I think the point is there is no one that would ever be a perfect match to play anything Eddie ever created! If there was then there would be no point in a tour celebrating VH music!
Stach refused to play the songs in Eddies Style, Satch played it as SATCH woudl play it. There are Dozens of guys on the internet I've seen do it way better than satch
I think the point is there is no one that would ever be a perfect match to play anything Eddie ever created! If there was then there would be no point in a tour celebrating VH music!
yeah sam halen tour
He himself was not a perfect match to his past abilities. He should have selected Wolfgang.
Stach refused to play the songs in Eddies Style, Satch played it as SATCH woudl play it. There are Dozens of guys on the internet I've seen do it way better than satch
Waste my time. Must be something worth saying and not this blather.