A common quote from someone who is part of the Elite. Someone who believes in Rugged Individualism for the poor, socialism for the rich. There's no escape from the hierarchy. Those who made it will do anything to keep their status and keep their company rare. They will engage in fake or shallow philanthropy to keep torches and pitchforks away from their doorsteps. It's a common theme throughout human history.
Victimhood is forced on victims. It is the abuser who chooses to be an abuser. Victims do not choose to be bullied, sexually assaulted, beaten by their partner, robbed, defrauded or burgled. It is the abusers who should be punished.
@@invernessfan3017 I think they are talking about verbal abuse. If you let some words make you feel badly, you are making yourself a victim of the words. You have to be stronger in yourself and let those words roll off your back.
@@invernessfan3017 They're not talking about being a victim by someone else's hands in a given moment. The context of the quote refers to the mindset that consists in depriving yourself of will and responsability because someone else has told you that by reason of being a woman, an afro-american, an homosexual or whatever you are an absolute victim which only way is to surrender yourself to the group which will only protect you from the horrible aggresors. Is the deleting of the individual to convert it in a group puppet. Of course, this groups are just weapons for power a la old Marxist way. Only that now it's not only poor vs rich; It's also women vs men, cis vs trans, gay vs hetero, blacks vs whites and any other way of division conceivable. This is achieved by group victimhood, hand with hand with hatred, discrimination, stigma and deshumanization.
Vivek is only politician in decades to come up with unique ways of describing our same old problems - BUT, more importantly, offers unique ways to solve them.
Yeah, I'm Canadian, and it's the first time that I heard him talk. I'm very impressed. He seems to be more educated than any other candidates. Not at all crude. I wish him the best.
If we lived in a rational world, Vivek would win the Republican nomination and the presidency by a landslide. Unfortunately, we don't live in that world. Nevertheless, I'm still supporting him in every way that I can.
@VeniVidiVid I CAME, I SAW, I CONQUERED. Yes, less Govt interference would be a wonderful thing. One easy example would be Climate Change. If they just allowed Free Market to react, outcome would be way better - and cost tens of Trillions less. The fact is: there is virtually nothing Man can do to have much of an effect on global temps - short of everyone living in caves again!!
I dropped out of high school when I was 16 joined the Navy when I was 17 retired from the Navy at 37 with the pension and benefits . I started a plumbing company then sold it at 55 and retired with no debt and a paid off mortgage. I never did get a high school diploma and no one ever asked me if I had one .
@@invernessfan3017 you are talking about actual victims. This video is about people who see a lack of privilege as victimhood. Hardship is not victimhood.
Imagine 18 year olds living the nightmare in the trenches in WW1 coming into a University now with fat people with purple hair crying about the wrong pronouns and whether people respect them enough coz they have a dick but think they have a vagina
I hope something that would aptly be named "the Aldrin effect" comes to pass, where immigrants (and natives) of third world countries, punch their American counterparts square in the jaw (and white counterparts) across the face whenever one of them tries to equate their Western privilege to the poverty and suffering that they have truly suffered. *Buzz Aldrin punched a guy who effectively tried to tell him his own "lived experience" of walking on the Moon was a sham. Basically anyone who deserves a wake up call with a fist 😅
Growing up, my Indian parents inculcated in me the Values of Hard work, Integrity and Courage to rise above and overcome our societal circumstances (hardships), rather than taking the easy path of the coward by wallowing in victimhood.
I'll tell you what bro. If we don't take that "courageous" path, we're finished. But in some of these countries I don't think not succeeding would land their people in a terrible situation.
@Philip van scotter Douglas is not a national treasure; he's a global treasure. Vivek is better than the rest of the bunch who have declared their candidacy for the POTUS. I hope he gets withing shooting distance but I doubt it.
@@chamboyette853I had never heard a stance like his in my life. I’m 24. It makes sense. There is more green on the earth now than ever(or something like that). He graduated studying biology at the top of his class at Harvard. And then went to Yale law. That was the one thing he proposed that I remotely had an issue with as well. He actually has a talk that I found where he speaks on the issue. And as I sat with it, it made sense.🙏
Voting for 25 yr olds and older only in USA I disagree with. If you're 18 In USA you are legally a Adult and old enough to join military and die in war then you shouldn't have to be 25 to vote. 18 is a good age limit to legally vote in USA
As an indian i hav heard this from my grandma so many times. " Todays generations ideas is future generations hardcore belief system" Thats why it is very important that as a generation of today, we must think properly and create ideas that leads to human prosperity and development. Our national identity, our integrity, our family values, all that makes us strong and united must be reassured, must be uttered and discussed loudly, its importance must be discussed, its a necessity. In india , some woke leftists or liberals or knuckleheads debate that whether it is necessary to stand during the national anthem or not. Like seriously.....some people hav the audacity to debate against standing for 30 seconds for the national of anthem of the nation that they live in safely.......thats why i think vivek is very correct in talking aht national revival. I m an indian, i dont really care what vivek does and who is the POTUS. But as a person who has keen interest in world affairs ,i think its high time that USA gets its shit together. Also i like vivek's and trump's views on china being the real threat.
@@deviildogg1 The Democrats decided no debates will occur over the presidential primary, so Mannequin Brandon won't have to debate anyone. *_TRUST !!_*
...as a non US resident, I keep wondering doesn't a 350+ million nation have anyone at the age at which they can control their bladder to elect as the leader of the nation.
Douglas is the quintessential Englishman! Well read, intelligent, beautifully spoken and with a dry wit. Never underestimate the humour in the Brits! It is often not understood by Americans! Very intelligent other half today! Loved the Godly references .
Wow. It's the first time, I heard Ramaswamy speak. I'm totally impressed. He seems to be more educated than other presidential candidates. I'm Canadian, and I wish the best for him.
The incredible irony is that the professional victims/cowards of society actually believe that they’re the brave heroes who are standing up for what’s right. That’s how badly the victim mentality can warp a person’s thinking and perception of reality. It’s as if they’re living in a self-created delusion and no amount of truth can awaken them.
It's their deep desire to belong to a community, and they will rather strip their own believes and will not give up on it, even they feel something is not quite right.
Douglas Murray is one of the few courageous and rational voices that serve to inspire hope in a time when the masses seem to have completely abandoned logic because you know… feelings… Please let us embrace objective reality and create an environment where access to necessary resources is possible for all, but individual merits are properly acknowledged/assessed regardless of one’s status as a member of any particular population.
Most cowards do not speak their mind in the fear of being cancelled. Anyone speaking on the idiocy of wokism must be courageous as the educational institutions are the first to fire such people from their jobs.
Douglas and Vivek both drew on the substantial materials in their books, but none so clearly as the part (around 11:30) on victimization and hardship. Vivek's response to Douglas Murray's cogent question is spot on. What great insight he offers. In his answers, Vivek goes well beyond his awareness of his presidential bid and answers the question with a thoughtful, detailed response.
Agreed. I'm looking forward to seeing more responses like that (as apposed to his well rehearsed talking points replies) from Vivak as his campaign continues.
Ultra British and Ultra American. It's pretty cool seeing the cultural distinctiveness in their manner and attitudes and speech. Vivek = Charismatic, Hopeful, visionary, energetic, verbose, direct etc. Murray = mmm, yes.... understatement, calm, cool, reserved, witty, dry, hyper gentleman like.
The more I hear Vivek the more I like him. Leave it to Douglas to infuse his dry, stinging humor to the mix. Great interview. Gave me a glimmer of hope for our future.
Wonderful to hear 24 minutes of sane discussion. I think it may be Douglas Murry who has made me allergic to the phrase “lived experience”. I now react to it the way I might react to nails down a chalk board. I instinctively respond “What is an unlived experience?”
I enjoy listening to Douglas Murray, not only when he strikes his opponent with the swiftness and certainty of Samurai Warrior. However, his poetic recount of CS Lewis I found even more satisfying. What a gift we have, and Dr. Murray. ❤
Agreed. The purpose of suffering isn’t to actually suffer. It’s to open up the vessel that is each bit of suffering and put to use the wisdom that it brings. That’s the function/nature of suffering. It’s potential wisdom/bliss. That’s the whole purpose of suffering. This is the timeless philosophy of all traditions. Suffering brings us within. It makes us think and grow. No matter what the suffering is there is always something to be gained in the form of insight. Always.
Murray’s last quote was beautiful. It pairs well with his words about living in the moment. "Never, in peace or war, commit your virtue or your happiness to the future. Happy work is best done by the man who takes his long-term plans somewhat lightly and works from moment to moment 'as to the Lord.' It is only our daily bread that we are encouraged to ask for. The present is the only time in which any duty can be done or any grace received." ~ C. S. LEWIS
We had a term paper at my university where we could pick to write a paper on any politician running for president. I picked Vivek Ramaswarmy where I set out to criticize him and show where he was factually wrong and back it up which my teacher liked very much. I found out that almost all of his positions (with the exception of climate change where he really is wrong) were founded. The teacher gave me a D (my average GPA is a 3.4) and reported me to the dean for "inciting racial discrimination" and "denigrating the foundations of higher education in the USA today for minorities". The board is still reviewing the case to see if they let me back in next year.
Hopefully the school board will deny your appeal, thus offering a top grade resentment & provide a nucleus for a rewarding life. Will you be gluing yourself to a roadway in the interm?
Philosopher Jay Richards offers a more precise moniker: catastrophic, human-induced climate change. The advocate will have to show that the climate is indeed warming (perhaps, short or long-term?), provide overwhelming evidence that's it's due to human activity, and that the warming is ultimately catastrophic (it would clearly be beneficial in more northern latitudes). Seen through that lens, the current hysteria would be difficult to justify.
@@mchristr I look at evidence as I see it. Here are some undisputed facts : although climate has changed a great deal in the past, it has changed much more quickly since industrialisation. The amount of hurricanes and violent storms has also gone way up. So has turbulence when taking an airplane. So has the number of animals going extinct. I can probably find other things. Of course it is possible that all this is just a coincidence. But we have the choice to either ignore all this and possibly suffer a great deal in the future, or take a few precautions and be much better assured for the future. Given the risk which seems high enough, I prefer to take the second option. It's even more evident than the question of getting car insurance for example. Of course I wish he were right, but I have serious doubts, and enough doubts that it doesn't seem at all to be worth the risk.
You are being mislead about climate catastrophe. Go to the REAL science, you can find it you want it, that SHOWS that hurricanes and storms are NOT more frequent. Research the climate disaster of just the one volcanic eruption of Mt. Pinitubo in the Philippines in the early 1980’s. There was more climate pollution in that one eruption than in all of the pollution since the Industrial Revolution. Climate changes, that’s what it does. During the latter part of the 17th and through most of the 18th century, the northern hemispheres suffered h rough what is known as the Little Ice Age”, which resulted in tremendous death and destruction, and even precipitated one revolution- the French Revolution. Many more deaths occur from cold weather, than hot. Do your research, and don’t believe leftist teachers and propaganda! Good Luck
11:06 the best question i have heard in a long long while that was asked by a journalist in a interview. And a great answer vivek i really love this guy after this answer.
Great video. These two gentlemen use the voice of reason and articulate it better than most. It's a strong contrast to most of the loud nonsense we hear forced on us in this country.
In India we are rewarding victimhood using reservations in every sphere of life. Viveks philosophy will be very useful to convey the message. Thank you Vivek 🙏
The fact that Vivek says that he would say to a person undergoing hardship that "it is OUR fault as politicians" shows you he absolutely knows what leadership is about and is exactly the kind of person we need as a politician in this country.
I'm changing my party affiliation solely so I can vote for Vivek. I don't see myself voting for a democrat for the foreseeable future. I would love to see this man as POTUS.
It’s bound to come back! 🤞Unfortunately, it may require that many Americans be “brought to their knees” before they can see the bigger picture and what is actually needed to save the country.
That's because everyone can now vote. At that time only wealthy land owners could, and a stupid people were pretty much selected out of that pool, because a fool and his money are soon parted is a very apt saying. Now that the half of the population that is sub 100 iq get a vote as well, they don't even recognize intelligence(it's like magic to them, is what I've gathered from not bright people trying to write very intelligent characters), let alone the need for it. Oh and that little thing called women's suffrage made politics even more about feelings and less about facts and logic. So good luck to him trying to reason with the electorate, it's like trying to win an argument with your wife/girlfriend using facts and logic.
@@leannemo7382 Yes and Vivek will be there to take full advantage. But he won't save it. He'll vaccinate it over and over again and Track it. Then, according to his plan, he'll rule the world.
I worked in HE for 40 years... i saw it gradually changing from 2005 onwards. I knew things were changing then my children went to Uni... it made me wince. We need to challenge HE. When i was at uni they taught criticsl thinking and debate... i saw in the 90s when the junior common room was packed with students watching tele tubbies. Time we went back to core educational values... well done Douglas for standing above the parapet
Great analogy intermixing the biblical exodus story with separation from the English monarchy to describe the current predicament of the American situation. Brilliant!
Candidate personality cult worship is a common mistake made by many citizens (me included) and having learned from that; I want to screen out hysteria & hyperbole. I want to scrutinize candidates on virtue of their words, plainly spoken, and their pledges concerning policy. So long as Vivek Ramaswamy espouses a _first principles approach_ toward problem solving, he will have my vote! _TRUST !!_
That's because most people have strong tribal instincts and aren't very bright. Such mistake is understandable in youth, when you don't know much. But those two aforementioned aspects of humanity very often keep this phenomenon going to their grave. Like Carlin very aptly pointed out, if average intellect is at hundred points, then half of humanity falls below it.
Vivek for POTUS. He has the brains, vision, charisma, proven ability to deliver, loves The American Dream and The Constitution. He could actually unite USA in a meaningful way. ❤❤
The new hero is a clown in disguise. Serving to entertain, but not inspire. The heroes of old are reframed as being corrupt. Perfectly encapsulated by the spew of modern Hollywood.
@@EmperorsNewWardrobe lemme help 'em: take any historical figure known to have been positive; starting with American founding fathers and continue across any European leader from Napoleon over various British Spanish French Prussian Russian Austrian gentry over to Winston Churchill, they have all been deemed racist mysogynist evil white men. Pick ANY of them; it is exactly the same narrative. But if you want to look specifically into, take Winston Churchill and the evil slaver himself, Abraham Lincoln. Arts? ALL of them, take any white artist and it's the same narrative. Specifics? JRR Tolkien of all people, evil non inclusive racist who made Africans the evil people of a fantasy land that does not contain the African continent (also a problem, clearly only a racist would create a fantastical realm with no Africa). Contemporary? JK Rowling, an evil bigoted transphobe with her campaign against men in women's bathrooms. Not a writer? Tsaikovski, evil for supporting Putin and aggresion on Ukraine back from 1860ies. New heroes as clowns in disguise? An autistic girl of rich parents sponsored by huge corporates to teach about global warming. A black activist driving Formula 1 demanding there be "less white men in F1 principal positions" (not even bothering to frame the narrative as "more black men" or "more people of colour" or "more women", just precisely "less white men").
These guys are amazing, We need more of them please - and less of the dropkicks teaching students so much rubbish ideology at schools and higher institutions thank you.
❤ Brilliant concepts. ❤ I really appreciate how Vivek Ramaswamy is brings clarity to deep confusion in America currently. Very well conducted interview , Douglas. Thanks for the upload
Thank you Mr. Murray!! the world was a better place on the 30 glorious years, Minorities and their complexes came violently to give us moral lessons.. look at the consequences, à society of jelousy and ressentiment..
We need Vivek Ramaswamy like we need a hole in the head. He wants to rule the world. (per his interview with Jordan Peterson) What do you want him to say? He'll say it. He is WEF global elite - - Big Pharma Salesman - - Pro-VAX, - - Pro-Multi-VAX, with TRACKING Sheep, need to get in line.
9:00 It’s interesting because in movies the hero is supposed to start out a victim of circumstances. The more messed up the circumstances, the more interesting to our eyes. But the hero does not stay there, the hero goes on an adventure that is also really difficult and by a hair he or she finds victory in the end. We love that story, where the hero barely makes it but makes it in the end. That is the true myth we love. That structure will serve the basis for the vision that the right is to create to combat the narratives coming from the left. The hero’s journey!
Vivek and RFK are the first presidential candidates in modern times that can actually think, I've never seen Vivek give a bad answers to a question, his answers always are incredibly well thought out.
I work at a university - people have no idea of how pathetic these places have become....when I started in my position nearly 20 years ago the people at the top level of management were smart people making rational decisions and putting out decent graduates...now - the opposite is true. holy hell - if I wasn't close to retirement from there I would be running for the doors - and even being close to retirement, I still might run for the doors if the opportunity presented itself. they hire people for director level positions who do as they're told more than being thinking individuals - as an engineer - I can't turn off my brain the way they want to blindly follow...... I've had to stop talking about higher ed to younger students and parents because I find myself telling them the truth and it's not a good message to perpetuate the institution
I graduated from a Computer Science degree. Predominantly in Video Games Art. I left with a 1st class degree. And a well earned one. Even from this left field avenue I can 100% say that it is personality and politics that get favoured over capability. This even translates into the industries beyond university. Woke culture is crippling every facet of society. Universities need to return to grant funding, being government subsidused, and sticking to a far more stringent acceptance process even fir those who can "pay their way". We are in a world of quantity over quality with everyone walking around with a piece of paper saying "Me clever. Msc". This is what we see at the end of societies: everyone clamouring for qualifications, but no where for them to go with them. I called out the lecturers incepting the woke bullsh#t and in the video game/film/journalism courses it's a vipers nest of them. Middlesbrough's Teesside University feels like ground zero for a lot of this bullsh#t. Universities are no longer a place for smart people.
If he does not win, it is only because America does not deserve him! Vivek gets to speak the truth as he is funding his own campaign with no big corporate donors behind pressing for a self-interest agenda. He needs small individual donors like us to support him in order to continue be in this race. It can be as little as couple of dollars. If we want a revolutionary change for this beloved country, we must not only listen but act!
I’ve been working at colleges and universities for 10 years and I have a graduate degree in college student developmental theory. Higher education itself isn’t a scam, but what it’s morphing into is.
I just want to give a huge thank you to Douglas Murray, for finally pointing out that the term “lived experience“ is completely ridiculous. There is no other kind of experience.
8:27 Murray: When people start their argument with "speaking as" - everything that comes afterwards is rubbish 11:58 Vivek: Speaking as a national leader...
11:20 YES politicians/leaders MUST tell people if they fucked their life up! It’s your fault if your life is fucked up! That’s how freedom works. Free to make choices good or bad and free to accept the consequences of those choices.
Love that quote “Hardship is not a choice, Victimhood is a choice”
A common quote from someone who is part of the Elite. Someone who believes in Rugged Individualism for the poor, socialism for the rich. There's no escape from the hierarchy. Those who made it will do anything to keep their status and keep their company rare. They will engage in fake or shallow philanthropy to keep torches and pitchforks away from their doorsteps. It's a common theme throughout human history.
Victimhood is forced on victims. It is the abuser who chooses to be an abuser. Victims do not choose to be bullied, sexually assaulted, beaten by their partner, robbed, defrauded or burgled.
It is the abusers who should be punished.
@@invernessfan3017 thank you
@@invernessfan3017 I think they are talking about verbal abuse. If you let some words make you feel badly, you are making yourself a victim of the words. You have to be stronger in yourself and let those words roll off your back.
@@invernessfan3017 They're not talking about being a victim by someone else's hands in a given moment. The context of the quote refers to the mindset that consists in depriving yourself of will and responsability because someone else has told you that by reason of being a woman, an afro-american, an homosexual or whatever you are an absolute victim which only way is to surrender yourself to the group which will only protect you from the horrible aggresors. Is the deleting of the individual to convert it in a group puppet. Of course, this groups are just weapons for power a la old Marxist way. Only that now it's not only poor vs rich; It's also women vs men, cis vs trans, gay vs hetero, blacks vs whites and any other way of division conceivable. This is achieved by group victimhood, hand with hand with hatred, discrimination, stigma and deshumanization.
Vivek is only politician in decades to come up with unique ways of describing our same old problems - BUT, more importantly, offers unique ways to solve them.
He is creative, he thinks critically, he has the heart of a lion. I think we are fortune for such a candidate 🙏
Vivek is not yet a politician. He's a genius though, which is a far better choice to run this country than another politician. VIVEK 2024!
Yeah, I'm Canadian, and it's the first time that I heard him talk. I'm very impressed. He seems to be more educated than any other candidates. Not at all crude. I wish him the best.
This cant be a serious comment
@@AlecWelsh-ut7cc Please, enlighten us with one of your own.
Vivek is a one sharp cookie! Need more like him involved in decision-making at Federal Govt level
I completely agree. “Woke, Inc.,” really opened my eyes to a lot of things that were going on around me.
If we lived in a rational world, Vivek would win the Republican nomination and the presidency by a landslide. Unfortunately, we don't live in that world. Nevertheless, I'm still supporting him in every way that I can.
Need more like him in the Republican Party who actually have the balls to tell the Left that they’re insane.
Agreed. But failing that (and we regularly fail that), maybe we just need the Federal Govt involved in far less decision-making.
@VeniVidiVid I CAME, I SAW, I CONQUERED. Yes, less Govt interference would be a wonderful thing. One easy example would be Climate Change. If they just allowed Free Market to react, outcome would be way better - and cost tens of Trillions less.
The fact is: there is virtually nothing Man can do to have much of an effect on global temps - short of everyone living in caves again!!
I dropped out of high school when I was 16 joined the Navy when I was 17 retired from the Navy at 37 with the pension and benefits . I started a plumbing company then sold it at 55 and retired with no debt and a paid off mortgage. I never did get a high school diploma and no one ever asked me if I had one .
Previous generations would laugh at our ideas of victimhood and find our comparisons to their existence beyond laughable, actually insulting.
Only evil people hate victims of serious abuse. We do not need a nihilism
@@invernessfan3017 you are talking about actual victims. This video is about people who see a lack of privilege as victimhood. Hardship is not victimhood.
Imagine 18 year olds living the nightmare in the trenches in WW1 coming into a University now with fat people with purple hair crying about the wrong pronouns and whether people respect them enough coz they have a dick but think they have a vagina
I hope something that would aptly be named "the Aldrin effect" comes to pass, where immigrants (and natives) of third world countries, punch their American counterparts square in the jaw (and white counterparts) across the face whenever one of them tries to equate their Western privilege to the poverty and suffering that they have truly suffered.
*Buzz Aldrin punched a guy who effectively tried to tell him his own "lived experience" of walking on the Moon was a sham.
Basically anyone who deserves a wake up call with a fist 😅
@@invernessfan3017No one is talking about serious abuse.
Including the wokies.
All I can say is that I love Douglas Murray! He is brilliant and hilarious! I can listen to him for hours. ❤
Growing up, my Indian parents inculcated in me the Values of Hard work, Integrity and Courage to rise above and overcome our societal circumstances (hardships), rather than taking the easy path of the coward by wallowing in victimhood.
Uh oh, your parents were teaching you the tenets of hhhwhite supremacy.
And this is why Indians out earn most other groups in the UK. It's all about parenting and work ethic.
I'll tell you what bro. If we don't take that "courageous" path, we're finished. But in some of these countries I don't think not succeeding would land their people in a terrible situation.
These are also the values of Christian Protestantism .....hark work and taking personal responsibility..
@@edwardharley9 It's like the values of most cultures around the world, lol. Nothing "hhhwhite" about it.
Two of the best voices out there right now.
@Philip van scotter Douglas is not a national treasure; he's a global treasure. Vivek is better than the rest of the bunch who have declared their candidacy for the POTUS. I hope he gets withing shooting distance but I doubt it.
“It would be much cheaper to get everyone a butler. And much more useful.” 😆😂🤣
It is a very British says the way!!
"and it woud make me want to go to Standford." hahahaha
That would logically mean that you'd be someone's butler and that your butler would have a butler.
He has this way with words that makes him stand out above the rest.
Hilarious and yet true.
I have not heard Mr. Ramaswamy say a single thing I disagree with. He is intelligent, sharp, and well-spoken, and I hope he does well.
Me neither except climate change. There I really do disagree. Everything else sounds logical and I really like him in many ways.
@@chamboyette853 Nuclear energy is the solution.
@@Valkyrie1941 not sure but maybe.
@@chamboyette853I had never heard a stance like his in my life. I’m 24. It makes sense. There is more green on the earth now than ever(or something like that). He graduated studying biology at the top of his class at Harvard. And then went to Yale law. That was the one thing he proposed that I remotely had an issue with as well. He actually has a talk that I found where he speaks on the issue. And as I sat with it, it made sense.🙏
Voting for 25 yr olds and older only in USA I disagree with. If you're 18 In USA you are legally a Adult and old enough to join military and die in war then you shouldn't have to be 25 to vote. 18 is a good age limit to legally vote in USA
I love Vivek. I hope he stays in American politics for a long time. And I believe he will. He brings me hope.
Vivek Ramaswamy 2024!
Both of these men are Wonder to listen to.
As an indian i hav heard this from my grandma so many times.
" Todays generations ideas is future generations hardcore belief system"
Thats why it is very important that as a generation of today, we must think properly and create ideas that leads to human prosperity and development. Our national identity, our integrity, our family values, all that makes us strong and united must be reassured, must be uttered and discussed loudly, its importance must be discussed, its a necessity.
In india , some woke leftists or liberals or knuckleheads debate that whether it is necessary to stand during the national anthem or not. Like seriously.....some people hav the audacity to debate against standing for 30 seconds for the national of anthem of the nation that they live in safely.......thats why i think vivek is very correct in talking aht national revival. I m an indian, i dont really care what vivek does and who is the POTUS. But as a person who has keen interest in world affairs ,i think its high time that USA gets its shit together. Also i like vivek's and trump's views on china being the real threat.
You do have to care, America is an international political powerhouse.
I really like Vivek... I am impressed with his brains and insights. Great points
I'd love to see Ramaswamy and Biden do a sit down debate. LOL
Well that would definitely not be a debate... It would be no different than Vivek attempting to debate a lifeless mannequin.
I would definitely watch that.
But that's very unlikely, since Biden nowadays needs help just to get to of stage.
Corn Pop was a BAD man! C’mon man!!
@@deviildogg1 The Democrats decided no debates will occur over the presidential primary, so Mannequin Brandon won't have to debate anyone.
*_TRUST !!_*
Biden needs short sentences and smaller words!!
By the end of the first question he'd be halfway to Mexico in his dressing gown confused as fuck :D
It's quite astonishing to see there are candidates like Vivek Ramaswamy but we've managed to build a system where Joe Biden is the norm.
Too many people vote. Our elections have been reduced to, who can manipulate more stupid people.
...as a non US resident, I keep wondering doesn't a 350+ million nation have anyone at the age at which they can control their bladder to elect as the leader of the nation.
Unfortunately for this great Nation , Trump has become the norm : alternative facts , alternative truth have become the norm in America.
To the contrary Trump was providing an economy in which people could succeed. They still had to work to achieve it.
Douglas is the quintessential Englishman! Well read, intelligent, beautifully spoken and with a dry wit. Never underestimate the humour in the Brits! It is often not understood by Americans! Very intelligent other half today! Loved the Godly references .
If witty discourses or intelligent talks could run a society or a nation, Brits would not need to worry about how to pay for heating and groceries.
@hotelcalifornia715 How do you propose we stop the United States' control over our nation? A time machine and explosives on Independence Hall?
@@hotelcalifornia715hubris and pompous sums it up.
I didn't know he had tattoos. It is good though that he's read so much.
I love Dougla's humor! Ab fab! Btw, Vivek is always so coherent!
Wow. It's the first time, I heard Ramaswamy speak. I'm totally impressed. He seems to be more educated than other presidential candidates. I'm Canadian, and I wish the best for him.
The incredible irony is that the professional victims/cowards of society actually believe that they’re the brave heroes who are standing up for what’s right. That’s how badly the victim mentality can warp a person’s thinking and perception of reality. It’s as if they’re living in a self-created delusion and no amount of truth can awaken them.
Self righteousness is an intoxicating drug.
It's their deep desire to belong to a community, and they will rather strip their own believes and will not give up on it, even they feel something is not quite right.
Douglas Murray is one of the few courageous and rational voices that serve to inspire hope in a time when the masses seem to have completely abandoned logic because you know… feelings… Please let us embrace objective reality and create an environment where access to necessary resources is possible for all, but individual merits are properly acknowledged/assessed regardless of one’s status as a member of any particular population.
Courageous!? 😂😂😂😂
Most cowards do not speak their mind in the fear of being cancelled. Anyone speaking on the idiocy of wokism must be courageous as the educational institutions are the first to fire such people from their jobs.
Douglas and Vivek both drew on the substantial materials in their books, but none so clearly as the part (around 11:30) on victimization and hardship. Vivek's response to Douglas Murray's cogent question is spot on. What great insight he offers. In his answers, Vivek goes well beyond his awareness of his presidential bid and answers the question with a thoughtful, detailed response.
dude he just blew me away with that response. Absolute gold.
@@chancegreenisdead Ditto.
Agreed. I'm looking forward to seeing more responses like that (as apposed to his well rehearsed talking points replies) from Vivak as his campaign continues.
Please trump first , he has personally give up much to help us the American people
@@RichNOOB-officalhe had his shot. Blew it.
Ultra British and Ultra American. It's pretty cool seeing the cultural distinctiveness in their manner and attitudes and speech.
Vivek = Charismatic, Hopeful, visionary, energetic, verbose, direct etc.
Murray = mmm, yes.... understatement, calm, cool, reserved, witty, dry, hyper gentleman like.
Excellent summation.
The more I hear Vivek the more I like him. Leave it to Douglas to infuse his dry, stinging humor to the mix. Great interview. Gave me a glimmer of hope for our future.
Vivek has my vote.
Wonderful to hear 24 minutes of sane discussion.
I think it may be Douglas Murry who has made me allergic to the phrase “lived experience”.
I now react to it the way I might react to nails down a chalk board. I instinctively respond “What is an unlived experience?”
Lovely to listen to 2 men with brains who make sense.
Thank you Vivek for talking about accountability. We need more accountability.
What a wonderful conversation. Thank you both ❤❤
Murrays response to Viveks Exodus reference 😂🤴🇬🇧 these two are at the top of the game
I enjoy listening to Douglas Murray, not only when he strikes his opponent with the swiftness and certainty of Samurai Warrior. However, his poetic recount of CS Lewis I found even more satisfying. What a gift we have, and Dr. Murray. ❤
Definitely voting for this guy.
Pain is inevitable; suffering is optional.
You must be very young or very lucky.
That is a good message for a motivational speaker.
The truth is that suffering is part of life. How you learn to deal with it forms your character.
Agreed. The purpose of suffering isn’t to actually suffer. It’s to open up the vessel that is each bit of suffering and put to use the wisdom that it brings. That’s the function/nature of suffering. It’s potential wisdom/bliss. That’s the whole purpose of suffering. This is the timeless philosophy of all traditions. Suffering brings us within. It makes us think and grow. No matter what the suffering is there is always something to be gained in the form of insight. Always.
Same message Gita
We need to create public incentives for more intelligent people like Vivek to run for president.
Douglas is so honest and goes exactly to the core of the problem
I admire him
Murray’s last quote was beautiful. It pairs well with his words about living in the moment.
"Never, in peace or war, commit your virtue or your happiness to the future.
Happy work is best done by the man who takes his long-term plans somewhat lightly and works from moment to moment 'as to the Lord.' It is only our daily bread that we are encouraged to ask for. The present is the only time in which any duty can be done or any grace received."
Douglas and Vivek ...a brilliant treat
We had a term paper at my university where we could pick to write a paper on any politician running for president. I picked Vivek Ramaswarmy where I set out to criticize him and show where he was factually wrong and back it up which my teacher liked very much. I found out that almost all of his positions (with the exception of climate change where he really is wrong) were founded. The teacher gave me a D (my average GPA is a 3.4) and reported me to the dean for "inciting racial discrimination" and "denigrating the foundations of higher education in the USA today for minorities". The board is still reviewing the case to see if they let me back in next year.
Hopefully the school board will deny your appeal, thus offering a top grade resentment & provide a nucleus for a rewarding life. Will you be gluing yourself to a roadway in the interm?
How is he so wrong about climate change?
Philosopher Jay Richards offers a more precise moniker: catastrophic, human-induced climate change. The advocate will have to show that the climate is indeed warming (perhaps, short or long-term?), provide overwhelming evidence that's it's due to human activity, and that the warming is ultimately catastrophic (it would clearly be beneficial in more northern latitudes). Seen through that lens, the current hysteria would be difficult to justify.
@@mchristr I look at evidence as I see it. Here are some undisputed facts : although climate has changed a great deal in the past, it has changed much more quickly since industrialisation. The amount of hurricanes and violent storms has also gone way up. So has turbulence when taking an airplane. So has the number of animals going extinct. I can probably find other things. Of course it is possible that all this is just a coincidence. But we have the choice to either ignore all this and possibly suffer a great deal in the future, or take a few precautions and be much better assured for the future. Given the risk which seems high enough, I prefer to take the second option. It's even more evident than the question of getting car insurance for example. Of course I wish he were right, but I have serious doubts, and enough doubts that it doesn't seem at all to be worth the risk.
You are being mislead about climate catastrophe. Go to the REAL science, you can find it you want it, that SHOWS that hurricanes and storms are NOT more frequent.
Research the climate disaster of just the one volcanic eruption of Mt. Pinitubo in the Philippines in the early 1980’s. There was more climate pollution in that one eruption than in all of the pollution since the Industrial Revolution. Climate changes, that’s what it does. During the latter part of the 17th and through most of the 18th century, the northern hemispheres suffered h rough what is known as the Little Ice Age”, which resulted in tremendous death and destruction, and even precipitated one revolution- the French Revolution. Many more deaths occur from cold weather, than hot. Do your research, and don’t believe leftist teachers and propaganda! Good Luck
god i love douglas murray
"Free Speech Leads To Truth"
I Am Pro Truth.
I Am That.
This is such a powerful discussion.
Very few people can match up to Douglas on stage, Vivek is the one of the exceptions.
Great analogy by Vivek on US adolescence
11:06 the best question i have heard in a long long while that was asked by a journalist in a interview. And a great answer vivek i really love this guy after this answer.
Great video. These two gentlemen use the voice of reason and articulate it better than most. It's a strong contrast to most of the loud nonsense we hear forced on us in this country.
In India we are rewarding victimhood using reservations in every sphere of life. Viveks philosophy will be very useful to convey the message. Thank you Vivek 🙏
Vivek has so much common sense. I’ve been following him since February. He’s getting my vote.
A leader must be able to clearly define a problem and suggest a workable solution. Vivek is so good doing that.
The fact that Vivek says that he would say to a person undergoing hardship that "it is OUR fault as politicians" shows you he absolutely knows what leadership is about and is exactly the kind of person we need as a politician in this country.
No. If you say to.people undergoing hardship 'its not your fault', they see themselves as victims. Big mistake for Vivek to say.
You cannot listen to a political statement with emotional ears.
Excellent conversation between two brilliant men.
I love listening to these men. And I love Douglas's humor.
He’s got MY vote.
I'm changing my party affiliation solely so I can vote for Vivek. I don't see myself voting for a democrat for the foreseeable future. I would love to see this man as POTUS.
Love watching these two talk. Fantastic 😊
Unfortunately for Vivek this degree of intelligence for a president became out of vogue post the founding fathers.
...and unfortunately for Douglas he is not American, because being sleepy replaced it ;)
It’s bound to come back! 🤞Unfortunately, it may require that many Americans be “brought to their knees” before they can see the bigger picture and what is actually needed to save the country.
That's because everyone can now vote. At that time only wealthy land owners could, and a stupid people were pretty much selected out of that pool, because a fool and his money are soon parted is a very apt saying. Now that the half of the population that is sub 100 iq get a vote as well, they don't even recognize intelligence(it's like magic to them, is what I've gathered from not bright people trying to write very intelligent characters), let alone the need for it. Oh and that little thing called women's suffrage made politics even more about feelings and less about facts and logic. So good luck to him trying to reason with the electorate, it's like trying to win an argument with your wife/girlfriend using facts and logic.
@@leannemo7382 Yes and Vivek will be there to take full advantage. But he won't save it.
He'll vaccinate it over and over again and Track it. Then, according to his plan, he'll rule the world.
That’s a tragedy
I worked in HE for 40 years... i saw it gradually changing from 2005 onwards. I knew things were changing then my children went to Uni... it made me wince. We need to challenge HE. When i was at uni they taught criticsl thinking and debate... i saw in the 90s when the junior common room was packed with students watching tele tubbies. Time we went back to core educational values... well done Douglas for standing above the parapet
Great analogy intermixing the biblical exodus story with separation from the English monarchy to describe the current predicament of the American situation. Brilliant!
Douglas Murray reminds me so much of William F. Buckley. Just a fantastic mind. Vivek… the non-politician we need in politics.
Candidate personality cult worship is a common mistake made by many citizens (me included) and having learned from that; I want to screen out hysteria & hyperbole. I want to scrutinize candidates on virtue of their words, plainly spoken, and their pledges concerning policy. So long as Vivek Ramaswamy espouses a _first principles approach_ toward problem solving, he will have my vote!
_TRUST !!_
Trump first then this brilliant young man , let this brilliant young man help trump get it done
Mr Sexton, watch what they do, not what they say.
@@BlueBeeMCMLXI Oh absolutely! I'm a firm believer in _Whats past is prologue_
*_TRUST !!_*
That's because most people have strong tribal instincts and aren't very bright. Such mistake is understandable in youth, when you don't know much. But those two aforementioned aspects of humanity very often keep this phenomenon going to their grave. Like Carlin very aptly pointed out, if average intellect is at hundred points, then half of humanity falls below it.
Vivek for POTUS.
He has the brains, vision, charisma, proven ability to deliver, loves The American Dream and The Constitution.
He could actually unite USA in a meaningful way. ❤❤
“…promote victimhood over heroism”
This is exactly it. What the hell happened to heroes?
They turned into Woke comic book characters.
The new hero is a clown in disguise. Serving to entertain, but not inspire. The heroes of old are reframed as being corrupt. Perfectly encapsulated by the spew of modern Hollywood.
@@UmbrellaGent any specific examples come to mind?
@@EmperorsNewWardrobe lemme help 'em: take any historical figure known to have been positive; starting with American founding fathers and continue across any European leader from Napoleon over various British Spanish French Prussian Russian Austrian gentry over to Winston Churchill, they have all been deemed racist mysogynist evil white men. Pick ANY of them; it is exactly the same narrative. But if you want to look specifically into, take Winston Churchill and the evil slaver himself, Abraham Lincoln.
Arts? ALL of them, take any white artist and it's the same narrative. Specifics?
JRR Tolkien of all people, evil non inclusive racist who made Africans the evil people of a fantasy land that does not contain the African continent (also a problem, clearly only a racist would create a fantastical realm with no Africa).
Contemporary? JK Rowling, an evil bigoted transphobe with her campaign against men in women's bathrooms.
Not a writer? Tsaikovski, evil for supporting Putin and aggresion on Ukraine back from 1860ies.
New heroes as clowns in disguise?
An autistic girl of rich parents sponsored by huge corporates to teach about global warming.
A black activist driving Formula 1 demanding there be "less white men in F1 principal positions" (not even bothering to frame the narrative as "more black men" or "more people of colour" or "more women", just precisely "less white men").
These two are a joy to listen to.
Two brilliant men!
An excellent pairing, these two are as sharp as a tack.
Thank you gentleman for leading and raising a strong and critically thinking young community.
Two of my favourite people
So ours is a country that believes in objective truth. Freedom is the ability to seek and find the truth. Let freedom ring!
Douglas Murray is brilliant
His speech is intelligent and he involves his heart
Getting rid of EDI would be the first step to the truth.
Two smart intellectuals engaged in an interesting debate.
Ramaswamy is a bolt of lightning.. great going...
These guys are amazing, We need more of them please - and less of the dropkicks teaching students so much rubbish ideology at schools and higher institutions thank you.
❤ Brilliant concepts. ❤ I really appreciate how Vivek Ramaswamy is brings clarity to deep confusion in America currently. Very well conducted interview , Douglas. Thanks for the upload
Thank you Mr. Murray!! the world was a better place on the 30 glorious years, Minorities and their complexes came violently to give us moral lessons.. look at the consequences, à society of jelousy and ressentiment..
Thank you for having these two amazingly smart men!!
Vivek national treasure
We need Vivek Ramaswamy like we need a hole in the head.
He wants to rule the world. (per his interview with Jordan Peterson)
What do you want him to say? He'll say it.
He is WEF global elite - - Big Pharma Salesman - -
Pro-VAX, - - Pro-Multi-VAX, with TRACKING
Sheep, need to get in line.
9:00 It’s interesting because in movies the hero is supposed to start out a victim of circumstances. The more messed up the circumstances, the more interesting to our eyes. But the hero does not stay there, the hero goes on an adventure that is also really difficult and by a hair he or she finds victory in the end. We love that story, where the hero barely makes it but makes it in the end. That is the true myth we love.
That structure will serve the basis for the vision that the right is to create to combat the narratives coming from the left. The hero’s journey!
Great seeing Vivek and Douglas together. BTW Douglas has a crush on Vivek, it's written all over his face.
Simply brilliant! Incredibly intelligent and articulate! Vote for Vivek Ramaswamy ✨ #Vivek2024
Two of my favorites. There’s hope.
Vivek and RFK are the first presidential candidates in modern times that can actually think, I've never seen Vivek give a bad answers to a question, his answers always are incredibly well thought out.
These men are so sharp. Fantastic
We may be in adolescence, but one of the most important things a parent can do for a child is to say no and to let them try, fail and persevere.
an eye opening experience i have with just two talks by Douglas
We need a Vivek in the UK😊
I work at a university - people have no idea of how pathetic these places have become....when I started in my position nearly 20 years ago the people at the top level of management were smart people making rational decisions and putting out decent graduates...now - the opposite is true. holy hell - if I wasn't close to retirement from there I would be running for the doors - and even being close to retirement, I still might run for the doors if the opportunity presented itself.
they hire people for director level positions who do as they're told more than being thinking individuals - as an engineer - I can't turn off my brain the way they want to blindly follow......
I've had to stop talking about higher ed to younger students and parents because I find myself telling them the truth and it's not a good message to perpetuate the institution
Ramaswamy may be the most intelligent and thoughtful candidate we have had for President since Jefferson.
I knew Thomas Jeffeson and Vivek is indeed a Jefferson incarnate.
With less contempt for Canada's defiance of his nation's rule, I hope.
That is what stopped me liking Jefferson.
I graduated from a Computer Science degree. Predominantly in Video Games Art.
I left with a 1st class degree. And a well earned one.
Even from this left field avenue I can 100% say that it is personality and politics that get favoured over capability.
This even translates into the industries beyond university.
Woke culture is crippling every facet of society.
Universities need to return to grant funding, being government subsidused, and sticking to a far more stringent acceptance process even fir those who can "pay their way".
We are in a world of quantity over quality with everyone walking around with a piece of paper saying "Me clever. Msc".
This is what we see at the end of societies: everyone clamouring for qualifications, but no where for them to go with them.
I called out the lecturers incepting the woke bullsh#t and in the video game/film/journalism courses it's a vipers nest of them.
Middlesbrough's Teesside University feels like ground zero for a lot of this bullsh#t.
Universities are no longer a place for smart people.
Douglas looks good! How blessed are we man
Great talk, thank you!
The reincarnation of a more socially outspoken Oscar Wilde is among us god bless you Douglas 😂
Two great guys
If he does not win, it is only because America does not deserve him!
Vivek gets to speak the truth as he is funding his own campaign with no big corporate donors behind pressing for a self-interest agenda. He needs small individual donors like us to support him in order to continue be in this race. It can be as little as couple of dollars.
If we want a revolutionary change for this beloved country, we must not only listen but act!
I’ve been working at colleges and universities for 10 years and I have a graduate degree in college student developmental theory. Higher education itself isn’t a scam, but what it’s morphing into is.
End Wokeness in 2024 !...Vote Ramaswamy !...The SWAMY!...💯
I just want to give a huge thank you to Douglas Murray, for finally pointing out that the term “lived experience“ is completely ridiculous. There is no other kind of experience.
Brilliant conversation 👏🏽 Douglas Murray for president
yeah. he cannot ... good point, but he is British...
8:27 Murray: When people start their argument with "speaking as" - everything that comes afterwards is rubbish
11:58 Vivek: Speaking as a national leader...
"If I am speaking as a leader here..." is what Vivek said.
11:20 YES politicians/leaders MUST tell people if they fucked their life up!
It’s your fault if your life is fucked up! That’s how freedom works. Free to make choices good or bad and free to accept the consequences of those choices.
Yes, I made the mistake of going to college and I have to live with that for the rest of my life (and with the occasional nightmares, decades later).