INFORMED CONSENT. "No single person, including the President of the United States, should ever be given the power to make a medical decision for potentially millions of Americans. Freedom over one's physical person is the most basic freedom of all, and people in a free society should be sovereign over their own bodies. When we give government the power to make medical decisions for us, we in essence accept that the state owns our bodies." Ron Paul
Your freedom of choice ends where your actions result in the harm of others so no you shouldn't have the right to withhold vaccines from children who can get them. You are endangering those children and society as a whole
@@shamrock141 how about when vaccine cause harm or death? than is all on parent cause YOU CAN NOT SUE producer!...Just this should be alarming to everyone...only one branch of any commercial production exempted from ANY responsibility!!! What kind of scam is that?
@@nknk5241 Of course you cant sue because its allergic reaction! You cant sue a peanuts butter company if your child has a allergic reaction to it! You need to educate your self!
It's amazing the way the pharmaceutical industry is more concerned about "public perception" about a problem, than fixing the problem itself. They're paying people like this to make use of the media, to alleviate legitimate fears about vaccines. Get some of the parents of vaccine victims on to talk to the audience.
@Tulika Joshi Pharmaceutical company's isn't sustained by age-old vaccines. Pharmaceutical company's rely on their limited patent to earn money. The generic product isn't what keep them going..
@CHANNELZERO Ok. But what if the parent is wrong. What if not acting causes more harm than acting? I understand your hesitance. We don't know what goes on behind closed doors... Go to a quiet place and shut off your ears and remove all bias. What's your choice?
Herd immunity applies to natural immunity. Live attenuated vaccines can be transmitted from person to person. Polio vaccines caused polio. DDT caused polio like symptoms. Vaccines causes autoimmune disorders. Good nutrition, sanitation, clean food and water reduced deaths not vaccines.
Tommy Li in 1967 smallpox killed millions every year, by 1980 it had been eradicated due to a strict vaccine programme. Tell me again that vaccines don’t save lives? Same correlation can be seen on measles, mumps, whooping cough etc. And please explain to me how when 92% of the US population is vaccinated how herd immunity isn’t occurring (assuming you know what herd immunity is (where such a large proportion of the population are vaccinated, there aren’t enough people to pass on the pathogen, preventing epidemics))
Joyne Freedom mainly because it’s easily treatable using antibiotics and can be prevented by simple hand washing. Now answer me this, if vaccines weren’t responsible for the decreasing number of disease cases, why did rates of chicken pox not decrease until the vaccine was introduced?
THIS IS FROM AN ER NURSE GuerrillaRN: "As an E.R. nurse, I have seen the cover up. Where do you think kids go when they have a vaccine reaction? They go to the E.R. They come to me. I cannot even begin to guess how many times over the years I have seen vaccine reactions come through my E.R. Without any exaggeration, it has to be counted in hundreds. Sometimes it seemed like it was one or two cases in a single shift, every shift, for weeks. Then I would get a lull, and I wouldn't catch one for a week or two, then I'd catch another case per night for a couple weeks. This was common. Once, I was training a nursing student, about to graduate, on their E.R. experience rotation in nursing school. This student and I floated up to triage to cover the triage nurse for a break. I was quizzing them on what to ask and look for as a triage nurse on pediatric kids that came through. I made a point about asking about immunizations right out the gates. The student was puzzled, and asked why, and I told the student because we see vaccine reactions every day and its their job to catch it, alert the doctor and the parents, and report it to VAERS. Some higher power apparently smiled on my attempt to open the eyes of another nurse I guess, because not even ten minutes later, a woman brought her child up to the counter. Sudden onset super high fever and lethargy. I asked if the child was up to date on vaccination. The mother replied he had them just a few hours ago. I glanced at the student, who looked shocked and looked back at me in disbelief. I nodded, told them to remember this, and then took the mom and her child to finish the triage in back. When I was done I came back and sat down with the student, and asked what he learned that night so far. The first response: "What I was told about vaccines wasn't true". I couldn't have said it better. That student is going to go on to be like me, advocating for his patients with his eyes wide open. The cases almost always presented similarly, and often no one else connected it. The child comes in with either a fever approaching 105, or seizures, or lethargy/can't wake up, or sudden overwhelming sickness, screaming that won't stop, spasms, GI inclusion, etc. And one of the first questions I would ask as triage nurse, was, are they current on their vaccinations? It's a safe question that nobody sees coming, and nobody understands the true impact of. Parents (and co-workers) usually just think I'm trying to rule out the vaccine preventable diseases, when in fact, I am looking to see how recently they were vaccinated to determine if this is a vaccine reaction. Too often I heard a parent say something akin to "Yes they are current, the pediatrician caught up their vaccines this morning during their check up, and the pediatrician said they were in perfect health!" If I had a dollar for every time I'd heard that, I could fly to Europe for free. But here's the more disturbing part. For all the cases I've seen, I have NEVER seen any medical provider report them to VAERS. I have filed VAERS reports. But I am the ONLY nurse I have EVER met that files VAERS reports. I also have NEVER met a doctor that filed a VAERS report. Mind you, I have served in multiple hospitals across multiple states, alongside probably well over a hundred doctors and probably 300-400+ nurses. I've worked in big hospitals (San Francisco Bay Area Metro 40 bed ER, Las Vegas NV Metro 44 bed ER) and small hospitals (Rural access 2 bed ER, remote community 4 bed ER) and everything in between. When I say NEVER, I mean NEVER. I have even made a point of sitting in the most prominent spot at the nurses station filling out a VAERS report to make sure as many people saw me doing it as possible to generate the expected "what are you doing" responses to get that dialog going with people. And in every case, if a nurse approached me, their response was "I've never done that" or "i didn't know we could do that" or, worse "What is VAERS?" which was actually the most common response. The response from doctors? Silence. Absolute total refusal to engage in discussion or to even acknowledge what I was doing or what VAERS was. The big take away from that? VAERS is WOEFULLY under reported. I am PROOF of that. The number one place parents bring their kids in the event of a vaccine reaction is the E.R., and as an E.R. staffer, I have NEVER met anyone who filed one, in spite of seeing hundreds of cases of obvious vaccine associated harm come through. What does that say about reported numbers? The CDC/HHS admits that VAERS is under-reported, and probably only representative of 1/10th the actual number of injuries. I contest that, and from personal experience, I would say the numbers in VAERS are more like 1/1000th the actual numbers, not 1/10th. And the final part of that, is that I have, first hand, seen blatant cover ups from doctors. I have seen falsification of medical records and documentation via intentional omission. I have challenged doctors who refused to put in the chart that the child was vaccinated 4 hours ago and was in perfect health, and now suddenly they are non-responsive, seizing, febrile at 105, and that labs, LP, and imaging confirms cerebral edema/encephalitis. I reminded the doctor as they are writing their report that the child was vaccinated mere hours before. And at the end, there is total omission of this fact, and the physician pass-off notes state encephalitis of unknown origin. I ask the doctor if they will file a VAERS report, and they argue that this has nothing to do with it, its purely coincidental, and nothing should be filed, they are safe and effective. I remind them that VAERS is a reporting body for ANY symptoms that are contemporaneous to vaccination, whether causation is believed to be associated or not, and I get the dismissal that they are not filing it because it has nothing to do with it. No one brings it up to the parents. It’s this giant rug-sweep that happens, and any mention of the vaccination is systematically removed or withheld from the record. A perfect example of this, was an ambulance crew that came in with a pass-off report that included the fact the child had been vaccinated only hours prior to onset of symptoms. The physician made sure this pass-off sheet disappeared mysteriously and could not get filed with the patient medical record. So yes, I have seen the vaccine damage cover up first hand. I know that it is intentional and active in the medical community. I know that it is happening. And on top of total denial of any association, and total cover up, they also refuse to report to VAERS which is supposed to be reported to for ANYTHING that is even in NO WAY SUSPECTED to be associated with the vaccine. This is a systemic suppression of information and statistics. And yes, in the cases described above, I did approach the parents, and I did tell them about VAERS, and I did start a case for them and file a report. I did force the issue through my charting, although it will most likely be buried and overlooked. I have experienced the corruption and suppression of the truth in the medical community about vaccines first hand from the provider perspective. It does happen. Every day." ~ GuerrillaRN
Philip Rafferty now i will listen to you, because you are a credible source and you work in the medical field and you have actually seen cases where people have had reactions to vaccinations. I honestly don't know how the CDC came up with such a vaccine schedule and claim that it works. And it has never been tested? This is not a cookie cutter situation . Each kid is different. Some can only handle one vaccine at a time. some maybe two. But some doctors giving three or four all that the same time? no wonder reactions happen.
And the thing is the doctor who administered the vaccines doesn't want to fess up high fever, stomach problems, seizures, and lethargy are due to the vaccines or get in contact with VAERS about the case because he/she probably knows some kind of reaction is going on after the vaccines to a perfectly healthy person. He/she knows that that is like opening a can of worms so he/she will deny anything is wrong and say everything ok
For me It's simple. Have a STRICTLY INDEPENDENT company or group of companies test all Vaccines that are recommended to us and our children (we all know how strongly recommended they are...), and have that information easily available to the public on government websites, and from your local doctor. That is something I would be happy for my tax dollar to be distributed to. For all I know, this is already happening, however, no-one has told me, and it's not obvious where to find it. I want the clear data, so I can make my own decision. The problem that anyone who is even somewhat educated has, is that the important, relevant data is not easily attainable. And we don't all have the time and resources to go looking thoroughly for the solid, correctly referenced, peer-reviewed information. I don't want to put my child's health solely in the hands of a company who benefits financially when I accept the vaccination, I need to know that there are equal stakes for the company in question to be wiped out when they make a mistake.
The problem is that when billions of $$$$ can be made from vaccines, such 'strictly independent' companies are very easy to undermine. Sad, but true... people are so often only far too easily bought. It helps when drug companies can at least be sued for damages from side-effects... and this should be true even of 'Emergency Use Only' drugs and 'vaccines', but when they go out of their way to get such EUO status for their products precisely BECAUSE this status carries an immunity from prosecution or from having to pay such damages for negative outcomes, they are so obviously NOT acting in 'good faith', that it should surprise no-one when people start to 'resist' their 'vaccines'! And when the 'products' (i.e. 'vaccines', or even drugs!) in question are STILL in an experimental stage... well... need I say more? :/
No it isnt available anywhere, because those studies simply have not been done. No vaccine has been safety tested against placebo! And the epidemiological all-cause mortality data (which is really what we want to know - are you or your child more likely to live or die as a result of taking or not taking a given vaccine) is also very scarce.
As long as healthcare is a for-profit model. Then yes the public should be very concerned. questions should be answered rather than approached with the intent of persuasion.
Jay Rock the public should be less concerned when they realise vaccines have eradicated smallpox and are very close to doing the same to measles, polio etc.
Voices Lost and Found you need to remember that America isn’t the only country in the world, most of Europe has pretty much free healthcare and vaccinations and they care about vaccines about the same as they do here
Jay Rock vaccines have saved money. Yes 24 billion a year pharmaceutical companies make from vaccines. But we have saved 295 billion in direct costs and over 2 trillion in societal cost from vaccines. Just saying.
@@sharamusica Pharmaceutical companies make billions on the auto-immune diseases, epipens, skin conditions, asthma drugs, diabetes .... vaccines make sick people and sick children which makes them billions.
My condolences on the loss of your son. That is extremely tragic. However, if people don’t get vaccinated many more 4 year old sons will be lost to pathogens prevented by vaccines. If your son was 4 then presumably it was not the first vaccine he received. As such, he should not have been received any more if he reacted badly to preceding vaccines, he should have been protected by herd immunity.
@@eeeaten No long term safety studies and plenty of evidence that links the HPV vax to autoimmune diseases like MS. There's plenty of evidence that shows vaccines are not as safe or effective as big pharma wants you to believe. Hardly surprising considering their $60 BILLION a year industry only survives if you willingly get vaccinated. The fact more and more people are uncovering the truth is why they're trying to get vaccination to be mandatory, a scary prospect.
Sportys Business Sportys Business sigh... this makes me sad. First provide evidence that vaccines are not that safe or effective. Provide that and I’ll consider talking to you.
Yes. I have heard that the hpv vaccine has been linked to MS and other neurological diseases. Scary thought. Parents really need to think about this vaccine series. And 54 vaccines to go to school? That is going a little overboard. Where will it end? How can you give that many vaccinations to your child? Is it even possible? I am not a parent or a doctor but this is kind of insane in my opinion
Cure for vaccine hesitancy: change the law enacted in 1986 which took liability from vaccine manufacturers. This would provide incentive conduct rigorous safety testing. The gold-standard that ALL other drugs must comply before they are approved for the market: double-blind placebo testing, is not employed to determine the safety of vaccines. Vaccine manufacturers have no incentive to ensure their products are safe because they need not be concerned with compensating the families of seriously injured children ... so many children suffer every year. In cases of death and serious adverse reactions, parents must have the adverse reaction recorded in Vaccine Adverse Reaction Recording System (VEARS), hire a lawyer, and have the resources to fight for years against HHS and DOJ lawyers in order to seek compensation. An unfair battle ground if ever their were one!! Get educated! Don’t fear mild childhood diseases, for which for deaths IN THE US haven’t occurred in decades. Fear the vaccines!
@@kathrynscurio5264 Why would they want to repeal that law in an environment where people are prone to argue that any and every vaccine causes any and every malady their child could possibly suffer? It's an invitation for frivolous lawsuits for something that's safer than drinking a coca cola.
"Most individuals in countries where vaccination is widespread have never personally experienced vaccine-preventable disease. Thus, the focus of concern for some people shifted from the negative effects of vaccine-preventable disease to the possible negative effects of the vaccines themselves." Britannica
Unlu San Hi. I’m from the future and here we now have what we call The Virus. It’s said to be a pandemic but it has only killed about 0.009% of the population, less than seasonal Flu. Many of those had comorbidity’s and were advanced in age. The fantastic new vaccines that will save us all are said to have a 0.7% mortality rate making them far more dangerous than the problem. Still, nice to know somebody’s making a good profit. See you when you get here 😇
I believe, I don't need to see death up close. My relative heard the ambulances running all night picking up people with covid. I am grateful to get the moderna vaccine.
@@alancarter4525 Y'know what? The vaccine gave me two crummy days. Two. My friends who had Covid were down for _weeks._ Sure, they didn't die, but I'd rather not go through that.
@@Olivia-W Hi. Surely by now you’ve found out that it’s the ‘vaccinated’ that are going down with the Virus in the greatest numbers. An anecdotal point of case is a client of mine who had both Jabs then went down with covid, not badly for him but a few days of flu. Point is, and is even being written in mainstream media, the Pfizer Jab decreases our Neutralising Antibodies the “private security” of our immune system. One Jab lowers it, second Jab lowers it further. A booster? Remember that these are just the first Jabs. There will be yearly ones and so since they’re destroying the natural immune system but don’t offer Immunity themselves (none of the current slew of covid ‘vaccines’ where ever meant to stop you getting or passing the Virus) only to reduce symptoms. Well the normal life of a virus is to transmute, become more virulent but less harmful. French epidemiologist and Nobel Prize winner Luc Montagnier - “Warns Covid Vaccine May Lead to 'Neurodegenerative Illness” and indeed they are. He says that the Jabs are the cause of the variants. All debating aside, if you’ve had a Jab or two and have not suffered or suffered very little, thank good but please, don’t try it again for your own sake. It’s like playing Russian Roulette with your immune system. The worst of covid has passed, it’s just a Flu. Can be a killer, just like Flu but only to the already unwell. Best defence against any illness is good health and that particularly includes no fear, caution is fine. Be safe.
Hezekiah Crocker the Vaccine Court has paid 4 billion (with a B) to children and adults damaged and killed by vaccines. This is an administrative proceeding so no jury, no media coverage, and no punitive damages allowed. This money used to pay for vaccine damages comes from taxpayers - that means your paycheck. Vaccine manufacturers were given immunity from lawsuits in the 80s.
@philip Trevor just because they are home schooled does not mean they will never leave the house. They may still go to a playground, to a shop, etc. They may still get and pass on a disease
@@HezekiahCrocker Not in Texas. We anti-vaxxers are in the public schools. 🤔And my 4 children, no vaccinations have enjoyed extraordinary health. No asthma, no allergies. When other children are sick, even the vaccinated ones with measles, chicken pox and rubella, mine do not get sick.
@@gabriellavictory3080 just because your kids haven't gotten sick.. Doesn't mean they never will. There is a reason all those diseases that killed million of people stopped spreading as much.. Vaccinations. It's also the reason why people are hearing about kids getting sick because of not getting vaccinated.
It should be a choice no doubt. Ppl wanna allow this fear to be acceptable to freedoms being taken, fine but what out when it comes to freedoms they dont want taken from them!! Oh then they have an issue!!! Overwhelming toxicity has caused the whole world to be sick!!! Just why not add toxins with a virus and inject it into all little humans that havent even fully developed their brain barriers!! Yea smart move. History proves toxins mixed with virus gives a mind altering effect but ppl are too damn lazy to do the research and allow the idiotic government officials to make decisions for them. Go ahead but you'll regret it soon enough!!!
@Gilberto Fernandez I just watched the first video, and to sum it all up, inaccurate. It was about this kid who has a mental recession. Which is caused by a gene in your DNA. It. Has. Nothing. To. Do. With. Vaccines. If you do not vaccinate you should have your kids taken away
@@minkmuskens7563 courts have already ruled vaccination causes encephalopathy. The recovery of that produces autism spectrum disorder. And other problems such asearning delays.
Couldn’t have said it better myself. Another way...if she doesn’t even care about her own body (clearly evident), you better believe she doesn’t care about the welfare of your body.
What qualifications does she need? An M.D.? A PhD? Anyone can do research and be knowledgable on a topic on not have a "proper qualification." With that said, she is obviously working for an organization pushing Agenda 21. People need to stop being so naive believing that people in power actually about you. All you have to do is research history. Not the "history" from the public school....look into the true history. Throughout history whenever the government gets too big, truly horrific things happen, ALWAYS. Absolute power corrupts absolutely. Stop depending on the government to control everything in your life. They are not out to help you. They are ONLY for their own self interest, and often paid for by corporations and banksters, who want more and more control. Wake up!!!
Doctors dont automatically know more about all facets of health than others. Especially those who do very diligent research. Some doctors dont know anything about what they are talking about. That's why it's so important to get a good , intelligent one. But vaccines aren't the be all, end all drugs they're made out to be. People seriously downplay the dangers of them
@@bl8526 Tara Haelle is a freelance science and multimedia journalist who writes regularly at Forbes, NPR, Scientific American, Slate, Medscape, and other U.S.-based publications. She co-wrote “The Informed Parent: A Science-Based Guide to the First Four Years” with science journalist Emily Willingham, and she blogs about science and parenting at Red Wine & Applesauce. She holds a master's in photojournalism from the University of Texas at Austin and has published her images in several publications.
I absolutely refuse to take medical advice from someone who is morbidly obese. Not a judgement, but obviously someone who doesn't take medical advice themselves.
Exactly this woman doesn't even understand the concept of calories or how to work a treadmill, yet claims to be a good source of health & medical advice.
Because I am old enough to have lived through a large part of recent history and my family members lived into their late 80's and 90's, I have some first and second hand knowledge of the Polio epidemic and other childhood disease issues she speaks of. The part I have a very real problem with is that she speaks of the 'fact' that Autism just HAPPENS to start at the same time the MMR is given. OK, if that were in fact true, then show me the retirement homes filled with Autistic old people who all had Autism that started at 18 months old. Show me the 80 year olds with Autism Show me the 70 year olds with Autism Show me the 60 year olds with Autism Show me the 50 year olds with Autism Show me the 40 year olds with Autism Show me the 30 year olds with Autism- there will be a few because it started to show up in the 80's/90's So what changed? The vaccine schedule AND the vaccines themselves. My generation had the Measles, Mumps and Rubella given in different shots. That was changed and the formulation changed. The DPT was changed, etc. Change the formula, change the number of vaccines given, change when they are given- now we have a perfect storm for reactions and side effects from a multitude of drugs that no one can hold the drug makers accountable for and no one (if big pharma and government have their way) will be allowed to REFUSE. There are no old folk homes filled with Autistic old people. But there will be in 50 years.
Ausburgers is a type of Autism where you are intellectually functional but socially impared. And now we have better tests to find people with that disease
autism wasn't identified as a condition until 1978 or 79. our knowledge of the issue has grown greatly, we've introduced massive amounts of testing and the tools we use to detect it are becoming ever more sensitive. I know two perfectly functioning adults who were diagnosed and what we all thought were just personality quirks turned out to be neuro-divergent issues. in the past, the "weird" kid or the socially awkward was just that, and the more disabled kids were just slapped with the label 'spastic' and shoved in a home for the rest of their lives. we're identifying issues that have always been there just were never diagnosed as we simply didn't know enough about it or have the tools to measure it. we did have the tools to measure how many kids died each year and how that changed with vaccines. maybe that might further help contextualise autism scares.
Nothing to do with fear or hesitancy . It is to do with gaining knowledge about how damaging and dangerous vaccines can be. HPV vaccine has been a disaster. Since 1986 the companies producing vaccines have no liability to be sued in the US.
Guy Dawson please don’t even get started about the hpv vaccine. Girls and boys have ended up with neurological diseases, in wheelchairs, or even died. It is horrible. But they don’t disclose all this
Guillermo Prat our medical system is made to be fast and efficient, to treat as many people as possible keeping costs low, treatment rates high and effectively saving more lives. The doctor gets paid the save hourly rate whether or not they go through you fast or slow, they just care for others and want as many people as possible to be safe and healthy
@@zachb1706 Fast, maybe. Efficient? I have serious doubts! I would give it high scores for trauma cases. You have a lot of explaining to do, from the looks of the other comments. Don't waste your time on me. 😊
Guillermo Prat they can’t spend their time explaining things to idiots that don’t believe them in the first place... and these comments are awful aren’t they.
Or as the source of funds needed to get rid of college debt. We all make or are tempted to make irrational decisions when we are afraid. When we go into a lifetime of debt from medical school, the fear of being in debt forever can also be a motivating factor
So here we have a woman concerned about others health and yet to me she seems obese, I wonder what her BMI measures. One of my sisters was once obese and her doctor diagnosed that she had water retention. Due to her diet she ended up diabetic then after changing her diet she return to the size she was as a young woman.
@@silversun119 Vaccinated people still 'catch' infectious diseases and suppress, attack unvaccinated people like the incompetence of provaxers and vaccines were our fault.
@@itsinthewayyoumove4127 It's actually completely the other way around. Vaccines have now been modified to be safer and contain much less potentially harmful substances and less viral particles
@@greta2545 True. But even when people are faced with all the facts, fear wins. They end up not vaccinating. That's not the right answer. The chances of someone having bad reactions is super low. Side effects are almost non-existent. If someone does have bad reactions to vaccines, they get immediate care and are officially dependent on herd immunity. Which is why vaccines should be mandatory. The chances of terrible side effects are low. I understand why people are worried. But if something bad happens because of a vaccine, you'll get immediate medical care and be okay.
Journey's Fable it is our most fundamental human right to decide what we do with our bodies and what we put into them. If guns are still legal because they are our property, than mandatory vaccination should be illegal. If the law passes, our bodies practically become property of state.
@@greta2545 Not really. And it's not just you who is in danger. Anyone completely unable to get vaccinated because they DID have bad side effects are in danger because more people are making the CHOICE to not vaccinate.
Most likely it was unrelated. Off course every medicine has side effects. He couls have been allergic and had a severe reaction. I feel sorry for your loss, it must be hard to lose a baby that young
@@elien1902 My 18 month old, perfectly healthy son went into respiratory failure after the mmr vaccine. Your statement is horrifying. You have no idea how damaging vaccinations are and the unnatural hyperimmune response it forces a small human to produce. Vaccines are completely unnecessary and dangerous.
Was it after his 4 month ones? My son had a severe adverse event 2 hours after his 4 month vaccines, and I have a family friend who's 4 month old baby died the night of his vaccines.
and you will see a higher rate of autism in developed countries vs undeveloped because children are getting diagnosed more often than underdeveloped countries. correlation does not mean causation
But the fact the lawsuits are not in the billions because such a large number of people get vaccines that thinking there is more than 15 people for every healthy person.
Me: just scrolling through the comments to find and anti vaccine parent who just left a ridiculous comment about vaccines gives you autism or something like that
If you had a normal kid and two days after getting a vaccine he stopped talking and spent all day looking out the window what would you think? This is EXACTLY what many parents are saying happened after giving their child the MMR vaccine. Do you think they are all imagining it?
If you had a normal kid and two days after getting a vaccine he stopped talking and spent all day looking out the window what would you think? This is EXACTLY what many parents are saying happened after giving their child the MMR vaccine. Do you think they are all imagining it?
We should not compare the level of medicine in 1700th to current status to prove need for vaccination. We need safe vaccines, not just vaccines. Among the 110 California Disney patients in 2015: 49 (45%) were unvaccinated; 5 (5%) had 1 dose of measles-containing vaccine, 7 (6%) had 2 doses, 1 (1%) had 3 doses, 47 (43%) had unknown or undocumented vaccination status. and one (1%) had immunoglobulin G seropositivity documented, which indicates prior vaccination or measles infection at an undetermined time. How difficult to test those 47 (43%) with unknown or undocumented vaccination status? Or maybe they were vaccinated and it did not help? I do not know, I am searching for answers. I am troubled CDC manipulations of MMR vaccine data and that Julie Gerberding, the former director of the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, has been in one of those rare positions for about the past 18 months as president of Merck’s vaccine unit.
As well, look at flu deaths. I don't have the numbers in front of me, but let's say they claim 800 people died from the flu in 2016. Then you look at the breakdown, out of those 800 only 16 were confirmed to have the flu. I chose 2016 because that was the year I almost died from double pneumonia and sepsis and was put on life support. I found out that had I died, I would have been part of that number of deaths. They include any respiratory illness as part of it to hike up the numbers. As for the measles, you can get the measles as a side effect of the vaccine up to 27 days after vaccination. They include those vaccine reactions in their numbers to push their agenda further.
Well our history can tell us a lot about what worked and didn't work. I don't see anything wrong with providing the history as it is important to know why these vaccinations came to be in the first place.
And as far as polio and smallpox vaccines eradicating the diseases, check the history. Dr Suzanne Humphries, Del Bigtree, and Dr John Bergman all discuss it.
and measles was not erradicated because of the vaccine... 1) people stopped the practice of ensuring their children got the measles 2) there were billions of adults running around the USA who had never contracted the disease or were ever vaccinated or who got the booster every 10 years, since the introduction of the vaccine in the 60's up until it was "declared erradicated" in 2000... how can anyone credit the vaccine for this, when billions of people have been running around without immunity and unvaccinated for so long?
@@shresthasharma8791 yes... it is a much better option than getting the shot... it offers 100% immunity for life... with the shot, one must get boosters throughout their life... and continue to take the risks over and over... and there is much less guarantee it will work... in childhood, this is the best time to contract the disease, it is very mild
Tragic that countless people spend their lives devoted to educating themselves and work tirelessly to develop vaccines to save the lives of children, then someone reads a blog and doesn’t vaccinate their kid
Tara was my high school teacher and has been a long time friend/mentor. She made this research her life work. I'm so proud of her. she did amazing here.
Taylor Frankum,I am not sure if she knows she is lying to us or she really believes in lies she is saying... Either way she is saying lies. She needs to read some books and scientific reaserch that big pharma didn't write
She may not have had enough time to go into the whole story of vaccinations, but she has some glaring commissions in her presentation. She mentions autism being noticed around the same time as vaccinations are given. But there are cases where very serious side effects and death happens to people outside of that age range. She also only mentions formaldehyde as an ingredient and not mercury. She seems to think that only a small amount of people get side effects that include fever or rashes. This just isn't true. She should address these issues as well as have a debate with vaxxtv and let her be more informed before she speaks. I agree vaccinations have helped. But they also have harmed. Her talk seemed based on emotions and not reality.
Kasie Barrett have you got children that are not vaxxed? I’m really jumping into this matter and would love to know more please? Any good I info you could direct me to? Xx
Watch the vaxxed stories on the channel vaxxed tv, and read the package inserts of each vaccine and look into the ingredients in them. Look at when the disease rates of measles, polio, etc. started decreasing, compared to when the vaccines came out. Did you know that there is a law protecting vaccine manufacturers from being sued at all, there is no liability. Hope this was helpful!
1950: *people standing in queues for the new vaccine so their child does not end up in a wheelchair from polio* 2019: VaCcInEs ARe ToXiC aNd I knOw MoRe ThaN DoCtOrs CaUsE I CaN uSe GoOgLe
@@charbradbury4392 Do you know when the father-husband miserably fails? When his child receives a needle. That's your duty to protect your children and your wife.
Turquoise Cheetah What’s in them isn’t dangerous because it’s in very small amounts. The only real risk of vaccines is if you are that 1 in a million person who is allergic.
I find it rather telling that she addresses autism as though that is the only reason parents fail to vaccinate. For those of us who believe vaccines work, but are not so dense as to think there is no actual harm in them, consider this: we ARE trading acute diseases (some or most of which were on the downtrend through better sanitation and nutrition) for chronic autoimmune diseases, that let you live a bit longer, with a miserable, painful, highly medicated existence. Lots of those with autoimmune diseases, die from them. The scientific literature is littered with the vaccine autoimmune trigger risk, but no one talks about it. All they care about it autism!
Bryce Kanowsky a basic high school education would indoctrinate you into believing they are safe. Fairly huge difference. Funny how the vaccine act, that made it illegal to sue vaccine manufacturers, stated it was impossible by nature to make them safe. Hence the legal action, and the creation of a vaccine court. Your welcome for the free education, generally what yo get for free is worth what you pay for it. Like high school. You lucked out today!
@@chimayinasniffer You literally just spouted political nonsense and gave no medical facts. High school offers more knowledge than your one brain cell ever could.
Ah 2019, the innocent days before people deliberately re-opened businesses due to right-wing pressure, then didn't get vaccinated and didn't want to wear masks. Result: 1 million Americans dead of COVID. Plus another hundred thousand un-confirmed in 2020 more than died in 2019.
Think about how angry we autism parents are, to go into a pediatrician, and sit and cry about how your 2 year old no longer talks, points and plays with others, and it happened after those 9 shots he received in 1 day. And hear the doctor tell you that your child is fine and that no, it wasn't the shots.
Just because the polio vaccine has been efficient, that does not mean that ALL vaccines are equally efficient. That's like saying one specific food group is healthy therefore all food is healthy because it 'qualifies' as food. For someone who claims to have scientific perspective, this lady's arguments are full of logic fallacies
“You can pick up your cheque at the door love”. Good to see half thumbs up and half down. It’s just my experience but I have a very healthy 21 year daughter, never had any medical intervention whatsoever, e don’t even know her blood type. Gets over any occasional illness really quickly. Very happy person.
Covena White indeed I don’t but if nature can work perfectly well, why have the chemicals. Mother Nature has been at this a long long time and isn’t in it for the money. Trust.
I'm a healthy 16 years old girl. Received all the obligatory vaccines and others I've chosen to (obviously along with the confirmation of my family) do you know what's the difference between me and your daughter kind sir? The last time I've been ill was the last year, and it was a small sore throat that I cured within 2 days( it was almost a year ago). I'm not willing to change your mind, but in my opinion vaccines do make a huge difference. Edit: grammar corrections
Wow I’m surprised by this comment section, reading these comments is like reading a death thread towards my future children, at least I live in Germany and we sort of have a better way with dealing with history. Just because you don’t see these diseases daily it doesn’t mean that they have vanished, there still there.
@@garageman6480 Where did scarlet fever, bubonic plague, syphilis, leprosy, typhoid etc etc go? No vax for them! Answer that one please. The WHO now admits that most of the outbreaks of polio are from the vaccine. India stopped the Gavi polio eradication program there, after 400,000 children were paralysed by it. "Disolving Illusions" goes into it in detail. But Vernon Colman wrote a short sharp book called "anyone who says vaccines are safe and effective..."
FACT seatbelts and motorcycles helmets both HAVE destroyed the lives of people! That is FACT ... BUT Fact ALSO seatbelts and motorcycle helmets have also SAVED way WAY more people than they tragically hurt .... I believe vaccine dangers are very similar in nature making the issue a huge math DUHHH for one trying to decide which thing is the greater health risk
An entire speech downplaying fear of innoculation yet attempt to explain the fact that Austim, once unheard of, became extremely common as the innoculation loads increased. In 2000 it moved up to 1 in 150. By 2012 it moved to 1 in every 68. Also no mention that studes "proving" innoculations to be "safe" are only epidemological studies. Vaccines have a positive side. But dismissing the negative side as just being based on "correlations" is wrong. According to that logic, the Health Department should remove warning labels from cigarretes.
listen this is just ridiculous. That entire paper was written by a quack who had financial conflict of interests. You want to avoid DNA mutations? better never use a microwave, drive a car, use a mobile phone or eat anything from a shopping centre. Better yet you better go live in the woods. There are TOXINS everywhere in our modern day environment and it's impossible to mitigate them all. THATS what causes cancers and autism. A combination of urban lifestyles, processed foods, unclear air etc.
They changed the definition of autism from a completely incapacitating disease to a much less severe disease in which children who have it do have some psychological and behavioral problems but certainly don't need to get locked away for life. (I know a lot about it because of a dear grandson who is autistic and has some problems, but is a sweet, lovable young man.) So the increase in autism diagnoses was caused by the change in the definition of the disease and had nothing to do with inoculations. On the other hand, the kids who weren't left deaf by measles; the boys who weren't left sterile by mumps, the babies who weren't born deformed because their mothers caught rubella, the children who weren't left crippled by polio--- all those tragedies that didn't happen have everything to do with vaccines!
Yep, I guess you believe everyone who wants to be taken seriously about stopping global warming shouldn't fly on a plane, but should cross the Atlantic in a sailboat like Greta Thunberg.
You have to do lots of researching yourself, and then decide for yourself. A tyrrany would decide for you that you HAVE to vaccinate or FORBID you to vaccinate.
Your freedom of choice ends where your actions result in the harm of other namely the unvaccinated children and people who cannot medically get vaccinations and rely on herd immunity
@@shamrock141 Your assumption that unvaccinated children spread disease is unscientific. Sick kids spread disease, and sick kids can be vaccinated and unvaccinated. Kids vaccinated with live virus vaccines also spread disease. You also pretend that vaccinations don't harm some people. There are serious adverse reactions in some kids from vaccines. So you really can't force or coerce people to have a medical procedure that could harm them like vaccines. If you love science, you have to be loyal to the scientific method and logic and not just what "authorities" say about science. Also, it is unscientific to pretend that herd immunity is based just on children. The herd consists of adults and children. Please go to the local pharmacy and get every vaccine you can plus boosters if you want to promote herd immunity.
I was just writing in another thread that Republican liars now say "I'm researching it" when they have no intention, ever. Meanwhile my friend who got her statistics PhD by studying a vaccine "researched" the COVID vaccine trial data the first week in December 2020 when it came out and gave it 👍
Polio was in the news this week being detected in British sewage. Probably refugees from Afghanistan or visitors from Pakistan the two places it still exists in the wild.
Polio is often used as a conversation stopper when discussing vaccines and other pharmaceutical methods. You didn’t have this much in the US but we did in the UK. Look up Thalidomide.
Yeah it's all happening at once... keeps ppl on their phones bickering and not even noticing new 5g towers and skies full of metal particulates... Perfect plan... 🤔😪
As someone whose immune system slowly got worse as I got more and more vaccines, I can say that they don’t always work. Also, I’ve gotten a good few diseases I was vaccinated against (measles, H1N1, Hep B).
She would be much more convincing if she didn't engage in hyperbole so much. Eg., "despite ALL scientific evidence to the contrary" regarding the vaccine autism-connection. And the idea that anti-vaxxers use fear to motivate parents to refuse vaccines, yet the seeming total unawareness that she is doing the same thing regarding fear of disease to convince people to vaccinate. Does she not realize that what she sounds like is this? "These parents" have all these cognitive biases, but I don't.
She really shouldn’t be bringing up smallpox either... we don’t use that anymore... so yeah since we don’t have to worry so much about all the other ‘vaccine preventable diseases’ anymore... we should be following suit and stop using them altogether or stop with the insane pressure to do it ... and the school mandates! ... but the reason they don’t use smallpox vaccine isn’t because it was a success, but if they gave it, there actually would be real epidemics and it leaves a huge lesion for a month or longer at the injection site (which IS contagious until it heals completely) and the injuries from it are too noticeable. It would scare even more people away. It’s easier for the docs to deny injury and death from the vaccines used now.
Dougie Quick where do you get your numbers when there aren’t any compiled for deaths and injuries or long term effects from the vaccines? Just a guess.
I know I'm late to this, but there really is no connection between autism and vaccines. The one study that "proved" the link hasn't only been debunked, it was considered so dangerously wrong that the conductor of the study lost his doctor's degree because of it. (Not to mention that getting the 'results' involved ethical nightmares, such as literally torturing children for money)
This woman does a great job of spouting the usual politically correct PROPAGANDA!!! Get educated -- there's a lot of good scientific information on the subject. You might start with Dr Suzanne Humphries' excellent book, Dissolving Illusions. Another great source of info is the several hours of interviews of experts compiled as, "Vaccines Revealed."
May I please discuss this with you in the comments. I truly do want to learn about your perspective. Please use the form of PEEL, otherwise known as Point, Evidence, Explanation, Link. Basically explain what you are trying to say. Back it up with evidence (please site your sources) and connect the evidence with the link in the Explanation section. Link is just a summary and repetition of the point. (All needs to be done in order). Thanks. Edit: Lets please not yell insults at each other. That is pointless and will not support you at all.
My parents hard measles, chickenpox, mumps, Scarlett fever and so did most Of their friends growing up.. and u know what that did, Build up their immune system .. parents should not be forced to potentially brain damage their innocent child for a disease that will make them sick for a week versus damaged for a lifetime
tell us about the amazing advances in plumbing/sanitation that occurred since 1960, over which time we've seen measles deaths and hospitalizations drop by over 99.9%
@@eeeaten - As of 2019 there have been more than 94,972 reports of measles-vaccine reactions, hospitalizations, injuries, and deaths following measles vaccinations made to the federal Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS), including 468 deaths, 7,127 hospitalizations, and 1,8920 related disabilities. More than 50% of those adverse events occurred in children three years old and under. In other words, more people have died or been injured from the vaccine than the disease itself in the USA.
Tim Account reactions hospitalisation sand deaths are 3 different things. There have been no cases in the past of any deaths from vaccines. Vaccine injuries do happen, but it’s extremely rare and is heavily compensated in court.
@@scottpe6226 tim the numbers are simple. a study of 1.7million kids who got the mmr vaccine showed 14 of them were hospitalised by the vaccine, no deaths, all recovered. compare that to measles (which everyone gets if there's no vaccine) - 1/10 are hospitalised, 1/1000 dead.
Tara, you are insufficiently informed. Dr. Suzanne Humphries has actually done her homework regarding smallpox. You might think about looking at her findings on the issue. Incidentally, we anti-vaxxers are very pro-science. We just prefer legitimate science.
Zazzle, you've just asked THE question-----the one folks in the scientific community should be asking, but we first have to acknowledge that they don't work as advertised. Based on what we know of the immune system, they should work. Maybe we don't know enough about how this system actually operates, and the drive to make money interferes with the incentive to find out. Bodies are extremely complex mechanisms, and medical science is still in its infancy.
Thing is they do work as advertised for the most part. We don't know everything of course, but we know a lot. As with all science, you can't make claims without some real solid evidence behind it, especially when it's against centuries worth of research.
How do we know they work as advertised? We have only our own experience to fall back on, unless we are researchers and study large populations. If you were immunized, and weren't harmed, and haven't gotten the disease you were immunized for, you assume they're safe and effective. Apparently lots of other folks had a different experience. If you step off a cliff, and injure yourself, you don't need solid scientific evidence of gravity to confirm that it was dangerous. The research on vaccines (hardly centuries worth) has confirmed that safety and efficacy is questionable, otherwise the vaccine injury compensation fund wouldn't exist. The CDC is now suggesting that people need a third MMR vaccine in order to address the recent mumps outbreaks in people who already had two rounds of this vaccine, so no, we don't know a lot.
Kathy Fausett but large populations have been studied, the way our immune system works has been studied, the way our immune system uses vaccines has been studied. I can look on research that was done long before I was born to see how this stuff works and how it's been proven. You might as well say cars are dangerous and we shouldn't be using them because people have been injured or even killed by cars. Things might not work out as intended sometimes, stuff happens and we cant predict everything that will go wrong. But we know cars and vaccines are far better than the alternatives, and we're always working to improve them. The world is always changing, and we need to be able to keep up.
I feel truly bad for you thinking how horribly you would feel and regret on this talk when you finally know the truth after doing research. I know this from my experience. By the way, we would never know Benjamin’s son could have survived if he had gotten vaccine for sure. Of course any parent who lost their child would lament on anything including vaccine they could have done to save him/her.
Cowpox is supposed to be mild if a human gets it. I would be willing to risk it since it PREVENTS SMALLPOX. I worry about germ warfare, which the current pandemic was definitely.
Concerning encephalitis post measle illness. It was from the treatment of aspirin and acetaminophen which brought on Reyes syndrome, something they fail to tell you.
This is a super engaging talk! I appreciate how Tara started out her talk by relaying her experience as a mother and her vaccine hesitancy. Personal stories often soften the harsh arguments that people approach these topics with. She explained that after giving birth, she declined a vaccine for her son. This was not from a place of being paranoid or uneducated. She noted that she was in graduate school during this time. She concluded that declining the vaccine for her newborn son was from a place not wanting to harm her child. I am not a parent, so I can only imagine the responsibility one must feels towards making decisions for their child. I came from a family with vaccine hesitancy, I remember how much my mother would ponder the decision, seek out advice and really discuss the vaccine schedule with our pediatricians. I am now a second-year medical student and have been educated on the value of vaccines. When thinking about the concept of vaccines, it is important to view this through a lens of medical ethics. Medical ethics is founded on four pillars: Justice, beneficence, non-maleficence and autonomy. Justice is the obligation to grant all citizens access to care. Beneficence is the moral obligation physicians have to do no harm. Non-maleficence is the requirement of the healthcare system to not harm patients. Autonomy is the right patients to make decisions about their healthcare treatment. The topic of vaccines is one that involves the individual patient but also public health. Because of this, it is imperative to think about these pillars of medical ethics in an individualized sense as well as a global sense. On an individual level, patients should be granted autonomy and decision making capacity of which vaccines they can elect or decline. It is physician’s responsibilities to educate their patients and inform them that electing for vaccines is for the patient’s individual good (beneficence) and is not intended to cause the patient harm (non-maleficence). But at the end of the day, it should be the patients decision whether or not to elect to receive a vaccine. On a global or public health perspective, it is the responsibility of all capable patients to become vaccinated to protect those who cannot. Mass vaccination has the potential to decrease the prevalence or even eradicate life-threatening diseases though herd immunity. Vaccines are powerful in this regard. They have the ability to change the course of human health. By getting vaccinated, one has the good of the whole in mind. As a future physician, I hope to always respect my patient’s autonomy. I also hope to remain vigilant about educating my patients on the personal and global benefits of vaccines.
What Tara Haelle has to say is extremely important in this on-going debate between getting vaccinated and not. First, better and non-judgmental conversations need to be had, especially between a doctor and their patient. As a first-year medical student, I am learning skills on how to better communicate with my future patients. Part of those communications skills is learning about the concept of informed consent. In order for a patient to be fully informed, the patient must be informed of all possible risks and benefits of any treatment or procedure recommended by the physician, as well as being informed of alternative treatments or procedures with their associated risks and benefits. Finally, the patient must be informed of any risks associated with foregoing treatment of any kind. With vaccines, this is crucial. A big problem that Tara Haelle talks about is our brains incapability, or difficulty, with fully weighing the risks of both options. With vaccines, there is a really small chance of injury, as seen in this talk. That risk, however, is statistically insignificant compared to getting diseases like polio or other diseases that are preventable with vaccines. Not only that, but the more people that are vaccinated, the less likely diseases are spread to people who are more susceptible to the disease, which is defined as herd immunity. I agree with Tara Haelle on the fact that a respectful conversation needs to be held and with informed consent in a practice, as well as building a relationship with the patient, doctors can better serve the skeptical parents. A better approach to fully disclosing what it would mean to not be vaccinated, including what not only it does for the child, but maybe bringing up how it could help society at large, could help to persuade someone skeptical to at least begin to think beyond the very small risk of getting immunized. At the end of the day, informed consent needs to be fully disclosed before a patient can make an informed decision. Getting that information from a trusted and reliable source, like a trusted relationship with a doctor, is the best way to ensure that the best possible decision is made. At the end of the day, patient autonomy is key and so the parent does have the final say, but I believe that in order to keep our society free of the terrible diseases of our past, vaccines are a necessity to build that immunity.
Might want to check your facts on the significance of death due to these diseases over injury or death poss from vaccines. I was one of many who almost died as a baby after shots.....doesn't make me an anti vaxxer...just makes me believe in testing/ studies and informed consent..
LMAO, you're only a first year student yet you're already this indoctrinated? OMG, please do research outside of the medical school propaganda, because if you actually want to HEAL people, you're training for the wrong job. Look up quantum biology for a start to realise how little your teachers actually know about how the human body works.
I wish medical students were trained to think critically and how to read and understand the peer-reviewed published scientific literature, instead of just being expected to memorise what their textbooks tell them to believe. Who was it who - when asked to estimate how much of standard medical practice will turn out to be wrong - said about 50% ?!
That is what it means. Inoculating so many people that the disease dies out when it can't find fresh meat to infect; thus people who don't get the vaccine or are immuno-compromised are protected from it by so-called "herd immunity"
@@sandal_thong no! herd immunity means, and it has historically referred to a large proportion of a population that has come into contact naturally, with certain pathogens that have elicited a particular viral responce. It has never referred to artificial inoculation or vacinations, that bypass the natural immune responce. Learn the actual facts before you spout off about something you have no knowledge of.
I once almost choked to death while eating food. I did my own research and discovered that I am not alone. Thousands of people choke every year while eating, and hundreds of those people die. That's why I don't feed my kids. It's dangerous. Now plenty of people will point out that food supposedly "prevents starvation:' and that might be true, but it's not fair to completely ignore all the dangers food poses, like choking, allergies, gingivitis, and garlic breath. I'm just saying, do your own research and decide what you think is best for your kids. If you choose to give your kids potentially deadly food, that's your problem, but as a parent, I don't think the government has any right to tell me that I need to feed my kids.
oliver blank m Say the one who decided to let make an analogy compared to eating and flavoring food. You can think yourself silly but truth still stand, and always will; even if it stands alone. Your fear mongering example is as analogous to what to fearing water and a dry chemical bath as preferable.
*sees like ratio* I wonder if she's said something controversial. *finishes video, reads comments* Nope, comment section just infected with antivaxxers.
nope... just woke people. Go ahead and inject yourself with mercury, chicken egg, aluminum, the actual virus, thimerosal if you want to (the ingredients in a vaccine).... Bill Gates' foundation keeps pushing lies, even though vaccine companies got so heavily sued, that the US Gov got lobbied by them to pass a law to make them immune from lawsuits. Vaccines are dangerous and deadly. Gates Foundation is running a scam to poison the world. I'm not so much anti-vaccine as I am pro-truth. WAKE UP.
@@justtheletterV274 oh brother. Get the Vax if you want. But treating a billion people to protect one person is a ridiculous health model and a great moneymaking scheme. I will be waiting for treatments and cures instead
Sorry if this offends anyone, but when a heavily overweight woman delivers a speech on health she automatically looses credibility..if she can't even manage to figure out how to be healthy herself why is she giving advice to others? Heart disease is one of the biggest killers, if not the biggest!
For those of you who think your Doctors/Pediatricians know it all let me tell you they dont! I have a relative who will be graduating from med school in May and admitted that all they are taught is to follow the CDC vaccine schedule, they are safe and effective and they save lives. Never mentioned adverse reactions, the toxic chemicals in then, how to report an adverse reaction etc. Parents, If you would do anything for your children then please research vaccines.
Fungist aka (B-laze) was he ever tested to confirm it was the poliovirus? Or did he have poliomyelitis from some unidentified enterovirus that got out of his gut and into his CNS? You should ask his about the circumstances around his development of the disease (geography, environmental exposures to DDT or other pesticides, etc, whether he had his tonsils out...)
Care to provide a citation for that dubious claim? They do not read the science, let alone understand it. They read blogs. Reading blogs is not research. People who write blogs doesn't mean they are scientists. I actually work in immunology, and I am published IN the scientific literature. I know what research is and what the process entails. Anti-vaxxers do not do research.
What makes me think that you’re not propaganda? Yea this is bull and everyone is spreading propaganda, your mother, your brother, your friendly neighborhood spiderman, all of it is propaganda!
FDC/CDC how many drugs recalled in the last 5 yrs? When has a politician /leader EVER been trustworthy? How much power/money do big pharma and big Corps stand to gain from the push? There is your answer.
Yeah, papers and studies that have been funded by the CDC or Pharmaceutical companies or labs that are funded by them. Do you even know what a conflict of interest is?? The only thing that vaccine's have been clinically proven to do is .. stimulate antibody production. But it is has NEVER been proven that by stimulating antibody production alone that this will constitute immunity. All big pharma have is there botched studies which are funded by themselves. The results of the studies they fund goes back to them. And then THEY publish the results. How convenient for them.!!! And the "safety trials" are an unscientific JOKE. Where the placebo group is actually a shot without the weakened pathogen but with all the toxic adjuvants that are the root of the problem in the first place. That is not science.
@@sabirahshuaybi7206 if you actually had a medical education and an education in chemistry, the ammount of blatant lies and stupidity in your comment is astounding, antivaxxers kill over 1.5 million kids by pretty much begging for them to get preventable diseases by not vaccinating annually, whilst only 3,000 have an adverse reaction to the vaccine.
@Chelle Marin if you failed to notice, 1,576,800 unvaccinated kids die annually from preventable disease, this information is some basic maths and information from the CDC, NHS and WHO, the disease can sometimes be traced back, and during outbreaks it's mostly unvaccinated children that get the disease, and now I have a question, would you rather have a healthy child, or a child with polio?
@Chelle Marin 3,000 are recorded by the CDC, if you add all cases together, anually it would be around 20,000 including Europe and Asia and Africa, last time I checked, 20,000 is less than 1.5 million.
I vaccinated my daughter. But what if a child gets autism and brain damage hours after getting vaccinated? There are some parents who had that happen to them. I'm just curious. I still want to vaccinate but it is scary now. Do your research ppl. I see a point in both sides now. But I'm not antivax either.
If one has a life-threatening infection antibiotics CAN tragically KILL them! BUT statistically the antibiotic can be way more likely to Save the same individual ....if you ask me? ALWAYS side with the is simply one big bet on three aces not a pair of 7s
I am still looking into the research to make an educated decision for myself, but supposedly...even in the recent history of the U.S. more people have died from illnesses they were vaccinated against vs people that were not. I wish I could find reputable data, but people can be paid-off to make research for or against something. In so many instances statistics can be altered in these studies in whomever's favor.....Studies are not regularly done ethically as they should be.
Have you ever considered that maybe the reason you can't find reputable data is that vaccines aren't dangerous? You can look at history and how vaccines have stopped diseases such as smallpox.
You have to find this one out for yourself. The most important thing to remember when you do this is that there is a big dogmatic bias in favour of vaccines and those who question them are discredited and marginalised. Parents who have vaccine injured children are not listened to and sometimes treated very badly. Scientists do not get funded for looking critically at vaccines. The media is afraid to question vaccines because they will be accused of being "irresponsible" etc etc etc You will have to factor in that bias when looking at both sides. The science that questions them is not considered "reputable" but remember that Yudkin questioned sugar in the 60s/70s and was ridiculed. For the alternative perspective try vaxxed tv on utube for parents stories of injuries Dissolving Illusions by Suzanne Humphries for the hardcore science and history of vaccines If you need any help just message.
@@3chords490, I also recommend looking into books and videos by Suzanne Humphries. She started out believing that vaccines we're safe and effective but began questioning it because of her hospital's unethical policies concerning vaccination. She has done such thorough research and is a truly intelligent doctor who was willing to change her mind in the best interest of her patients.
Yes, unbiased information is extremely hard to find. We need our President to order an investigation of the CDC and create an independent research study panel with no financial ties to the Pharmaceutical Industry. Additionally ACIP needs to be purged of anyone with financial interests to Pharma. The conflict of interest is blatant and obvious. And true inerrant placebo controlled long term studies need to be done for any new vaccines AND a large scale, peer reviewed, retrospective study comparing the health outcomes of fully vaccinated(according to the CDC recommended current schedule) and completely unvaccinated groups NEEDS to be conducted by this independent research committee NOW!
Look at the the conflict of interest the officials of CDC and FDA have. They're either employed, funded, or have stocks in these pharmaceutical companies.
@@covenawhite4855 there's also an independent lab in Italy called Corvelva Lab. They have independently analyzed the contents of HPV vaccine and a few others. Their website has links to all of these papers and videos, some are translated to English.
The truth is "NATURE KNOWS BEST" and to be as natural and as close to nature as we were intended to be physically, mentally and spiritually will ALWAYS be best and will promote the highest health. To maintain a healthy diet and weight for your body and to live in a way that promotes mental and spiritual health and alleviates stress raises your immune system much better than vaccines can do with no harm to your body. I and the majority of my friends growing up had measles, chickenpox, mumps, scarlett fever and many other childhood illnesses that weren't vaccinated against at that time and got over them quickly with no adverse side affects. I also know many many people and animals that have been permanently harmed and some that have died because of vaccines. Watch the move "Avatar" and you will know in your heart how the tribe lives in the planet they travel too, so connected to nature and each other, is how we are meant to live.
the truth is 'people just died' Raymond. kids died all the time. look up historic mortality rates and how many kids made it past 5 or 6 years. if NATURE KNOWS BEST why has our life expectancy extended step by step as our knowledge or medicine has grown. you saying in the 1700s we could expect to live on average into our 80s? Or that if someone got cancer they'd be able to get treated and likely survive? it's very rose coloured glasses. life, as nature intended it, was short and pretty brutal. I don't fear dieing of a tooth infection because our medicine has evolved. most people don't have to watch at least some of their kids die young which was pretty much the norm back in the day.
I don't think those illnesses are as light as you make them. There was an measles outbreak in Ohio and the majority of the kids that are hospitalized are unvaccinated. I don't exactly trust vaccines myself but I feel that there is lying on both the pro-vax and anti-vax sides.
measles is not deadly Google how many people have died in the US from measles in the last 10 years and compare that to the outrage and panic that's going on and see if that makes any freaking sense
Just because two things are correlated, does not mean once causes the other. There is absolutely no evidence that vaccines are the cause of increased autism. Besides this, autism might not even be increasing. Many scientists dispute that it’s increasing, saying that diagnosis methods have simply improved, so there are just far more autistic people than initially thought.
IW Nunn Well, somebody has yet to prove that I’m wrong and that vaccines cause autism, so seeing as we know that vaccines work, it would be counterproductive to make medical decisions based upon what we don’t know. A good analogy to help understand this might be, say glasses. Assume somebody comes along and says that glasses damage your eyes, but has no proof of this. However, we do have proof that glasses improve eyesight. Would it make sense to not wear glasses because we don’t know that they don’t damage your eyes? Because we might be wrong in assuming that they don’t? I am going to assume you agree that it would be ridiculous to not wear glasses in this analogy, and equally not vaccinating is ridiculous. It is counter productive to act based on a negative, what we don’t know.
@@tayetrotman Vaccine supporters are very biased when it comes to whether correlation is causation. When it comes to dropping rates of measles and polio, it's definitely because of the vaccine. But when it comes to children dying, becoming disabled, getting encephalopathy and conditions like ASD, then it must not be correlated to the vaccine, it has to be something else, like genetics ... or the water they're drinking.
No. There is absolutely no link between vaccines and autism and their is no evidence to prove otherwise. Part of the reason for the uptick of autism is due to the fact that autism is extremely broad and could range from social ineptness or (in very extreme and rare cases) not being able to speak. Autism is also becoming increasingly easier to diagnose as medical knowledge increases over the years. This means more and more people are being diagnosed each year. It has nothing to do with the use of vaccines.
INFORMED CONSENT. "No single person, including the President of the United States, should ever be given the power to make a medical decision for potentially millions of Americans. Freedom over one's physical person is the most basic freedom of all, and people in a free society should be sovereign over their own bodies. When we give government the power to make medical decisions for us, we in essence accept that the state owns our bodies." Ron Paul
Yes yes yes yes yes!!!!
Your freedom of choice ends where your actions result in the harm of others so no you shouldn't have the right to withhold vaccines from children who can get them. You are endangering those children and society as a whole
@@shamrock141 how about when vaccine cause harm or death? than is all on parent cause YOU CAN NOT SUE producer!...Just this should be alarming to everyone...only one branch of any commercial production exempted from ANY responsibility!!! What kind of scam is that?
@@nknk5241 Of course you cant sue because its allergic reaction! You cant sue a peanuts butter company if your child has a allergic reaction to it! You need to educate your self!
@@marshmellowcream6364 please do not embarrass yourself with this kind of nonsense, TROLL!
It's amazing the way the pharmaceutical industry is more concerned about "public perception" about a problem, than fixing the problem itself. They're paying people like this to make use of the media, to alleviate legitimate fears about vaccines. Get some of the parents of vaccine victims on to talk to the audience.
is she on their payroll? please refer to link .
Right bc it's literally impossible that she's just doing this bc she wants to and is more educated than you
Pharmaceutical company should not make profit...
My children should remain healthy...
Which statement is important to u???
@Tulika Joshi Pharmaceutical company's isn't sustained by age-old vaccines. Pharmaceutical company's rely on their limited patent to earn money. The generic product isn't what keep them going..
@CHANNELZERO Ok. But what if the parent is wrong. What if not acting causes more harm than acting? I understand your hesitance. We don't know what goes on behind closed doors...
Go to a quiet place and shut off your ears and remove all bias.
What's your choice?
Herd immunity applies to natural immunity. Live attenuated vaccines can be transmitted from person to person. Polio vaccines caused polio. DDT caused polio like symptoms. Vaccines causes autoimmune disorders. Good nutrition, sanitation, clean food and water reduced deaths not vaccines.
Tommy Li in 1967 smallpox killed millions every year, by 1980 it had been eradicated due to a strict vaccine programme. Tell me again that vaccines don’t save lives? Same correlation can be seen on measles, mumps, whooping cough etc. And please explain to me how when 92% of the US population is vaccinated how herd immunity isn’t occurring (assuming you know what herd immunity is (where such a large proportion of the population are vaccinated, there aren’t enough people to pass on the pathogen, preventing epidemics))
Joyne Freedom mainly because it’s easily treatable using antibiotics and can be prevented by simple hand washing. Now answer me this, if vaccines weren’t responsible for the decreasing number of disease cases, why did rates of chicken pox not decrease until the vaccine was introduced?
Tommy Li please help me and send me some information about this?
@@charbradbury4392 Tommy Li can kill you with his lies. More likely he will kill your children. Is that what you really want?
"As an E.R. nurse, I have seen the cover up. Where do you think kids go when they have a vaccine reaction? They go to the E.R. They
come to me. I cannot even begin to guess how many times over the years I have seen vaccine reactions come through my E.R. Without any
exaggeration, it has to be counted in hundreds. Sometimes it seemed like it was one or two cases in a single shift, every shift, for weeks. Then I would get a lull, and I wouldn't catch one for a week or two, then I'd catch another case per night for a couple weeks. This was common.
Once, I was training a nursing student, about to graduate, on their E.R. experience rotation in nursing school. This student and I floated up to triage to cover the triage nurse for a break. I was quizzing them on what to ask and look for as a triage nurse on pediatric kids that came through. I made a point about asking about immunizations right out the gates.
The student was puzzled, and asked why, and I told the student because we see vaccine reactions every day and its their job to catch it, alert the doctor and the parents, and report it to VAERS. Some higher power apparently smiled on my attempt to open the eyes of another nurse I guess, because not even ten minutes later, a woman brought her child up to the counter. Sudden onset super high fever and lethargy. I asked if the child was up to date on vaccination. The mother replied he had them just a few hours ago.
I glanced at the student, who looked shocked and looked back at me in disbelief. I nodded, told them to remember this, and then took the mom and her child to finish the triage in back. When I was done I came back and sat down with the student, and asked what he learned that night so far. The first response: "What I was told about vaccines wasn't true".
I couldn't have said it better. That student is going to go on to be like me, advocating for his patients with his eyes wide open.
The cases almost always presented similarly, and often no one else connected it. The child comes in with either a fever approaching 105, or seizures, or lethargy/can't wake up, or sudden overwhelming sickness, screaming that won't stop, spasms, GI inclusion, etc. And one of the first questions I would ask as triage nurse, was, are they current on their vaccinations?
It's a safe question that nobody sees coming, and nobody understands the true impact of. Parents (and co-workers) usually just think I'm trying to rule out the vaccine preventable diseases, when in fact, I am looking to see how recently they were vaccinated to determine if this is a vaccine reaction. Too often I heard a parent say something akin to "Yes they are current, the pediatrician caught up their vaccines this morning during their check up, and the pediatrician said they were in perfect health!" If I had a dollar for every time I'd heard that, I could fly to Europe for free.
But here's the more disturbing part.
For all the cases I've seen, I have NEVER seen any medical provider report them to VAERS. I have filed VAERS reports. But I am the ONLY nurse I have EVER met that files VAERS reports. I also have NEVER met a doctor that filed a VAERS report.
Mind you, I have served in multiple hospitals across multiple states, alongside probably well over a hundred doctors and probably 300-400+ nurses. I've worked in big hospitals (San Francisco Bay Area Metro 40 bed ER, Las Vegas NV Metro 44 bed ER) and small hospitals
(Rural access 2 bed ER, remote community 4 bed ER) and everything in between. When I say NEVER, I mean NEVER.
I have even made a point of sitting in the most prominent spot at the nurses station filling out a VAERS report to make sure as many people saw me doing it as possible to generate the expected "what are you doing" responses to get that dialog going with people. And in every case, if a nurse approached me, their response was "I've never done that" or "i didn't know we could do that" or, worse "What is VAERS?" which was actually the most common response.
The response from doctors? Silence. Absolute total refusal to engage in discussion or to even acknowledge what I was doing or what VAERS was.
The big take away from that? VAERS is WOEFULLY under reported. I am PROOF of that. The number one place parents bring their kids in the event of a vaccine reaction is the E.R., and as an E.R. staffer, I have NEVER met anyone who filed one, in spite of seeing hundreds of cases of obvious vaccine associated harm come through. What does that say about reported numbers?
The CDC/HHS admits that VAERS is under-reported, and probably only representative of 1/10th the actual number of injuries. I contest that, and from personal experience, I would say the numbers in VAERS are more like 1/1000th the actual numbers, not 1/10th.
And the final part of that, is that I have, first hand, seen blatant cover ups from doctors. I have seen falsification of medical records and documentation via intentional omission. I have challenged doctors who refused to put in the chart that the child was vaccinated 4 hours ago and was in perfect health, and now suddenly they are non-responsive, seizing, febrile at 105, and that labs, LP, and imaging confirms cerebral edema/encephalitis. I reminded the doctor as
they are writing their report that the child was vaccinated mere hours before.
And at the end, there is total omission of this fact, and the physician pass-off notes state encephalitis of unknown origin. I ask the doctor if they will file a VAERS report, and they argue that this has nothing to do with it, its purely coincidental, and nothing should be filed, they are safe and effective. I remind them that VAERS is a reporting body for ANY symptoms that are contemporaneous to vaccination, whether causation is believed to be associated or not, and I get the dismissal that they are not filing it because it has nothing to do with it. No one brings it up to the parents.
It’s this giant rug-sweep that happens, and any mention of the vaccination is systematically removed or withheld from the record. A perfect example of this, was an ambulance crew that came in with a pass-off report that included the fact the child had been vaccinated only hours prior to onset of symptoms. The physician made sure this pass-off sheet disappeared mysteriously and could not get filed with the patient medical record.
So yes, I have seen the vaccine damage cover up first hand. I know that it is intentional and active in the medical community. I know that it is happening. And on top of total denial of any association, and total cover up, they also refuse to report to VAERS which is supposed to be reported to for ANYTHING that is even in NO WAY SUSPECTED to be associated with the vaccine. This is a systemic suppression of information and statistics.
And yes, in the cases described above, I did approach the parents, and I did tell them about VAERS, and I did start a case for them and file a report. I did force the issue through my charting, although it will most likely be buried and overlooked. I have experienced the corruption and suppression of the truth in the medical community about vaccines first hand from the provider perspective. It does happen. Every day."
~ GuerrillaRN
Philip Rafferty wow.
Philip Rafferty that is so sad
Thanks for your testimony Phillip.
This is such a monumental travesty!!!!
Philip Rafferty now i will listen to you, because you are a credible source and you work in the medical field and you have actually seen cases where people have had reactions to vaccinations. I honestly don't know how the CDC came up with such a vaccine schedule and claim that it works. And it has never been tested? This is not a cookie cutter situation . Each kid is different. Some can only handle one vaccine at a time. some maybe two. But some doctors giving three or four all that the same time? no wonder reactions happen.
And the thing is the doctor who administered the vaccines doesn't want to fess up high fever, stomach problems, seizures, and lethargy are due to the vaccines or get in contact with VAERS about the case because he/she probably knows some kind of reaction is going on after the vaccines to a perfectly healthy person. He/she knows that that is like opening a can of worms so he/she will deny anything is wrong and say everything ok
For me It's simple. Have a STRICTLY INDEPENDENT company or group of companies test all Vaccines that are recommended to us and our children (we all know how strongly recommended they are...), and have that information easily available to the public on government websites, and from your local doctor. That is something I would be happy for my tax dollar to be distributed to. For all I know, this is already happening, however, no-one has told me, and it's not obvious where to find it. I want the clear data, so I can make my own decision. The problem that anyone who is even somewhat educated has, is that the important, relevant data is not easily attainable. And we don't all have the time and resources to go looking thoroughly for the solid, correctly referenced, peer-reviewed information. I don't want to put my child's health solely in the hands of a company who benefits financially when I accept the vaccination, I need to know that there are equal stakes for the company in question to be wiped out when they make a mistake.
The problem is that when billions of $$$$ can be made from vaccines, such 'strictly independent' companies are very easy to undermine. Sad, but true... people are so often only far too easily bought.
It helps when drug companies can at least be sued for damages from side-effects... and this should be true even of 'Emergency Use Only' drugs and 'vaccines', but when they go out of their way to get such EUO status for their products precisely BECAUSE this status carries an immunity from prosecution or from having to pay such damages for negative outcomes, they are so obviously NOT acting in 'good faith', that it should surprise no-one when people start to 'resist' their 'vaccines'!
And when the 'products' (i.e. 'vaccines', or even drugs!) in question are STILL in an experimental stage... well... need I say more? :/
oh please you people will still say there connected to big pharma somehow
No it isnt available anywhere, because those studies simply have not been done. No vaccine has been safety tested against placebo! And the epidemiological all-cause mortality data (which is really what we want to know - are you or your child more likely to live or die as a result of taking or not taking a given vaccine) is also very scarce.
do you really think that the pharmaceutical companies will let an independent company give the truth?!?!?!?! ABSOLUTELY NOT.
As long as healthcare is a for-profit model. Then yes the public should be very concerned. questions should be answered rather than approached with the intent of persuasion.
Jay Rock the public should be less concerned when they realise vaccines have eradicated smallpox and are very close to doing the same to measles, polio etc.
Voices Lost and Found you need to remember that America isn’t the only country in the world, most of Europe has pretty much free healthcare and vaccinations and they care about vaccines about the same as they do here
Jay Rock vaccines have saved money. Yes 24 billion a year pharmaceutical companies make from vaccines. But we have saved 295 billion in direct costs and over 2 trillion in societal cost from vaccines. Just saying.
@@franksmith900 You need to do some research and stop believing the propaganda.
@@sharamusica Pharmaceutical companies make billions on the auto-immune diseases, epipens, skin conditions, asthma drugs, diabetes .... vaccines make sick people and sick children which makes them billions.
In 2019 I lost one of my sons, a fine boy the age of 4, to vaccination. I long regretted bitterly and still do ever having given him the inoculation.
so sorry for your loss.
I am so sorry for the loss of your son. May God give you the Peace you need. Do not blame yourself.
My condolences on the loss of your son. That is extremely tragic.
However, if people don’t get vaccinated many more 4 year old sons will be lost to pathogens prevented by vaccines.
If your son was 4 then presumably it was not the first vaccine he received. As such, he should not have been received any more if he reacted badly to preceding vaccines, he should have been protected by herd immunity.
get educated. Don't be a parrot repeating propoaganda. Why do you repeat propaganda?
who are you talking to?
She calls the HPV vaccine the "holy grail" obviously she doesn't know anything about that vaccine. She needs to educate herself.
what information do you have that contradicts her?
I think that you are the one that needs to educate yourself
@@eeeaten No long term safety studies and plenty of evidence that links the HPV vax to autoimmune diseases like MS. There's plenty of evidence that shows vaccines are not as safe or effective as big pharma wants you to believe. Hardly surprising considering their $60 BILLION a year industry only survives if you willingly get vaccinated. The fact more and more people are uncovering the truth is why they're trying to get vaccination to be mandatory, a scary prospect.
Sportys Business Sportys Business sigh... this makes me sad. First provide evidence that vaccines are not that safe or effective. Provide that and I’ll consider talking to you.
Yes. I have heard that the hpv vaccine has been linked to MS and other neurological diseases. Scary thought. Parents really need to think about this vaccine series. And 54 vaccines to go to school? That is going a little overboard. Where will it end? How can you give that many vaccinations to your child? Is it even possible? I am not a parent or a doctor but this is kind of insane in my opinion
Address hesitancy by DOING THE STUDY! VAXD V. UNVAXD
@M M I agree unvaxx kids come stronger, at least 1/10
Cure for vaccine hesitancy: change the law enacted in 1986 which took liability from vaccine manufacturers. This would provide incentive conduct rigorous safety testing. The gold-standard that ALL other drugs must comply before they are approved for the market: double-blind placebo testing, is not employed to determine the safety of vaccines. Vaccine manufacturers have no incentive to ensure their products are safe because they need not be concerned with compensating the families of seriously injured children ... so many children suffer every year. In cases of death and serious adverse reactions, parents must have the adverse reaction recorded in Vaccine Adverse Reaction Recording System (VEARS), hire a lawyer, and have the resources to fight for years against HHS and DOJ lawyers in order to seek compensation. An unfair battle ground if ever their were one!!
Get educated! Don’t fear mild childhood diseases, for which for deaths IN THE US haven’t occurred in decades. Fear the vaccines!
kathryn scurio You are right!!! 👏🏻👏🏻
@@kathrynscurio5264 Why would they want to repeal that law in an environment where people are prone to argue that any and every vaccine causes any and every malady their child could possibly suffer? It's an invitation for frivolous lawsuits for something that's safer than drinking a coca cola.
Yes, please. Vaxxed vs. Unvaxxed study.
"Most individuals in countries where vaccination is widespread have never personally experienced vaccine-preventable disease. Thus, the focus of concern for some people shifted from the negative effects of vaccine-preventable disease to the possible negative effects of the vaccines themselves." Britannica
Unlu San Hi. I’m from the future and here we now have what we call The Virus. It’s said to be a pandemic but it has only killed about 0.009% of the population, less than seasonal Flu. Many of those had comorbidity’s and were advanced in age.
The fantastic new vaccines that will save us all are said to have a 0.7% mortality rate making them far more dangerous than the problem.
Still, nice to know somebody’s making a good profit. See you when you get here 😇
@@alancarter4525 ...Thank you for taking the time to write the truth.
I believe, I don't need to see death up close. My relative heard the ambulances running all night picking up people with covid. I am grateful to get the moderna vaccine.
@@alancarter4525 Y'know what? The vaccine gave me two crummy days. Two.
My friends who had Covid were down for _weeks._ Sure, they didn't die, but I'd rather not go through that.
@@Olivia-W Hi. Surely by now you’ve found out that it’s the ‘vaccinated’ that are going down with the Virus in the greatest numbers. An anecdotal point of case is a client of mine who had both Jabs then went down with covid, not badly for him but a few days of flu.
Point is, and is even being written in mainstream media, the Pfizer Jab decreases our Neutralising Antibodies the “private security” of our immune system. One Jab lowers it, second Jab lowers it further. A booster?
Remember that these are just the first Jabs. There will be yearly ones and so since they’re destroying the natural immune system but don’t offer Immunity themselves (none of the current slew of covid ‘vaccines’ where ever meant to stop you getting or passing the Virus) only to reduce symptoms.
Well the normal life of a virus is to transmute, become more virulent but less harmful.
French epidemiologist and Nobel Prize winner Luc Montagnier - “Warns Covid Vaccine May Lead to 'Neurodegenerative Illness” and indeed they are. He says that the Jabs are the cause of the variants.
All debating aside, if you’ve had a Jab or two and have not suffered or suffered very little, thank good but please, don’t try it again for your own sake. It’s like playing Russian Roulette with your immune system. The worst of covid has passed, it’s just a Flu. Can be a killer, just like Flu but only to the already unwell.
Best defence against any illness is good health and that particularly includes no fear, caution is fine.
Be safe.
Why not quote those parents that lost their child to a vaccine..
Pamela Evans because there not a lot of parents who kids where affected
maybe because they don't exist, or they misinterpreted the correlation.
Hezekiah Crocker the Vaccine Court has paid 4 billion (with a B) to children and adults damaged and killed by vaccines. This is an administrative proceeding so no jury, no media coverage, and no punitive damages allowed. This money used to pay for vaccine damages comes from taxpayers - that means your paycheck. Vaccine manufacturers were given immunity from lawsuits in the 80s.
You tell me how many
@@HezekiahCrocker look up the Bailey Banks or Hannah Poling cases..The Government has paid out over 4 Billion in vaccine injuries.
Parents make it your business to know what's in the vaccine
And then vaccinate them or isolate then from society. Choose one!
@philip Trevor just because they are home schooled does not mean they will never leave the house. They may still go to a playground, to a shop, etc. They may still get and pass on a disease
@@HezekiahCrocker Not in Texas. We anti-vaxxers are in the public schools. 🤔And my 4 children, no vaccinations have enjoyed extraordinary health. No asthma, no allergies. When other children are sick, even the vaccinated ones with measles, chicken pox and rubella, mine do not get sick.
Why is it that the highest percentages of non vaxxers in the States are the highly educated?
@@gabriellavictory3080 just because your kids haven't gotten sick.. Doesn't mean they never will. There is a reason all those diseases that killed million of people stopped spreading as much.. Vaccinations. It's also the reason why people are hearing about kids getting sick because of not getting vaccinated.
Talk to a parent who saw what happened to their children.
It should be a choice no doubt. Ppl wanna allow this fear to be acceptable to freedoms being taken, fine but what out when it comes to freedoms they dont want taken from them!! Oh then they have an issue!!! Overwhelming toxicity has caused the whole world to be sick!!! Just why not add toxins with a virus and inject it into all little humans that havent even fully developed their brain barriers!! Yea smart move. History proves toxins mixed with virus gives a mind altering effect but ppl are too damn lazy to do the research and allow the idiotic government officials to make decisions for them. Go ahead but you'll regret it soon enough!!!
@Turquoise Cheetah It's true. Autism causes vaccines.
@Turquoise Cheetah i would if that ever happened
@Gilberto Fernandez I just watched the first video, and to sum it all up, inaccurate. It was about this kid who has a mental recession. Which is caused by a gene in your DNA. It. Has. Nothing. To. Do. With. Vaccines. If you do not vaccinate you should have your kids taken away
@@minkmuskens7563 courts have already ruled vaccination causes encephalopathy. The recovery of that produces autism spectrum disorder. And other problems such asearning delays.
1 rule, never take health advice off a person that doesn't understand his/her own health.
Couldn’t have said it better myself. Another way...if she doesn’t even care about her own body (clearly evident), you better believe she doesn’t care about the welfare of your body.
Fuking right you are
Did she say anything about her qualifications on this topic?
What qualifications does she need? An M.D.? A PhD? Anyone can do research and be knowledgable on a topic on not have a "proper qualification." With that said, she is obviously working for an organization pushing Agenda 21.
People need to stop being so naive believing that people in power actually about you. All you have to do is research history. Not the "history" from the public school....look into the true history. Throughout history whenever the government gets too big, truly horrific things happen, ALWAYS. Absolute power corrupts absolutely. Stop depending on the government to control everything in your life. They are not out to help you. They are ONLY for their own self interest, and often paid for by corporations and banksters, who want more and more control. Wake up!!!
Doctors dont automatically know more about all facets of health than others. Especially those who do very diligent research. Some doctors dont know anything about what they are talking about. That's why it's so important to get a good , intelligent one. But vaccines aren't the be all, end all drugs they're made out to be. People seriously downplay the dangers of them
Appeal to Authority fallacy, deal with the arguments presented and do not personally attack the speaker.
@@kathrynrogers7890I just asked a question.. no attack.
@@bl8526 Tara Haelle is a freelance science and multimedia journalist who writes regularly at Forbes, NPR, Scientific American, Slate, Medscape, and other U.S.-based publications. She co-wrote “The Informed Parent: A Science-Based Guide to the First Four Years” with science journalist Emily Willingham, and she blogs about science and parenting at Red Wine & Applesauce. She holds a master's in photojournalism from the University of Texas at Austin and has published her images in several publications.
I absolutely refuse to take medical advice from someone who is morbidly obese. Not a judgement, but obviously someone who doesn't take medical advice themselves.
what about doctors?
@MKJKbros i wasn't talking about obese doctors, just doctors in general
Exactly this woman doesn't even understand the concept of calories or how to work a treadmill, yet claims to be a good source of health & medical advice.
@MKJKbros come to Michigan, 75% are obese and addicted to their own drugs
Being overweight has absolutely nothing to do with vaccines...
Because I am old enough to have lived through a large part of recent history and my family members lived into their late 80's and 90's, I have some first and second hand knowledge of the Polio epidemic and other childhood disease issues she speaks of.
The part I have a very real problem with is that she speaks of the 'fact' that Autism just HAPPENS to start at the same time the MMR is given.
OK, if that were in fact true, then show me the retirement homes filled with Autistic old people who all had Autism that started at 18 months old.
Show me the 80 year olds with Autism
Show me the 70 year olds with Autism
Show me the 60 year olds with Autism
Show me the 50 year olds with Autism
Show me the 40 year olds with Autism
Show me the 30 year olds with Autism- there will be a few because it started to show up in the 80's/90's
So what changed? The vaccine schedule AND the vaccines themselves. My generation had the Measles, Mumps and Rubella given in different shots. That was changed and the formulation changed. The DPT was changed, etc.
Change the formula, change the number of vaccines given, change when they are given- now we have a perfect storm for reactions and side effects from a multitude of drugs that no one can hold the drug makers accountable for and no one (if big pharma and government have their way) will be allowed to REFUSE.
There are no old folk homes filled with Autistic old people.
But there will be in 50 years.
Hm. You must live under a rock then.
Well said.
Ausburgers is a type of Autism where you are intellectually functional but socially impared. And now we have better tests to find people with that disease
Hear hear!
autism wasn't identified as a condition until 1978 or 79. our knowledge of the issue has grown greatly, we've introduced massive amounts of testing and the tools we use to detect it are becoming ever more sensitive. I know two perfectly functioning adults who were diagnosed and what we all thought were just personality quirks turned out to be neuro-divergent issues. in the past, the "weird" kid or the socially awkward was just that, and the more disabled kids were just slapped with the label 'spastic' and shoved in a home for the rest of their lives. we're identifying issues that have always been there just were never diagnosed as we simply didn't know enough about it or have the tools to measure it. we did have the tools to measure how many kids died each year and how that changed with vaccines. maybe that might further help contextualise autism scares.
She makes it sound like parents are paying attention and not vaccinating...BRAVO!!!!
Nothing to do with fear or hesitancy . It is to do with gaining knowledge about how damaging and dangerous vaccines can be. HPV vaccine has been a disaster. Since 1986 the companies producing vaccines have no liability to be sued in the US.
look at me, I recieved the vaccine and I’m 100% dead right now. Definetly.
I'll send you a get well card when you contract Tetanus from when you cut yourself while gardening...
Qwerty_9 LOL, you know NOTHING about polio, do you?
Guy Dawson please don’t even get started about the hpv vaccine. Girls and boys have ended up with neurological diseases, in wheelchairs, or even died. It is horrible. But they don’t disclose all this
OP: Not true. Republicans are liars and this social media is a way of creating "new wives tales."
Personally, I would look for a doctor who treats me as a person and not as the source of his Mercedes or BMW.
Guillermo Prat our medical system is made to be fast and efficient, to treat as many people as possible keeping costs low, treatment rates high and effectively saving more lives. The doctor gets paid the save hourly rate whether or not they go through you fast or slow, they just care for others and want as many people as possible to be safe and healthy
@@zachb1706 Fast, maybe.
Efficient? I have serious doubts!
I would give it high scores for trauma cases.
You have a lot of explaining to do, from the looks of the other comments. Don't waste your time on me. 😊
Guillermo Prat they can’t spend their time explaining things to idiots that don’t believe them in the first place... and these comments are awful aren’t they.
Or as the source of funds needed to get rid of college debt. We all make or are tempted to make irrational decisions when we are afraid. When we go into a lifetime of debt from medical school, the fear of being in debt forever can also be a motivating factor
So here we have a woman concerned about others health and yet to me she seems obese, I wonder what her BMI measures. One of my sisters was once obese and her doctor diagnosed that she had water retention. Due to her diet she ended up diabetic then after changing her diet she return to the size she was as a young woman.
No one will catch obesity from her though, will they?
Vaccinated people still 'catch' infectious diseases and suppress, attack unvaccinated people like the incompetence of provaxers and vaccines were our fault.
How did she change her diet? I'm hearing so many success stories of people turning their health around.
Also, "water retention" 😂
”I don’t always speak in paradoxes. But when I do, I don’t.”
I don't always protect my kids from diseases. But when I do, I don't.
When I get an opportunity to give a Ted Talk, I will not read from marker notes on my hands. LMAO!
You can really tell the brightness of these scientists minds with the comments that belittle the informed citizen!
@@threeup9390 That's just a symptom of when you put the lives of immunodeficient children at risk.
@@HezekiahCrocker if the vaccines work then the immunodeficient are not in any danger anyway...DUH.
My biggest concern is talked about at 10:50. I feel like the vaccines of today are so much different than that of the first vaccines.
yes exactly! it's true!! Vaccines now contain harmful substances that vaccines in the past didn't
@@itsinthewayyoumove4127 It's actually completely the other way around. Vaccines have now been modified to be safer and contain much less potentially harmful substances and less viral particles
@@akellner7168 maybe from some years ago-but not the first ones. and you can thank the "anti-vaxxers" or that
What you feel like or for that matter what Peter Pan feels like is irrelevant on this discussion. Document yourself.
@@itsinthewayyoumove4127 There is not a single peer reviewed scientific paper in support of that statement
7:55 if false stories supporting vaccines can be spread online, why should TRUE stories about the consequences not be available?
Okay. But what if it's the other way around?
Journey's Fable true information about vaccination should be available, no matter whether it positive or negative.
@@greta2545 True. But even when people are faced with all the facts, fear wins. They end up not vaccinating. That's not the right answer. The chances of someone having bad reactions is super low. Side effects are almost non-existent. If someone does have bad reactions to vaccines, they get immediate care and are officially dependent on herd immunity. Which is why vaccines should be mandatory. The chances of terrible side effects are low. I understand why people are worried. But if something bad happens because of a vaccine, you'll get immediate medical care and be okay.
Journey's Fable it is our most fundamental human right to decide what we do with our bodies and what we put into them. If guns are still legal because they are our property, than mandatory vaccination should be illegal. If the law passes, our bodies practically become property of state.
@@greta2545 Not really. And it's not just you who is in danger. Anyone completely unable to get vaccinated because they DID have bad side effects are in danger because more people are making the CHOICE to not vaccinate.
My healthy nephew infant DIED within twenty-four hours after his routine vaccinations.
Most likely it was unrelated. Off course every medicine has side effects. He couls have been allergic and had a severe reaction. I feel sorry for your loss, it must be hard to lose a baby that young
I’m SO sorry to hear that… which one was it? What did the damn doc say about it? “Correlation does not equal causation”? 🙄
People have died in vaccine trials... of car crash.
@@elien1902 My 18 month old, perfectly healthy son went into respiratory failure after the mmr vaccine. Your statement is horrifying. You have no idea how damaging vaccinations are and the unnatural hyperimmune response it forces a small human to produce. Vaccines are completely unnecessary and dangerous.
Was it after his 4 month ones? My son had a severe adverse event 2 hours after his 4 month vaccines, and I have a family friend who's 4 month old baby died the night of his vaccines.
I want to see studies on autism in the USA vs other countries...
and you will see a higher rate of autism in developed countries vs undeveloped because children are getting diagnosed more often than underdeveloped countries. correlation does not mean causation
@@shresthasharma8791 interesting way of deflecting 😂😂😂
pure bs@@shresthasharma8791
Class action lawsuit s
Are taking place worldwide!!!!!!
But the fact the lawsuits are not in the billions because such a large number of people get vaccines that thinking there is more than 15 people for every healthy person.
Me: just scrolling through the comments to find and anti vaccine parent who just left a ridiculous comment about vaccines gives you autism or something like that
Maybe you should just watch Jimmy Kimmel instead. Another great expert like you?
take a look to the prospect of the vaccines, and you will see autism, etc, like a possible adverse effect. you just need to read. nothing else.
Yes right hear... nothing funny about it. It broke my family. I took my son's health, laughter and future.
If you had a normal kid and two days after getting a vaccine he stopped talking and spent all day looking out the window what would you think? This is EXACTLY what many parents are saying happened after giving their child the MMR vaccine. Do you think they are all imagining it?
If you had a normal kid and two days after getting a vaccine he stopped talking and spent all day looking out the window what would you think? This is EXACTLY what many parents are saying happened after giving their child the MMR vaccine. Do you think they are all imagining it?
We should not compare the level of medicine in 1700th to current status to prove need for vaccination. We need safe vaccines, not just vaccines.
Among the 110 California Disney patients in 2015:
49 (45%) were unvaccinated;
5 (5%) had 1 dose of measles-containing vaccine,
7 (6%) had 2 doses,
1 (1%) had 3 doses,
47 (43%) had unknown or undocumented vaccination status.
and one (1%) had immunoglobulin G seropositivity documented,
which indicates prior vaccination or measles infection at an undetermined time.
How difficult to test those 47 (43%) with unknown or undocumented vaccination status? Or maybe they were vaccinated and it did not help? I do not know, I am searching for answers. I am troubled CDC manipulations of MMR vaccine data and that Julie Gerberding, the former director of the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and
Prevention, has been in one of those rare positions for about the past 18 months as president of Merck’s vaccine unit.
How many of them died? Did they all die?
As well, look at flu deaths. I don't have the numbers in front of me, but let's say they claim 800 people died from the flu in 2016. Then you look at the breakdown, out of those 800 only 16 were confirmed to have the flu. I chose 2016 because that was the year I almost died from double pneumonia and sepsis and was put on life support. I found out that had I died, I would have been part of that number of deaths. They include any respiratory illness as part of it to hike up the numbers.
As for the measles, you can get the measles as a side effect of the vaccine up to 27 days after vaccination. They include those vaccine reactions in their numbers to push their agenda further.
rageonyx no one has died from Measles in this country in over 15 years
No one needs any vaccines, ever.
Well our history can tell us a lot about what worked and didn't work. I don't see anything wrong with providing the history as it is important to know why these vaccinations came to be in the first place.
And as far as polio and smallpox vaccines eradicating the diseases, check the history. Dr Suzanne Humphries, Del Bigtree, and Dr John Bergman all discuss it.
and measles was not erradicated because of the vaccine... 1) people stopped the practice of ensuring their children got the measles 2) there were billions of adults running around the USA who had never contracted the disease or were ever vaccinated or who got the booster every 10 years, since the introduction of the vaccine in the 60's up until it was "declared erradicated" in 2000... how can anyone credit the vaccine for this, when billions of people have been running around without immunity and unvaccinated for so long?
@@OfftoShambalaOfftoShambala people stopped the practice of ensuring their children got the measles? so people were forcing their kids to get measles?
@@shresthasharma8791 yes... it is a much better option than getting the shot... it offers 100% immunity for life... with the shot, one must get boosters throughout their life... and continue to take the risks over and over... and there is much less guarantee it will work... in childhood, this is the best time to contract the disease, it is very mild
A P so true
A P what’s tour opinion on the smallpox vaccine?
Ahh scrolling through the common section is refreshing. So many smart folks know the truth about vaccines.
EXACTLY. So many pro vaxxers! I love it!!
Pro vaxxers give me hope
You mean troll vaxxers?
@@dawn1568 No we mean people with a brain.
i can't tell if it's ironic or unironic.
I hope for the 1st.
From what I have been listening to from experts, the mountains of evidnence in vaccine safety does not exist.
Mr. Jospeh, how DARE you question the HOLY SUPREME NEEDLE.
What experts?
name the experts
Tragic that countless people spend their lives devoted to educating themselves and work tirelessly to develop vaccines to save the lives of children, then someone reads a blog and doesn’t vaccinate their kid
🤣🤣🤣 the covid “vaccine” is more dangerous to children than covid is.
"Pearls before swine."
Tara was my high school teacher and has been a long time friend/mentor. She made this research her life work. I'm so proud of her. she did amazing here.
Perhaps you are as misinformed as she is. I strongly urge you to research for yourself.
Taylor Frankum,I am not sure if she knows she is lying to us or she really believes in lies she is saying...
Either way she is saying lies.
She needs to read some books and scientific reaserch that big pharma didn't write
Bullcrap- do some homework yourself.
@@jessd956 You do research yourself. There are multiple studies on how vaccines are beneficial.
She may not have had enough time to go into the whole story of vaccinations, but she has some glaring commissions in her presentation. She mentions autism being noticed around the same time as vaccinations are given. But there are cases where very serious side effects and death happens to people outside of that age range. She also only mentions formaldehyde as an ingredient and not mercury. She seems to think that only a small amount of people get side effects that include fever or rashes. This just isn't true. She should address these issues as well as have a debate with vaxxtv and let her be more informed before she speaks. I agree vaccinations have helped. But they also have harmed. Her talk seemed based on emotions and not reality.
Vaccine hesitancy is just common sense.
Herd immunity.... "I'm not going to set my child on fire so that your child can stay warm."
Kasie Barrett have you got children that are not vaxxed? I’m really jumping into this matter and would love to know more please? Any good I info you could direct me to? Xx
Watch the vaxxed stories on the channel vaxxed tv, and read the package inserts of each vaccine and look into the ingredients in them. Look at when the disease rates of measles, polio, etc. started decreasing, compared to when the vaccines came out. Did you know that there is a law protecting vaccine manufacturers from being sued at all, there is no liability. Hope this was helpful!
1950: *people standing in queues for the new vaccine so their child does not end up in a wheelchair from polio*
2019: VaCcInEs ARe ToXiC aNd I knOw MoRe ThaN DoCtOrs CaUsE I CaN uSe GoOgLe
Hailen Ace this makes more sense than you could Imagine except that google is decimating certain health sites
@@charbradbury4392 Do you know when the father-husband miserably fails? When his child receives a needle.
That's your duty to protect your children and your wife.
This woman must be getting a HUGE bag of money from big pharma.
Do you just spend your day talking about vaccines and how bad they are because if you do you don’t have a life.
@@aundrybsk4330 What a moronic comment about someone who doesn't want to see kids genocidically maimed or killed: "Get a life." Who pays your salary?
@@josephbarclayross6216 This woman suggests that we listen to people like you and yet you refuse to listen to us.
strange times you are so right
This woman could have saved herself 12 minutes by simply saying: "Because vaccinations are dangerous".
Then she'd be a liar hahaha
Hezekiah Crocker Anti-Vaxxers can’t get that through their head
@@nafnu8838 yeah it's quite sad especially since it's the kids that suffer from all of this
Hezekiah Crocker I honestly don’t understand any of these people. I think they just want to be special
Turquoise Cheetah What’s in them isn’t dangerous because it’s in very small amounts. The only real risk of vaccines is if you are that 1 in a million person who is allergic.
I don’t think it’s fair to compare smallpox to the measles. That’s like comparing TB to a cold or even the flu.
Thousands of people (usually elderly) die of the flu almost every year (excepting during physical distancing and mask-wearing during the pandemic).
I find it rather telling that she addresses autism as though that is the only reason parents fail to vaccinate. For those of us who believe vaccines work, but are not so dense as to think there is no actual harm in them, consider this: we ARE trading acute diseases (some or most of which were on the downtrend through better sanitation and nutrition) for chronic autoimmune diseases, that let you live a bit longer, with a miserable, painful, highly medicated existence. Lots of those with autoimmune diseases, die from them. The scientific literature is littered with the vaccine autoimmune trigger risk, but no one talks about it. All they care about it autism!
It’s a sad evidence in people’s long term attention deficit disorder!
Figure out why autoimmune diseases are going through the roof, and vaccine hesitancy will be gone.
corelation does not equal casuation. If you had even a basic high school education you should know vaccenies are safe
Bryce Kanowsky a basic high school education would indoctrinate you into believing they are safe. Fairly huge difference. Funny how the vaccine act, that made it illegal to sue vaccine manufacturers, stated it was impossible by nature to make them safe. Hence the legal action, and the creation of a vaccine court. Your welcome for the free education, generally what yo get for free is worth what you pay for it. Like high school. You lucked out today!
@@chimayinasniffer You literally just spouted political nonsense and gave no medical facts. High school offers more knowledge than your one brain cell ever could.
And your attack on character identifies who you are, not me. Live with that.
I dont understand why people in 2019 so hesitant to vaccinate but it pisses me off measles has new outbreak due to lack of herd immunity
Ah 2019, the innocent days before people deliberately re-opened businesses due to right-wing pressure, then didn't get vaccinated and didn't want to wear masks. Result: 1 million Americans dead of COVID. Plus another hundred thousand un-confirmed in 2020 more than died in 2019.
Hi Tara: Please disclose any conflicts of interest.
Nothing yet? Hm.'s like she doing this out of her own free will or something. Lol but we all know that can't be possible, right?!
dandelion you sir have the iq of a rock
Oh my god the comments section of this video makes me so sad and angry.
I agree with u dude
Think about how angry we autism parents are, to go into a pediatrician, and sit and cry about how your 2 year old no longer talks, points and plays with others, and it happened after those 9 shots he received in 1 day. And hear the doctor tell you that your child is fine and that no, it wasn't the shots.
GallieSallie *vaccines don’t give autism though*
VisualisationNation actually READ to what she is saying. Do you even have children?
Just because the polio vaccine has been efficient, that does not mean that ALL vaccines are equally efficient. That's like saying one specific food group is healthy therefore all food is healthy because it 'qualifies' as food. For someone who claims to have scientific perspective, this lady's arguments are full of logic fallacies
“You can pick up your cheque at the door love”.
Good to see half thumbs up and half down.
It’s just my experience but I have a very healthy 21 year daughter, never had any medical intervention whatsoever, e don’t even know her blood type.
Gets over any occasional illness really quickly. Very happy person.
How do you know she wouldn't be same with vaccine
Covena White indeed I don’t but if nature can work perfectly well, why have the chemicals. Mother Nature has been at this a long long time and isn’t in it for the money. Trust.
I'm a healthy 16 years old girl. Received all the obligatory vaccines and others I've chosen to (obviously along with the confirmation of my family) do you know what's the difference between me and your daughter kind sir?
The last time I've been ill was the last year, and it was a small sore throat that I cured within 2 days( it was almost a year ago).
I'm not willing to change your mind, but in my opinion vaccines do make a huge difference.
Edit: grammar corrections
@@hasna2012 the mark of the beast is coming and you will have no say so on it!!!!!! be careful what you allow the gov to do to your body!
@@nicksanders9148 if elder people are now alive it's all thanks to the vaccines. Can you tell what was the limit age before vaccines? 50 years?
Wow I’m surprised by this comment section, reading these comments is like reading a death thread towards my future children, at least I live in Germany and we sort of have a better way with dealing with history. Just because you don’t see these diseases daily it doesn’t mean that they have vanished, there still there.
Safe and effective.
Safe and effective.
Safe and effective.
Repeat, until it becomes "the truth".
She never said safe and effective. She implied that vaccines work, because they do. Where did polio go? Answer that.
Where did scarlet fever, bubonic plague, syphilis, leprosy, typhoid etc etc go? No vax for them!
Answer that one please.
The WHO now admits that most of the outbreaks of polio are from the vaccine.
India stopped the Gavi polio eradication program there, after 400,000 children were paralysed by it. "Disolving Illusions" goes into it in detail. But Vernon Colman wrote a short sharp book called "anyone who says vaccines are safe and effective..."
FACT seatbelts and motorcycles helmets both HAVE destroyed the lives of people! That is FACT ... BUT Fact ALSO seatbelts and motorcycle helmets have also SAVED way WAY more people than they tragically hurt .... I believe vaccine dangers are very similar in nature making the issue a huge math DUHHH for one trying to decide which thing is the greater health risk
An entire speech downplaying fear of innoculation yet attempt to explain the fact that Austim, once unheard of, became extremely common as the innoculation loads increased. In 2000 it moved up to 1 in 150. By 2012 it moved to 1 in every 68. Also no mention that studes "proving" innoculations to be "safe" are only epidemological studies. Vaccines have a positive side. But dismissing the negative side as just being based on "correlations" is wrong. According to that logic, the Health Department should remove warning labels from cigarretes.
listen this is just ridiculous. That entire paper was written by a quack who had financial conflict of interests. You want to avoid DNA mutations? better never use a microwave, drive a car, use a mobile phone or eat anything from a shopping centre. Better yet you better go live in the woods. There are TOXINS everywhere in our modern day environment and it's impossible to mitigate them all. THATS what causes cancers and autism. A combination of urban lifestyles, processed foods, unclear air etc.
Its only rising cause anti vaxxers exist but ok...
Zoe yeah, I’m sure it has nothing to do with injecting known neurotoxins into the body during the most vulnerable period of brain development... 🤦🏻♀️
They changed the definition of autism from a completely incapacitating disease to a much less severe disease in which children who have it do have some psychological and behavioral problems but certainly don't need to get locked away for life. (I know a lot about it because of a dear grandson who is autistic and has some problems, but is a sweet, lovable young man.) So the increase in autism diagnoses was caused by the change in the definition of the disease and had nothing to do with inoculations. On the other hand, the kids who weren't left deaf by measles; the boys who weren't left sterile by mumps, the babies who weren't born deformed because their mothers caught rubella, the children who weren't left crippled by polio--- all those tragedies that didn't happen have everything to do with vaccines!
It's weird to listen to someone talk about risk of disease from not taking vaccines when they are obese.
Yep, I guess you believe everyone who wants to be taken seriously about stopping global warming shouldn't fly on a plane, but should cross the Atlantic in a sailboat like Greta Thunberg.
You have to do lots of researching yourself, and then decide for yourself. A tyrrany would decide for you that you HAVE to vaccinate or FORBID you to vaccinate.
Your freedom of choice ends where your actions result in the harm of other namely the unvaccinated children and people who cannot medically get vaccinations and rely on herd immunity
@@shamrock141 Your assumption that unvaccinated children spread disease is unscientific. Sick kids spread disease, and sick kids can be vaccinated and unvaccinated. Kids vaccinated with live virus vaccines also spread disease. You also pretend that vaccinations don't harm some people. There are serious adverse reactions in some kids from vaccines. So you really can't force or coerce people to have a medical procedure that could harm them like vaccines. If you love science, you have to be loyal to the scientific method and logic and not just what "authorities" say about science. Also, it is unscientific to pretend that herd immunity is based just on children. The herd consists of adults and children. Please go to the local pharmacy and get every vaccine you can plus boosters if you want to promote herd immunity.
I was just writing in another thread that Republican liars now say "I'm researching it" when they have no intention, ever. Meanwhile my friend who got her statistics PhD by studying a vaccine "researched" the COVID vaccine trial data the first week in December 2020 when it came out and gave it 👍
@@sandal_thong partisan nonsense.
Who’s watching this after corona?
put a shirt on.
Polio was in the news this week being detected in British sewage. Probably refugees from Afghanistan or visitors from Pakistan the two places it still exists in the wild.
Polio is often used as a conversation stopper when discussing vaccines and other pharmaceutical methods.
You didn’t have this much in the US but we did in the UK.
Look up Thalidomide.
And we learnt from mistakes as unlike you we look at stats then make conclusions
Marcia Osullivan Hi. You think I don’t look at stats. That’s what turned me against petrochemical drugs.
I’m curious, who are “we”?
How about 'Hear this Well'.
TARA, wake up.
cloudthunder1 herd immunity is a myth
It’s been tested on MEASLES. Not the actual vaccine
No you have to wake up
Lets introduce 5G without study too? No ill effects????????????????????????????
Keep posting, patriot. And google "Agenda 21" about the UN Resolution to greatly depopulate the planet.
Yeah it's all happening at once... keeps ppl on their phones bickering and not even noticing new 5g towers and skies full of metal particulates... Perfect plan... 🤔😪
ground your bed and home
As someone whose immune system slowly got worse as I got more and more vaccines, I can say that they don’t always work. Also, I’ve gotten a good few diseases I was vaccinated against (measles, H1N1, Hep B).
She would be much more convincing if she didn't engage in hyperbole so much. Eg., "despite ALL scientific evidence to the contrary" regarding the vaccine autism-connection. And the idea that anti-vaxxers use fear to motivate parents to refuse vaccines, yet the seeming total unawareness that she is doing the same thing regarding fear of disease to convince people to vaccinate. Does she not realize that what she sounds like is this?
"These parents" have all these cognitive biases, but I don't.
For me it is simply math....%of chance of one thing vs the other. Personally? I have to go with the MATH
She really shouldn’t be bringing up smallpox either... we don’t use that anymore... so yeah since we don’t have to worry so much about all the other ‘vaccine preventable diseases’ anymore... we should be following suit and stop using them altogether or stop with the insane pressure to do it ... and the school mandates! ... but the reason they don’t use smallpox vaccine isn’t because it was a success, but if they gave it, there actually would be real epidemics and it leaves a huge lesion for a month or longer at the injection site (which IS contagious until it heals completely) and the injuries from it are too noticeable. It would scare even more people away. It’s easier for the docs to deny injury and death from the vaccines used now.
Dougie Quick where do you get your numbers when there aren’t any compiled for deaths and injuries or long term effects from the vaccines? Just a guess.
@@dougiequick1 Ya so you vaccinate your kids because the % of sickness low
I know I'm late to this, but there really is no connection between autism and vaccines. The one study that "proved" the link hasn't only been debunked, it was considered so dangerously wrong that the conductor of the study lost his doctor's degree because of it. (Not to mention that getting the 'results' involved ethical nightmares, such as literally torturing children for money)
This woman does a great job of spouting the usual politically correct PROPAGANDA!!!
Get educated -- there's a lot of good scientific information on the subject. You might start with Dr Suzanne Humphries' excellent book, Dissolving Illusions. Another great source of info is the several hours of interviews of experts compiled as, "Vaccines Revealed."
DM584 u cant argue with someone delusional, its like talking to a brick wall
I absolutely agree with you
@DM584 ye
Your polio data should be checked again because it's faulty.
what makes you say that?
@@shresthasharma8791 How dare you challenge this man! Can't you can tell by the lack of evidence this guy knows everything?!
Everything she said was faulty.
Carol Lambourne how that’s what we’re asking
Apparently she is unaware of her own ignorance and bias
May I please discuss this with you in the comments. I truly do want to learn about your perspective. Please use the form of PEEL, otherwise known as Point, Evidence, Explanation, Link. Basically explain what you are trying to say. Back it up with evidence (please site your sources) and connect the evidence with the link in the Explanation section. Link is just a summary and repetition of the point. (All needs to be done in order). Thanks.
Edit: Lets please not yell insults at each other. That is pointless and will not support you at all.
Only fear can kill us. And how do we see that which is coming to us. Only that. Eliminate fear from your mind and own courage!
My parents hard measles, chickenpox, mumps, Scarlett fever and so did most
Of their friends growing up.. and u know what that did, Build up their immune system .. parents should not be forced to potentially brain damage their innocent child for a disease that will make them sick for a week versus damaged for a lifetime
"Shingles doesn't care."
Shows us the graph that shows disease rates dropping as plumbing and sanitation is introduced.
tell us about the amazing advances in plumbing/sanitation that occurred since 1960, over which time we've seen measles deaths and hospitalizations drop by over 99.9%
@@eeeaten - As of 2019 there have been more than 94,972 reports of measles-vaccine reactions, hospitalizations, injuries, and deaths following measles vaccinations made to the federal Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS), including 468 deaths, 7,127 hospitalizations, and 1,8920 related disabilities. More than 50% of those adverse events occurred in children three years old and under. In other words, more people have died or been injured from the vaccine than the disease itself in the USA.
Tim Account reactions hospitalisation sand deaths are 3 different things. There have been no cases in the past of any deaths from vaccines. Vaccine injuries do happen, but it’s extremely rare and is heavily compensated in court.
@@scottpe6226 tim the numbers are simple. a study of 1.7million kids who got the mmr vaccine showed 14 of them were hospitalised by the vaccine, no deaths, all recovered. compare that to measles (which everyone gets if there's no vaccine) - 1/10 are hospitalised, 1/1000 dead.
@@zachb1706- You should read again what I said. The numbers I posted were injuries, hospitalizations, and deaths FROM THE VACCINE.
Tara, you are insufficiently informed. Dr. Suzanne Humphries has actually done her homework regarding smallpox. You might think about looking at her findings on the issue. Incidentally, we anti-vaxxers are very pro-science. We just prefer legitimate science.
so why don't vaccines work as they're supposed to then?
Zazzle, you've just asked THE question-----the one folks in the scientific community should be asking, but we first have to acknowledge that they don't work as advertised. Based on what we know of the immune system, they should work. Maybe we don't know enough about how this system actually operates, and the drive to make money interferes with the incentive to find out. Bodies are extremely complex mechanisms, and medical science is still in its infancy.
Thing is they do work as advertised for the most part. We don't know everything of course, but we know a lot. As with all science, you can't make claims without some real solid evidence behind it, especially when it's against centuries worth of research.
How do we know they work as advertised? We have only our own experience to fall back on, unless we are researchers and study large populations. If you were immunized, and weren't harmed, and haven't gotten the disease you were immunized for, you assume they're safe and effective. Apparently lots of other folks had a different experience. If you step off a cliff, and injure yourself, you don't need solid scientific evidence of gravity to confirm that it was dangerous. The research on vaccines (hardly centuries worth) has confirmed that safety and efficacy is questionable, otherwise the vaccine injury compensation fund wouldn't exist. The CDC is now suggesting that people need a third MMR vaccine in order to address the recent mumps outbreaks in people who already had two rounds of this vaccine, so no, we don't know a lot.
Kathy Fausett but large populations have been studied, the way our immune system works has been studied, the way our immune system uses vaccines has been studied. I can look on research that was done long before I was born to see how this stuff works and how it's been proven. You might as well say cars are dangerous and we shouldn't be using them because people have been injured or even killed by cars. Things might not work out as intended sometimes, stuff happens and we cant predict everything that will go wrong. But we know cars and vaccines are far better than the alternatives, and we're always working to improve them. The world is always changing, and we need to be able to keep up.
Blah blah blah...nothing new here. Sad how these people find themselves so authoritative and convincing when they're not.
I feel truly bad for you thinking how horribly you would feel and regret on this talk when you finally know the truth after doing research. I know this from my experience. By the way, we would never know Benjamin’s son could have survived if he had gotten vaccine for sure. Of course any parent who lost their child would lament on anything including vaccine they could have done to save him/her.
sorry for your loss but too many are harmed and vaccination needs to be voluntary.
Cowpox is supposed to be mild if a human gets it. I would be willing to risk it since it PREVENTS SMALLPOX. I worry about germ warfare, which the current pandemic was definitely.
Concerning encephalitis post measle illness. It was from the treatment of aspirin and acetaminophen which brought on Reyes syndrome, something they fail to tell you.
This is a super engaging talk! I appreciate how Tara started out her talk by relaying her experience as a mother and her vaccine hesitancy. Personal stories often soften the harsh arguments that people approach these topics with. She explained that after giving birth, she declined a vaccine for her son. This was not from a place of being paranoid or uneducated. She noted that she was in graduate school during this time. She concluded that declining the vaccine for her newborn son was from a place not wanting to harm her child. I am not a parent, so I can only imagine the responsibility one must feels towards making decisions for their child. I came from a family with vaccine hesitancy, I remember how much my mother would ponder the decision, seek out advice and really discuss the vaccine schedule with our pediatricians. I am now a second-year medical student and have been educated on the value of vaccines. When thinking about the concept of vaccines, it is important to view this through a lens of medical ethics.
Medical ethics is founded on four pillars: Justice, beneficence, non-maleficence and autonomy. Justice is the obligation to grant all citizens access to care. Beneficence is the moral obligation physicians have to do no harm. Non-maleficence is the requirement of the healthcare system to not harm patients. Autonomy is the right patients to make decisions about their healthcare treatment.
The topic of vaccines is one that involves the individual patient but also public health. Because of this, it is imperative to think about these pillars of medical ethics in an individualized sense as well as a global sense. On an individual level, patients should be granted autonomy and decision making capacity of which vaccines they can elect or decline. It is physician’s responsibilities to educate their patients and inform them that electing for vaccines is for the patient’s individual good (beneficence) and is not intended to cause the patient harm (non-maleficence). But at the end of the day, it should be the patients decision whether or not to elect to receive a vaccine.
On a global or public health perspective, it is the responsibility of all capable patients to become vaccinated to protect those who cannot. Mass vaccination has the potential to decrease the prevalence or even eradicate life-threatening diseases though herd immunity. Vaccines are powerful in this regard. They have the ability to change the course of human health. By getting vaccinated, one has the good of the whole in mind.
As a future physician, I hope to always respect my patient’s autonomy. I also hope to remain vigilant about educating my patients on the personal and global benefits of vaccines.
Usually good info on TEDx Talks. This shouldbt be allowed on. This woman has been duped!
Haha I hope your kid lives long enough to finish watching this video 😂😂😂
What Tara Haelle has to say is extremely important in this on-going debate between getting vaccinated and not. First, better and non-judgmental conversations need to be had, especially between a doctor and their patient. As a first-year medical student, I am learning skills on how to better communicate with my future patients. Part of those communications skills is learning about the concept of informed consent. In order for a patient to be fully informed, the patient must be informed of all possible risks and benefits of any treatment or procedure recommended by the physician, as well as being informed of alternative treatments or procedures with their associated risks and benefits. Finally, the patient must be informed of any risks associated with foregoing treatment of any kind. With vaccines, this is crucial. A big problem that Tara Haelle talks about is our brains incapability, or difficulty, with fully weighing the risks of both options. With vaccines, there is a really small chance of injury, as seen in this talk. That risk, however, is statistically insignificant compared to getting diseases like polio or other diseases that are preventable with vaccines. Not only that, but the more people that are vaccinated, the less likely diseases are spread to people who are more susceptible to the disease, which is defined as herd immunity. I agree with Tara Haelle on the fact that a respectful conversation needs to be held and with informed consent in a practice, as well as building a relationship with the patient, doctors can better serve the skeptical parents. A better approach to fully disclosing what it would mean to not be vaccinated, including what not only it does for the child, but maybe bringing up how it could help society at large, could help to persuade someone skeptical to at least begin to think beyond the very small risk of getting immunized. At the end of the day, informed consent needs to be fully disclosed before a patient can make an informed decision. Getting that information from a trusted and reliable source, like a trusted relationship with a doctor, is the best way to ensure that the best possible decision is made. At the end of the day, patient autonomy is key and so the parent does have the final say, but I believe that in order to keep our society free of the terrible diseases of our past, vaccines are a necessity to build that immunity.
Thank you for listening to your patients! The VIS is not complete, but it is required by federal law to be given to patients prior to vaccination.
Might want to check your facts on the significance of death due to these diseases over injury or death poss from vaccines. I was one of many who almost died as a baby after shots.....doesn't make me an anti vaxxer...just makes me believe in testing/ studies and informed consent..
LMAO, you're only a first year student yet you're already this indoctrinated? OMG, please do research outside of the medical school propaganda, because if you actually want to HEAL people, you're training for the wrong job. Look up quantum biology for a start to realise how little your teachers actually know about how the human body works.
I wish medical students were trained to think critically and how to read and understand the peer-reviewed published scientific literature, instead of just being expected to memorise what their textbooks tell them to believe.
Who was it who - when asked to estimate how much of standard medical practice will turn out to be wrong - said about 50% ?!
She doesn't understand that herd immunity has nothing to do with the artificial control of disease through innoccultion.
do you know what inoculation means?
@@shresthasharma8791 yes, do you?
Adrian Mercuri she does, I think it’s you that doesn’t understand this relatively simple concept
That is what it means. Inoculating so many people that the disease dies out when it can't find fresh meat to infect; thus people who don't get the vaccine or are immuno-compromised are protected from it by so-called "herd immunity"
@@sandal_thong no! herd immunity means, and it has historically referred to a large proportion of a population that has come into contact naturally, with certain pathogens that have elicited a particular viral responce. It has never referred to artificial inoculation or vacinations, that bypass the natural immune responce. Learn the actual facts before you spout off about something you have no knowledge of.
Thank you for opening up the conversation.
I once almost choked to death while eating food. I did my own research and discovered that I am not alone. Thousands of people choke every year while eating, and hundreds of those people die. That's why I don't feed my kids. It's dangerous. Now plenty of people will point out that food supposedly "prevents starvation:' and that might be true, but it's not fair to completely ignore all the dangers food poses, like choking, allergies, gingivitis, and garlic breath. I'm just saying, do your own research and decide what you think is best for your kids. If you choose to give your kids potentially deadly food, that's your problem, but as a parent, I don't think the government has any right to tell me that I need to feed my kids.
oliver blank m
Say the one who decided to let make an analogy compared to eating and flavoring food. You can think yourself silly but truth still stand, and always will; even if it stands alone. Your fear mongering example is as analogous to what to fearing water and a dry chemical bath as preferable.
Or could be seen completely opposite as well. :)
You think we live longer today? You think we are stronger and faster today?
Think again.
*sees like ratio*
I wonder if she's said something controversial.
*finishes video, reads comments*
Nope, comment section just infected with antivaxxers.
Ex-vaxxers. Get your terms straight. Just hoping someone doesn't have to learn the hard way like we did.
nope... just woke people. Go ahead and inject yourself with mercury, chicken egg, aluminum, the actual virus, thimerosal if you want to (the ingredients in a vaccine).... Bill Gates' foundation keeps pushing lies, even though vaccine companies got so heavily sued, that the US Gov got lobbied by them to pass a law to make them immune from lawsuits. Vaccines are dangerous and deadly. Gates Foundation is running a scam to poison the world. I'm not so much anti-vaccine as I am pro-truth. WAKE UP.
Lonely Desert Boy shut up, you are the reason why civilization hasn’t advanced to its maximum
@@justtheletterV274 oh brother. Get the Vax if you want. But treating a billion people to protect one person is a ridiculous health model and a great moneymaking scheme. I will be waiting for treatments and cures instead
@@rachelrasmussen1101 protection one person? WTF
Sorry if this offends anyone, but when a heavily overweight woman delivers a speech on health she automatically looses credibility..if she can't even manage to figure out how to be healthy herself why is she giving advice to others? Heart disease is one of the biggest killers, if not the biggest!
For those of you who think your Doctors/Pediatricians know it all let me tell you they dont! I have a relative who will be graduating from med school in May and admitted that all they are taught is to follow the CDC vaccine schedule, they are safe and effective and they save lives. Never mentioned adverse reactions, the toxic chemicals in then, how to report an adverse reaction etc. Parents, If you would do anything for your children then please research vaccines.
Tina Ibarra you said it right
My uncle has polio. Hes over 80. and had it for 65 years.
I have yet to actually ask him if we was vaccinated against it. i will find out.
Did u?
Fungist aka (B-laze) was he ever tested to confirm it was the poliovirus? Or did he have poliomyelitis from some unidentified enterovirus that got out of his gut and into his CNS? You should ask his about the circumstances around his development of the disease (geography, environmental exposures to DDT or other pesticides, etc, whether he had his tonsils out...)
He doesn't have polio, he has guillianne barre syndrome.
If he has polio or GB….it is 100% guaranteed that he was vaxxed
Good presentation. Unemotional, factual, simple informative.
just propaganda
factual?'s like reading advert
Those responsible for the introduction of the HPV vaccine should be in prison.
Why? It's incredibly safe and very effective in preventing cervical cancer.,11
Keep on believing that one
Gardakill is evil, and anyone who promotes it is complicit in murder.
That is ridiculous. Anti vaxxers typically have spent much more time studying vaccine science than pro vaxxers.
Care to provide a citation for that dubious claim? They do not read the science, let alone understand it. They read blogs. Reading blogs is not research. People who write blogs doesn't mean they are scientists. I actually work in immunology, and I am published IN the scientific literature. I know what research is and what the process entails. Anti-vaxxers do not do research.
Let me listen first, she seems to be a mom...doing propaganda...ok thank you no not willing to listen to that propaganda
What makes me think that you’re not propaganda? Yea this is bull and everyone is spreading propaganda, your mother, your brother, your friendly neighborhood spiderman, all of it is propaganda!
StopYourBs because she’s done actually research, looked at actual evidence, and correctly concluded that the whole antivaxx movement is ridiculous
Frank Smith You’re ridiculous
Love Turd Talks
The TEDTurd Truth is funny, Vaccine Machine.
FDC/CDC how many drugs recalled in the last 5 yrs? When has a politician /leader EVER been trustworthy? How much power/money do big pharma and big Corps stand to gain from the push? There is your answer.
What about vaccines containing animal organs.
Vaccines containing animal organs? I haven’t heard of that, what does the organs do
please explain how one would fit an entire organ inside a vaccine
Once she said “lacking any scientific basis” I was done. How about you educate yourself with something other than the CDC website?!!
Yeah, papers and studies that have been funded by the CDC or Pharmaceutical companies or labs that are funded by them. Do you even know what a conflict of interest is?? The only thing that vaccine's have been clinically proven to do is .. stimulate antibody production. But it is has NEVER been proven that by stimulating antibody production alone that this will constitute immunity. All big pharma have is there botched studies which are funded by themselves. The results of the studies they fund goes back to them. And then THEY publish the results. How convenient for them.!!! And the "safety trials" are an unscientific JOKE. Where the placebo group is actually a shot without the weakened pathogen but with all the toxic adjuvants that are the root of the problem in the first place. That is not science.
@@sabirahshuaybi7206 if you actually had a medical education and an education in chemistry, the ammount of blatant lies and stupidity in your comment is astounding, antivaxxers kill over 1.5 million kids by pretty much begging for them to get preventable diseases by not vaccinating annually, whilst only 3,000 have an adverse reaction to the vaccine.
@Chelle Marin if you failed to notice, 1,576,800 unvaccinated kids die annually from preventable disease, this information is some basic maths and information from the CDC, NHS and WHO, the disease can sometimes be traced back, and during outbreaks it's mostly unvaccinated children that get the disease, and now I have a question, would you rather have a healthy child, or a child with polio?
@Chelle Marin 3,000 are recorded by the CDC, if you add all cases together, anually it would be around 20,000 including Europe and Asia and Africa, last time I checked, 20,000 is less than 1.5 million.
When your Marketing department is larger than your R&D department....
You might be a pharmaceutical company!!!
these comments are so refreshing!
I vaccinated my daughter. But what if a child gets autism and brain damage hours after getting vaccinated? There are some parents who had that happen to them. I'm just curious. I still want to vaccinate but it is scary now. Do your research ppl. I see a point in both sides now. But I'm not antivax either.
I’m also on the fence
If one has a life-threatening infection antibiotics CAN tragically KILL them! BUT statistically the antibiotic can be way more likely to Save the same individual ....if you ask me? ALWAYS side with the is simply one big bet on three aces not a pair of 7s
I am still looking into the research to make an educated decision for myself, but supposedly...even in the recent history of the U.S. more people have died from illnesses they were vaccinated against vs people that were not. I wish I could find reputable data, but people can be paid-off to make research for or against something. In so many instances statistics can be altered in these studies in whomever's favor.....Studies are not regularly done ethically as they should be.
Have you ever considered that maybe the reason you can't find reputable data is that vaccines aren't dangerous? You can look at history and how vaccines have stopped diseases such as smallpox.
You have to find this one out for yourself. The most important thing to remember when you do this is that there is a big dogmatic bias in favour of vaccines and those who question them are discredited and marginalised. Parents who have vaccine injured children are not listened to and sometimes treated very badly. Scientists do not get funded for looking critically at vaccines. The media is afraid to question vaccines because they will be accused of being "irresponsible" etc etc etc You will have to factor in that bias when looking at both sides. The science that questions them is not considered "reputable" but remember that Yudkin questioned sugar in the 60s/70s and was ridiculed.
For the alternative perspective try vaxxed tv on utube for parents stories of injuries
Dissolving Illusions by Suzanne Humphries for the hardcore science and history of vaccines
If you need any help just message.
@@3chords490, I also recommend looking into books and videos by Suzanne Humphries. She started out believing that vaccines we're safe and effective but began questioning it because of her hospital's unethical policies concerning vaccination. She has done such thorough research and is a truly intelligent doctor who was willing to change her mind in the best interest of her patients.
@@tonyaprim3047 I'm reading her book at the moment! Big fan.
Yes, unbiased information is extremely hard to find. We need our President to order an investigation of the CDC and create an independent research study panel with no financial ties to the Pharmaceutical Industry. Additionally ACIP needs to be purged of anyone with financial interests to Pharma. The conflict of interest is blatant and obvious. And true inerrant placebo controlled long term studies need to be done for any new vaccines AND a large scale, peer reviewed, retrospective study comparing the health outcomes of fully vaccinated(according to the CDC recommended current schedule) and completely unvaccinated groups NEEDS to be conducted by this independent research committee NOW!
Look at the the conflict of interest the officials of CDC and FDA have. They're either employed, funded, or have stocks in these pharmaceutical companies.
Please show evidence of that claim. Which official are involved in Pharma????
@@covenawhite4855 there's also an independent lab in Italy called Corvelva Lab. They have independently analyzed the contents of HPV vaccine and a few others. Their website has links to all of these papers and videos, some are translated to English.
Just bc this lady said the word scientist 36 times it does not make ir scientist where is the evidence?
What a bs
Karla Shoultz she literally said it in the video
The truth is "NATURE KNOWS BEST" and to be as natural and as close to nature as we were intended to be physically, mentally and spiritually will ALWAYS be best and will promote the highest health. To maintain a healthy diet and weight for your body and to live in a way that promotes mental and spiritual health and alleviates stress raises your immune system much better than vaccines can do with no harm to your body. I and the majority of my friends growing up had measles, chickenpox, mumps, scarlett fever and many other childhood illnesses that weren't vaccinated against at that time and got over them quickly with no adverse side affects. I also know many many people and animals that have been permanently harmed and some that have died because of vaccines. Watch the move "Avatar" and you will know in your heart how the tribe lives in the planet they travel too, so connected to nature and each other, is how we are meant to live.
the truth is 'people just died' Raymond. kids died all the time. look up historic mortality rates and how many kids made it past 5 or 6 years. if NATURE KNOWS BEST why has our life expectancy extended step by step as our knowledge or medicine has grown. you saying in the 1700s we could expect to live on average into our 80s? Or that if someone got cancer they'd be able to get treated and likely survive? it's very rose coloured glasses. life, as nature intended it, was short and pretty brutal. I don't fear dieing of a tooth infection because our medicine has evolved. most people don't have to watch at least some of their kids die young which was pretty much the norm back in the day.
I don't think those illnesses are as light as you make them. There was an measles outbreak in Ohio and the majority of the kids that are hospitalized are unvaccinated. I don't exactly trust vaccines myself but I feel that there is lying on both the pro-vax and anti-vax sides.
measles is not deadly Google how many people have died in the US from measles in the last 10 years and compare that to the outrage and panic that's going on and see if that makes any freaking sense
If 150kg speak about health it can`t be serious.
She doesnt know what she is talking about
i think she knows full well.
@@anetab2917 "full" well
Says the one who knows less than her.
Hezekiah Crocker 😂😂😂😂😂🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄
Love your perspective on this. Thank you.
I feel bad for kids who cannot get vaciens caused by being allergic to them
Doesn't the incredible uptick of autism rates correlate with the use of vaccines? I currently have 3 nephews with autism. Something is going on
Just because two things are correlated, does not mean once causes the other.
There is absolutely no evidence that vaccines are the cause of increased autism.
Besides this, autism might not even be increasing. Many scientists dispute that it’s increasing, saying that diagnosis methods have simply improved, so there are just far more autistic people than initially thought.
@@tayetrotman what if you're wrong
IW Nunn Well, somebody has yet to prove that I’m wrong and that vaccines cause autism, so seeing as we know that vaccines work, it would be counterproductive to make medical decisions based upon what we don’t know.
A good analogy to help understand this might be, say glasses.
Assume somebody comes along and says that glasses damage your eyes, but has no proof of this. However, we do have proof that glasses improve eyesight.
Would it make sense to not wear glasses because we don’t know that they don’t damage your eyes? Because we might be wrong in assuming that they don’t?
I am going to assume you agree that it would be ridiculous to not wear glasses in this analogy, and equally not vaccinating is ridiculous.
It is counter productive to act based on a negative, what we don’t know.
@@tayetrotman Vaccine supporters are very biased when it comes to whether correlation is causation. When it comes to dropping rates of measles and polio, it's definitely because of the vaccine. But when it comes to children dying, becoming disabled, getting encephalopathy and conditions like ASD, then it must not be correlated to the vaccine, it has to be something else, like genetics ... or the water they're drinking.
No. There is absolutely no link between vaccines and autism and their is no evidence to prove otherwise. Part of the reason for the uptick of autism is due to the fact that autism is extremely broad and could range from social ineptness or (in very extreme and rare cases) not being able to speak.
Autism is also becoming increasingly easier to diagnose as medical knowledge increases over the years. This means more and more people are being diagnosed each year. It has nothing to do with the use of vaccines.