They actually put water on the fire immediately. Actually had water on there trucks.Watched so many videos of American fire fighters that seem like they can’t put water on a fire until they hit a hydrant. Was a volunteer fire fighter and we carried at least 500 gallons on our trucks.
To all our US colleagues, you see just how effective two high pressure hose reels are with just one single onboard water tank? To be fair some fire departments have seen how effective they are in the right circumstances and are beginning to adapt. However it is a slow process given how the fire service is structured in the US. Look how long it has taken for them to suddenly calling for similar BA safety procedures Britain and Europe use. It's taken far too many deaths in BA for realisation to dawn. It is the enlightened few calling for these safety procedures and it I have no doubt it will take years if not decades to adapt.
Naah, first of all u have to show the whole world ur great hoses; tear all of them down on the street so that everyone can see, how many of them u have stored on the truck. Than, that's really important, keep looking for water. Naah, there's nothing on the truck, the tank could roost.... so, for looking out for water u need the whole crew. Show the world how many guys u have in your truck. The fire? Gosh, most of the buildings are made of wood... we've plenty enough of wood in the woods to build new houses. But it's soooo important that the world may see those beautiful hoses, smaller, bigger, biggest. Laying straight on the roads, crapcrossing each other, cuddling, tied by themselfes. Aren't they amazing? OMG, they are soooo beautiful, clean, dry and neat to be seen. Sorry, a lot of sarcasm, and not all of those volunteer firefighters are such bad. They're running a different strategie with not comparable vehicle equipment; mostly depending if it's a private operated fire department. And that's the same problem in terms of the firefighters training. Also not every station has a tanker as we have in Germany or you have in Denmark. And the water supply through hydrants is really not that good as here (in so many housing areas you sadly find no hydrants... some ponds, maybe, in some miles distance...). So u can find big differences between firefighters in (bigger) citys and them in the country...
Quick attack high pressure reals are the way to go. They deploy in seconds to at least start getting water on the fire until the main attack line is stretched and in service.
The fuel station would have exploded before US firefighters got water on the fire. It never ceases to amaze me how clueless US firefighters are. They stand around for 20 minutes scratching their heads whilst sonething burns to the ground. Theyd have also sent a ladder engine for some reason. This is how you fight a fire America - watch and learn.
To be honest. You are quite right. I have been watching a large number of fires in US - seeing how US fire fighters tumbling around for several minutes with hoses and no wather. This video is from my local comunity. Volunteer fire fighters. Only seconds after arrival - they have two high pressure hoses battling the fire. Notice ALWAYS a tanker as backup. I don't think US fire truck has such super fast hoses to start with. Danis truck has normally 2 X 100 m - one on each side. Your trucks has a very loud and impessive siren and tons of flashing lights. Money could perhaps be better spend on more effective trucks and equipment. Just a thought.
You are quite right. I have been watching a lot of US fire men in action here on the Tube. Seen them fumbling arround with hoses and no water. The guys you are watching here on this video are from my local comunity. Part time fire men. As you can see - only seconds after arrival two high pressure hoses are battling the blaze. All danish fire trucks has these high pressure hoses. One on each side of the truck - 2 X 100m. Notice only minutes after a tanker arrives. So lots of water until a fire hydrant has been located. Your US fire trucks has some amazing loud sirens and lots of flashing lights. Perhaps money could be better spend on better and more effective equipment along with training.
I was a member of a fire company that had John Bean high pressure apparatus and I felt they were great fast attack lines our trucks only carried 750/1000 gals of water which at 35gpm each could do a lot to control fires quickly and yes they had their limitations but we used them on many applications where s larger line shoulda coulda would a may have been better but we got water on a fire quick which is paramount in firefighting what looked like a straight stream was actually a tight fog pattern on a wide pattern we could darken a room down really quick. We were the only company in the county with high pressure lines and used to catch all kinds of flack from assisting companies but until you have actually used them it's difficult to make believers for other companies. I don't know about some others using high pressure lines but we could also pump and roll which was great on woods fire etc. I'm in my senior years and really miss firefighting.
I just don't get why they left all car doors open, it allowed the fire to get more oxygen. Moreover why they didn't push the car out of the gas station before the fire spread?
You think every civilian is trained and capable? The garage attendant is the one who should have acted but we don't know hat happened before the video started.
@@0118uhauha Normalement oui , toutes les stations services automatisées doivent êtres équipées de systèmes d'extinction ROT ou Desautel de 50 kg poudre pour un ilot de distribution . Seulement , ces dispositifs sont souvent installés par des gougnafiers , comme Tokeim ou un autre dont je ne me souviens plus du nom . J'ai eu l'occasion en ma qualité de vérificateur en appareil extincteur de réceptionner ce genre d'installation et de les contrôler , j'ai souvent constaté des raccords non serrés sur les diffuseurs de poudre ou les commandes a CO2 , des flexibles de poudre pliés dans les tranchées , donc sans possibilité de les aligner , car enfouis sous le béton de l'ilot . Des stations qui fonctionnaient sans le procès verbal de réception du système d'extinction , le mieux étant celle du Leclerc de Villers coteret ou le réservoir de poudre était vide , les 150 kg de poudre étaient dans la cabane du caissier a ses pieds et percés et les déclencheurs non raccordés ... Au stoc de Charly sur marne , j'ai vérifié une installation , réalisée par les gougnafiers que j'ai cité , il y a 10 ans et les raccords sur les flexibles de poudre étaient non serrés depuis l'origine , sans joints et grippés . J'ai mis deux heures a dégripper le système , a remplacer les raccords et a jointer l'ensemble . En remercîment le taulier a refusé de payer et m'a copieusement engueulé , car il n'avait rien demandé . Dans le cas de cette vidéo , on voit aussi un extincteur fixe sur le mur du garage , là aussi il est inadmissible que les gens ne s'en servent pas , c'est de l'incivisme ajouté a de l'irresponsabilité et je serai juge , je condamnerai cette personne pour mise en danger de la vie d'autrui . Il est a noter que la sécurité contre l'incendie n'est pas un souci majeur et que l'on achète tout et n'importe quoi comme moyens de secours . Chez les institutionnels ca peut aller , car souvent ils bénéficient de l'expertise de gens , comme moi compétents et consciencieux , mais chez les particuliers , je n'en parle pas et encore moins dans les fermes . On achète n'importe quel type d'extincteurs , souvent des petits 1 kg a poudre en croyant que cette poudre est miraculeuse . Autre cas des extincteurs récupérés a la reforme , donc obsolescents , voire dangereux que souvent les fermiers achètent d'occas sur les ventes aux enchères croyant faire une affaire . L'un d'eux m'avait fait déplacer pour en vérifier et quand je lui ai présenté la chose il m'a viré en me donnant des coups de nerf de bœufs .. Sachez braves gens que votre sécurité este en péril . J'ai transmis a un député du RN , Nicolas Dragon un rapport a ce sujet , j'augure qu'il le transmette a une commission régalienne qui devrait faire la poussière dans la profession . Un autre conseil , ne faites jamais vérifier vos extincteurs par SICLI , ce sont des dangereux et des margoulins .
A very unsafe tactical performance. After all, this is a vehicle completely engulfed in fire in the very center of the gas station. In my opinion, it is a wrong act to get so close to the vehicle itself at first moments. Great danger of explosion of the vehicle itself and possibly the gas station. It was necessary to extinguish with hoses from a safe distance for at least a few minutes. Otherwise, I am a big opponent of high-pressure hoses except for the smallest interventions. Water is obtained quickly and consumption is low, but that is why they are very ineffective and lack power. Serbian firefighter.
In terms of effectiveness, a high-pressure hose is much more effective, in relation to the amount of water you use. Among other things, it is about the droplets produced at high pressure being smaller, so that more water is converted into steam and energy, instead of running into the sewer, or causing water damage in the apartment below. But the extinguishing tactics in the EU and the US are also incredibly different. I don't see anything done wrong. The only thing, perhaps, is that there is no reason for both firefighters to be standing in the smoke. But here I am thinking of the long-term impact, increased risk of cancer, etc.
Nothing wrong here. The Petrol Station has an emergency switch that shuts off fuel to the pumps. We use 22m high pressure hose reels for probably 95% of our incidents in the UK, a single Car fire would normally only take 1 reel, a single hose reel delivers 300 litres per minute. They are the fastest most efficient and environmentally friendly way to deal with incidents.
Ja, det er kun i film det sker, der sidder Safety Cut off ventiler på alle standere, ilden vil ALDRIG komme i nærheden af tankene, der er kun ubetydeligt små mængder benzin i selve standeren.
havde nok liiige valgt nu når der alligevel stod 2 personer og kigget, liige ha fået skubbet bilen lidt væk fra selve tankstanderen der er jo ingen grund til at fremprovoker større Exsplotion end højst nødvendig.
Nej, det er ikke det værste der kan ske, der er intet der kan eller vil eksplodere,.... der er ventiler på alle pumper, så ilden kan aldrig nå til de underjordiske brændstoftanke. det eneste der kan brænde er de få liter der er i standerens slanger.... du har set for mange hollywood film, som er helt og komplet urealistiske. en benzintake på bilen vil og kan heller aldrig eksplodere.... det er også kun i film...
ok undskyld jeg tenker på egerne till bilen som står i brann men jeg var ikke sikker på hur sikkerhedsudstyret fungerer men nu ved jeg lidt mer. Måske jeg har sett för mange filmer men det synes at hele stationen brann men det var bare rök jeg var fel ude der det var tosset av mig.
De er vel kaldt hjemmefra. Skal først ud i privatbilen og så til stationen. Når borgerne ikke vil til lommerne med skattekroner, så må det vel være sådan.
Der kan købes mange brandbiler og lønnes mange brandfolk i mange år for 33 milliarder kroner , 33.000 millioner. I 2013 tabte Staten 33 milliarder kroner ved at sælge DONG-aktier til Goldman-Sachs-banken. DONG-Ørsted-Radius er et stats-ejet firma hvor finansministeriet administrerer aktie-majoriteten . . . DONG's direktør Henrik Poulsen lavede mange og unødvendige afskrivninger på regnskabet og spredte rygter i pressen om at det gik dårligt i DONG . . . Folk og firmaer som havde DONG aktier solgte i panik og det presser naturligvis kursen langt ned. Da kursen var lavest købte Goldman-Sachs nitten procent af DONG's aktier . . . Næste år var de aktier 33 milliarder mere værd. De største danske pensionskasser ville også gerne købe aktier i DONG men direktøren mente, at DET BEDSTE BUD kom fra Goldman-Sachs og det var finansminister Bjarne Corydon enig i . . . Danske borgere kan sagtens få akt-indsigt i korrespondancen mellem direktøren , finansministeren og Goldman-Sachs. Men alle linier i disse e-mails og breve er streget ud med sort, kun dato, afsender og modtager ses. Man kan læse alle de brisante detaljer i dokumentar-bogen "Det Bedste Bud" skrevet af journalist Anders-Peter Mathiasen. De sorte streger på indersiden af bogens forside er fotos af disse e-mails. Jeg citerer fra side 112 i bogen: "Dong oplyser , at Henrik Poulsen selv har investeret 6,3 millioner af sine egne penge i programmet". Samtidigt var der affæren i Skatteministeriet hvor der over nogle år blev overført 12 milliarder til en mand i Dubai, Sanjay Shah, der påstod at han havde danske aktier og havde betalt udbytte-skat af disse i Danmark. Man skal ikke betale den slags skat i Danmark hvis man er skattepligtig i udlandet . . . Men Shah havde aldrig betalt en øre i Danmark, al dokumentation var forfalsket. Samtidig var der affæren i Skattestyrelsen som havde bedt om programmering af et computer-system kaldet EFI ( Et Fælles Inddrivelsessystem ) til at overvåge hvem der skyldte i Skat. Efter otte års forsinkelser blev EFI i 2015 nedlagt af den daværende skatteminister, som udtalte: "Systemet er så fejlbehæftet, at der ikke er nogen anden mulighed . . . " Systemet havde kostet skatteyderne cirka otte milliarder. Så penge til Skat fosser faktisk ud af borgernes lommer, men de bliver ikke brugt til brandfolk eller sygeplejersker. De sidstnævnte fik i stedet sendt honning-kager af Københavns borgmester for deres farlige indsats under Corona-krisen. En lastbils-chauffør der kører med farligt gods får cirka tyve procent mere i løn.
De er tilkaldebrandmænd, de er hjemme eller på arbejde og bliver kaldt til brandstationen, når der er et opkald. De skal bo/arbejde inden for 5 minutter fra Brandstationen
They actually put water on the fire immediately. Actually had water on there trucks.Watched so many videos of American fire fighters that seem like they can’t put water on a fire until they hit a hydrant. Was a volunteer fire fighter and we carried at least 500 gallons on our trucks.
The average amount of water, engines carry in Denmark is 660 gallons. A lot of rural fire stations have tank-engines that carry 1320 gallons.
To all our US colleagues, you see just how effective two high pressure hose reels are with just one single onboard water tank? To be fair some fire departments have seen how effective they are in the right circumstances and are beginning to adapt. However it is a slow process given how the fire service is structured in the US. Look how long it has taken for them to suddenly calling for similar BA safety procedures Britain and Europe use. It's taken far too many deaths in BA for realisation to dawn. It is the enlightened few calling for these safety procedures and it I have no doubt it will take years if not decades to adapt.
Naah, first of all u have to show the whole world ur great hoses; tear all of them down on the street so that everyone can see, how many of them u have stored on the truck. Than, that's really important, keep looking for water. Naah, there's nothing on the truck, the tank could roost.... so, for looking out for water u need the whole crew. Show the world how many guys u have in your truck. The fire? Gosh, most of the buildings are made of wood... we've plenty enough of wood in the woods to build new houses. But it's soooo important that the world may see those beautiful hoses, smaller, bigger, biggest. Laying straight on the roads, crapcrossing each other, cuddling, tied by themselfes. Aren't they amazing? OMG, they are soooo beautiful, clean, dry and neat to be seen.
Sorry, a lot of sarcasm, and not all of those volunteer firefighters are such bad. They're running a different strategie with not comparable vehicle equipment; mostly depending if it's a private operated fire department. And that's the same problem in terms of the firefighters training. Also not every station has a tanker as we have in Germany or you have in Denmark. And the water supply through hydrants is really not that good as here (in so many housing areas you sadly find no hydrants... some ponds, maybe, in some miles distance...). So u can find big differences between firefighters in (bigger) citys and them in the country...
@@chrismuller9289 Confirming that it's not the size of the truck that matters, but how quickly the hose gets to work.
Quick attack high pressure reals are the way to go. They deploy in seconds to at least start getting water on the fire until the main attack line is stretched and in service.
American firefighters are you taking note?
... yours is many times faster response than over here in America, maybe ten times faster ... excellent
10 times slower than 6 minutes would be an hour... I hope they're not that bad ;-)
You just don’t get much better firefighting than that 👍
The fuel station would have exploded before US firefighters got water on the fire. It never ceases to amaze me how clueless US firefighters are. They stand around for 20 minutes scratching their heads whilst sonething burns to the ground. Theyd have also sent a ladder engine for some reason. This is how you fight a fire America - watch and learn.
To be honest. You are quite right. I have been watching a large number of fires in US - seeing how US fire fighters tumbling around for several minutes with hoses and no wather. This video is from my local comunity. Volunteer fire fighters. Only seconds after arrival - they have two high pressure hoses battling the fire. Notice ALWAYS a tanker as backup. I don't think US fire truck has such super fast hoses to start with. Danis truck has normally 2 X 100 m - one on each side. Your trucks has a very loud and impessive siren and tons of flashing lights. Money could perhaps be better spend on more effective trucks and equipment. Just a thought.
You are quite right. I have been watching a lot of US fire men in action here on the Tube. Seen them fumbling arround with hoses and no water. The guys you are watching here on this video are from my local comunity. Part time fire men. As you can see - only seconds after arrival two high pressure hoses are battling the blaze. All danish fire trucks has these high pressure hoses. One on each side of the truck - 2 X 100m. Notice only minutes after a tanker arrives. So lots of water until a fire hydrant has been located. Your US fire trucks has some amazing loud sirens and lots of flashing lights. Perhaps money could be better spend on better and more effective equipment along with training.
Now they were quick to commence hosing. Go teach the Americans how to fight fires!
I was a member of a fire company that had John Bean high pressure apparatus and I felt they were great fast attack lines our trucks only carried 750/1000 gals of water which at 35gpm each could do a lot to control fires quickly and yes they had their limitations but we used them on many applications where s larger line shoulda coulda would a may have been better but we got water on a fire quick which is paramount in firefighting what looked like a straight stream was actually a tight fog pattern on a wide pattern we could darken a room down really quick. We were the only company in the county with high pressure lines and used to catch all kinds of flack from assisting companies but until you have actually used them it's difficult to make believers for other companies. I don't know about some others using high pressure lines but we could also pump and roll which was great on woods fire etc. I'm in my senior years and really miss firefighting.
The American’s would still be putting layers of hose out then eventually the water would come on when it’s to late
What happened to that gas station fire suppression system?
Hoses melted a bit but no fuel caught fire
Fed Video :-) Voldsomt brag ved 1:46
20 seconds from first truck stopping to water on the fire. IMPRESSIVE.
det er frivillige brandmænd og de skal jo lige nå til brandstationen først syntes de gør et flot stykke arbejde
Der er nok deltids
Det er deltid
I just don't get why they left all car doors open, it allowed the fire to get more oxygen. Moreover why they didn't push the car out of the gas station before the fire spread?
I could have been an automatic car or had an electric handbrake which you can't release unless the engine is running
@@CDB8939 Then better not buy such a shitcar
Hej ziggy
Du har ganske ret, men kunne ikke da jeg lige var blevet opereret i min fod.
Konstaterede dog hurtigt at der var ringet 112.
Hvorfor greb bilejeren ikke bare pulverslukkeren over ved porten?
You think every civilian is trained and capable? The garage attendant is the one who should have acted but we don't know hat happened before the video started.
@@Biffo1262 It's a self-service gas station. No attendant.
du må da virkelig undskylde jeg fik skrevet frivilig og ikke deltidsansat uanset hva det bliver kaldt gør de et stort stykke arbejde
Inadmissible de voir que la station n'est pas équipée de système d'extinction automatique a poudre .
Est ce que ca le cas partout en France ?
@@0118uhauha Normalement oui , toutes les stations services automatisées doivent êtres équipées de systèmes d'extinction ROT ou Desautel de 50 kg poudre pour un ilot de distribution . Seulement , ces dispositifs sont souvent installés par des gougnafiers , comme Tokeim ou un autre dont je ne me souviens plus du nom .
J'ai eu l'occasion en ma qualité de vérificateur en appareil extincteur de réceptionner ce genre d'installation et de les contrôler , j'ai souvent constaté des raccords non serrés sur les diffuseurs de poudre ou les commandes a CO2 , des flexibles de poudre pliés dans les tranchées , donc sans possibilité de les aligner , car enfouis sous le béton de l'ilot . Des stations qui fonctionnaient sans le procès verbal de réception du système d'extinction , le mieux étant celle du Leclerc de Villers coteret ou le réservoir de poudre était vide , les 150 kg de poudre étaient dans la cabane du caissier a ses pieds et percés et les déclencheurs non raccordés ...
Au stoc de Charly sur marne , j'ai vérifié une installation , réalisée par les gougnafiers que j'ai cité , il y a 10 ans et les raccords sur les flexibles de poudre étaient non serrés depuis l'origine , sans joints et grippés . J'ai mis deux heures a dégripper le système , a remplacer les raccords et a jointer l'ensemble . En remercîment le taulier a refusé de payer et m'a copieusement engueulé , car il n'avait rien demandé .
Dans le cas de cette vidéo , on voit aussi un extincteur fixe sur le mur du garage , là aussi il est inadmissible que les gens ne s'en servent pas , c'est de l'incivisme ajouté a de l'irresponsabilité et je serai juge , je condamnerai cette personne pour mise en danger de la vie d'autrui .
Il est a noter que la sécurité contre l'incendie n'est pas un souci majeur et que l'on achète tout et n'importe quoi comme moyens de secours . Chez les institutionnels ca peut aller , car souvent ils bénéficient de l'expertise de gens , comme moi compétents et consciencieux , mais chez les particuliers , je n'en parle pas et encore moins dans les fermes . On achète n'importe quel type d'extincteurs , souvent des petits 1 kg a poudre en croyant que cette poudre est miraculeuse . Autre cas des extincteurs récupérés a la reforme , donc obsolescents , voire dangereux que souvent les fermiers achètent d'occas sur les ventes aux enchères croyant faire une affaire . L'un d'eux m'avait fait déplacer pour en vérifier et quand je lui ai présenté la chose il m'a viré en me donnant des coups de nerf de bœufs ..
Sachez braves gens que votre sécurité este en péril . J'ai transmis a un député du RN , Nicolas Dragon un rapport a ce sujet , j'augure qu'il le transmette a une commission régalienne qui devrait faire la poussière dans la profession .
Un autre conseil , ne faites jamais vérifier vos extincteurs par SICLI , ce sont des dangereux et des margoulins .
A very unsafe tactical performance. After all, this is a vehicle completely engulfed in fire in the very center of the gas station. In my opinion, it is a wrong act to get so close to the vehicle itself at first moments. Great danger of explosion of the vehicle itself and possibly the gas station. It was necessary to extinguish with hoses from a safe distance for at least a few minutes. Otherwise, I am a big opponent of high-pressure hoses except for the smallest interventions. Water is obtained quickly and consumption is low, but that is why they are very ineffective and lack power. Serbian firefighter.
In terms of effectiveness, a high-pressure hose is much more effective, in relation to the amount of water you use.
Among other things, it is about the droplets produced at high pressure being smaller, so that more water is converted into steam and energy, instead of running into the sewer, or causing water damage in the apartment below.
But the extinguishing tactics in the EU and the US are also incredibly different.
I don't see anything done wrong. The only thing, perhaps, is that there is no reason for both firefighters to be standing in the smoke. But here I am thinking of the long-term impact, increased risk of cancer, etc.
Cars only explode in american films. The gas station as secured supply pipes down to the tanks. There is now way that the fire would get so far !
Nothing wrong here. The Petrol Station has an emergency switch that shuts off fuel to the pumps. We use 22m high pressure hose reels for probably 95% of our incidents in the UK, a single Car fire would normally only take 1 reel, a single hose reel delivers 300 litres per minute. They are the fastest most efficient and environmentally friendly way to deal with incidents.
Bor selv i Nykøbing sj rimlig sikker på det er en by der hedder Vig lige ved siden af
Det er da den gamle DK tank på vesterbro i Nykøbing
Eins begreife ich nicht jede Tankstelle hat mehrere Feuerlöscher rumhängen warum hat man keine Brandbekämpfung durchgeführt !!
Kan godt huske da det skete
Er det kun i film at hele tankstationer sprænger i luften og medfører store skader pga bilbrand?
Ja, det er kun i film det sker, der sidder Safety Cut off ventiler på alle standere, ilden vil ALDRIG komme i nærheden af tankene, der er kun ubetydeligt små mængder benzin i selve standeren.
Jeg har oplevet et uheld med en personbil, hvor der blev presset hul i tanken. Brændstoffet løb ud på vejen men ingen brand. Fordi det var DIESEL.
havde nok liiige valgt nu når der alligevel stod 2 personer og kigget, liige ha fået skubbet bilen lidt væk fra selve tankstanderen der er jo ingen grund til at fremprovoker større Exsplotion end højst nødvendig.
Hvis håndbremsen var trukket kunne de ikke komme til den, branden startede i instrumentbrættet og spredte sig lynhurtigt
Bilbrand på en tænkestation det er det værste som kan ske. Om nu en pumpe exploderede skulle hele område rundt stationen bli fuldstændig ødelagt
Nej, det er ikke det værste der kan ske, der er intet der kan eller vil eksplodere,.... der er ventiler på alle pumper, så ilden kan aldrig nå til de underjordiske brændstoftanke.
det eneste der kan brænde er de få liter der er i standerens slanger.... du har set for mange hollywood film, som er helt og komplet urealistiske. en benzintake på bilen vil og kan heller aldrig eksplodere.... det er også kun i film...
ok undskyld jeg tenker på egerne till bilen som står i brann men jeg var ikke sikker på hur sikkerhedsudstyret fungerer men nu ved jeg lidt mer. Måske jeg har sett för mange filmer men det synes at hele stationen brann men det var bare rök jeg var fel ude der det var tosset av mig.
ja ! man kan vil ikke kalde dem verdens hurtigste brandvæsen.
De er vel kaldt hjemmefra. Skal først ud i privatbilen og så til stationen. Når borgerne ikke vil til lommerne med skattekroner, så må det vel være sådan.
Der kan købes mange brandbiler og lønnes mange brandfolk i mange år for 33 milliarder kroner , 33.000 millioner. I 2013 tabte Staten 33 milliarder kroner ved at sælge DONG-aktier til Goldman-Sachs-banken. DONG-Ørsted-Radius er et stats-ejet firma hvor finansministeriet administrerer aktie-majoriteten . . . DONG's direktør Henrik Poulsen lavede mange og unødvendige afskrivninger på regnskabet og spredte rygter i pressen om at det gik dårligt i DONG . . . Folk og firmaer som havde DONG aktier solgte i panik og det presser naturligvis kursen langt ned. Da kursen var lavest købte Goldman-Sachs nitten procent af DONG's aktier . . . Næste år var de aktier 33 milliarder mere værd. De største danske pensionskasser ville også gerne købe aktier i DONG men direktøren mente, at DET BEDSTE BUD kom fra Goldman-Sachs og det var finansminister Bjarne Corydon enig i . . . Danske borgere kan sagtens få akt-indsigt i korrespondancen mellem direktøren , finansministeren og Goldman-Sachs. Men alle linier i disse e-mails og breve er streget ud med sort, kun dato, afsender og modtager ses. Man kan læse alle de brisante detaljer i dokumentar-bogen "Det Bedste Bud" skrevet af journalist Anders-Peter Mathiasen. De sorte streger på indersiden af bogens forside er fotos af disse e-mails. Jeg citerer fra side 112 i bogen: "Dong oplyser , at Henrik Poulsen selv har investeret 6,3 millioner af sine egne penge i programmet".
Samtidigt var der affæren i Skatteministeriet hvor der over nogle år blev overført 12 milliarder til en mand i Dubai, Sanjay Shah, der påstod at han havde danske aktier og havde betalt udbytte-skat af disse i Danmark. Man skal ikke betale den slags skat i Danmark hvis man er skattepligtig i udlandet . . . Men Shah havde aldrig betalt en øre i Danmark, al dokumentation var forfalsket.
Samtidig var der affæren i Skattestyrelsen som havde bedt om programmering af et computer-system kaldet EFI ( Et Fælles Inddrivelsessystem ) til at overvåge hvem der skyldte i Skat. Efter otte års forsinkelser blev EFI i 2015 nedlagt af den daværende skatteminister, som udtalte: "Systemet er så fejlbehæftet, at der ikke er nogen anden mulighed . . . " Systemet havde kostet skatteyderne cirka otte milliarder.
Så penge til Skat fosser faktisk ud af borgernes lommer, men de bliver ikke brugt til brandfolk eller sygeplejersker. De sidstnævnte fik i stedet sendt honning-kager af Københavns borgmester for deres farlige indsats under Corona-krisen. En lastbils-chauffør der kører med farligt gods får cirka tyve procent mere i løn.
De er tilkaldebrandmænd, de er hjemme eller på arbejde og bliver kaldt til brandstationen, når der er et opkald. De skal bo/arbejde inden for 5 minutter fra Brandstationen