Dear GSC! I've been waiting for the moment to play the second part since 2010 and I'm happy to tell you that I don't regret it. I pre-ordered the Ultimate Edition years ago. For me, it is the best game of the decade. I sincerely hope that after future DLCs you will not let go of the franchise and will expand the story of The Zone in a worthy way.
This game is simply amazing I already have 120 hours and I don't get tired, in fact I want to keep playing it more and more, fuck This is a game. Definitely This was Goty ☢️☢️🔥
Very cool, as always❤🔥 Moziiiiiii, if you have inspiration, could you try to make a video with the song "SadSvit - Cassette"? It has a special place in our hearts. One of our soldiers made a video for this song from the parts he filmed on his mobile phone when defending Mariupol (here it is: "SadSvit - Cassette: Під звуки касет ми з тобою у двох (Захисники Маріуполя Азовці)") PS: sorry for the bad English. Google Translate
A long and thorny road of Skif to a new flat, just like in real life
Watched this a dozen times already. Amazing work!
1:10 Strider really looks and sounds like Tom hardy
That's Degtyarev.
@ciaphas oh okay.
At this point he can't hide the fact that he's secretly GSCs trailer editor
Dear GSC!
I've been waiting for the moment to play the second part since 2010 and I'm happy to tell you that I don't regret it. I pre-ordered the Ultimate Edition years ago. For me, it is the best game of the decade. I sincerely hope that after future DLCs you will not let go of the franchise and will expand the story of The Zone in a worthy way.
this quality is actually fucking insane
Oh man, I think this is my favorite trailer yet... Not just out of yours, Mozi, but I think it's better than GSC's CTM too
Oh, that's big. Means a lot!
This game is simply amazing I already have 120 hours and I don't get tired, in fact I want to keep playing it more and more, fuck This is a game. Definitely This was Goty ☢️☢️🔥
awesome trailer man!👍
Beautifull trailer ❤☢
Very cool, as always❤🔥
Moziiiiiii, if you have inspiration, could you try to make a video with the song "SadSvit - Cassette"?
It has a special place in our hearts. One of our soldiers made a video for this song from the parts he filmed on his mobile phone when defending Mariupol
(here it is: "SadSvit - Cassette: Під звуки касет ми з тобою у двох (Захисники Маріуполя Азовці)")
PS: sorry for the bad English. Google Translate
I know the song, I love it. I often listen to it. I will see what I can do, sir.
Not sure if I like her or not, hehe
@SpartanMozi ☺️☺️❤️
why does Degtyarev have a vile voice, Degtyarev is normal in the Call of Pripyat, but here he is vile.
Deggy grumpy old man now. A decade of Italians confusing him for an American did that to him.
Well, thanks for information!
Major Degtyarev SBU - said Alexander Degtyarev.