@@rafaelwilks Buenos Aires? you research on who's supervision was the miracle? so called "archbishop" Bergoglio. Who will believe it? They made impostor Lucia, declared fake saints so they are also declaring fake miracles. Matthew 7: 15-20 You know them by their fruits. If you have eyes research the fruit of the Vatican II religion!
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The last true Pope. Sedevacant!
A Eucharistic Miracle happened in Buenos Aires.
@@rafaelwilks Buenos Aires? you research on who's supervision was the miracle? so called "archbishop" Bergoglio. Who will believe it? They made impostor Lucia, declared fake saints so they are also declaring fake miracles. Matthew 7: 15-20 You know them by their fruits. If you have eyes research the fruit of the Vatican II religion!
Le dernier Pontif de l'Eglise Catholique Apostolique et Romaine Abbé Daniel Maréchal prêtre Catholique