what about the terror your scumbag brother caused? the scumbags who attacked Iraq were, and are not heroes..just murdering f%^king terrorist pieces of crap
I was thinking the same thing lmfao I was there in 04 to 05,,,,, stationed up in Mosal but ran missions from there to Baghdad to everything in between. I always preferred foot patrols versus mobile or mounted,,,,
I am from Anbar, you destroyed my country, the Lord will take revenge on you and the stupid Bush, if you were in front of me at the time to kill you, you must get Iran out of Iraq as you entered it
I speak Arabic and I started laughing 😂 when the 2 men started arguing because I understood everything, and the American guys tell them to wait their turn to speak but they just won’t listen.
And that was a big problem over there, some translators getting paid by the DOD 200$ a day could only speak a sentence, and it costs endless lives, If you wanted to live and come home alive there should have been 2 things you should have done before you deployed, learn the language and the culture and train at the range,..that's how I am here now
@@Evocati-Augusti you right I remember a u.s sergeant was telling me that they have a translator that doesn't say more than two words and how things hard to them to communicate with ppl when they do their job
@@passingbym8311 I guess you salute Nazi troops in the USSR and Russian troops in Ukraine every day before sleep, as well. Sadly the Iraqis didn't get to him and cleaned their country off one more foreign occupant...
They destroyed my country, Iraq, terrorism is now a lot, there was no terrorism before America entered, but we fought them fiercely and killed a lot, this is their reward
The US gets to walk into foreign countries and tell people to shut up in their own country LOL but Russia doesn't have the right to do any of that kind of stuff LOL
Well no you don't you want to take amd keep Ukraine we wanted to clean up Iraq and clean up the Middle East lmao further more bro we were attacked the Ukraine didn't attack you. So your comment really doesn't hold water if you're comparing your Ukraine action to our war on terror. I know Iraq didn't attack us but let's be honest you can't have some raging lunatic like Hussain ruling a country with that much oil reserve amd power,,,,, we don't like that plus he owed us,,,,,,, a lot
@@marc2638 why is it our place to want to clean up other countries? And do you think that American citizens would tolerate a foreign occupying military force telling people what to do in their own country? Tell me, I'm listening.
They destroyed my country, Iraq, terrorism is now a lot, there was no terrorism before America entered, but we fought them fiercely and killed a lot, this is their reward
@@bobbyschannel349 America does not harbor terrorist organizations that commit suicide bombing attacks and kill thousands of people in other people's countries like they did to us on 9/11. If such an organization in America were doing that, they would be stopped by the FBI/CIA/US Marshals etc. We went there to prevent another 9/11 type of attack from happening to us. Their country was completely unstable and a threat to other countries by allowing terrorist groups to gather and train there.
@@xXSgtWolfXx yeah, everyone knows that Iraq had no weapons of mass destruction. I think that the US intelligence knew that. Bush wanted to go in anyway, but is not just iraq. Libya, gaddafi, leaving that country ungovernable and a slave state as a result. liberia, William tolbert, creating the 1980 revolution and then finally multiple civil wars.. President of Chile Salvador Allende. Chilean people like he was socialist but they wanted socialism the United States did not, so they had him assassinated and removed. Iran, everyone's talking Angela you ran is his evil country and maybe they are, but it is an evil that the United States and Great Britain created.. Great Britain figured since they dug up the oil it belongs to them, they got rid of their democratically elected leader and appointed the king of iran, the shah. Not the people of iran. he was appointed by Americans.. America we're going to the country, remove the leader, and that's typically through assassinations, create coup d'etat, pitting one group against the other. (That's one of the things that the United States loves doing by the way) Starving out the populations. Causing disorder. This is something that they always do..
I am looking for a friend in the US Army, Major Kyle MacFarland. At that time, he was a major in Iraq in 2004, and in 2005 he was in the Salah al-Din governorate in Tikrit.
@@noooora8-14 عام 2003 كان عمري 8 سنوات انفجرت عبوه ناسفه بشارع وفقدت الوعي وثنا مرور الجيش الامريكي قام الضابط كايل بنقاذي ورسالى على المستشفى اسبوع ونا فاقد الوعي تمامن وصحيت ولقيت كايل ينتظرني حتا قال مرحبن يا شجاع انت على ما يرام لا تخف وعادني على اهلي سالم بدون جروح
You might remember when Donald Rumsfield went to talk to the Soldiers in Iraq and fielded our questions, one asked" when will we get the equipment we need, my mom sent me a ballistic vest" Rumsfield answered"we go to war with the Army we have, not the Army we want" which pissed off a shit load of soldiers. learning the planning started after 911... so I found this:To save money, US Army officials order just 50 percent of the ALQ-156 flare-launching systems needed for the Illinois-Iowa National Guard fleet of Chinook helicopters. The flare-launching systems allow helicopters to evade heat-seeking missiles. “A conscious decision was made not to buy as many as we need,” Lt. Gen. Roger C. Schultz, director of the Army National Guard, later explains to the St. Louis Post-Dispatch. “It’s a decision that has some level of risk with it.”Major Clifford E. Day at the Air Command and Staff College in Alabama concludes in a paper that the US military’s reliance on soft-skinned Humvees during the operation in Mogadishu, Somalia “needlessly put… troops in harms way without the proper equipment to successfully complete the mission.”The Illinois-Iowa National Guard is deployed to Iraq. The unit is sent with 14 of its Chinook helicopters. However, only two of them are outfitted with aircraft survivability equipment. The remaining helicopters will operate in Iraq unprotected. And ill add this, I saw Colonel Steele on the ground, and none of his lessons learned in the Mog would be taken into consideration. The Bush administration’s proposed 2004 defense budget would cap raises for E-1s, E-2s and O-1s at 2 percent, which is significantly below the average raise for military personnel of 4.1 percent. US National Guard units deployed to Iraq are less well-equipped than their counterparts in the Army. Helicopters lack aircraft survivability equipment which allows the helicopters to evade enemy fire. Guardsmen complain of shortages of body armor, night-vision goggles, ammunition, radar, uniforms, boots, cold weather gear, and two-way radios. Some guardsmen say that the equipment shortage are at times so severe that if they were operating according to Army rules the lack of equipment would have amounted to an “automatic mission-abort criteria. I remember not having batteries for my NVG for over 2 months.“automatic mission-abort criteria"?around 80 % of the country? The US military sends 12,000 soft-skinned Humvees, some with canvas-skinned doors, to Iraq along with hundreds of transport vehicles that are equally unprepared for deployment in combat zones. my mom now past, did 10 years USAF R&D and 34 years DOD R&D and scrambled at Rock Island Arsenal in 2005 to start armoring the humvees. so were still in 2003, US military units in the Gulf, as well as those in the US preparing for deployment, contract local welders and steel fabricators to retrofit their light-armored vehicles with makeshift armor known as “Hillbilly,” or “Haji,” armor. [MSNBC, 4/15/2003; Daily Press, 9/26/2004; The Washington Post, 12/26/2003]Roughly 44,000 US troops deployed to Iraq are provided with Vietnam-era Flak jackets instead of the modern Interceptor vests developed during the late 90s and in use since 2001. Flak Jackets do not protect troops from most of the ammunition types being used in Iraq. By contrast, the Interceptor vest-made of layered sheets of Kevlar with pockets in front and back for boron carbide ceramic plates-can stop high-velocity machine-gun bullets, shrapnel and other ordnance. They are also significantly lighter, giving troops more maneuverability when they need to respond quickly to threatening circumstances. Even in cases where troops are provided with the modern vests, they often lack the essential ceramic plates. [New York Daily News, 9/30/2003; Los Angeles Times, 10/02/2003; The Washington Post, 12/4/2003; Associated Press, 10/13/2003] Worried for the safety of their sons and daughters in Iraq, parents begin purchasing Interceptor vests and ceramic plates from body armor companies in the US and shipping them directly to their children’s units. Sometimes only the plates are available so soldiers improvise by taping the plates they have received from home to their Flak Jackets with duct tape-a practice that plate manufacturers say is unsafe.I'll repeat that 44,000 US troops deployed to Iraq are provided with Vietnam-era Flak jackets instead of the modern Interceptor vests developed during the late 90s and in use since 2001. US serviceman, Mike Quinn is fatally shot at a traffic control point in Fallujah during an ambush. According to his friend, Staff Sgt. Dave Harris, he was killed because he wasn’t wearing his body armor. He had apparently given his vest to a young soldier who had not been provided with one of his own.
Summer 2003:Pentagon officials indicate that they will not ask Congress to renew a temporary increase in monthly Imminent-Danger Pay (IDP) (from $150 to $225) and Family-Separation Allowance (FSA) (from $100 to $250) to US soldiers stationed in combat zones. The temporary IDP and FSA increases, which were put into effect retroactively in April, are set to expire on September 30. In August, when a journalist asks the White House about its views on the plan not to renew the pay increases, a spokesperson refers the reporter to a June Pentagon budget report which warned that the DoD budget can’t sustain the higher payments. [The Army Times, 6/30/2003; San Francisco Chronicle, 8/14/2003] But after the planned rollback of the benefits becomes a public controversy, the Pentagon issues a statement on August 14 saying that it intends to ensure that those serving in Iraq and Afghanistan “continue to receive this compensation at least at the current levels.” The statement says nothing about troops deployed on dangerous missions in other regions.The White House complains that certain pay-and-benefits incentives for US soldiers that Congress added to the 2004 defense budget are wasteful and unnecessary-including a proposal to double the $6,000 gratuity paid to the families of soldiers who are killed in action.The US Army’s official guidance on the issue of “hardening” soft-skinned Humvees and other lightly-armored vehicles includes a recommendation for soldiers to put sandbags on the floorboards to reduce the impact of explosions. Since the summer, the soldiers’ preferred solution to the problem of unprotected vehicles has been to hire local contractors to add steel to the bodies of their vehicles.
still 2003:Department of Defense officials ask Congress not to renew a temporary increase in the Family Separation Allowance (FSA) and Imminent Danger Pay (IDP) for deployed forces that had been enacted in April. Instead, Defense suggests raising the Hardship Duty Pay for troops deployed only in Iraq and Afghanistan. David Chu, the department’s top personnel official, says that the April raises were like “using a sledgehammer to hit a small nail.” The Pentagon’s intent to rollback the FSA and IDP reignites a controversy that had sprung up during the summer (see (Summer 2003)) when it was first revealed that the White House supported the Defense Department’s plan to save money by cutting back on the two programs. [Stars and Stripes, 10/4/2003] The final National Defense Authorization bill, which is passed by Congress in November, rejects the Pentagon’s recommendations and renews the pay increases.Approximately 600 sick or injured members of the US Army Reserves and National Guard are in “medical hold” at Fort Stewart where they are kept “in rows of spare, steamy and dark cement barracks in a sandy field” while doctors review their cases to determine how sick or disabled they are and whether or not they are eligible to receive benefits. Many of the soldiers in medical hold complain that they have been languishing there for “months” and that the conditions are “substandard.” Some soldiers also claim that the Army is trying to refuse them benefits on grounds that their injuries and illnesses are due to a pre-existing condition. Willie Buckels, a truck master with the 296th Transportation Company, explains to UPI reporter Mark Benjamin how he feels about the Army’s treatment of the soldiers: “Now my whole idea about the US Army has changed. I am treated like a third-class citizen.” [The Coastal Courier, 10/22/2003; CNN, 10/19/2003; United Press International, 10/20/2003; United Press International, 10/17/2003] I looked onto this and it was burn pits.Until the mid-2010s, burn pits were commonly used in Iraq, Afghanistan and other overseas locations to dispose of waste collected on military bases. That included items that produced dangerous toxic smoke when burned, such as plastics, rubber, chemical mixtures, and medical waste.the worst was stealth tech.
More than 18 months after the US began its ground invasion of Iraq, US troops are still waiting for the Army to retrofit their supply trucks.October 2003:Army Pfc. John D. Hart telephones his parents in Bedford, Massachusetts and complains that he feels unsafe patrolling in his company’s unprotected soft-skinned Humvees which do not have bulletproof shielding or even metal doors. A week later, the 20-year-old paratrooper and another soldier, David R. Bernstein, are killed when their vehicle is hit with small-arms fire and rocket-propelled grenades in Taza outside the northern city of Kirkuk. The driver of the vehicle, Specialist Joshua Sams, will later explain to the Boston Globe that Bernstein had bled to death after being struck by a bullet that ripped through the Humvee.Acting Secretary of the Army Les Brownlee claims that the Army has ordered as many “up-armored” vehicles as its contractors can produce, but says that they will not be ready until mid-2005. But Brian T. Hart, whose 20 year old son was killed in a soft-skinned Humvee , investigates the secretary’s claim and learns that the armor manufacturers are not at full production. He takes this information to Senator Edward M. Kennedy who then helps him pressure the Army to speed up production and move the date that they will be available up to January.now 2004:The Department of Veterans Affairs announces that it is immediately cutting health care benefits to Category 8 veterans. that's only from 2003-2004..i have the rest, but its like a book of service members being fcked
من مات ذهب إلى الجحيم ،،،مجرمون ارهابيون جرائمهم لن تغفر ،،،كل شي موقف بالتقارير والشهادات ،،،ستفتح الملفات ،،جراىم لن تسقط بالتقادم ،،،عالم متعدد الاقطاب
اذكر ايام الاحتلال جانت الدبابات تفوت من يمنه جنه صغار قبل ميفوتون نخلي كراتين ع الشارع هههه حته يوكفون وينطونا حلويات بس همه ينخبصون على بالهم عبوةهههههههه
@@Babah46 I don't think so. If you look up what he did, then there's plenty of stories of him ordering people to be killed or sent to prison to be tortured just because they disagreed with him.
@@nathanpetrovski7525 The USA helped Saddam to stay in control. They invaded Iraq and stole all it's gold, weapons, and money. The GDP per capita of Iraq in 1990 was $10,200, in 1991 it was $22. We all know where all this money went. Even the USA's department of justice allowed the torture and massacre of innocent Iraqi civilians, the worst case covered so far being Abu Ghraib. Google it, I dare you.
How can an operation where one country invades a poor country for no reason be a beautiful memory? All the USA wanted to do is steal their resources. They murdered thousands of unarmerd non combatants ( i.e. women, children and pensioners) the USA in this situation are war criminals, and yet you get excited about it. It just goes to show how indoctrinated, radicalised and conditioned a large portion of the USA public buy into their government's bs
Crazy thing is if you were a part of GWOT, you saw the differences in violence from our time with soft tops and open door, to the first EFP use, to ABVs, to MICLICs all over the years while we adapted to the fight at hand. I spent 1 tour in Afghanistan which is not even remotely comparable, and 2 in Iraq in 2010, and then a volunteer tour in 2015 before my ETS date. I saw so much change from just 2010 to 2015 between those 5 years. Then I see videos of this of a few years before I was there. Just crazy looking back all these years later now. More shocking that I made it this far through all that shit lol. Always funny to see the locals wearing American clothes too, the guy with the Ohio State shirt has no clue what that even is lol, stuff like that always gave us good laughs.ey jersey
because they didn't lol, at least not directly, look at how many kids were trailing behind him while he and his men were on their way to a potential firefight, and you wonder why civilians get implicated as casualties?
Don’t blame the soldiers. They were brainwashed into thinking they were doing the right thing. Blame our shitty politicians they’re the ones that caused rhis
@@zainab18-g8w_lraqiwell many Americans are awake now. Propaganda and social engineering is unlike any other country in the world. This is Israel. That’s what caused this. We are sorry.
@@zainab18-g8w_lraqiit was pretty cowardly of your soldiers to invade a much smaller nearly defenseless nation (Kuwait) and also massacre innocent Kurds
@@AliALCHARAKH اكو مترجمين ايام ما جانوا الامريكان يفترون عالبيوت خصوصا الاماكن الساخنه اللي جانت معروفه وتقاوم الامريكان جانوا يترجمون غلط اما متقصدين او مطايا لهذا يعتقلوهم الامريكان لمواطني تلك المناطق الساخنة
Does your religion teach you to kill and destroy other people's countries? Congrats! It is a great religion you seem so devoted to ! may god bless you all in hell ! My utmost respect and regard !
9/11 happened and America was overwhelmed with the fear of terrorism and Bush was able to take advantage of the situation and finish the war his father started in 1991.
I did 2 pumps to Afghan land. It was 100% pointless. I joined up specifically to go. I went and got the answer. War is stupid unless it’s the absolute last resort.
You did remove my comment again ! But it's okay i can rattle on the subject all day long if i want to ! Though it is not rattling , mind you ! I'm only stating facts !
Brother went to Iraq twice. Told me hours and hours of boredom followed by moments of sheer unmitigated terror
what about the terror your scumbag brother caused? the scumbags who attacked Iraq were, and are not heroes..just murdering f%^king terrorist pieces of crap
@@jamesgollan8602 Your like school in the summertime..you got no class
@@skyking6989 so murdering over a million unarmed innocent civillians, destroying a modern country is class...wow guess you are an american
@@KilyanAustin lol. All in good fun
If you're riding around Baghdad, as I did in '04, without doors, you were extremely lucky!
Done that in 2003 in open troop carriers. Especially driving from Baghdad to Kuwait and had to make makeshift armor doors and sandbag the floors.
No AC.. no doors was just a catch 22 lol
I was thinking the same thing lmfao I was there in 04 to 05,,,,, stationed up in Mosal but ran missions from there to Baghdad to everything in between. I always preferred foot patrols versus mobile or mounted,,,,
I am from Anbar, you destroyed my country, the Lord will take revenge on you and the stupid Bush, if you were in front of me at the time to kill you, you must get Iran out of Iraq as you entered it
@@marc2638 How were you guys not constantly red and sunburned and peeling 24/7?
"He who sows the wind will reap the storm"
Iraq is Anerica biggest mistake since Vietnam
war in general is usually never needed
He does has the voice and appearance of John Travolta even his moves and gestures 😄
والله فشلة نتعارك بيناتنة والغريب يحل المشكلة
صدق احس يضحك الوضع 😂
I speak Arabic and I started laughing 😂 when the 2 men started arguing because I understood everything, and the American guys tell them to wait their turn to speak but they just won’t listen.
And that was a big problem over there, some translators getting paid by the DOD 200$ a day could only speak a sentence, and it costs endless lives, If you wanted to live and come home alive there should have been 2 things you should have done before you deployed, learn the language and the culture and train at the range,..that's how I am here now
@حبيبة ابوها i did..i gave a thumbs up
@حبيبة ابوها ive been many places
@حبيبة ابوها you asking to many questions bud.. starting to sound like a spy
@@Evocati-Augusti you right I remember a u.s sergeant was telling me that they have a translator that doesn't say more than two words and how things hard to them to communicate with ppl when they do their job
I admire these guys a lot, would be nice to talk to someone in real life that was there and hear what they thought.
You mean the people of Fallujah?
talking to terrorists wow guess you are not very bright
@@6mj4_ I tried not to leave any of those things
@@Toothpick1977 I didn't understand
@@Toothpick1977 must've been a hard dream as they could probably finish you with a literal toothpick.
@3:16 look at that ohio state shirt. Just shows how far your used/old items will travel.
I miss my great grandfather he died there
May he Rest In Peace, may he watch over you.
Hope he rolling in hell🙏🏻
@@user-he1fk4wb1qIslam is, Muhammad is, Every Muslim is.
@@user-he1fk4wb1qshut up Muslim
@@user-he1fk4wb1q He is going to heaven unlike the 400K Iraqis. If god was on Iraqs side, they would have won
Thank you for this video. Please do what you can to help the Iraqi people🙏🏼🙏🏼✝️✝️🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼💙💙💙🫡🫡🫡🫡🫡
Thank you, I am Iraqi🇮🇶🌹
@vbnmbgc God Bless you🙏🏼
@charlieredeemed 🌹🌹
This is the battle that messed my father up bad. God bless every troop that fought this war
May he rot in heII
@@keilinx he’d put you there.
@@passingbym8311 I guess you salute Nazi troops in the USSR and Russian troops in Ukraine every day before sleep, as well. Sadly the Iraqis didn't get to him and cleaned their country off one more foreign occupant...
RIP. Btw you’re hot
No cause now he's rolling in hell for killing many souls
The war is over in 2003. Twenty years later, US is still there. LOL
We're pretty much done operations in Iraq, Afghanistan however, that's from 2001 and we're still there.
@@firingallcylinders2949 Are you serving with a military in iraq rn?
So then it's not really over is it?!?
@@ماجدالخفاجي-د1ر We still have troops there we’re just not doing any operations
The fat guy was my barber when I was a kid, both guys are well known here in my neighborhood, it's a bit funny
there’s no way this was happening in 2003, my year
They destroyed my country, Iraq, terrorism is now a lot, there was no terrorism before America entered, but we fought them fiercely and killed a lot, this is their reward
@حبيبة ابوها سلام عليكم
العراقي ما يخاف لو علي موته 😅😂اخوكم 🇪🇬
اي والله طردناهم وخلينا فيهم مجزرة في العراق😂تحياتي ليك من 🇮🇶
They thought they fought for democracy but a interest of a ideology
Actually they fought so defense contractors could make money
2:11 he kinda looks like Lucas black when he was playing kruger in jarhead
The US gets to walk into foreign countries and tell people to shut up in their own country LOL
but Russia doesn't have the right to do any of that kind of stuff LOL
Well no you don't you want to take amd keep Ukraine we wanted to clean up Iraq and clean up the Middle East lmao further more bro we were attacked the Ukraine didn't attack you. So your comment really doesn't hold water if you're comparing your Ukraine action to our war on terror. I know Iraq didn't attack us but let's be honest you can't have some raging lunatic like Hussain ruling a country with that much oil reserve amd power,,,,, we don't like that plus he owed us,,,,,,, a lot
@@marc2638 why is it our place to want to clean up other countries?
And do you think that American citizens would tolerate a foreign occupying military force telling people what to do in their own country?
Tell me, I'm listening.
They destroyed my country, Iraq, terrorism is now a lot, there was no terrorism before America entered, but we fought them fiercely and killed a lot, this is their reward
@@bobbyschannel349 America does not harbor terrorist organizations that commit suicide bombing attacks and kill thousands of people in other people's countries like they did to us on 9/11. If such an organization in America were doing that, they would be stopped by the FBI/CIA/US Marshals etc. We went there to prevent another 9/11 type of attack from happening to us. Their country was completely unstable and a threat to other countries by allowing terrorist groups to gather and train there.
@@xXSgtWolfXx yeah, everyone knows that Iraq had no weapons of mass destruction. I think that the US intelligence knew that. Bush wanted to go in anyway, but is not just iraq. Libya, gaddafi, leaving that country ungovernable and a slave state as a result. liberia, William tolbert, creating the 1980 revolution and then finally multiple civil wars..
President of Chile Salvador Allende. Chilean people like he was socialist but they wanted socialism the United States did not, so they had him assassinated and removed.
Iran, everyone's talking Angela you ran is his evil country and maybe they are, but it is an evil that the United States and Great Britain created.. Great Britain figured since they dug up the oil it belongs to them, they got rid of their democratically elected leader and appointed the king of iran, the shah.
Not the people of iran. he was appointed by Americans..
America we're going to the country, remove the leader, and that's typically through assassinations, create coup d'etat, pitting one group against the other.
(That's one of the things that the United States loves doing by the way)
Starving out the populations. Causing disorder. This is something that they always do..
ما سبب قدومهم للعراق وتدميره
Because bush is evil
To remove a dictator and then Bush never fix your country, he should be charged as a criminal, but our soldiers had great respect for you
Why did you not complain when Saddam was genociding Kurds?
I am looking for a friend in the US Army, Major Kyle MacFarland. At that time, he was a major in Iraq in 2004, and in 2005 he was in the Salah al-Din governorate in Tikrit.
شتسوي بي
@@noooora8-14 عام 2003 كان عمري 8 سنوات انفجرت عبوه ناسفه بشارع وفقدت الوعي وثنا مرور الجيش الامريكي قام الضابط كايل بنقاذي ورسالى على المستشفى اسبوع ونا فاقد الوعي تمامن وصحيت ولقيت كايل ينتظرني حتا قال مرحبن يا شجاع انت على ما يرام لا تخف وعادني على اهلي سالم بدون جروح
@@نبضحياتي-ه8م الحمدلله على السلامة، بارك الله فيه و أن شاء الله تلكاه
@@noooora8-14 الله يسلمك من وين حضرتك
@@نبضحياتي-ه8م العراق
You might remember when Donald Rumsfield went to talk to the Soldiers in Iraq and fielded our questions, one asked" when will we get the equipment we need, my mom sent me a ballistic vest" Rumsfield answered"we go to war with the Army we have, not the Army we want" which pissed off a shit load of soldiers. learning the planning started after 911... so I found this:To save money, US Army officials order just 50 percent of the ALQ-156 flare-launching systems needed for the Illinois-Iowa National Guard fleet of Chinook helicopters. The flare-launching systems allow helicopters to evade heat-seeking missiles. “A conscious decision was made not to buy as many as we need,” Lt. Gen. Roger C. Schultz, director of the Army National Guard, later explains to the St. Louis Post-Dispatch. “It’s a decision that has some level of risk with it.”Major Clifford E. Day at the Air Command and Staff College in Alabama concludes in a paper that the US military’s reliance on soft-skinned Humvees during the operation in Mogadishu, Somalia “needlessly put… troops in harms way without the proper equipment to successfully complete the mission.”The Illinois-Iowa National Guard is deployed to Iraq. The unit is sent with 14 of its Chinook helicopters. However, only two of them are outfitted with aircraft survivability equipment. The remaining helicopters will operate in Iraq unprotected. And ill add this, I saw Colonel Steele on the ground, and none of his lessons learned in the Mog would be taken into consideration. The Bush administration’s proposed 2004 defense budget would cap raises for E-1s, E-2s and O-1s at 2 percent, which is significantly below the average raise for military personnel of 4.1 percent. US National Guard units deployed to Iraq are less well-equipped than their counterparts in the Army. Helicopters lack aircraft survivability equipment which allows the helicopters to evade enemy fire. Guardsmen complain of shortages of body armor, night-vision goggles, ammunition, radar, uniforms, boots, cold weather gear, and two-way radios. Some guardsmen say that the equipment shortage are at times so severe that if they were operating according to Army rules the lack of equipment would have amounted to an “automatic mission-abort criteria. I remember not having batteries for my NVG for over 2 months.“automatic mission-abort criteria"?around 80 % of the country? The US military sends 12,000 soft-skinned Humvees, some with canvas-skinned doors, to Iraq along with hundreds of transport vehicles that are equally unprepared for deployment in combat zones. my mom now past, did 10 years USAF R&D and 34 years DOD R&D and scrambled at Rock Island Arsenal in 2005 to start armoring the humvees. so were still in 2003, US military units in the Gulf, as well as those in the US preparing for deployment, contract local welders and steel fabricators to retrofit their light-armored vehicles with makeshift armor known as “Hillbilly,” or “Haji,” armor. [MSNBC, 4/15/2003; Daily Press, 9/26/2004; The Washington Post, 12/26/2003]Roughly 44,000 US troops deployed to Iraq are provided with Vietnam-era Flak jackets instead of the modern Interceptor vests developed during the late 90s and in use since 2001. Flak Jackets do not protect troops from most of the ammunition types being used in Iraq. By contrast, the Interceptor vest-made of layered sheets of Kevlar with pockets in front and back for boron carbide ceramic plates-can stop high-velocity machine-gun bullets, shrapnel and other ordnance. They are also significantly lighter, giving troops more maneuverability when they need to respond quickly to threatening circumstances. Even in cases where troops are provided with the modern vests, they often lack the essential ceramic plates. [New York Daily News, 9/30/2003; Los Angeles Times, 10/02/2003; The Washington Post, 12/4/2003; Associated Press, 10/13/2003] Worried for the safety of their sons and daughters in Iraq, parents begin purchasing Interceptor vests and ceramic plates from body armor companies in the US and shipping them directly to their children’s units. Sometimes only the plates are available so soldiers improvise by taping the plates they have received from home to their Flak Jackets with duct tape-a practice that plate manufacturers say is unsafe.I'll repeat that 44,000 US troops deployed to Iraq are provided with Vietnam-era Flak jackets instead of the modern Interceptor vests developed during the late 90s and in use since 2001. US serviceman, Mike Quinn is fatally shot at a traffic control point in Fallujah during an ambush. According to his friend, Staff Sgt. Dave Harris, he was killed because he wasn’t wearing his body armor. He had apparently given his vest to a young soldier who had not been provided with one of his own.
Summer 2003:Pentagon officials indicate that they will not ask Congress to renew a temporary increase in monthly Imminent-Danger Pay (IDP) (from $150 to $225) and Family-Separation Allowance (FSA) (from $100 to $250) to US soldiers stationed in combat zones. The temporary IDP and FSA increases, which were put into effect retroactively in April, are set to expire on September 30. In August, when a journalist asks the White House about its views on the plan not to renew the pay increases, a spokesperson refers the reporter to a June Pentagon budget report which warned that the DoD budget can’t sustain the higher payments. [The Army Times, 6/30/2003; San Francisco Chronicle, 8/14/2003] But after the planned rollback of the benefits becomes a public controversy, the Pentagon issues a statement on August 14 saying that it intends to ensure that those serving in Iraq and Afghanistan “continue to receive this compensation at least at the current levels.” The statement says nothing about troops deployed on dangerous missions in other regions.The White House complains that certain pay-and-benefits incentives for US soldiers that Congress added to the 2004 defense budget are wasteful and unnecessary-including a proposal to double the $6,000 gratuity paid to the families of soldiers who are killed in action.The US Army’s official guidance on the issue of “hardening” soft-skinned Humvees and other lightly-armored vehicles includes a recommendation for soldiers to put sandbags on the floorboards to reduce the impact of explosions. Since the summer, the soldiers’ preferred solution to the problem of unprotected vehicles has been to hire local contractors to add steel to the bodies of their vehicles.
still 2003:Department of Defense officials ask Congress not to renew a temporary increase in the Family Separation Allowance (FSA) and Imminent Danger Pay (IDP) for deployed forces that had been enacted in April. Instead, Defense suggests raising the Hardship Duty Pay for troops deployed only in Iraq and Afghanistan. David Chu, the department’s top personnel official, says that the April raises were like “using a sledgehammer to hit a small nail.” The Pentagon’s intent to rollback the FSA and IDP reignites a controversy that had sprung up during the summer (see (Summer 2003)) when it was first revealed that the White House supported the Defense Department’s plan to save money by cutting back on the two programs. [Stars and Stripes, 10/4/2003] The final National Defense Authorization bill, which is passed by Congress in November, rejects the Pentagon’s recommendations and renews the pay increases.Approximately 600 sick or injured members of the US Army Reserves and National Guard are in “medical hold” at Fort Stewart where they are kept “in rows of spare, steamy and dark cement barracks in a sandy field” while doctors review their cases to determine how sick or disabled they are and whether or not they are eligible to receive benefits. Many of the soldiers in medical hold complain that they have been languishing there for “months” and that the conditions are “substandard.” Some soldiers also claim that the Army is trying to refuse them benefits on grounds that their injuries and illnesses are due to a pre-existing condition. Willie Buckels, a truck master with the 296th Transportation Company, explains to UPI reporter Mark Benjamin how he feels about the Army’s treatment of the soldiers: “Now my whole idea about the US Army has changed. I am treated like a third-class citizen.” [The Coastal Courier, 10/22/2003; CNN, 10/19/2003; United Press International, 10/20/2003; United Press International, 10/17/2003] I looked onto this and it was burn pits.Until the mid-2010s, burn pits were commonly used in Iraq, Afghanistan and other overseas locations to dispose of waste collected on military bases. That included items that produced dangerous toxic smoke when burned, such as plastics, rubber, chemical mixtures, and medical waste.the worst was stealth tech.
More than 18 months after the US began its ground invasion of Iraq, US troops are still waiting for the Army to retrofit their supply trucks.October 2003:Army Pfc. John D. Hart telephones his parents in Bedford, Massachusetts and complains that he feels unsafe patrolling in his company’s unprotected soft-skinned Humvees which do not have bulletproof shielding or even metal doors. A week later, the 20-year-old paratrooper and another soldier, David R. Bernstein, are killed when their vehicle is hit with small-arms fire and rocket-propelled grenades in Taza outside the northern city of Kirkuk. The driver of the vehicle, Specialist Joshua Sams, will later explain to the Boston Globe that Bernstein had bled to death after being struck by a bullet that ripped through the Humvee.Acting Secretary of the Army Les Brownlee claims that the Army has ordered as many “up-armored” vehicles as its contractors can produce, but says that they will not be ready until mid-2005. But Brian T. Hart, whose 20 year old son was killed in a soft-skinned Humvee , investigates the secretary’s claim and learns that the armor manufacturers are not at full production. He takes this information to Senator Edward M. Kennedy who then helps him pressure the Army to speed up production and move the date that they will be available up to January.now 2004:The Department of Veterans Affairs announces that it is immediately cutting health care benefits to Category 8 veterans. that's only from 2003-2004..i have the rest, but its like a book of service members being fcked
Thank you for sharing this. I was only 6 during this time. Now I’m trying to grasp what the hell was going on then
Bush Cheny Rumsfeld & Blair are responsible for all this War mess.
I'm from Baghdad my age in 2003
5 yousr
m’y age in 2003 It was 13 😇
@@اسمرعراقي-ز2ب is it better now then before?
is it better now?
Now i 30 years
Great video and story, thank you!
May god keep you safe thank you for your service
Americans were the bad guys in the Iraq war
We are in the same problem. Missing a giant building and the smaller one is structural vacancy.
Which one still alive?
That's my regular question after any documentry or report from that time.
I pray these soldiers are still with us. G-d bless our troops
من مات ذهب إلى الجحيم ،،،مجرمون ارهابيون جرائمهم لن تغفر ،،،كل شي موقف بالتقارير والشهادات ،،،ستفتح الملفات ،،جراىم لن تسقط بالتقادم ،،،عالم متعدد الاقطاب
Your god blessing a killer? What kind of god is that?you worshipping Lucifer?
اذكر ايام الاحتلال جانت الدبابات تفوت من يمنه جنه صغار قبل ميفوتون نخلي كراتين ع الشارع هههه حته يوكفون وينطونا حلويات بس همه ينخبصون على بالهم عبوةهههههههه
والله دكه ناقصه هاي قويه
ههههه اني هم والله جنت اخلي على شارع سجه وكراج تحدي في مدينة الصدر
and what the american soldiers did to iraqi women is so sickening...damn i hate these soldiers
Bro the guy w the OSU shirt. Lmao
He looks like you can throw him in a busy street in America and nobody would think hes a foreigner.
تبًا للولايات المتحدة الاميركية دخلت العراق بغير الحق
They were trying to remove a brutal dictator. If they didn't, then who else do you think would do it?
@@Babah46 I don't think so. If you look up what he did, then there's plenty of stories of him ordering people to be killed or sent to prison to be tortured just because they disagreed with him.
@@nathanpetrovski7525 The USA helped Saddam to stay in control. They invaded Iraq and stole all it's gold, weapons, and money. The GDP per capita of Iraq in 1990 was $10,200, in 1991 it was $22. We all know where all this money went. Even the USA's department of justice allowed the torture and massacre of innocent Iraqi civilians, the worst case covered so far being Abu Ghraib. Google it, I dare you.
@@nathanpetrovski7525 you killed millions of people but according to you that was wise.
now they should go and free Palestine @@nathanpetrovski7525
"Celebratory fire." My response was, "celebrate back."
Life of distroying countries
It's a beautiful memory!
2003 I was 1.5 years.
I was 0.5 :)
Why was it beautiful?
I was 2
I was 3 months old
How can an operation where one country invades a poor country for no reason be a beautiful memory? All the USA wanted to do is steal their resources. They murdered thousands of unarmerd non combatants ( i.e. women, children and pensioners) the USA in this situation are war criminals, and yet you get excited about it. It just goes to show how indoctrinated, radicalised and conditioned a large portion of the USA public buy into their government's bs
What a crazy ass world
ماكو شي بس صايره عركه ولمريكان أجو يراضونهم 🤣
Is it normal for you guys to have gun fights😂
Man American soldiers are more pure than an angel in front of camera 😂😂
Haw to aplai
An Iraqi passed through here my greetings to you I need asylum in America can I find someone to help me
Crazy thing is if you were a part of GWOT, you saw the differences in violence from our time with soft tops and open door, to the first EFP use, to ABVs, to MICLICs all over the years while we adapted to the fight at hand. I spent 1 tour in Afghanistan which is not even remotely comparable, and 2 in Iraq in 2010, and then a volunteer tour in 2015 before my ETS date. I saw so much change from just 2010 to 2015 between those 5 years. Then I see videos of this of a few years before I was there. Just crazy looking back all these years later now. More shocking that I made it this far through all that shit lol. Always funny to see the locals wearing American clothes too, the guy with the Ohio State shirt has no clue what that even is lol, stuff like that always gave us good laughs.ey jersey
Ok, be advised we have proper agreement on some of the locations that have to be dismantled when vacant. Furniture is stored safely.
منو يعرف المنطقه وين هاي بمنطقه الإسكان بس محد انتبه
هاي بحي العدل
Like taking tablespoons of sand from the beach and claiming you’re moving the waterline. We believed, but we were all puppets.
كسروا صنم واحد وصنعوا مِئَات الأصنام !!
🤟🤟🤟🤟🇮🇶Thanks America
😐 على شنو تشكر امريكا ؟؟؟؟؟
@@-MRJASOKAYTRescuing the Kurdish of Iraq from the sick man Saddam
Those children in the video are about 25 years age in2024 ❤
Learn maths.. The majority are around 30 and older now.. It's been 21 years ago. The average kid there wasn't 4 but 8-10.
I was just a baby when this was going on
I was 4
We use to have the worst activity here, why their is a diverse formation.
They look human how can they kill so many innocent people and children in Iraq 😭
Those were mostly killed from the air
The soldiers were human, the American government is evil not the soldiers
@@sil-zk8061Exactly bush order those and he is evil for that , America hates bush for that
because they didn't lol, at least not directly, look at how many kids were trailing behind him while he and his men were on their way to a potential firefight, and you wonder why civilians get implicated as casualties?
When you own people dont have education that is what well happened to him 😢😢 so sad to iraq like thinking Americans are there to helping theme...
I cannot believe these cowardly soldiers were in my country
@@DaxRandalmanThe wonderful Americans feel like us, thank God
Don’t blame the soldiers. They were brainwashed into thinking they were doing the right thing. Blame our shitty politicians they’re the ones that caused rhis
Where do you live Zainab?
@@zainab18-g8w_lraqiwell many Americans are awake now. Propaganda and social engineering is unlike any other country in the world. This is Israel. That’s what caused this. We are sorry.
@@zainab18-g8w_lraqiit was pretty cowardly of your soldiers to invade a much smaller nearly defenseless nation (Kuwait) and also massacre innocent Kurds
God bless you all Amen😊❤🙏
Spencer trolly? 9k, its like a solid gold trolly as it's that expensive what ongoes
الثأر الثأر ... لن ننسى الثأر من امريكا ما حطينا
اسكت وقعد 😂😂😂😂😂
Crazy everything all the way down to the training was scrapped
ضارب محل ابو ثرب طلقات وابو ثرب عنده خمس بنادق
I’m iraqi and I want to work with the US army as a translator
I salute my friend
Sign up and go see a recruiter bro! They would love to have you!
شكد ناقص لعد
America is the best friend to Iraq the country far away from. America..
America is the best South America and North America..
And between Mecxeco🎉
US military to resolve dispute between two people of the same nationality disgusting
الكلام ان أحداث ١١ستمبر هم رئيس الدول العربية الفلوس عندهم مطبعة الفلوس فلوس فلوس فلوس
Hi lm from Iraq 🇮🇶 😂بغداد تحديدا
I Miss the beautiful days. I was the translator of the Us Army 🌹🌹
كرة عينك انت واهلك على عملك معهم كمترجم
@@mohamadismail9463 بالعكس عمل المترجم كلش مهم يعني مثل ماتشوف بالفيديو لولا المترجم لصار مضارب بيناتهم لان محد يفهم الثاني.
@@AliALCHARAKH اكو مترجمين ايام ما جانوا الامريكان يفترون عالبيوت خصوصا الاماكن الساخنه اللي جانت معروفه وتقاوم الامريكان جانوا يترجمون غلط اما متقصدين او مطايا لهذا يعتقلوهم الامريكان لمواطني تلك المناطق الساخنة
0:35 wow it's really old reference. . . A more apt reference would be : he looks like one of John's boyfriends
Looking for a friend she was in transportation and drove the HET out there last name Rodriguez.
For god sake there's no dessert in baghdad
No sweet tooth?
May God bless and protect all American Troops in iraq , in Afghanistan and overseas.
In Jesus name,
Amen .
Does your religion teach you to kill and destroy other people's countries? Congrats! It is a great religion you seem so devoted to ! may god bless you all in hell !
My utmost respect and regard !
@@vipim7129 yeah broo they don t care about killing civillian people
may god destroy amerca the head of evil in the world
هل دينك يعلمك أن تقتل وتدمر بلاد الآخرين؟ مبروك! إنه دين عظيم يبدو أنك مخلص له! بارك الله فيكم جميعا في الجحيم! فائق الاحترام والتقدير!
@@مسلمشيعي-ص6ي nah I think that’s wherever you’re from m8.
. i have a plenty of time on my hands due to covid 19 . So never mind me . When i get bored i usually go seek another entertainment !
Were pretty much street outlaws, judge jurors, and executioners
انوب الامريكان ميدرون وين يركزون بالانفجارات عليهم لو بطلايب العراقيين خرب ذاك الحظ
I don't understand why American was in Iraq what was wrong with iraq
9/11 happened and America was overwhelmed with the fear of terrorism and Bush was able to take advantage of the situation and finish the war his father started in 1991.
Wmd threat
No legitimate reason, but many fake justifications.
@@SocialistFinn1Well yes as a American, thank bush for that.
@@ssww3they never found them? I love my soldiers but bush is a liar and criminal
Were you there, have you been there?
دكة عشائرية وشيخ مستر مايقبل فصل يريد ٥ كلاكنشوفات
The americans seem really good at this sort of thing.....
usa should not be there.
mind your own business usa.
This war was us and them, mind your own business Euro or whoever you are
I did 2 pumps to Afghan land. It was 100% pointless. I joined up specifically to go. I went and got the answer. War is stupid unless it’s the absolute last resort.
True but war is money 💰
This war should not have happened while President SADDAM HUSSEIN remained ruling the Republic of IRAQ
I was one year
3:49 😅
My family always tells that im strongheaded and stubborn . So you cant get rid of me unless u block me !
Vip I'm Ur family is right lol
I'm a good songwriter, aren't I ?
There are still two comments left ! Are u blind ? Remove them quickly before anyone sees them !
Who are the Iraqis that strapped bombed to kids? Or the soldiers that respect civilians and you lie about them like the good Muslims you are.
I am Iraqi
No crap
@@LucasIvey-pl7lvYou're writing now, thanks to the crap
@@1fjjgd I was just saying it was obvious that he's Iraqi he litterly has the flag of Iraq as his pfp
@@LucasIvey-pl7lv You could have talked better.
@@1fjjgd I wasn't trying to be mean
Both are now happy working in canada happy and free lol
You understand that blu blu
مطر وزلزال في البحر وراهنوف اب خلق غيرنا سيخلق
غالبية عجلاتهم بدون أبواب
There is still one offensive comment left!
West people will never understand iraq
Or a very good poet . Well i can be very poetic when i want to !
Vip I'm Can u please U NEED TO MOUTH SHUT
@@konekorexmk6298 what heck is your problem?! Get lost ! You are neither iraqi nor American so it is none of your business!
you want round two???????
وين مترحون تتعاركون مصيرلكم جاره🤦🏿♀️
Freedom ❤
No war
Thank you for your service
Leaked cod 6 gameplay
You did remove my comment again ! But it's okay i can rattle on the subject all day long if i want to ! Though it is not rattling , mind you ! I'm only stating facts !
I have never found youtube so amusing as i find it now ! Keep on removing my painful comments ,folks. lest they bite ya !
painful, removed whatever. remember who invaded who 😁 ive never seen an iraqi humvee on our shores and never will!!!!
تضحك على شنو على العجوز 😂 ؟؟؟؟