The voltage you were reading is the avg voltage across the entire unit- you need to measure each cell complete separately - Today, I was getting 12.3 volts on almost 24 of the cells when they were still connected - but the last two blocks were reading near zero, even though they were the "NEW" ones that I replaced 3 weeks ago - NOT sure how "new" these four were, these days you cannot trust ANY of the cells they sell because Toyota doesn't make them anymore - so whatever is in the used market is what you get and most of them are bad these days (even the full packages) seems to run into issues - ANYWAYS, I have them on a balancing machine that this dude (Steven Segal) look alike showed on his videos to get them all at the same exact voltage - I even used my old cells and they are charging / I should say balancing (if that is the right way to balance them) - I will need to buy a charger and get them charged upto 17.4 volts/block (This is the voltage that a solid and GOOD working block shows when the car is running) therefore each CELL should be charged up to hald of 17.4 (I think). What is the latest with your situation - did you fix it ?
I bought a used battery cell from ebay.. and I replaced the one cell.. and the error went away, and I have been driving this vehicle almost every day since... I show the replacement in one of my YT videos:
Wondering if you disassembled and relocated the bad cells since typically are in the middle and fail earlier due to the heating being more since not on the ends. I watch and read most rotate the inner cells to the outer sides and best outer side batteries into the middle. I haven't done yet, though have another HV battery to work with refurbishing cells. Practiced so far on old DeWalt NiCd's and amazingly worked on a few.
Ew, might needs some discharge-charge cycles maybe to lower the internal resistance and bring up the Ah capacity since the Ah capacity of ~200 something is super low. That's the value under the voltage. I found with the NiCd's only the one dicharge-charge cycle is better to due and reads like down to 0.6V first for a time and then 0.4V for the remainder of the discharge before charging. Not certain same applies for the NiMH yet as appears better to discharge to 0.8V before charging and those that detail well either show improvement with more cycles or not, then replace the cells that are not improving to a good enough like 6000Ah'ish capacity.
Please help I have a Prius that died completely I charged the 12 v battery and the car just won’t start wondering if it’s possible to charge this whole hybrid battery? It’s giving a code saying it’s bad
The voltage you were reading is the avg voltage across the entire unit- you need to measure each cell complete separately - Today, I was getting 12.3 volts on almost 24 of the cells when they were still connected - but the last two blocks were reading near zero, even though they were the "NEW" ones that I replaced 3 weeks ago - NOT sure how "new" these four were, these days you cannot trust ANY of the cells they sell because Toyota doesn't make them anymore - so whatever is in the used market is what you get and most of them are bad these days (even the full packages) seems to run into issues - ANYWAYS, I have them on a balancing machine that this dude (Steven Segal) look alike showed on his videos to get them all at the same exact voltage - I even used my old cells and they are charging / I should say balancing (if that is the right way to balance them) - I will need to buy a charger and get them charged upto 17.4 volts/block (This is the voltage that a solid and GOOD working block shows when the car is running) therefore each CELL should be charged up to hald of 17.4 (I think).
What is the latest with your situation - did you fix it ?
I bought a used battery cell from ebay.. and I replaced the one cell.. and the error went away, and I have been driving this vehicle almost every day since... I show the replacement in one of my YT videos:
Wondering if you disassembled and relocated the bad cells since typically are in the middle and fail earlier due to the heating being more since not on the ends. I watch and read most rotate the inner cells to the outer sides and best outer side batteries into the middle. I haven't done yet, though have another HV battery to work with refurbishing cells. Practiced so far on old DeWalt NiCd's and amazingly worked on a few.
Ew, might needs some discharge-charge cycles maybe to lower the internal resistance and bring up the Ah capacity since the Ah capacity of ~200 something is super low. That's the value under the voltage. I found with the NiCd's only the one dicharge-charge cycle is better to due and reads like down to 0.6V first for a time and then 0.4V for the remainder of the discharge before charging. Not certain same applies for the NiMH yet as appears better to discharge to 0.8V before charging and those that detail well either show improvement with more cycles or not, then replace the cells that are not improving to a good enough like 6000Ah'ish capacity.
When cells u charge full do u comect to car when fully charged cells
Please help I have a Prius that died completely I charged the 12 v battery and the car just won’t start wondering if it’s possible to charge this whole hybrid battery? It’s giving a code saying it’s bad
If you drive your prius around without the fan connected, the batteries will not be cooled. And will overheat, causing damage very quickly.
check if you have water inside round at the battery 12 bolts prius have defect liquid from the car window back check the cable
Dr prius shows temp three aroind 114 farenheit i thought middle ones get got
i see have a lot corrosion in terminal conection buddy clean very important
sometime them rains hapends
$30 for battery module