'Waiting on God' is scriptural in the sense that we submit to God's timing, and God states in Psalm 46:10 that there are times when we must “Be still, and know that [he is] God". This doesn't mean that we cannot continue to pray and petition for action as we wait. God is faithful to come quickly and we should ask for what we need. We can see this type of petition in Psalm 70:1. Yet one cannot simply dismiss a pastor or elder outright just because they have said 'Wait on God'. There are cases where it might be prudent to focus on God rather than one's situation.
Hi Sam, I’ve only recently come across your channel. I want to thank you for your bravery and honesty in openly reflecting on these difficult (and clearly painful) experiences. I grew up, in my younger years, going to a charismatic church where similar ‘waiting on God’ manipulation would happen. This and other types of ‘words of knowledge’ stuff would be used by influential people in the church, and even at my young age would make me uncomfortable, though I wouldn’t have been able to articulate. Thankfully, after a hiatus of steering clear of church, I was saved into a more conservative evangelical church, where biblical passages in context, are trying to the be the basis of the decisions. It’s not perfect of course, but it’s so much healthier than the ‘quiver in your liver’ styles that can be easily and openly cracked by psychos. I wish you the best in your path forward brother
Thank you for your openness. I think you hit the nail on the head - They don't hear God for us. I think like you said, it's our responsibility to hear God for ourselves, to recognise the ways in which he personally speaks to us. I've learnt that only God knows me like no other and they don't know my history, the way in which I listen/learn/and interpret, but Jesus does, he doesn't mess around with his words. The scripture that comes to mind and one that has popped up for me recently is Isaiah 30:18 where it says "The Lord is a God of justice, Blessed are all who wait for him". I just think it's a nice one to hear/see.
The Evangelical Church is not a place for deep thinking introverts, believe that. You will be reduced to being an invisible labourer, however if you are a plucky salesman type that loves a mic, you will be "annointed".
Yes. God speaks in so many different ways inside and outside of church. Why the need to give God a 15 minute slot in a service? Just so limiting and uncreative. I questioned a leader who said before he preached, ' isn't it great when the Holy Spirit draws close?' Anyone in that room who experienced nothing would feel alienated and the leader had elevated his godliness in one sentence.Just thoughtless and unhelpful. Thank God we are not created to be clones of each other.
Another really good reflection. I once had someone in leadership quote 1 Corinthians 7:20, ' Let each one remain in the calling in which he was called' in a way that seeemed to basically put me in my place!
These videos are just 🤯 thanks for saying these things. I think it links strongly to the use of music as well and people end up waiting on/for the emotional high thinking its God. Im definitely guilty of that anyway diligently booking my momentum and new wine tickets. Then there is the dispair if you wait and theres nothing, which in my case pushed me into spiral of if only I try harder to be a better Christian.
It’s about language: Isaiah 40:31 - we wait upon the LORD and will renew our strength. It is essential for us in our silent prayer to wait on God. Simone Weil discusses this. Why some don’t like the idea of the individual believer waiting on the LORD/God is that a controlling leader/priest/elder does not like the individual Christian relating to God directly. This has so often been the case. It’s about creating a bad culture of dependency on the leader/priest and not a good culture of dependency on Jesus. What the leader does not want is mature Christians and therefore there is a continual diet of spiritual milk. Where is the meat?
I was talking with someone a few years ago who loved a Christian woman who also loved him. He was dragging out the decision to ask her to marry him and I couldn’t figure out why. It turned out that he thought that the default position was that God wouldn’t allow it unless he had given, somehow or other, his express permission to do so.
I’ve heard the term but I never heard it the way you described it. It was always that I should wait on got to speak to me, not wait for him to speak to someone else who would then tell me what to do. Never came across that myself
Yea, your'e called by your own relationship with God and not by others. Now we can listen to advice and experience, but in the end we'd have to make the call on our own lives. I was taught that "waiting on God" are for moments where there are closed doors or immovable mountains in life. A sickness, a tough season, a loss, etc... But we were given a thouroughly crafted personality, along with the spirit in us, to dicern what passions to pursue. If we ever choose a path that leads us astray, the whole point of our faith, is that God is big enough to redeem.
Glad to see this sort of thinking being questioned. It seems to me that much of evangelicalism is influenced by business models. I am in a class studying the Old Testament- I don’t see things happening the way that evangelicalism has trained me to believe. Also, I don’t understand it when people say’the Lord told / showed me’. Yes, I have had some strong experiences wherein, due to a painful event, I believe I was shone to go this way and not that - such events seemed like communication from heaven, helping me avoid a yet worse outcome. But people say ‘the Lord showed me’ so much… I don’t think things work that way,especially when the person is talking about some goofy trivial stuff.
Absolutely agree. That language seems to be used to affirm the internal monologue, or justify a common response to something. To anyone outside that approach can just look idiotic.
I've always taken the saying "good things come to those who wait" as "stick around, but don't be idol". I'd say this is a similar situation, wait on God, but don't just do nothing while you wait. sometimes if an opportunity presents itself to you and you can either grow or step outside your comfort zone by taking it, go for it. As you pointed out, there are those who does use this as a method of control, but I agree that beyond a certain point, we need to take responsibility for our own action and cease the opportunities. From what I've seen of Pilavachi he has some gifts, but anyone who walks the spirit needs to be careful, which clearly he wasn't given the current investigations (I'm talking about temptation, not secrecy encase anyone gets any ideas). I clearly haven't been in the same place as you have with him, so I can't tell if he's malicious or just forgetful in how he's suggestion to wait on God effected his decision for you and Australia, so I wouldn't question you on that. Are you interested in a collaboration or at least an interview/chat/debate on my channel? I feel obliged to say that I'm not the best at answering emails or messages, so if you're interested, please bare with me. my videos are already behind due to one thing and another.
Good afternoon my brothers and sisters, My name is Israel C, About 7 years ago I was sleeping and the noises of the frogs woke me up, I read the holy bible the same day in the afternoon I was reading the book of revelation, When I read chapter 16 verse 12/16. I remembered the voices of the frogs that I had heard in the morning, I believe in the holy bible, I sent the message to almost all the kings of the world, I did it because the father the son and the holy Spirit have helped me too much, please pray for me, read chapter 16 please, May the GOD of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob Bless you, thank you so much, ❤😢😢
Not detracting from how the idea has been used in E/C churches It is a profound Biblical principle of how God trains us. Note that I wrote God not someone else! The journey through the wilderness had a move and wait rythm. Joseph spent years in prison before his dream made sense, Abraham waited 20 odd years for Isaac and the whole people of God had to wait hundreds of years between the last recognised prophecy and Yeshua's birth. Even He waited 30 years before he showed who He really was! The thing you are seeing and unpacking is based in sin, misunderstanding and a lack of openness and accountability at the heart of western church culture
I think it's taken the huge and incredibly stories you refer to and turned them into a device to entertain/ control congregations. We've replaced the palace with a cardboard box.
@SamHowson I agree Sam. Top down instead of serving leadership. Thanks for your posts. They're useful and engaging. Don't monetize them. It will change the dynamic of things for you and us. Peace
"Wait on God", is a wonderful way to excuse laziness, inaction, criticism and responsibility... "Im just waiting on the Lawd to guide me"... insert reference to [throw out a fleece] [ still small voice] [lead by the spirit] [ persuaded in my heart] blah blah blah blah...
Never asked a leader to give me ‘the answer’, because mostly I would just pray about things myself or w a trusted friend. Why should a leader tell you what to do or not do as to your life path, that sounds controlling and quasi-cult like behavior.
In pretty exceptional but common environments, you don't ask, but there is an implicit or explicit suggestion. I guess I generally talking about how young people are manipulated rather than adults per se.
@@SamHowson. You are British? Just wondering. Sorry, if my American comment was not on topic. This is the first time I’ve seen you and really don’t know about your experience. I was only speaking of what I have seen in the quasi-cult I used to belong to …..the ‘never question God’s man’ was not only inferred , but repeated from the pulpit. This damaged a lot of people because what was being taught was unscriptural,by the subtle method of only picking out the verses that seemed to prove their point and never mentioning the context as a whole.
Contrast the advise of Eli to Samuel. He didn’t say, let’s wait on God, he told him to respond to the voice calling him. Eli was never the source. Eli knew it.
As far as im concerned, whatever form of worship is ok as long as god is at the centre, what does the bible say, knock at the door, ask, and it will be given, that good enough, im asking God all the time about things. And it's mostly been given. Thanks be to god.
As an American evangelical I can't really speak to your own church culture, and to be honest during the first half of your video I was getting a little fired up. "Waiting on God" as a means of control just seems infuriating to me, both as a potential practice but also as an accusation. At first, all I was hearing from your heart was a rejection of something truly biblical. However, I am deeply glad I kept listening to he end. You are 100% correct that we should never farm out our own leading in the instruction that God has for us. There is only one intercessor between God and man, the Man Jesus Christ. Yes, waiting on God is a time honored tradition, David inquired of the Lord before going into battle, and waited for specific instruction, but we should never be waiting for others to tell us what God can clearly tell us Himself, if we are only to listen. As for who should be giving the green light when waiting on God? God. It's Him you're waiting on right? For what it might be worth, I am very truly sorry if those within the church have used this as a means of keeping your following of the Lord under heel. I pray that you would use this as an opportunity to seek Jesus more deeply, and follow Him wherever He may lead, regardless of what anyone has to say about it.
Hi Sam, only found your channel today and watched a few videos. I can see and feel your hurt. I think the question you need to ask is can we hear from God outside of His word. I used to believe we did and that God spoke to me. I have come to learn that it’s not like that. I went to St Thom’s and Philadelphia too. Mike Breen’s theology is 101 basic bad. He came up with some really bad teaching that I wouldnt call scriptural at all.
@ thanks Sam I came across John MacArthur’s ministry and he has blessed me so much and helped me to get closer to the Lord through the study of the scriptures
90% of Christians don't read their Bibles. If that's the case our ability to tell true from false is really limited. My gifting is Evangelism but i have had to grow to discipleship. The Church system is often so corrupted and immature. It can't make disciples of Jesus. Just carbon copies of itself. We have to move on from immaturity.
In the Muslim world people say in sha’Allah (if God wills it.) Some people say it genuinely but most of the time it’s a place holder for “Not gonna happen.” It’s considered rude to say no, so people displace onto God. Will my car be fixed today? In sha’Allah. This feels similar. Can I lead worship as a gay person? Let’s wait on God. What do we do about this abusive behaviour? Let’s wait on God. Do I have your permission to do xyz? Let’s wait on God.
I'm not seeing how speaking of "waiting on God" is innately a problem any more than anything else. Yes I can see how a pastor could use it for a manipulative purpose, but equally a caring pastor could express it in a supportive way. I will give you some advice on forgiveness based on my experience in case it helps. You need to go to God like a prosecutor in a courtroom, bring all the charges against that person as best you can and express all the wrong that they did you, then hand it over to him as the just judge and leave it in his hands.
If there is one thing for sure God has given us the ability to have an intelect I am in no way a deep thinking scholarly type just a run of the mill sinner. All that into account my stand point is this I am but part of His creation in my prayer life I can expect 2 answers yay or nay in the mean time that being finite I strive to go about my way in the hope of walking with God and trusting in Him.
Hi Sam, I've watched a few videos and can see you've been hurt and maybe a little disillusioned by bad people Im enjoying watching, because rather than try to explain away, or say "that's never happened to me" etc, im being encouraged to just listen. Just listen and understand - i think there is much gold in this Thank you for your openess and May God continue to shape you on this journey ❤
The rich tapestry of life is complex, G'd sometimes makes us wait...look at Moses for example. Would rather someone say wait, than jump into something wrong.
@SamHowson Romans 11:17-32 "But some of these branches from Abraham's tree-some of the people of Israel-have been broken off. And you Gentiles, who were branches from a wild olive tree, have been grafted in"
I think people do use this "waiting on God" thing in a controlling way for sure. But one thing you said is false, and I want to encourage you with its falsity. You said "They stand in the way of what God might have for you." They can NEVER stand in the way of God's plans for you. Every slip, every failure, every minute wasted or misspent, is a minute that God has planned for you to go through, to learn and to grow from. He has a plan for your life that no power in the heavenly realms - let alone pathetically narcissistic church leaders - can thwart. God overcomes evil, and twists it back on itself into our good and our sanctification - that's just a part of who he is.
Why would teachers be judged more harshly if they couldnt be negatively influential? We can ignore God's plan, and others can ruin it for us? We have freewill don't we? I think there are a great swath of people who have missed out because of their own decisions or others involvement. Thanks for subscribing!
@@SamHowson Hi Sam, thanks for the reply. I guess I'm not saying that they can't cause hurt or do damage; it's obvious that they do. I guess what I'm saying is that God's plans prosper, regardless of what anyone else says or does. I'd encourage you to read Job 42:2, Nahum 1:6-13, Romans 8:28-30 and 2 Timothy 4:18. They should give you a picture of the God we serve, and how nothing can mess up his plans. Obviously we have to square that with the thought, "why did he put all this suffering in his plan for my life, then?" That's potentially an impossible question to answer. We can at least trust that God will act justly in the end, and that he is good, and so must have a good reason for it. Hope this helps explain my thought?
Sounds like you want a god to be your servant and instantly satisfy your needs. You don't want the Sovereign God who created and rules the universe. Your pure self absortion is what is destructive.
Given up waiting for a rational explanation, other than the obvious "it's all nonsense" for the insane depravity of verses like Genesis 7: 23, 19: 23-24 and 1 Samuel 15: 3. Even the babies and the unborn, sick beyond belief.
I found your reply confusing, if you agree that there is no rational explanation for these depravities, why do you speak as if you have chosen to sacrifice your integrity, humanity and morality on the altar of such a deity?
A Charismatic and an Evangelical are two different things. In fact, Charismatic Evangelical is an Oxymoron, for Charismaticism is based in Heresy, Wesleyan-Arminian-Pelegianism, and is utterly Opposed to the Gospel of Christ, for it is Rooted in works, law and fear, the lies of Rome, which have nothing to do with the Gospel of Grace, as a Result, Charismatics preach a *false religion* , and thus are not Evangelicals. In Fact, True, Biblical, Reformed (Five Point Calvinist) Christianity is Cessationist, and uses the Written Word, the Scripture, for Guidance, under the Sola Scriptura Principle, not Unbiblical "Extra Revelation" which comes only from Satan, the "angel of the light", and so do true Evangelists. God only speaks today through the Bible, and, to Quote Pastor Justin Peters out in the US, if a Person wants to hear God speak, audibly, they need to pick up their Bible and start reading, Out Loud! Charismatics, and those who Blindly follow them, are churchians *Not* Christians, for they teach and follow a false religion and engage in false worship.
@@Bluuuz Read the 1619 Canons of Dort, Calvin's Institutes of the Christian Religion, the 95 Thesis of Martin Luther, and *far more Importantly than any of those* , the Bible! Preferably a King James Version!
@@simeonyves5940 so in simple terms, are you saying that prophesy and prophesying in today’s church is deemed as ‘extra revelation’ and therefore wrong/false/unbiblical? (Just trying to understand what you’re saying)
@@Bluuuz Yes, that is exactly what I am Saying. Because the "Prophecies" of Today are invariably contrary to the Scriptures, thus rendering the modern "prophecies" as False.
'Waiting on God' is scriptural in the sense that we submit to God's timing, and God states in Psalm 46:10 that there are times when we must “Be still, and know that [he is] God".
This doesn't mean that we cannot continue to pray and petition for action as we wait. God is faithful to come quickly and we should ask for what we need.
We can see this type of petition in Psalm 70:1.
Yet one cannot simply dismiss a pastor or elder outright just because they have said 'Wait on God'. There are cases where it might be prudent to focus on God rather than one's situation.
Absolutely - I'm talking about more of a the involvement on the phrase in modern liturgy, and how that then has been used to steer congregations
Hi Sam, I’ve only recently come across your channel. I want to thank you for your bravery and honesty in openly reflecting on these difficult (and clearly painful) experiences. I grew up, in my younger years, going to a charismatic church where similar ‘waiting on God’ manipulation would happen. This and other types of ‘words of knowledge’ stuff would be used by influential people in the church, and even at my young age would make me uncomfortable, though I wouldn’t have been able to articulate. Thankfully, after a hiatus of steering clear of church, I was saved into a more conservative evangelical church, where biblical passages in context, are trying to the be the basis of the decisions. It’s not perfect of course, but it’s so much healthier than the ‘quiver in your liver’ styles that can be easily and openly cracked by psychos. I wish you the best in your path forward brother
Thanks for your encouragement all the best
Thank you for your openness. I think you hit the nail on the head - They don't hear God for us. I think like you said, it's our responsibility to hear God for ourselves, to recognise the ways in which he personally speaks to us. I've learnt that only God knows me like no other and they don't know my history, the way in which I listen/learn/and interpret, but Jesus does, he doesn't mess around with his words. The scripture that comes to mind and one that has popped up for me recently is Isaiah 30:18 where it says "The Lord is a God of justice, Blessed are all who wait for him". I just think it's a nice one to hear/see.
The Evangelical Church is not a place for deep thinking introverts, believe that. You will be reduced to being an invisible labourer, however if you are a plucky salesman type that loves a mic, you will be "annointed".
Profound truth
spot on.
Definitely something in that. I wouldn’t say that’s all there is to it but definitely a big part of it.
I love your stuff. It's so grounded.
Thank you
Spot on. It's so sobering to realise how this past has affected us all. To believe we were so "cutting edge" and any critical voice, "religious" ✌️
Yes. God speaks in so many different ways inside and outside of church. Why the need to give God a 15 minute slot in a service? Just so limiting and uncreative. I questioned a leader who said before he preached, ' isn't it great when the Holy Spirit draws close?' Anyone in that room who experienced nothing would feel alienated and the leader had elevated his godliness in one sentence.Just thoughtless and unhelpful. Thank God we are not created to be clones of each other.
Perhaps the individual was so unaware, he just got a kick out of being at the front etc and confused that.
Another really good reflection. I once had someone in leadership quote 1 Corinthians 7:20, ' Let each one remain in the calling in which he was called' in a way that seeemed to basically put me in my place!
And what was that place they hoped you would be put in? Thanks for subscribing
These videos are just 🤯 thanks for saying these things. I think it links strongly to the use of music as well and people end up waiting on/for the emotional high thinking its God. Im definitely guilty of that anyway diligently booking my momentum and new wine tickets. Then there is the dispair if you wait and theres nothing, which in my case pushed me into spiral of if only I try harder to be a better Christian.
thanks for your comment - I can't believe as a kid I saw the sermon on the mount almost as a checklist.
It’s about language: Isaiah 40:31 - we wait upon the LORD and will renew our strength. It is essential for us in our silent prayer to wait on God. Simone Weil discusses this. Why some don’t like the idea of the individual believer waiting on the LORD/God is that a controlling leader/priest/elder does not like the individual Christian relating to God directly. This has so often been the case. It’s about creating a bad culture of dependency on the leader/priest and not a good culture of dependency on Jesus. What the leader does not want is mature Christians and therefore there is a continual diet of spiritual milk. Where is the meat?
Thank you for these videos… so valuable
Thank you for your encouragement and subscribing!
I was talking with someone a few years ago who loved a Christian woman who also loved him. He was dragging out the decision to ask her to marry him and I couldn’t figure out why. It turned out that he thought that the default position was that God wouldn’t allow it unless he had given, somehow or other, his express permission to do so.
Yeah, 1 Cor 7 makes clear that marrying is not a sin.
not masculine enough to be married
Yes completely agree. Can be very negative. Lots of nonsense has been spoken over the years and it's really healthy to unpick it all and question it.
I’ve heard the term but I never heard it the way you described it. It was always that I should wait on got to speak to me, not wait for him to speak to someone else who would then tell me what to do. Never came across that myself
Yea, your'e called by your own relationship with God and not by others. Now we can listen to advice and experience, but in the end we'd have to make the call on our own lives. I was taught that "waiting on God" are for moments where there are closed doors or immovable mountains in life. A sickness, a tough season, a loss, etc... But we were given a thouroughly crafted personality, along with the spirit in us, to dicern what passions to pursue. If we ever choose a path that leads us astray, the whole point of our faith, is that God is big enough to redeem.
Well said
I haven't run into this impediment, though I could certainly imagine a pastor urging caution/discernment but couching it in terms of "waiting on God."
Glad to see this sort of thinking being questioned. It seems to me that much of evangelicalism is influenced by business models. I am in a class studying the Old Testament- I don’t see things happening the way that evangelicalism has trained me to believe. Also, I don’t understand it when people say’the Lord told / showed me’.
Yes, I have had some strong experiences wherein, due to a painful event, I believe I was shone to go this way and not that - such events seemed like communication from heaven, helping me avoid a yet worse outcome. But people say ‘the Lord showed me’ so much… I don’t think things work that way,especially when the person is talking about some goofy trivial stuff.
Absolutely agree. That language seems to be used to affirm the internal monologue, or justify a common response to something. To anyone outside that approach can just look idiotic.
Every church ive been to, refuse to do anything, and refuse to help anyone do anything.
Totally agree with you 👍
I've always taken the saying "good things come to those who wait" as "stick around, but don't be idol". I'd say this is a similar situation, wait on God, but don't just do nothing while you wait. sometimes if an opportunity presents itself to you and you can either grow or step outside your comfort zone by taking it, go for it.
As you pointed out, there are those who does use this as a method of control, but I agree that beyond a certain point, we need to take responsibility for our own action and cease the opportunities.
From what I've seen of Pilavachi he has some gifts, but anyone who walks the spirit needs to be careful, which clearly he wasn't given the current investigations (I'm talking about temptation, not secrecy encase anyone gets any ideas). I clearly haven't been in the same place as you have with him, so I can't tell if he's malicious or just forgetful in how he's suggestion to wait on God effected his decision for you and Australia, so I wouldn't question you on that.
Are you interested in a collaboration or at least an interview/chat/debate on my channel? I feel obliged to say that I'm not the best at answering emails or messages, so if you're interested, please bare with me. my videos are already behind due to one thing and another.
Good afternoon my brothers and sisters, My name is Israel C, About 7 years ago I was sleeping and the noises of the frogs woke me up, I read the holy bible the same day in the afternoon I was reading the book of revelation, When I read chapter 16 verse 12/16. I remembered the voices of the frogs that I had heard in the morning, I believe in the holy bible, I sent the message to almost all the kings of the world, I did it because the father the son and the holy Spirit have helped me too much, please pray for me, read chapter 16 please, May the GOD of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob Bless you, thank you so much, ❤😢😢
Not detracting from how the idea has been used in E/C churches It is a profound Biblical principle of how God trains us. Note that I wrote God not someone else! The journey through the wilderness had a move and wait rythm. Joseph spent years in prison before his dream made sense, Abraham waited 20 odd years for Isaac and the whole people of God had to wait hundreds of years between the last recognised prophecy and Yeshua's birth. Even He waited 30 years before he showed who He really was!
The thing you are seeing and unpacking is based in sin, misunderstanding and a lack of openness and accountability at the heart of western church culture
I think it's taken the huge and incredibly stories you refer to and turned them into a device to entertain/ control congregations. We've replaced the palace with a cardboard box.
@SamHowson I agree Sam. Top down instead of serving leadership. Thanks for your posts. They're useful and engaging. Don't monetize them. It will change the dynamic of things for you and us. Peace
"Wait on God", is a wonderful way to excuse laziness, inaction, criticism and responsibility... "Im just waiting on the Lawd to guide me"... insert reference to [throw out a fleece] [ still small voice] [lead by the spirit] [ persuaded in my heart] blah blah blah blah...
Never asked a leader to give me ‘the answer’, because mostly I would just pray about things myself or w a trusted friend. Why should a leader tell you what to do or not do as to your life path, that sounds controlling and quasi-cult like behavior.
In pretty exceptional but common environments, you don't ask, but there is an implicit or explicit suggestion. I guess I generally talking about how young people are manipulated rather than adults per se.
@@SamHowson. You are British? Just wondering. Sorry, if my American comment was not on topic. This is the first time I’ve seen you and really don’t know about your experience. I was only speaking of what I have seen in the quasi-cult I used to belong to …..the ‘never question God’s man’ was not only inferred , but repeated from the pulpit. This damaged a lot of people because what was being taught was unscriptural,by the subtle method of only picking out the verses that seemed to prove their point and never mentioning the context as a whole.
Contrast the advise of Eli to Samuel. He didn’t say, let’s wait on God, he told him to respond to the voice calling him. Eli was never the source. Eli knew it.
What a great reminder, thank you
As far as im concerned, whatever form of worship is ok as long as god is at the centre, what does the bible say, knock at the door, ask, and it will be given, that good enough, im asking God all the time about things. And it's mostly been given. Thanks be to god.
I think you are overblowing this- wait upon God often just means “I don’t know reflect upon it.”
As an American evangelical I can't really speak to your own church culture, and to be honest during the first half of your video I was getting a little fired up. "Waiting on God" as a means of control just seems infuriating to me, both as a potential practice but also as an accusation. At first, all I was hearing from your heart was a rejection of something truly biblical. However, I am deeply glad I kept listening to he end. You are 100% correct that we should never farm out our own leading in the instruction that God has for us. There is only one intercessor between God and man, the Man Jesus Christ. Yes, waiting on God is a time honored tradition, David inquired of the Lord before going into battle, and waited for specific instruction, but we should never be waiting for others to tell us what God can clearly tell us Himself, if we are only to listen. As for who should be giving the green light when waiting on God? God. It's Him you're waiting on right? For what it might be worth, I am very truly sorry if those within the church have used this as a means of keeping your following of the Lord under heel. I pray that you would use this as an opportunity to seek Jesus more deeply, and follow Him wherever He may lead, regardless of what anyone has to say about it.
Thanks for being patient and watching it through. Have a great week
Hi Sam, only found your channel today and watched a few videos. I can see and feel your hurt.
I think the question you need to ask is can we hear from God outside of His word. I used to believe we did and that God spoke to me. I have come to learn that it’s not like that.
I went to St Thom’s and Philadelphia too. Mike Breen’s theology is 101 basic bad. He came up with some really bad teaching that I wouldnt call scriptural at all.
Thanks for watching the videos and your encouragement
@ thanks Sam
I came across John MacArthur’s ministry and he has blessed me so much and helped me to get closer to the Lord through the study of the scriptures
90% of Christians don't read their Bibles. If that's the case our ability to tell true from false is really limited. My gifting is Evangelism but i have had to grow to discipleship.
The Church system is often so corrupted and immature. It can't make disciples of Jesus. Just carbon copies of itself. We have to move on from immaturity.
In the Muslim world people say in sha’Allah (if God wills it.) Some people say it genuinely but most of the time it’s a place holder for “Not gonna happen.” It’s considered rude to say no, so people displace onto God. Will my car be fixed today? In sha’Allah. This feels similar. Can I lead worship as a gay person? Let’s wait on God. What do we do about this abusive behaviour? Let’s wait on God. Do I have your permission to do xyz? Let’s wait on God.
That's an interesting viewpoint. I'd suggest it's actually the person with most control inferring they have control.
I'm not seeing how speaking of "waiting on God" is innately a problem any more than anything else. Yes I can see how a pastor could use it for a manipulative purpose, but equally a caring pastor could express it in a supportive way.
I will give you some advice on forgiveness based on my experience in case it helps. You need to go to God like a prosecutor in a courtroom, bring all the charges against that person as best you can and express all the wrong that they did you, then hand it over to him as the just judge and leave it in his hands.
I think your point, especially when they say it to people's under 32 years of age, is poignant.
If there is one thing for sure God has given us the ability to have an intelect I am in no way a deep thinking scholarly type just a run of the mill sinner. All that into account my stand point is this I am but part of His creation in my prayer life I can expect 2 answers yay or nay in the mean time that being finite I strive to go about my way in the hope of walking with God and trusting in Him.
Hi Sam, I've watched a few videos and can see you've been hurt and maybe a little disillusioned by bad people
Im enjoying watching, because rather than try to explain away, or say "that's never happened to me" etc, im being encouraged to just listen. Just listen and understand - i think there is much gold in this
Thank you for your openess and May God continue to shape you on this journey ❤
Thanks for watching!
The rich tapestry of life is complex, G'd sometimes makes us wait...look at Moses for example. Would rather someone say wait, than jump into something wrong.
Yes, but we're not Moses.
@SamHowson Romans 11:17-32
"But some of these branches from Abraham's tree-some of the people of Israel-have been broken off. And you Gentiles, who were branches from a wild olive tree, have been grafted in"
I think people do use this "waiting on God" thing in a controlling way for sure. But one thing you said is false, and I want to encourage you with its falsity.
You said "They stand in the way of what God might have for you."
They can NEVER stand in the way of God's plans for you. Every slip, every failure, every minute wasted or misspent, is a minute that God has planned for you to go through, to learn and to grow from. He has a plan for your life that no power in the heavenly realms - let alone pathetically narcissistic church leaders - can thwart. God overcomes evil, and twists it back on itself into our good and our sanctification - that's just a part of who he is.
Why would teachers be judged more harshly if they couldnt be negatively influential? We can ignore God's plan, and others can ruin it for us? We have freewill don't we? I think there are a great swath of people who have missed out because of their own decisions or others involvement. Thanks for subscribing!
@@SamHowson Hi Sam, thanks for the reply. I guess I'm not saying that they can't cause hurt or do damage; it's obvious that they do. I guess what I'm saying is that God's plans prosper, regardless of what anyone else says or does. I'd encourage you to read Job 42:2, Nahum 1:6-13, Romans 8:28-30 and 2 Timothy 4:18. They should give you a picture of the God we serve, and how nothing can mess up his plans.
Obviously we have to square that with the thought, "why did he put all this suffering in his plan for my life, then?" That's potentially an impossible question to answer. We can at least trust that God will act justly in the end, and that he is good, and so must have a good reason for it.
Hope this helps explain my thought?
Sounds like you want a god to be your servant and instantly satisfy your needs. You don't want the Sovereign God who created and rules the universe. Your pure self absortion is what is destructive.
I can't understand your point but thanks for commenting
Given up waiting for a rational explanation, other than the obvious "it's all nonsense" for the insane depravity of verses like Genesis 7: 23, 19: 23-24 and 1 Samuel 15: 3.
Even the babies and the unborn, sick beyond belief.
I absolutely agree -petition in prayer etc
I found your reply confusing, if you agree that there is no rational explanation for these depravities, why do you speak as if you have chosen to sacrifice your integrity, humanity and morality on the altar of such a deity?
Get rid of your weird red title font. Way more people need to be having these converstations.
I quite like it - it's taken years to perfect this eye for design ;)
"....weird red title font".... *THAT* is your contribution?? insightful.🤔
@67bm10 🤣
A Charismatic and an Evangelical are two different things. In fact, Charismatic Evangelical is an Oxymoron, for Charismaticism is based in Heresy, Wesleyan-Arminian-Pelegianism, and is utterly Opposed to the Gospel of Christ, for it is Rooted in works, law and fear, the lies of Rome, which have nothing to do with the Gospel of Grace, as a Result, Charismatics preach a *false religion* , and thus are not Evangelicals.
In Fact, True, Biblical, Reformed (Five Point Calvinist) Christianity is Cessationist, and uses the Written Word, the Scripture, for Guidance, under the Sola Scriptura Principle, not Unbiblical "Extra Revelation" which comes only from Satan, the "angel of the light", and so do true Evangelists. God only speaks today through the Bible, and, to Quote Pastor Justin Peters out in the US, if a Person wants to hear God speak, audibly, they need to pick up their Bible and start reading, Out Loud!
Charismatics, and those who Blindly follow them, are churchians *Not* Christians, for they teach and follow a false religion and engage in false worship.
@@Bluuuz Read the 1619 Canons of Dort, Calvin's Institutes of the Christian Religion, the 95 Thesis of Martin Luther, and *far more Importantly than any of those* , the Bible! Preferably a King James Version!
@@simeonyves5940 so in simple terms, are you saying that prophesy and prophesying in today’s church is deemed as ‘extra revelation’ and therefore wrong/false/unbiblical? (Just trying to understand what you’re saying)
@@Bluuuz Yes, that is exactly what I am Saying. Because the "Prophecies" of Today are invariably contrary to the Scriptures, thus rendering the modern "prophecies" as False.