Thank you sooo much! Now I don't have any excuse to learn the piece, altough I'm still slighty afraid of the "tremolo" part, my left hand isn't so flexible and fast yet.
Ja zrobilam nuty do tego utworu z tego tutorialu. W wersji literowej tak zeby szlo to odczytac jak prawdziwy zapis nutowy mniej wiecej . Wyszly z tego 4 strony A4. 😏
Es hermosisimo ,el mejor tan suave y melodiosa, muchas gracias .
Wow, thank you!. I'd love to have 'Complainte de la Butte'!!! Thank you!
This is gold! Thanks a bunch, man!!
i LOVE U DUDE!! HAAHAHH Finally i will be able to play it
YESSS!!!❤️ thats my favorite interpretation of this song
Nice ! thank you very much
Thank you sooo much! Now I don't have any excuse to learn the piece, altough I'm still slighty afraid of the "tremolo" part, my left hand isn't so flexible and fast yet.
cool ;)
And now you've got a new sub
Thank you so much! Are you able to share a midi or upload to musescore at all? I'd love to load this into my own synthesia.
Do you have the sheet music for this?
i don't ... ive done it by ear , i dont read sheets sorry
@@YsAbTones Podziwiam!!! Pieknie zagrane.
Ja zrobilam nuty do tego utworu z tego tutorialu. W wersji literowej tak zeby szlo to odczytac jak prawdziwy zapis nutowy mniej wiecej . Wyszly z tego 4 strony A4. 😏
cool ;)
Would you release the midi file?
where I can find the sheet?! Thanks! xD
dont know, i've done it by ear