Hellooooooo. We will start small in our introduction to cooling and using nearby chill to lower the heat. Glad to see you all here! Remember that this is a blunt, brute, simplified guide using metaphors and simple words to explain concepts. If you are looking for sciency science explanations, I recommend GCFungus! Great content creator for ONI! If you are new and recently got the game, then this guide is more for you :D
Hellooooooo. We will start small in our introduction to cooling and using nearby chill to lower the heat. Glad to see you all here! Remember that this is a blunt, brute, simplified guide using metaphors and simple words to explain concepts. If you are looking for sciency science explanations, I recommend GCFungus! Great content creator for ONI! If you are new and recently got the game, then this guide is more for you :D
Always appreciate your support good sir XD