Studying Finnish for years without understanding Finns? | Learn Finnish by listening!

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 26 ต.ค. 2024

ความคิดเห็น • 39

  • @viki4670
    @viki4670 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    Thank you for your job and involvement, Lotta.
    Egoistically I feel much better when I don't worry that I don't understand the Finns. It took the stress away from my Finnish learning process and surprisingly helped me to understand the Finns more easily. Linguists say that understanding a foreign language is worse when we are worried about the language and especially when instead of listening to the speaker, we think what we will answer in the language.

    • @finnished
      @finnished  ปีที่แล้ว

      Well said! I definitely agree on that :)

  • @BarneyMuller-y4n
    @BarneyMuller-y4n ปีที่แล้ว +9

    Great channel and content. Thanks.However, we have to be honest about how far finnish is removed from most if not all (except Estonian) other languages. Which means that 4-5 years is still a very reasonable time to learn the language. It is not the same as the Italian, French or Spanish that you learned. I also believe in comprehensible input but, two years is a very short time.

    • @vanessachapman4868
      @vanessachapman4868 ปีที่แล้ว +7

      I agree with you! I think of learning English, Spanish, Swedish, or a language in the same families as learning to play a song on the xylophone with one mallet. Learning Finnish is like playing that same song on the piano, but having to use all your fingers to make chords! You are saying the same thing, but in a much more complex way. And while it's possible to pick up a simpler Germanic or Romance language fairly quickly, the vast majority of Finnish learners are going to take a much longer time. I welcome the idea of comprehensible input, but I don't believe it produces the same results in the same time period with all languages.

    • @twodyport8080
      @twodyport8080 ปีที่แล้ว

      While this material is useful and I appreciate the efforts, I also agree that 1-2 years is an unrealistic expectation for an average English speaker...I also don't think listening to a talking head for hours on end is going to really speed things up. For what it's worth people I know who bridged the English to Finnish gap and they say 5-10 years is more realistic a time frame. Also while possible, based off lots of conversations with Finns, it seems highly unlikely as an adult English speaker to ever achieve a high proficiency in Finnish.

    • @finnished
      @finnished  ปีที่แล้ว +2

      Thank you for your feedback! I do recognise that 1 year is very fast to learn any language (although I've seen Finnish learners who've done that), and it is always easier to learn a language that is close to one you already speak. However, while Finnish is definitely very different from most languages, it is not necessarily more difficult or complex - in fact the grammar is very logical and regular. I myself find that the French always say things in a much more complex way 😃 And I wouldn't necessarily say that Romance languages are simpler (Germanic yes maybe but I only speak English and Swedish so it's hard to judge and it's always subjective). Finally, I think we always forget that us Finns had to learn a language from a completely different language family as well - but we still speak very good English in general. Not because our school system is so great, but because we listen to English ever since childhood on TV and in movies - hence using comprehensible input for hours on end 😉

    • @BarneyMuller-y4n
      @BarneyMuller-y4n ปีที่แล้ว +2

      Thank you for your response. We all agree that comprehensible input is effective. I understand that English poses similar challenges for you. However, English benefits from a wealth of available content, making it somewhat more "accessible" due to its extensive resources. As you noted, many non-native English speakers like us have dedicated countless hours to engaging with English content since childhood, not just for a brief period of a year or two.
      I found the US Foreign Service Institute's list to be incredibly valuable for my progress in Finnish. It ranks the number of hours it should take to learn most of the languages around the world if you speak English. It helped me realize that taking a few years, rather than months, is perfectly normal. According to their rankings, learning Finnish requires around 1100+ hours of learning. That made me realise that it would take at least three years or more if I had one hour per day, every day. We should obviously take this as a rough estimate and everyone's abilities and time vary.
      The key takeaway here is that it's completely normal and even anticipated that achieving fluency in Finnish within a two-year timeframe is not the standard expectation. Nor should such claims be made.
      If someone wants to read the list, you can find it here:
      Lotta, your videos are fantastic and have helped me so much. Please continue your work, as we truly need more of it! Lastly, your story is inspirational, because anyone who has learned any other language should be proud, but you have achieved so much in that regard.

  • @camilacowley8554
    @camilacowley8554 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    I'm looking forward the live webinar. I just recently celebrated one year of living in Finland and though I feel like I do understand more than when I arrived, it still feels like when people talk to me a little bit too fast I cannot comprehend anything. So glad to have found you❤️

    • @finnished
      @finnished  ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Congratulations! Understanding slow Finnish in one year is great progress! See you at the webinar 😍

    • @lolly4646
      @lolly4646 ปีที่แล้ว

      Onneksi olkoon!

  • @addisutibebu8775
    @addisutibebu8775 ปีที่แล้ว

    Good was come Finland last month it's good learning mechanism thank you.

  • @tyylinaina
    @tyylinaina ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Mä ymmärrän perinteisesti kaikki mitä sä sanot sun videossa. Mutta.. jos mä kuuntelen toista ihmista se on tosi vaikeeta. Mä luulen että oon tottunut sun äänesi ja nyt on aikaa lajentaa. Kiitos.
    mä ehdottomasti suosittellen ostaminen Lottan kurssi.Opitais ja pidä ylös.. sä päästä tosi kaukana!

    • @finnished
      @finnished  ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Kiitos kommentista! Ja mahtavaa että ymmärrät jo lähes kaiken! Nyt olis tosiaan aika alkaa kuunnella myös muita puhujia - suosittelen että valitset vaikka yhen tai kaks tavallista suomalaista TH-cam-kanavaa ja kuuntelet samalla metodilla mitä mä opetan mun kurssilla :)

  • @ShoutsWillEcho1
    @ShoutsWillEcho1 10 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    I will not burn out again, so I am taking it very slow. 15min a day, 30 if im feeling frisky

    • @finnished
      @finnished  9 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      That's a good plan! Good luck for your studies :)

  • @JeanLoupRSmith
    @JeanLoupRSmith ปีที่แล้ว +5

    Olen opiskellut suomea yli 25 vuotia ja en edes ymmärrä Mummia ja yritän harrastaa tai harjoitella joka päivä 😅

    • @eddyc8900
      @eddyc8900 ปีที่แล้ว

      Siitä on minulle noin 30 vuotta. Olen kuitenkin asunut Suomessa korkeintaan viisi vuotta. Ja muita kieliä on. Esimerkiksi viro ja karelu. Udmurtti kukaan? 😂

    • @finnished
      @finnished  ปีที่แล้ว

      Hmm millä tavalla oot opiskellu? 😃

    • @JeanLoupRSmith
      @JeanLoupRSmith ปีที่แล้ว

      ​@@finnished No yleensä käytän sovelluksia oppimaan sanastoa mutta pidän myös käyttää Ylen Kieli Koulu harrastamaan mun kielen ymmärtäminen. Ongelma on että en voi käydä Suomeen niin usein kuin haluaisin. Viime kertaa että olin siellä oli 6 vuotta sitten...

    • @finnished
      @finnished  ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Siinä tapauksessa suosittelen että kuuntelet niin paljon ku mahdollista! Suomalaisia leffoja, podcasteja, youtube-videoita... 😊

  • @learnalanguagewithleslie
    @learnalanguagewithleslie ปีที่แล้ว +4

    There is another misconception. That "it's too late" for adults to learn any new language (although that view has changed somewhat). And another one. That babies/children automatically "learn faster".
    I strongly disagree with that and I think that it's entirely possible for adults to learn _faster_ than kids. One example I have is that after two years in Spain I was talking with my accountant. Two year old kids won't even understand those concepts (so I think us adults definitely do have an advantage over kids).
    And in Russian, I am able to watch Russian news after about 5 years or so. I don't see any 5 year old Russian kids watching political news about the Kremlin and whatnot. They're more likely playing marbles or something (well, or today's equivalent digital game).
    In short, adults always seem to get envious of kids' learning abilities. But most ordinary children don't even get to actively choose what languages they are exposed to when growing up (even in Europe). The great thing, probably best of all, is that learning as an adult, we do get to choose what language we want to learn and it's not imposed on us by our parents either (and the methods, what work best for us, what is more fun).

    • @finnished
      @finnished  ปีที่แล้ว

      I completely agree with you and really like your examples! The reason why children learn "so fast" is that they get comprehensible input all the time! And while their brain is slightly more "flexible" than adults', the same language learning mechanism works for both.

  • @ceciBA1
    @ceciBA1 ปีที่แล้ว

    Lotta, where can we find the other webinar you did a while ago?
    Kiitos paljon työllesi. Aihe, josta keskustelet täällä, on erittäin tärkeä ja odotan innolla ideoitasi ja vinkkejäsi kehittyäksesi paremmin ja alkaa ymmärtää/puhua ennemmin tai myöhemmin ;) Saludos desde Suecia, Ceci

    • @finnished
      @finnished  ปีที่แล้ว

      Moi! Sorry, that webinar isn't available anymore for the time being! Thank you for your lovely comment and good luck for your studies!

  • @marin_1441
    @marin_1441 ปีที่แล้ว

    1:29 That one is for me
    3:08 Here i guess most of the people are in other boats just like me

    • @finnished
      @finnished  ปีที่แล้ว

      At least you're all in the same boat :'D

  • @carolineJakovinen
    @carolineJakovinen ปีที่แล้ว

    Mä oon opiskellu suomea kolme vuotta ja käyttäny melkein kolme tuhatta tuntia oppimismenetelmääni. Tässä kohtaa ymmärrän lähes 90% siitä, mitä natiivit puhuvat. Joskus mun täytyy myöntää, että mulle tulee vaikeuksia ku mun pitäis selittää jotakin portugaliksi, koska aivoni on niin totuttu miettimään enkuks tai suomeks 😅
    Ääh, ootko sä harkinnut C1- tai C2 -tasolla oleville opiskelijoille tarkoitettua verkkokurssia? Sillä netistä löytyy enimmäkseen suomen kielen peruskursseja, susta tulisi alullepanija, jos loisit ja lanseeraisit suomen kurssin edistyneille ☺️ Mieti sitä vinkkiä vaan 😉

    • @finnished
      @finnished  ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Ihan mahtavaa! Onneks olkoon upeesta saavutuksesta 👏👏👏 Ja kiitos vinkistä, mulla on kyllä mielessä kurssi edistyneille mutta mun täytyy löytää aikaa sen tekemiseen 😅

    • @carolineJakovinen
      @carolineJakovinen ปีที่แล้ว

      @@finnished Kiitoksia! 😊 Odotan innokkaasti sun edistyneille kurssia 😄

  • @allikatdreaming
    @allikatdreaming 5 หลายเดือนก่อน

    As a Finnish teacher, do you have any experience with working with people who have disabilities and are trying to learn Finnish? I have yet to meet a teacher of Finnish who does, or remotely understands, the inherent problems of people with hearing impairment, or other differences, who are trying to learn Finnish.

    • @finnished
      @finnished  5 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Yes, I have students who have ADHD or some kind of hearing impairment. I'm not an expert on those specifically, but together we've found ways to study that work for them as well :)

  • @John-jo3zz
    @John-jo3zz ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Puhuvät nopea mutta ei selva aihet kun kertoa.😮

  • @eddyc8900
    @eddyc8900 ปีที่แล้ว

    Suomalaisena jälkeläisenä, joka on opiskellut kieltä monta vuotta, on mielestäni paljon helpompi ymmärtää minua vanhempia ihmisiä. Niillä on taipumus pysyä lähempänä kirjoitettua kieltä ja he ovat ehkä anteeksiantavaisempia virheilleni.

    • @finnished
      @finnished  ปีที่แล้ว

      Mielenkiintosta! Ja varmasti totta, että vanhemmat ihmiset ehkä puhuu enemmän kirjakielen tyylistä kieltä - riippuen tietenkin murteesta! Mun isovanhemmat on Etelä-Pohjanmaalta ja puhuu aikaa vahvaa "pohojolaasta" ;)

  • @oqqaynewaddingxtwjy7072
    @oqqaynewaddingxtwjy7072 11 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Päällä ja pois olen ollut suomeksi 1980-luvulta lähtien ensimmäisellä ruotsin suunnitelmalla olla hyvä oppia ruotsia suomeksi sitten 1989 asunut Japanissa oppiakseni japania ja Ainu palaa joskus takaisin suomeksi Minulla oli niitä kirjoja vuodesta 1980 2013 haluan tehdä karjalan ja suomen Maaliskuu 2020 meni Joensuussa kieltäytyi puhumasta englantia eikä voinut jäädä hotelliin, koska sanoivat tulleeni kanssa .. Kiinasta Kerroin tulleeni Japanista mutta kieltäytyin huoneesta ja nukuin sitten seuraavana päivänä alkoholistitalossa sitten poliisin sellissä !he määräsi minut pois Suomesta
    ​voi aivan

  • @John-jo3zz
    @John-jo3zz ปีที่แล้ว

    Suomissa opetusmetodi ei hyvä. Monen koulustä

  • @kamrulhasan-gn8qk
    @kamrulhasan-gn8qk 5 หลายเดือนก่อน


  • @John-jo3zz
    @John-jo3zz ปีที่แล้ว

    Eivät tieta tota treennit metodi kieliä.

  • @oqqaynewaddingxtwjy7072
    @oqqaynewaddingxtwjy7072 11 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Gimara On Espanja hablo hän sanu se voivansa