation for them. It must be clearly understood that the ~healing of the body~ , must not be confused with SALVATION which in essence is the healing of the ill-begotten heart/soul that needs purification! [Matthew 15-19] “FOR OUT OF THE HEART PROCEED EVIL THOUGHTS MURDERS ADULTERIES FORNICATIONS THEFTS FALSE WITNESS BLASPHEMIES” Furthermore the heart suffers from vainglory, ego, envy, hatred, lustiness stinginess and greed. These are equally strong passions that siege the heart at self-will and force the mind (body) in the unnatural act of sin.
The purpose of the creation of His Church with Lord Jesus as High Priest and Mediator to His Father 2000 years ago was/ is the purification of the heart (only God can forgive sins) in order to enable man back to the presence of God!
[Mathew5:8] “Blessed are the pure in heart: for they shall see God”
Baptism, and Prayer in relationship to Salvation must be in accordance with the WILL of God as delivered by the Holy Spirit the day of Pentecost with 85 Holy Apostolic Canons that describe the WILL of God for the Salvation of man!
The 85 canons of apostles
Salvation is like a sailboat that must be made from many parts to be sail worthy. In the absence of the ~therapy from sin~ and the remaking of man into a new creation part man part god, life after death remains the same as before the coming of our Lord Jesus where there was No Hope No Salvation!
[Exodus 33:20] And he said, Thou canst not see my face: for there shall no man see me, and live.
Ierotheos Metropolitan of Naupaktos about Greek Orthodox Baptism
“Through the "rite of birth in God", holy baptism, man's nous (mind) is illuminated, freed from slavery to sin and the devil, and is united with God.
[Acts: 6-15] " 15 And all that sat in the He face council, looking stedfastly on him, saw his face as it had been the face of an angel.
The Image and Likeness of God
The word Salvation means "salvation from death" and the word "death" means the eternal separation of man from God!
God bless
Thank you for this video.
There was an episode of MASH where a bomber crew member suffered from amnesia and thought he was Christ.
He said that God hears all prayers, but many times, the answer is no.
do you have to kneel to pray?
No Larry..kneeling does show that we're coming under the authority of One who is greater but the position of the body is 2nd only to the position of our spirit. If we come humbly in spirit it won't matter the position of the physical body. One can pray while working, driving, resting, kneeling, etc. To stay in a constant spirit of prayer thruout any given day would require of us to be in many positions but God honors your intentions.
@@terrythompson6231 B.S.
So what you're saying is...my prayer is a part of God's plan. Yet, if I choose not to pray, he will have someone else pray so that his plan is still accomplished. So wouldn't that mean that my prayer is NOT a part of God's plan? if it was, then my not praying would thwart his plan. Unless God changes his mind and chooses for someone else's prayer to accomplish the same purpose once I choose not to pray...
You have got a lot to learn.
We are like children trying to help our Father build a tree house for us. He doesn’t need our help, but he wants us to help and allows us to help because he loves us and wants a happy family.
Any pain in this short life is equivalent to that painful vaccine shot you give your own baby to protect them for the rest of their life. The baby doesn’t understand why mom or dad is allowing the pain in the moment. This life is a blink of the eye compared to eternity.
If God wants the best for us and is able to make us happy why doesn't He cure cancer? Why does He kill thousands of people each year by natural disasters? If God is merciful why do thousands of children get abused by priests? Can you explain this disparity from your God?
@@TboneWTFGod does not interfere with His gift of free will. He gave Adam and Eve crucial instructions- they utilized their free will to disobey Father.
All suffering, pain and evil is the result of living in a fallen world.
But make no mistake-God never ever wastes the wounds. His word states that suffering ultimately produces character. It's in our weakness that HIS strength is made perfect in us. I speak from experience. At the end of the day we must decide...either we trust Our Creator, The Most High God or we trust our adversary, the devil. These are the only choices. I choose The Most High. Choose this day whom you will serve.
Edit: Choosing to trust yourself is idolatry which separates you from God. Consequently, trusting yourself over God is indeed still choosing the adversary.
@@kyvministries You're confused my dear because your gad also has a Divine Plan for you. So which is it Free Will? or Divine Plan? It can't be both because one negates the other. Any thoughts?
I’m so glad God answers prayers for people to pass their tests, or not get sick before vacation.
It’a so much more important than people praying for the 1,000 of kids that die everyday and get a “no” from God.
It almost sounds like the 1,000’s that die in the same situation would die either way because of poison water or rotten food. Whether they pray or not. And the people that try hard and study then pray would pass their test either way. Because they studied
@@robbielloyd213 LOL. Gad bless you my friend.
Not my prayer. Denied me a husband to go through with.I have been alone since 1984 when I got saved. Prayer is ridiculous. Since I am now 74 and be dead soon. The years went by. I will never accept singleness. Never will be close to God again . He has left me all alone. Am I angry you bet. Bitter you bet.
I feel sorry for you, Marsha, but that isn't how prayer works. You are "ordering" a new husband from God. That is a bit like the song "Stairway to Heaven," but isn't what God does. Jesus asked not to have to go on the Cross, a far bigger ask, but He still had to do it. Your desired husband won't just be at your door one day, stamped by God's Post Office. As an article in Readers' Digest explained, you have to listen, and that is a skill. Two bereaved people were asking God to take away their grief. Suddenly, they realized that God had been doing just that, but not in the way that they expected. He had been sending visitors to get their minds off their mourning. How many eligible bachelors or widowers have crossed your path, but you rejected them because they didn't have a label "Direct from God, special delivery?" According to that article, that is probably how God answered your prayer, but you had to listen.
Where have you been all these years since 1984? Soaking in your tears? I've been all over the place working for God and looking for you and you've been in your cry house begging God to bring me to you? No wonder I couldn't find you. You probably want me to do everything around the house while you sit on your butt and do nothing! Boy am I glad you never looked out your window.
@@douglaidlaw740 John 14: …"13And I will do whatever you ask in My name, so that the Father may be glorified in the Son. 14If you ask Me for anything in My name, I will do it."
---- care to try again with some other foolishness which doesn't directly contradict words supposedly spoken by Jesus ?
God isn't a genie, and prayers aren't a magic lamp
@@bonesrhodes3762 yeah let's just take that out of context without reading the entire chapter so we can make God sound like a genie here to grant our every wish
Dear person reading this you are so loved!😃
What kind of stupid question is that? Of course prayer changes Gods heart. I can testify to this a million times, and there are scriptures in Gods Word to back it up!!
It’s not a stupid question. Some people don’t know the relationship between God’s will, our free will and our prayers. It is confusing at times because any of those important factors can contradict at any time.
Rediculous! You obviously don't understand who God is. To say that you CHANGE God's mind is to say that you present God with something that He did not already know. God knows all, and that includes anything you pray even before you pray it. You don't CHANGE God's mind or heart no matter what you do.
Where was God when I was 8 praying for rescue from my abusive Uncle??
So why haven’t you prayed to stop cancer, famine, thirst, war, and natural disasters? I guess your prayers don’t work afterall.
Does prayer actually change God's mind? is the name of this clip, he outlines the problem in that it seems a paradox without any clear answer and then talks it upside down and inside out and concludes he has answered it , but at the end he is no further along than the start, i listened to it three times and came away none the wiser. sorry Dr Step but saying God has preordained everything but we have free will and petitioner prayer is possible just because it is in scripture, is meaningless. It's like saying god created the world and he also didn't create it because it says so in scripture ( I know it doesn't say any such thing but you get the point ). the only way one can deal with that question and accept it, is by not dealing with it ...
@Mark Yates so God already knows and has decided who is going to hell ? and all prayer does for those so dammed is to connect, be at peace and understand that will? really? can't you see the problem
Jonathan O Mahony...I thought the same thing when he was done talking...He never answered the original question, which titled the video. 🤷♂️
Answer should come yes or no
R. C. Sproul has a good book on this topic for free on Kindle.
Apologetics is the art of saying a lot without making sense.
@@youdontsay2529 oh the irony. Well at least brevity is wit... as they say
Could it be that when we pray we determine the way in which things will come to pass in our lives? The plans of our lives will come to pass according to the will of god but when we pray , these plans are perhaps delivered in a more favorable way. For eg. Let’s say you petition to him for help to go to university. Perhaps you going to university is already a part of gods plan for your life but if you hadn’t prayed you would have struggled to come up with the finances for school (perhaps work many jobs) but when you pray and ask perhaps the approach to university becomes easier/clearer. Perhaps the opportunity for a scholarship comes your way. So...essentially your not changing gods mind regarding the end result but how you get to the end is dependent upon prayer. I feel also perhaps that the method in which things happen without prayer may cause some damage to not only our soul but bodies as well. Maybe the plan for our lives is like a fork. If you pray you get to go one way which has to lead to a better more fulfilling result. If we don’t pray then the other alternative to our lives is presented to us which could result in a shorter more woeful life. Both were already there for us...and it’s through prayer that it is finalized. I don’t know...that’s kind of my interpretation of prayer when it comes to petitioning for things. Of course prayer entails so much more than asking for things. It’s important to remember that as well. (I’m not sure if the university eg was a good enough one so let’s take another. Say you have a book to read. Reading this book is a part of your destiny according to gods will. Say before you read the book you asked for wisdom and understanding. After reading the book I would assume you would leave with a better meaning from the book. You would understand the lesson taught in the book much more and apply it to your life better leading to a more favorable result from you reading the book. Say you hadn’t prayed before; you would’ve read the book just the same but gotten nothing from it. It would’ve been just a story to you and so then you would miss out on it’s application in your life which perhaps would’ve had a profound impact. I hope that makes sense.)
is prayer really me trying to get God to do something or is it me trying to line up with God?
Seems like the second. "...thy will be done..."
Ezekiel 14:13-21
It is obvious to me. If we were born with free will, prayer is important to God, so as to show our love to Him
We *weren't* born with Free Will. The Bible clearly tells us humans are enslaved to Sin. No Free Will to Choose God. We can NOT choose God, we would NEVER choose God, because we are enslaved in Sin.
Christ breaks those chains of sin away from us, that we may 'choose" God. However, once we're saved, He has transformed us into a new creature whom is under the sovereign Will of our Creator.. again, no free will of our own.
We never have actual autonomous free will. We're either enslaved to Sin, or slaves for Christ.
When Jesus was on the cross and is near death, he asks God why he has forsaken him. Why did he ask that? It's God's plan and he is the son of God so he knows what is coming. Jesus actually said he would die and be risen in three days. So, why ask God why he has forsaken him?
Jesus was not actually asking him that. He was quoting scripture. Read Psalm 22. Psalm 22 is evidence of Jesus in the Old Testament. Psalm 22 is a direct account of what was to come. ♡
The way I understand it is, that as part of this plan Jesus experienced what we would have experienced when we die and were sent to hell. A spiritual separation from god, and Jesus began to feel that in the garden. He was trying to pray to the father and he wasn't able to reach him. He is then crucified and reeling from the pain of that separation as well as all the physical pain. He would know that he was to be sacrificed but to experience that lack of gods presence was too much to bear and he called out in sorrow.
@@usofliberty The best interpretation I've heard. Thank you.
He was fulling the scripture, he is quoting one of David's poem/songs. If you read that scripture you will see that it's not a reclamation but the introduction of a statement of fait. God "separation" from Jesus was expected, but terrible.
Where the words Satan and devil come from,was those words rere part of the creation?